[ George Brodie, Scottish historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Richard Griffin and Co., discussing Lord Brougham and the last volume of his 'Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III'.

George Brodie (c.1786-1867), Scottish Whig historian and lawyer [ Lord Brougham [ Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ] (1778-1868), Lord Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
20 Northumberland Street [ London ]. 4 December 1856.

6pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Brodie's hand is not easy to decipher, but the letter is fulsome in its praise of Brougham and his latest work. Brodie begins by acknowledging the receipt of 'the last volume of Lord Brougham's Works published by you', a copy of which he had 'previously got as a subscriber'. He continues: 'In my poor apprehension it is even, if possible, superior to its predecessor, & more than justifies the character I formerly ventured to sketch of that illustrious individual', He continues in his praise, with reference to 'Dean Swift', 'Captn.

[ Sermon by Sampson Kingsford, with preface by John Evans. ] A Sermon, preached, Sunday, Nov. 3, 1811, at the General Baptist Chapel, Chatham, upon the interment of the Rev. Joseph Seaton, who died October 13, 1811, aged sixty-nine years.

Sampson Kingsford [ John Evans (1767-1827), Welsh Baptist minister; Rev. Joseph Seaton (c.1742-1811) of the General Baptist Chapel, Chatham, Kent; Whittingham and Rowland, London printers ]
Publication details: 
'Published by particular request.' London: Printed by Whittingham and Rowland, Goswell Street; and sold by Townson, Chatham; Cotton and Co. Canterbury, T. Wiche, Beech Street, Barbican; and D. Eaton, High Holborn. 1812.

26 + [2] pp., 12mo. The title-page has at its head: 'The End of the Good Man – Peace.', and carries a quotation from Blair's 'Grave'. The sermon is preceded by a six-page preface by 'J. EVANS', dated from 'Islington, Feb. 11, 1812.', incorporating Smeaton's obituary from the Monthly Repository, December 1811. Following the eighteen pages of the sermon are two pages of advertisements for books by Evans and Kingsford. Stitched and unbound. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight spotting to title-leaf.

[ Peter Le Neve Foster, mathematican, photographer, and Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P. Le Neve Foster') to George Ranken at Hull.

Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), mathematician, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, and photographer of the Calotype Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce [ now the Royal Society of Arts ], John St, Adelphi, London. 11 March 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The note reads: 'Dear Sir, | All the Catalogues at my disposal have long since been distributed. | Yours faithfully | P. Le Neve Foster | Secy'.

[ Charles Schreiber, connoisseur and Conservative Party politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed

Charles Schreiber (1826-1884), academic, connoisseur and Conservative Party politician, husband of Lady Charlotte Guest
Publication details: 
On his monogrammed letterhead. From the Queen's Hotel, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. 12 October 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. He wishes to explain the '2. things' he forgot in closing his letter of the day before: '1st. to mention that I enclosed a Cheque for £10 . 10s . 0d. in aid of yr. Fund for sending Poole Fishermen to see the Fisheries' Exhibition in London - & next that at the above Address I shd. be glad to receive the acknowledgment of my Cheque.' Pencil note in a contemporary hand at foot of last page: '2nd. Husband of Sir John Guests widow. (Sir J. G.

[ John Player & Sons, tobacco manufacturers. ] Six substantial ledgers of itemised and audited accounts of the firm's Dublin plant ('Summary of Stock. No. 1', 'Private Ledger No. 2', 'Private Journal No. 5 [6]', and two 'Impersonal Ledger').

John Player & Sons [ Player's ], tobacco and cigarette manufacturer, based in Nottingham, now part of the Imperial Tobacco Group: the firm's Dublin cigarette manufacturing plant, 1924-1960
Publication details: 
John Player & Sons, Dublin, Ireland. The ledgers dating from between the firm's foundation in Ireland in 1924 and 1960.

