Autograph Letter Signed ('Horace') and fragment of Autograph Letter Signed ('Horace Annesley Vachell.').

Horace Annesley Vachell (1861-1955), English novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
The letter: 24 September 1899, on letterhead 'PEVERELL, HURSLEY, WINCHESTER.' The fragment: undated and with place not stated.

The letter: one page, 12mo. Good, but with removal from mount having thinned the paper in places, and with traces of brown paper mount still adhering. He is sending the autographs of 'Henry Seton Merriman (Hugh Scott); Gertrude Atherton; Miss Fowler; and Douglas Sladen. Also a photo from Ted (not a good one, but the only one I have left).' He enjoyed himself 'so much' at Langford. 'It was a week of real enjoyment to me.' The fragment: one page, four inches by four and a half wide.

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist
Publication details: 
12 December 1901; Steephill Castle, Ventnor.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending you my autograph. | Yours faithfully | Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sarath Kumar Ghosh') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sarath Kumar Ghosh (born 1883), Indian writer
Publication details: 
26 March 1906; on letterhead '28 Elgin Avenue, [London] W.'

One page, 12mo. Grubby, and with traces of previous mount adhering to reverse. Small circle containing '170' in red in top left-hand corner. He is sending his autograph, 'which I could not do while at . I am glad you have read some of my stories; I presume those now in book form as "1001 Indian Nights." '

Autograph Note Signed ('Wemyss Reid') [to Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Sir Thomas Wemyss Reid (1842-1905), British novelist and biographer
Publication details: 
8 July 1902; Falcon Hotel, Bude, Cornwall.

One page, 12mo. On blue paper discoloured from glue by previous mounting. Seven-line printed biographical cutting in top right-hand corner. 'I am very happy to comply with your request [for an autograph].'

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. P. Drury') to unnamed female correspondent.

Major William Price Drury (1861-1928), Royal Marines, English author
Publication details: 
3 September 1907; East Lavington, Petworth, Sussex.

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with a little paperclip spotting. Laid down on piece of card. 'It is with considerable misgiving that I thrust my autograph upon the distinguished company you cite in your letter. Since, however, it is unthinkable to refuse the request of a lady, I have the honour to subscribe myself, | Yours faithfully, | W. P. Drury.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('E: Lynn Linton') to 'Miss Shapland'.

Elizabeth [Eliza] Lynn Linton (1822-1898), Victorian writer
Publication details: 
Thursday' [no date]; on letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

12mo: 3 pp. 26 lines of text. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Chatty, apologetic letter. She thanks her for her invitation for the following day but she is already engaged. Unclear reference to 'Sir Boyle Roche's bird'. She would like to see her again, but 'I dare not make any engagements now, The weather is now my jailer'. She has to go to Malvern one day the following week. Suggests other possibilities. She may have to 'take my chance of finding you at home'. She was 'sorry to miss you when you were away & I called'.

Autograph Signature with classical quotation.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), English novelist
Publication details: 
23 January 1866; 16 Manchester Square, W. [London].

On one side of a piece of laid paper, dimensions 11.5 x 17.5 cm. Good, lightly creased with one small spot at head and a light thumbprint (Warren's?) in top right-hand corner. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Reads 'The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth His handy work. Ps. XX, I. | [signed] Samuel Warren | 16 Manchester Square | W. | 23d January 1866.'

Signature ('William P. Lennox') on frank to the Hon. Cecil Lawless.

Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799-1881), English Member of Parliament and novelist
Publication details: 
9 December 1833; London. With red ink postmark.

The front of a wove-paper envelope, 8 x 12.5 cm. Good. Reads 'London December | Ninth 1833 | Honble. Cecil Lawless | The Wick | Brighton | [signed in bottom left-hand corner] William P. Lennox'. The postmark, in red ink in the top right-hand corner, is circular, topped with a crown, and reads '9 DE 9 | 1833'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tom Gallon') and Typed Letter Signed to Ernest Pertwee.

Tom Gallon (1866-1914), English novelist, dramatist and humourist [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.]
Publication details: 
TLS, 16 July 1903; ALS, 13 August 1903; both on embossed letterhead 190, Adelaide Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. [London.]

