Typed Note Signed (in pink) "J Cartland" [ She has typed at top of letter "From: Miss Barbara Cartland, D. St. J."] to Mrs V. Ong, a fan.

Barbara Cartland, romantic novelist
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Camfield Place, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, 17 May 1983.

One page, 8vo, good condition, thanking Mrs Ong for her letter and congratulating her on her fund-raising. She continues: " I am sending you my book 'Romantic Royal Marriages' which I have autographed for you. Last time it was auctioned it raised £50-oo so I do hope you do as well. | I am enclosing for you details of Selenium-ACE which really is amn amazing mineral, and after being cured of cancer I would certainly recommend that you take it."

Typed Letter Signed "Arthur" to "My dear Peggy"

Arthur Hailey, Anglo-American novelist.
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Lyford Cay, P.O. Box N-7776, Nassau, Bahamas, 30 October 1974.

One page, 4to, good condition, initially giving family news and movements. "After you had all gone, it seemed strange to be in the house at Enfield, knowing I would never see mother again, and yet the place still spoke of her. However that changed quickly, and perhaps as well. The house was empty of furniture by Friday, and sold on Saturday. Only a few formalities remain, and those can be handled by mail." He suggests she might like a copy of a letter he wrote to his mother when her terminal illness "came to attention", which his mother had kept and obviously valued.

[Verse] Thought (Signed at end "Ann S. Stephens").

Ann S. Stephens, American "dime" novelist.
Publication details: 
Washington, 29 June 1866.

One page, 17.5 x 12cm, 8 lines, heavy grey paper, corner smudged, good condition. Title "Thought". "Give me thought - glorious thought [...] | To the sight of a flower; | Though it trembles and shrinks | From the touch of its thorn." Note: She was not known for her verse.

Manuscript Memorandum and Manuscript Receipt, both signed ('Mortimer Collins') by the poet and novelist Edward James Mortimer Collins, assigning copyrights of his works to the London publishers Henry S. King & Co.

Mortimer Collins [Edward James Mortimer Collins] (1827-1876), English poet and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Both dated from Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. 19 March 1872 and 14 December 1872.

ONE (memorandum): Headed: 'Memorandum of an Agreement between Messrs: Henry S. King & Co: of 65 Cornhill London of the one part and Mortimer Collins Esqre. of Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks of the other part.' 19 March 1872. 1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Pencil annotations. Five stamps at head (four embossed and one ink).

Autograph Signature of the British novelist Margaret Kennedy [Margaret Davies, Lady Davies].

Margaret Kennedy [Margaret Davies, Lady Davies] (1896-1967), English novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a piece of 11 x 11 cm paper, cut from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads, all in Kennedy's hand: 'Yours sincerely | Margaret Kennedy'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Hewlett') from the novelist and poet Maurice Hewlett, complaining that he has been underpaid for two pieces of writing.

Maurice Hewlett [Maurice Henry Hewlett] (1861-1923), novelist and poet
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Broad Chalke, Salisbury. 5 December 1922.

1p., 16mo. Fair, on aged paper, laid down on piece of card. '1349' in blue pencil at head of page. The letter reads: 'Thank you for the cheque. He ought to have paid for two, as both appeared in November. | - | Yes, I have another copy of . | - | [signed] M. Hewlett'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Victorian novelist Ethel Bourne [to Rupert Simms, author of the 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'] explaining her reasons for publishing under the pseudonym 'Evelyn Burne'.

Ethel Bourne, Victorian novelist under the pseudonym 'Evelyn Burne' [Rupert Simms (1853-1937), bookseller and author of the 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis']
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hilderstone Hall, Stone, Staffordshire. 18 May 1892.

1p., 12mo. 10 lines. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She explains that her only publications up to that point are 'Stormbeaten and Weary' and 'Spectre Stricken' ('a Christmas Story'). 'I wish to remain unknown until I can write a book I consider sufficiently good to have my own name - for this reason I have called myself "Evelyn Burne".'

Typed Letter Signed from the Anglo-Jewish novelist Emanuel Litvinoff, thanking Derek Stanford for a review, and discussing the novelist Angus Wilson ('one of the few writers to whom I've written a fan letter') and short story writing.

Emanuel Litvinoff (19150-2011), Anglo-Jewish novelist [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), Anglo-Jewish author and critic; Angus Wilson (1913-1991), English novelist]
Publication details: 
36 Byron Court, Mecklenburgh Square, London. 2 July 1973.

