Autograph Letters

[Fanny Trollope, novelist and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Frances Trollope')

Fanny Trollope [Frances Milton Trollope; Mrs. Trollope] (1779-1863), novelist whose book on the United States caused great offence, and whose abolitionist writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanny Trollope
Publication details: 
'Carlton Hill [i.e. Carleton Hill, near Penrith, Cumbria] / 3d Feby 1843'.
Fanny Trollope

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out on a 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on a slighty larger piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Frances Trollope / Carlton [sic] Hill / 3d Feby 1843'. Mrs Trollope had the house named Carleton Hill built in 1840, just outside the village of Carleton. The cold climate proved unbearable, and she sold the residence in the year of this autograph. See Image.

[Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara.] Typed Letters Signed from the two women to ‘Bonnie and John’, each thanking them for the Christmas gift of a ‘peppered ham’.

Dolores Hope [née DeFina] (1909-2011), American singer, wife of Hollywood comedian Bob Hope; Barbara Sinatra [née Blakeley] (1927-2017), wife of singer and actor Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara
Publication details: 
Dolores Hope's letter: 26 January 1993; on letterhead of 'Dolores and Bob Hope'. Barbara Sinatra's letter: undated; embossed 'Barbara Sinatra'.
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara

Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Bonnie and John’. Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS from Dolores Hope. Signed ‘Dolores’ in red ink (the letterhead is also red). 1p, 12mo. Reads: ‘The black peppered ham was a big hit at our house and Bob and I can’t thank you enough. We really enjoyed this tasty ham and your thoughtfulness in remembering us at Chistmastime. / Have a healthy and happy New Year!’ TWO: TLS from Barbara Sinatra. Signed ‘Barbara’. 1p, landscape 12mo. On the lower half of an 8vo leaf, which has been converted into a bifolium by a central horizonal fold.

[Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather], cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf.] Autograph Signature, with that of the baritone Kennerley Rumford (Clara Butt's husband).

Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather] (1887-1959), cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf, published in 'The Bystander'
Bruce Bairnsfather
Publication details: 
Without date or place [circa 1920].
Bruce Bairnsfather

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A bold, untidy and yet stylish signature, in exactly the state one would hope to find Bairnfather moniker. It gives the impression of having been sent post-haste from the trenches, scrawled in pencil on a piece of vertically-ruled paper torn out of a notebook, ruckled and grubby, and laid down on an unruckled and clean 15.5 x 9.5 cm leaf with rounded edges, torn from an autograph album. The signature ‘Bruce / Bairnsfather’ is across the head of the landscape page, with a jagged line (intended for the flourish?) by Bairnsfather across the foot.

[August Courtauld, Arctic explorer and yachtsman.] Autograph Signature from the end of a letter.

August Courtauld [Augustine Courtauld] (1904-1959), British Arctic explorer and yachtsman, solo meteorologist of Icecap Station, Greenland
August Courtauld
Publication details: 
No place or date.
August Courtauld

On 5 x 13.5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter and laid down on one side of part of a leaf from an album, the mount carrying a cropped cartoon on the other side. In good condition, lightly aged, with the mount a little ruckled. Simply reads: ‘Your sincerely / August Courtauld’. Captioned on mount: ‘August Courtauld - explorer’. The cartoon is intriguing.

[Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], distinguished surgeon and anatomist.] Autograph Note Signed, requesting that the botanist and antiquary Dawson Turner vote for his nephew's membership of the Athenaeum club.

Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper] (1768-1841), distinguished surgeon and anatomist [Dawson Turner (1775-1858), botanist and antiquary]
Astley Cooper
Publication details: 
‘Conduit St [London] / June 23rd / 1830.’
Astley Cooper

The two men were both from Norfolk: see their entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on the recto of the first leaf a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed by Cooper to ‘Dawson Turner Esq / Yarmouth / Norfolk’, with postmark and ‘More to Pay 1d’ and ‘Post Paid’, and small seal with impression in red wax. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and minor traces of stub adhering to one edge. Reads: ‘Dear Sir, / You will greatly oblige me y voting for my Nephew Mr. Astley Cooper for the Athenaeum - / Yours very truly / Astley Cooper’. See Image.

[Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], distinguished anatomist.] Correspondence with fellow-surgeon Nicholas Birch, comprising two Autograph Letters Signed and six Autograph Notes Signed.

Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper] (1768-1841), distinguished surgeon and anatomist
Publication details: 
One dated 23 March 1827, two with 1824 postmarks; the rest undated.

Giving an insight into the nuts and bolts of Georgian medical practice. See Cooper's entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient was the son-in-law of the apothecary William Complin (1729-1808), and lived in Mansell Street from the latter’s death until his own, and was possibly succeeded at the address by his son George, also a surgeon. The material is in good condition, lightly worn, on aged paper. All items 1p, 12mo, and four on bifoliums addressed on second leaf. All six signed ‘Astley Cooper’. ONE: ALS. ‘Tuesday’.

[‘The Tichborne Claimant’: the soi-disant Sir Roger Charles Doughty-Tichborne, held to be an imposter named Arthur Orton.] Signed Autograph inscription as ‘R. C. D. Tichborne’, with Signed Autograph inscription by Major-General Arthur Phelps.

‘The Tichborne Claimant’ (d.1898): the soi-disant Sir Roger Charles Doughty-Tichborne (b.1829), held to be an imposter named Arthur Orton (b.1834); Major-General Arthur Phelps (1837-1920), Indian Army
‘The Tichborne Claimant’
Publication details: 
Inscription by the Tichborne Claimant dated 6 March 1893. Inscription by Phelps dated 9 December 1890.
‘The Tichborne Claimant’

The Tichborne Case was very possibly the greatest scandal of Victorian England. See the entry for ‘Tichborne claimant’, with subheading for ‘Arthur Orton’ in the Oxford DNB. Trained as a civil engineer, Major-General Arthur Phelps (1837-1920), civil engineer, was a prominent homeopath, anti-vaccinationist, and anti-vivisectionist, who promoted his views as proprietor and editor of the Citizen newspaper. Each inscription is on one side of a single 11.5 x 18.5 cm piece of gilt-edged wove paper, presumably extracted from an autograph album.

[Richard Ford, Traveller in Spain; Gatherings] Autograph Letter Signed Richd Ford to Lewis [G.C. Lewis; Sir George Cornewall Lewis, (1806 ? 1863), statesman, man of letters], discussing current situation with Travels, editing, plans, politics.

Richard Ford [(1796?1858), travel writer known for his books on Spain.]
Publication details: 
Hevitre [Heavitree], 4 March 1846.

Four Pages, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, good condition. See Image of fourth/signature page. Text: Many thanks for the two Spanish apothems: that of Bacon I have already introduced (1.304). The other of Boyle shall be worked into 2nd Edition, which Murray [publisher] is beginni9ng to be talking: he has already sold between 17 & 1800 copies: so let none say that the age of miracles is past? I could have wished for a longer interval in order to read some subjects up rather closer. & finish off others.

[Richard Ford, traveller in Spain] Autograph Letter Signed Richd Ford to Lady Theresa [Lewis], wife of George Cornwall Lewis, statesman, man of letters about her response to a paper of his, his reading etc.

Richard Ford [(1796?1858), travel writer known for his books on Spain.]
Publication details: 
123 Park St, 26 [May?] 1852.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, good condition. Text: Dear Lady Theresa | I have to thank you for the amiable note you did me the honor to write. I am indeed truly delighted to think that my paper has pleased you & yours, and am very glad to have been the means of thee Q[uarterly] Review[s?] making an amende honorable. | Some day, when we meet, I will reveal to you, a curious secret of the prison [house?] in this affair.

[Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow], RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed, responding to congratulations on his election to the Royal Academy from ‘Mr. Haynes King’, with two signed reproductions of his paintings.

Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow] (1850-1919), English artist [The Royal Academy of Arts, London]
Sir E. A. Waterlow
Publication details: 
Letter of 22 January 1903; on letterhead of 1 Maresfield Gardens, Fitzjohns Avenue, N.W. [London].
Sir E. A. Waterlow

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to margin at head and light rust spot. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Haynes King, / It was extremely kind of you to write & congratulate me on my election as R.A. & I appreciate the attention very much.

