Draft of Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Derby.

Sir James Robert George Graham
Publication details: 
Whitehall 27th Jan 1842'; marked 'Private'.

British statesman (1792-1861), Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. Three pages, octavo. Good, though on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. An interesting sidelight into the relations between two important nineteenth-century politicians.

Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Rising.

John Preston Neale
Publication details: 
Bennett Street Blackfriars | Sept. 19th. 1828.'

Architectural draughtsman (1780-1847). Three pages, quarto. Good, but heavily folded and with some loss to second leaf of bifoliate from breaking of red wax seal, the remains of which still adhere. Addressed, with postmarks, on verso of second leaf of bifoliate 'Robt. Rising Esq | Horsey. | To the Care of Robert Cory Junr Esq | Yarmouth'. Rising, of Horsey Hall, was a Norfolk landowner, and Cory (1776-1840) an antiquary. A long and interesting letter. He regrets that he has been unable to spend 'a few happy hours with you and of doing justice to the Chief Magistrate of that Gt.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition.

Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey, William Frederick Witherington, John Jackson, James Lonsdale, Thomas Christopher Hofland, Robert Balmanno
Publication details: 
Without place or date (but before 1831).

Four noted British artists of the earlier part of the nineteenth-century: Witherington (1785-1865), Jackson (1778-1831), Lonsdale (1777-1839), and Hofland (1777-1843), together with the sculptor Chantrey (1781-1841), and the art critic and connoisseur Balmanno (1780-1861), who left England for America in the early 1830s. Paper dimensions roughly three inches by four. Creased, and on paper discoloured with age, with show-through from remains of seal under Chantrey's signature. Reads 'J Chantrey | W. F. Witherington | John Jackson | James Lonsdale. | T. C. Hofland | Robert Balmanno'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of letter.

James Ward, John Jackson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The engraver and painter Ward (1769-1859) and the artist Jackson (1778-1831). Dimensions of paper roughly five inches by two inches. Good. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. The reverse reads '<...> <...> | Daughters of the late Robert <...> | Painter Engraver & Publishe <...>'. Clearly a petition on behalf of the two women, and with Georgiana Dodd's cropped signature above those of 'James Ward R.A. | John Jackson R.A.'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Charles Robert Cockerell [Henry Landseer]
Publication details: 
10 September 1833; 89 Eaton Square.

English architect (1788-1863). Paper dimensions roughly seven inches by one and a quarter. Good, though somewhat grubby. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. Reads '<...> a necessity | C. R. Cockerell. | 10 Sepr. 1833. | 89 Eaton Square.' and on reverse '<...> | and relief, from the Benevolent Society of Artists | I am the Widow of the late Henry Landseer who died [^ on the 25 of July] after an Illness of only a few Hours. leaving myself and Two Infant Children totally destitute. - | <...>'

Autograph letter signed to Robert Triphook, 23 Old Bond Street.

Publication details: 
No place or date (wm 1819).

Three pages plus address page, 8vo, some damage and small holes marginally affecting text (including loss of part of name of writer). "Your son addressed me in very unbecoming language this evening respectiie my Debt to you on which subject I can declare most solemnly my entire beleif [sic] up to the present moment that Mr Ranken my Solicitor had paid you in February last[.] I am particularly sorry to find it is not the case & I have not seen him since that time. He will obtain some money for me the end of next month and I hope will give you the amount of your Debt the first.

Typed Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Browne Dunwoody
Publication details: 
7 December 1914; on letterhead of Association of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom.

English engineer (1879-1966), Secretary of the Associated British Chambers of Commerce, 1912-46. Very good, though creased and on slightly discoloured paper. Bearing the Society's stamp. Reads 'I beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your Journal of the 4th December, for which I am greatly obliged. | I enclose herewith the report of a recent meeting of this Association in exchange.' Signed 'R. B. Dunwoody'.

JOYEUX NOËL | HAPPY CHRISTMAS | La philosophie de Pierre Saville, traduite en langue anglaise par Robert Henriques.

Robert Henriques [Pierre Saville]
Publication details: 
La Bagarède, La Garde Freinet, Var. 1949. ['Printed by A. S. Atkinson, Ltd., 154, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.1.']

