[Stanley J. Weyman, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley J. Weyman') regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia'.

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular novelist of historical romance
Publication details: 
19 February 1900. Plâs Llanrhydd, Ruthin [Wales].

2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with ruckling caused by glue from mount, traces of the paper from which adhere to blank reverses of both leaves. In a crabbed difficult hand, addressed to 'Mrs [Pugh?]', regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia', a copy of which he will be sending the recipient, with reference to his wife, 'anxiety', and something 'characteristic'.

[Angus Wilson, novelist, as British Museum librarian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Angus Wilson.') to 'Rylands', regarding his letter to 'Noel', which he has asked 'Mr Greene' to show him.

Angus Wilson [Sir Angus Frank Johnstone-Wilson] (1913-1991), novelist [British Museum, Department of Printed Books]
Publication details: 
12 October 1950; on letterhead of the Reading Room, British Museum, London, W.C.1.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Folded twice, resulting in offset ink smudging. Reads: 'Dear Rylands, | I am writing to you in case Noel is away. I have asked Mr Greene to show you my letter to Noel, if this is should [sic] be so. Anything you could do to help, would be kind and good, I think.

[Charles Lever, Irish novelist, anticipates receiving a copy of George Eliot's 'Felix Holt'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Lever') to 'Lady [Alford?]', regarding his reading of English novels in Italy, including one by Charles Reade.

Charles Lever [Charles James Lever] (1806-1872), Irish novelist [George Eliot; Charles Reade]
Publication details: 
'Villa Morelli [Florence, Italy] Augt. 31. [1866]'

Depressed and paranoid, Lever spent his last days in Italy. For the Villa Morelli, see his Downey's 'Life in his Letters' (1906). 2pp, 12mo. On aged and creased paper, with closed tears to edges, but no loss. Folded twice. The handwriting is neat and controlled, but not always entirely legible. He begins with the news that he is returning 'the books you so kindly lent me'. Presumably referring to Charles Reade's 1866 novel 'Griffith Gaunt', Lever writes: 'Mr Reade is all you said of him, - often very amusing, & oftener very [?]'. A reference to 'the pleasanter reading' follows.

[Stanley J. Weyman, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley J. Weyman') regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia'.

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular novelist of historical romance
Publication details: 
19 February 1900. Plâs Llanrhydd, Ruthin [Wales].

2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with ruckling caused by glue from mount, traces of the paper from which adhere to blank reverses of both leaves. In a crabbed difficult hand, addressed to 'Mrs [Pugh?]', regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia', a copy of which he will be sending the recipient, with reference to his wife, 'anxiety', and something 'characteristic'.

[Mayne Reid, Irish novelist on American themes.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'J. Froebel' [Julius Fröbel] regarding arrangements for the translation, editing and publication of his book 'Aus Amerika'.

Mayne Reid [Thomas Mayne Reid] (1818-1883), Irish novelist who lived for long periods in America and wrote on American themes [Julius Fröbel [Froebel] (1805-1893), German geologist and traveller]
Publication details: 
23 November [1858]; Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.

8pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Signed 'Mayne Reid', and written from the sprawling 'Rancho' which he built at Gerrards Cross, in imitation of a Mexican hacienda. The recipient is named by Reid as 'J. Froebel', i.e. Julius Froebel, and the subject is arrangements for the translation translation of his book 'Aus Amerika' (Leipzig, 1857), which would be published in London by Richard Bentley in 1859 under the title 'Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States'.

[Alphonse Karr, French critic, novelist and editor of Le Figaro.] Autograph Note Signed ('Alphonse Karr'), renewing a request for a meeting with 'Monsieur le ministre de la marine'.

Alphonse Karr [Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr] (1808-1890), French critic, journalist, novelist and floriculturalist, editor of Le Figaro
Publication details: 
No date. Rue de Clichy 5 [Paris].

On one side of an irregular piece of thin paper, roughly 12.5 x 13.5 cm. From the celebrated autograph collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton), and neatly mounted on a leaf extracted from an album. He writes that a few days previously he wrote to ask 'Monsieur le ministre de la marine' for 'une audience de q[uel]ques instants'. He fears that the letter did not reach him, and so renews his request. Signed 'salut et paternité | Alphonse Karr'.

