Autograph Letter Signed ('T. C. Grattan') from the Irish writer Thomas Colley Grattan to Edward D. Ingraham of Philadelphia, regarding his article 'The Irish in America', published in the North American Review.

Thomas Colley Grattan (1792-1864), Irish journalist and novelist, British consul in Massachusetts, 1839-1846 [Edward Duncan Ingraham (1793-1854) of Philadelphia, author]
Publication details: 
Boston; 1 May 1842.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf. Good, on aged paper. Replying to a letter of Ingraham's, he states that 'the only paper I have written on the subject you mention was an article ['The Irish in America'] in the North American Review, which appeared in the January number of last year, as well as I recollect.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('N. Hale jr.') from the newspaper editor Nathan Hale junior to the Springfield attorney Henry Vose.

Nathan Hale junior (1784-1863), American journalist and editor, associated with the Weekly Messenger, the Boston Daily Advertiser, the North American Review and the Christian Examiner [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
23 Court Street, Boston; 7 September 1841.

1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of the second addressed by Hale to 'Henry Vose jr. Esq | Counsellor at Law | Springfield | Mass', and carrying Hale's red wax seal, broken into two parts, and a red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Hale writes that he is enclosing 'the sum with which you were so kind as to accommodate me last week - I don't know how I should have "got along" without it'. 'I have no news for you to-day, as our steamer has not yet arrived, and I dare not venture uponn the vast perturbed sea of our politics'.

Part of the corrected autograph draft manuscript of Timothy Pitkin's 'Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America' (1816), relating to the renewal of the charter of the Bank of North America at Washington.

Timothy Pitkin (1766-1847), American Yale-educated lawyer, politician, historian and statistician [Bank of North America, Washington (now merged with Wells Fargo)]
Timothy Pitkin
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated, but written before the book's publication in 1816.
Timothy Pitkin

2pp., on one side each of two 4to leaves headed '14' and '15'. 53 lines of text (25 lines to the first leaf and 28 lines to the second), with deletions and emendations. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with negligible cut to margin of second leaf (not affecting text). Neatly tipped-in to nineteenth-century grey paper wallet.

[Printed document.] North-Riding of Yorkshire. To wit. Orders made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Northallerton, in and for the said Riding. [Including House of Correction and North and East-Ridings' Pauper Lunatic Asylum.]

Thomas Lawrence Yeoman, Clerk of the Peace for the North-Riding of Yorkshire [William Mauleverer; William Lockwood; J. V. B. Johnstone; Metcalfe, Printer, Northallerton]
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.
Publication details: 
Epiphany Sessions, 6 January 1852.
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.

Folio, 4 pp. Bifolium. On laid paper. The drophead title (of which the start is quoted above) runs to 14 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Printed in double column. Yeoman signs in type at the end of the document, which contains three reports, each signed in type by the chairman of the committee which produced it: Mauleverer for the Visiting Justices; Lockwood for the Finance Committee; and Johnstone for the Committee of Visitors of the Noth and East-Ridings' Lunatic Asylum.

[Printed book.] Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute [Newcastle-upon-Tyne].

[North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Thomas Elliot Harrison (1808-1888), civil engineer, designer of the Jarrow and Hartlepool Docks; lending libraries]
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway
Publication details: 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by Michael Benson, No. 57, Side. 1870.
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway

12mo, 10 + 67 pp. In original purple morroco binding, with 'PRESENTED TO | T. E. HARRISON, ESQ., | VICE-PRESIDENT.' stamped on the front cover in gilt. A tight copy, in fair condition, on aged paper, with front endpapers sprung, and in a worn binding. Vignette woodcut on title-page, showing man working beside track as locomotive goes past.

[Printed British parliamentary report.] Newfoundland. Report of the Foreign Trade and Commerce of Newfoundland. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. May, 1905. [With numerous tables, eleven of them fold-out.]

[British parliamentary report on the foreign trade and commerce of Newfoundland, 1905] [HMSO]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Darling and Son, Ltd, London. 1905.

Folio, 44 pp. Followed by twelve tables, eleven of them fold-out, and with pp.27-44 also consisting of tables. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Text and tables clear and complete. Internally good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn and chipped wraps. Title-page carries printed shelf-mark and stamp of the Bibliotheque du Palais de la Paix.

Two glass slides of Edwardian photographs of New Quay, North Cornwall, the first showing the harbour and the second a crowd around a horsedrawn lifeboat.

