[ Eden Phillpotts,novelist. ] Photographic portrait, with signed inscription.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), English writer, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon
Publication details: 
Dated 'May 1950'.

The inscription is on a 22.5 cm square piece of card, and reads: 'Eden Phillpotts - somewhat battered, but still telling stories. | May 1950.' Laid down on the card, above the inscription, is a 14 x 18 cm black and white photograph, depicting Phillpotts, book in hand, standing in front of a bookcase, which has apparently been cut by Phillpotts from a magazine. The item is in fair condition, lightly-aged and worn.

[ Eric Linklater, Welsh novelist. ] Autograph Signature.

Eric Linklater [ Eric Robert Russell Linklater ] (1899-1974), Welsh novelist
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 12.5 x 9 cm piece of cream paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. Boldly written and underlined, at the top of the page, reading 'Eric Linklater.' No other writing on either side of the leaf.

[ S. R. Crockett, Scottish novelist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('S. R. Crockett'), to a bookseller, thanking him for sending the book 'Idylls of Spain' and expressing an interest in the subject.

S. R. Crockett [ Samuel Rutherford Crockett ] (1859-1914), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, Embankment Gardens, London. 30 January 1899.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. He thanks him for sending 'Idylls of Spain' (by Rowland Thirlmere, 1897), which 'Mr. Milner' will settle with him for, and states that he is 'interested in the subject and would be glad of a note of any books you happen to come across on this subject'. In 1903 Crockett would publish 'The Adventurer in Spain'.

[ Bulwer-Lytton ] Autograph Note Signed "E B L" to William Jerdan, author and editor,

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, novelist
Publication details: 
[Place illegible to me] Monday [25 July 1853]

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. "Pray couch your dedication in the way that pleases you best - but the more [?] & less formal the more agreeable to me." Jerdan has docketed with a date, 25 July 1853, and a one word comment, "dinnering"[?]


[ Eric Ambler, thriller writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eric Ambler') to military historian Barrie Pitt, regarding the award of an OBE and the gift of a book. With copies of two letters by Pitt to Ambler.

Eric Ambler [ Eric Clifford Ambler ] (1909-1998), British writer of crime and espionage novels [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Av. Eugene Rambert 20, 1815 Clarens, Suisse [ Switzerland ]. 1 May 1981.

1p. 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. With envelope addressed by Ambler to Pitt at Kennister in Somerset. Also present are copies of two letters to Ambler from Pitt, dated 2 January and 20 February 1980. In the first Pitt congratulates Ambler on the receipt of an OBE, reminds him of their previous correspondence through Peter Janson-Smith, and sends 'Part I of my trilogy on the North African campaign' ('If it gives you one tenth of the enjoyment I get from every one of your books, it will have been worth writing.').

[ William Black, Scottish novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed, asking Scottish painter Thomas Faed to second his application for membership of the Athenaeum.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, S.W. [ London ] 26 July [no year].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on a piece of card. Reads: 'July 26 | My dear Faed, | Would you mind seconding me at the Athenaeum? I believe Tom Hughes has put down my name. | Yours faithfully | William Black.' According to Black's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'studied landscape painting for a short time in the Glasgow School of Art, but, becoming connected with the Glasgow Citizen, gradually exchanged art for journalism'.

[ Edward Lytton, Lord Lytton. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('L.') to 'Mr. Pearson', offering him a present.

Edward Lytton, Lord Lytton [ Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton ] (1803-1873), 1st Baron Lytton, English novelist and politician, friend of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
Without place or date. On his monogrammed letterhead.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He writes that he has had 'a very fine p' sent to him, and asks if Pearson might accept it. 'If you dont care about it yourself you may have friends here to whom you might like to give it. Only, unluckily, I must have back the top'. He ends with a complaint regarding a 'Bronchial cough'.

[ Marie Corelli, novelist. ] Autograph signature.

Marie Corelli (1855-1924), British novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

A good, firm signature on the reverse of an 8vo endpaper removed from a book. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads simply: 'Marie Corelli'.

[ Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E B Lytton'), thanking an unnamed reviewer for 'altogether the best of the kind' of notices of his work, and explaining his position with regard to 'our journals'.

Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton [ Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton ] (1803-1873), English author and friend of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
Knebworth, Stevenage. 23 June 1860.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Attached by one corner to a leaf from an autograph album. 23 lines of text in a difficult hand. He thanks him for his 'notice in L<?>, & for the long & valuable as well as kind & flattering notice of my Novels'. He considers that the review is 'written with great talent - & is altogether the best of the kind notices of these works which I can remember to have seen'. He invites him down to Knebworth and asks whether he has 'succeeded with Lord Malm[esbur]y'.