['Mrs. Oliphant' (Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant), Scottish author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to 'Mr. Payn', i.e. James Payn, editor of the Cornhill Magazine, submitting for publication her son's story 'The Grateful Ghosts'.

'Mrs. Oliphant' [Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist and historical writer [James Payn (1830-1898), editor of the Cornhill Magazine]
Publication details: 
12 December [circa 1885]; on 'Windsor' letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Referring to her son Francis Romano ('Cecco') Oliphant (1859-1894), she writes: 'Dear Mr. Payn | I send you with this in a registered packet by book post a story written by my youngest son, called "The Grateful Ghosts" which he wishes me to submit to you.' Her opinion is that the story 'would bear compression but that is usual to youthful productions'. She will be 'much gratified' if Payn likes it 'and can use it', and feels sure he will give it his consideration.

[Ursula Bloom, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ursula'), regretting that a 'Foyle lunch' will prevent a meeting, she being 'really dreadfully worried' about a problem with the recipient's sight.

Ursula Bloom (1892-1984), popular novelist, author of more than five hundred books
Publication details: 
'Sunday'. On her letterhead, 191 Cranmer Court, S.W.3. [London]

1p, 4to. In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Folded twice. Letterhead printed in red, with illustration of quill pen, inkstand and lighted candle. Written in purple ink. The recipient is not named and the letter begins: 'My dear, | I am horrified to find I have made some awful mistake in my diary & am at the Foyle lunch on Wednesday to stand in for someone else who may not turn up, so I can't break with it. I could cry, for I feel that I have let you down & so wanted to see you to hear how you really are'. She is 'worried to death' about the recipient's sight.

[P. C. Wren, novelist, author of 'Beau Geste'.] Typed Letter Signed ('P C Wren') to 'Miss Mills', explaining that he is sending her his autograph 'on one of my own private book-plates'.

P. C. Wren [Percival Christopher Wren] (1875-1941), writer of adventure fiction, best remembered for his novel 'Beau Geste'
Publication details: 
3 January 1928. On letterhead of the Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once. Her letter has been forwarded to him and he has 'much pleasure in sending you my autograph. In order to make it a little more personal, I am sending it on one of my own private book-plates.'

[Jeffery Farnol, novelist of Regency romantic fiction.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeffery Farnol.') to 'Mr. Wynn', stating that he has reread a previous letter from him 'with great pleasure'.

Jeffery Farnol (1878-1952), prolific author of romance and swashbuckler novels, creator with Georgette Heyer of the genre of Regency romantic fiction
Publication details: 
12 December 1918. On letterhead of 71 Eltham Road, Lee, S.E. [London]

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded three times. After thanking Wynn for his letter he continues: 'It is a curious coincidence that in looking through a file of old correspondence yesterday I came across your letter of the 20th November 1915, which I read again with great pleasure'. Postscript: 'With good wishes to you & yours. J F.'

[J. B. Priestley, popular English novelist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Jack') to 'B. J.', i.e. Maire Lynd, regarding her parents Robert and Sylvia Lynd, and her son.

J. B. Priestley [John Boynton Priestley] (1894-1984), novelist, playwright and broadcaster [Maire Lynd ('B. J.'), daughter of Irish essayist Robert Lynd and his wife the poet Sylvia Lynd]
Publication details: 
16 June 1976. On his letterhead, Kissing Tree House, Alveston, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once. The salutation 'Dear B. J.' and valediction 'Yours | Jack' are in Priestley's autograph; the rest is typed. Maire Lynd's letter was 'a delight surprise', Priestley being unaware that her son was 'in the film business'.

[William Black, Scottish novelist and journalist.] Autograph Note Signed to 'Williams', enquiring about his Christmas movements.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish novelist and journalist
Publication details: 
18 December [no year]. On letterhead of Paston House, Paston Place, Brighton.

1p, 12mo. On aged and creased paper. Folded twice. Written in purple ink. Firm signature, underlined with diagonal downstroke. Reads: 'Decr. 18 | My dear Williams, | What are you doing this Christmas? Will you come down here? | Your always | William Black'. The reverse carries pencil notes of Italian and French musical compositions in another hand.

