[ Augustine Brohan, French actress of the Comédie-Française. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Augustine Brohan') to an unnamed recipient ('ma bien chère demoiselle')

Augustine Brohan [ Joséphine-Félicité-Augustine Brohan ] (1824-1893), actress of the the Comédie-Française, mistress of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte [ Napoleon III ], with fashionable Paris salon
Publication details: 
Ville d'Avray. 31 April [ no year ].

1p., 16mo. Eleven lines of text. On aged and worn paper, with central closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A warm letter of thanks, with valediction 'Mille choses affectueuses à tous les vôtres'.

[ Anonymous pamphlet by Firmin Didot of Paris, inscribed by the author. ] Notice Historique sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de P. P. Prudhon, Peintre, Membre de la Légion-d'Honneur et de l'Institut.

[ Jacques-Philippe Voïart [ Voiart ] or his wife Élise Voïart (1786-1866) ] Firmin Didot, Paris printer [ Pierre-Paul Prud'hon [ Prudhon ] (1758-1823), French painter ]
Publication details: 
A Paris, chez Firmin Didot, Rue Jacob, No 24; Chez Boulland et Ce, Libraire, Rue du Battoir, No 12. 1824.

46pp., 8vo. Stitched and in original plain grey wraps. Aged and worn, in fraying wraps. The pamphlet is anonymous, but carries the following inscription in pencil on the half-title: 'hommage | a Mademoiselle Bergeret | Artiste, de la part de l'Auteur. | Voïart'. The only copies on COPAC at the V & A, and the British Library. This copy lacks the lithographed frontispiece portrait of Prud'hon, by Voïart, present in the copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, which is ascribed to the wife, whereas other authorities ascribe the work to the husband.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Horrors of The French Revolution: Their Causes.

Charles Watts, Editor of 'Secular Thought' [ Toronto, Canada ]
Publication details: 
Toronto: "Secular Thought" Office, 31 Adelaide St. East. Undated.

24pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Divided into five sections: 'Atheism and Social Order', 'Indications of a Great Struggle', 'Orthodox Misrepresentation', 'The Horrors of the French Revolution' and 'The Causes of the Excesses'. Scarce: only two copies on WorldCat and no copies on COPAC.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Commune of Paris. [ Its Story and Meaning. ]

[ James Leatham ]
Publication details: 
[ London: Twentieth Century Press. 1890. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. Drophead title. The cover carried the author's name, publication details, and the full title: 'The Commune of Paris: Its Story and Meaning'. Scarce

[ Michel Chevalier, French economist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to James Yates, regarding a statistical congress in England. With Engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier'.

Michel Chevalier (1806-1879), French free market economist, politician, and engineer, editor of the Paris 'Globe'
Publication details: 
73 Rue de l'Universite, Paris. 15 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to 'Dear Sir', but with the rest written in French. He explains that it is with reluctance that he is unable to leave paris and attend the 'Congrès de Statistique', and that it is always with pleasure that he visits England. He refers to a 'traite de Commerce' and the 'Conseil Superieur du Commerce, dont j'ai l'honneur d'etre membre'. The letter is accompanied by an engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier', cut from a magazine. On 14 x 9 cm paper. In good condition, lightly-aged.

[ Jules Baroche, French Statesman. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P J Baroche') to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué' ('Mon cher maitre').

Jules Baroche [ Pierre Jules Baroche ] (1802-1870), French statesman, minister under Napoleon III
Publication details: 
24 January 1845.

1p., 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué'. Regarding a payment for his part 'dans l'aff. janvier'.

[ The Baron de Breteuil, as Minister of the King's Household. ] Order from King Louis XVI, in the hand of a secretary, signed 'Le Bon. de Breteüil'.

[ Louis Charles Auguste le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly ] (1730-1807), last Prime MInister of France before the Revolution
Publication details: 
Versailles. 10 September 1786.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He is sending 'de nouveaux ordres du Roy pour retenir à Bicêtre le Ne. Esprit Prosper', and refers to a 'Pension de Deux cent livres qui serez payee par son pere'.

[ Princess Adélaïde of Orléans. ] Her seal in black wax, on part of envelope addressed in her autograph to Leopold II, King of Belgium.