Six substantial ledgers (the heaviest 37 x 41 x 8 cm, and the widest 39 x 52 x 3 cm), containing itemised accounts providing a mass of information regarding the tobacco industry and economic history in Ireland, and one of Dublin's notable employers, whose sales in the 1950s were in the tens of millions. (On 9 December 2004 the Irish Times described the closure of the plant as marking 'the end of an era'. The firm's first Dublin factory, at 56-75 Botanic Road, was constructed by G. & T. Crampton in 1923, and is now the Botanic Business Centre.

[ National Federation of Women's Institutes. ] Two leaflets: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer' (including contributions by Margaret Macnamara and G. Lampson) and 'Leaflet for Women's Institute Members'.

National Federation of Women's Institutes, London [ Margaret Macnamara; G. Lampson ]
Publication details: 
Both published by The National Federation of Women's Institutes, 26, Ecclestone Street, London, S.W.1. Neither dated [ both 1920s ].

Both items are 4pp., 8vo, on bifoliums. Both are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both are scarce: the only copy of the first on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC at the British Library, and no other copy of the second traced. ONE: Title: 'Members, Committee, and Treasurer.' Leaflet headed 'National Federation of Women's Institutes | (Established in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries).', and numbered 'N.F.W.I. - 17.' Price 1½d. Divided into: 'The Secret of Membership. | By Margaret Macnamara', 'Duties and Privileges of a Women's Institute Committee.

Speech of Mr. Gathorne Hardy on the Irish Church Question, in the House of Commons, 31st March, 1868. From the "Standard" of 1st April, 1868.

'Mr. Gathorne Hardy' [ Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of Cranbrooke (1814-1906) [ The National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations; disestablishment of the Church of Ireland ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Order of "The National Union" of Conservative and Constitutional Associations, 9 Victoria Chambers, Westminster, S.W. 1868.

15pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. In good condition, lightly aged, with central vertical fold. In small print. In the conclusion of the speech - 'greeted with repeated rounds of applause' - he states that he 'cannot be a party to severing that Church and State under which it is the glory and the privilege of the state to uphold the light of the Reformation in the midst of Ireland'. Scarce: only two copies on OCLC WorldCat, at the British Library and Illinois, and no copy at the National Library of Ireland.

[ Lord Glasgow. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Glasgow'), to the Hon. Sec. of the Naval and Military Relief Exhibition, Edinburgh, sending his best wishes but declining to take part in its fund.

George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow [ Lord Glasgow ] (1825-1890), Scottish peer and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
21 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London S.W. 20 April 1889.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. 'While wishing all good success to the proposed Naval & Military Relief Exhibition', he is sorry that he does not feel able to 'take part in the <?> fund'.

[ E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart' of a page of portraits of seven legal figures from the Midland Circuit

E. C. Mountfort, illustrator and cartoonist [ The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet; the Midland Circuit; Assize Courts ]
Publication details: 
Offprint from 'The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart': lithographed illustrations by E. C. Osborne & Son, New Street, Birmingham; theh page dated 19 March 1897. Facing page dated 16 March 1897.

2pp., 4to. Printed in black on the inner two pages of a bifolium. The left-hand page (i.e. verso of the first leaf) carries text, in two columns of small print, of a prospectus for a share flotation for 'Hanman's Cycle and Needle Co.', dated 16 March 1897. The facing right-hand page (i.e. the recto of the second leaf) is headed 'Twenty-first Year | No. 1,065.] The Birmingham Pictorial and Dart. [Friday, March 19th, 1897'. It carries Mountfort's lithographed illustrations, with a facsimile of his signature at bottom right, printed by 'E. C. OSBORNE & SON. LITHO. NEW ST.

