Autograph Letter from Henry Allen Brainard, editor of 'The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)' to his former colleague in the Union army, Major B. F. Ainger, discussing their colleagues and describing the horticulture of the San Jose area

Henry Allen Brainard (1840-1900), Editor, The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)
Publication details: 
The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley), 10 Orchard Street, San Jose, California. 10 May 1892.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on two leaves of lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand. The recipient is addressed as 'B. F. Ainger, Delegate to Editorial Committee, <?> Excursion'. The first two pages of the letter only, hence lacking Brainard's signature. Having seen Ainger's name 'among the delegates from Pennsylvania', he is 'strongly reminded of a Maj B. F. Ainger formerly of the 2nd. <?> Artillery with whom I had the pleasure of an acquaintance long ago when we were watching the Defences of Bermuda Honduras &c.

Typed Letter Signed from Major A. M. Urquhart, Royal Artillery, to Rev. William Henderson Begg, giving a summary (as President of the Committee of Adjustment) of what has been done regarding his brother Captain Robert Henderson Begg's estate in India

Major A. M. Urquhart, Royal Artillery [Rev. William Henderson-Begg (1877-1934), Rector of St Paul's and Canon of Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh; Captain Robert Henderson Begg (d.1915); Siege of Kut
Publication details: 
The Arsenal, Ferozepore, India. 27 April 1916.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Captain Begg had died at the Siege of Kut Al Amara, Mesopotamia (now Iraq), and Urquhart begins by informing the Rev. Begg that the inventory which he sent of his brother's effects has 'gone astray'. 'In order to save any further delay I am forwarding you a complete list including some things recently recovered from Kirkee Arsenal. Would you kindly point out what you wish returned to you. The remaining items will be sold by auction here.' He continues with 'a summary of what has been done up to date'.

Printed notice in English and Burmese, from Major General C. F. B. Pearce of the British Military Administration 'To All Burma Government Servants', on victory over the Japanese, announcing that 'The era of face slapping is over'.

Major General C. F. B. Pearce [Sir Charles Frederick Byrde Pearce] (1892-1964), Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma), British Military Administration [Japanese occupation of Burma, 1942-1945]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Burma, c. May 1945.] In bottom left-hand corner: 'SB/20'.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight discoloration and wear to extremities. In English on one side and Burmese on the other. Both sides headed by the royal crest, with a banner beneath, reading in English 'BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION'. The English version of the document is signed in type: 'Sd: C. F. B. PEARCE | Maj. General | Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma)'. It is headed 'TO ALL BURMA GOVERNMENT SERVANTS', and begins: 'The Allies are now about to drive the Japanese from Burma.

Copy of Typed Letter from Major Antony Brett-James to Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Gwynne Horrocks, recalling his wartime experiences with the 5th Indian Division Signals, while discussing 'what makes a good division'.

Major Antony Brett-James (1920-84), 5th Indian Division Royal Signals, lecturer at Sandhurst [Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Gwynne Horrocks (1895-1985), commander of XXX Corps in the Second World War]
Publication details: 
82 Barnet Way, Mill Hill, NW7 [London]. 28 January 1953.

3pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed by Brett-James in pencil at the head of the first page to 'Lt Gen Sir Brian Horrocks' and with one manuscript correction. The letter begins: 'I do want to say how interesting and worthwhile I found the broadcast discussion last Sunday evening about the factors which make a good division. All that was said was true and most stimulating, but there are a few points which I should like to add.

Twenty-two typed and manuscript accounts, receipts and notes assembled by the military historian and Sandhurst lecturer Eliot Antony Brett-James, while a student at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.

[Major Eliot Antony Brett-James (1920-84), 5th Indian Division Royal Signals, lecturer at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst; Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. 1945 and 1947.

An interesting collection of Cambridge ephemera, dating from a period of considerable economic and social turbulence. The twenty-two items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. They include six term accounts, with Brett-James's details typewritten on printed forms, signed by tutors D. Thomson and B. T. D. Smith. These accounts are itemised, with details of domestic charges. Affixed to all but one of these accounts are official College receipts signed by tutors. Also present is an Autograph Note to Brett-James from the College clerk R. S.