Princess Adélaïde of Orléans [ Louise Marie Adélaïde Eugénie d'Orléans ] (1777-1847), French aristocrat of the House of Bourbon [ Leopold II, King of Belgium ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

6.5 x 10 cm piece cut from envelope, with the seal (roughly 1 x 1.5 cm) in black wax (2.5 cm in diameter) attached on a strip of paper. The seal a firm impression in good condition and the envelope fragment in fair condition, on aged paper, strip carrying typewriten caption laid down at foot. The Princess's autograph is unsigned, and simply reads: 'À mon cher petit Léopold.'

[ Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of 'Orléans. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ferdinand Philippe d'Orleans') to a general, pressing the claims of the Napoleonic War veteran Colonel Joseph Simon Pozac to the Croix de Commandeur of the Legion d'Honneur.

Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans [ Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Éric Rosalino d'Orléans ] (1810-1842) [ Joseph Simon Pozac (1780-1854), French army officer ]
Publication details: 
No place. May 1831.

1p., 12mo. Seventeen lines of closely-written text, with postscript. Slip of paper with biographical note in contemporary hand attached. He begins by stating that he has sent the 'differents papiers' of which he spoke that morning. He next reminds the recipient of 'l'affaire du brave colonel Pozac', regarding which 'vous avez bien voulu charger d'etre mon ambassadeur auprès du maréchal'. Pozac obtained the 'sabre d'honneur comme sr.

[ Adolphe Shedrow, French-language poet. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Adolphe'), both in English, to 'Henri', discussing the role of the 'purposelessness of life' in the work of the poet, his latest work ('Anneaux de Mousse') and other matters.

Adolphe Shedrow [ Abba Shedrovitsky ] (1897-1961), Russian-born South African French-language poet
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of A. Shedrow ('M.D. (Paris) M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (London)'), with addresses of his residence and consultation rooms in Johannesburg. 8 and 24 February 1958.

Each letter 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He starts the first letter by expressing 'great pride and immense joy' in sending 'my seventh book of French poems [...] According to the reviews, it is the best I ever wrote'. He continues with references to the recipient's 'short but memorable visit to Johannesburg', and to 'the uncomplimentary remarks passed by my confreres in Johannesburg', these being 'indeed compliments, for they indicate that I do not belong to them, in spite of our common profession.

[ Alfred de Vigny, French romantic poet. ] Autograph Signature, with note to fellow-author Eugène Guinot.

Alfred de Vigny [ Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny ] (1797-1863), French romantic poet [ Eugène Guinot (1812-1861), French author ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of an 8 x 13 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age, and central horizontal fold. Firm, bold signature, 8 cm long, with underlining flourish. Beneath the signature, in a small hand, is the message: 'M Guinot | M: Vigny vous adresse son nom pour vous remercier il ne connait pas votre adresse'. Addressed on reverse, 'à M. Eug. Guinot'.

[ Élisabeth de Mac Mahon, wife of the French president Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Male. de Mac Mahon'), in English, to the artist and women's activist Barbara Bodichon, regarding meetings in Algeria.

Élisabeth de Mac Mahon [ née Castries ] (1834-1900), La Maréchale de Mac Mahon [ MacMahon ], Duchesse de Magenta, wife of French President Patrice de Mac Mahon (1808-1879) [ Barbara Bodichon ]
Publication details: 
One dated 'Alger the 16th March' and the other 'Alger Sunday' [ Algiers. Between 1864 and 1870? ]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanied by an envelope, with broken red wax seal, addressed by the Maréchale to 'Madame Bodichon | Mustapha Supérieur | Chemin de la Colonne Voirol | à El Biar'. (In 1857 Bodichon had married the French physician, ethnographer, and scholar Eugène Bodichon (1810-1885), and thereafter divided her time between Algeria and England.) General MacMahon was Governor General of Algeria between 1864 and 1870. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 'Alger Sunday'.

[ Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné, Swiss historian of the Reformation.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, regarding a prospectus by 'La Commission de la Bibliothèque'. With contemporary original photograph of d'Aubigné.

Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné (1794-1872), Swiss Protestant minister and historian of the Reformation
Publication details: 
7 February 1869.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Written in a difficult hand. Dated 'M<?> 7 Fevr 69'. Addressed to 'Monsieur & Mes colleguès'. He writes regarding the 'Commission de la Bibliothèque', and their direction that he send copies of their prospectus to 'M le <?> Hofman à Berlin', with reference to 'Mr B'. The sepia portrait photograph of d'Aubigné is 9 x 5.5 cm and appears to have been cut down, but is otherwise in good condition.