A Christmas keepsake. Eight pages, 12mo. Unbound. Grubby but in good condition. INSCRIBED at head of title 'Having got through the Valley - R. H.' The usual French cynicism: 'Nothing can be such a bore | As: a locked door; | Or a banquet, without the least appetite for food; | Or a woman whom you have already, and finally, understood.' and 'To your spouse you owe fidelity by contract. | But discretion in infidelity is a debt of honour.' From the archive of Mark Bonham Carter.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lt Colonel Buchanan - 9th Regiment'

George Robert Gleig
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in pencil 'Garrison Chapel Portsmouth Oct. 1874'.

Scottish 'Chaplain-General of the Forces' (1796-1888) and military historian. On piece of paper roughly 4 1/4 by 4 inches. Folded once. Very good. Reads 'Sincerely yours - | G. R. Gleig. | Lt Colonel Buchanan - | 9th Regiment' and on reverse '<...> the music of the Te Deum with which I was so greatly pleased, when I heard it sung by your Choir - You have got together an admirable body <...>'.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies[, Secretary], Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Atkinson
Publication details: 
24 November 1932; on letterhead '126 WIGMORE STREET | W.I'.

British architect (1883-1952) who worked on 'the Bath Improvement Scheme, Saint Catherine's Church, Hammersmith, W., The Regent Theatre, Brighton, The Picture House, Edinburgh, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, and many private and other works' (Who's Who). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Headed 're Architectural Decoration Committee'. He assumes that 'the Agenda of a meeting of your Committee on the 30th November at 4 p.m.' has been sent to him in error, as he has written a letter declining the invitation to serve on it.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Rosaline Masson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Biographer of Robert Louis Stevenson. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by one and a quarter. Very good. Taken from autograph album and mounted on larger piece of cream paper. Reads 'Yours very affectionately | Rosaline Masson.'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Publication details: 
Wilton. Oct 21. 1842'.

English conservative politician (1810-61), friend and supporter of Florence Nightingale. Good, but with one small closed tear and with the verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate attached to paper mount. He is 'going to town' for three days from Wednesday, and then returns for a fortnight or three weeks. 'If you think of coming this way soon I sh[oul]d be very glad if you could make your visit during [last word over authorial smudge] my stay here. | The tower is up all but the cornice & is not a bit too high.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Anne,] Lady Brodie.

Sir Robert Harry Inglis
Publication details: 
7 Bedford Square | Jan. 30. 1854'.

British Tory politician (1786-1855). The recipient was the wife of the noted surgeon Sir Benjamin Brodie the elder (1783-1862). He thanks her for 'the valuable present which you have conveyed to me through Lady Inglis. The subject is one of the deepest interest; and your honoured father ['Serjeant Sellon, a lawyer of repute', according to the DNB] will have treated it with corresponding devotion as well as learning'. He sends his regards to her husband, and signs 'Robert H. Inglis'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mrs Adolphus'.

Sir Robert Buckley Comyn
Publication details: 
New St. | Friday, morng' [no year].

Judge (1792-1853) and author. One page, 12mo. In very good condition. Reads 'My dear Mrs Adolphus, | I lament to say that severe illness makes it impossible for me to leave the house, & consequently to dine with you & <?> today. I hoped better things yesterday. | Sincerely yours | Robert Comyn'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Hearson'.

Sir Frederick Robert Upcott
Publication details: 
13 March 1913; on letterhead '227, ST. JAMES' COURT, | BUCKINGHAM GATE, S.W.'

Chairman of the Board of Indian Railways (fl. 1916). One page, 12mo. In very good condition, with one rough edge caused by removal from mount. 'It is my intention to be present at the dinner of Devonians in London on 3 May'. Signed 'F. R. Upcott'.

Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Collins'.

Robert Shapland Carew, First Baron Carew of Castle Boro
Publication details: 
Woodstown | Waterford | Oct 10' [no year but post 1823].

Irish aristocrat (1787-1856). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with slight staining at head and traces of grey-paper mount on reverse. 'Lord Carew has this day received Mr Collins letter - | Mr. Holmes shall have every facility of engraving from Lord & Lady Carews Portraits, on his calling here.'

