[ Sir Frederick Ouseley, Heather Professor of Music at Oxford University. ] Autograph Signature ('Frederick A Gore Ouseley | Prof. Mus. Oxon.') to secretarial letter to Rev. P. A. Le Tenore, describing the requirements for a batchelor's degree.

Sir Frederick Ouseley [ Rev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley ] (1825-1889), composer, organist, musicologist, and Heather Professor of Music at Oxford University [ Rev. P. A. Le Tenore, Jersey ]
Publication details: 
St Michaels College, Tenbury [ Worcestershire ]. 'Tuesday. March 17. [ no year, but between 1855 and 1889 ]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on monogrammed letterhead. In fair condition, lightly aged. The body of the letter is written by a secretary. A useful communication, laying out the requirements for a batchelor's degree in music during Ouseley's tenure as Heather Professor, between 1855 and 1889. Ouseley writes in reply to Le Tenore's letter, setting out what is 'required of Candidates for the degree of Mus. Bac.', beginning with the composition of 'an exercise in 5 real parts, with accompaniments for a quintett [sic] band.

] Captain Frederick Marryat, novelist and friend of Charles Dickens. ] Autograph Signature ('F Marryat') to conclusion of letter to his mother and family.

Captain Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), Royal Navy officer, novelist, friend of Charles Dickens, inventor of Marryat's Code of signalling
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a slip of paper cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged. The conclusion of a letter, reading: '[...] also to get another Servant, so I shall put it off till my return & I have every thing in order. | My kind love to all of you & you my dear Mother ever truly | F Marryat'.

[ A. Absolon, London publisher. ] Autogaph Card Signed to F. Davis, regarding his publication in the 'Forge & Lathe' of 'Maltons Gt. Treatise on Perspective'.

A. Absolon (fl. 1878), London publisher [ Frederick Davis ]
Publication details: 
3 York Street, Covent Garden. 13 February 1878.

Half-penny postcard printed in purple. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip along one edge from former mounting obscuring parts of a few words. Addressed to 'F. Davis Esq. | 4 Upper Phillamore [sic] Place | W.' The communication reads: 'Sir, | I beg to inform you that we have bought out Maltons Gt. Treatise on Perpective in the columns of the Forge & Lathe a fortnightly Journal devoted to Practical Mechanics &c. The Preface appeared in our No. Published yesterday price 6d by post 7d Terms for Subscribers 16/- Yearly 8/- ½ Yearly 4/- Quarterly. | A. Absolon | Publisher'.

[ Frederick Tayler, President of the Royal Watercolour Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Fredk. Tayler.') to 'Hills' [ Robert Hills, Secretary, Society of Painters in Water Colours ], commenting on his 'rustication' and the death of 'Worley'.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ] (1802-1889), painter, President of the Royal Watercolour Society, London [ Robert Hills (1769-1844), Secretary, Society of Painters in Water Colours ]
Publication details: 
Brockham Green, Dorking Surrey. 30 September [ 1841 ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The year of writing is supplied in a contemporary hand. Beside his address at the head if the ketter Tayler writes: 'This will sound tarnation rural in the catalogue.' He begins the letter by explaining that he is 'dating from my little Cottage here', and that he has let his house in town, 'reducing my Rent to less than half and I can paint to more purpose and without interruption of idle Callers here'. The delay in replying has been occasioned by 'so much of bustle and packing'.

[ Lord Frederick Campbell, Scottish nobleman and politician. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr: Heath', apologising for missing him when he called.

Lord Frederick Campbell (1729-1816), Scottish nobleman and politician, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and successively Member of Parliament for Glasgow Burghs and Argyllshire
Publication details: 
'Arlington Street - Saturday' [ 1806 ].

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. The leaf has been folded in two, with 'Mr: Heath' written by Campbell on one part, beneath which, in another hand are the recipient's initials 'J. H.' and the date 1819. Above this, in pencil, in a third hand: 'Ld. Fredk Campbell still living at the age of near 90'.