[Edwardian photographs of harbour and lifeboat at New Quay, North Cornwall]
Publication details: 

The slides, apparently from a newspaper library, are both bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. Each carries a manuscript caption in white ink on the black mount. The first slide - 'Harbour, New Quay' - shows a view down into the Harbour, with stone pier and fishing boats. The second - 'Lifeboat. New Quay, N. Cornwall' - shows a procession a distant view of a crowd of men and women in Edwardian dress on a beach before a large rock around a lifeboat being drawn away from the water by four horses.

Scrapbook, assembled and annotated by Pymm, containing newspaper cuttings, letters and other material relating to his wife's involvement in the 'Liberal Unionist Tea Party Scandal' of 1893.

Henry Pymm [The Liberal Unionist Tea Party Scandal, Lambeth, 1893; Henry Morton Stanley]
Publication details: 
1893; London.

The nature of this somewhat Pooterish 'scandal' is explained in one of the cuttings in the scrapbook: '[...] the Unionists of North Lambeth are making secret but strenuous efforts to insure the return of Mr. H. M. Stanley at the next election.

Autograph Note Signed ('Gilbert Parker.') to 'Mr Anderson'.

Sir Gilbert Parker [Sir Horatio Gilbert George Parker] (1862-1932), Canadian novelist and British politician [early cinema]
Publication details: 
5 April 1922; on letterhead of 24 Portman Square, [London] W.1.

4to, 1 p. On aged, worn paper with small area of loss at head (not affecting text). He will be 'pleased to act on the Committee to judge of the stories for filming', and is glad that 'the work will not be onerous'. In a postscript gives the version of his name he wishes given for announcing ('Right Hon. Sir Gilbert Parker Bt.'). According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, no fewer than sixteen of Parker's novels were filmed. As head of British propaganda in America, 1914-1916, Parker had a direct involvement with the medium.

The Strand Magazine [containing 'Mr. Andree's Balloon Voyage to the North Pole' by Alfred T. Story]

Salomon August Andrée [Andree] (1854-1897) [Strand Magazine, arctic exploration, Conan Doyle; William Le Queux; Alfred W. Porter]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes, Ltd. July 1896.

8vo: xxiv + 120 + viii pp. In original blue printed wraps. Good, in grubby, lightly worn wraps. Thumbprint in margin of one page. Numerous illustrated advertisements at front and rear. Front wrap headed 'TO THE NORTH POLE BY BALLOON! Special Interview with Mr. Andrée.' Many illustrations. Story's piece on Andrée's balloon voyage covers fifteen pages (77-91) and features 25 illustrations and diagrams. Among the other contributions are an installment of Conan Doyle's 'Rodney Stone' and an early illustrated article on X-ray photography, 'The New Photography' by Alfred W. Porter.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [Mr Blunt of Crewe].

John Brown
Publication details: 
29 May 1859; 'Edinburgh 23 Rutland St'.

Scottish essayist (1810-82). Two pages, 12mo. With mourning border. Good, but on discoloured paper, and with some glue staining to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Concerns the work for which Brown is remembered, 'Rab and his friends' (1859). If he is ever at Crewe he will 'certainly avail myself of Mrs. Blunt's & your very gratifying invitation. His wife is 'more delighted, I think, with your letter about "Rab" than by any other - & she has kept it - being like all good wives greedy of her husband's praise.' Signed 'J. Brown'.

Signed Letter in secretarial hand to the Quartermaster General, Horse Guards.

Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 10th Baron and 1st Viscount and Earl Cathcart
Publication details: 
Salton Hall January 27 1810'.

Scottish soldier and diplomat (1755-1843). Four pages, octavo. Good, though grubby on discoloured paper, and a little frayed about the edges. Concerns 'the Subject of Issues which are made by the Barrack Department in North Britain to the Forces stationed in this Part of the United Kingdom, but which are not sanctioned by The King's Warrant'. '[...] | I conceive the Establishment of Regimental Schools to be highly conducive to the good of His Majesty's Service, and peculiarly so in the case of 2d.

Autograph Signatures of Colburn, Shee, North and Colnaghi, removed from Artists' Benevolent Fund application.

Henry Colburn (1784-1855), bookseller and publisher; Sir Martin Arthur Shee (1769-1850), President of the Royal Academy; Peter North; Dominic Colnaghi (1790-1879), printseller
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 8 x 12.5 cm. Good, lightly aged. Reads ' Henry Colburn | 13 Gt Marlborough Street | Martin Arthur Shee | Peter North 22 Soho Square | Dominic Colnaghi'. Fragment of docketed manuscript record of the case on the reverse: '<...> 830 | <...>nes O'Connor | <...>ent Case | <...>y 12th. 1841'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philippe de Larenaudière'), in French, to unnamed male editor of a journal.

