[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and lover of Ramsay MacDonald; book] Presentation inscription on copy of her 'The Double House and other poems'.

Margaret Sackville [Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), poet and children's author, first President of the Poetry Society, lover of Labour prime minister Ramsay MacDonald]
Publication details: 
1935. Williams & Norgate Ltd, London. [The Whitefriars Press Ltd, London and Tonbridge.]

32pp., 12mo. In blue-green card wraps with light blue-green printed label on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged. Florid ownership inscription in thick black ink at front: 'Margaret (Sackville) | to | Henrietta | with love | 1936.' A question mark has been deleted in one poem, presumably by Sackville. Twenty-four poems in the Georgian idiom, some of which had previously appeared in Country Life, Chamber's Journal, Observer, Harper's Bazaar abd the Glasgow Herald. Now uncommon. Six copies on COPAC.

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and lover of Ramsay MacDonald; book] Tree Music.

Margaret Sackville [Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), poet and children's author, first President of the Poetry Society, lover of Labour prime minister Ramsay MacDonald]
Publication details: 
1947. Williams & Norgate Ltd, Great Russell Street, London. [The Whitefriars Press Ltd, London and Tonbridge.]

28pp., 12mo. In printed blue-green card wraps. Shaken and aged, in worn wraps. Eleven poems in the Georgian idiom, eight of which, according to a note by the author, had previously been published by 'Messrs. Lewis' in 'The Lyrical Woodland'. From Sackville's own papers, and including some pencil markings, presumably by her, including the emendation of 'blank' for 'dank' and 'the' for 'that'. Now uncommon. Six copies on COPAC.

[Sidney Dark, journalist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sidney Dark') to Collin Brooks, editor of 'Truth', regarding an article he was asked to write at a 'very alcoholic Savage lunch'. With copy of Brooks's waggish response.

Sidney Dark [Sidney Ernest Dark] (1874-1947), journalist, critic and voluminous author, editor of the Church Times [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lane End Cottage, Sonning, Berkshire. 4 May [1947].

ONE: ALS from Dark to Brooks. The handwriting is quite atrocious, and the present transcription is at points tentative. Dark begins by recalling that at 'the delightful & very alcoholic Savage lunch' (i.e. lunch at the Savage Club), Brooks 'suggested that I should write an article for Truth. Perhaps because of the super-abundant alcoholic I have clean forgotten what the article was to he about. If you haven't & still want it, I might be able to write it.' The penultimate sentence is, to this cataloguer at least, indecipherable, apart from the words 'of course in a public sense'.

[John Christie, founder of the Glyndebourne Festival.] Autograph Letter Signed I'John Christie.')

John Christie (1882-1962), founder in 1934 of the Glyndebourne Opera House and the Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Lewes, Sussex
Publication details: 
On letterhead, Glyndebourne, Lewes [Sussex]. 22 March 1956.

1p., 12mo. In envelope addressed to Giles at Moulsecoombe, Brighton. In good condition, lightly aged. He has looked for Giles's letter 'but cannot – yet – find it. Sorry. I vaguely remember it.' He will find Giles '2 tickets for a Dress Rehearsal if you will let me know which one.' Options of six operas, on six different days are listed, including Figaro and Giovanni.

[Nina Bawden, novelist and children's writer.] Autograph Signed Inscription on card.

Nina Bawden (1925-2012), English novelist and children's writer
Publication details: 
Card with her letterhead, 22 Noel Road, London N1 8HA. No date.

On one side of 10.5 x 14.5 cm grey-blue card. In very good condition. Inscription in blue ink, beneath the letterhead (which includes email address and phone number): 'This is for the Autograph Auction next March. | Good luck, | Nina Bawden'.

[Sir Harold Harmsworth, editor of 'The Field', to journalist Collin Brooks.] Typed Letter Signed ('Harold Harmsworth.') to Brooks, regarding his 'accurate picture of Rothermere' and 'that photograph of Northcliffe with Cecil Rhodes'.

Sir Harold Harmsworth (1897-1952), editor of the Field, member of a leading Fleet Street family including Viscount Rothermere
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 8 Stratton Street, W.1. [London] 8 April 1948.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with two punch-holes in margin. He has been reading Brooks's book ('Devil's Decade: Portraits of the Nineteen-Thirties') 'during a few days' holiday in Norfolk', and finds it 'excellent': Brooks has 'drawn a very accurate picture of Rothermere'. He proposes a time for them to 'meet again and have lunch'. He wonders whether Brooks 'ever came across that photograph of Northcliffe with Cecil Rhodes which I remember you mentioned you thought you had somewhere or other', asks for a sight of it.