[ British Army: Edwardian physical training booklet. ] Table Card containing Tables of Exercises for the Physical Training of Recruits, and the Physical Exercise of Trained Soldiers

British Army: Edwardian physical training booklet [ H.M.S.O.; Harrison and Sons, London ]
Publication details: 
'Army Form A 2025', dated 'March, 1908.' [ 150,000 copies printed by 'H & S' (i.e. Harrison & Sons, London) in '5/08' (i.e. May 1908). ]

Printed on both sides of a 15 x 135 cm strip of paper, concertina-folded to make 30pp., with each page on a 15 x 9 cm panel. A scarce survival, on aged and worn paper. No illustrations, but detailed entries in small print. One side carries 10pp of 'Cavalry and Artillery Recruits' Physical Training Tables', 4pp of 'Trained Solders' Physical Exercise Tables' and the title.

[ Grenville Murray, journalist and diplomat. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E C Grenville : Murray'), a letter of introduction to his solicitors, who are to arrange the valuation of the property of 'the late Count Duke of Aragon'.

Grenville Murray [ Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ] (1824–1881), journalist and diplomat, illegitimate son of Richard Grenville, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos (1797-1861)
Publication details: 
B.2. Albany, Piccadilly [ London ]. 29 December 1868

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Reads: 'My dear Sir | Allow me to introduce to you Messrs.

[In original boards, with catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, London booksellers.] Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq. written by himself, And never before published..

William Cowper [ Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Printed for R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street; and sold by all booksellers. 1816. [ Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. ] With catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London, 1816.

Subtitle: 'With an Appendix containing some interesting letters, and other authentic documents, illustrative of the memoir.' 130pp., 12mo. Frontispiece. Bound in at the end is a twelve-page catalogue, dated 1 October 1816, and with drophead title: 'Valuable Periodical Works, Published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. Beneath the drophead title is a woodcut of a lion. Only one copy of the trade catalogue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[ International Arbitration Association, Bristol. ] Album containing material relating to the Association, assembled by honorary secretary E. T. Wedmore: announcements, notices, and cuttings from provincial newspapers.

West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association, Bristol [ Edmund Tolson Wedmore (1847-1920), Quaker pacifist; Walter Sturge; Allen Greenwell; Rev. Henry Richard; Peace Society ]
Publication details: 
West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association. 'Offices: 21 College Green, Bristol.'

Around 70 items laid down on 36pp. of an 8vo. exercise book with ruled grey-paper pages, in quarter-binding with marbled boards with green cloth spine. With around eight more items loosely inserted. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Samuel Tymms, antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed regarding a gift of 'tracts' to the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & Natural History, accompanying a printed notice regarding the Institute.

Samuel Tymms (1808-1871), antiquary [ Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & Natural History ]
Publication details: 
Bury St. Edmunds. 10 June 1853.

Both items on a 12mo bifolium, with the two-page ALS on the first leaf, and the printed notice on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'The tracts you kindly design to present to our Institute may be sent to Messrs. Nichols & Son, Parliament Street, to the inclosed in my monthly parcel.' He considers Bury an 'out of the way place', where 'every scrap relating to Archaelology will be very acceptable; and we shall be additionally thankful for whatever proceeds from your pen.' The printed notice is signed in type 'Samuel Tymms, Hon. Sec.

[ William Joseph Denison (1770-1849), banker and politician, one of the wealthiest men in Britain. ] Autograph Notr Signed ('Wm.. Denison') to unnamed recipient, declining an invitation.

William Joseph Denison [ William Denison ] (1770-1849), banker and Whig politician, a founder of the Reform Club [ Denison, Haywood, and Kennard, London bank ]
Publication details: 
P[all]. Mall [ London ]. 'Friday' [ no date, but 1836 watermark ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor tape stain at head. Reads: 'Dear Sir - | I have had an attack of gout - within the last few days, which I am sorry will prevent me from accepting your kind Invitation on Wednesday next.' According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'Denison spent his business career in his father's bank, Denison, Heywood, and Kennard of Lombard Street, becoming senior partner upon his father's death.

[ Henry Huntingford, classical scholar, praises the work of Richard Watts, former Printer to the University of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Huntingford') [ to Richard Watts ], praising the work on his edition of Pindar,.

