[Robert Walton, London printer and printseller.] Two engravings: 'IULIUS CESAR. I' and 'AUGUSTUS II', with their reverses carrying manuscript accounts relating to farm rents [in Polmear, Cornwall, and owned by the Rashleigh family?].

Robert Walton, seventeenth-century printer and printseller, at the Sign of the Globe, St Paul's Churchyard [Rashleigh family of Polmear, Cornwall?]
Publication details: 
'<P>rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church [...] Ludgate | <N>ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' Seventeenth century. Manuscript accounts on reverses with entries dating from 1775 to 1802 [Polmear, Cornwall?]

BBTI has Walton trading between 1647 and 1688. Both prints roughly 17.5 x 12 cm. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. The first - 'IULIUS CESAR I' - has a rough edge on the right and a trimmed edge on the left. It shows Caesar in martial dress on horseback, beneath which: '

rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church turning to Ludgate | ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' At the foot of the engraving is a six line poem, beginning 'By ciuill wars unto the Empire came'. '151' in bottom right-hand corner.

[Royal Visit to Canada, 1959.] Typed 'draft of Press Release to be issued in Ottawa with the itinerary'.

[Royal Visit to Canda, 1959; Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip]
Publication details: 
[Ottawa, Canada.] 'Not for publication or broadcast before 3.30 G.M.T. Tuesday, January 20, 1959.'

Press release and itinerary totalling 6pp., foolscap 8vo, and 1p., 4to. Stapled and folded into a blue cover with a duplicated map of Canada with the 'Queen's route' on the reverse.

[Pamphlet.] An Article on the proposals for a Welsh Educational Compromise. By the Right Rev. J. Owen, D.D. Late Bishop of St. Davids.

Right Rev. J. Owen [John Owen (1854-1926)], D.D., Late Bishop of St Davids [Welsh education]
Publication details: 
Printed by W. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen, For the Welsh Church Press and Printing Company, Limited, Lampeter.

19pp., 8vo. Stapled, in printed wraps. With the stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper, with lightly-rusted staples. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Cardiff, Oxford and Lambeth Palace.

[John Williamson of Tynron Cottage, Thornhill, Scotland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Edinburgh lawyer David Williamson, regarding his immediate voyage to St Kitts in the West Indies, ship called the "Nevis Planter', with six gallons of Scotch whisky.

John Williamson (b.1750) of Tynron Cottage, Thornhill, Scotland [David Williamson (d.1837), Lord Balgray, of Lawers, Perthshire, Lord of Session; Scotch whisky; St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies]
Publication details: 
Tynron Cottage [Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland]. 4 January 1801.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with red ink postmark and broken black wax seal, to 'David Williamson Esqr | Advocate | George's Square | Edinh'. There is no indication in the letter that the two men are kinsmen. 'My Dear Sir, | I am happy to inform you that the ship called the Nevis Planter sails from Liverpool for St. Kitts on the 12th. Inst - with your approbation, I propose sailing with her - | Mr.

Printed pamphlet giving the speech of Connop Thirlwall, Bishop of St David's, on the inaguration in Tenby of the 'Welsh Memorial of the Late Prince Consort', eulogising him as 'Albert the Good' in front of his son Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught.

Connop Thirlwall (1797-1875), Bishop of St David's from 1840 to his death [Prince Albert (1819-1861), consort of Queen Victoria; his son Prince Arthur (1850-1942), Duke of Connaught and Strathearn]
Publication details: 
W. Spurrell, Printer, Carmarthen. [1865.]

The Times, 4 August 1865, carried a report of the inauguration on the previous day at Tenby of the 'Welsh Memorial to the Late Prince Consort', in the presence of Prince Albert's son Arthur, Duke of Connaught. The present item carries, without comment, the main speech at a banquet on the occasion, in the Assembly Room of the Gate House Hotel, by the man considered by the young John Stuart Mill as the best orator he had ever heard. 3pp., 4to. Paginated [1]-3. Bifolium. On laid paper with Joynson watermark dated 1863. In fair condition, on aged paper, creased and discoloured at the foot.

Autograph Letter Signed from the artist and illustrator Thomas W. Couldery to the editor of the St. James's Budget [J. Penderel Brodhurst], regarding drawings made by him for the Pall Mall Budget.

Thomas W. Couldery (fl. 1880-1900) of Chichester, English artist and book illustrator [J. Penderel Brodhurst, editor of the St. James's Budget]
Publication details: 
35 Little London, Chichester. 23 December 1895.

2pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with pin holes to one corner. Addressed to 'The Edr. | St. James's Budget'. 'To the best of my recollection the drawings I made for the P. M. Budget, were sold to include copyright. If not stated - this was the understanding - and therefore my interest in them so far as Black and White is concerned has ceased. But should you think of adapting any of them to the purposes of coloured pictures - I think you would require my consent, which I should be at liberty to give or not as I thought proper.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

Three items of printed ephemera relating to the Roman Catholic seminary St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham: 'List of the Names and Numbers of the Professors and Students' and two concert programmes.

[St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham, Roman Catholic seminary; J. Hughes Holloway, College Prof. of Music]
Publication details: 
St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham. List dated 1918-19, and printed at Shibden Industrial School, Halifax.

The three items in good condition, lightly-aged. Item One: 'St. Cuthbert's College. Ushaw. List of the Names and Numbers of the Professors and Students. 1918-19.' Shibden Industrial School, Halifax. 10.5 x 6 cm stapled booklet, in red wraps with title on front and printer's slug at foot. Headed 'A.M.D.G.' and ending 'L.D.S.', the list runs from number 1 (blank) to '337 John Corboy'. Item Two: Printed programme for 'The Tailor Prince and the Jester, An Operetta', 'Composed by Mr. J. Hughes Holloway, (College Prof. of Music.)' 'Junior House - Shrovetide, 1918'. 4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium.

[Printed programme.] An Amateur Concert will take place in Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, [...] The Proceeds will be expended in the purchase of Coals, to be distributed previous to Christmas, among the poor of the Village.

[Amateur Charity Christmas Concert at Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, Kent, 1869; C. Whitely; Miss Borton; T. B. Morrish; Harry Giles; W. & T. Dray; Miss Brice; E. Whomes; Miss Marshall]
Publication details: 
Eynsford, Kent. On Wednesday, December 15th, 1869. [E. Clarke, Printer, St. Mary Cray.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, on yellow paper. In good condition, on aged paper, with traces of mount at head of second leaf. The full title reads: 'An Amateur Concert will take place in Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, (Kindly lent for the occasion) On Wednesday, December 15th, 1869. | The Proceeds will be expended in the purchase of Coals, to be distributed previous to Christmas, among the poor of the Village.' Nine committee members are named on the first page, with details of tickets (to be 'obtained of any of the Committee, or Mr. T. M. G. Sharwood, Farmingham').

[Printed booklet for children, with illustrations.] The Bunch of Violets.

Anonymous [James Burns, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square, London; Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, 46 St Martin's Lane, London]
Publication details: 
London: James Burns, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square. 1840. [Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, 46 St Martin's Lane, London.]

19pp., 32mo. Stitched. In pink printed wraps. Lightly-aged, in worn wraps. The front cover duplicates the only different element being the central vignette. On the rear wrap is a list of twelve children's books, 'Just published, uniform in size with the present', 'The Series to be continued.' Stock engraving at head of first page, showing old man with stick at cottage door, admonishing three children, one of them crying. Final engraving shows man with hat and stick on tired horse, with accompanying dog in foreground and foliage in background.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H Calderon.') from Philip Hermogenes Calderon, member of the St John's Wood Clique, to fellow-artist John Callcott Horsley, describing a trip to the 'dissolute city' of Paris.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), English painter born in France of Spanish extractino, member of St John's Wood Clique, Keeper of the Royal Academy, London [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 9 Marlborough Place, St John's Wood, NW. 'Sunday Evening' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin neat strip of paper mount at head of third page.

Autograph Signature of John Hunter, LLD, Professor of Humanity at the University of St Andrews, with accompanying note by Rev. Thomas Dick.

John Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Humanity, University of St Andrews, Fife, and classical scholar [Rev. Thomas Dick (1774-1857), writer on science]
Publication details: 
[February 1834]; St Andrews, Fife.

On one side of piece of paper approximately 18 x 8.5 cm. Neatly placed in a windowpane mount of laid paper, 25 x 20 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a clear, firm hand: 'John Hunter LL.D. | Profr. of Humanity | St. Andrews. | Fife.' Beneath this, along the foot of the page, in a small hand (identified in note on mount as 'The writing of Dr Dick, author of "The Christian Philosopher &c'): 'Dr Hunter is about 90 years of age, and still retains his bodily & mental vigour | This Autograph was written in Feby. 1834. T. D.'