[ Lord Castlereagh, Tory politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Castlereagh') on frank addressed to Captain Wood, 10th Hussars, Kilkenny.

Lord Castlereagh [ Frederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry ] (1805-1872), Tory politician, Member of Parliament for County Down
Publication details: 
'London June Twenty Four 1833'.

On 7.5 x 12 cm piece of paper, cut from the front of an envelope. With frank postmark in faint red ink. Laid out in the customary fashioin, with the date and address reading 'London June Twenty Four 1833. | Captn. Wood | 10th Hussars | Kilkenny', with 'Castlereagh' at bottom left.

[ Frederick Tayler, landscape artist, President of the Royal Watercolour Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredk. Tayler') to 'My dear Correspondent', giving advice to the recipient's mother over the sale of two sketches at a charity auction.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ] (1802-1889), landscape artist, President of the Royal Watercolour Society
Publication details: 
Kensington [ London ]. 19 May 1864.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Mourning border. The recipient's 'most entertaining note' finds Tayler 'just starting off to Highgate'. He only has time 'for a line in reply', and he ventures 'at the risk of being thought impertinent' to advise the recipient's mother not to 'put too Fanciful a price on the Sketches, but let them go to the advancement of the Charity with all their imperfections on their heads'. Tayler considers himself 'the obliged party', and ends with his best respects.

[ Arnold Bennett, English author. ] Typed Note Signed to the ghost story writer Frederick I Cowles, declining to act.

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), English author from the Staffordshire Potteries [ Frederick Ignatius Cowles (1900-1948), English author of supernatural fiction ]
Publication details: 
75 Cadogan Square, S.W.1. [ London ] 5 November 1930.

S1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on reverse. Addressed to 'Frederick I. Cowles, Esq., F.R.S.L., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.' Reads: 'Dear Sir, | In reply to your letter, I should have liked to oblige you but it is impossible for me to do so. The matter would require much more time than I have to spare.'

[ Royal Navy commission to 'Her Majestys Steam Ship the Simoom'. ] Appointing Lieutenant Peter Mackenzie Godfrey, on vellum and signed by Admirals Sir Alexander Milne and Lord FitzHardinge, and by First Secretary of the Admiralty John Parker.

[ Lord FitzHardinge ] Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge Berkeley, 1st Baron FitzHardinge (1788-1867); Sir Alexander Milne (1806-1896); John Parker (1799-1881), First Secretary of the Admiralty
Publication details: 
The Admiralty [ London ]. 10 February 1852.

Printed on one side of a 28 x 34 cm piece of vellum, and completed by Parker in manuscript. With the customary tax stamp and embossed Admiralty seal. In good condition, with the customary aging and wear of the vellum. Headed 'By The Commission for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland &c.' Godfrey's seniority is given as 30 August 1841, and the document is signed by 'J Parker', 'M. F. F. Berkeley' and 'Alexr Milne'. The word 'Commissioned' is written at the foot.

[ Lady Elizabeth Romilly; Minto] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Elizth. Romilly') to her father the Earl of Minto, on topics including 'Charley' and 'the China news', Lord John Russell and the Cagliari outrage in Sardinia, and the Swiss Alps.

Lady Elizabeth Romilly [ Lady Elizabeth Amelia Jane Romilly ] (1820-1892), daughter of Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto, wife of Col. Frederick Romilly, son of Sir Samuel Romilly [ James McNeill Whistler ]
Publication details: 
ONE: Porthkerry [ Wales ], 6 August [ 1857 ]. TWO: Eaton Terrace [ London ], 13 February 1858. THREE: Wildbad [ Germany ], 8 July 1869.

Three interesting letters, intelligent, well-informed and affectionate, by a member of a leading Liberal family.

[ Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Major Macgregor' [ Robert Guthrie Macgregor ], acknowledging receipt of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Frederick Temple (1821-1902), Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Rugby. 25 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dr. Temple returns his thanks to Major Macgregor for the Greek Anthology received by Post which will be placed in the School Library. Dr Temple is much interested with the little he has been able to see of the Book.' Macgregor's 'Translations from the Greek Anthology' was published without date in London by Nissen and Parker.

