[Printed item.] Code of Regulations for European Schools in the Punjab; with Index and Explanatory Notes.

[European Schools in the Punjab, 1897; The Raj; British India]
Publication details: 
Fourth Edition. Published by Authority. Lahore: Printed at the Mufid-I-Am Press. 1897.
SKU: 15235

[2] + iii + 92pp., 8vo. Slips with printed emendations (the largest being 15.5 x 14 cm in size) have been tipped-in onto pp.5, 8, 12, 51 and 60. Stabbed as issued, but with the stitching removed, leaving the signatures loose. In grey printed wraps. Aged and worn, in repaired wraps. Shelfmark, labels and stamp of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy of any edition of this work located the fifth edition of 1906, at the British Library, renamed 'Code of regulations for European schools in India and Burma, 1905, with explanatory notes and instructions applicable to the Punjab only.'