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'T: Dibdin') from the playwright and song-writer Thomas Dibdin to his publisher John Whitaker of Button & Whitaker of St Paul's Churchyard, discussing work and finances; with an autograph cheque signed by Dibdin.

Thomas Dibdin [Thomas John Dibdin] (1771-1841), dramatist, song-writer, author of pantomime 'Mother Goose' and song 'The Snug Little Island' [Button & Whitaker, music publishers, St Pauls Churchyard]
Publication details: 
The two letters: 'Weston Green 10th: July [1812]' and 'Johnsons Coffee House | Monday Evg: [July 1812]'. Cheque: 'London September 19th: 1817'.

All three items are on stubs, within a card wallet. All good, on aged paper. Letter One: 'Weston Green 10th: July'. 1 p, 4to. On bifolium, with verso of second leaf addressed to 'Mr: Whitaker | St: Pauls Church Yard | London', with two postmarks (one 'KINGSTON - T | 12'), and docketed 'Mr; T.

Autograph Letter Signed ['Lathom'] from Edward Bootle-Wilbraham, 1st Earl of Lathom, to 'Mr. Brearley', concerning a 'meeting of Managers of St. John's Schools'.

Edward Bootle-Wilbraham (Lathom)
Autograph Letter Signed ['Lathom'] from Edward Bootle-Wilbraham
Publication details: 
8 September 1895; Lathom House, Ormskirk.
Autograph Letter Signed ['Lathom'] from Edward Bootle-Wilbraham

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. 26 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Apologises for being unable to 'attend a meeting of Managers of St. John's Schools' that week: 'Miss Wilbraham will be away from home the following week & Lord Skelmersdale does not arrive till the 20th.' Gives dates when he can attend, if his unnamed correspondent thinks it 'advisable to have the meeting without them'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Douglas Harmer') to Noon.

William Douglas Harmer (1873-1962), surgeon, of St Bartholomew's Hospital, pioneer in radium treatment of throat cancer [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
19 November 1945; The Radium Institute (on his cancelled Harley Street letterhead).

4to, 1 p. Nineteen lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with slight staining, and punch hole to top left-hand corner. Pressing the claims of his son Michael ('also a Bart's man') for a post at Noon's hospital. 'He has done very well at Bart's, is a Fellow of the College, missed M.Ch. (Cambridge) by a few marks just before the war, was Harold Wilson's Assistant for the first two years and has been Squadron Leader in the Air Force in charge of the surgical wards at a big hospital at Hoylake since.'

Manuscript account of 'Revenue as calculated to end of Charter', including reference to St Helena.

East India Company [St Helena; Charter of 1833]
Publication details: 
Dated at foot '1845'.

On one side of a piece of laid watermarked paper, 14 x 8 cm. On aged and creased paper. The accounts are brief, and neatly written in an unidentified hand. At foot '1845'. Headed 'Revenue as calculated to end of Charter', and featuring a total of £17,936,217 against itemised charges of £18,763517, including those incurred 'in India', 'Esp: St Helena', 'Political Chges in England' and 'Cost of '. Beneath this a section headed 'Of ye above charges may be pble in Engd'.

Legal agreement, in French, between Drummond and the Marquise de St. Aulaire, for the leasing by Drummond of the Chateau de Courbeton. Signed by both parties ('Mise De St. Aulaire' and 'Jas Drummond').

James Drummond (1767-1851), Viscount Strathallan; Marie Madelaine de St. Janvier, Marquise de Beaupoil de St. Aulaire [Chateau de Courbeton, Seine et Marne, France]
Publication details: 
28 November 1822; Paris.

8vo, 1 pp. A long document, closely written in a clerical hand. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with slight loss to one corner. Stamped for tax. Signed twice by both parties, and initialled by them on a couple of occasions. Following the defeat of Napoleon, the broken state of the French economy allowed many wealthy Britains to live there. Drummond is described as 'Mr. Jacques Drummond Ecossais Logé ce jour à Paris, Rue St. Honoré No., hôtel Meurice'.

Unpublished manuscript poem, titled 'The lament of a gyp', humourously recounting the 'troubles of a Cambridge man, a careful hardworked gyp' on the disappearance of Bushell on a mountaineering trip.

[William Done Bushell (1838-1917) of St John's College, Cambridge University; later assistant master and honorary chaplain at Harrow School; Victorian mountaineering
Publication details: 
Undated (around 1861).

