Book Trade History

[Pamphlet printed at Canterbury College of Art.] The Garden of Pleasure. Translated from "La Maison Rustique" by Charles Estienne, 1572. With linocuts by Jessie Kennett.

Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]
Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]
Publication details: 
Canterbury College of Art, 1949.
Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]

Small 4to, 4 pp. Stitched. In original brown and black decorative wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A pretty piece of printing, with the title-page printed in light blue and black, and the vignette on illustration on the reverse of the title leaf in the same light blue. The text covers two pages. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Two Autograph Notes Signed to T.S. Strong about infected books

Rowland Hill, Librarian
Publication details: 
[Printed headed] Memorandum from the Public Library, Museum, Art Gallery, and School of Science and Art, Tullie House, Carlisle, 10 & 11 June 1901.

Both one page, c.21 x 17cm, small closed tear, some dusting, mainly good, texts clear and complete: [10 June] "Re. Infected Books | A few days ago one of your Clerks saw me in reference to the above, and said that it was Miss Strong's intention not to replace the books as they and numerous dresses were taken away by Sanitary Authorities.

Autograph Note, third person [Francis Bond Head, soldier] instructing Bank to stop subscription to Library.

Sir Francis Head, known as Galloping Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada during the rebellion of 1837 (1793– 1875) [Francis Bond Head].
Sir Francis Head,  known as Galloping Head,
Publication details: 
Croydon, 25 April [1860?].
Sir Francis Head,  known as Galloping Head,


Autograph Letter Signed William Blades, bibliographer, to the Earl of Ashburnham, Collector, with related autograph material.

William Blades, Bibliographer and Printer [Ashburnham; William Caxton]
Autograph Letter Signed William Blades, bibliographer
Publication details: 
2 Montague St., Russell Square, 17 May 185[8?].
Autograph Letter Signed William Blades, bibliographer

Two pages, 12mo, chipped and with small closed tears, with loss of half a line of text and some letters, bottom edge turned up. I beg to offer you according to your reque[st] a list of books printed by Caxton, in the library at Ashburnham House with their imperfections and sizes.

Signature (and subscription) only from letter, signed Lancelot Speed, book illustrator.

Lancelot Speed (1860 – 1931), Victorian illustrator of books, usually of a fantastical or romantic nature
Lancelot Speed
Publication details: 
No place or date surviving.
Lancelot Speed

Part of letter, 11 x 5cm, good condition, saying, yours try | Lancelot Speed.

[Printed Address] To the Electors of the Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent

[Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem, Stoke-upon-Trent] John Wood
Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem,
Publication details: 
[Burslem, 1835]
Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem,

Broadsheet, c.24 x 40cm, fold marks, light foxing, mainly good condition. He sets out his principles in the usual high-flown manner, not identifying with any party.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir R.L. Harmsworth about the publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes. With part of a substantial letter from [F.Contes?] on the same subject

P.J. Dobell, Antiquarian Bookseller
Publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes
Publication details: 
[Headed] P.J. & A.E. Dobell, Sons of the late Bertram Dobell, Dealers in Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, 8 Bruton Street, New Bond Street, London W1, 20 & 23 Jan. 1926.
Publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes

Three pages, 4to, good condition. Harmsworth has obviously consigned two copies of the History of Little Goody Two Shoes to Dobell for evaluation and Dobell is now returning them with a learned disquisition on the publishing history of the work. He discusses the advertising and other background of the Newbery imprint, speculation on the rights being sold to a syndicate of booksellers (explaining worsening quality of printing), speculation on the undated one being pirated. He cites a memorandum by a British Library principal Librarian, J.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque ('L H. Mordacque'); the second addressed to the bookseller John Russell Smith.

Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque (1824-1870), Somerset scholar at Brasenose College Oxford and Hulmian Exhibitioner [John Russell Smith (1810-1894), bookseller and bibliographer]
Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque
Publication details: 
13 July 1864 and 10 May 1865; both from Haslington Parsonage.
Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque

Both 12mo, 1 p; and both bifoliums. Both aged and creased. Letter One (recipient not named): Asking to be sent any works 'that would give information on the subject of Chaplaincies abroad in connection with the Government or otherwise', as well as 'a copy of the publisher's circular regularly'. Letter Two (to Smith): Asking if there 'have been any sales of Salverte since the Athenaeum Advertisement', and what Smith would give 'for the whole lot on hand (say per 100 copies) if willing to take them off my hands'.

Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher, arguing that his pet subjects are not exhausted.

Marquis Spineto, Italian nobleman emigre, Egyptologist
Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher
Publication details: 
No place, [Watermark 1832]
Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher

Two pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, segment cut from bifoliate leaf, no obvious loss, fair condition, text clear and complete.

Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand to T. H. Lacy, regarding the publication of a farce.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), English comic writer and editor of 'Punch' [Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor and theatrical publisher]
Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand
Publication details: 
29 April 1869; on letterhead of Hale Lodge, Edgware.
Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. He begins 'Print the farce', and gives two conditions, ending 'There that's definite'. He will have the farce published after it is performed in London, 'at a good theatre of course'. 'But get on with it and lets have the proofs.' He will 'most likely' play it himself 'at Manchester and somewhere else, when I will put all this stage business &c in'. Ends 'Toole wants to do it. | Yours Tooley - I mean Truly'. In one of two postscripts he hopes Lacy has 'a good supply of Billy Taylor. Hopewood & Crew publish it.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith ['J W Arrowsmith'] to Clement Shorter, attempting to gain a review for a book of poems by John Gregory, published by Arrowsmith.

J. W. Arrowsmith [James William Arrowsmith] (1839-1913), Bristol printer and publisher [Clement Shorter (1857-1926); Sir Richard Gregory (1864-1952)]
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith
Publication details: 
15 February [1907.] On his letterhead ('J W Arrowsmith | Publisher | Bristol').
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Letterhead in red. Headed 'My Garden' (in 1907 Arrowsmith published 'My Garden and other Poems by John Gregory. With an appreciation by E. J. Watson'). He wonders whether the book is 'worth notice'. 'There is no mistake about Gregory being a working man [he was a cobbler]. His son is Prof. of astronomy and Assistant Editor of Nature'.

Autograph Note Signed from the General Baptist minister Jabez Burns ('J Burns') to the Paternoster Row publishers Houlston & Wright.

Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Publication details: 
23 March 1855.
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister

Landscape 12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with light traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse. Asking for a copy of his 'Sermons for Families & Villages' ['Sermons chiefly designed for family reading and village worship', 1842] to be given to an individual, and 'put to my Account'.

Signed, sealed and witnessed vellum indenture for the apprenticeship of 'Robert Shaw Son of Robert Shaw of the City of Lichfield Book Seller'.

Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Publication details: 
10 September 1736.
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair on aged vellum. Engraving of royal crest in top left-hand corner. Printed in small type and completed in manuscript. Three witnesses, including 'Rich. Robinson' and 'Walt: Robins'. Red wax seal of head, and government stamp on blue. Brief modern notes accompanying the item state that the elder Shaw was born in 1685, the son of the headmaster of Lichfield Grammar School (Johnson's old school), who died in 1704. There is no record of anything published by the Shaws, who do not feature in BBTI.

Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?), in a late eighteenth-century hand, docketed 'Contents of Maps, Charts, &c in the largest Box, from No. 65 to No. 166', including references to maps by John Hamilton Moore.

[John Hamilton Moore (c.1738-1807), Scottish cartographer and author; British map-making; Georgian maps; cartography]
Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?)
Publication details: 
English; circa 1790.
Extensive manuscript list (cartographer's probate inventory?)

8vo, 6 pp. Two bifoliums sewn together. On laid paper with Britannia watermark. Text clear and complete. Neatly written out at approximately 38 lines to the page. On aged paper, with slight damage to the first bifolium, the leaves of which are detaching at the spine. Some of the items have been lightly scored through in pencil, but are still legible. The inclusion of such items as '149 Blank Silk Paper for copying Maps' would appear to indicate that the document is an inventory (for probate?) of a cartographer's stock. Last two entries read '165 Blank Sheets of Paper for copying Maps.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to [Ifan Kyrle] Fletcher, bookseller specialising in Theatre.

