[Myra Hess [Dame Julia Myra Hess], celebrated British pianist.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining to ‘Miss Scott’ [musicologist Marion Scott] her reason for declining a dinner invitation.

Myra Hess [Dame Julia Myra Hess], celebrated British pianist associated with Sir Thomas Beecham and Arturo Toscanini
Publication details: 
8 June 1928. On letterhead of 8 Carlton Hill, St John’s Wood, N.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and with good clear signature ‘Myra Hess’. She regrets that it will not be possible for her to join Miss Scott for dinner. ‘I shall probably have to work, rehearse all day on Tuesday [corrected by Hess to ‘Wednesday!’] - so shall have to try & get a rest before 8.30 - (& probably have a scrambled egg at the last minute!!’ She ends ‘Forgive this in haste / Again thanking you’.

[Cyril Falls, military historian and journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to military historian Antony Brett-James, regard the possibility of Brett-James writing a chapter ‘on Waterloo in the Great Battles Series I am editing’.

Cyril Falls [Cyril Bentham Falls] (1888-1971), Anglo-Irish military history and journalist [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), military historian]
Publication details: 
16 June 1962. 16 Archery Close, Hyde Park, London W2.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Brett-James’ and signed ‘Cyril Falls’. He is ‘delighted to hear from Brigadier Peter Young’ that Brett-James will, ‘he feels sure, take on Waterloo in the Great Battles Series I am editing’. He explains that the book’s chapters ‘are brief’, and is enclosing an explanatory sheet. Ends: ‘Please, however, let me have your reply at the earliest possible moment.’ The volume ‘Great Military Battles’, edited by Falls, appeared in 1964.

[C. Dudley Langford, chemist and mathematician whose discussion of ‘Langford pairing’ (Langford sequence) is of importance in computing.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Sir Richard [Dundas Hamilton]’, one about his health, the other about a theorem

C. Dudley Langford [Charles Dudley Langford] (1905-1969), chemist and mathematician [Sir Richard Dundas Harington (1900-1981), 13th baronet]
Publication details: 
27 March and 2 October 1945; both from 16 Henrietta Street, Girvan, Ayrshire [Scotland].

Langford trained as an industrial chemist and was a member of Royal Chemical Society. In later life he turned to mathematics, and published thirty articles in the Mathematical Gazette. One of these (‘Problem’) appeared in 1958 and concerned what came to be known as the Langford Sequence. Its significance is discussed by Martin Gardner, in his ‘Mathematical Magic Show’ (1978). Both items aged and creased, with closed tears, but with text complete and legible. Both are addressed to ‘Dear Sir Richard’ and signed ‘C Dudley Langford’. ONE: 3pp, 12mo. On two leaves.

[Dame Margot Fonteyn, prima ballerina.] Autograph Signature to printed programme of a performance by the Sadler’s Wells Ballet at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Dame Margot Fonteyn [stage name of Dame Margaret Evelyn de Arias, née Hookham (1919-1991)], prima ballerina assoluta with the Royal Ballet [previously Sadler’s Wells Ballet], London
Publication details: 
‘Saturday Evening, 22nd November, 1947’. Sadler’s Wells Ballet at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden [London]. ‘Printed by Finden Brown & Co, Ltd., Varndell Street, London N.W.1’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The programme is 8pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor rust to staples. The cover consists of the royal crest printed in red, and the rest in black: ‘ROYAL OPERA HOUSE / COVENT GARDEN’ above the crest, and ‘THE SADLER’S WELLS / BALLET / 1947’ below it. At an angle across the centre of the page, in blue ink, is the large signature ‘Margot Fonteyn’.

[Keith Falkner, English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [the musicologist Marion Scott], the first agreeing to sing at an 'At Home', the second while at work for the RAF.

Keith Falkner [Sir Donald Keith Falkner] (1900-1994), distinguished English bass-baritone, Director of the Royal College of Music, London [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 June 1928, from 60 Mayfield Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. TWO: 18 August 1941, ‘as from R.A.F. Middle Wallop. / Nr. Stockbridge. Hants.’, on cancelled letterhead of the Officers Mess, RAF ‘Woodlands’, Clamp Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex.

