Four Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed from the Hampstead poet Frederick Grubb (one in full, four 'Fredk G' and one 'Comrade G') to the critic Derek Stanford, including a virulent attack, and with two other items signed by Grubb.

Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), English writer; 1960s Hampstead coterie]
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet
Publication details: 
1973 and 1974; most from 243 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.
Fred Grubb [Frederick Grubb] (born 1930), English poet

All items clear and complete, on aged paper. Letters totaling: 4to, 1 p; landscape 8vo, 5 pp. The two cards carry long messages, written in red ink in Grubb's close, neat hand; one is standard size, the other 27 x 13.5 cm. Five envelopes are stapled to their letters. Grubb ('one of the last survivors of the famous 1960s Hampstead coterie of writers, actors and critics') writes entertainingly in an emphatic, energetic manner marvellously evocative of the 1970s London literary scene.

Autograph Letter Signed from the chemist Frederick Early Tozer ('Fred. E. Tozer') to his former employer Alfred Clay Abraham, of Clay and Abraham, Liverpool pharmacists, comparing New York and Ohio in 1889 with England.

Frederick Early Tozer (d.1940) [Alfred Clay Abraham (1853-1942), Liverpool pharmacist]
Publication details: 
15 December 1889. 'c/o H. Waterman, Esq. Ravenna - Ohio'.

140 lines of text, written out on both sides of a strip of ruled paper, with one side forming two outside 12mo pages (each 13 x 10 cm) by the folding the strip horizontally halfway down, and the reverse carrying one continuous column over a 13 x 20 cm single page. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Tozer had shone in his training as a pharmacist, with the British Medical Journal reporting his winning in 1881 of a medal in practical pharmacy and dispensing, and a certificate in botany. By 1889 he was working in Castle Street, Liverpool, for A. C.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Fred Norgate') from the London publisher Frederick Norgate (of the firm Williams & Norgate) to [John] Lawler, concerning the printer William Caxton and bookseller Bernard Quaritch.

Frederick Norgate (1817-1908), British publisher, of the firm Williams & Norgate [Bernard Quaritrch; William Caxton; John Lawler]
Frederick Norgate (1817-1908), British publisher,
Publication details: 
29 July 1902; 7 Edith Road, London.
Frederick Norgate (1817-1908), British publisher,

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. 47 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, wear and fraying to extremities. The cutting which Lawler leant him 'has helped me to trace one stage further in the wanderings of more than one vagabond Caxton'. Refers to John Winter Jones's discovery of a copy in the British Museum of the 'Quatre Derrenieres Choses', 'now more than 50 years ago [...] it has remained absolutely unique until our old friend at 15 Piccadilly [Bernard Quaritch] came upon a 2nd copy'.

Trade card for 'Frederick Bentley & Co. (Late Thomas Harrild.) Printers, Engravers, Designers and Lithographers, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London', with engraved illustration of works on one side and 'Almanack for 1870' on the other.

Frederick Bentley & Co. (Late Thomas Harrild.) Printers, Engravers, Designers and Lithographers, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London [trade cards; printing]
Frederick Bentley & Co. (Late Thomas Harrild.) Printers
Publication details: 
Frederick Bentley & Co., Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. [1869.]
Frederick Bentley & Co. (Late Thomas Harrild.) Printers

Landscape card, 7.5 x 11.5 cm. Designed to show off the firm's capabilities, and printed on one side in purple, green, light brown and gold, with fancy lettering within florally-decorated body and border, around a small central illustration of three men working a press. Printers' details in small letters at foot, reading 'F. Bentley & Co. Lth' and 'Shoe Lane, London.' The almanac on the reverse is a more restrained affair, stylishly printed in purple and gold. Fair: lightly-aged, with small closed hole to one corner, and slight wear at foot of almanac.

In excess of 500 original engravings, from the professional collection of the draughtsman Arthur F. E. Poley, and mainly done from his detailed illustrations, for advertising and other purposes, including armorial, natural history and other topics.

Arthur F. E. Poley [Arthur Frederick Edward Poley, c. 1886-1968, English illustrator and engraver], RIBA
Arthur F. E. Poley , Designs
Publication details: 
Undated, but all English, and from the early part of the twentieth century, and mainly the 1920s.
Arthur F. E. Poley , Designs

Poley was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects Silver Medal for the 'Measured Drawings' which formed the basis of his book on St Paul's Cathedral in London, and his work is notable for its attention to detail. This collection (with very few exceptions his own work) gives a splendid indication of the nature and range of English commercial engraved illustration at the beginning of the twentieth-century. Around 150 loose 'pulls', varying in size from 18.5 x 14.5 cm to 4 x 6 cm. Including trade marks (The Cork Hat Company; Cook's World Travel Service; The Swifan; A. C.