Henry Huntingford (1787-1867), classical scholar [ Richard Watts (d.1844), Printer to the University of Cambridge; Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London booksellers and publishers ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1814. ]

The subject of this letter is Huntingford's 'Pindari Carmina', 'excudit R. Watts sumptibus T. Cadell et W. Davies', published in London in 1814. Watts had been made Printer to the University of Cambridge in 1802, resigning in 1809 because, as Stokes notes in his 'Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbiinders, &c' (1919), 'the Press did not prosper under his rule, although, when he left Cambridge, he did good work as a printer of Oriental volumes'. Between around 1812 and 1815 he was working in Broxbourne. In 1816 he moved to London, where he established the Oriental Type-Foundry, Temple Bar.

[ Edward Harbord, Lord Suffield. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Suffield') to John Richardson of Heydon, containing a splendid assessment of the character of his friend the Lord Chancellor, Henry Peter Brougham, and reminiscences of Lord Eldon.

Edward Harbord, 3rd Baron Suffield [ Lord Suffield ] (1781-1835), radical politician and abolitionist [ John Richardson of Heydon; Henry Peter Brougham; John Scott, Lord Eldon; Lord Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
Vernon House [ Park Place, St James's, London ]. 22 September 1831.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on the blank reverse of the second leaf is a frank (also signed 'Suffield'), addressed to 'Jn. Richardson Esqr. | Heydon | Aylsham | Norfolk' An excellent letter, containing a splendid assessment of Brougham's qualities, and a vivid reminiscence regarding his predecessor as Lord Chancellor, Lord Eldon. The identity of the book that is the subject of the letter is unclear. Suffield begins by reporting that Brougham has promised Suffield that he will 'attentively consider' Richardson's book.

[ Sir George Grove, music administrator and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Grove') thanking 'Mrs. Bartholomew' for correcting a score.

Sir George Grove (1820-1900), writer on music, founding editor of 'Grove's Dictionary', first director of Royal College of Music, organiser of Crystal Palace concerts
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lower Sydenham, S.E. [ London ] 2 September [ 1878 ].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The year has been added in another hand in pencil. Reads: 'Most grateful to you dear Mrs Bartholomew for all your kind care & thought. I have yet to go finally through the sheets and correct all it [sic] stopping &c. so that your corrections will be of great use – I am just off to America for a good long holiday. | Good bye | Yours very truly | & obliged | G. Grove'.

[ Robert Scott, Master of Balliol, co-compiler of the 'Liddell and Scott' Greek-English lexicon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Scott | Master of Balliol') to Major R. G. MacGregor, on the gift of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Robert Scott (1811-1887), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and co-compiler of the 'Liddell and Scott' Greek-English lexicon [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Balliol College, Oxford. 24 October 1864.

1p.,12mo. In good condition. Scott writes that he has 'just received, through Messrs. Parker, the volume of your Translations from the Greek Anthology which you have kindly requested me to place in the Library of Balliol College'. He thanks him on behalf of the College, and assures him that the book will be so placed, 'according to your desire'. MacGregor's tranlsation was published in London without a date by Nissen and Parker. Scott's co-compiler Henry Liddell was the father of 'Alice in Wonderland'.

Programme for the Savoy Theatre production of 'The Emerald Isle or, The Caves of Carric-Cleena' ('New and Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts'), 'Written by Basil Hood. Composed by Arthur Sullivan and Edward German.'

Sir Arthur Sullivan; Edward German; Basil Hood; François Arsène Cellier; Richard Barker; the Savoy Theatre, London [ Gilbert and Sullivan ]
Publication details: 
The Savoy Theatre, London. [ 1901 ] Printed by J. Miles & Co., Ltd., Wardour Street, W. [ London ]

Printed on both sides of a 21.5 x 28.5 cm piece of thick paper, folded into a 21.5 x 9.5 cm packet, with three panels on the outside and a single page of text within. A nice piece of Savoy Theatre ephemera. Text in purple, with gilt borders, except on the front cover, and with 'The Ancient Arms of the Savoy' in gilt, black, green and orange. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled. Two panels of advertisements on the outside, with the programme on the inside also flanked by advertisements.