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once for postage. Neatly and firmly written. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and signed ‘Keith Falkner’. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. Eleven lines. He will be ‘pleased to sing in the “Peasant Cantata” at the Union “At Home” on June 28th’ and asks to know ‘which version you will be doing as soon as you decide?’ He ends with thanks for her ‘kind sympathy - I do appreciate it very much’. TWO: 2pp, 8vo. Twenty-three lines of text.

[Marjory Kennedy-Fraser, Scottish singer and folk song collector.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Card Signed to ‘Miss Scott’ [Marion Scott], arranging an interview and sending the third volume of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ for review.

Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930), Scottish singer, collector of Hebridean folk songs [her daughter the harpist Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser (1889-1967); Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), musicologist]
Publication details: 
Neither item dated, but both apparently sent together in 1921. ONE: ALS, on letterhead of her ‘Permanent address’ 6 Castle Street, Edinburgh. TWO: ACS without place or date, but on card advertising the vol. 3 of her ‘Songs of the Hebrides’ (1921).

See her entry and the recipient's in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter is lightly creased and the card has a central vertical fold. ONE: ALS. 1p, 12mp. Signed ‘Marjory Kennedy-Fraser’. Once the recipient has ‘got what you want out of the Vol III herewith’, she asks her to ‘kindly return it to Mrs. Matthay at 96, Wimpole St’. TWO: ACS.

[R. J. Burn [Rodney Joseph Burn], English painter.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and one unsigned, to ‘Mr Lawrence’, regarding his work, his studio and ‘Mr Daniel’ [Sir Augustus Moore Daniel], the new Director of the National Gallery.

R. J. Burn [Rodney Joseph Burn] (1899-1984), English painter, Member of the Royal Academy, senior tutor at the Royal College of Art [Sir Augustus Moore Daniel (1866-1950)]
Publication details: 
One dated 10 September 1928, the others without year, but around the same time. All from 2 Hill Way, Highgate N.6. [London]. One also with ‘Studio address / 7 Park Hill studios / Park Hill road / Hampstead’.

After serving in the Great War, Burn (son of Sir Joseph Burn) studied at the Slade between 1918 and 1922, winning six prizes. After teaching in London at the Royal College, and in Boston, he offered his services to the war effort. After the war he went back to the Royal College, as a senior tutor. The four ot the items here are in fair condition, lightly worn and discoloured. Each is folded once for postage. Although only one is dated, the others appear to date from around the same time. ONE (‘Monday’): 1p, 4to. Unsigned.

[Samantha Eggar, Hollywood actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to Kenneth Sephton, arranging a meeting to discuss ‘Whos Who of Hollywood Britons’.

Samantha Eggar [Victoria Louise Samantha Marie Elizabeth Therese Eggar] (b. 1939), British stage and screen actress, active in Hollywood
Publication details: 
22 February [1985]. On letterhead of the Old Vic, London.

Written during the 1984-5 Old Vic production of Arthur Schnitzler’s ‘The Lonely Road’, in which Eggar starred opposite Anthony Hopkin, with a young Colin Firth. 2pp, 12mo. Good bold signature: ‘Sincerely / Samantha Eggar’. Addressed to 'Mr Sephton'. In good condition, lightly aged, folded for postage. She thanks him for his ‘inquiry as to whether I would be able to talk to you about “Whos Who of Hollywood Britons’, and gives the only date that is convenient. ‘The show comes down at 5.15 approx, maybe a call to the theatre to check would be wise’. From the papers of Kenneth Sephton.

[Margaret Leighton, English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Kenneth Sephton for his letter concerning ‘Separate Tables’ and other work.

Margaret Leighton (1922-1976), English actress
Publication details: 
29 March [1956]. St James’s Theatre [London].

Leighton’s entry in the Oxford DNB explains that ‘In 1954 she began a long run (nearly four years in London and New York) as Anne Shankland and Sybil Railton-Bell in the double bill of Terence Rattigan's Separate Tables, co-starring with Eric Portman and winning a Tony award as best actress.’ 2pp, 4to. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Sephton’, with good bold signature, ‘Margaret Leighton.’ In good condition, lightly aged, folded for postage.