[Princess Frederica of Hanover [Friederike Sophie Marie Henriette Amelie Therese], Anglo-German aristocrat.] Autograph

Princess Frederica of Hanover [Friederike Sophie Marie Henriette Amelie Therese] (1848-1926), wife of Luitbert Alexander George Lionel Alphons von Pawel-Rammingen (1843-1932), Anglo-German aristocrats
Princess Frederica of Hanover
Publication details: 
‘Xmas 1909.’ No place.
Princess Frederica of Hanover

Written on both sides of an 11.5 x 9 cm card, which has her armorial crest printed in black and gold at the top right of the first page. In a large flowing hand reads: ‘For my dear little Godchild Fredericà Taylor with affte. xmas Greetings / from her loving God-mother / Fredericà / Xmas 1909.’ See Image of verso (signature).

[John Leech, Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens.] Conclusion of Autograph Letter to the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper, with Signature.

John Leech (1817-1864), Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens [Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), popular and much-lampooned Victorian poet]
John Leech (
Publication details: 
No place or date.
John Leech (

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The present item, is on one side of an 11 x 6.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter and laid down on a 12.5 x 8 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Very slightly smudged by Leech. Reads: ‘[...] very low. until I see / you Believe me / Yours Ever Faithfully / John Leech. / Martin . F. Tupper Esq / &c. &c. &c.’ See Image. Leech illustrated at least one book by Tupper (The Crock of Gold).

[Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray, French novelist, playwright and journalist and Girondin during the French Revolution.] Autograph Manuscript of seven political memoranda, titled ‘un mot sur notre situation.’

Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray (1760-1797), French novelist, playwright and journalist and Girondin during the French Revolution
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray,
Publication details: 
No date or place. [During the French Revoultion: 1780s or 1790s.]
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray,

See his entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1p, 16mo. Twenty-two lines. On watermarked laid paper. Seven numbered memoranda, possibly an aide-mémoire for a speech. Begins: ‘1o. la loi égale pour tous.’ Later on: ‘1o Ce n’est point un droit que la loi accorde; c’est un devoir qu’elle impose. et pour imposer ce devoir, elle n’a vue que son interêt. / une fonction publique n’est pas le droit de tous; elle est le devoir de quelques uns.’ And later: ‘5o. Quoi le Pere est b[?] . . . . les Dieux de l’oncle sont confisqués.’ The seventh and last memorandum concerns ‘Les malheureux!

[J. H. Thomas, Welsh trade unionist and Labour politician.] Typed Note Signed, as General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, to the future Sir W. D. Ross, written on the eve of the 1919 national rail strike.

J. H. Thomas [James Henry Thomas] (1874-1949), Welsh trade unionist and Labour politician, General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen during the 1919 nation rail strike [Sir W. D. Ross]
J. H. Thomas,
Publication details: 
22 September 1919. On ornate letterhead of The National Union of Railwaymen, Unity House, Euston Road, London, N.W.1.
J. H. Thomas,

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased cartridge paper. Folded three times. The letterhead is quite an impressive affair, with an engraving of ‘Unity House’ and lettering in a variety of styles. The letter is addressed to ‘W. D. Ross, Esq., / Oriel College, / Oxford.’ The ink on the ribbon appears to have been running out, as the latter part of the note is faded.

[Alexander Pope, Poet] Slip of paper with Pope's Signature and dedication, A. Pope, the My Lord Bolingbroke | With sincere Gratulations | Ap[ril] 5.

Alexander Pope [(1688 O.S. – 1744), poet, translator, and satirist].
Publication details: 
Place added below Twick[enha]m Grotto.

Slip of paper, 11 x 4.5cm, foxing and smudging but text legible. See Image. Text given above. Perhaps it accompanied a text dedicated to Bolingbroke. For example, 'An Essay on Man' is a poem published by Alexander Pope in 1733–1734. It was dedicated to Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.

[Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.] Autograph Signatures of ‘Mornington’ [Marquis Wellesley, Wellington’s brother], ‘Bayham’ [Marquis Camden, Ireland connection] and ‘J. Th. Townshend’ [Viscount Sydney of St Leonards], on part of parliamentary document.

Richard Colley Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley [as Earl of Mornington]; John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden [as Viscount Bayham]; John Thomas Townshend, 2nd Viscount Sydney of St Leonards
Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.
Publication details: 
Dated at foot 'July 1793'.
Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.