Autograph Letter Signed from the historian Sir Charles Oman to the antiquary Major Norman George Brett-James, regarding his 'Extents and Surveys of Hendon', All Souls College, and Tudor coinage.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman; Sir C. W. C. Oman] (1860-1946) historian, of All Souls College, Oxford [Major Norman George Brett-James (b.1879, fl.1955), FSA]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frewin Hall, Oxford. 3 April 1934.

1p., 4to. 12 lines, in close, neat hand. Good, on aged paper. He received Brett-James's paper that day, and 'read it through all except some of the statistics'. He discusses the 'exceptional' nature of Middlesex, college maps and the difference between the estates held in Hendon and Edgware by Alls Souls College, and 'some of our Midland estates'. In the second paragraph he comments on 'letting values in Tudor times', 'the effect of the depreciation of coinage' and 'the awful meddling with currency between 1543 and 1548'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Alistair') from the historian of France Alistair Horne to the Sandhurst lecturer Antony Brett-James, regarding the trouble he has put him to over 'the Macmillan speech'.

Sir Alistair Horne [Sir Alistair Allan Horne] (b.1925), British historian of modern France [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Lansdowne Road, London W11. 21 September 1979.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. A short letter, in which he thanks Brett-James for writing to him 'about the Macmillan speech': 'I really feel badly at having put you obviously to so much trouble'. He suggests that Brett-James sends him 'the tape' and lets him 'have it transcribed here, by my secretary'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Powell-Cotton') from Antoinette Powell-Cotton, discussing the 'specimens from Angola' in her father Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton's collection (the Quex Museum at Birchington) with the anthropologist J. H. Driberg.

Antoinette Powell-Cotton (1913-1997), daughter of Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton (1866-1940), founder of the Quex Museum, Birchington, Kent [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist]
Publication details: 
25 Craven Road, London, W2. 29 January [1930s].

Antoinette (Tony) Powell-Cotton was the daughter of Major Percy Horace Gordon Powell-Cotton (1866-1940), explorer, naturalist, founder in 1896 of the Quex Museum (the Powell-Cotton collection), at Birchington, Kent. 3pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of minor damp stains to the first leaf of two. She writes that her family have just spoken to Professor Herskovits [the American anthropologist Melville Jean Herskovits (1895-1963)], 'and he gave us a message that you would like to see our specimens from Angola'.

Printed 'Prospectus' for 'a Poetical illustration of the Career of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington, and his Illustrious Companions', with the autograph signature of 'George Webb De Renzy, Major and Barrack-Master'

Major George Webb De Renzy, of the 82nd Regiment, and Barrack-Master, Dundee [The Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
Castletown, Isle of Man. 1 January 1847.

1p., 4to. Thirteen lines of text, daintily printed in small type. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with a number of short closed tears. Dated in print at the foot 'Castletown, Isle of Man, | 1847.' Beneath this De Renzy has written, in manuscript, '1st January, | [signed] George Webb De Renzy, Major | and Barrack-Master'.

Nine manuscript documents relating to the death and estate of Major Anthony Coane, 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot, who died in Kandy, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], in 1819, including an inventory and account, and a covering letter from Lieut. Minter.

Major Anthony Coane (d.1819), 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot [Kandy, Ceylon [Sri Lanka]]
Publication details: 
The nine items all from Kandy, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], and dating from October 1817 to January 1819.

The nine items in this collection provide valuable information regarding the management of the estate of a Georgian colonial British army office. Coane's battalion had served in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land between 1812 and 1814, and had been in Ceylon (under Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Giels) since 1814 by the time Coane died on 5 January 1819, his demise much regretted by his superiors. The nine items are on aged and worn paper with chipping to extremities. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'G[eorge]. Minter' to unnamed recipient. Kandy; 29 December 1818. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

Engraved portrait of Major Patrick George Craigie, CB, from a photograph by Reinhold Thiele & Co., with anonymous printed biography of 'Major P. G. Craigie, C.B.' in 'Heywood's Authentic Series of Press Biographies', in green printed folder.

Publication details: 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., 150, Holborn, London. Biography dated 'October, 1902.'

