
Manuscript transcript of 'the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. [18]17', addressed to Triphook, giving costs for printing '20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt'.

[Robert Triphook, London bookseller (d.1868); Belvoir Hunt; hunting; printing]
Publication details: 
Undated [1818?].

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. On aged and discoloured paper, with four spike holes. Neatly written out, in a contemporary hand. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. R. Triphook'. Pencil annotations on both sides. Headed 'The following is the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. 17 -'. First item (of six): 'Setting Press & Printing 20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt 1816.17 13 Sheets & 1/2 Demy, Pica & long Primmer with Tables fine ink. @ 83/. Pr Sheet } 56. 0. 6'. At foot of page: '1817-18 - furnished by R.

Autograph letters (2) t[Blandford] to a bookseller [prob. Triphook].

Marquis of Blandford
Publication details: 
One headed "Syon Hill", no date on either.

(12 Feb.) three pages, 8vo, small tear on fold, discoloration at edges, spike-hole text clear and readable.

Autograph letter signed to Robert Triphook, 23 Old Bond Street.

Publication details: 
No place or date (wm 1819).

Three pages plus address page, 8vo, some damage and small holes marginally affecting text (including loss of part of name of writer). "Your son addressed me in very unbecoming language this evening respectiie my Debt to you on which subject I can declare most solemnly my entire beleif [sic] up to the present moment that Mr Ranken my Solicitor had paid you in February last[.] I am particularly sorry to find it is not the case & I have not seen him since that time. He will obtain some money for me the end of next month and I hope will give you the amount of your Debt the first.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook.

W.S. Roscoe
Publication details: 
Liverpool, 21 Sept. 1816.

Poet, son of William Roscoe (1782-1843). One page, 4to, spike-hole, edges stained, fold marks, text clear. "I beg to enclose a Bill for £20.8.0 - for £12 due for & £8.8. - from Mr Roscoe / In the letter I believe there was some exchange of Books but I apprehend the account is correct tho' I have mislaid the particulars - / May I beg you to make my compliments to Mr & to believe be . . .". Some figures added in another hand ("5.8/3.3").

Autograph letter signed to "Triphook".

Harberton (prob. Henry Pomeroy, 2nd Viscount Harberton).
Publication details: 
Connaught Place, 13 August [1825?].

(1749-1829). Two pages, 8vo, good. "Mr Triphook/ I called yesterday at Cary's for a Map, & He [sic] informed, that there is an excellent English Gazet[t]eer lately published by Capper, & printed for Baldwin Pater Noster Row - I have long sought for one, & will be much obliged to you to look out for that for me - / And I am sure you can procure me the last Eton School List, now their Vacation has commenced. I wish you make Enquiry at the Heralds [sic] Office about Sr George Naylers Work of the Coronation.

Autograph letter signed to R. Triphook, St James Street London.

Henry Whittington.
Publication details: 
Theberton, Yoxford postmark 26 Aug. 1811[?]

One page, 4to, chipped, creased, small holefold marks, other damage but text minimally affected and readable as follows: "I have recieved[sic] Puttenham and Spencer safe and must request you to send me immediately "The secret history of the court of James Ist, 2 vols demi-octavo [underlined]," and two copies of Gilchrist's letter to Gifford" which I see advertised as just published. The former, and one copy of the latter are to be put <?> down to the account of Mr Mitford of Benhall [John Mitford, misc. writer, see DNB]. I hope to recieve[sic] them soon, direct as before.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook, 21 Golden Square.

Publication details: 
Tenby, 2 Feb. 1829.

One page, 4to, small tears, small piece missing, dulled, fold marks, spike hole, but text readable. "If you will go to Cockburn & Cos branch at Whitehall they will pay you £5.8- I am sorry it escaped my memory. I enclose you a list of the contents of 5 vols of Old Plays which I am offered - & I wish you would tell me what they are worth./ There is also here a book dedicated to Lord with the following title Page of which I wish you would tell me the probable value[.] Englands Improvements by Sea & Land &c. By Andrew Yarranton Printed by R.

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