1p., 4to. He thanks Stanford for sending 'the carbon' of his 'warm review' of Litvinoff's novel ('A Death out of Season'). He missed the article and the note Stanford wrote 'about my autobiographical sequence' in the Scotsman, but is now iinterested to see from the review that Stanford is 'nursing the idea of a 'Forties memoir. Amazingly, few of us have written about the decade. I shall be getting around to it one day also, I hope.

Autograph Letter Signed "Edward George Lytton Bulwer", to [Barbarina Lady Dacre], about her Poems (published 1821).

Edward Bulwer Lytton, novelist
Publication details: 
Knebworth, Saturday morning [n.d. - pre-1844 when he became Bulwer-Lytton].

One page, 8vo, laid down on another paper, fold marks and slightly crumpled, trimmed with loss of part of "K" of "Knebworth" only, otherwise text clear and complete. "It is with many thanks that Ireturn your Ladyship's Poems [...] I must differ from your Ladyship in the remark that 'Tragedy is not the field for female powers- I cannot help particualrly admiring the nobleness of the characters you have described, & the sentiments they atter are such as Man should utter.

Autograph Letter Signed Violet [Paget] to Robert Lynd, essayist and Irish Nationalist.

Violet Paget ['Vernon Lee'] (1856-1935), author.
Publication details: 
Letterhead of 36 Chepstow Place, London; 24 September [1935

ALS, on letterhead of 36 Chepstow Place, London; 24 September [1935], 2pp., 8vo. 'I have just come back from seeing Winifred Holtby in the nursing home where she is lying ill, & I fear there is no hope whatever for her. Her friends are very anxious that she shd. be adequately written about in the News Chronicle when the time […] & have asked me to ask you to see, if you wd.

The Popular Family Tales of Mrs. Craik

[Mrs Craik]
Publication details: 
London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co (earliest published work in BL 1890).; Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison[after 1887, her year of death]

430pp., 8vo, “Biographical Sketch,” unsigned, p. 5–6,bookplate (Presentation), bokseller's label (both inside front cover), very dark red smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold., sl. worn, corners bumped wear to edges of spine, eps foxed, pages stained (mainly sides), ow good. Copy in Parish Collection, Princeton; none listed on COPAC, WorldCat. or Woolf.

[Typed] Memorandum of an Agreement.... Signed "May Laffan", Irish novelist, agreementy with publishers, Henry S. KIng, concerning her novel "Hogan, M.P.".

May Laffan [Hartley] (1849–1916), Irish novelist.
Publication details: 
[London], 26 April 1876

One page, sm. fol., sl. chipped and damp-affected but text legible (see scan on my website).

[Manuscript] Memorandum of an Agreement [with Henry S. King, publisher, for her "new novel", 'Felicia'], signed "M. Betham-Edwards

Matilda Betham-Edwards, novelist
Publication details: 
[London], 25 July 1873

Two pages, sm. folio, fair condition, giving details of an advance and the holding of the copyright of "The Sylvesters" if they should decide not to go ahead and want their money back. Minor change apparently initialled "HSK" [= King].

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Judd') from the American novelist Sylvester Judd, expressing a desire to write for Maria Weston Chapman's abolitionist gift book 'The Liberty Bell'.

Sylvester Judd (1813-1853), American novelist, best-known for his book 'Margaret' (1845) ['The Liberty Bell',abolitionist gift book edited by Maria Weston Chapman (1806-1885)]
Publication details: 
Riverside, Augusta; 28 August 1851.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged paper. The letter (possibly addressed to the book's publisher) reads 'My dear Sir, | It would give me great pleasure to write for the "Liberty Bell," but I dare not at this moment say I could prepare anything in the time you mention. | Yours truly | [signed] S. Judd.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. H. Pardoe') from the novelist Julia Pardoe to 'Mrs. Cooper', describing a 'severe accident' met with by her parents.

Julia Pardoe [J. S. H. Pardoe; Julia Sophia Pardoe] (1804-1862), English novelist and poet, best-known for her accounts of her travels in the Ottoman Empire
Publication details: 
13 Upper Eaton Street, London; 'Wednesday' [no date, but before 1849].

3pp., 16mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She begins: 'I am sure you wil grieve to hear that my dear Parents have met with a severe accident, altho', thank God! we have every cause to hope that there wil be no latent results. They were knocked down by a horse, in attempting to avoid an Omnibus: both are cut on the head, & Mama is much bruised in several places.' 'Quiet and care' will restore them, she trusts. Her mother has asked her to write, as it will be impossible for her parents to keep the dinner engagement with Mrs Cooper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mary H. Catherwood') from the novelist Mary Hartwell Catherwood to her publisher Charles F. Chichester of the Century Company, requesting correction of statement 'according to "White Islander" contract'. With two portraits.

