[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] John Adams. A Lecture in his Memory. Being the Second John Adams Lecture given in the Institute.

Sir Michael Sadler, K.C.S.I., C.B., Litt.D., LL.D., Master of University College, Oxford [University of London Institute of Education; John Adams Lecture]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1935.

18 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Seven copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Education and Revolution in Spain. Being three Joseph Payne Lectures for 1936 delivered in the Institute.

José Castillejo, Professor in the Faculty of Law in the University of Madrid [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1937.

26 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into fourteen sections, beginning with 'The Weakness of Spanish Education', and ending with 'The Reform of State Education', 'Dictatorship and Resistance', 'The Republic' and 'The Revolution'. Nine copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Thomas George Tibbey. A Lecture in his Memory. Being the First Tibbey Memorial Lecture given in the Institute.

P. B. Ballard, M.A., D.Litt., Formerly Divisional Inspector under the London County Council [University of London Institute of Education; Thomas George Tibbey Lecture]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Insitute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1936.

19 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Seven copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Education and U.N.E.S.C.O. Being a Lecture deliverd in the Institute.

Professor Howard E. Wilson, Deputy Executive Secretary of U.N.E.S.C.O., Formerly Professor of Education in the University of Harvard [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] London, New York, Toronto: Published for The Institute of Education by Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press. 1946.

19 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Nine copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Quebec and South Africa. A Study in Cultural Adjustment. A Lecture given in the Institute.

F. Clarke, M.A., Professor of Education in McGill University, Montreal [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1934.

29 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Eight copies on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] Association of Technical Institutions. Paper read at the Annual General Meeting Friday, 26th February, and Saturday, 27th February, 1937 on "Salesmanship".

F. Hickinbotham, J.P. (Birmingham Central Technical College and the City of Birmingham Commercial College)
Publication details: 
[Echo Press, Ltd., Loughborough.] [1937.]

6pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with shelfmarks, stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Printed voting slip (1p., 12mo, creased) of the 'Association of Technical Institutions. Election of Council, 1937.' loosely inserted. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on OCLC WorldCat, and only two copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] The Outlook in Education. One of the Joseph Payne Lectures for 1932-33. Delivered in the Institute.

I. L. Kandel, M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Education in Teachers College, Columbia University [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1933.

18 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. A few light pencil annotations. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Eight copies on COPAC.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Tendencies in University Education. Being the First John Adams Lecture given in the Institute.

Edwin Deller, LL.D., Principal of the University of London [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1933.]

19 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps, with minor indentations to cover and title leaf. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Eight copies on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] University of Liverpool. Department of Education. Prospectus. Session 1929-30.

[University of Liverpool, Department of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of Liverpool, Department of Education.] At the University Press of Liverpool. 1929.

24pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusting to staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] University of London. Board to promote the Extension of University Teaching (Local Lectures). Method, Regulations, and Courses.

[University of London, Board to promote the Extension of University Teaching, London]
Publication details: 
[University of London, Board to promote the Extension of University Teaching, London.] November, 1903.

42pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. In yellow-brown printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Educational Problems in the Far and Near East. Three Lectures delivered in the Institute.

C. H. Becker, Sometime Professor in the University of Berlin and Kultus-Minister in Prussia [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1933.

44pp., 4to. With frontispiece photographic portrait of the author. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper in loose front and back wraps detached from one another. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Six copies on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] The University College of Hull. First Report of Council and Accounts For the period 10th February, 1925, to 6th October, 1927.

[The University College of Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
[The University College of Hull.] 1927.

23pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. Shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Report of the Committee of the Baptist College at Regent's Park for 1919-1920, with a List of Subscriptions & Donations. [Regent's Park College (University of London). Report For the Year ending September 30th, 1920.]

[The Baptist College at Regent's Park, Founded at Stepney, A.D. 1810, Removed to Regent's Park, 1856; Regent's Park College (University of London)]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Warren Hall & Lovitt, 88 and 90, Camden Road, N.W. 1920.

28pp., 12mo. Frontispiece photographic view of the college. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Teaching of International Relations in Schools. An Enquiry into Methods and Principles.

[The Friends' Guild of Teachers, Yorkshire; Friends' School, Great Ayton, Yorks]
Publication details: 
Published by the Friends' Guild of Teachers. [Additional Copies can be obtained from the Secretary, Friends' School, Great Ayton, Yorks.] [Printed by J. Atkinson & Sons, Star Works, Pontefract.]

29pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with wear to front cover and slight rusting to staples. Shelfmarks, stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet for the "Empire Day" Movement. (Non-Party and Non-Sectarian.)] "Empire Day," May 24th. Letters, Address, and Information in regard to the "Empire Day" Movement. Open Letter from the Earl of Meath.

[Reginald Brabazon (1841-1929), 12th Earl of Meath; "Empire Day" Movement. (Non-Party and Non-Sectarian.'), London]
Publication details: 
Leaflet No. 1. [Burt & Sons, Printers, 58, Porchester Road, Bayswater, London, W.] [1905.]

20pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with lightly rusted staples. Stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Meath's letter is printed on pp.1-4, and is followed by an 'Appeal by the Earl of Meath to Churches and Congregations of All Denominations within the Empire.' (p.5), and an address by Meath on 'The "Empire Day" Movement' (pp.6-13). The last three items in the pamphlet are the songs 'God Save the King' and 'The Flag of Britain', both with musical scores, and Kipling's poem 'Recessional'.

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London.] Entrance Requirements to Universities, Faculties and Requirements of Professional Bodies. [With three related items, two duplicated and one printed.]

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London]
Publication details: 
The Secretary, I.A.H.M. and H.M.C. [Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated)], 29 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1. [Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, Ltd., Pakenham St., London, W.C.1.] September 1950.

24pp., 12mo. In red printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, with rusted staples, and stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. In manuscript on front cover: 'Reference copy only not for loan' and 'See edition | Revised 1957.' In manuscript at head of p.1: 'There has been a change in London University Entrance requirements. See T.E.S.

[Printed pamphlet with illustrations.] George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1. [...] Prospectus of Day Training Courses in the High School of Commerce.

[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1; YMCA]
Publication details: 
[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1.] Session1919-20. [1920.]

8pp., 12mo. In blue-grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Engraved illustration of the college on front cover, and full-page photographs of 'The Vestibule' and 'General Lecture Room' within. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed item.] Code of Regulations for European Schools in the Punjab; with Index and Explanatory Notes.

[European Schools in the Punjab, 1897; The Raj; British India]
Publication details: 
Fourth Edition. Published by Authority. Lahore: Printed at the Mufid-I-Am Press. 1897.

[2] + iii + 92pp., 8vo. Slips with printed emendations (the largest being 15.5 x 14 cm in size) have been tipped-in onto pp.5, 8, 12, 51 and 60. Stabbed as issued, but with the stitching removed, leaving the signatures loose. In grey printed wraps. Aged and worn, in repaired wraps. Shelfmark, labels and stamp of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Printed British Home Office report.] Libraries for Reformatory and Industrial Schools. With Foreword by H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools. [Mainly comprising a 'List of Suggested Books.']

[Charles E. B. Russell, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools; Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall; library lists; inventories; bibliographies]
Publication details: 
[Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall.] London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Darling and Son, Limited, Bacon Street, E. 1916.

25pp., 8vo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Stamp on cover of the Board of Education Library, London. Russell's letter, addressed from the 'Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall, May 1st, 1916' covers pp.2-7. Pp.8-24 carry the 'List of Suggested Books', with prices, beginning with 'Across Texas' by E. S. Ellis, and ending with 'The Young Franc Tireurs' by G. A. Henty. The last page carries a list of 'Publishers' Names and Addresses'. Uncommon: a total of seven copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC, but none at the British Library.

[Printed handbill.] Annual Report for 1918 of the Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.

[Alfred Perceval Graves, Chairman, Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools]
Publication details: 
Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.] 'To be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 24th, 1919, at five p.m. [...]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. No copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Guide to the Scholarships of Bristol, by Wm. Avery Adams.

Wm. Avery Adams [William Avery Adams] [scholarships in Victorian Bristol]
Publication details: 
Bristol: Scholastic Trading Co., Ltd., 34, Bridge Street. 1895.

31pp., 12mo. In yellow printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusting to staples and stamp and label of the Education Department Library, London. Giving details of 27 scholarships, from 'Abraham Birkin's Charity' and 'Alice Coles' Chairty' to 'Training College Scholarships' and 'University College'. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The English College System. A Lecture by Will Spens, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge before Yale University, 19 October 1933.

