[Presentation copy of a printed pamphlet containing a poem on the death of his young daughter.] Pattie's Christmas Tree. By J. A. Langford, LL.D.

J. A. Langford, LL.D. [John Alfred Langford (1823-1903); the Herald Press, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation. 1892. [Printed by Wright, Dain, Peyton & Co., at the Herald Press, Birmingham]

[2] + 8 + [1] pp., small (18 x 14 cm.) 4to. Sewn with green ribbon into white wraps, with 'Pattie's Christmas Tree' in gilt on front. In good condition, with the wraps slightly sunned in panels. Inscribed at head of title-page 'With kind regards'. The pamphlet contains a single poem titled 'Pattie's Christmas Tree', printed on eight pages each with decorative border in gilt. Printer's slug on revers of title, and colophon on last page. The beginning and end of the poem indicate the theme.

[Printed pamphlet of play.] The Pirate's Nurse. [With manuscript note: 'Performed at Literary Institute Wednesday June 8th 1898.'

[Worthing Literary Institute, West Sussex; Kirshaw, printer]
Publication details: 

12pp., 12mo. In original printed wraps bearing the title, dramatis personae, printer's slug, and contemporary pencil note: 'Performed at Literary Institute Wednesday June 8th 1898.' On aged and worn paper, with curling to fore-edge, and a cloth strip sewn on to strengthen spine. A comedy in heroic couplets. Excessively scarce: no copies on COPAC or WorldCat OCLC. Kirshaw was active between the 1870s and 1890s.

Holograph poem by John S. Broad of Newcastle-under-Lyme, titled 'Forbearing Love' ('Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head'), with covering Autograph Letter Signed ('John S Broad'), expressing the hope that the poem will 'answer your purpose'.

John S. Broad [John Samuel Broad (b.1809)], Vicar of St Georges, Newcastle-under-Lyme [Victorian provincial poetry]
Publication details: 
Poem from Newcastle-under-Lyme, undated. Letter from Newcastle, 26 December 1843.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Poem: 1p., 4to. Titled at head: 'Forbearing Love | Romans XII 19-21.' Signed at foot: 'John S. Broad | Newcastle under Lyme'. The poem consists of 24 lines in six four-line stanzas. The first stanza reads: 'Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head, | And melt its malice down; | Let flames of love around it be outspread | And charm away its frown.' The last stanza: 'Thus shall it win its conquering way in peace, | Raise trophies free from blood; | Thus make the storms of sinful passion cease | And bow the heart to God!' Letter: 1p., 12mo.

[Printed Verse] The Welcome to Ilkley

Welcome to Ilkley. Printed poem.
Publication details: 
Burley, 4th Sept.1834
Welcome to Ilkley. Printed poem.

One page, 12mo,green paper, bifiolium (rest blank), 3 verses, 14 lines each (total 42 lines), preceded by the statement "Written for the Charity Bazaar") and 6 line quotation from Cowper ("Here stay thy foot; - how copious and how clear ... from an Eternal source"). Verses start "Welcome to Ikley! Lady fair ... That God hath bless'd the spring!". No other copy traced (none on COPAC etc). See scan on website inventory.

[Printed pamphlet.] An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.

'A Bird at Bromsgrove' [pseudonym of John Crane of Bromsgrove] [Grafton & Reddell, printers, Birmingham]
 An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.
Publication details: 
The Seventh Edition, with Additions. Birmingham: Printed by Grafton & Reddell; for the Author. 1801.
 An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.

36pp., 18mo. With frontispiece (preceding half-title) of 'I. CRANE / BROMSGROVE', showing a crane and a carriage lamp, within a circular border reading 'To make the Watch go faster turn the Regulator to the right & Slower the Contrary'. Side stitched in original pink printed wraps. In fair condition, in worn and lightly-stained wraps. Nicely printed on wove paper with 'LLOYD 1795' watermark. Poem titled 'Introduction' on p.5, followed by the title poem on pp.7-36. No copy of this attractive edtion on either COPAC or WorldCat, nor of any other printed by Grafton & Reddell.

The History and the Mystery of Good Friday. By Robert Robinson, of Cambridge. A new edition, corrected. To which is added, A Brief Account of the Life and Writings of the Author.