Five Typed Letters Signed and two Typed Notes Signed from Herbert Morrison to F. W. Pethick-Lawrence (one dealing with Churchill's 'outburst on the word Empire ' and another of his failure in the Labour leadership contest).

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison] (1888-1965), British Labour politician [Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence, Financial Secretary to the Treasury]
Publication details: 
The nine letters dating from between 1936 and 1957; all sent from London.

All texts clear and complete, and good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Several annotated in pencil, one extensively. Letter One: 27 January 1936; on letterhead of County Hall, London. 4to, 1 p. '[...] if it be the case that under a given government the finances are really getting into difficulty but that the Chancellor will not be frank with his colleagues and insist upon action, the civil servants concerned are put in somewhat of a difficulty.' Letter Two: 21 May 1943; on letterhead of the Home Secretary, Whitehall. 4to, 2 pp.

Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon.

George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, British Liberal politician
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers

On a square of paper, circa 10 x 11.5 cm. Aged and lightly-creased. Evidently a reply to a request for an autograph. Bold signature, with the whole reading 'Your's faithfully | Clarendon'. Docketed with a few biographical details on reverse.

Autograph Note in the third person from Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, to Sir W. J. Newton, regarding a sitting.

Prince Augustus Frederick (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex, sixth son of King George III [Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), artist and photographer]
Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
27 March 1840; Kensington Palace.
Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex

12mo, 1 p. Six lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Suggests a couple of alternative days on which he 'will be at liberty to give Sir W. J. Newton a sitting'.

Autograph Notebook by Frederick Leman Whelen, containing biographical matter, some on the Stage Society. Including lists of individuals (some Jewish) with whom Whelen was interned at Fort de Romainville and Drancy, Paris, during the Second World War.

Frederick Leman Whelen (1867-1955), Fabian socialist author and founder of the Stage Society [Drancy Internment Camp; Nazi Germany; holocaust; concentration camps]
F.L. Whelen, Fabian author, founder of  Stage Society, Notebook
Publication details: 
1939 to circa 1941.
F.L. Whelen, Fabian author, founder of  Stage Society, Notebook

Small 4to, 140 pp. Paginated by Whelen. Notebook of good laid paper, in boards covered in patterned paper, with the word 'BIOGRAPHICAL' in faded red manuscript at head of front cover. Text neatly written and clear and complete. Good: internally sound and tight on lightly-aged paper; in worn and chipped boards. The flyleaf is dated 1939, with Whelen's addresses given as the Royal Societies Club, St James's St, and 5 Place de la Taconnerie, Geneva.

Autograph account by Frederick Leman Whelan of a visit by him to the Soviet Union in 1936, as leader of 'the League of Nations Union party' of British 'useful idiots'; with other matter relating to the U.S.S.R.

Frederick Leman Whelan (1867-1955), Fabian socialist author and founder of the Stage Society [the Soviet Union; USSR; Russian Revolution; League of Nations Union; useful idiots]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936
Publication details: 
'To Leningrad & Moscow Intourist "S.S. Cooperazia". Sat. 27th June to Sunday 19th July 1936.' [First entry dated 22 June 1936.]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936

Small 4to, 61 pp, with the first four pages unpaginated and the last ones paginated 1-57. In notebook of good laid paper, in decorative boards. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper; in worn and chipped wraps, with 'U.S.S.R.' on spine and front board. Various addresses by Whelan inside the front cover, with the date 1936 amended to 1945 and 1950. Pages of slogans and abbreviations are followed by the notebook itself. The volume intersperses notes on the visit (ending at p.31) with extracts of quotations, statistics and other matter about the Soviet Union.

Abstract of Ferrier's Greek Philosophy [with notice of Ferrier's life].

B. R.' [Professor Benjamin H. Rand (1827-1883); James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with ownership inscription dated 1881.

8vo, 20pp. Stitched. Disbound. In original grey printed wraps (with 'VOL. II.' deleted in blue pencil at foot of title). Fair, on aged paper, with wear and loss to grubby wraps. Ownership inscription on front wrap: 'Henry Norman, April 26. 1881. G.18.' Signed in type 'B. R.' at foot of last page. Providing a detailed synopsis of Ferrier's teachings, with a fifteen-line 'Introductory Notice' of his life. Scarce. No copy at the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at Harvard.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Madras.') to 'My dear Venables'.