Anonymous printed petition to one of the Houses of Parliament.

Sir Robert Peel [restoration of the Gold Standard, 1821]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

4 pages, 8vo. Pagination: [1] 2-3 [4]. A frail survival: paper grubby, discoloured and dogeared, with a few closed tears and some fraying to extremities, but the text clear and legible. A space at the beginning of the document for the insertion of the petitioner's name in manuscript has been left blank. Begins: 'The Petition of and all other Owners of Land subject to Mortgages, and other pecuniary payments charged on it before its depreciation in consequence of the return to the present Gold Currency, by which the value of every denomination of Money is so much increased'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of printed document.

George Bubb Dodington [Baron Melcombe of Melcombe Regis], Sir George Oxenden, Sir William Yonge
Publication details: 
19 [month?] 1734.

Dodington (1691-1762); Oxenden (1694-1775) and Yonge (1693-1755) were Whig politicians and allies of Sir Robert Walpole. The document would appear to relate to their positions as Commissioners of the Treasury. Dimensions 3 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Somewhat discoloured with age, but in good condition and with good clear signatures: 'Geo: Dodington | Geo Oxenden | Wia: Yonge'. The printed fragment to the left of the signatures reads: '<...>ceipt of His | <...> said [in manuscript] 34.

2 Typed Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Unsigned to Mary Delane, and a collection related material.

Robert Maxwell
Publication details: 
1962 to 1964; Oxford and London.

Politician, publisher and one of the greatest crooks of the twentieth century (1923-91). The recipient, Mary Delane, is described as 'sometime woman's editor for The Times'. A collection of drafts and letters mainly relating to negotiations for the publication by Maxwell's Pergamon Press of a series of cookery books. A fine example of his Maxwell's questionable business practices. Mainly consisting of typed correspondence and draft replies, mostly in 8vo, some creased and torn but generally in good condition.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook, 21 Golden Square.

Publication details: 
Tenby, 2 Feb. 1829.

One page, 4to, small tears, small piece missing, dulled, fold marks, spike hole, but text readable. "If you will go to Cockburn & Cos branch at Whitehall they will pay you £5.8- I am sorry it escaped my memory. I enclose you a list of the contents of 5 vols of Old Plays which I am offered - & I wish you would tell me what they are worth./ There is also here a book dedicated to Lord with the following title Page of which I wish you would tell me the probable value[.] Englands Improvements by Sea & Land &c. By Andrew Yarranton Printed by R.

Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Tory prime minister
Publication details: 
without date or place, but docketted in pencil "D[ownin]g. S[tree]t. 1812".

A piece of laid paper, 4 inches by 2. "<...> humble Servant / Robert Peel". Grubby and with minor discoloration from previous mounting.

Autograph fragment signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Baronet
Publication details: 
31 October 1862, Drayton Manor.

Politician (1822-95), son of the Tory prime minister Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850). A biofoliate letter which has been cut into an irregular shape by an autograph collector. The first leaf, 1½ inches by 4½: recto, "Drayton Manor / Oct. 31. 1862 <...>"; verso, "<...> to the stopping of his <...>. Second leaf, 4 inches by 4½: recto, "<...> by great convenience to me & I am extremely obliged. / I am yours most truly / Robert Peel". Paper ruckled, and with glue stains from mounting to the verso of the second leaf, which is docketted.

one autograph letter signed to Joshua Sharpe of Lincoln's Inn,

George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford (died 1791), prime minister Sir Robert Walpole's grandson and Horace Walpole's nephew
Publication details: 
1 November 1781, <Prince?>.

One page, 4to. Difficult handwriting. "Sir / On my return to this Cottage from Houghton I had the favor of your letters. I enclose a letter to Ld. Sandwich [...] I also enclose a letter to Sr. Horace Man [...]" Sir Horace Mann (1701-86) was British envoy at Florence. Docketted on verso of second leaf, "Ld. Orford, inclosing one to Ld. Sandwich wch was imediatly [sic] delivd. [...] Ensign Commis at Patna." Creased, and with loss to second leaf from removal of a seal.

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