[Leonard Rosoman, artist: not 'a neurotic nut after all'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leonard') to 'My dear Hugh', regarding his recent 'weird' health.

Leonard Rosoman (1913-2012), artist who taught David Hockney at the Royal College of Art
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Pembroke Studios, Pembroke Gardens, London, W.8. 3 October 1967.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Closely written in red ink. He begins by thanking him for being 'awfully sweet & kind' in writing, before going on to deal with the state of his health, it having been 'a difficult time, especially as I became so ill – but at the moment things aren't too bad'. The results of 'all the horrible tests' in hospital have 'come out first class', and the 'weird symtoms [sic] have now been proved to have been caused by yet another of those unknown viruses which first of all attacked my guts & then my brain'.

[ Will Owen, illustrator of W. W. Jacobs. ] Two unpublished autograph volumes by Owen, the first and last of a three-volume work described by him as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'.

Will Owen (1859-1957), English book illustrator associated with W. W. Jacobs, cartoonist, caricaturist and commercial artist making posters for London Underground, creator of the 'Bisto Kids'
Publication details: 
'A Corner of Kent | by Will Owen | Flat 90. Charterhouse Square | E.C.1 [ London ]'. Undated [ late 1940s? ].

The two volumes constitute the first and last volumes (the middle volume is missing) of a three-volume work described by its author as 'a more or less humorous account of a ramble round the Kentish Coast by two men'. This unpublished work constitutes a topographical and social narrative, written by the well-known artist and illustrator when in his eighties. Stylistically indebted to Jerome K.

[ Margaret Lane, English novelist and biographer: 'it really was a thrilling adventure'. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Margaret Lane') to 'Miss Cond' [ Eileen M. Cond ], on the writing of 'A Calabash of Diamonds'.

Margaret Lane [ Margaret Winifred Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon ] (1907-1994), British novelist, journalist and biographer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Westmead House, Roehampton, SW15 [ London ].11 July 1961.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. She is returning Cond's bookplate, which she has signed with great pleasure, and is very glad Cond has enjoyed 'A Calabash of Diamonds', which 'really was a thrilling adventure and I don't suppose we shall ever experience anything quite so exciting again'. The book was subtitled 'An African Treasure Hunt', and involved the search for a Zulu chief's burial place. Apparently 'Eileen Cond was a book collector who sent out her bookplate to her favorite authors, many of whom signed and returned them to her.'

[ Agnes Maude Royden [ Maude Royden-Shaw ], preacher and suffragist. ] Autograph Signature ('A. Maude Royden.') to printed circular, thanking recipients for their 'share of the Car' which she has been given to undertake her work since her 'lameness'.

Agnes Maude Royden [ later Maude Royden-Shaw ] (1876-1956), preacher and suffragist
Publication details: 
Circular addressed from 16 Rosslyn Hill, London, N.W.3. [27] May 1920.

1p., 12mo. Stained and on aged paper. Reads: 'THANK you most gratefully for your share of the Car, which is already in use, and saving me more than I can say. It is not too much to say that it halves my fatigue and makes my work a happiness instead of a burden. I do not like driving in a car while others go in 'buses, but since my lameness really hampers me, I console myself with the delightful thought that it has been given me by those who work in the same causes and towards the same end that I do, and that I shall work the better for their kindness.'

[ Taylor Caldwell, Anglo-American novelist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Taylor Caldwell') to 'Eileen M. Cond' [ i.e. Eileen M. Cond ],

Taylor Caldwell [ Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell ] (1900-1985), Anglo-American novelist
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, 34 Audley End, Buffalo 26, New York. 16 April 1962.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. She apologises for the late reply to her 'nice letter', and has 'autographed the bookplate as you requested'. She ends with the question: 'Have you read my latest book, "A Prologue to Love"?' Note: Eileen Cond was an autograph collector who used to send her bookplate for sigining to significant contemporaries.

[ Gracie Fields, movie star, singer and music hall comedian. ] Autograph Signature.

Gracie Fields (1898-1979), English movie star, singer and music hall comedian
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of 7 x 10 cm piece of pink paper cut from an autograph album. In fair condition, lightly aged. In a bold, large hand, simply reads: 'Gracie Fields'.

[ Doris Leslie, bestseslling British novelist and historical biographer. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Doris Leslie.') to 'Miss Cond, (the ever faithful!)' [ Eileen M. Cond ], describing her husband's operation and convalescence, and a planned move

Doris Leslie [ née Doris Oppenheim, later Lady Fergusson Hannay ] (1891-1982), bestselling British novelist and historical biographer
Publication details: 
On her letterhead as Lady Fergusson Hannay, Colesgrove Lodge, Goff's Oak, Nr. Cheshunt, Hertfordshire (with 'South Lodge' added in autograph). 28 July 1960.