Will Spens, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Printed at the University Press, Cambridge. [Cambridge: Printed by Walter Lewis, M.A., at the University Press.] [1933.]

19pp., 12mo. Stitched; in light-brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, label and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Reference Library. Two copies on OCLC WorldCat and none on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet by the Society of Art Masters, London.] Paris Exhibition, 1900. International Congresses On Instruction in Drawing. Special Report prepared for the Society of Art Masters.

Walter Wallis, A.R.C.A. (Lond.) Chairman of the Society for the year 1899-1900, Head Master, School of Art, Croydon [Society of Art Masters, London]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by J. B. Nichols & Sons, Parliament Mansions, Orchard Street, Victoria Street. 1901.

16pp., 8vo. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with creasing to wraps and front cover crossed through in red ink. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Professor Rein's System of Religious Instruction for Schools: A Paper read to the Rochdale Educational Society, January 20th, 1905.

T. C. Horsfall [Thomas Coglan Horsfall (1841-1932)] [Professor Wilhelm Rein (1847-1929)]
Publication details: 
London and Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes. 1905.

[2] + 33pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with stamp, labels and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, as well as stamp 'Supplied for the Public Service'. Three copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Development of Theological Education in the University of Wales. An Address given to a Society of Ministers in Bangor on March 27th, 1917.

Sir Harry R. Reichel, M.A., LL.D., Principal of the University College of North Wales.
Publication details: 
Bangor: Printed by Jarvis & Foster (W. A. Foster), Lorne House. [1917.]

18pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged paper. With stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Four copies on COPAC and a further three on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Law and the City. Inaugural Lecture delivered by F. W. S. Cumbrae-Stewart, D.C.L. [...] On 15th March, 1926.

F. W. S. Cumbrae-Stewart, D.C.L. Formerly Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford. Of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Garrick Professor of Law in the University of Queensland.
Publication details: 
A. J. Cumming, Government Printer, Brisbane. [Australia.] 1926.

27pp., 12mo. With collotype frontispiece of memorial plaque to Sir James Francis Garrick (1836-1908). In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps with chipping to extremities and rusted staples. Stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Only three copies on COPAC, and none at the British Library.

[Two printed pamphlets.] 'Children's Ethical Classes.' and 'Syllabus of Moral and Civic Instruction For the Elementary School. Arranged in Seven Stages. Also Suitable for Use in Preparatory Schools and the Lower Forms of Secondary Schools.'

F. J. Gould, Lecturer and Demonstrator for the Moral Education League
Publication details: 
Both published by The Moral Education League. The first from Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, W.C., London, in 1901; the second from 6, York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C. in 1914.

ONE: 'Children's Ethical Classes', 1901. 16pp., 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library, London. Two copies on COPAC. TWO: 'Syllabus of Moral and Civic Instruction For the Elementary School.' 31pp., 12mo. In red printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Three copies on OCLC WorldCat and none on COPAC.

[Two printed items relating to the University Extension College, Reading.] 'Second Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Session 1894-5.' and 'The Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890. Memorandum and Articles of Association.'

[University Extension College, Reading; Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading]
Publication details: 
ONE: Reading: Printed by Edward J. Blackwell, London Street. 1894. TWO: Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading. [Beecroft and Alexander, Printers, Reading.] [1896.]

ONE: 24pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slightly rusted staples and chipping to covers. Labels, stamp and shelfmark of the Education Department Library, London. No copy found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. TWO: 26pp., 8vo. In light-blue printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper, with rusted staples. With label and shelfmark (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London). No copy on OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford University.

[Printed pamphlet.] Report of the First Conference of the National Federation of Ratepayers (Incorporated). (Non-political and Unsectarian.) Subject: "The Cost of Education."

[The National Federation of Ratepayers (Incorporated), London]
Publication details: 
[The National Federation of Ratepayers, London.] Offices: 9 Bedford Mansions, Bedford Square, W.C. 1909. [Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, 2 Newton Street, Kingsway, W.C.]

32pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and aged wraps with front cover crossed through in red ink and hole to back cover. Shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Year Book of the London Schools' Guild of Arts & Crafts MCMXXX [1930].

Ralph Mollet, editor [London Schools' Guild of Arts and Crafts]
Publication details: 
J. M. Stitt & Co. Ashford, Kent. 1930.

36pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Includes six pages of advertisements at front, and eight pages at rear. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

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