[William Black; Shakespeare's daughter] Part of Autograph Manuscript Draft of his novel 'Judith Shakespeare, A Romance' (concerning William Shakespeare's daughter). With emendations, and variations from published version.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish novelist and journalist [William Shakespeare and his daughter Judith]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but part of the manuscript of a book published in London in 1884.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. 68 lines of text, written in a minute, neat hand. Folded twice. Black has numbered the page at top right '206'. The text begins: '[...] seemly and maidenly thing [...]', and ends 'she seemed to know beforehand what he had to say.' Black's entry in the Oxford DNB describes his 1884 novel 'Judith Shakespeare: A Romance' (published in America with the subtitle 'Her Love Affairs and Other Adventures') as 'a romance about the dramatist's daughter'.

[Stanley J. Weyman, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley J. Weyman') to 'Mr. Balfour', regarding an article he is writing for him, with relation to 'the Church' and 'Seaman'.

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular novelist of historical romance
Publication details: 
22 November 1923. On letterhead of Plâs Llanrhydd, Ruthin, N. Wales.

Weyman is largely forgotten now, but he was admired by Robert Louis Stevenson and Oscar Wilde, and Graham Greene singled him out for regular re-reading among the authors of 'the key books in my life'. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with pin holes to one corner. Folded twice. He is 'relieved' that Balfour thinks 'it will do. Yes, if you will kindly send it me I will look it over again & get it typed.' He has 'not seen the Church for some years', and will be grateful if Balfour will note any inaccuracy. He supposes that if the work is received within a fortnight 'it will do'.

[William Hurrell Mallock, novelist and economist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Mallock.') to 'L[ad]y Virginia', praising her novel, which he 'did not willingly put [...] down for an instant'.

W. H. Mallock [William Hurrell Mallock] (1849-1923), novelist and conservative economist
Publication details: 
7 May 1887. On letterhead of Bornhill, Bramford Speke, Exeter.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. The indentity of the recipient is unclear. The letter begins: 'Dear Ly Virginia | The other day I bought your novel, & the first comfortable leisure moment I had, I began to read it.

[Lord Lytton (Edward Bulwer Lytton), Victorian novelist and friend of Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E B L') to Lady Ann Cullum, regarding arrangements with his solicitor regarding a 'Deed'.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton [Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton] (1803-1873), English author and politician, friend of Charles Dickens [Lady Ann Cullum of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
12 May 1855; Park Lane [London], on letterhead of the House of Commons.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Written in his usual difficult hand. He begins by stating that her note was forwarded to him from Knebworth. The letter continues: 'I had previously requested my Sol[icito]r.

['Edna Lyall' [Ada Ellen Bayly), novelist and feminist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellie Bayly') to her 'Aunt Agnes', regarding the publication of her novel 'Knight Errant', family birthdays, and her father's seal.

'Edna Lyall', pen-name of Ada Ellen Bayly (1857-1903), novelist and feminist
Publication details: 
27 February 1887. On letterhead of 6 College Road, Eastbourne.

3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: 'My dearest Aunt Agnes | Thank you very much indeed for your last letter. I send with this the announcement of my new book "Knight Errant", & if it would not trouble you to pass on the cards to any likely readers I should be very grateful.' She gives news of her children Amy and Maurice, and is enclosing 'a list of all the children of the family & their birthdays' (not present).

[Samuel Lover, Irish painter, author, entertainer.] Autograph Letter in third person to Sir Thomas Gery Cullum and wife, explaining why pressures of 'public engagement' mean he must stay at his hotel rather than enjoy 'the hospitality of Hardwicke'.

Samuel Lover (1797-1868), Irish miniature painter, author, songwriter and singer, friend of Charles Dickens [Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House, his wife Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875)]
Publication details: 
26 February 1845; Bell Hotel, Bury St Edmunds.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'In 1844 Lover abandoned miniature painting as a result of failing eyesight but continued to paint and exhibit landscapes. He invented a new form of entertainment which he called Irish Evenings, a monologue of songs, recitations, and stories, all of his own composition. These he performed at the Princess's Concert Rooms, London.' Between 1846 and 1848 he toured North America with great success. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice.