Philippe de Larenaudière [Philippe François de La Renaudière], nineteenth-century French mining engineer, geographer and traveller in the Americas
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

4to, 1 p. Fourteen lines of text, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper. Slight staining at foot of text (affecting part of signature), and on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, which is docketed 'la renaudié | A. S.' He is sending an article on 'la Bibliotheque des voyages'. Asks that the article on the work entitled 'Des Beaux arts en Angleterre', 'que Buisson vous adressa il ya prés de Deux mois', be inserted. 'Je vous prie en grace de laisser ma Signature en entier.

Autograph Letter Signed ('h. f.') to 'Madame [Eliza] Thomas'.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
1 September 1842 ('4h du matin'); place not stated.

8vo bifolium, 3 pp. 57 lines of text. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium, with circular postmark in black ink, to 'Madame Thomas, chateau de marville, près et par St. Denis (Banlieue de Paris).' Good, on lightly creased and aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking of wafer. Text clear and entire, in a difficult, indiosyncratic hand. An interesting and significant letter, announcing Fournel's appointment to the post which would result in his greatest achievement.

[Headed "The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society] Four Typed Letters Signed, to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (2), S. Digby (1) and G. K. Menzies (1), of the Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John H. Harris [SLAVERY]
Publication details: 
3 and 6 March 1917, and 31 January and 25 March 1918; all four on letterhead of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.

Campaigner against slavery and colonial exploitation in Africa (1874-1940) and Liberal MP for North Hackney, 1923-24. All four items one page, quarto. All in good condition, though on somewhat discoloured paper. Two items docketed in pencil and two bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE: He hopes to be present at Dr. Max Horn's lecture, and wants to know whether the Society is 'publishing the lecture by Mr. Wilson Fox on Imperial Resources'. He thinks he should join the Society, 'if not now soon after the war', and asks to be sent the conditions of membership.

Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Fournel') to the Parisian publisher and bookseller Duprat.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
4 August 1861; 'rue de la Chaussée d’Antin 58 bis', Paris.

16mo (13 x 10.5 cm), 1 p, 8 lines of text. Good. Ordering a geographical work and referring (obscurely) to words with an arab flavour (hard to read).

Manuscript Signed Indenture Mortgage and Surrender of Leasehold premises 'Between Louis Schnabel of No.79 North End Croydon [...] Watchmaker [...] and Alfred Marden Nicoll of No. 8 Surrey View Villas Ross Road Wallington [...] Painter and Decorator'

Alfred Marden Nicoll; Louis Schabel [Croydon, Surrey], watchmaker.
Publication details: 
Mortgage dated 3 April 1891; Surrender dated 6 May 1898.

Seven pages. On four skins of vellum, each roughly eleven inches by nine wide. Attached with green ribbon, and with various stamps and two wax seals. Good: lightly aged and creased. The premises are at 77 and 79 North End, Croydon.

Advertisement for 'Dorking Urban District Book, Waste Paper and Cardboard Drive'.

Dorking, Surrey, England [Recycling; the Environment; the Green Party; Publishing History; Bookselling; the Book Trade; Austerity]
Publication details: 
12th April to 1st May 1948.

Striking advertisement, in red ink, on one side of a piece of paper roughly seven inches by seventeen wide. With something of a prewar feel, it reads 'DORKING URBAN DISTRICT | BOOK, WASTE PAPER | and CARDBOARD DRIVE | [in box on right] 12th April | TO | 1st May | 1948 [end of boxed text] | Save the Nation from having to import Waste Paper from abroad | PROVIDE | MORE Employment = MORE Cartons for Food | = MORE Materials for Housebuilding ='.

The Eric Gill Workshops.

Denis Tegetmeier; Laurence Cribb [Eric Gill]
Publication details: 
Pigotts, North Dean, High Wycombe'; 'December 5 | 1940'.

Leaflet. Two pages, 12mo. Tasteful bifolium on cream wove paper. Unbound. Good, though a tad grubby. Gill woodcut (roughly two inches by one and a half) on front: two hands around the front of a large 'V' with rest of word 'Veritas' on stem and cross at head. Apparently numbered in pencil bottom-right of woodcut 579.

Special Railway Supplement.

The Financial Times [Railway; Railways]
Publication details: 
London; 1 January 1923.

Thirty-six broadsheet pages. On aged paper, with chipping to extremities and first and last leaves detached, but with text clear and entire. Articles on 'The Four New Railways', with photographs, by Sir Herbert Walker, Felix J. C. Pole, Arthur Watson and R. L. Wedgwood. Other articles include 'Electrification - The Metropolitan's Experience' by R. H. Selbie, 'Railways - Their Position and Prospects' by Sir Sam Fry, 'Railway Rates under the New Regime' by Sir W. M. Acworth and 'Finance of British Railways' by W. J. Stevens.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Woodward'.