[Le Queux] Autograph Note Signed "William Le Queux" to an unnamed male correspondent.

William Le Queux, novelist
Publication details: 
[Headed notepaper] Castor, Peterborough, 16 Dec. [no year].

One page, 12mo, dusted, fold mark, text clear and complete. Docketed on verson "From H.M. T. Dec. [July??} 1902" [H.M. Tomlinson?]. "Perhaps the enclosed is of sufficient interest to merit publication."


[Thurston, novelist] Autograph Note Signed "E. Temple Thurston" to "MIss [Carry?] W. Hay".

E. Temple Thurston, novelist
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 1 Adelphi Terrace House, Flat B., W.C., 10 Nov. 1908.

One page, 12mo, minor marking, good condition. "I hope that this will be as useful for your purpose as 'Sally Bishop' [his novel- see note below]. The motive of Sally has been so misunderstood that I should be glad if I could stop the sale of it altogether - for which reason I preferred to give you 'Mirage'. Note: it appears that the Englsih edition of 'Sally Bishop' was published in 1910, the American in 1908 (the year of this letter). 'Mirage' was published in 1908.

[Anne Manning, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to her 'cousin and friend' 'Mr. Maleson', regarding his efforts to obtain a Civil List pension for her.

Anne Manning (1807-1879), Victorian novelist [Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., London publishers]
Publication details: 
Reigate Hill, Surrey. 18 July 1872.

2pp., 12mo. 25 lines of text. In fair conditon, on aged and worn paper. Her sister Frances is 'overjoyed at your benevolent efforts for me', and 'Mr Arthur Hall is very glad indeed to hear what you are trying to do, and is quite ready if you and I approve to send a set of my books, with a notification to Mr Gladstone, and also of privately interesting the Archbishop, who will, he has no doubt send an autograph letter privately to the Prirme Minister'. The letter ends with a prayer for her 'kind friends', concluding 'The Lord will provide'.

[Thomas Mayne Reid, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mayne Reid') to 'Captain Bond'

Thomas Mayne Reid ['Charles Beach'] (1818-1883), Irish-born novelist and children's writer
Publication details: 
Chasewood, Ross [Chasewood and Frogmore House, Ross, Herefordshire]. No date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with light offsetting from another letter. Written in a difficult hand. Concerns 'the Club meeting' at 'Macdougall's Hall'. The recipient is addressed as 'My dear Capt Bond', and at the foot of the letter as 'Capt <?> Bond | &c. &c.'

['Marie Corelli' [Mary Mackay], English popular novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Marie Corelli') removed from letter.

'Marie Corelli' [pseudonym of Mary Mackay (1855-1924)], Victorian popular novelist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 3 x 12.5 slip of paper cut from foot of letter. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The reverse reads '[...] think of me! I fear [...] I was threatened your [...]'.

['Marie Corelli' [Mary Mackay], English popular novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Marie Corelli') removed from letter.

'Marie Corelli' [pseudonym of Mary Mackay (1855-1924)], Victorian popular novelist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 5 x 11 cm slip of paper cut from foot of letter. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The reverse reads '[...] in these dark days [...] interest! It is so [...] of you to sent it, [...]'.

[Eden Phillpotts, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eden Phill<...>') [to A. G. Gardiner, editor of the Daily News], complaining of a review of his book 'Green Alleys', 'the great cause of the natural born child' and the 'Bastardy Laws'.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, often writing on Dartmoor [Alfred George Gardiner ['Alpha of the Plough'] (1865-1946), editor of the Daily News; Robert Lynd (1879-1949), Irish essayist]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. [1916.]

In poor condition, on aged and brittle paper, with significant chipping to edges involving loss of text, including the end of Philpott's signature. Undated, but written in 1916, the year of publication of Phillpotts' 'The Green Alleys'. Headed in blue pencil 'Mr Lynd' (i.e for the attention of Daily News columnist Robert Lynd).

[Andrew Soutar, novelist.] To an unnamed recipient, informing him that he will be sending him a copy of his new novel, 'Some Fell Among Thorns'.