From Bushell's own collection, and possibly in his hand. On both sides of a piece of light-blue paper, 27 x 22 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with four labels from previous mounting (one with small closed tear) on the reverse. A delightful item, casting light on the social history of Victorian Cambridge. Thirty-six lines in couplets. Written from the point of view of Bushell's 'gyp' (college servant). Begins 'Oh! listen to me now all ye who give anyone the slip.

Address. Delivered at St. Clement Danes on 13th December, 1926 [Samuel Johnson Anniversary]

R. W. Chapman [Cecil Harmsworth, 1st Baron Harmsworth; Samuel Johnson; Johnsoniana]
Publication details: 
London. 1927.

4to bifolium. The text, in small print, covers the final three pages. On aged and foxed paper. Inscribed, at the head of the title, 'from R. W. C.' The recipient was Cecil Harmsworth, who has written in pencil, beneath the inscription: 'C H | 26/ii/ 1927'. (Harmsworth was the proprietor of the Johnson house, which he had bought in 1911.) Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford.

A Catalogue of a Collection of Old and Modern Pictures and Drawings, Engravings, Prints and Books. [...] the late Sir Robert W. Dibdin, [...] the late James Duncan Campbell (Craignish) Esq.. C.M.G., [...] the late S. Morell, Esq. [...].

Robinson, Fisher & Harding, London auctioneers [Sir Robert W. Dibdin; James Duncan Campbell; S. Morell]
Publication details: 
22 March 1934. Robinson, Fisher & Harding. L. C. Robinson, R. H. Hurlbatt. At their great galleries, Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W.1. [Barnard & Crannis, Ltd., Printers, 11, Baldwin's Place, Holborn, E.C.1.]

8vo, 12 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Text clear and complete. On aged, worn and spotted paper. A total of 204 lots. Pencil notes to lots 4, 9 and 11, with slip indicating their purchase prices, totalling £10 12s 0d. Lot 179 ('Another Property') is given prominence: 'FRANCIS COTES, R.A. A PORTRAIT OF A LADY in White Dress with Green Sash and Pink Cloak, her hair dressed high and adorned with pearls, 3.4 length | 50in. x 40in. | Signed and dated 1788.' No copy in the British Library, on COPAC or WorldCat.

The Arrow. W. B. Yeats Commemoration Number.

Edmund Dulac, Oliver St. John Gogarty, John Masefield, Lennox Robinson, William Rothenstein, Max Beerbohm, contributors [The Abbey Theatre, Dublin; W. B. Yeats; Irish literature]
Publication details: 
Summer 1939. Published by the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. [Wood Printing Works, Ltd., Dublin.]

4to, 24 pp. With four pages of illustrations (by J. B. Yeats, Charles Shannon, Sean O'Sullivan, Max Beerbohm and Edmund Dulac). Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. Aged and dog-eared, in worn wraps. The introduction, by 'L. R.', explains that 'THE ARROW is an occasional, a very occasional, publication by the Abbey Theatre. Only four numbers of it have appeared, two in 1906, one in 1907, 1908 and 1909.' Essays by John Masefield ('William Butler Yeats'), F. R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adolphus') concerning the newly-completed St Mary's Hospital, Paddington.

Prince Adolphus Frederick (1774-1850), Duke of Cambridge, son of King George III [St Mary's Hospital, Paddington]
Publication details: 
15 March 1850; Cambridge House.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a little damage to the four corners of the second leaf caused by removal from mount. Thirty-five lines of text. Clear and complete. He has been afforded 'very great satisfaction' by the announcement that the Hospital 'is now so nearly completed' that it will 'a few weeks hence be delivered into the possession and management of the Governors'. It is a 'new, capacious and very necessary addition to our metropolitan Hospitals'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Beattie') to R. Hepburn.

William Beattie (1793-1875), M.D., poet and biographer
Publication details: 
Friday mg.' [date not stated]; Upper Berkeley Street.

One page, 12mo. Black bordered. Very good and with the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifolium laid down on a leaf detached from an autograph album. Nine lines. He thanks him for 'a brace of splendid grouse - which are now so rare as not to be had for money. It was therefore doubly generous [...] Endulging [sic] the pleasing hope of "Revenge" - & with kind regards to your House circle'.

[drophead title] The Conversion of Martin Luther.

James Macaulay (1817-1902), doctor, editor and author of devotional works [Martin Luther; The Religious Tract Society]
Publication details: 
[circa 1890] London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Paul's Churchyard, 164 Piccadilly.

