Autograph Note Signed ('Mary W. Findlater') to unnamed female autograph hunter.

Mary Williamina Findlater (1865-1963), Scottish novelist and poet
Publication details: 
27 October 1901; Mount Stuart, Torquay, England.

One page, 16mo. Good, on lightly aged grey paper, with previous paper mount adhering to reverse. Reads 'I have pleasure in sending you the Autograph you desire'.

Autograph Note Signed (' "Allen Raine" ') to unnamed male correspondent.

Allen Raine' (Ann Adaliza Puddicombe, nee Evans, 1836-1908), British novelist, known as 'the Welsh Catherine Cookson'
Publication details: 
Traethsaith | Cardiganshire | Aug 30th/06'.

One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. Aged and cropped at foot. Dusty, and with minor paperclip stains to edges, and traces of previous mount on reverse. Reads 'Dear Sir, | I have much pleasure in sending you my Autograph. | Yours truly | "Allen Raine" '. Four-line cutting giving printed biography neatly laid down in bottom right-hand corner.

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist
Publication details: 
12 December 1901; Steephill Castle, Ventnor.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending you my autograph. | Yours faithfully | Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. K. F. Gatty') to 'Mrs. Wakefield'.

Horatia Katharine Frances Eden (née Gatty) (born 1846), sister and biographer of Mrs Juliana Horatia Ewing
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Sheffield; 22 March [year not stated].

Four pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Aged and spotted, with remains of three mounts adhering to one edge. She is enclosing a note from 'Miss Yonge', and 'one from Miss Roberts [Margaret Roberts] who wrote "Madlle Mori", "In the Olden Time", "The Atelier du Lys" &c. She refers to Miss Yonges mother in her note'. She is also sending a note 'from Mr. Dodgson too. Who is "Lewis Caroll'. (Alice in Wonderland) - & one from Isa Craig - now Mrs. Knox.

Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Thompson of Liverpool.

Catherine Hutton (1756-1846), English novelist and miscellaneous writer [AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING]
Publication details: 
Bennett's Hill June 1832'.

Two pages, quarto. Well preserved, on good lightly-aged paper, but with the original piece of paper (which was roughly nine inches by seven and a half wide) now neatly cut into three strips (the top and bottom of which are two and three-quarter inches high, and the middle three and a half inches high). The text is extremely neatly written and entirely legible, and the whole easily repairable with archival tape. The whole of this long, interesting letter (thirty-five lines and a two-line postscript) is given over to the current craze for autograph collecting (for which see A. N. L.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E: Lynn Linton') to 'Miss Shapland'.

Elizabeth [Eliza] Lynn Linton (1822-1898), Victorian writer
Publication details: 
Thursday' [no date]; on letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

12mo: 3 pp. 26 lines of text. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Chatty, apologetic letter. She thanks her for her invitation for the following day but she is already engaged. Unclear reference to 'Sir Boyle Roche's bird'. She would like to see her again, but 'I dare not make any engagements now, The weather is now my jailer'. She has to go to Malvern one day the following week. Suggests other possibilities. She may have to 'take my chance of finding you at home'. She was 'sorry to miss you when you were away & I called'.

Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Margot Asquith'), both in French, to unnamed male correspondent ['Cher trest Cher Coq'].

Margot Asquith [nee Margot Emma Alice Tennant], Countess of Oxford and Asquith (1864-1945)
Publication details: 
Card 1 July and Note 3 July [both no year, but before 1919]; both with printed address '20 Cavendish Square, W. [London]'.

Dimensions of card roughly 8 x 12 cm. Very good though lightly aged. Asking her correspondent to dinner in the following week. Note, addressed to 'Cher tres Cher Coq', on one side of 8vo grey paper. Very good, though lightly creased. She will be 'enchante de vous voir chez moi' on Wednesday [6 July] at 1 o'clock. Both items written before the Asquiths 1919 move from Cavendish Square to 44 Bedford Square. Two items,

fragment of letter to unnamed correspondent, with engraving of Martineau's residence

Harriet Martineau
Publication details: 
2pp, 16mo, 2 August 1856, Church Hill, Ambleside

English economist and novelist. The letterhead engraving of 'The Knoll Ambleside' by W. Banks of Edinburgh is circular, around two inches in diameter,with printed signature. The fragment of text - comprising ten lines - is on the reverse. Creased, grubby and stained.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Sartoris, 27 Chapel Street, London.