[ Antonin Magne, cyclist ] Autograph signature, "Ant Magne", on piece of paper tipped on to detached album leaf.

Antonin Magne, cyclist, Tour de France winner in 1931 and 1934.
Publication details: 

Signature on piece of paper, 9.5 x 6.5cm, tipped onto to a detached album leaf, 17 x 11cm,good condition. Album leaf incorrectly headed "Winner of the Tour de France - 1932 [for 1931]".

[ Charles Forbes René de Montalembert, Comte de Montalembert. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'le Cte de Montalembert'), in French, to an unnamed recipient

Charles Forbes René de Montalembert (1810-1870), Comte de Montalembert [ Abraham Hayward; John Wilson Croker ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 26 April and 25 May 1856.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: He thanks him for offering to translate his book ('The Political Future of England'), but considers his knowledge of English law too shaky to permit him to give any encouragement. He suggests that the recipient come to an arrangement with 'Mr. Abraham Hayward, Queen's Counsel, 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple', who is acting for de Montalembert in the matter.

[ Guillaume Lejean, French ethnographer and African explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Lejean') to unnamed correspondent, regarding his writing for various publications, and a spat in Le Pays between Lamartine and the Vicomte de La Guéronnière.

Guillaume Lejean (1828-1871), French ethnographer and African explorer. [ Alphonse de Lamartine; Louis Étienne Arthur Dubreuil, Vicomte de La Guéronnière (1816-1875) ]
Publication details: 
Orléans. 23 July 1851.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 52 lines of text, written in a close and difficult hand. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'. He refers to 'notre ennuyeux papier, comme Guilmer continue à appeler les journaux', and states that he has been doing 'un peu de redaction dans le Pays, soit la Revue de la Presse, soit les comptes rendus des Académies'. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'.

[ Henri Rochefort, French politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Rochefort'), in French, to a 'Bien Cher Confrere', with reference to his future son-in-law Frédéric Dufaux. With copy of J. Mercier's satirical journal 'La Laterne d'Arlequin'.

Henri Rochefort [ Victor Henri Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay ] (1831-1913), French politician and polemicist [ Frédéric Dufaux (1852-1943), Swiss sculptor; Jerome Mercier, editor ]
Publication details: 
The letter without place or date. 'La Lanterne d'Arlequin': Imprimerie Ernest Mazereau, Tours. 24 October 1886.

Rochefort's letter: 1p., 12mo. Thirteen lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn. Following an 'aimable visite' he thanks him for 'le plus charmant article', with reference to 'Mr. Dufaux' (Rochefort's future son-in-law) and 'son tableau ' and 'son buste'. After more graceful thanks and a request he ends, 'Mille poignés de main avec la moitié pour Neville'. The copy of 'La Laterne d'Arlequin' (not to be confused with Rochefort's 'La Lanterne') is 16pp., 12mo, in its original orange printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Advertising booklet of recipes in French and English, with endorsements by 35 chefs. ] Pour apprécier la vraie saveur des champignon utilisez le: "Royal Champignon" Paris-Pantin. Quelques Recettes par J. Bigeon.

J. Bigeon [ '"Royal Champignon"' Prepared Mushroom' ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Paris, Edwardian?]

30pp., 16mo. Stapled pamphlet in printed illustrated wraps. Aged, worn and creased, in stained and damaged wraps. Bigeon's introduction begins: 'The difficulties often met with to obtain at any time freshly gathered mushrooms, have induced me to prepare, in the very places of production, mushrooms dressed under various formulas, for which I add a few appropriated [sic] notes.' There are eight pages, in French, of 'Attestations des Chefs les plus réputés dans l'Art cullinaire', beginning with 'T. GIROD. | Chef des Cuisines Café de Paris | Paris' and ending with 'P.

[ Programme for a procession of yachts at Cannes, before Félix Faure, President of the Republic. ] Ville de Cannes. Union des Yachts Français. Défilé des Yachts devant M. Félix Faure, Président de la République.