12mo: 12 pp. Stitched and unbound. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Numbered 1355 at foot of first page. On first page 9 x 7 cm engraving of the monk Luther reading in a library. Beneath the title the author is described as 'James Macaulay, Esq., M.A., M.D., Author of "Luther Anecdotes," [published c.1883] etc. etc.' Curiously scarce considering the publishers: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC. For more on Macaulay see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. M. Stone') to Mrs Metcalfe, on an 'eulogium' to her father Frederic Carpenter Skey, delivered by the President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Henry Hancock.

Thomas Madden Stone (d.1894), Librarian to the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London [Henry Hancock (1809-1880); Frederic Carpenter Skey (1798-1872), surgeon to St Bartholomew's Hospital]
Publication details: 
28 February 1873; on the letterhead of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London.

12mo: 2 pp. 18 lines of text. Good. Reporting that 'Mr. Hancock our President' has 'paid such a well deserved eulogium to your honoured sire in his Hunterian Oration published fully in "the Medical Times & Gazette" of last Saturday'. Stone was 'much moved by it', and said to himself 'how pleased I should have been, had his children been present to hear and see how well it was rec[eive]d.' Makes a Latin quotation that has been 'truly [...] said of your noble father'. Skey is not mentioned by name, but the item is from the Skey family archives.

A Catalogue of New & Popular Works, And of Books for Children, Suitable for Presents, Sunday School Libraries, and Prizes.

E. P. Dutton & Co., publishers, New York [book catalogue; children's books; juvenile]
Publication details: 
[October 1881] New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 713, Broadway. Griffith & Farran, St. Paul's Churchyard, London.

12mo. 32 pages. Unbound. On browned high-acidity paper. Loss to margins of first and last leaves, but text clear and complete, save for the dating in bottom left-hand corner of the title: <...> 8. 81. Cancelling all previous Editions of this Catalogue.' Line in blue pen around the words 'for Children' in the title, and pencil markings (by a child) to p.30. Circular engraving beneath title captioned 'Goldsmith introduced to Newbery by Dr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('von Bülow'), in English, to 'Jon Shelly Esq | Yarmouth'.

Heinrich Ulrich Wilhelm von Bulow [von Bülow; von Buelow] (1791-1846), Baron von Bulow, Prussian Minister in London, 1827-1845; and Wilhelm von Humboldt's son-in-law
Publication details: 
2 October 1825; Hull [Kingston upon Hull].

4to: 3 pp. A bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Thin strip of brown paper mount still adhering in inner margin of reverse of second leaf. Forty-six lines of text, clear and complete. A small square of paper, bearing Von Bulow's red wax seal (with clear impression) has been cut away from the second leaf and neatly placed beneath the signature. Address, with circular Hull postmark in black ink, on reverse of second leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Webster'.

Jacob Bell (1810-1859), English pharmacist and Liberal Member of Parliament for St Albans
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; 13 Langham Place [London].

12mo: 2 pp. Sixteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with a strip from the previous mount adhering at the head of the reverse. Docketed in a contemporary hand 'Jacob Bell' and 'M. P. for St. Albans 1851.' He thanks him for taking the trouble to search 'the last document which fortunately is found much to my surprise in a store room in my own house'. He 'cannot account for the accident' and apologises once again.

A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of the Congregation at Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-Bonne.

[the Portland Chapel, St. Mary-la-bonne [Marylebone], London; hymnology]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by W. Flint, Old Bailey; and may be had at the Chapel. 1804.

12mo, 30 pages. In contemporary nonce-binding of brown boards tied with twine. Presumably incomplete, as sequential translations of only thirty psalms are present, ending with the hundred-and-fourth. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Fevret e St. Mémin | Consr. du Musée de Dijon'), in French, to an unnamed correspondent.

Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin (1770-1852). French engraver painter and Conservateur du Musée de Dijon [Fevret de St. Mésmin; Févret de St. Mesmin; Fevret de St Mesmin; St. Mémin]
Publication details: 
Dijon le 1r. octobre 1842.'

4to: 2 pp. 26 lines. He is totally flattered by the obliging comments of the recipient in sending the first three issues of 'l'Artiste'. Discusses the merits of this 'intéressant ouvrage'. Describes the limited 'coopération' he will be able to provide. 'J'espere ainsi que vous voudrez bien vous contenter de l'envoi que j'ai l'honneur de vous faire de la notice, dernièrement publiée, du musée que je dirige, dont la 1re et la 4e.

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