[ Signed by Braithwaite and Keel. ] The Royal Hospital Chelsea | A paper read before The Sette of Odd Volumes At the [511]th meeting of the Sette held at the Savoy Hotel, London on February 23rd, 1937.

Gen. Sir Walter Pipon Braithwaite, G.C.B. Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea 'and Peltast to the Sette' [ The Sette of Odd Volumes, London; Shenval Press ] Frederick Keel (1871-1954), composer
Publication details: 
[ Copy 24 of 133. ] London | Imprynted by THE SHENVAL PRESS and sold to NO Bokesellers'. 1937.

38pp., 16mo. Internally in very good condition, in red paper boards printed in gilt, with bubbling at front and back, and in chipped and aged glassine wrapper. The number of the meeting has been added to the title in manuscript ('511'), and the signatures of 'Frederick Keel | Singer' and 'Walter Braithwaite' are written in pencil beneath the limitation (no 24 of 133 copies). Scarce.

[ Sir Frederick Flood, Irish lawyer and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick Flood') to a cousin of Lady Flood, explaining how 'the business &c has been wholly misunderstood'.

Sir Frederick Flood (1741-1824), Irish lawyer and politician
Publication details: 
'4 oclock | 8 York Place [ London ] | 7th Jany 1800'.

2pp., 4to. Closely written, with forty-three lines of text, in a somewhat difficult hand. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper with closed tear and creasing at head of leaf. The letter is written to a relation, after Flood has been shown a letter by 'yr Cousin, L[ad]y Flood', in which the recipient complains of having been 'injur'd or slandered'. It is Flood's intention in the letter to show that 'the business &c has been wholly misunderstood'. He also states that 'the view of imploying you proceeded from friendship strengthened by connexion'.

[ Lord Glasgow. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Glasgow'), to the Hon. Sec. of the Naval and Military Relief Exhibition, Edinburgh, sending his best wishes but declining to take part in its fund.

George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow [ Lord Glasgow ] (1825-1890), Scottish peer and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
21 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London S.W. 20 April 1889.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. 'While wishing all good success to the proposed Naval & Military Relief Exhibition', he is sorry that he does not feel able to 'take part in the <?> fund'.

[ E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart' of a page of portraits of seven legal figures from the Midland Circuit

E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and cartoonist [ The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; the Midland Circuit; Assize Courts ]
Publication details: 
Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart': lithographed illustrations by E. C. Osborne & Son, New Street, Birmingham; theh page dated 19 March 1897. Facing page dated 16 March 1897.

2pp., 4to. Printed in black on the inner two pages of a bifolium. The left-hand page (i.e. verso of the first leaf) carries text, in two columns of small print, of a prospectus for a share flotation for 'Hanman's Cycle and Needle Co.', dated 16 March 1897. The facing right-hand page (i.e. the recto of the second leaf) is headed 'Twenty-first Year | No. 1,065.] The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart. [Friday, March 19th, 1897'. It carries Mountfort's lithographed illustrations, with a facsimile of his signature at bottom right, printed by 'E. C. OSBORNE & SON. LITHO. NEW ST.

[ 'Madame Delysia' entertains the British troops in the Middle East. ] Duplicate copy of Autograph Letter Signed by Sir John Pollock, countersigned by her, giving conditions for her use of 'Mlle Fifi' and 'Darling'. With Typed Letter Signed from her.

'Madame Delysia' [ 'Alice Delysia'; 'Elise Delisia' ], stage name of Alice Henriette Lapize (1889-1979), French entertainer; Sir John Pollock [ Sir Frederick John Pollock ] (1878-1963), author
Publication details: 
Pocock's letter from 173 Cranmer Court, Chelsea, London, 3 March 1941. Delysia's letter from 54 Buckingham Court, Kensington Park Road, London, 7 March 1941.