Frederick Gell (1820-1902), Anglican Bishop of Madras, India
Publication details: 
14 April 1871; 56 Friar Gate, Derby.

12mo, 2 pp. 24 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Laid down on a leaf from an album, in such a way as the first line of the second page can only be read in mirror image by holding the item up to the light. Marvellously indicative of the patronising attitude of the governing British classes to their Indian subjects. On visiting Venables he will 'venture to bring with me my native servant' who 'does not require much in the way of accommodation'. If Venables 'has no corner for him' in his house, asks if he can recommend 'a little room somewhere near'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Stratford Canning.

George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, Liberal politician [Stratford Canning (1786-1880), 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe]
Publication details: 
10 January 1858; The Grove.

12mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Docketed by Stratford Canning on the reverse of the second leaf. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of stub from mount adhering to one edge. He 'cannot resist' staying there the next day, 'as Lady C. & I hope to bring our Daughter up to London on Tuesday', a day on which, if convenient, he will be 'most happy' to see Stratford Canning at the Foreign Office.

Autograph Note Signed ('Fred Slade') to 'My dear Bee'.

Lt-Gen. Frederick George Slade (1851-1910), Royal Artillery, Assistant Adjutant-General, Woolwich Arsenal
Publication details: 
24 February 1899; on letterhead of the Chief Staff Office, Woolwich.

12mo, 1 p. 6 lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and slightly grubby paper, with strip of glue from mount on blank reverse, which has laid down on it a ten-line biographical newspaper cutting referring to Slade ('[...] one of the youngest major-generals on the Staff in the Army [...] His most recent appointment was that of Assistant Adjutant-General at Woolwich'). He is sending 'a missed lot of Soldiers autographs. Some that you already have may be useful in exchanging for others'.

Note, in a secretarial hand, signed by Blomfield ('Reginald . Blomfield'), to Dollman.

Sir Reginald Blomfield [Reginald Theodore Blomfield] (1856-1942), British architect and garden designer [John Charles Dollman (1851-1934), English illustrator; Frederick William Pomeroy (1856-1924)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1906; on letterhead of 1 New Court, Temple [London].

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. From the context of other items in the same collection, this letter relates to an 'Artists general Benevolent Banquet' (for which Dollman was acting as steward). Blomfield would be pleased to join Dollman, but has 'already promised my subscription to Pomeroy' (presumably acting as steward for a rival dinner). Addressed to Dollman at Hove House, Newton Grove, Bedford Park.

Printed circular, signed 'Hervey', putting himself forward as Parliamentary 'Representative of our University'.

Frederick William Hervey (1800-1864), 2nd Marquess of Bristol [Trinity College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
23 October 1822; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to (22.5 x 18.5 cm), 1 p. Eighteen lines in four paragraphs. Text clear and complete, crisply printed in italic. On aged and grubby paper. Begins 'The lamented death of Mr. SMYTH having occasioned a vacancy in the Representation of our University, I am induced to offer myself as a Candidate for the honour of succeeding him in that distinguished situation.' He is 'unfettered by political engagements', and must forever feel 'affection and gratitude' for 'a Body, amongst whom I have passed some of the happiest and most profitable years of my life'. Hervey was unsuccessful.

One Signed Letter, in the hand of a secretary, four Typed Letter Signed and two Typed Notes Signed (all seven 'Fred Burridge') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Frederick Vango Burridge [Frederick Burridge; Fred Burridge; Fred. V. Burridge] (1869-1945), Principal, Central School of Arts and Crafts, London [G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.]
Publication details: 
1917 (1), 1918 (4) and 1919 (2). All on letterhead of London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts, Southampton Row, W.C. [London]

All seven items 4to, 1 p. Each docketed and bearing the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts. All good, on lightly-aged paper. The first is in a secretarial hand, with the other six all typed. Item One: 4 December 1917. He doesn't 'quite understand' from Menzies' letter what it is that he wants him to do. 'From what Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Harmsworth, presenting a copy of ' "Ye Pepys Journall" 1665-1954', containing a 'List of Portraits Commissioned and Painted', and biographical information, including an account of the her bookselling mother.

Margaret Grose, artist [Samuel Pepys; Samuel Johnson; Cecil Harmsworth, 1st Baron Harmsworth; Francis Grose]
Publication details: 
Letter: 2 June 1955; addressed from ' "Ye Pepys Journall", 37. St Martin's Court, W.C.2.' Journal: 'C. E. Gray, Kennington, London'

Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper, with small rust stain at head from paperclip. She is writing to Harmsworth ('President, Dr Johnson's House') to ask him to accept a copy of 'my Journal in which mention is made of my Portrait of Dr Samuel Johnson which hangs in the Garrett of Dr Samuel Johnson house this was presented by H. B. Wheatley whom I knew for many years.' On a visit to the curator of Johnson's house she was 'pleased to see the picture still hands in its original place'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs [Cecilia] Perkins.