Robert Robinson, of Cambridge [K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle]
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday
Publication details: 
Printed for and sold by J. Marshall, Bookseller, Gateshead. Sold also by the Booksellers in Newcastle, Shields, Sunderland, Durham, &c. and Longman, Hurst, and Co. London. K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle. 1805.
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday

12mo, 48 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Rebound in the twentieth century in worn workmanlike blue wraps, with the outer edges of the pamphlet rounded off. The text of the work covers pp.3-40; with the 'Brief Account' on pp.41-48. A scarce piece of provincial printing: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at the New York Public Library.

[Printed poem.] Castlemilk - A Sketch. | November 1867.

'H. M. E.' [Anne Helen Margaret Stirling-Stuart, of Castlemilk House, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire; Glasgow, Scotland]
[Printed poem.] Castlemilk - A Sketch. | November 1867.
Publication details: 
With manuscript inscription dated 1871.
[Printed poem.] Castlemilk - A Sketch. | November 1867.

4to, 2 pp. On first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper with watermark of 'A ANNANDALE & SONS'. Stuck down on the reverse of the blank second leaf of the bifolium is a square of paper from the leaf to which it was attached in an album, and beneath this square, visible when held up to the light, is the inscription: 'Imperfectly printed | Annie Stirling Stuart | Castlemilk | 1871'. The poem is 48 lines long, arranged in twelve stanzas. Signed 'H. M.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Golden Valley, Herefordshire, by Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone. [The Golden Valley: Its Parishes; Its Beauties; Its Salubrity; The Objects of Interest. A Trip for a Day.]

Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.
Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.
Publication details: 
Hereford: Printed by Jakeman and Carver, Printers, Widemarsh Street, High Town, Hereford. [1880s]
Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.

12mo, [iv] + 48 pp. In original brown printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Aged and lightly worn, with slight staining to edges of wraps. Can be dated to the 1880s, as Powell died in 1886, and the latest date in the text is 1881. Preface: 'This little work professes to give merely a sketch of the objects of beauty and interest to be found in The Golden Valley. The Landscape-Painter, the Archaeologist, the Botanist, the Historian, will there find ample occupation.

Wayside Musings; or, Poems and Songs.

James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders
James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders
Publication details: 
Published by George Lewis, Printer and Bookseller, Selkirk, 1863
James Currie, Late 79th, or Cameron Highlanders

138pp., 12mo, blue cover, corner bumped , some damage to spine, worn edges, but attractive, foxing throughout, slight hinge strain. Author's Preface gives the background to the publication including experiences at the Crimea and his daily round as Post Runner to Yair [Postman, I suppose]. Much includes dialect words, and many are based on personal experiences or current events. He includes a Burns' Centenary Song. COPAC lists copies at NLS, Glasgow and BL. WorldCat adds the University of Guelph.

Extensive manuscript catalogue of 'Leicestershire Biography & Bibliography', compiled in 1935 by R. B. Halliday of Great Glen [i.e. the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday].

R. B. Halliday [the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday] of Great Glen, Leicestershire [William Barton (c.1598-1678), Vicar of St Martins; Leicestershire stationers and printers]
Publication details: 
Dated 'R B Halliday | Great Glenn [i.e. Great Glen, Leicestershire] | 1935'.

4to, [ii] + 71 pp, with numerous leaves of additional manuscript and typescript material loosely inserted, as well as laid down. A few cuttings and extracts from printed works, as well as a Typed Letter Signed (17 March 1937) to Halliday from Ralph M. Williams of Yale, describing himself as 'interested in securing books, manuscripts, or other documents by or about the eighteenth century poet John Dyer'. Neatly written out in pencil and pen, on watermarked wove paper, in sturdy buckram binding. Internally in excellent condition, tight and clean, in worn binding with staining to front board.

A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist. [Identified in manuscript as 'Mr. James Curtis' to 'John Curtis, his nephew'.]

[James Curtis, unitarian; John Curtis, Calvinist; John Evan, printer, Bristol]
A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist
Publication details: 
Bristol: Printed by John Evans & Co. Sold by R. Hunter (successor to Mr. Johnson) St. Paul's Church-yard, London; and J. Fry, St. John-street, Bristol. 1816. [John Evans & Co. Printers, Bristol.]
A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist

12mo, 24 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with the last leaf loose. Two-page preface dated 'Bristol, Dec. 1815.' This copy is significant in that the author and recipient are identified in a contemporary hand on the title-page. The only copy listed on COPAC, at the British Library, is unattributed.

[Printed offprint of poem by J. H. Nightingale.] The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

J. H. Nightingale ['Joe Nightingale'] [Liverpool Daily Post, 1859]
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.
Publication details: 
From the Liverpool Daily Post of Dec. 6, 1859.
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

On one side of a piece of paper 27.5 x 11.5 cm. Text, in small type, clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper.

Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham', and showing the offices of the printing office and bookshop of the print's publisher R. S. Cheek.

Richard Sutton Cheek, printer and bookseller, Witham, Essex
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'
Publication details: 
[1850s.] 'Published by R. S. Cheek.' [Witham, Essex.]
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'

On piece of paper roughly 29.5 x 44 cm. The image itself is 30 cm wide, with an arched top 18 cm high at sides and 22 cm at the highest point. The image is clear and complete, on dusty spotted paper with fraying and loss to top edge especially. A charming image, showing Victorian middle-class townsfolk comporting in the town centre, with a wide main street with two carriages, and shop names including 'ELLIS' and 'WILSHER BUILDER'. Towards the centre is 'CHEEKS PRINTING OFFICE', 'BOOKSELLER STATIONER'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Catalogue of the Westbury Charities. 1896.

[The Westbury Charities] [J. E. Severne, Chairman; R. D. Bromley, Vice-Chairman; W. R. Croft, Clerk; of the Parish Council of Westbury]
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities
Publication details: 
Shrewsbury: W. G. Napier, Printer. 1896.
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities

12mo, 8 pp. Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged paper and in spotted wraps.

[Broadside] Lines printed in the Streets of Bristol, during the Procession in Honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King George IV. July 19, 1821,

William Henry Somerton of Queen-Street, St Michaels
Lines printed in the Streets of Bristo
Publication details: 
'Entered at Stationers' Hall', [Bristol, 1821].
Lines printed in the Streets of Bristo

Broadside, trimmed to just outside decorative border for poem, with radiant crown at top, tipped on to detached album leaf, faint marking and creasing, mainly good condition, commencing, Who, that has lived beneath the Brunswick sway .... No copy listed on COPAC which lists a work by Somerton on the Bristol Riots and a work printed by him (as presumably was this broadside).

[Privately printed volume.] Winchester, and a few other Compositions in Prose and Verse. [by Rev. Charles Townsend, Rector of Kingston-by-Sea, Sussex]

[Charles Townsend, Rector of Kingston-by-Sea, Sussex]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed.] Winchester: James Robbins, College Street. 1835.

Townsend was a member of the Holland House circle. Two of his poems were compared favourably with Wordsworth by J. G. Lockhart. 4to, 80 pp, followed by a manuscript leaf, paginated 81 and 82, with the poems 'Sonnet, On Viewing St Paul's from Blackfriar's Bridge' and 'Sonnet | Richmond late in the Evening'. In original brown cloth boards, worn, rebacked and repaired, with 'WINCHESTER.' in gilt on front. Internally sound and tight, on aged paper. Tipped on the recto of the front free endpaper is a presentation inscription: 'With the Authors | Kind regards:- | Jany: 30th: 1837'.

[Pamphlet] The Gospel in Paris. Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.

Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.
Publication details: 
Warrington: Printed at the Guardian Office [1871?].
Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.


Signed, sealed and witnessed vellum indenture for the apprenticeship of 'Robert Shaw Son of Robert Shaw of the City of Lichfield Book Seller'.

Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller
Publication details: 
10 September 1736.
Robert Shaw , eighteenth-century Lichfield bookseller

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair on aged vellum. Engraving of royal crest in top left-hand corner. Printed in small type and completed in manuscript. Three witnesses, including 'Rich. Robinson' and 'Walt: Robins'. Red wax seal of head, and government stamp on blue. Brief modern notes accompanying the item state that the elder Shaw was born in 1685, the son of the headmaster of Lichfield Grammar School (Johnson's old school), who died in 1704. There is no record of anything published by the Shaws, who do not feature in BBTI.

Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather. [Illustrated, and inscribed by the author]

The Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., D.C.L.
Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather
Publication details: 
Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street. 1863.
Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather

8vo, 40 pp. Five plates (numbered I to V and with p.40 numbered VI) and thirty illustrations in text. In original brown cloth wraps, with cover bearing white paper label printed in red and black reading 'HUME | METAL ON LEATHER. | 1863.' Tight, on aged paper, in rebacked wraps. Inscribed on front free endpaper 'To W. W. F. Hume Esquire from his the writer 3rd March 1863. Title-page also in red and black. Note on reverse of title: 'This Paper is printed in the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. XIV, for Session 1861-62.

An Address on Temperance Societies.