Both items quarto. On worn, discoloured paper, with a couple of closed tears to the folds. Pertwee was the author of numerous anthologies for recitation, and these letters presumably relate to his 'Reciter's treasury of prose and drama: serious and humorous' (Routledge, 1904). TLS: 'Provided, of course, that Messrs. Routledge have actually agreed with you to publish the book of humorous prose recitations, I shall be very willing to allow you to reprint any one of the stories the titles of which I give below.

Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward.') on fragment of letter.

Mary Augusta Ward (1851-1920, nee Arnold), English novelist 'Mrs. Humphry Ward'
Publication details: 
Docketed '1914' in pencil.

On piece of lightly discoloured paper roughly 4 x 10 cms, with horizontal fold on left. Reads '[typed] Yours sincerely, | [signed] Mary A. Ward.' Docketed in pencil at foot 'Mrs Humphry Ward 1914'.

Card carrying Autograph Inscription to Charles Wilson.

Alec Waugh (Alexander Raban Waugh, 1898-1981), English novelist, elder brother of Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 

On one side of the card. Dimensions, 8.5 x 11 cms. Very good. Neat inscription reading 'For Charles Wilson | with Alec Waugh's best wishes | July. 31. 1948 /.'

Printed Memorandum of Agreement with Anthony Blond Ltd, signed 'Ellen Wright', for the English publication rights of her husband's 'Lawd Today'; with a typed agreement between Blond and Hamilton & Co. for the English paperback rights.

Ellen Wright (nee Poplar) (1912-2004), second wife and widow of the American author Richard Wright (1908-60)
Publication details: 
Memorandum, London, 29 June 1964; paperback rights, London, 15 May 1964.

The Memorandum is a four-page folio (leaf size roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half) bifolium. In very good condition, lightly creased and folded. It details Mrs Wright's royalties (as 'proprietor'), advance and percentages. The paperback rights agreement consists of four typewritten pages, on four leaves, each roughly thirteen inches by eight, stapled together at the head beneath green tape. Very good, though lightly creased and with some fraying to tape. It is signed by the Hamilton & Co. chairman Joseph and witnessed by his secretary E. M. Holloway.

Substantial part of autograph letter signed to [Hunt]..

Mary St Leger Harrison ( Lucas Malet ).
Publication details: 
No place of date.

Novelist, Daughter of Charles Kingsley (see DNB). Two surviving pages from a letter, 8vo, attached to card (ultimately from album leaf), tear at fold but complete and clear. Text: " He is a very clever little boy - He used to possess - and probably possess still - a power of committing small sins & contriving that other persons should bear the punishment of them, which almost amounted to genius. We used to call him Jacob - for there was an element of saintliness in his character too. / I hope you and Mrs Hunt may still cxome to Clovelly.

Part of an autograph letter to "Mrs Sterndale".

Barbara Hofland.
Publication details: 
Kensington, Pembroke Square, date indecipherable (September).

Novelist. The two surviving pages, 4to, from a lengthy letter which has already been crudely repaired but which has an additional tear which does not, however, lead to textual loss. "I was very much rejoiced at the sight of your truly welcome letter" except that it announced a death. She eulogises the departed "He was one of the few of whom you may know little yet think much . . ." She explains how she had planned to visit her within a more complicated trip but "all my plans were laid aside and certainly my pleasures annihilated by an attack of inflammation in the eyes.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adelaide Phillpotts') to 'Miss Hall'.