Both C. B. Cochran, who promoted her career, and Noel Coward, who wrote 'Poor Little Rich Girl' for her, wrote highly of Delysia and her work. Three items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All three in an envelope addressed to Pollock and docketed by him 'Delysia (tour) Contract March 1941'. ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Alice Delysia' to Pollock. From her London address, 7 March 1941. 1p., 12mo. She writes that she agrees with his letter and has signed the copy (Item Two below).

[ Frederick William Fairholt, artist and antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed to '<Mayland?>, suggesting an appointment to discuss an individual who 'seems very anxious to come to some arrangement'.

Frederick William Fairholt (c.1813-1866), artist and antiquary
Publication details: 
'Wednesday'. [ No place or date. ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with fold to one corner. Fairholt's handwriting is legible, but unfortunately the names of the recipient and subject of the letter are not so. It begins: ' seems very anxious to come to some arrangement. Can we meet on the point. I do not know if you are in London, if you are will you give me a call on Thursday evening'. He gives a few other options, before concluding.

[ The Bath Herald and the Floods of 1894. ] Printed pamphlet: 'A Record of the Great Floods in Bath and the surrounding District, November 13 & 15, 1894. [ With four photographs by A. F. Perren. ]

[ The Bath Herald; the Great Floods in Bath, 1894 ] [ Augustus Frederick Perren (d.1923), photographer ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from The Bath Herald. Prinhted at The Herald Office, North Gate, Bath. [ 1894. ]

16pp., 4to. Unstitched and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and spotted.. Priced at a penny. In small print and double column. Consisting, after a short introduction, of an area-by-area report of the effects of the flood, beginning with 'Midnight in the Dolemeads. | Distressing Scenes.', 'Corn Street, Milk Street and Avon Street' and 'Southgate Street', and ending with 'Batheaston', 'Radstock' and 'Midsomer Norton'. Perren's photographs show 'Dolemeads and Association Cricket Fields', 'The Old Bridge', 'Southgate Street' and 'The Quay from the Old Bridge'.

[ Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vane Londonderry') to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer [ Sir Frederick Pollock ]

Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry (1778-1854), politician, soldier and diplomat [ Sir Frederick Pollock (1783-1870), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer ]
Publication details: 
Holdernesse House [ London ]. 7 February 1843.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My Dear Lord Chief Baron'. He is coming 'to Town for my waiting for a few days', and hopes that Pollock's 'important time could allow of you to see me for a few minutes'. He is willing either to call on Pollock, or receive a visit from him, 'at any time you would kindly appoint'.

[ Thomas Roscoe, author and translator. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Roscoe') to a son of Frederic Shoberl, editor of Ackermann's 'Forget-Me-Not', regarding possible contributions by his daughter.

Thomas Roscoe (1791-1871), author and translator, son of the abolitionist and MP for Liverpool William Roscoe (1753-1831) [ Frederic Shoberl (1775-1853), editor of Ackermann's 'Forget-Me-Not' ]
Publication details: 
128 Camden Road Villas [ London ]. 3 April 1847.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. On aged and foxed paper. He wishes to be informed 'whether the Forget Me Not" so long and ably edited by your Father will be published for the ensuing year - i.e. for 1848'. One of his daughters has 'written down Stories one or two of which have already appeared, and she would be very happy to avail herself of an opportunity of writing something' for the annual, so he asks him to 'ascertain whether your Father would like to insert a short Nouvellette [sic] to the extent of 4 to 5 pages'.

[ Field Marshall Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge, army officer and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardinge') congratulating 'Colonel Abbott' [ Sir Frederick Abbott ] on his knighthood.

Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge [ Lord Hardinge ] (1785-1856), Field Marshall in the British Army and Conservative politician [ Major General Sir Frederick Abbott (1805-1892) ]
Publication details: 
Great Stanhope Street [ London ]. 6 June 1854.