[Lady Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Anglo-Irish writer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Rosina Lytton Bulwer') to 'Lady Cullum' of Hardwick House, one inviting her to stay with 'stupid me' and her 'Sposo', the other thanking her for her 'kind attention'

Lady Rosina Bulwer Lytton [née Rosina Doyle Wheeler] (1802-1882), Anglo-Irish writer, wife of novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton [Lord Lytton] (1803-1873) [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
The first letter from Berrymead Priory, Acton, on 28 February 1836; the second on 'Saturday Morning', but without date or place.

Lady Bulwer Lytton is now best-known for her mistreatment at the hands of her husband (see their entries in the Oxford DNB). Both letters are in good condition, lightly aged and worn, the first carrying traces of mount and with slight damage at one corner. ONE: 28 February 1836. 4pp, 16mo. She is delighted to hear of Lady Cullum's return to England.

[Ethel Mannin, novelist and travel writer.] Five Typed Cards Signed and one Autograph Card Signed to Frederick Staerck, discussing her thoughts on 'decadence', civilisation, cultivating her garden, and the loss of the creative urge.

Ethel Mannin [Ethel Edith Mannin] (1900-1984), novelist and travel writer, Bohemian and socialist
Publication details: 
Between 2 April 1973 and 30 December 1978. One from 'Miss E. Mannin, Overhill, Brook Lane, Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon'. Two others 'From E. M.'

Six long cards, full of interesting content, including surprising thoughts on the 'decadence' of the world, her desire to 'cultivate [her] garden' both in a literal and Voltairean sense, and the fact that the creative urge has left her. All six are signed 'Ethel Mannin'. The penultimate card is in autograph, the others typewritten. Four addressed to Staerck at Maidenhead, two to him on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland. The collection is in good overall condition: the first has a smudged autograph note up one margin.

[John Cowper Powys to his 'Jewish Book-Pedlar'.] Nine envelopes, all addressed in autograph by Powys to 'G. L. Lewin Esq' of 41 Great Russell Street, London, eight with Powys's signature and address on reverse.NO LETTERS PRESENT.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and poet [George Lionel Lewin (1890-1970), 'Jewish Book-Pedlar' of Great Russell Street, London]
Publication details: 
Between 1945 and 1959. All from Merioneth, North Wales (the first four from Corwen and the last five from Blaenau Ffestiniog).

Evocative artefacts of the interesting connection between Powys and the man who supplied him with the books for his translation of Rabelais. On 24 September 1940, in 'Letters to Sea-Eagle', Powys gives a lengthy account of 'Our Jew Book-Pedlar' and the bombing by the Germans of his Russell Street address.

[Katharine Tynan, Irish poet and novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Katharine Tynan Hinkson') on valediction to letter to 'Robert Browne Esq.'

Katharine Tynan [latterly Katharine Tynan Hinkson] (1859-1931) – 2 April 1931), Irish poet and novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On one side of 4.5 x 10.5 cm piece of paper, cut from end of letter for autograph hunter. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Believe me, dear Mr Browne | Yours very sincerely | Katharine Tynan Hinkson | Robert Browne Esq.'

[Countess of Blessington (Marguerite Gardiner), Irish author and literary hostess.] Autograph Note in the third person to editor Samuel Carter Hall, wishing 'to consult him, about having an Enquiry executed'.

Marguerite Gardiner [née Power], Countess of Blessington (1789-1849), Irish author and literary hostess, beauty and lover of Count d'Orsay [Samuel Carter Hall [S. C. Hall] (1800-1889), editor]
Publication details: 
'Saturday Evening' [no place or date, but on paper with watermarked date 1831].

1p, 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of the second leaf, with broken seal in red wax, 'To / | S. C. Hall Esqre | 59 Sloane Street'. In fair condition, on aged paper. Folded by Blessington into a diamond-shaped packet. Reads: 'Saturday Evening. | Lady Blessingtons Compts. To Mr Hall, and requests that he will call on her, as soon as may suit his convenience, as she wishes to consult him, about having an Enquiry executed.'

[Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne], Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, asking Frederic Shoberl for advice regarding the publication of her juvenile novel 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House'.

Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne, née Smith; Mrs C. L. Gascoigne] (1813-1883), Victorian novelist and author [Frederic Shoberl [Schoberl] (1775-1853), journalist and writer]
Publication details: 
York House, Bognor. 5 November 1851.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight traces of glue from mount adhering to edge on reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. An interesting letter, casting light on publication practices in Victorian London, with reference to a successful female author. Mrs Gascoigne asks Schoberl advice regarding the publication of her book 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House. A Tale for Young People. By the author of "Belgravia"', which would be published by Charles Westerton in 1854. The letter begins: 'Mrs. Gascoigne presents her compliments to Mr.

[Samuel Warren, Victorian novelist and barrister.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Warren') to the editor of the Courant newspaper, regarding his 'charge' to the grand jury at Hull, and a planned '“Reformatory School” for juvenile criminals' there.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), novelist, barrister and Member of Parliament, Recorder of Hull [nineteenth-century reformatory schools; juvenile criminals in Victorian England]
Publication details: 
Vittoria Hotel, Hull. 29 October 1854.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and lightly creased. Folded twice. Addressed 'To the Editor of the Courant'. Having been made Recorder of Hull in 1852, Warren begins his letter from that place: 'Sir, | Some friend has sent to me your paper of Thursday, last, containing a very kindly notice on my late Charge to the Grand Jury here.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward'), on letter in a secretarial hand, to 'Mrs. Story', suggesting - with 'a considerable hesitation' - a meeting when she and her family reach Rome.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward] (1851-1920), novelist, author, educationalist and founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Timeo, Taormina. 3 April 1903.

2pp, 12mo. Creased and worn. Folded once. She explains that she and her husband and daughter are on the way to Rome, where they will stay at the Hotel Molaro for six days, and expresses the hope that 'we may have the pleasure of seeing you & Mr. Story during that time, if you are at home'. She admits that she feels 'a considerable hesitation about letting any of our friends in Rome know of our coming', as they are 'so overdone with “forestieri” at this time of year'.

[James Hogg, 'the Ettrick Shepherd', Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Signature from letter.

James Hogg (1770-1835), 'the Ettrick Shepherd', Scottish poet, novelist and essayist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Good clear signature on one side of slip of paper, an irregular rectangle roughly 1.5 x 12.5 cm. In fair condition, aged and worn, with traces of mount on reverse. Reads: 'Your's [sic] most affectionately | James Hogg'.

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Typescript of a cinematic 'Story Treatment' of 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens: 'A 90 Minute Animated Color Version', 'Adapted by Christopher Fry'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
With address of Fry's agent: ACTAC (Theatrical & Cinematic) Limited, 16, Cadogan Lane, London S.W.1'. Without date [1970s or 1980s?].

In addition to his distinguished career as a playwright, Fry had some success in Hollywood. He completely rewrote (uncredited) the screenplay of 'Ben-Hur' (1959), and was responsible for the screenplay of the Dino De Laurentiis epic 'The Bible: In the Beginning' (1966), directed by John Houston. The present item is a treatment for a film that did not make it into production. It is [1] + 71pp, 8vo. Each page on a separate loose leaf. With thin card covers, also loose, the front cover carrying a duplication of the title-page, and the back cover blank. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Russell Braddon ] Autograph Note Signed "Russell Braddon" to a "Mr Kwiatowski", about having his photograph taken.

Russell Braddon, Australian author (of "Naked Island" etc.)
Publication details: 
[Headed] 11e Cornwall Gardens, London, SW&, 10 Nov. 1989.

One page, 8vo, very good condition. He thanks his correspondent for his letter and poems, adding: "I dislike being formally photographed, so I have no studio shots to send you, but I enclose the four signed cards for which you asked - even though I doubt that those to Wendy, Mary and Anon will be in the least appreciated."

[Sheila Kaye-Smith, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Greenwood', explaining her reason for doubting the possibility of making a film 'setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce'.

Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Little Douce Grove, Northiam, Rye, Sussex. 26 January [no year]

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with pin holes to one corner and a few drops of light staining. She thanks Greenwood for her letter, but does not feel that her 'Valiant Woman' has any 'chance of making a successful film, for the very reasons you say it ought to'. She explains: 'In this country there would not be a large enough public for a film setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce, as popular sympathy is mostly on the other side'. Nevertheless she is sending Greenwood's letter to her agent 'Mr. A. D.

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