Mary Hartwell Catherwood (1847-1902), American author of historical romances, mostly set in set in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois [Charles F. Chichester, Treasurer of the Century Company, New York]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but answered by Chichester on 1 January [1883].

1p., 12mo. Very good, within thin paper windowpane mount. She writes 'Dear Mr. Chichester:- | I return statement. Please have it corrected according to "White Islander" contract, and send me the check early in February. And I shall be obliged.' Docketed by Chichester 'Ansd. 1. 30' and 'Corrected State. sent | Sent Ck $186.66'.

Corrected Autograph Manuscript of part of Captain Thomas Mayne Reid's 1866 novel 'Afloat in the Forest'.

Captain Thomas Mayne Reid (1818-1883), Irish-American novelist
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated [circa 1866].

1 p, folio. On grey paper. Fair, on aged paper, with slight spotting and chipping to extremities affecting a few words of text. A whole page of the manuscript, numbered '9' and written entirely in Reid's hand, with a few minor emendations by him, from Chapter XXVI, 'Treed by an Alligator'. Begins with the reported speech: '"That would be anything but pleasant - perhaps more so [last word emended from 'unpleasant'] to those who are waiting for us, than to ourselves.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair to Lady Deas, wife of the judge Sir George Deas.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist [Sarah, Lady Deas [born Sarah Outram], wife of Sir George Deas (1804-1887), Lord Deas, Scottish judge]
Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair
Publication details: 
'Thursday' [April 1863]; place not stated.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair

12mo, 1 p. Mourning border. Twelve lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small scrap torn away from top right-hand corner. By that evening's post, they have received 'the sad intelligence that my sister in law, Lady Camilla Sinclair has died at Thurso Castle'. Her brother Sir George Sinclair and his family 'are in great grief', and she is 'under the melancholy necessity of sending an apology' for cancelling 'our engagement to you which we had anticipated with so much pleasure'.

Six Typed Letters Signed, one Autograph Letter Signed, four Typed Notes Signed and one Autograph Note Signed from Compton Mackenzie to the military historian Antony Brett-James. With one letter by Mackenzie's wife, and a collection of press cuttings.

Sir Compton Mackenzie [Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie] (1883-1972), Scottish writer [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), 5th Indian Division Royal Signals, military historian, Sandhurst lecturer]
Publication details: 
Written between 1948 and 1955. Most on Mackenzie's letterhead, 'Denchworth Manor, by Wantage, Berkshire'.

All texts clear and complete. Autograph item with some creasing, otherwise in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Ten items signed 'Compton Mackenzie', and two ''. Eight of the items each one page of landscape 8vo; one 8vo, 1 p; another 12mo, 1 p; the autograph note 4to, 1 p; and the card 16mo, 1 p. The first item (4to, 1 p, in autograph) is dated 22 September 1948. Having met Brett-James he thanks him for sending the proofs of his war memoir 'Report My Signals' (London: Hennel Locke Ltd, 1948): 'I was much impressed by it, and supported it strongly for a Book Society Recommendation.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed Theodore Dreiser, American Novelist [correspondent unknown].

Theodore Dreiser, American Novelist
Part of Autograph Letter Signed Theodore Dreiser,
Publication details: 
No surviving place of date.
Part of Autograph Letter Signed Theodore Dreiser,

Final 4 lines of a letter signed by Dreiser, on paper cut from original, 15 x 9cm, good condition: [proofs?]. And I shall be only too glad to acknowledge in one of the [first?] copies your courtesies.

A Book of Counsels for Girls. Published under the direction of the Tract Committee.

Mary Bell, Victorian novelist, author of 'By Northern Seas' (1897)
A Book of Counsels for Girls.
Publication details: 
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [1888.]
A Book of Counsels for Girls.

12mo, 96 pp, followed by four-page SPCK catalogue (with first page listing works by the Rev. F. Bourdillon). Text clear and complete. In original olive cloth binding, gilt, stained with damp. Damp damage at rear leaving light staining to corners of last few leaves and catalogue, together with heavier damage to rear endpapers. Traces of Library label on front pastedown. Cloth faded, worn and stained. Bell explains in her preface that 'The poor are excellently well provided with all sorts of books of counsel and help.

Autograph Note Signed "B/L/ Farjeon", novelist, to A. Williams of the "Liverpool Mercury".

B.L. Farjeon, novelist
Publication details: 
12 Buckingham St, Strand, London, 12 Feb. 1879.

One page, 12mo, good condition, saying that illness and the consequences of an accident have prevented him responding courteously to the "notice of my Xmas story in Liverpool Mercury".