London Cries: With Six Charming Children printed direct from stippled plates in the Bartolozzi style, and duplicated in red and brown, and about forty other illustrations [...].

Andrew W. Tuer [ Field and Tuer, 'Ye Leadenhalle Presse' [ The Leadenhall Press, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Field & Tuer, ye Leadenhalle Press, E.C. [ 1885. ]

The full title reads: 'London Cries: With Six Charming Children printed direct from stippled plates in the Bartolozzi style, and duplicated in red and brown, and about forty other illustrations including ten of Rowlandson's humorous subjects in facsimile, and tinted; examples by George Cruikshank, Joseph Crawhall, &c., &c. The text by Andrew W. Tuer, Author of "Bartolozzi and his Works," *&c.' [1] + 48pp., 4to. With six engraved plates of children and forty illustrations in text, those from Rowlandson hand-coloured. In brown cloth half-binding, with grey boards.

[ Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith, archaeologist and Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Cecil H. Smith.') to Sir Henry Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, describing arrangements for the judging of the Owen Jones prizes

Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith (1859-1944), archaeologist and Director and Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1909-1924 [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 24 October 1916.reg

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With the Society's oval date stamp. He is sending as promised 'a note of the arrangements agreed upon between us at our interview to-day'. Undertaking to provide space at the Museum 'for the purpose of receiving, arranging for judgment, and re-despatching the designs submitted for the Owen Jones prizes for industrial design. The judging will be done by your nominees, and all correspondence in connection with the matter will be in your hands'.

[ Rev. Robert Whiston, the inspiration for Trollope's 'The Warden'. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Robert Whiston') to Richard Prall, Rochester solicitor

Robert Whiston (1808-1895), Headmaster of Rochester Cathedral Grammar School [ King's School ], 1842 -1877, inspiration for Anthony Trollope's 'The Warden' [ Richard Prall (1802-67), solicitor ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Rochester [ Kent ]; 28 September 1872. Note from St. Margarets; 20 April 1877.

Both items in fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: ALS. 28 September 1872. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is 'taking somewhat of a liberty', but having heard 'that you are parting with one of your Clerks', says 'a word in favour of a person in whom for many reasons I take a great interest, & of whom you & your Brothers may know something. | I mean Mr. Prothero for many years an Inmate of my House, & an Assistant Master in the School'. Prothero was 'for some years a Clerk in the County Court', but 'is obliged from paucity of business to leave it, & is now out of employment'.

[ Kennet and Avon Canal Company. ] Two printed circulars, by Dundas and Page respectively, each including reports of the committee of management and statements of accounts; second featuring lithographed map by Cartwright and notice of Lord Amesbury.

Kennet and Avon Canal Company [ Charles Dundas and Frederick Page, Chairmen; Lord Amesbury; R. Cartwright, London lithographer; Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet (1760-1831) ]
Publication details: 
[ Kennet and Avon Canal Company. ] Marlborough: 20 July 1830 and 17 July 1832.

The 57-mile canal section of the two rivers was constructed between 1794 and 1810. In the face of competition by the Great Western Railway it fell into disuse in the latter nineteenth century. A process of restoration began a hundred years later, and the canal is now a popular amenity. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Both headed on first page 'Report of the Committee of Management, of the Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation.' Both are 3pp., 8vo, on bifoliums.

[ Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Newport. ] With Autograph Letter Signed to Sir J. E. Harington from Charles Grevile, Bristol attorney.

Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Newport, Wales; Ralph Ruscoe, Principal Clerk ; Charles Grevile (1788-1862), attorney [ Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet (1760-1831) ]
Publication details: 
[ Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Wales. ] Ruscoe's circular from 'Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Office, Newport, May 21st, 1849.'