2pp., 12mo. With postmarked frank (again signed 'Hardinge') addressed to 'Colonel Abbott C. B. | Addiscombe'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He is pleased that Abbott is 'to receive a mark of distinction from the Queen, which combines the satisfaction which your Services have given at Addiscombe [Abbott had become lieutenant-governor of Addiscombe Seminary in 1851] with those which you so efficiently & ably performed in the field in India'. He hopes to shake him at the hand 'at the Levée'.

[ Frederick Kill Harford, poet and hymnologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick K Harford') to the artist Eric Forbes-Robertson, regarding the 'Te Deum Committee'.

Frederick K. Harford [ Frederick Kill Harford ] (1832-1906), cleric, poet and hymnologist [ Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist ]
Publication details: 
'On letterhead of Purcell House, Dean's Yard, Westminster. 28 August 1902.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. In envelope addressed by Forbes-Robertson at 79 Netherwood Road, Shepherd's Bush. He thanks him for letting him have his address, and requests a pass for his servant for the following evening's performance of the play 'Mice and Men'. He hopes the servant will return with 'the news I desire viz that you will consent to being pro tem - one of the Hon Secs of the Te Deum Committee.

[ Kennet and Avon Canal Company. ] Two printed circulars, by Dundas and Page respectively, each including reports of the committee of management and statements of accounts; second featuring lithographed map by Cartwright and notice of Lord Amesbury.

Kennet and Avon Canal Company [ Charles Dundas and Frederick Page, Chairmen; Lord Amesbury; R. Cartwright, London lithographer; Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet (1760-1831) ]
Publication details: 
[ Kennet and Avon Canal Company. ] Marlborough: 20 July 1830 and 17 July 1832.

The 57-mile canal section of the two rivers was constructed between 1794 and 1810. In the face of competition by the Great Western Railway it fell into disuse in the latter nineteenth century. A process of restoration began a hundred years later, and the canal is now a popular amenity. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Both headed on first page 'Report of the Committee of Management, of the Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation.' Both are 3pp., 8vo, on bifoliums.

[ H. F. S. Morgan and Morgan & Co., 'Automobile Engineers and Agents'. ] Six letters (one by Morgan, one on his behalf and four by the company), responding to the complaints of Sir Richard Harington. With draft letter by Harington to the company.

H. F. S. Morgan [ Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan (1881-1959), founder of the Morgan Motor Company
Publication details: 
All 6 letters on letterheads of Morgan & Co., {with photo) Automobile Engineers and Agents, Worcester Road, Mavern Link, and at 57, Foregate Street, Worcester; 3 to 29 January 1907. Harington's draft from Whitbourne Court, Worcester; 27 January 1907.

The seven items in fair condition, on lightly aged paper. An interesting correspondence, casting light on the company's practices. Both the recipient, Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, and his son 'The Judge' - Richard Harington (1861-1931), the future 12th Baronet - came from a legal background, adding an edge to the correspondence. The six letters total 9pp., 4to. The firm appears to have had a policy of retaining the original and sending out a carbon copy, as each of the letters consists of a carbon copy of manuscript.

[ Tariff Reform and the Hop Industry in Kent. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Richard Harington to Frederick Neame, Hop Grower and member of the Hop Industry Tariff Commission. With circular by Neame accompanied by copy letter from W. A. S. Hewins

Frederick Neame junior, Macknade Farm, Faversham, Kent [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Neame circular: The Offices, Macknade, Faversham [ Kent ]; January 1907. Copy Letter from Hewins: The Tariff Commission, 7 Victoria Street, London. 27 November 1906. Harington to Neame: on letterhead of Whitbourne Court, Worcester. 13 January 1907.

Three items from the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('Richard Harington Bt.') to Neame. With date stamp 13 January 1907. 2pp., 12mo. It's presence among the Harington papers suggests that the letter was never sent.

[ Frederick Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Woolton') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, declining to take the chair at a meeting.