Andrew Soutar (1879-1941), English author of approximately 50 novels
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Brooklyn, Ifield, Crawley, Sussex. 15 January 1931.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Written in purple ink. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir, | Here it is, for what it is worth. To-morrow, Jan 16, a new novel of mine, "Some Fell Among Thorns", should be published. I shall send you a copy & ask your acceptance of it. | Yours Sincerely | Andrew Soutar'. Soutar received a brief obituary in The Times, 25 November 1941.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

John Galsworthy, novelist
Publication details: 
Bury House, Bury, nr Pulborough, Sussex; 12 Nov. 1932.

ALS, Bury House, Bury, nr Pulborough, Sussex; 12 Nov. 1932, good condition. 'We have been wondering what those delightful little noises we've been hearing about the house, were.'

[Printed keepsake.] Poem by Austin Dobson, titled 'Henry Fielding. Unveiling by the United States Minister, the Hon. J. Russell Lowell, of the Bust in the Shire Hall, Taunton. Sculptor, Miss Margaret Thomas.'

Austin Dobson [Henry Austin Dobson] (1840-1921), English poet and essayist [Henry Fielding, novelist; James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), essayist and American ambassador in London; Margaret Thomas]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [London?]. September 1883.

4pp., 12mo. Paginated to 4. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. On laid paper watermarked 'A PIRIE & SONS | 1883'. Tastefully printed.

[Samuel Warren, Welsh novelist.] Autograph Signature, on an inscription to his father the Wesleyan Minister Dr Samuel Warren.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), Welsh novelist, barrister and MP, son of the Wesleyan Methodist minister of Dr Samuel Warren (1781-1862)
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 12 January 1850.

The inscription is on the half-title leaf of Warren's anonymous 'A Letter to the Queen on a Late Court Martial' (1850). In fair condition on aged paper, with traces of previous mount adhering to the reverse. It reads: 'Rev. Dr. Warren | With his Son's love. | Samuel Warren. | 12th. Jany 1850.'

[Tighe Hopkins, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Case', presenting a copy of his 'Iron Mask'.

Tighe Hopkins (1856-1919), novelist, journalist and authority on prison life and penal reform
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frayn, Herne Bay [Kent]. 7 August 1902.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He asks him to accept a copy of the Tauchnitz edition of his 'Iron Mask', 'the only one I happen to have by me'. He continues: 'As you are kind enough to express an interest in work of mine, I may say that I expect to be in the West of Ireland next month in the interests of the Daily Chronicle - if you ever happen to see that paper - for which I am to write a special series of letters describing the present condition of that district.' For more on Hopkins see his obituary in The Times, 17 February 1919.

[William Pett Ridge, author.] Autograph Card Signed ('W. P. Ridge') to 'Miss Paget'.

William Pett Ridge (1859-1930), English writer
Publication details: 
Letterhead of 24 Ampthill Square, London, NW. 'Thursday' [postmark 28 June 1906].

In good condition, lightly-aged. Addressed to 'Miss Paget, | 28, Campden Hill Square | W.' Reads: 'I will look in this morning at the hour of coffee.'

['Francesca Marton' [Margaret Bellasis], historical novelist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Margaret Bellasis | "Francesca Marton') to 'Mr. Wiener', agreeing to give a talk to his 'Society' and discussing a BBC radio adapation of her work by Lance Sieveking

Margaret Bellasis [Margaret Rosa Bellasis], historial novelist under the pseudonym 'Francesca Marton' [Lance Sieveking (1896-1972), English writer and BBC radio and television producer]
Publication details: 
"Pilot's Cottage", 35 Victoria Road, Deal, Kent. 2 March 1968.

2pp., 12mo. 36 lines. She begins by accepting an invitation to give a talk to Wiener's 'Society', about which she has 'hears so much'. She is 'honoured to add my name to such a distinguished roll of speakers'. She next explains why she believes radio to be 'infinitely superior to TV'. She next turns to 'Mr. Sieveking's adaptation', which she considers 'very clever, as he had to leave out the descriptions which formed such an important part of the book. He allowed me to see and criticise all his scripts, too. I'm so glad you are liking the result. Isn't the signature-tune pleasing?

[Jessica Brett Young, widow of novelist Francis Brett Young.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mr Jackson', 'Manager, Heinemann & Cassell', discussing her husband's copyrights in an energetic style, with notes on the writing of 'My Brother Jonathan'

Jessica Brett Young [née Hankinson], (1883-1970), wife of the English novelist Francis Brett Young (1884-1954)
Publication details: 
All four on letterheads of the Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town. Written in October and November 1967.