Edmund Yates
Publication details: 
23 July [no year]; on letterhead of Moorhurst, Holmwood, Surrey.

12mo, 1 p. The purple ink of the letter has bled, otherwise in good condition. He does not 'think it likely that we shall soon see this neighbourhood again'. They have had 'frequent bad weather, constant illness, & general discomfort'. The Yateses 'hope to meet you at Hamburg, where we expect to arrive on Wednesday 5th. August. So be it!' Mrs Perkins was the wife of the wealthy brewer Augustus Frederick Perkins.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adolphus') concerning the newly-completed St Mary's Hospital, Paddington.

Prince Adolphus Frederick (1774-1850), Duke of Cambridge, son of King George III [St Mary's Hospital, Paddington]
Publication details: 
15 March 1850; Cambridge House.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a little damage to the four corners of the second leaf caused by removal from mount. Thirty-five lines of text. Clear and complete. He has been afforded 'very great satisfaction' by the announcement that the Hospital 'is now so nearly completed' that it will 'a few weeks hence be delivered into the possession and management of the Governors'. It is a 'new, capacious and very necessary addition to our metropolitan Hospitals'.

Four printed leaflets relating to the English League for the Taxation of Land Values.

The English League for the Taxation of Land Values [Frederick Verinder (1858-1948), General Secretary]
Publication details: 
All circa 1903. All 'Printed by Page & Pratt, Ltd., 22 St Andrew St., E.C.' [London].

All four items clear and complete, on aged paper with wear to the extremities of item one. Item One: 'Leaflet No. 1. English League for the Taxation of Land Values. Statement of Principles.' 12mo, 4 pp, on unbound bifolium. Headings include 'Objects of the League', 'Meaning of Land Values', 'The Taxation of Land Values would be just', 'The Taxation of Land Values would promote general prosperity and remove social evils'. Item Two: '[...] No. 3. The Taxation of Land Values: What it would do. 12mo leaflet, 2 pp.

Autograph Letter Signed to Wheatley.

Edwin Norris (1795-1872), linguist and Assyriologist [Henry Benjamin Wheatley (1838-1917), bibliographer, editor and London topographer; Frederick James Furnivall]
Publication details: 
17 August 1865. Brompton.

12mo, 2 pp. Thirteen lines of text. Good. The letter possibly relates to Furnivall's Early English Text Society, founded in 1865. He is enclosing a Post Office Order for a guinea, but, as he 'said to Mr Furnivall last year', he does not consider himself a subscriber, 'wishing to reserve the right of withdrawal in case of finding it inconvenient to pay, which will certainly be the case when I give up my official position'. Nevertheless asks Wheatley to remind him 'when the time comes for collection'.

The Seven Pilgrims: An Allegory. Published by Request.

Rev. Frederic Charles Skey, M.A. [vicar of Weare, Somerset; Yarmouth; provincial printing]
Publication details: 
Yarmouth: Printed by George Nall, 182, King Street. 1860.

12mo: 16 pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Aged and a little dogeared. From the Skey family archives, and inscribed by the author at the head of the title 'For my dear Mother.' A prose allegory, in small print, beginning, 'I thought there was an island whose rough craggy sides were lashed by the unwearying ocean.' Excessively scarce: no copy on COPAC or WorldCat. Skey was vicar of Weare for forty-five years, until his death at the age of 83.

Handbill poem, with illustration, entitled 'Doodle, Doodle, Doo. A New Love Song in the Court Stile.'

John Pitts, ballad printer of Seven Dials [Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany; Mary Anne Clarke (1776-1852)]
Publication details: 
Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. 14. Great Saint Andrew Street Seven Dials,'

Printed on one side of a piece of rough laid paper, approximately 24.5 x 8.5 cm. Crude circular woodcut of pedlar at head, diameter 3.5 cm. Good, on aged paper with a little creasing at head and foot. Consists of four four-line stanzas with refrain 'Doodle, doodle, doo.' First stanza, heavy with double-entendre, reads 'HEAV'N bless my dearest little dear, | The wind is not quite fair, | From Portland Road I write this here - | Oh! bless your little hair. | Doodle, doodle, doo.' Clearly refers to a high society Regency scandal, possibly that concerning the Duke of York and Mary Anne Clarke.