Frederick James Marquis (1883-1964), 1st Earl of Woolton, Conservative politician [ K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 68 Brook Street, London, W.1. 8 December 1948.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, with hole from paperclip at top left, and small rust spot to left-hand margin. Woolton's signature has been underlined by Luckhurst in red pencil. He thanks him for the invitation to take the chair 'at the meeting of the Society on Wednesday, 19th January, when Mr. Gray is reading a paper on "The Industrial Designer and Consumer Goods", but must decline, as he is 'already engaged for the whole of that day'.

[ Sir Frederick Snow, structural engineer. ] Two Typed Letters, one Signed 'Fredck. S. Snow' and the other signed on his behalf, to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with typed synopsis of a proposed paper on 'Steel or Concrete Structures'.

Sir Frederick Snow [ Sir Frederick Sidney Snow ] (1899-1976), civil and structural engineer, overall designer for Gatwick Airport
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of Frederick S. Snow & Partners, Consulting Engineers, Ross House, 144 Southwark Street, London. 28 February and 23 March 1964.

Five items: Snow's two letters and carbons of three of Mercer's replies (5 and 25 March, and 24 June 1964). ONE: Typed Letter from Samson, signed on his behalf, to the Secretary (i.e. G. E. Mercer), Royal Society of Arts, 28 February 1964. 1p., folio. Confirming that he wishes to give a paper on 'The Relative Merits of the use of Steel or Concrete in Structures', 'with a number of slides showing comparisons of various materials'. At the foot of the page is a signed note from Mercer to Sampson, dated 2 March 1964: 'Do we want this?

[ George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Glasgow') to Rev. Robert Hugh Hutchison, congratulating him on the birth of a daughter. With envelope carrying the Earl's seal in black wax.

George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow (1825-1890), Scottish Episcopalian peer, founder of Cumbrae Theological College [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford, and Winchester College ]
Publication details: 
11 Hereford Gardens, London W. 14 April 1877.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly-aged. In envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmark, addressed to 'The Revd | Robert Hutchison | The Parsonage | Studley | near Oxford'. The envelope, carrying the Earl's seal in black wax, has a mourning border, with '11 Hereford Gardens' printed on the back. He is writing 'a few lines very sincerely' to congratulate Hutchison on the birth of his daughter. He is sorry that the 'otherwise happy event should be tempered by the recollection of so recent & so sad a bereavement'.

[ Oxford University, Victorian ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis', for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by examiners George Rawlinson, Frederick G. Walker, G. E. Thorley and G. W. Capes.

George Rawlinson (1812-1902), Camden Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oxford; Frederick G. Walker; G. E. Thorley; G. W. Capes [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die Xmo Mensis December. Anni MDCCCLXVIII.' [ 10 December 1868. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [Xmo] Mensis [Decembr.] Anni [MDCCCLXVIII.] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis satisfecit nobis Examinatoribus. | Ita testatur { [Georgius Rawlinson | Fred. G. Walker | G. E. Thorley | G W Capes] } Examinatores Publici in Literis Humanioribus.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ Northcote-Trevelyan Report, 1854. ] Six items: long letter from Herries to Northcote in defence of the civil service; Northcote's reply; Herries' rejoinder; letter from Frederick Goulburn to Herries; two printed papers by George Arbuthnot.

Northcote-Trevelyan Report, 1854 [ Sir Charles John Herries; Sir Stafford Northcote [ Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh ]; George Arbuthnot; Frederick Goulburn; Civil Service reform ]
Publication details: 
The six items from 1854. Northcote's letter from the Pynes, Exeter; Herries from the 'I[nland]. R[evenue].' and 114 Piccadilly; Goulburn from the Board of Customs [ London ]; and one of Arbuthnot's papers 'Printed at the Foreign Office'.

Lord Hennessy has characterised the subject of these items, the Northcote-Trevelyan Report of 1854, as 'the greatest single governing gift of the nineteenth to the twentieth century: a politically disinterested and permanent Civil Service with core values of integrity, propriety, objectivity and appointment on merit, able to transfer its loyalty and expertise from one elected government to the next'.

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