Richard Jennings, Book Collector
Richard Jennings, Book Collector
Publication details: 
The Little Boltons, 11 Nov., 1 Dec. 1947, 14 June 1948.
Richard Jennings, Book Collector

Total 4pp., 8vo, text readable but sometimes faint,good condition. (Nov. 1947) He's been too ill to write but has marked the books he wants. Any sort of copy not even firsts[.] They are only for work. [This from the most fastidious of collectors (Muir, Minding My Own Business, p.101)]. He'll go through the list again just in case. Those Press cuttings & photos were most useful. (Dec. 1947) He thanks him for another Hobbes, revealing his greatest want, The Vineyard. Fletcher is to stop looking for the life of 1911 since Jennings' publishers have sent a copy.

Typed Note Initialled J.J. to L.E. Berman. With original envelope.

John Johnson, Printer to the University of Oxford, founder of the Johnson Collection.
John Johnson, Printer to the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
[Headed] University Press Oxford, 6 March 1945.
John Johnson, Printer to the University of Oxford

One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. No doubt our London House has told you that they are ordering a copy of SHAKESPEARE AND THE ACTORS for you.~35~SHAKESPEARE OUP OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS THEATRE AUTOGRAPH~ ~0~BT MSS 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9764~16/09/2010~False~John Sparrow, Warden of All Souls, Bookman~Autograph Postcard SignedJ. to John Carter, c/o Sotheby's, Bookman.~Venezia, 24 Oct. 1971.~Good condition.

Autograph Note Signed to de Coverly.

Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector
Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector
Publication details: 
[Headed] 10 Clareville Grove, [London] SW7, 7 Oct. 1932.
Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector

One page, 8vo, good condition. Somewhat mysterious but concerning a book or books by Herman Melville. Pardon me for not answering your kind note before. Although I cannot agree that you have received anything approaching an equivalent for your copy of Omoo, I am naturally very gratified that you are good enough to think differently . . .

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis [the source of the letter suggests Sacheverell Sitwell], concerning the supply of Trollope letters.

Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector.
Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Lower Througham, Stroud, Glos., 21 June 1936.
Michael Sadleir, Author, Publisher, Book Collector.

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. A bookseller called Glaishier at Greenwich sent me a small Trollope letter to see to other day. It was in bad condition, but I think the signature was undamaged and if your friend only collects signatures it might be worth his asking to se this. | If, however, he wants a complete letter (as probably he does for an important collection) I think he might get one from Bernard Halliday [underlined], 1King Richards Road, Leicester or from Maggs Brothers [underlined with address]. Both these will be expensive.

[Printed pamphlet] A List of the Lords, who Protested against some Proceedings, in Relation to the Case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, in the House of Peers; with their Lordships Reasons for Entring their Protestations.

[Great Britain; Parliament; House of Lords; Henry Sacheverell]
Proceedings, in Relation to the Case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell
Publication details: 
London: Printed in the Year, 1710. [Publisher not stated.]
Proceedings, in Relation to the Case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell

12mo, 15 pp. In modern brown paper wraps (easily removed). Clear and complete. In fair condition, on aged paper. Wraps stamped 'J467'. This item has a complicated publishing history (not made easier by the large number of microfilm reproductions listed on COPAC). This copy has 'Price Two Pence.' at the foot of the title, which - with a triangular geometric vignette made up of ten flowers - is enclosed in a frame. The reverse of the last leaf is blank and there is no cancel.

Attractive black and white pen portrait of the American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne, with the artist's dated stylized signature mark, presumably executed to be engraved for a magazine such as the Illustrated London News.

[Nathaniel Hawthorne; Illustrated London News]
Attractive black and white pen portrait of the American novelist Nathaniel Hawth
Publication details: 
Attractive black and white pen portrait of the American novelist Nathaniel Hawth

Dimensions of paper 23 x 17 cm; dimensions of image c.16 x 10.5 cm. In fair condition on lightly-aged paper. Captioned at foot 'Nathaniel Hawthorne'. Head and shoulders illustration, with Hawthorne looking at the viewer with his head slightly towards his right shoulder. Placed in modern 34 x 26.5 cm cream card frame with gold and light-green border. Professionally executed in a traditional style. The artist's monogram, centred beneath the illustration, consists of a stalk topped by simple flower design, and with the date '26' at the foot.