Richard Colley Wellesley (1760-1842), 1st Marquess Wellesley [as Earl of Mornington]; John Jeffreys Pratt (1759-1840), 1st Marquess Camden [as Viscount Bayham]; John Thomas Townshend (1764-1831), 2nd Viscount Sydney of St Leonards. See their entries in the Oxford DNB. On 5.5 x 15.5 cm strip extracted from a document, and laid down on 8 x 21.5 cm part of gilt-edged leaf from an album. In good condition, lightly aged on aged and creased mount. The signatures are written above one another: 'Mornington / Bayham / J. Th. Townshend'.

[Marie Descorches, French revolutionary diplomat, formerly Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix.] Two communications as ‘Préfet du Département de la Drome’: a Secretarial Letter Signed by him to Mayor of ‘Commune de Propiac’, and printed decree.

Marie Descorches [Marie Louis Henri Descorches] (1749-1830; Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix), French soldier and revolutionary diplomat, Ambassador to Poland and Ottoman Empire, Prefect of Drôme
Publication details: 
Both on revolutionary letterheads. Secretarial letter: ‘Valence, le 20 frimaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 12 December 1803]’ Printed decree: ‘Valence, le 7 brumaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 30 October 1803]’

The two items are on variations of the revolutionary letterhead of the Prefect of the Drôme Department, with oval medallion illustration of a seated liberty with a phrygian cap on a stick, forearm leaning on the fasces and the words ‘Libérté’ and ‘Égalité’. The printed decree is in good condition, lightly aged, with slight foxing and discoloration. The secretarial letter is in fair condition, with darker patches of discoloration.

[The Royal Marines in the Napoleonic Wars.] Autograph Letter Signed from Charles Homfray, 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, regarding ?some mistake? in the statement of his half pay.

The Royal Marines in the Napoleonic Wars; Charles Homfray of Broadwaters, Worcestershire
Publication details: 
?Broadwaters [Worcestershire] March 23rd. 1803?.

For the family see the entry on ?HOMFRAY, of Wollaston Hall, and The Hill, near Stourbridge; Broadwaters, Kidderminster; and The Hyde, Kinver, Staffordshire?, in H. S. Grazebrook, ?The Heraldry of Worcestershire? (1873). 1p, 8vo. Text clear and complete, on aged paper worn and chipped at edges, with one short closed tear. Previously folded into a packet. Endorsed. Reads: ?Sir / I have just rec?d yours enclosin [sic] a statement of the Half Pay which you say is 33? - 8s - [?]d & that there is only 12? . 15s due to me for 6 months.

[Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA.], sculptor of the statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mrs Allingham? [Helen Allingham, watercolourist and illustrator], regarding ?cards for RA?.

Sir Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA] (1850-1925), sculptor of statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament [Helen Allingham (n?e Paterson; 1848-1926); Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo]
Hamo Thornycroft
Publication details: 
?22 Ja? [no year]. On letterhead of ?One-Oak, / 10, Redington Road, / Hampstead. N.W.? [London]
Hamo Thornycroft

See the entries on Thornycroft and Allingham in the Oxford DNB. The letterhead is also of interest: 'One-Oak' is a notable example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect A. H. Mackmurdo. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice. Initial ?H? of signature slightly smidged. Reads: ?Dear Mrs Allingham / I have only [?] got your note. / I enclose two cards for RA. Hoping to see you there / Yours very sincerely / Hamo Thornycroft?. See Image.

[The Duke of Wellington, British soldier, conqueror of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo.] Manuscript letter by a secretary, on his behalf, to 'Mr: Briggs', suggesting a meeting with 'the Gentleman mentioned in Mr. Briggs's note'.

The Duke of Wellington [Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington] (1769-1852), conqueror of the French in the Peninsular Campaign, and of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo; prime minister
Duke of Wellington
Publication details: 
27 November 1826. London.
Duke of Wellington

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and somewhat brittle paper, with unobtrusive repair to one corner. Folded three times. Certainly not in Wellington's distinctive hand. Reads: 'The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Mr: Briggs and begs to acquaint him that he is going out of Town this night. / But he will be happy to receive the Gentleman mentioned in Mr. Briggs's note at the Ordnance Office Pall Mall on Friday next at three oClock. / London / 27th: Novr: 1826.' See Image.