Eliot O'Hara (1890-1969), American watercolour artist
Publication details: 
March 12? 1936' [deleted] 'Thursday'; 10 East Taylor St, Savannah Gardens.

Three pages, small octavo. Good, though a little aged. He is having an exhibition of his 'new Mexican things [...] and teaching a small class' in Savannah. He is pleased that Woodward is going to Chapel Hill ('They need a breath of fresh air.'). The rest of the letter consists of an interesting assessment of the artistic situation in the area, beginning, 'In N.

[Antarctic] Autograph Postcard signed "Charles Rabot" to [Marin?]

Charles Rabot, French geographer, glaciologist, traveler, journalist, lecturer, translator, and explorer [ AMUNDSEN ]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Societe de Geographie . . . ., no date [1913]

Two sides of postcard, in French, in a difficult hand, probably sent in 1913, the year in which this French Societe awarded a medal to Amundsen (GRADE MÉDAILLE D'OR DES EXPLORATIONS - of the south), text clear and complete. He is discussing the arrangements for the visit of Amundsen, saying initially that they cannot be changed (date, hour, "sejour"). He refers to the receptions involving "les membres du gouvernement" ("sont ]prevues?] du 22 [jour?] de son arrivee . . . Peut-etre le 29 deviendra-t-il libre, maiscela depend ni de la Societe de Geo.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Andrew Preston Peabody
Publication details: 
Cambridge, Oct. 23, 1862'.

American Unitarian clergyman (1811-93) and editor and proprietor of the North American Review; Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard, 1860-81. One page, octavo. Good but on discoloured paper with slight spotting. 'It is my invariable rule not to send proof to any writer for the North American. You are however at entire liberty, to see the proof of your article by your own arrangement with the printers, who will be very ready to oblige you.' Signed 'A. P. Peabody'.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the editor of the North American Review].

William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Publication details: 
16 February 1891; on letterhead '38, Onslow Gardens, S.W.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Thanks his correspondent for 'your kind letter & for the hospitality you have given me in the North American Review. I hope you will be able to bring out my article in the March Number as the political Kaleidoscope changes so quickly that some part may appear belated if it is long delayed.' Asks for a change to be made if it is not possible to bring the piece out in the March issue. Signed 'W E H Lecky'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and first leaf of Autograph Letter; all three items to Sir Henry [Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Edward North Buxton [BIG GAME HUNTING]
Publication details: 
29 April and 2 May 1901, 8 May [1901]; all three items on letterhead 'KNIGHTON, | BUCKHURST HILL.'

Politician and director of Trueman, Hanbury, Buxton and Co. (1840-1924), whose entry in 'Who's who' describes his 'Recreations' as 'a keen follower of big game in four continents'. All three items 12mo and very good. The first two items on cream paper and bearing the Society's stamp; the last item on grey paper and docketed. First and last item signed 'E N Buxton'. ITEM ONE (two pages) addressed to 'Sir Trueman' [sic]: 'I have not forgotten that you asked me how my films stood the Climate & if I got any decent results in the Soudan'. Offers to show Wood 'a few' at the Athenaeum.

Draught copy of Order in Council, with covering copy of minute signed by Greville.

Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville [Tobago, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
At the Court at Windsor | the 18th March 1829'.

Clerk to the Privy Council (1794–1865) and noted diarist. Items clearly disbound from volume, with minute foliated '84'. The Order in Council is three pages, folio, on two leaves of gilt-edged laid paper. Good, though slightly discoloured, dusty at head, and with several closed tears and stab marks along one edge. Small square cut away from corner of second leaf (not affecting text). Entirely legible in a clear neat hand.

Autograph Letter Signed, Henry Collins, to "Brigham"

General Annual Licensing Meeting, North Yorkshire.
Publication details: 
Thursday afternoon (no date - watermark 1833).

Two pages, 3 x 8", sl. soiled buy mainly good condition. He encloses "the precepts [not present] which he had printed at "Pratts" [printer] and in which he made a correction. He also encloses [PRESENT] "notices to be given by the respective constables to the Innkeepers and labelled then for the different townships soo that you will only have to enclose them inside your precepts to the constables of the townships as laabelled . . . The jury lists will leave to be delivered as stated in the cards . . .

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Uncle (1773-1843) of Queen Victoria, notable book collector. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good condition. Florid signature 'Augustus Frederick' above printed word '(Rank)' beside 'Lieutt. Coll. Com.' in manuscript, which in turn is above printed word '(Corps)' beside 'Loyal North Britons' in manuscript.

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