Mary Adelaide Eden Phillpotts (1896-1996), English author (daughter of Eden Phillpotts)
Publication details: 
21 March 1927; Eltham, Torquay, South Devon.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, with a little wear and light creasing. 'I often think of those days, & how timid & shy & stupid I was! Yet I enjoyed myself too, & shall never forget your great kindness, & the help you gave me. Since then I've had many adventures & experiences. I am not the thing I was!' She has been in London for the winter, and hopes they will be able to meet. 'We're so glad you like "Yellow Sands" - & I'm very pleased you like "Tomek". She has 'just finished another novel & play'. Asks what has become of a number of common acquaintances.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Milner Gibson

Georgiana Fullerton
Publication details: 
27 Chapel Street, Park Lane, W., 20 June (no year)

Novelist and philanthropist. Mrs Milner Gibson, wife of the statesman, Thomas Milner Gibson, was a society hostess of note (see DNB). 2pp., 8vo. She says "It is very cruel to pounce upon those just arrived but [?] the Tale of our poor gentlemen the belongs most to be pitied perhaps of all sufferers. I take advantage of hearing that you are expected in London to beg of you to help us next week. We remember well all you did for us on a former occasion".

Autograph Letter Signed, to an unnamed correspondent.

Ruby M. Ayres.
Publication details: 
Corner Ways, Sheepcote Road, Harrow, 16 Nov. 192[4?]

Novelist. One page, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete. She explians her tardy response ot his letter by saying she was abroad. She acknowledges familiarity with the works of Calverley but "I am ashamed to admit that when I wrote "The Road that Bends" [pubd 1916] = some ten years ago, I did not remember that one quotation came from his "First Love"." She thanks him for the "connection".

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Locker.

Mrs Elizabeth Charles [nee Rundle] (1828-1896), English author
Publication details: 
Thursday | Combe Edge | Hampstead Heath'.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with some light glue stains on reverse, to which a small printed strip giving a printed list of Mrs Charles's works is attached. 'I was hoping to hear your boy was better - & I am very glad he is - thanks - but I am engaged on Thursday, & for some little time to come - so many people from all quarters coming just now & I hope you may be able to come & see me before very long'. Signed 'Bettie Charles'.

Autograph Prayer Signed, 'For Stephen Snell from Rumer Godden'.

Rumer Godden, English novelist (1907-98)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but card dated 1992].

In very good condition, on a greetings card containing a reproduction of an illustration of a black cat by Barry Moser, from Godden's translation of Carmen Bernos de Gasztold's 'Prayers from the Ark'. The prayer, in Godden's hand (and probably one of her translations from the book) reads 'Lord, I am the Cat. It is not exactly that I hahve something to ask of you! No - I ask nothing of anyone - but, if you have by some chance, in some celestial barn. a little white mouse, or a saucer of milk. I know someone who would relish them.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent. En francais.

Octave Feuillet
Publication details: 
[Paris, October 1860].

Dramatist and novelist. One page, 8vo, good condition. In a difficult hand, he says that he has heard from [M. Rey?] that he hasn't concluded his engagement in Brussels and has no interest in the role mapped out except in a few days. He goes on to talk of the work involved in corrections which has prevented him from sending a "manuscript exact". Note: The place and date are written in another hand on the reverse.

Typed letter signed "Lionel Britton" to Joan Jefferson Farjeon, scene designed daughter of J. Jefferson Farjeon, detective novelist and playwright. WITH: related correspondence.

Lionel Britton.
Publication details: 
Park House, 66 Tufnell Park Road, London, N7, 1956 - 1959

Novelist and playwright, author of the "flawed masterpiece" "Hunger and Love". Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition, one ms. correction. A substantial letter dated 30 Oct. 1956, in which he reports on a letter from "Miss Black of Curtis Brown Ltd" (literary agents) in which she reports that Miss Farjeon does not want to sign a second agreement for "The Impossible Guest" (novel by Joseph Jefferson Farjeon published in 1949 which Britton presumably adapted for the stage).

Autograph Letter Signed to "Major Blake".

Robert W. Chambers.
Publication details: 
43 East Eighty-Third Street, 12 Feb. 1926.

American novelist (see American DNB). Three pages, 8vo, laid down on a piece of card, sl. soiled but text clear and complete. He acknowledges receiving a letter and goes on "I red the fascinating book with the greatest possible pleasure. It is charmingly written, and so interesting that when it ended I wished for more." He thanks Mrs Blake for "the delightful hours she has given me in following her adventures and yours." [Book unidentified] He asks the to let him know when they return to America.