Autograph Card Signed ('Déroulède P.') by the French anti-Dreyfusard author and politician Paul Déroulède, written from prison, congratulating a couple on their newborn child.

Paul Déroulède (1846-1914), French right-wing author and anti-Dreyfusard politician
Autograph Card Signed ('Déroulède P.') by the French anti-Dreyfusard author
Publication details: 
19 October 1899; on the letterhead of his magazine 'Le Drapeau', with portrait of Déroulède and the motto 'Prison de la Santé - 1899'.
Autograph Card Signed ('Déroulède P.') by the French anti-Dreyfusard author

9 x 14 cm. Backed on piece of card, and hence with the details of the addressees obscured. Fair, on aged paper with central vertical crease. Sending 'Compliments au père et à la mère. Bon veux pour le nouveau né!' Written while waiting for trial, following Déroulède's re-arrest for treason. He was found guilty and banished for ten years. His funeral procession in Paris attracted a larger crowd than any since Victor Hugo.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J H Markland), to the printers 'Messrs Nichols & Son | 25 Parliament Sq.'' by the antiquary and book collector James Heywood Markland

James Heywood Markland (1788-1864), antiquary and book collector [John Bowyer Nichols]
James Heywood Markland (1788-1864), antiquary and book collector
Publication details: 
Whitehall Place; 10 July 1834.
James Heywood Markland (1788-1864), antiquary and book collector

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf. Fair, on aged paper. He does not think he received 'Part II of Collectanea Topog. & Geneal.' 'As I believe that receipts are taken on delivery of that Work be so good as to send me any memorandum of the fact - if you do not possess it perhaps the Part may not have been left at my House'. Docketed, with details of the receipt, at head of first page.

Autograph Note Signed ('J Raine') by the antiquary John Raine.

John Raine, Vicar of Blyth, Nottinghamshire, antiquary and book collector.
John Raine, Vicar of Blyth, Nottinghamshire, antiquary and book collector
Publication details: 
'Sunday' [no date, but c.1879].
John Raine, Vicar of Blyth, Nottinghamshire, antiquary and book collector

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount on blank reverse. He only has 'time for a single line before Post'. He is adopting the recipient's 'suggestion of putting my name among the Vicars | "47. John Raine. Presented November 1834', and is sending copy. The note concerns an entry on Raine in the following: 'Reports and Papers Read at the Meetings of the Architectural Societies of the Counties of Lincoln and Nottingham, County of York, Archdeaconries of Northampton and Oakham, County of Bedford, Diocese of Worcester, and County of Leicester', Vol. 15 (1879).

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Surtees') from the antiquary Robert Surtees to the Darlington bookseller Joseph Sams, with autograph draft of announcement by the latter.

Robert Surtees (1779-1834), antiquary and topographer [Joseph Sams (1784-1860), Darlington bookseller]
Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Surtees') from the antiquary Robert Surtees
Publication details: 
17 April 1831.
Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Surtees') from the antiquary Robert Surtees

4to, 1 p. In bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf with circular 'RUSHYFORD' postmark in black ink. On aged and creased paper, with traces of mount adhering on second leaf. Giving details of the 'allowance to the Trade', which he admits is 'small', for volumes in large and small paper. 'Only 500 Copies being printed it is not worth my while to push the sale by a large allowance'.

Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley to the actor C. Kenneth Benda, concerning the rights to his book 'Trent's Last Case', and a proposal by Benda for a stage adaptation.