[General Sir James Pulteney [Sir James Murray-Pulteney, 7th Baronet], Scottish soldier.] Autograph Signature, as Secretary at War, to War Office printed circular regarding clothing, made out ‘for the Establishment of the Cambridge Regiment of Militia

General Sir James Pulteney [Sir James Murray-Pulteney, 7th Baronet (c.1755-1811), Scottish soldier with the British Army in the American War of Indendence, Member of Parliament and Secretary at War
Ja: Pulteney
Publication details: 
'(CIRCULAR.) / WAR-OFFICE, / 10th JULY, 1807.' [Whitehall, London.]
Ja: Pulteney

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded twice. A printed circular, completed in manuscript by a secretary for the ‘Earle of Hardwicke Kt’ (as Colonel of the Cambridge Regiment of Militia), and signed by Pulteney ‘Ja: Pulteney’. Note at head of page in a third contemporary hand: ‘Copied for Col. the Rt. Hon. Chas. Yorke - 14/7/7’.

[Herbert Morrison, Labour politician.] Three Typed Letters Signed to Sir David Ross, the first regarding the release of Harold Butler from work for his department, and the last two regarding personal arrangements for a debate at the Oxford Union.

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison; Lord Morrison of Lambeth] (1888-1965), Labour politician, leader of London County Council, Home Secretary in war under Churchill [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971)]
Publication details: 
ONE: 25 November 1941; on letterhead of the Ministry of Home Security, Whitehall, S.W.1. TWO: 19 January 1944; on Home Secretary letterhead. THREE: 24 January 1944; on Whitehall letterhead of Home Secretary.

See the entries for Morrison and Ross in the Oxford DNB. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. The second item has a punch hole centred at the head of the leaf. All three 1p, 12mo, and each with Morrison’s sprawling signature ‘Yrs sincerely / Herbert Morrison /’, the first in green ink. ONE (25 November 1941): Addressed by Morrison in green ink to ‘Dear Sir David’. Thanking him for a note ‘in which you assure me of the appreciation of the Nuffield College Committee at my action in agreeing to release Mr.

[Enoch Powell, Conservative and Unionist politician, controversial after his 1968 'Rivers of Blood' speech.] 14 Typed Letters Signed, with one in Autograph and five other items, to Philip Dosse, regarding his reviewing for ‘Books and Bookmen’.

Enoch Powell [John Enoch Powell] (1912-1998), Conservative and Unionist politician, a controversial figure after his 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech on immigration [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980)]
Publication details: 
Of Powell's fifteen letters: 2 from 1973, 10 from 1974, 1 from 1975, and 2 (including one in autograph) from 1976. On letterheads of House of Commons and 33 South Eaton Place, London, S.W.1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The twenty items are in good condition, lightly aged. Of Powell’s fifteen letters (all signed ‘J. Enoch Powell’) five on House of Commons letterheads, four on his Eaton Place letterhead, and the others with the latter address typed.

[Erma Franklin, soul singer, elder sister of Aretha Franklin.] Autograph Inscription, with Signature.

Erma Franklin [Erma Vernice Franklin] (1938-2002), American gospel and soul singer, elder sister of Aretha Franklin
Erma Franklin
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Erma Franklin

The inscription reads ‘Best Wishes / [flourish] / Erma Franklin’, and is written on a piece of thick paper cut from an envelope, and shaped into an oval roughly 9.5 x 5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged, with two vertical folds, one through the centre of the oval. See Image.

[Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis.] Typed Letter Signed ('Cosmo Cantuar:') to the Provost of Oriel [Sir David Ross], regarding his nomination of ‘Mr. Randall Cooper’ as a British Museum Assistant Cataloguer..

Cosmo Lang [William Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1st Baron Lang of Lambeth] (1864-1945), Archbishop of Canterbury during the Abdication Crisis [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher']
Cosmo Lang,
Publication details: 
22 November 1933; on letterhead of Lambeth Palace, S.E.1. [London]
Cosmo Lang,

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to 'The Provost of Oriel' and with sprawling signature 'Yours vy trly / Cosmo Cantuar:'. Reads: 'Dear Provost, / I have received your letter of November 20th about Mr. Randall Cooper. I am sorry to say that your letter came too late for the appointment of the first batch of Assistant Cataloguers. They have now been appointed but I am informed that there may be further appointments in the Spring.