Written in blue ink and covering both sides of the card, which does not carry an address. After informing her that she is returning her bookmark with her signature she continues: 'I have been through an awful time which has killed all interest in the great success my “Perfect Wife” seems to be having. My husband has had an operation for a lobectomy (removal of part of his lung[)], which, thank God, has been successful. And all this, (for the last 3 months) while we were in the middle of a move!' She states that they have 'sold the Manor, & are living pro tem in one of our lodges.

[ Beatrice Coogan, Irish novelist and socialite. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Cond' [ Eileen M. Cond' ], regarding her 'tribute' to her book [ 'The Big Wind' ], her brother in Australia, and Monkstown.

Beatrice Coogan (born Beatrice Tole), Irish novelist and socialite, mother of the historian Tim Pat Coogan [ Tudor Hall, Monkstown, County Dublin, Ireland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Tudor Hall, The Hill, Monkstown, County Dublin, Ireland. ] 15 January 1970.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. She thanks her for her 'tribute to my book', adding: 'Fancy you thinking that I lived in Australia! My brother to whom I gave a dedication lives there. I never get further than Monkstown which is part of Dunlaoghaire.' She ends by observing that Cond's letter 'seems to have been a long time travelling'. Beatrice Coogan was the daughter of a policeman, a Dublin socialite who was crowned Dublin's Civic Queen of Beauty in 1927. She was the author of 'The Big Wind', won the Frankfurt Book Fair’s 'Novel of the Year' in 1969.

[ 'Anya Seton', pen name of Ann Seton Chase, American author of historical romances. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Anya Seton | (Mrs. Hamilton Chase)') to 'Miss Cond' [ Eileen M. Cond ]. giving plans for a trip to England, to visit her father's family.

'Anya Seton', pen name of Ann Seton Chase (1904-1990), bestselling American author of historical romances
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Old Greenwich, Connecticut. 14 July 1958

2pp., 8vo. 2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. She begins, after stating that she is returning her bookplate (which she has signed), with details of a forthcoming visit to England, involving a drive 'up North to my father's birthplace', where she will 'stay in Northumberland a fortnight at least, and investigate some of the masses of cousins I have there'. Later she may 'be down your way' (Devon): 'Do you still run the Deer Park?

[ Yehudi Menuhin, celebrated violinist. ] Autograph Signature on photographic portrait.

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), American-born British violinist and conductor
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 6 November 1939.

On 15 x 11 cm photographic portrait of Menuhin, neatly cut from an English newspaper. In good condition, lightly aged, with label from mount adhering to reverse. Menuhin has appended his signature and the date ('Yehudi | Menuhin | Nov. 6, 1939') in blue ink at the head of a pleasing portrait of his head, looking over at the viewer with the tip ov his violin at his chin.

[ Julius Harrison, English composer, inscribes a work to Sir Courtenay Mansel. ] Copy of the printed sheet music of 'To Chloe | Song for Voice and Pianoforte | Poem by Thomas Moore | Music by Julius Harrison'.

Julius Harrison [ Julius Allan Greenway Harrison ] (1885-1963), English composer [ Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Irish poet ]
Publication details: 
Printed score published by Enoch & Sons (in 'The Enoch Art Song Library'), London. Dated 'June 1920' Harrison's autograph inscription dated 26 October 1920.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Aged and creased, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Engraved title-page states that the work is 'Copyright 2/- net | No. 1 Low Voice | No. 2 Medium Voice'. Inscribed at top left-hand corner of title-page: 'To my friend Sir Courtenay Mansel with kindest regards from | Julius Harrison | Oct. 26th. 1920'. Moore's poem is printed on the reverse of the first leaf, and facing it, on the recto of the second leaf, is the score. On the reverse of the second leaf is a 'Revised List' of 'The Enoch Art Song Library', with the date of issue ('June, 1920.') at bottom left.

[ Carl Dolmetsch, classical musician, leading figure in the revival of the recorder, and Director of the Haslemere Festival. ] Autograph Signature ('Carl Dolmetsch') on part of typed letter.

Carl Dolmetsch [ Carl Frederic Dolmetsch ] (1911-1997), classical musician, leading figure in the twentieth-century revival of the recorder, for 56 years Director of the Haslemere Festival
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Signature on an irregular piece of paper torn from the bottom right-hand corner of a leaf. The valediction to a typed letter. Reads: '[...] gards from us all. | [...] ncerely, | Carl Dolmetsch'.