Nicolas Bentley [Nicolas Clerihew Bentley (1907-1978)], British author and illustrator [C. Kenneth Benda (1902-1978), British actor]
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
10 June 1966; on Bentley's letterhead, 7 Hobury Street, Chelsea.
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley

4to, 1 p. 19 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper, with strip of sunning to left-hand margin. Neat signature: 'Nicolas Bentley'. The film and television rights to the book were all 'bought some years ago by Herbert Wilcox, who, as I understand it, still owns them'. Bentley has reports the opinion of 'Messrs A. P. Watt, my late father's agent', on the question of the radio rights. 'I control the stage rights', Bentley states, giving the conditions on which he would agree to a stage adaptation.

Letter Signed "Smith Elder", publishers, "To the Editor of the 'Athenaeum'", responding on behalf of an author to a review.

Smith Elder, publishers
Letter Signed "Smith Elder", publishers, To the Editor of the 'Athenaeum'
Publication details: 
[Printed] 65 Cornhill, London, 5 Jan. 1855.
Letter Signed "Smith Elder", publishers, To the Editor of the 'Athenaeum'

Two pages, 4to, some damage at fold mark, but text clear and complete. The writer identifies the author as Rawdon Brown, "resident at Venice", whose "Translation of the 'Despatches of Sebastian Giustinian" had been reviewed in "The Athenaeum". Brown takes exception to the conclduing sentence, refers to a passage in his own book and outlines the rules by which he is writing (using English "authorities" sparingly, etc., being more interested in what was said of the English abroad). He would welcome useful references for his second edition.

[book] Comments on Cain. [inscribed by author, and with two typed slips correcting legal points emending the preface]

F. Tennyson Jesse [Eugen Weidmann]
F. Tennyson Jesse, Comments on Cain
Publication details: 
London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1948.
F. Tennyson Jesse, Comments on Cain

8vo, xxiii + 149 pp. Frontispiece drawing of Eugen Weidmann by Gea Augsbourg. On aged paper, in worn red cloth binding. Inscribed on the front free endpaper 'For Lucy & Gilbert with love - | (I only had a topnotch American lawyer, ditto English, ditto international, so they got the law in the preface wrong. Blast!)' A large part of p. xi has been deleted by Jesse, with a slip containing a substitute passage of twenty-five lines has been taped over it. Four lines are deleted from p. viii, with an eight-line typed slip taped over it. Two words are added in autograph by Jesse to pp.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Sanderson') to Lowry.

George Sanderson (c.1835-1814), English mathematician [Wilson Lowry (1762-1824), engraver]
Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Sanderson') to Lowry.
Publication details: 
17 January 1803; Stanhope Street, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Sanderson') to Lowry.

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with chipping to extremities. Thin strip of stub adhering to reverse, which carries the address in Sanderson's hand: 'Mr: Lowry | No: 57 | Tichfield St:'. He asks him to 'send the Books by the Bearer. | I find my self better & am in hopes of goeing out in a Day or two if weather permits'. He concludes by sending his compliments to Lowry's wife and daughters. Docketed in a contemporary hand at foot of page: 'One of the greatest Mathematicians of this country | Originally (and occasionally till his Death) a Taylor'.

[Printed] Report of Special Committee appointed by resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Garrison Library on March 16th, 1897.

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar,] 1897.
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar

Two pages, on the versos of a 4to bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Concerning the proposed 'establishment of a Club' within the Library, and concluding 'Generally we are of opinion that the above scheme is the best that can be suggested for upholding both institutions - the Library and the Club. The proposed agreement (i) may appear at first sight to entail a loss on the Library, but the loss it would suffer from the establishment of a Club outside would probably be far heavier, [...]'. Signed in type by Major-General F. Carrington; W. H. Rathborne; Stephen H.

Three printed items relating to the Garrison Library, Gibraltar, including the 'Fundamental Laws' and 'Report of Special Committee appointed by resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Garrison Library on March 16th, 1897.'

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar
Publication details: 
Fundamental Laws: [Gibraltar,] c.1889. Report: [Gibraltar,] 1897.
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar

Gatty's annotations are of interest, considering his legal standing in Gibraltar, and his position as one of the Library's committee members. One: 'Report'. Two pages on the versos of a 4to bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Concerning the proposed 'establishment of a Club' within the Library, and concluding 'Generally we are of opinion that the above scheme is the best that can be suggested for upholding both institutions - the Library and the Club.

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