[Gwen Watford, English actress.] Autograph Card Signed to [Kenneth] Sephton, standing up for Jeffrey Archer (in a London production of whose ?Beyond Reason Doubt? she is acting).

Gwen Watford (Gwendoline Watford) (1927-1994), English actress on stage, screen and television [Jeffrey Archer]
Publication details: 
8 December 1988. No place.

Watford?s obituaries noted her sensitive acting style, and ranked alongside Peggy Ashcroft. On both sides of a 14.5 x 10 cm card, with no printing but for the name ?GWEN WATFORD? in red at the head of recto. Addressed to ?Dear Mr Sephton? and with good firm signature ?Gwen Watford?. In good condition lightly aged. Twelves lines of neatly written text. She has ?just finished another mid-week matinee?, and is writing thank him for his ?most encouraging letter?, which she will ?treasure?.

[?A bright, particular star?: Evelyn Laye, English actress and singer.] Typed Letter Signed, with some manuscript text, informing Kenneth [Sephton] that she has planted the lucky shamrock he sent her.

Evelyn Laye (1900-1996), English actress and singer, who began her career as one of George Edwardes' 'Gaiety Girls'
Publication details: 
25 November [1969]. From the Palace Theatre, London.

In his entry on Laye in the Oxford DNB, Sheridan Morley describes her as a ?bright, particular star?. 1p, 12mo, on grey-blue paper with monogram of her initials printed at top left. The letter concerns the 1969-70 Palace Theatre production of ?Phil the Fluter?, in which she played Mrs Fitzmaurice. Addressed to ?Dear Kenneth? and with good firm signature ?Evelyn Laye?. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. She thanks him for the letter and ?the lovely Shamrock?, which she has planted ?in a little pot, as it was so very thoughtful of you to sentd it to me for Good Luck?.

[?A bright, particular star?: Evelyn Laye, English actress and singer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Kenneth [Sephton], regarding a broadcast she has given.

Evelyn Laye (1900-1996), English actress and singer, who began her career as one of George Edwardes' 'Gaiety Girls'
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

In his entry on Laye in the Oxford DNB, Sheridan Morley describes her as a ?bright, particular star?. 1p, 16mo.Good firm signature. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. On the otherwise-blank reverse is Laye's monogram, with her initials. Reads: 'My dear Kenneth. / Thank you for your very sweet letter[.] I am so delighted you liked the broadcast[.] It brought back many happy memories to me & when I sat & listened to it all alone I must say I longed for the past. / Bless you. / Evelyn Laye.' From the papers of Kenneth Sephton.

[?Bazaar of Nations?, Ealing Town Hall, London, 1920.] Printed ?Book of the Bazaar?, ?Complete Guide to Bazaar, containing a Detailed Account of the Stalls, Entertainments, Side Shows, also Names of Stall Holders, Helpers, &c.?

?Bazaar of Nations?, Ealing Town Hall, London, 1920
Publication details: 
Town Hall Ealing, 8, 9 and 10 June 1920. Francis A. Percy, Printer, West Ealing.

A nice piece of Ealing ephemera, and scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat or JISC. 48pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey wraps, with heavily-inked cover illustration by Joan Murrell, depicting six figures from various nations (Japanese geisha in the middle), beneath bunting of five flags with Union Flag in centre, and with 'BAZAAR OF NATIONS' at head. Title page reads: ?Book of the Bazaar / held at the / Ealing Town Hall, / Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, / June 8th, 9th, 10th / 1920.

[Jo Grimond, Scottish Liberal Party politician.] Autograph Card Signed acknowledging receipt of twenty pounds from Hanson Books.

Jo Grimond [Joseph Grimond, Baron Grimond] (1913-1993), Scottish Liberal Party politician
Publication details: 
4 August [1978]. ‘Official Paid’ card printed with ‘House of Commons’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse (1925-1980), proprietor of Hansom Books, publishers of several arts magazines. Presumably acknowledging payment for a review in ‘Books and Bookmen’. On plain ‘House of Commons’ postcard. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with crease to one corner going through the final flourish of Grimond’s signature. Reads: ‘4 Aug / Many thanks for cheque for £20 already acknowledged / J Grimond’.

[Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited.] Printed booklet of ‘Rules and Bye-Laws’, with printed ‘Member’s Ticket, 1929’ made out to H. H. Rose and signed and dated by Bailey.

Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited, T. L. Bailey, Secretary [H. H. Rose; Staffordshire; the Potteries]
Publication details: 
Booklet printed: ‘BURSLEM / Warwick Savage, Printer and Lithographer, Wedgwood Place. / 1920’. Ticket dated by Bailey to 9 January 1929.

Two nice pieces of Potteries ephemera. No other copies have been traced. ONE: Booklet. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. 36pp, 12mo, stitched into red wraps with title repeated on cover in black. Slips with printed emendations have been laid down over text on pp.8, 9 and 32 (the last slip, carrying rule 84, ‘Hours for Consumption’, is amended in manuscript). Eighty-four rules on the first 32pp, with fifteen bye-laws on pp.33-34. TWO: ‘MEMBERS TICKET, 1929.’ A nice item on card, roughly 7 x 9 cm, with central horizontal crease folding it down to 4 1/2 x 7 cm.

[Douglas Cooper, English art critic, friend of Picasso and champion of cubism.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Art and Artists’, covering a number of subjects, personal and political.

Douglas Cooper (1911-1984), English art critic, friend of Picasso, lover of Sir John Richardson, with whom he created a gallery of cubist art at the Chateau de Castille [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
12 June [1979]. On letterhead of the Chateau de Castille, 30 Argilliers, T 10 Vers (par Nimes).

See the entries for Cooper (born Arthur William Douglas Cooper) and Richardson in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of the recipient, Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Art and Artists and Books and Bookmen. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 2pp, 8vo, on a single leaf of air mail paper. Forty-six lines of text. Somewhat worn and creased, but in fair condition overall.

[Sir Malcolm Sargent, composer and conductor.] Large sprawling stylized Autograph Signature in blue pencil on front of printed programme for a Royal Albert Hall performance of Berlioz’s ‘Grande Messe des Morts’.

Sir Malcolm Sargent [Sir Harold Malcolm Watts Sargent] (1895-1967), composer, organist and conductor of choral works, especially at the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (‘The Proms’)
Publication details: 
Programme for performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 8 April 1954. ‘Published by The British Broadcasting Corporation, 35 Marylebone High Street, London, W.1.’

Stapled pamphlet. 20pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Sargent’s unusual bold stylized signature, in blue pencil, almost occupies a 5 cm square. All but the top centimeter which touches the printed date at points, is written on blank space on the cover. See image.

[Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey], judge, Labour politician whose committee drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘[A.G.L.] Rogers’, regarding a 'hostel' and the Bishop of St David's.

Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey (1866-1948)], High Court judge, Labour politician who chaired the committee that drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man [A.G.L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
1 January 1926. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. A little grubby, but in fair condition, folded once. Good clear signature. Reads: ‘The 1st. of January 1926. / My dear Rogers, / Many thanks for your letter and information re the hostel. I have already brought it before The Bishop of St. David’s and hope that something may result. / With kind regards and best wishes.

[‘W. G. Hooper [William George Hooper], Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dear Fellow Pilgrim’, describing his plan of a course of lessons on the relations of soul and body.

‘W. G. Hooper [William George Hooper], Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’, Hampshire author of works on spiritualism, the universe, ether and angels
Publication details: 
On his letterhead (‘‘W. G. Hooper, Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’), Cranemoor, Highcliffe-on-sea, Hants, England.

Hooper’s various titles, published between 1903 and 1941, are remarkably well represented on JISC, with holdings from the Warburg Institute to the University of Strathclyde. A precious artefact from a spiritual leader. 1p, 4to. On brittle and lightly-creased paper, aged and discoloured, with closed tears and slight loss at one corner and repair with archival tape. The handwriting is hurried and hard to decipher.

[Dannie Abse, Welsh poet.] Autograph Letter Signed thanking Derek Stanford for a review.

Dannie Abse [Daniel Abse] (1923-2014), Welsh poet of Jewish extraction, brother of politician Leo Abse and psychologist Wilfrid Abse [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), critic and poet]
Publication details: 
‘85, Hodford Road, / London N.W.11 / Oct 74’.