[ Ex-Officers Book Union, London. ] Printed book catalogue ('Part I'): 'A Collection of Choice & Charming Books of the 17th 18ty & 19th Centuries & a few Modern Authors offered for sale by the Ex-Officers Book Union'.

[ Major George William Redway (1859-1934), soldier and military historian, trading as bookseller under the name ] 'Ex-Officers Book Union', Ealing, London
Publication details: 
London: 16 Rathgar Avenue, West Ealing. [ The Westminster Press, London W. ]

The 'Ex-Officers' Book Union' (the apostrophe was omitted in later years) was an obscure business. The firm was certainly active between 1919 and 1936, mostly from 16 Rathgar Avenue, West Ealing. In the early 1930s its address was given as '87 Bishop's Mansions, S.W.6', which was also Redway's residence. It seems likely that the business was a joint-venture between Redway and at least one other former army officer. The present item is 40pp., small 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, on worn and creased wraps.

[ 'Toti Dal Monte' [ Antonietta Meneghel ], celebrated Italian operatic soprano. ] Autograph signature.

'Toti Dal Monte' [ stage name of Antonietta Meneghel ] (1893-1975), celebrated Italian operatic soprano, a noted Cio-cio-san in Puccini's Madame Butterfly
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 1956.

On 13.5 x 18 cm leaf of cream paper, torn from an autograph album. Good firm signature, rising upwards, and reding 'Toti Dal Monte | 1956'. Nothing else written on either side of the leaf.

[Printed booklet by K. M. Briggs.] Stories Arranged for Mime | By K. M. Briggs | Number 2 | Whuppity Stoorie'

K. M. Briggs [Katharine Mary Briggs] (1898-1980), English folklorist, author of the Dictionary of English Folk-Tales [Capricornus press, Dunkeld, Perthshire]
Publication details: 
Made and printed in Great Britain by Capricornus, Dunkeld, Perthshire. [No date.]

[16]pp., 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps with illustration on cover. In very good condition, very lightly-aged with slight rusting to the two staples. The thirteen Capricornus items on COPAC indicate that the press was connected with K. M. Briggs, or at least with her family, who had moved to Perthshire with their father in 1911. Uncommon. Copac lists sets of the three volumes in the series at the British Library, National Library of Scotland and Oxford, and a single copy of this number at the National Library of Wales.

[Printed booklet by Elspeth Briggs, sister of the folklorist K. M. Briggs.] The Constant Gardener | A Play in One Act | By Elspeth Briggs'.

Elspeth Briggs, sister of the folklorist K. M. Briggs [Katharine Mary Briggs] [Capricornus press, Dunkeld, Perthshire]
Publication details: 
Capricornus, Dunkeld, Perthshire. No date.

36pp., 12mo. In cream printed wraps with illustration on the front cover. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper with slight spotting to covers. The thirteen Capricornus items on COPAC indicate that the press was connected with K. M. Briggs, or at least with her family, who had moved to Perthshire with their father in 1911. Uncommon. Copies on COPAC at the British Library, National Library of Scotland, Oxford and Trinity College Dublin.

[ Graham Greene, major English novelist. ] Autograph Signature ('Graham Greene') to typed valediction to letter to 'The Lord Iddesleigh'.

Graham Greene (1904-1991), major English novelist
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On 6.5 x 12 cm slip of thin laid paper, cut from the end of a typed letter. Signature in blue ink. In fair condition, lightly aged, with tissue labels from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads: '[...] | Yours sincerely, | [Graham Greene] | Graham Greene. | The Lord Iddesleigh, | Pynes, | Exeter.'

[ Dame Edith Sitwell, poet. ] Autograph Signature ('Edith Sitwell') on valediction to a letter, a fragment of which is on the reverse.

Edith Sitwell [ Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell ] (1887-1964), English poet and literary critic, with her brothers Sacheverell and Osbert one of 'the Sitwells'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 8 x 12.5 cm piece of paper, torn from the end of a letter. In fair condition, aged and lightly spotted. On one side of the slip is the conclusion of the letter: '[...] | Yours very sincerely | Edith Sitwell'. On the other side is the following autograph fragment: '[...] kind of you to invite me to your lumcheon party on Tuesday, and I am looking forward to it so much. I have not seen you for [...]'.

[ Printed booklet. ] The Idea of a British Book Trade Association. An Address given to The Society of Bookmen by Basil Blackwell.