The two items and the folder are all lightly-aged and in good condition. Green card folder, with 'Heywood's Authentic Series of Press Biographies. | Major P. G. Craigie, C.B.' and 'C/21' printed on front. The printed biography is 9pp., 8vo, on nine loose leaves attached to one another by a brass stud. The engraving, by Art Repro Co, from a photograph by Reinhold Thiele & Co. of Chancery Lane, is on a piece of thick paper 29 x 21 cm. Dimensions of plate 15.5 x 10.5 cm. A bearded Craigie stands in formal attire with right hand in pocket.

[Printed pamphlet on Nova Scotia, Canada.] The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

Major Francis Duncan, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Royal Artillery [Nova Scotia, Canada]
The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.
Publication details: 
London: William Clowes and Sons, 13, Charing Cross. 1878.
The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

8vo, 20 pp. In original blue printed wraps, with publisher's advertisement ('List of Military Works') on back. Clear and complete. On aged paper, with wear and slight marking to wraps. Two appendices.

[printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue] Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc. formant les Collections delaissées par feu M. le Major A. Daufresne de la Chevalerie et provenant de divers autres amateurs.

[Major Auguste Daufresne de la Chevalerie (1818-1881); H. Cordemans-de Bruyne; Charles Dupriez; Belgium; printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue]
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.
Publication details: 
Malines: Imprimerie L. & A. Godenne, Editeurs, 28, Grand' Place, 28. 1896. [To be sold 26 May 1896, 'sous la direction de H. Cordemans-de Bruyne & Ch. Dupriez, Experts, à la Salle Bluff, 10, Rue du Gentilhomme, 10, Bruxelles'.
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.

12mo, [ii] + 28 pp. In original pink printed wraps. Card frontispiece in three panels, folding out to 18.5 x 37.5 cm., carrying facsimiles of 48 numbered coins in collotype. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor damp staining at foot, in chipped and faded wraps. 893 lots, beginning with 'Monnaies Grecques et Gauloises', and ending with 'Jetons' and 'Médailles'. Excessively scarce: no copy on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat in the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Collections Jacques Doucet, Paris.

A Case of Sleeping Sickness Studied by Precise Enumerative Methods: Further Observations.

Major Ronald Ross, F.R.S., and David Thomson, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. [Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; sleeping sickness]
Ronald Ross, A Case of Sleeping Sickness , pamphlet
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Vol. IV, No. 4, March, 1911. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Liverpool, at the University Press, 57 Ashton Street.
Ronald Ross, A Case of Sleeping Sickness , pamphlet

4to, 21 pp and fold-out graph. In original green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusty staples. Describing the case of 'a strong young Englishman, age 26, weight 154 lbs., [who] was infected in N.E. Rhodesia near the River Luangwa in September, 1909'. Fold-out graph of 'Number of Trypanosomes per'

Autograph Signatures of seven leading figures in Victorian horseracing: 'Mornington Cannon', 'Thomas Cannon', 'Sam Darling', 'C. Morton', 'Roderic Owen', 'Leopold de Rothschild' and 'C Tattersall'.

Herbert Mornington Cannon (1873-1962); Thomas Cannon Snr (1846-1917); Samuel Darling (1852-1921); Charles Morton (1855-1936); Roderic Owen (1856-1896); Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917); C. Tattersall
Publication details: 
Undated [1890s?]

The seven signatures are each cut from a letter. They are mounted in two columns on a page of grey paper, roughly 22.5 x 27.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with occasional light spotting. At the head of the page is the word 'Horseman', with each individuals occupation in the same hand on the mount beneath his autograph. One (2.5 x 11 cm): '<...> delivery? | Yrs truly | Roderic Owen' ['Gentleman rider']. Two (5.5 x 11.5 cm): '<...> Yrs truly | Sam Darling' ['trainer']. Three (3.5 x 12 cm): '<...> Yours very sincerely | C. Morton' ['Trainer'].

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Charles Cox & Son, Royal Marine Agency Office, Buckingham Street, Strand, London.

Major John Lodington, Royal Marines, Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Dominica, the Earl of Huntingdon [Hans Francis Hastings (1779-1828), 12th Earl of Huntingdon; Windward Islands; West Indian]
Publication details: 
12 and 13 February 1824; Roseau, Dominica.