See his entry, and that of his brother Leo, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, landscape 12mo. The top half of a small 4to leaf of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient’s name is not well written, but he is the critic Derek Stanford (1918-2008), who also has an entry in the Oxford DNB. Reads: ‘Dear Derek, / Thanks for send me a copy of your review. And thanks too for writing it! It is as generous as I would expect you to be. I do hope we may meet up somewhere soon. Our brief meetings over the years are punctuated - as far as I’m concerned - by intervals much too long.

[‘No-one under 80 probably likes my books & they will all die out’.] Autograph Letter Signed by novelist Winifred Peck, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox, sending Adam Dickson an autograph.

Winifred Peck [née Knox] (1882-1962), prolific novelist and biographer, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox
Publication details: 
8 March [1950]; on embossed letterhead of 19 George Square, Edinburgh 8.

See the entries of members of her extraordinary family in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and accompanied by envelope with stamps and 1950 Edinburgh postmark, addressed by her to ‘Adam Dickson Esq. Junior / 28 Comely Bank Grove | Edinburgh’. Signed ‘Winifred Peck’. Responding to an autograph hunter, she writes: ‘Dear Sir, / How kind of you to like to [sic] my books & to say so.

[Sir Michael Redgrave, distinguished English actor.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Christopher’ [the playwright Christopher Fry], belatedly congratulating him on the success of his play 'The Lark'.

Sir Michael Redgrave [Sir Michael Scudamore] (1908-1985), English actor and head of theatrical family dynasty Christopher Fry [born Arthur Hammond Harris] (1907-2005), English playwright]
Publication details: 
16 June 1955; on his letterhead.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition. 11.5 x 9 cm card, without illustration. Printed in red at head: ‘MICHAEL REDGRAVE.’ The message concerns the London production of Fry’s ‘The Lark’ (a translation of Anouilh’s ‘L’Alouette’), which opened at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, on 11 May 1955. Redgrave would star in Fry’s next play, ‘Tiger at the Gates’ (a translation of Giraudoux’s ‘La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu’), which premiered in New York on 3 October 1955.

[Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler], the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed declining an invitation ‘to lecture on some Aspect of Renaissance Sculpture’.

Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler] (1892-1974), the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy, 1956 to1966
Publication details: 
10 January [1961?]; on his letterhead, 2A Cathcard Road, South Kensington, SW10 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The year of the letter looks more like ‘1901’ than ‘1961’, but the letterhead names the writer as ‘Charles Wheeler, C.B.E., R.A.’ Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Charles Wheeler’. Having received two letters from the unnamed recipient, he explains that the first ‘got mixed with some papers sent to my Accountant and therefore was not answered’. He apologises for ‘the consequent neglect’.

[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist; his wife the poet Sylvia Lynd.] Autograph Letter Signed from SL to Clement Shorter on the birth of his daugher; and signed autograph letter of condolence from RL to Shorter's widow on his death.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd], Irish journalist and essayist; his wife the poet Sylvia Lynd [Clement Shorter [Clement King Shorter], journalist; his second wife, born Annie Doris Banfield]
Publication details: 
SL to CS: 18 January 1922; on letterhead of The Stone House, Steyning, Sussex. RL to 'Mrs. Shorter: 21 November 1926; on letterhead of 5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, NW3.

See the entries on Robert and Sylvia Lynd, and Clement Shorter, in the Oxford DNB. (Shorter’s first wife, the Irish nationalist poet Dora Mary Shorter (née Sigerson), had died in 1918.) Both items are in good condition, lightly aged. Both 1p, 12mo, and each folded once for postage. ONE: SL to CS, 18 January 1922. Signed 'Sylvia Lynd'. Begins: 'My dear Clement, I hear that you have a little daughter. Many many congratulations & good wishes. It is very nice to know that you are so happy.' She turns to her own family: ‘We are all well down here & very busy. Sheila & B. J.

[Ben Purse [Benjamin Ormond Purse], trade unionist and campaigner for the rights of blind people.] Typed Letter with cyclostyled signature, to Carmichael Thomas, describing his ‘interests’ while asking for help in joining the Royal Society of Arts.