[ Félix Faure (1841-1899), President of the French Republic; Cannes on the French Riviera ]
Publication details: 
Cannes [ French Riviera ]. 3 March 1896.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. On aged and creased paper, with slight damage at spine. Tastefully laid out. The front page carries the Programme (from 'A 8 heures: Arrivée de l'Escadre devant Cannes.' to 'A Midi: Départ pour Villefranche.'), the two central pages carry the 'Règlement' (19 articles under the headings 'YACHTS A VAPEUR', 'VOILIERS', 'VAPEURS PORTANT DES PASSAGERS' and 'PLAISANCIERS & EMBARCATIONS DIVERSES') by 'Le Commissaire de l'Inscription maritime, | BLANC' and 'Le Maire, | HIBERT'. The whole of the last page is taken up with a lithographic map of the route ('LITH ROBAUDY CANNES').

[ Philippe François Lasnon de La Renaudière, French geographer and traveller. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Larenaudiere'), in French, to 'Monsieur Bennis a la librairie Anglaise', Paris

Philippe François Lasnon de La Renaudière (1781-1845), French geographer and Anglophile book collector praised by Thomas Frognall Dibdin [ Bennis, Paris bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 25 January 1831.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Monsieur Bennis a la librairie Anglaise Rue Neuve St Augustin No 99'. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. He had believed that he had a reciprocal agreement with Bennis, allowing him to borrow 'quelques volumes du Cabinet Cyclopedia', but he has now learned that Bennis has, 'contre ordre', cancelled his 'demande de Carnets'. As a consequence, 'par reciprocité également', he is returning the four volumes that he last borrowed, and he asks him to close his account.

[ Printed French pamphlet. ] Apioline Chapoteaut Nouveau dérivé extrait de l'apium petroselinum. Observations physiologiques et cliniques.

P. Chapoteaut, French pharmacist and chemist, discoverer of the active ingredient of the plant parsley, which he named Apioline
Publication details: 
Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie. 1892.

40pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet, in yellow printed wraps with a list of Chapoteaut's publications on the back cover. In fair condition, on aged and browned paper, in browned wraps with slight damage along spine from disbinding. Pp.3-16 are divided into 'Partie Chimique et Pharmacologique', 'Physiologie' and 'Applications Thérapeutiques'. Pp.17-40 carry case studies. Apioline is used to stimulate menstruation. Scarce: no copy on WorldCat, COPAC, or in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

[ Yves Guyot, French politician and economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to an unnamed recipient, concerning the translation into English by C. H. d'Eyncourt Leppington of his 'Principles of Social Economy'.

Yves Guyot (1843-1928), French laissez-faire politician and economist [ Charles H. d'Eyncourt Leppington; W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London publishers ]
Publication details: 
One letter 20 July 1884; the other from London, 6 March [1888?].

Written in a crabbed, difficult hand. ONE: 20 July 1884. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Apparently writing to the publisher of the translation, he thanks him for the copies he has been sent, expressing 'l'honneur que vous m'avez fait en entreprennant cette edition'. TWO: London, 6 March [1888?]. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and browned paper. A short letter, referring to Leppington.

[ Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor. ] Address, in French, signed 'Caron de Vernon', 'A Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc D'Orléans', presenting him with two marble statues.

Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor [ King Louis Philippe I of France (1773-1850), who was Duc D'Orléans between 1793 and 1830
Publication details: 
Paris. 18 November 1828.

2pp., folio. On bifolium. In a contemporary hand in margin of first page: 'Mr. Leblond' and a reference number. The document begins: 'Pre. Louis Caron de Vernon a eu l'honneur de servir sous les ordres de V: Altesse Royale en 1793 dans le 73 Bataillon de Paris, et au camp de Ste. Margueritte celui d'offrir son pain a V: Altesse, qu'Elle volut bien daigner accepter, en recommandant de lui rappeller cette circonstance dans l'occasion.

[ Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, French economist. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Paul Leroy-Beaulieu'), in French, letter to 'Monsieur Petit' (with signed autograph letter by Petit on reverse) and note to a 'confrère'.

Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu (1843-1916), French economist
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 27 Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, 17 March 1883. Letterr Two: Paris. 9 June 1886.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 8vo. Despite being unacquainted with 'M. Tirman', he offers to do his best to be of assistance to 'M. Emile Farrence'. Petit's letter, dated 19 May 1883 is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Writing to one of the individuals mentioned in Leroy Beaulieu's letter, he explains that he is forwarding that letter, and asks for it to be returned to him on his arrival. TWO: 1p., 16mo. He apologises for making him wait 'deux jours de plus'.