8vo bifolium (leaf dimensions 30 x 18 cm): 4 pp. Fair, on aged paper with slight wear to extremities, and minor damage to the area around the breaking of the black wax seal, which adheres, with a clear impression of a crest, to the reverse of the second leaf. Damage to a couple of words: otherwise text clear and complete. Circular 'F' postmark in red ink. Docketed. An impassioned, anguished letter, long and unguarded, and unusual in the valuable light it casts on the state of West Indian colonial affairs.

Signed Letter in secretarial hand to the Quartermaster General, Horse Guards.

Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 10th Baron and 1st Viscount and Earl Cathcart
Publication details: 
Salton Hall January 27 1810'.

Scottish soldier and diplomat (1755-1843). Four pages, octavo. Good, though grubby on discoloured paper, and a little frayed about the edges. Concerns 'the Subject of Issues which are made by the Barrack Department in North Britain to the Forces stationed in this Part of the United Kingdom, but which are not sanctioned by The King's Warrant'. '[...] | I conceive the Establishment of Regimental Schools to be highly conducive to the good of His Majesty's Service, and peculiarly so in the case of 2d.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. P. Drury') to unnamed female correspondent.

Major William Price Drury (1861-1928), Royal Marines, English author
Publication details: 
3 September 1907; East Lavington, Petworth, Sussex.

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with a little paperclip spotting. Laid down on piece of card. 'It is with considerable misgiving that I thrust my autograph upon the distinguished company you cite in your letter. Since, however, it is unthinkable to refuse the request of a lady, I have the honour to subscribe myself, | Yours faithfully, | W. P. Drury.'

Detailed Signed Autograph Manuscript Account, entitled 'Valuation of Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin'.

William S. Airey, Land Agent, Whalley [Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin, Ribble Valley, Lancashire; Whalley; Grindleton; Clitheroe]
Publication details: 
15 April 1904; Whalley [Lancashire]. [Waterlow & Sons, Limited, Wholesale & Export Stationers, Great Winchester Street, London Wall, and Parliament Street, London.]

8vo: 12 pp. Very good, in original blue cloth account book of twelve leaves, with title on label on front board. Label of Waterlow & Sons inside front cover. The entries spread across six sets of two facing pages, all ruled with red printed lines and in boxes and with the following seven categories printed at the head: 'No. on Plan'; 'DESCRIPTION.'; 'State of Cul[ivatio]n.'; 'Value per Acre'; 'Statute | A. R. P. [i.e. acreage]'; 'Value. | £ s.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Palmerston') to Major General Patrick Campbell (1779-1857), British Consul General in Egypt.

Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865), British Prime Minister (as Foreign Secretary)
Publication details: 
13 December 1837; Foreign Office.

4to: 1 p. Good. Folded three times. A neatly-written letter of introduction for 'Major William Henry Grote [1795-1844], of the 33d. Regiment, now at Malta, Brother of Mr. Grote MP. for London, who is about to visit Egypt': 'I beg leave to introduce him to your acquaintance, and to recommend him to your Protection and good Offices.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Major General Rooke.

John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury
Publication details: 
Windsor Castle June 18th. 1792.'

Learned ecclesiastic (1721-1807), who opposed Hume and edited Clarendon. One page, quarto. Good, though on discoloured paper and heavily creased with a few small holes (not affecting text) caused by wear. Second leaf of bifoliate, damaged, discoloured and with some loss through breaking of wafer; bears address ('To / Major General Rooke | Member of Parliament | Woodstock | Oxfordshire') and postmark 'WINDSOR'. As Douglas was travelling to Salisbury, Rooke's covering letter did not arrive with 'Dr.

Engraving by H. Bond of 'THE DEATH OF MAJOR PIERSON.'

John Singleton Copley [BATTLE OF JERSEY]
Publication details: 
Undated, but mid-nineteenth century. Printed by 'JOHN TALLIS & COMPANY, LONDON & NEW YORK'.

Major Francis Pierson died driving the French from the Market Place of Saint Helier in the Island of Jersey, 6 January 1781. Dimensions of paper roughly ten inches by eight. Dimensions of print roughly six inches by four and a half. Surrounded by six tiny vignettes: two of soldiers and four of battle scenes. Very good and clean. Suitable for framing. Mounted on a larger sheet of paper torn from an autograph album. The original painting is in London's Tate Gallery, and the item is accompanied by an early twentieth-century colour postcard of it, with some damage to the reverse.

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