The first three letters each 1p., 4to; and the fourth 2pp., 4to. In good condition, on aged and creased paper, with three of the four letters stapled together. Letter One: 13 October 1967. She writes 'for information about my position concerning my late husband's books, and my Biography of him which Heinemann's published in London in 1962'. The closing of the firm's Cape Town office has been a shock to her. Letter Two: 4 November 1967.

[Frederick Forsyth] Two Typed Letters Signed "Frederick Forsyth" to Sally Worboyes, organiser and hostess of Fen Farm Arts Ltd (seminars for would-be writers)

Frederick Forsyth, novelist
Publication details: 
[Headed notepaper] From the Office of Frederick Forsyth, East End Green Farm, Hertfordbury, Hertfordshire. SG14 2PD, 19 Oct. 1992 amd 7 Sept. 1993.

One page each, obl. 12mo, good condition. (1992) He has to disappoint her. He receives "a constant stream of requests for appearances, lectures, utorials, charity fun runs, mixed in with pleas for book reviews, the reading of unpublished manuscriipts, help[ to find an agent,help to get published, etc. Heart-touching as these requests are, I fel I really have to stick to my guns and decline if I am to get any work done for myself.

[William Plomer] Two Autograph Letters Signed "William" and "William Plomer" to "Veronica" [C.V. Wedgwood, eminent historian].With Programme for The Memorial Service for Plomer. (1973)

William Plomer South African-British author, novelist
Publication details: 
[Heade] Rossida, Stonefields, Rustington, Sussex, 30 Dec. 1955 AND [Also Headed] 43 Adastra Avenue, Hassocks,Susssex, 21 Aug. 1971.

Two pages each, 12mo, good condition. [1955] He apologises for being late in telling her how enjoyable he found her luncheon party. "Whatever they were like when they arrived and at least two (I don't include myself) had been rather under the weather - your guests all went off as radiant as glow-worms." Further thanks and joyful remembrances; [1971] A shakier hand, he expresses his pleasure at his visit "except for one thing - which was seeing poor Philip afficted.

[Margaret Drabble] Autograph Note Signed 'Margaret Drabble' to Sally Worboyes, organiser and hostess of Fen Farm Arts Ltd (seminars for would-be writers)

Margaret Drabble, novelist
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] Margaret Drabble Holroyd, The Kiln, Porlock Weir, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 8PB, 28 Oct. 1993.

One page, 4to, good condition. "Thanks for your letter. I'm afraid that my reading days are long over - too busy - Sorry! Thanks for the invitation."

Autograph Card Signed "P. Loti", French author ["to A . Chasserian", (publisher?)pencil note]

Pierre Loti, French novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Card, 11.5 x 9cm, vestiges of laying down in corners of verso, good condition. "J'ai été obligé de changer mes petits places de voyage. Voulez-vous aussi chamger les votres et venir mercredi au lieu de Vendredi. |Amitié[ ...]"Note in another hand on verso: "Autograph of Pierre Loti, Académician, officier in the French Navy (real name Viaud) author of Pecheur d'Islande, Fantomes d'Orient, etc. | Given me by M. Arthur Chasserian to whom it was addressed, Decr/92."

Memorandum, signed twice by Rudyard Kipling, of a deposit made by him at the London City and Midland Bank Limited's Newgate branch, with corresponding receipt signed for the branch manager by J. H. Coulson.

Rudyard Kipling [Joseph Rudyard Kipling] (1865-1936), English writer and poet; J. H. Coulson, Manager, London City and Midland Bank Limited, Newgate Street, London
Publication details: 
The London City and Midland Bank Limited, Newgate Branch [London]. Both documents dated 7 December 1910.

The two documents were originally attached along a perforated line, and both bear the serial number 115476. Having been detached, they have been reattached by a strip of light brown paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both are forms, printed in red and black, and both are filled in by Coulson, regarding a deposit by Kipling of '£500 (Five hundred pounds) Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Co. First Mortgage Sterling Bonds' and '$2500 (Two thousand five hundred dollars) Northern New Brunswick & Seaboard Rly Co. 4% Gold Bonds'.

Part only of Autograph Letter Signed "Georgiana Fullerton".

Georgiana Fullerton, novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date survives.

Part of page, c.11 x 7.5, staining but surviviing text clear and complete as follows: "thy own, I remain Reverend Sir | Yours sincerely, | Georgiana Fullerton".

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