Mary Somerville (1780-1872), Scottish scientist after whom Somerville College, Oxford is named
Publication details: 
15 July [postmarked 1844, with Penny Red stamp]; 14 Lower Belgrave St, Eaton Square [London].

16mo: 3 pp. A small bifolium (each leaf 10.5 x 9 cms) on aged paper. Discoloured strip at foot of first leaf, containing four lines of text and the signature, cut away and reattached with archival tissue, with damage to two words (not in signature). Second leaf with minor damage through breaking of seal. Good Penny Red stamp, postmarked in black, and second red postmark. The earliest she can accept the dinner invitation is the following Wednesday.

Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward.') on fragment of letter.

Mary Augusta Ward (1851-1920, nee Arnold), English novelist 'Mrs. Humphry Ward'
Publication details: 
Docketed '1914' in pencil.

On piece of lightly discoloured paper roughly 4 x 10 cms, with horizontal fold on left. Reads '[typed] Yours sincerely, | [signed] Mary A. Ward.' Docketed in pencil at foot 'Mrs Humphry Ward 1914'.

Cyclostyled signature ('Laura Knight') on receipt.

Dame Laura Knight (1877-1972), English impressionist painter [The Artists' General Benevolent Institution]
Laura Knight
Publication details: 
2 June 1937; 5 Vigo Street, London, W.1. [printed by Vacher & Sons, Ltd., Westminster House, S.W.1]
Laura Knight

On blue paper 10 x 18 cms. Good, with trace of previous white paper mount on reverse. Printed receipt, filled in in manuscript. Reads 'No. [32] 5, VIGO STREET, | W.1. | [June 2nd 1937] | Received a DONATION of [One Guinea] | from [The Misses Ruck] | for the ARTISTS' GENERAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. | £[1] : [1] | [-] | [next word deleted] Secretary | [next two lines cyclostyled in purple ink] most gratefully | Laura Knight'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Dorothy Black') to [Kathleen Cruise O'Brien] O'Duffy, the wife of the Irish writer Eimar O'Duffy.

Dorothy Black (Delius) (1899-1985), English romantic novelist, travel and short-story writer [Ladies' Home Journal; Eimar O'Duffy]
Publication details: 
26 June 1925; La Chaumiere, Shillong, Assam.

4to: 3 pp. Text clear and entire on creased, chipped airmail paper. A chatty, vivacious and entertaining letter, casting light on the state of mind of an English colonial wife. Thanks her for her 'kind remarks about my stories.

Autograph Note Signed ('Isa . Craig . Knox') to her publisher Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896).

Isa Craig Knox (1831-1903), Victorian women's rights activist, social reformer, poet, novelist and journalsit [Alexander Macmillan, publisher]
Publication details: 
9 November [no year]; 14 Clyde Terrace, Brockley Road, New Cross [London].

12mo: 1 p. Good. Since he 'liked the last little thing' she sent for his magazine, she ventures to think that he may approve of the piece she encloses (not present).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza Hamilton') to Cecilia, wife of James Losh (1763-1833) of Jesmond.

Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton [Mrs. Eliza Hamilton] (1758-1816), Belfast-born miscellaneous writer
Publication details: 
26 August 1810; Whitburn.

Two pages, quarto. On aged paper, with several closed tears and loss at foot and remains of stub in margin, but with text clear and entire.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to 'Mary H. Tennyson' [pseudonym of Mary H. Folkard], 6 Saint George's Square, Regent's Park, N.W.

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter ['Mary H. Tennyson', i.e. Mary H. Folkard]
Publication details: 
17 June 1904; on letterhead 8 Saint Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W.C. [London].

Two pages, 16mo. Very good. Twenty-two lines, attractively written in purple ink beneath a letterhead printed in bright red. With postmarked envelope, addressed in autograph and carrying a penny stamp. He thanks her for sending him a copy of her book 'The Luck of John Seaton'. 'It reached me down in the country where, strange to say, I was already half way through it. I bought it at the railway station & had not arrived at the name of the author, when I received your letter. They ought to always put the name on the cover.' He enjoyed the story 'from beginning to end'.