Ben Purse [Benjamin Ormond Purse] (1874-1950), British trade unionist, social worker and campaigner with the National Institute for the Blind [Carmichael Thomas; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
21 April 1921; on letterhead of the National Institute for the Blind, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and with two creases from folding for postage. Addressed to ‘Carmichael Thomas, Esq., / Mount Cottage, / Borough Green, / Kent.’ Cyclostyled signature of ‘Ben Purser.’ Begins: ‘For some time I have been desirous of becoming a member of the Royal Society of Arts. Mentioning this matter to your daughter a few days ago, Miss Thomas thought that if I wrote you in this connection you might possibly be able to arrange this matter for me.

[Berta Ruck, popular writer of romantic fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, asking for advice and praising his later book, with observations on reminiscence.

Berta Ruck [Amy Roberta Ruck, Mrs. Oliver Onions] (1878-1978), prolific writer of romantic fiction, born in India of Welsh extraction [W. Macqueen-Pope [‘Popie’] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
2 June 1950; Pomona, Aberdovey, Merioneth.

See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and slightly creased at extremities. Addressed to ‘My Dear Mr. MacQueen Pope’ and signed (in block capitals) ‘BERTA RUCK’.

[Lady Hosie [Dorothea Hosie], amateur film maker and writer on China.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Dorothy [sic] Hosie’) to ‘Mr. Burdett’, describing reviews she is writing and the critical response to her ‘Portrait of a Chinese Lady’.

Lady Hosie [Dorothea Hosie, née Soothill] (1885-1959), amateur film maker and writer on China, wife of the diplomat and explorer Sir Alexander Hosie (1853-1925)
Publication details: 
11 December 1929. 4 Bradmore Road, Oxford.

For information about the Lady Hosie and her husband see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and with a minor closed tear to edge of fold at head of leaf. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Burdett’ and signed ‘Dorothy [sic] Hosie’. Forty-one lines of closely-written text. The letter concerns a review she has written for a periodical whose title is difficult to decipher (‘The L[?]’). She was ‘going to type out a fair copy’, but thinks Burdett ‘may like it at once’. If he feels ‘portions of it unsuitable’, he ‘can then delete’. ‘Mr.

[Miron Grindea, editor of the literary magazine ‘Adam’.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding the rudeness (‘to the point of sheer impertinence’) of a member of his staff, and the ‘exchange of ads’.

Miron Grindea [formerly Mondi-Miron Grimberg] (1909-1995), editor of the literary magazine ‘Adam’ [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
1 May 1974; 1 Palmeira Square, Brighton.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present item is 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Miron Grindea’.

[Lord Kinross, Scottish historian of Islam and biographer of Kemal Ataturk.] Eight Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Card Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding reviewing by him and others.

Lord Kinross [John Patrick Douglas Balfour, 3rd Baron Kinross] (1904-1976), Scottish historian of Islam and biographer of Kemal Ataturk [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
The nine items between 3 December 1973 and 26 September 1975. All nine with letterhead of Lord Kinross, 4 Warwick Avenue, London W2.

Puzzlingly, considering his prominence in his field, Kinross is denied an entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. Each letter is 1p, landscape 12mo. One of the nine items has creasing to one edge, otherwise the collection is in good condition, with light age and wear.

[Doris Langley Moore, fashion historian and Byron scholar.] Typed Letter Signed, three Typed Cards Signed and Typed Note to Philip Dosse, publisher of Books and Bookmen, discussing Byron's family, reviews, and a 'personal disclosure'.

Doris Langley Moore [n?e Doris Elizabeth Langley Levy] (1902-1989), fashion historian and founder of the Fashion Museum at Bath, authority on Lord Byron [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher]
Publication details: 
1976 and 1977. All items with her printed address 5 Prince Albert Road, London NW1.

An interesting range of content. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ?Death of a Bookman? by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ?Books and Bookmen? at the time of Dosse?s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The letter, with her printed letterhead, is somewhat worn and creased, the other four items are in good condition. Three items (including the letter) signed ?Doris Moore? and one ?DLM?.

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