A FRIEND.' [Joseph Livesey, printer, Church-street, Preston, Lancashire; provincial printing; temperance societies]
Publication details: 
Undated [1850?]. Printed and Sold by J. Livesey, Church-street, Preston.

12mo, 4 pp. Disbound bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and foxed paper, with some wear and chipping. 'The distillers, merchants, and dealers; the landlords, the brewers, and the owners of licensed houses - not to say the government itself - actuated by interested motives, have all done honour at the shrine of Bacchus; and when it is understood that about a million of persons are enriched or supported by this nefarious traffic, no wonder that the happy soil of England should be deluged with this liquid fire.' Following slug: '(1s. 4d.

Harvey's improved Weymouth Guide: containing A Description of Weymouth, Portland, Lulworth Castle, and every Place in the Neighbourhood, worthy the Observation of Strangers. Likewise [...] A New Map of Weymouth, [...] beautifully Engraved by Baker.

Harvey's Weymouth Guide [Portland; Lulworth Castle; Melcomb Regis; travel guide; Baker; M. Virtue, printer, Dorchester; Dorset]
Publication details: 
[circa 1800] Printed by M. Virtue, Dorchester.

The subtitle reads in full: 'A List of the Members of Parliament for the Boroughs of Weymouth and Melcomb Regis, from the earliest Period. A List of Lodging Houses; and A New Map of Weymouth, Including the late Additions and Improvements; beautifully engraved by Baker.' 8vo, [iv] + 91 pp. Errata on last page. The frontispiece 'Plan of Weymouth' folds out to roughly 38 x 26 cm, with the dimensions of the print roughly 26 x 22 cm. Engraved beneath the print: 'J. Ham Delin. Engraved by B. Baker for Harveys New Weymouth Guide'. Unbound and stitched, in original plain wraps.

Autograph Letter Signed by Wood to unnamed recipient, recalling the Manchester treason trial of Thomas Walker and five others, 1794.

Ottiwell Wood, radical Manchester fustian manufacturer [Thomas Walker (1749-1817), Manchester radical; Treason Trial of 1794; Luddites; Luddism]
Publication details: 
8 January 1844; Edge hill.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Wood begins by recalling 'the savage bigotry and infuriate hostility of the Manchestr. Tories at the time you mention towards the liberals'. He does not think an attempt was made to put the Oath of Allegiance to those on the recipient's list. 'The lives of 6-8 men of high Character and standing in the Town were placed in jeopardy by the perjury of two Villains and they were tried at Lancaster for either Treason or Sedition. I think for the former.

The Lintie o' Moray, being a Collection of Poems, chiefly composed for and sung at the Anniversary of the Edinburgh Morayshire Society. From 1829 to 1841.

[George Cumming, ed.; William Hay] [Edinburgh Morayshire Society]
Publication details: 
Forres: Printed at the Gazette Office. 1851.

8vo: iv + 82 pp. Erratum slip. In original embossed green cloth, gilt. Rebacked and with new endpapers. Tight copy on aged paper with minor wear to extremities. Inscribed on flyleaf 'To Mrs Wane with The Editor's best regards. April 1858.' Minor manuscript changes (by editor?) to p.2 ('our little volume shall' altered to 'our "Little Warbler" shall'). Anonymously edited, with seven-page 'Preface and Dedication' dated 'London, 1850', by George Cumming. The majority of the songs are by 'W. H.' (i.e. William Hay).

Presentation of a Great Mace to the City of Manchester.

[The Manchester Corporation Insignia Committee; Albert Nicholson; George Falkner & Sons, printers; Elkington & Co., Ltd, electroplaters, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Manchester & London: Geo: Falkner & Sons. 1895. [Limited to 250 copies, 'Printed for Private Circulation.]

Two copies: one a revised proof, the other out-of-series, with manuscript additions to the list of subscribers. Both copies 8vo, 25 pp, in original grey printed wraps. Both copies internally tight and clean, in grubby wraps. Attractively printed on thick laid paper, with the wraps printed in red and black. Pp.7-9 of the proof have been deleted, with the manuscript instruction, p.7: 'Take out this & the passages marked on next two pages & insert MS. sent'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent; Autograph Signed endorsement of 'Dr. Dick of Dundee'; and facsimile of letter of thanks to his 'Birth-day Benefactors'.

James Montgomery (1771-1854), Scottish hymnwriter and poet
Publication details: 
The letter dated 29 May 1835, 10 New Palace Yard, Westminster; the endorsement dated 'The Mount, September 19. 1850'; the facsimile dated 'The Mount nr Sheffield, Nov. 4. 1851.'