[] 'A Catalogue of valuable Ancient and Modern Books, comprising Specimens of Early Typography, Manuscripts on Vellum, with Miniatures, Early Printed Books with woodcuts [...]'.

Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne, bookseller of Paris and London
Publication details: 
Bachelin-Deflorenne, Bookseller, 25, Garrick Street, (Covent Garden), London. Catalogue No. 4. September 1869.

66 + 2pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. With printed front cover. In poor condition, aged and worn, with damage to top-edge. 774 lots with prices. Notes in English and French. Among the more expensive items is 228, a collection of material relating to the Chevalier d'Eon, for £12. In poor condition, but a scarce item.

[ 'The Dirigible Balloon' game. ] Printed instructions, in French, for 'un nouveau jeu instructif' titled 'Le Ballon Dirigeable', with reference to 'le comte Zeppelin', 'Santos Dumont', the 'Freres Wright' and the 'major de Parseval'.

'Le Ballon Dirigeable', French game [ Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; Alberto Santos-Dumont; Wright brothers; August von Parseval]
Publication details: 
French. Unattributed and undated (pre-First World War?).

1p., 8vo. On cheap paper stock. Aged, and with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Stamped on the reverse by the Paris bookseller C. F. Labarre (fl. 1970). Printed in the bottom left-hand corner: 'No. 6012.' 37 lines of text.

[ Alfred Grandidier. ] Calling card, carrying autograph message thanking 'Dr. Forsyth Major [the zoologist Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major] for 'his important discoveries at Malay'.

Alfred Grandidier (1836-1921), French naturalist and explorer [ Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major (1843-1923), Scottish zoologist and vertebrate palaeontologist ]
Publication details: 
Grandidier's address given on the calling card as 6, Rond-Point des Champs Elysées [Paris]. Autograph message without place or date [circa 1896].

The calling card is 5.5 x 9.5 cm, with 'Alfred Grandidier, | Membre de l'Institut.' in copperplate in the centre and his address '6, Rond-Point des Champs Elysées' in the bottom right-hand corner. In good condition, lightly-aged, with remains of stub adhering to the reverse. Grandidier has written across the bottom of the card: 'Very grateful to Dr. Forsyth Major for having sent him two so interesting pamphlets, sends him his best thanks and renews his heartfelt compliments for his important discoveries at Malay.'

[ J. Thierry, teacher of French in Georgian London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('I. Therry') in French, to the editor of the Court Journal, regarding his publication in London of a work on French pronunciation ('

J. Thierry, teacher of French in Georgian London [French pronunciation]
Publication details: 
40 Great Marlborough Street [London]. 25 May 1829.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed, with red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, 'To the Editor | of the | Court Journal.' The letter concerns a work published by Thierry in London in 1829, and titled in English, 'Forty-four lines, by the aid of which the pronunciation of the French may be learned in a few hours', and in French, 'Quarante-quatre vers, par le moyen desquels on peut apprendre la prononciation française en quelques heures'. (The only two copies on COPAC at Glasgow and Oxford.

[Printed pamphlet.] Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. [...]. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.

'Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel.' [ Louis XIV of France, 'the Sun King' ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1708.

Full title: 'Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.' 28pp., small 4to. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to last few leaves, affecting text. The original version was published in 1657, and advocated the assassination of Oliver Cromwell. Six copies on COPAC. Now scarce.

[ Eugène Ionesco, 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright. ] Typescripts of two translations of his plays by Donald Watson: the 'original text' of 'The Bald Prima Donna. A Pseudo-Play in one act', and 'The Motor Show'.

Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994), Franco-Romanian 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright; Donald Watson, translator
Publication details: 
Neither translation dated, but both 'Copyright by DONALD WATSON, | 13 Oakley St., Chelsea, London.'

Watson's translation of 'La Cantatrice Chauve' (1950) was first published in London by Calder in 1958, and his version of 'Le Salon de l'Automobile' (1951) by the same publisher in the fifth volume of Ionesco's plays in 1963. The two scripts typed in uniform style, on rectos of leaves, and stapled together. ONE: 'The Bald Prima Donna'. 19pp., 8vo. In good condition, on aged paper, with somewhat-appropriate child's markings in black ink on blank parts of first page.

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