Printed Memorandum of Agreement with Anthony Blond Ltd, signed 'Ellen Wright', for the English publication rights of her husband's 'Lawd Today'; with a typed agreement between Blond and Hamilton & Co. for the English paperback rights.

Ellen Wright (nee Poplar) (1912-2004), second wife and widow of the American author Richard Wright (1908-60)
Publication details: 
Memorandum, London, 29 June 1964; paperback rights, London, 15 May 1964.

The Memorandum is a four-page folio (leaf size roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half) bifolium. In very good condition, lightly creased and folded. It details Mrs Wright's royalties (as 'proprietor'), advance and percentages. The paperback rights agreement consists of four typewritten pages, on four leaves, each roughly thirteen inches by eight, stapled together at the head beneath green tape. Very good, though lightly creased and with some fraying to tape. It is signed by the Hamilton & Co. chairman Joseph and witnessed by his secretary E. M. Holloway.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Florence Warden') to the actor and dramatist Wybert Reeve.

Florence Warden (pseudonym of Florence Alice Price James, 1857-1929), English novelist
Publication details: 
17 May 1904; Beach House, Islandgate.

Four pages, 12mo. Very good, with unobtrusive remains of stub along one edge. In interesting letter discussing the state of the English stage. Her tardy response is due to 'pressure of work". 'What you say about the present condition of the stage is only too true.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adelaide Phillpotts') to 'Miss Hall'.

Mary Adelaide Eden Phillpotts (1896-1996), English author (daughter of Eden Phillpotts)
Publication details: 
21 March 1927; Eltham, Torquay, South Devon.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, with a little wear and light creasing. 'I often think of those days, & how timid & shy & stupid I was! Yet I enjoyed myself too, & shall never forget your great kindness, & the help you gave me. Since then I've had many adventures & experiences. I am not the thing I was!' She has been in London for the winter, and hopes they will be able to meet. 'We're so glad you like "Yellow Sands" - & I'm very pleased you like "Tomek". She has 'just finished another novel & play'. Asks what has become of a number of common acquaintances.

autograph letter signed to Mr [?] Ward,

Ada Cavendish
Publication details: 
20 February 1877, with letterhead 26 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, and serpentine monogram of the initials A and C.

English actress (1839-1895), for a time manageress of the Olympic Theatre. 2 pp, 12mo. "I enclose you the Stalls with much pleasure - and I hope you will enjoy the performance. Please place the enclosed cheque for £25 - to my account and oblige / Yours sincerely / Ada Cavendish". Traces of glue and paper from previous mounting at foot of second page.

one autograph note signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Ada Cavendish
Publication details: 
without date or place.

English actress (1839-1895), for a time manageress of the Olympic Theatre. One page, 12mo. Written in a bold hand, clearly in reply to a request for an autograph. " "Tell me thy reason / Why thou wilt marry " / "All's well that ends well" / Ada Cavendish". In reasonable condition, despite a tear almost halfway down a crease running vertically down the centre of the paper, and traces of glue and paper from previous mounting on the reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lees'.

Alice Law (born 1886), English poet
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1925?); on letterhead of the Lyceum Club, 128 Piccadilly, London.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on aged paper, with small closed tear at head not affecting text. Appears to concern an exhibition of women painters. Wants to 'personally thank' her for 'the privilege of having seen the International & in particular, your charming pictures. 'Early Morning' has quite carried away my heart! But the others are very fine. it must be so difficult, & so interesting to paint grey darkness. [...] Nothing of Miss Lister's there having in my opinion come up to her 'Builth Bridge' which we have. [...] Next to it I like 'A lonely Tree'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions, and Autograph Signature, for three months' annuity.

Lady Ann Sylvius [nee Howard] [Anne Sylvius] [wife of the English diplomat Sir Gabriell Silvius] [Gabriel de Silvius]
Publication details: 

One page. Dimensions of paper roughly eight inches by six and three-quarters. Trimmed but with no loss to text. Very good on aged paper. 'Received by me [Lady Anne Silvius] Of the Honourable Richard Hampden Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Fifty pounds] in full of all former Directions, and for Three Months Annuity, due at [Xmas] last past, of [200] Pounds per Annum'. Signed 'Ann: Sylvius', and with the signature [slightly trimmed] of 'Eliz Jones'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Locker.