The company opened canals from Newport to Pontypool and to Crumlin in 1796. It was taken over by the Great Western Railway in 1875, and a passenger service from Ebbw Vale to Cardiff still runs. Three items with covering paper on which Sir J. E. Harington has written in ink: 'Sir J E Harington | Monmouthshire Ry & Canal Papers', with the following added in pencil: 'May 21 1849. | Asking my consent to take new shares - | No.' All items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from Grevile to Harington. Bristol; 13 June 1849. 2pp., 4to.

[ Susan Euphemia, Duchess of Hamilton, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('S E H & B') to 'dearest dear Lolotte' (Charlotte Stuart), regarding the misfortunes of Madame Regnaudin of the Royal Academy of Music.

Susan Euphemia Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton (1786-1859), wife of Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, and daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill [ Royal Academy of Music ]
Publication details: 
'Hamilton Palace [ Lanarkshire, Scotland ] | July 9th: [ between 1822 and 1825 ]'.

Susan Euphemia Beckford, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill, had married the 10th Duke of Hamilton in 1810. The recipient Charlotte Stuart (d.1867) was the daughter of Margaret, Lady Pulteney, by her first husband Andrew Stuart of Torrance. In 1830 she married Robert Harington, son of Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet. The present item is two closely written pages, 4to. On bifolium of wove paper with watermark 'C WILMOT | 1822'. In good condition, lightly aged. Closely and neatly written over 63 lines.

[ Victorian house sale in Herefordshire. ] Poster doubling as auction catalogue: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of Valuable and Modern Household Furniture [...] By Order of the Adminstratrix of the late Rev. Charles Harrington.

Oakley & Son, auctioneers, and Henry E. Oakley, printer, both of Bromyard, Herefordshire [ Rev. Charles Harington (1837-1868), Rector of Stoke Lacy ]
Publication details: 
'On 24 September 1868. [ Henry E. Oakley, Printer, Market-Square, Bromyard. ]

Rev. Charles Harington [sic] was grandson of Sir John Edward Harington (1760-1831) of Ridlington, 8th Baronet, and the item is from the Harington papers. The full title reads: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of the Valuable and Modern Furniture | Including Iron Bedsteads, Blankets and Quilts, Chests of Drawers, Mahogany and Painted Wardrobes, Dairy & Kitchen Requisites, Bacon, Whitechapel Trap, Saddles, Casks, Hurdles, & numerous Effects,| To be sold by Auction, by Oakley & Son | On Thursday, 24th.

Printed pamphlet: 'Memoir of the Most Reverend Roger Bede Vaughan, O.S.B., Archbishop of Sydney. By the Right Reverend J. C. Hedley, D.D.

Right Reverend J. C. Hedley, D.D. [ Roger Bede Vaughan, O.S.B., Archbishop of Sydney; Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed at the Chiswick Press. 1884. [ Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

31pp., 8vo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, lightly aged, with stitching cut causing separation of the two signatures. A scarce Chiswick Press item: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

Printed pamphlet: 'Bishop Brown and Pope Gregory XVI. The Bishop's Story.'

John Lambert [ Thomas Joseph Brown, Bishop of Newport and Menevia; Pope Gregory XVI ]
Publication details: 
January, 1891. 'Reprinted from the Downside Review.' [ Note to original printing dated November 1890. ] Yeovil: Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Limited.

4pp., 12mo. With front wrap only, bearing the publication details. Covering the first page is a note signed in type 'JOHN LAMBERT. | November 1890.' The text of 'The Bishop's Story' is on pp.2-4, followed on the last page by a 'Note' signed in type 'J. L. | January, 1891.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Piety of Christian Faith. A Sermon Preached in the Church of St. Osburg, Coventry. On the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of its Consecration, Sunday, September 1, 1895.'

Right Rev. John Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B., Bishop of Newport and Menevia [ Church of St Osburg, Coventry ]
Publication details: 
London and Leamington: Art and Book Company, 1895.

23pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In blue printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, in chipped wraps. Drophead title, p.3: 'St. Osburg's Jubilee Celebration.' No copy found on OCLC WorldCat.

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