Autograph Postcard Signed to 'Mrs. Black'.

Eliza Lynn Linton
Publication details: 
Postmarked 8 January 1891; 'Queen Annes Mansions. St James's Park SW.'

Novelist and miscellaneous writer (1822-98). Dimensions roughly five inches by three. Grubby and with minor fraying, loss and closed tears to edges (not affecting text). Printed halfpenny stamp and two postmarks in black ink. Addressed to 'Mrs. Black | 5 Hazlitt Road | W. Kensington | W.' 'I have not received ye Ladies Pictorial, but fine - all very well done with great sympathy & tenderness & so well written - I have begun by informal LSaturdays - & shall be very glad to see you if you could come'. Signed 'E: Lynn Linton'.

Autograph Letter to George Hammond of Spring Gardens.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
Abingdon St. Monday.' [no date, but before 1827].

English novelist and politician (1765-1846). The recipient (1763-1853) was a diplomat, and joint-editor of the 'Anti-Jacobin'. Three pages, 12mo. On discoloured, lightly-stained paper, with one corner of second leaf of bifoliate (with two words of text) broken off in breaking open letter, and still adhering to wafer. Had Hammond given 'a days notice' of his 'intention to come up', he might have been spared 'some hours of unnecessary Solitude'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Valentine'.

Victor Sawdon Pritchett
Publication details: 
16 December 1985; on letterhead '12 REGENTS PARK TERRACE | LONDON N.W.I'.

English novelist (1900-96). One page, octavo. Good, but with slight marking from staple in top left-hand corner. He is glad his correspondent is 'having therapy for your bad back for, hard work though it is, and must be in your case, I'm sure you will find it helpful. | About author's proofs, they of course usually go back to publishers; but what I am glad to be able to send you is the jacket of my latest book which at least has a picture and my signature, and I hope it will, at least, be decorative in your study.' Signed 'Victor S Pritchett'.

Autograph sentiment signed.

Sheila Kaye-Smith.
Publication details: 
No place, 11 Aug. 1931.

Novelist. Piece of paper, c.5 x 3", prob. torn from larger page, attractive sentiment and signature dated: ""With best wishes - / Sheila Kaye-Smith. / Aug. 11. 1931."

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mrs Trevelyan".

Lady Anne Isabella Ritchie.
Publication details: 
27 Young Stree, Kensington Square, W., London, Tuesdau [no date].

Novelist and essayist, daughter of Thackeray (see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, remnants of mounts, mainly good condition. She is sorry she missed her but was "at the hairdressers superintending Hector's first crop". She looks forward to visiting and mentions that she "spent a very happy half hour yesterday with Fox in Fleet Street in Messrs Sampson Lows shop, so that it seemed quite natural to see yr writing."

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Randolph'.

James Hain Friswell
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist and miscellaneous writer (1825-78). Dimensions five inches by four and a half. Good. Mounted along one edge to piece of grey card. Cutting from Times, 15 March 1879, mounted on reverse of letter (giving Friswell's dates as 1827-79), and partly obscured by gum. Reads: '<...> I cannot say that the picture of life as you draw it is charming & only hope it is not true - illusions! | Your cursory remarks on us poor Men are written with a copper pen & sulphuric acid. Mr Randolph, who is of course the noble exception, must be delighted with them.

Typed Letter Signed to [Morley Stuart, editor of the Cambridge Daily News].

Rose Macaulay
Publication details: 
13 April 1934; on letterhead '7, LUXBOROUGH HOUSE, | NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, | W.1.'

English novelist (1881-1958). One page, roughly six and a half inches by five. Good, but on high-acidity paper discoloured with age. Attached to folio page from cuttings album. She thanks him for 'the cutting from the Cambridge Daily News about your lecture on Cambridge novels, which interested me. I do not suppose I could have said anything useful if you had written to me, as I can never think of anything to say in letters. I was interested in your comparison of Oxford & Cambridge novels.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Hall Caine
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Manx novelist (1853-1931). Paper dimensions roughly three inches by one and a half. Very good. Reads 'Yours vy truly | Hall Caine'.

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