Mrs Elizabeth Charles [nee Rundle] (1828-1896), English author
Publication details: 
Thursday | Combe Edge | Hampstead Heath'.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with some light glue stains on reverse, to which a small printed strip giving a printed list of Mrs Charles's works is attached. 'I was hoping to hear your boy was better - & I am very glad he is - thanks - but I am engaged on Thursday, & for some little time to come - so many people from all quarters coming just now & I hope you may be able to come & see me before very long'. Signed 'Bettie Charles'.

Six Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Margaret Fishenden (nee White)
Publication details: 
1925-6; all items on embossed government letterheads, from various locations including the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Fuel Research Bord.

English scientist (1889-1977), who worked with Rutherford in Manchester. All eight items quarto and very good. Most carrying the Society's stamp and some docketed. All signed 'Margaret Fishenden'. Mostly concerning the delivery and publication of a lecture on 'Domestic Heating'. Letter of 11 January 1926 suggests a number of people who should be invited.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to [the Hon.] Mrs [Alicia Margaret Tyssen] Amherst.

Augusta Noel (nee Keppel)
Publication details: 
9 May [no year] and 'Friday' [no date] [but both 1885]; on 29A Grosvenor Square letterheads.

English author (1838-1902). The recipient was later Baroness Rockley. Both items are very good. They can be dated from the reference to the Noel's mother (nee Susan trotter, died 1885) and the mourning border. ITEM ONE (three pages, 12mo): 'I send you a very rough little story, for the Children's Hospital book. I do not know whether it will suit your purpose, but I must just let it go as it is.

Autograph Postcard Signed to 'Mrs. Black'.

Eliza Lynn Linton
Publication details: 
Postmarked 8 January 1891; 'Queen Annes Mansions. St James's Park SW.'

Novelist and miscellaneous writer (1822-98). Dimensions roughly five inches by three. Grubby and with minor fraying, loss and closed tears to edges (not affecting text). Printed halfpenny stamp and two postmarks in black ink. Addressed to 'Mrs. Black | 5 Hazlitt Road | W. Kensington | W.' 'I have not received ye Ladies Pictorial, but fine - all very well done with great sympathy & tenderness & so well written - I have begun by informal LSaturdays - & shall be very glad to see you if you could come'. Signed 'E: Lynn Linton'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male publishers.

Harry Furniss [Punch, or the London Charivari]
Publication details: 
Thursday' [docketed 7 May 1885]; on Garrick Club letterhead.

Anglo-Irish journalist and caricaturist (1854-1925), best known for his work for Punch. Three pages, 12mo. Very good, but with slight wear and discoloration to recto of first leaf of bifoliate. Asks to 'know the fate of Miss Lyster's M.S.' 'You will recollect I called & saw you about it some months ago. She is anxious you should understand you can have the M.S. without the drawings as you did not seem <?> for the latter | An answer will much oblige | Yours very truly | [signed] Harry Furniss'.

Autograph Letter to the printseller [Dominic Paul] Colnaghi.

Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury
Publication details: 
Tuesday 29th April. [no year] | No 3. Park Square | Regent Park'.

English novelist (1775-1861). One page, 12mo. A frail item in poor condition: on discoloured, frayed paper, with several closed tears and some loss to edges. A formal letter in the third person. 'Lady Charlotte Bury presents Her Comp[limen]ts. to Mr: Colnaghi and would be obliged to Him if He could make it convenient to call upon Her any time this Day, as she wishes to speak to Him respecting Some Drawings which she intends to publish'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to her 'Cousin'.

Barbara Hofland
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Author (1770-1844) and friend of Miss Mitford. Paper dimensions roughly three and a half inches by one inch. Slightly discoloured, creased, and with one small closed tear. Read 'Believe me dear friend, | your truly affectionate Cousin | B Hofland'.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Randolph'.

James Hain Friswell
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist and miscellaneous writer (1825-78). Dimensions five inches by four and a half. Good. Mounted along one edge to piece of grey card. Cutting from Times, 15 March 1879, mounted on reverse of letter (giving Friswell's dates as 1827-79), and partly obscured by gum. Reads: '<...> I cannot say that the picture of life as you draw it is charming & only hope it is not true - illusions! | Your cursory remarks on us poor Men are written with a copper pen & sulphuric acid. Mr Randolph, who is of course the noble exception, must be delighted with them.

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