Basil Blackwell [ Sir Basil Blackwell (1889-1984), Oxford bookseller and publisher ] [ The Society of Bookmen, London ]
Publication details: 
The Society of Bookmen, 3 Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. June 1937. [ Unwin Brothers Limited, London and Woking, Printers. ]

12pp., 8vo. Stapled into light-brown printed wraps, with title in dark-brown on white label on front wrap. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Blackwell's address is on pp.3-10; p.11 carries a 'List of Members 30th June 1937', in two columns, including R. Cobden-Sanderson, Geoffrey Faber, Rupert Hart-Davis, Harold Macmillan, Stanley Unwin and Sir Hugh Walpole. The final page carries details of the Society's officers, committee, secretary and offices. Blackwell begins his address: 'I have nothing new or strange to propose to-night.

[ Anthony Wedgwood Benn, Labour politician: 'You shouldn't believe the rubbish you read in the press'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tony Benn') to 'Mrs Kingham', describing his 'life-style' and family.

Tony Benn [ Anthony Wedgwood Benn, quondam Viscount Stansgate ] (1925-2014), Labour politician
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead. 16 November 1979.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Obtrusive stamp at head giving the date of receipt as 28 November 1979, with this date queried in ink. Benn's signature underlined by the recipient in thin red ink. Reads: 'Dear Mrs Kingham: | Forgive the delay. | My life-style is that of a very hard-working M.P. with a wife who teaches & writes & 4 children educated at comprehensive schools. | You shouldn't believe the rubbish you read in the press.'

[ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter, President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ] Corrected Typescript of a paper titled: 'The Organisation and Functions of British Chambers of Commerce', with separate section titled 'Joint Chambers of Commerce'.

Sir Eric A. Carpenter [ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter ] (1896-1973), President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, banker and industrialist [ Association of British Chambers of Commerce ]
Publication details: 
[ Manchester (for the Association of British Chambers of Commerce?), 1950s. ]

Totalling 17pp., foolscap 8vo. The main paper, 'The Organisation and Functions of British Chambers of Commerce', 14pp; the supplementary paper (separately paginated), titled 'Joint Chambers of Commerce', 3pp. Separating the two papers is a leaf carrying a faded duplicated image of a plan copied from The Chambers of Commerce Manual 1954-5'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusty staple and paperclip, and slight creasing to the last three leaves of the main paper. Minor pencil emendations throughout the main paper by Carpenter.

[ The London College of Educational Dance Training (later the London College of Dance). ] Printed prospectus from 1946, with one letter from the principal Grace Cone, and four from vice-principal Anita Heyworth, to Phrosso Pfister.

[ The London College of Dance [ The London College of Educational Dance Training ]; Grace Cone; Anita Heyworth; Phrosso Pfister (1922-2013) ]
Publication details: 
The London College of Educational Dance Training, The Lodge [ Rawdon Hall ], Holyport, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. 1944, 1945 and 1946.

The London College of Educational Dance Training opened at Rawdon Hall in 1944, merged with Middlesex University in 1994, and shut in 2003. Grace Cone, the first principal, retired in 1966, and was replaced by her vice-principal Anita Heyworth. Heyworth retired in 1973 and was replaced by Phrosso Pfister. Pfister had become a student at the college in 1945, following war service with the SOE in Egypt and Italy, and had become a staff member in 1949. The present collection of five items is from Pfister's papers.

[ Rosamund Lehmann ] Autograph Letter Signed "Rosamund Lehmann" to a "Miss Murray"

Rosamond Lehmann (1901-1990), British novelist, associated with the Bloomsbury Group
Publication details: 
[Headed] Llanstephan House, Llyswen, Brecon, 13 August 1939.

Three pages, 12mo, good condition."Mrs Lynd's [ Sylvia Lynd, author ] letter about the Femina Committee followed me here where I am spending a few days. The onlky objection I can see to inserting the word 'formerly' before F.V.H. [Femina - Vie Heureuse ] is that the title of the Prize Committee would be even more unwieldy than it already is!- but of course I am in favour of trying to settle the difference between the two French committees, and hope Mrs Lynd will write the letter she suggests in her letter. I must admit that I didn't realize there were two [underlined] French committees."

[ Albert Howe Lybyer, presentation copy of offprint. ] Constantinople as Capital of the Ottoman Empire.

Albert Howe Lybyer, Professor of History in the University of Illinois [ Rev. Robert Frew ]
Publication details: 
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1919. [ 'Reprinted from the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1916, Volum I, pages 371-388.' ]

[4] + [18 pages paginated 371-388], 8vo. Stitched, in grey printed wraps. Aged and worn, with some light damp staining. Faded ink inscription at head of front cover: 'Rev. Robert Frew | with compliments | Alb. Lybyer'. Scarce.

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