Autograph Reference Signed for Mr. J. Buzzacott. With his calling card

Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Publication details: 
[headed] 24 Oxford Road, Kilburn, N.W., 19 Feb. 1894.
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer

One page, 12mo, good condition, saying Mr. J. Buzzacott was in my employment in the capacity of compositor (apprentice) at my printing works, 12 Wilson St., Finsbury, for about two years, and during the whole of that time was satisfactory with respect to conduct, work, & punctuality. He is a gentlemanly lad & I can recommend him. With Zangwill's calling card, name and address printed, adding With complements embracing his name.

Autograph Note Signed Byron Webber, novelist, to Edward Draper, solicitor, author, member of Savage Club.

Byron Webber, novelist
Autograph Note Signed Byron Webber, novelist
Publication details: 
3 Ellington Street, Barnsbury N [London], 7 Oct. 1873.
Autograph Note Signed Byron Webber, novelist

One page, 12mo, good condition.He has received an unwelcome letter which prevents him dining with the Drapers, for which he apologises prufusely.

Autograph Letter Signed Henrietta E.V. Stannard, novelist [pseud. John Strange Winter] to indecipherable name about collecting.

H.E.V. Stannard [Mrs Arthur Stannard; pseud. John Strange Winter], novelist
Autograph Letter Signed Henrietta E.V. Stannard, novelist
Publication details: 
Charleville Road, West Kensington, [London], W, 20 [July?] 1903.
Autograph Letter Signed Henrietta E.V. Stannard, novelist

One page, 4to, good condition. She doesn't disapprove of any kind of collecting and is ahppy to send her signature. She adds I collect all sorts of odds & {?] from which she gets much satisfaction. She describes a bangle made up of about 60 sixpences given to her by a celebrity.each with the name of the celebrity on it. She stopped adding to it because it became too heavy/ Her eldest girl collects stamps her second autographs and youngest tea spoons.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist, to "Mr Wright".

Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist
Publication details: 
6 Fitzroy Street, [London] W., no date.
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist

One page, 12mo, edge trimmed with minor loss of text. She is working too hard to find time for "social duties or politenesses" She will be at a certain place the following day. She has a cold "who has not?") abnd asks whether he will be in his "place" the following day.

Autograph Letter Signed "Anne Manning", novelist, to "Mr Warren", illustrator

Anne Manning, novelist
Autograph Letter Signed "Anne Manning", novelist
Publication details: 
Reigate Hill, 18 Sept. 1863
Autograph Letter Signed "Anne Manning", novelist

Three pages, 12mo, good condition. "By all means let the subject be [Insi?] the Gipsy. On after-consideration, I was afraid the other subject would be too crowded. I long to see your study from nature; rememebring your beautiful design of 'Mein Vogel'." She goes on to discuss his son's illness and her brother concern.

Autograph Letter Signed H.F. Lee, miscellaneous writer, to Willis P. Hazard, publisher, about the publication of her works

Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee (1780-1865), American miscellaneous writer
Autograph Letter Signed  H.F. Lee, writer, to Willis P. Hazard, publisher
Publication details: 
Mount Vernon Street 67, Boston, 9 Sept.1859.
Autograph Letter Signed  H.F. Lee, writer, to Willis P. Hazard, publisher

Three pages, 4to, one inch close tears along fold (marks), some marking but text clear and complete, except loss of letters through a hole where the seal was taken off. . . . [It] gives me pleasure that my books have passed into your hands - Though I have not used your references to Publishers here I feel confidence in your arrangements & above all in the sympathy of taste which your letter evinces.

Autograph Subscription only (signature plus a few words), i.e. clipped signature

R.M. Ballantyne, Novelist
R.M. Ballantyne, Novelist, clipped signature
Publication details: 
No place or date
R.M. Ballantyne, Novelist, clipped signature

Dimensions c.7.5 x 2, with small hinges (as with stamps) on both sides (from appearance in album), signature clear on dingy background, "Yours very truly | R. M. Ballantyne [underlined]".

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Lane.') to 'Mr. Howarth'.

'Jane Lane' [pen name of Elaine Kidner Dakers] (1905-1978), English historical novelist
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter
Publication details: 
29 January 1956; on her Hampstead letterhead.
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter

4to, 1 p. Ten lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with some creasing at head. The delay in replying is due to 'a rather severe attack of influenza'. She has no photograph to send ('I have been meaning to have some new ones taken, but never seem to get time'), but is 'so glad that my books give you pleasure, & I hope that I shall be able to continue to entertain you with them'.

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