[Auberon Waugh, journalist and novelist, son of Evelyn Waugh.] Long and entertaining Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding personal and professional matters.

Auberon Waugh (‘Bron’, 1939-2001), journalist, novelist and editor of the ‘Literary Review’, son of Evelyn Waugh [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980), proprietor of 'Books and Bookmen' (Hansom Books)]
Auberon Waugh
Publication details: 
24 May 1977. On illustrated letterhead of ‘Combe Florey House, Combe Florey, Taunton, Somerset.
Auberon Waugh

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 2pp, 4to. The letterhead, on both leaves, is topped by a pleasing 10 x 6 cm woodcut of Combe Florey House. The paper is creased, otherwise in good condition, and entirely legible.

[A. J. Ayer [Sir Alfred Jules ‘Freddie’ Ayer], logical positivist philosopher, Wykeham Professorship in Logic at Oxford.] Three Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse of Hansom Books, regarding review work for ‘Books and Bookmen’.

A. J. Ayer [Sir Alfred Jules ‘Freddie’ Ayer] (1910-1989), logical positivist philosopher, Wykeham Professorship in Logic at Oxford [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980), proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
4 February, 18 April and 18 October 1974. All three on letterhead of 10 Regents Park Terrace, London NW1.

See Richard Wollheim’s appreciative entry on Ayer in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The three items are each 1p, small 4to. All three in good condition, each folded twice. All three signed ‘A. J. Ayer’, with typed name beneath, ‘Sir Alfred Ayer’.

[Lt. Gen.Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Commander Woolwich Garrison] Autograph Signature from Letter, laid down album page with an outstanding hand-drawn coloured crest. Verso: engraving of Caroline Norton and her facsimile signature.

Lieut. General Sir Benjamin Bloomfield (1768-1846), British Army officer, Private Secretary to the Sovereign, MP, Commander of the Woolwich Garrison.
Publication details: 
The fragment of the letter bearing the signature dated 1845. The other material undated. No place.

See Bloomfield’s entry, and that of Norton, in the Oxford DNB. The fragment of the letter bearing his signature is 5 cm x 4.5 cm. It is dated at one corner ‘1845’, and reads ‘R. Bgham / Bloomfield’. It is laid down on one side of a 4to leaf extracted from an album and paginated 58.

[Lieut.-Gen. Sir Manley Power, British Army officer in the Peninsular War and then Lieutenant Governor of Malta.] Autograph Signature (‘M. Power / M Genl. Comm[andin]g’).

Lieut.-Gen. Sir Manley Power (1773-1826), British Army officer who lead a Portuguese brigade in the Peninsular War, later appointed Lieutenant Governor of Malta
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On piece of 8.5 x 4.5 cm laid paper cut. In fair condition, on aged paper with reverse bearing traces of glue from mount. Reads: ‘M. Power / M Genl. Comm[andin]g’. Endorsed on reverse: ‘M General / Sir Manley Power / K.C.B’. See Image.

[Poisoned on the orders of the French government? François-Antoine Chevrier, satirist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dom Ambroise Pelletier, praising his recent work, and attacking the powerful and the church.

François-Antoine Chevrier [François-Antoine de Chevrier] (1721-1762), satirical French author, who fled to Holland [Dom Ambroise Pelletier (1703-1757), curate of Senones, genealogist and illustrator]
Publication details: 
‘Pais le 7. Xbre. [October] 1756.’

An excellent letter, exhibiting precisely the sort of indignation one would wish for from such a renowned satirist. As a result of the furore caused by the publication in 1762 of his best-known work, ‘Le Colporteur’, Chevrier fled to Holland. The French government attempted to have him extradited, and his death that same year was rumoured to have been caused by poisoning. 3pp, 4to. On bifolium. Thirty-nine lines of text. In good condtion, lightly aged. The item has been expertly mounted, and the thin white-paper mount still adheres to reverse of the final leaf.

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