The letter (8vo, 1 p) is foxed, but otherwise very good. Had he not been 'engaged for ten days past to dine three or four miles off with an old acquaintance', whom it is too late to disappoint, he would have been happy to avail himself of the kind invitation. Sends best wishes and prayers to the recipient's family, 'from the elder to the youngest'.

The Description and Explanation of a "Universal Character;" or, Manner of Writing, that may be intelligible to the Inhabitants of every Country, although ignorant of each others Language; and which is to be learnt with facility, [...].

[anon.] [Bath, Somerset; provincial printing; pasigraphy; linguistics; universal language]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by J. Hollway, Engraver and Copper-Plate Printer, Union Street.' [1830? 1833? 1835?]

4to: 48 + [3] pp of letterpress, with additional leaf after title of 'Errata of Letter Press' and 'Errata in Plates'. Twenty numbered plates (the first two transposed), including one fold-out, and a final seventeen full-page unnumbered plates ('Examples'). Apparently complete. In original brown quarter binding, with cloth spine and paper boards. Ownership inscription of 'Lady Rolle' (1796-1885, born Louisa Barbara Trefusis) on front board. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-spotted paper, with wear to extremities and wraps, and cloth spine torn and worn.

Poems of Rural Life in Common English.

William Barnes [Dorset dialect poetry]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan and Co. 1868. [London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street.]

First edition. 8vo: xii + 200 + [iv] pp. (the last four pages an unpaginated publisher's catalogue). In original blue cloth, gilt. Fair, tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with some spotting to endpapers. Binding with dulled spine and minor spotting. Bookplate of the Rev. English Crooks. Binders ticket ('BOUND BY BURN & CO.') to rear pastedown. Half-title reads 'RURAL POEMS'. The 'translation' of the three collections beginning with 'Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect' (1844).

Chapbook entitled 'The History of the Earl of Derwentwater Containing His Life, Trial, Sentence, & Execution, Also A Copy of Pathetic Verses ['Lines on the Fate of Lord Derwentwater'].'

William Reay Walker, Newcastle printer [James Ratcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater; Charles Lolley; chapbooks]
Publication details: 
No date [c.1862]. 'Newcastle-on-Tyne: Wm. R. Walker, Printer, Arcade.'

12mo (roughly 16.5 x 9.5 cm): 24 pp. Good, on aged paper, with slightly dogeared corners. No stitching or stapling binding the leaves together. An attractive production, more sophisticated than is usual with a chapbook. Crisply printed in small type. Title enclosed within a decorative border and containing vignette of the royal coat of arms. Headed, in a small neat contemporary hand, 'Purchased at Whitby. | 30 Aug 1862'. The poem 'Lines on the Fate of Lord Derwentwater' (pp.18-19, 24 lines in six stanzas) begins 'How mournful feeble Nature's tone, | When Dilston Hall appears;'.

The True Principal of Population; Trade, Profits, Wages, Employment, and the Land Laws.

T. R.' [population; land reform; Sir Robert Arthur Arnold; Manchester radical politics; economics]
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1880 and 1885]. Manchester: Abel Heywood and Son, 56 & 58, Oldham Street.

12mo, 15 pp. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete on aged, worn and foxed paper. Can be dated from references in text, and from quotation on title from 'Arthur Arnold, M.P.' (Arnold's career in the House of Commons ending in 1885). Carries a few contemporary marks in light pencil, and a column in shorthand on the blank reverse of the last leaf. Excessively scarce: no copy in the British Library, on COPAC or on WorldCat.

Farmer Brown's Blunders; and the London Director's Report of Wheal Blue Bottle.

J. T. Tregellas [John Tabois Tregellas (1792-1863)] [Cornwall; Cornish dialect poetry; the West Country]
Publication details: 
[1860] Truro: Printed by James R. Netherton, 7, Lemon Street. ['Third Edition. - Price Sixpence.']

12mo: 26 pp paginated 101-126. Stitched. In original worn, creased and grubby green printed wraps. Internally clean, except for the first two leaves, both of which are grubby, with loss to the first leaf affecting two lines of text. 'Farmer Brown's Blunders' is a dialect poem, with explanatory footnotes; the other item is a spoof letter by 'Hannibal Hollow'. There are no records of first or second editions of this item, or of any other edition in which the two pieces are printed together. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC, dated to 1860, at the British Library.

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