Handbill poem, with illustration, entitled 'A Parody on Mr. Clarke.'

John Pitts, ballad seller of Seven Dials [Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany; Mary Anne Clarke (1776-1852)]
Publication details: 
[circa 1809] 'printed and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Gre<at> St. Andrew-street, Seven-Dials.

Printed on one side of a piece of rough wove paper, 25 x 9 cm. At the head is a crude woodcut of lady playing keyboard, dimensions 2 x 3 cm. On aged, creased paper with wear to extremities. Text clear and entire, but not properly centred, with the result that the last two letters of the word 'Gre' in the address cropped. The poem consists of six stanzas of six lines each. First stanza 'YOU have heard of Mrs.

Autograph Note Signed ('Elisabeth') in English to unnamed male correspondent.

Elisabeth [Elizabeth] Ludovika of Bavaria (1801-1873), Princess of Bavaria and later Queen consort of Prussia as wife of King Frederick William IV of Prussia (1795-1861)
Publication details: 
Friday' [date not stated]; on letterhead of York House, Twickenham, S.W. [London].

16mo (roughly 11 x 8 cm), 1 p. Creased and ruckled, and with slight discolouration from previous mounting, and with a piece of the mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads 'My dear Sir | I thank you for your letter and the information it contained. I write to Paris to have PP' book as soon as it is out. | Yours truly | [signed] Elisabeth'. Signature stylized to the point of illegibility. Piece of mount docketed in contemporary hand 'Elizabeth late Queen of Prussia'.

Autograph Signature ('G. Bentinck') as frank on envelope addressed to Lady Frederick Bentinck, postmarked and with remains of red wax seal.

Lord (William) George Frederic Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck [known as Lord George Bentinck] (1802-1848), English politician and sportsman
Publication details: 
12 June 1832; London.

Irregularly shaped piece of paper, consisting of the front and sides of an envelope. Roughly 14 x 18 cm. Good, but with long vertical closed tear to right of signature, neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. Reads 'London June Twelve 1832. - | Lady Frederick Bentinck | Bedford Hotel | Brighton | [signed] G. Bentinck.' Red ink postmark, circular and topped with crown, reading 'FREE | 12 JU 12 | 1832 | +'. Remains of red wax seal at foot. Docketed 'Bentinck' along right-hand edge.

The first four pages of a manuscript letter to C. J. Manning, by an unknown author, commenting on the death of his father William Manning.

The family of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892) [his father William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, 1812-14; and his brother Charles James Manning (1799-1880)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but written shortly after William Manning's death, 17 April 1835.

12mo bifolium, 4 pp. Good, on aged, laid paper. Good, on lightly aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Charles', and from a collection of papers belonging to Charles James Manning. From the context may well be written by the wife of William Manning's eldest son Frederick (Charles's brother, as well as Cardinal Manning's). The author has 'been quite stunned with the sad & awfully sudden news' [of William Manning's death]. The author's uncle, 'Col ' agreed 'that it would alarm [Frederick] to see me [at 'Pangburn']'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Roberts') to 'Mr. Pibworth'.

Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts [Lord Roberts of Kandahar] (1832-1914), English soldier
Publication details: 
22 October 1909; on letterhead of Englemere, Ascot, Berkshire.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, with minor staining and head, and traces of previous mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. He is sorry to learn that the 'Private Secretary, Mr. Harold Roberts' has rheumatic fever, 'a most painful disease' which 'usually lasts some time'. 'The poor lad will get over it, and ere long be quite himself again'. Lady Roberts is sending the boy 'some flowers'. When he is 'stronger, and would care to read', Roberts will send him 'a copy of my "Forty-one years in India".'

Autograph Letter Signed to Hubert Smith Stanier.

Gifford Lumley [Devonshire; W. Mate & Sons, Limited, printers and publishers of Bournemouth, Southampton and London]
Publication details: 
23 April 1906; 62 Commercial Rd, Bournemouth, on letterhead Mate & Sons letterhead.

8vo, 2 pp. Good, though a little grubby on the reverse. Printed down the left hand margin of the recto is a long list headed 'Printers and Publishers of Illustrated Guides to'. Printed in large letters at the centre of the letterhead is 'Shropshire: Historical and Biographical', but there is no record of this title being published, or of any volume on Shropshire by Mates & Sons. From the context it appears that Lumley had a hand in Frederick John Snell's 'Devonshire, historical, descriptive, biographical', published by Mate & Sons in 1907.

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