
[ Charlotte M. Yonge, novelist. ] Autograph Signature ('C M Yonge') to part of Autograph Letter.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 5.5 x 12.5 cm piece of grey paper, cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Written on both sides. The side with the signature reads: '[...] I will let you know if I have anything farther, but it does not at all depend on me | Yours faithfully | C M Yonge'. The other side reads: '[...] when of course we can accept them or not as we please. | Mr Hughes & some others were unwilling to write under a possible Editor who they thought might [...]'.

[ Augustus Short, Bishop of Adelaide. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Short'), written while at Oxford to Rev. Richard Harington, regarding the Oxford Movement and 'Schismatics', and reporting a comment by John Henry Newman.

Augustus Short (1802-1883), first Bishop of Adelaide, Librarian of Christ Church [ Rev. Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose;J ohn Henry Newman; the Oxford Movement; Tractarians ]
Publication details: 
Neither with place or year [ 1840s ]. One 'Wednesday. Mh. 13.'; the other 'Tuesday | June 4'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. According to Short's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'had many friends among the Tractarians, and wrote (but did not publish) a defence of Tract 90, though he voted for the condemnation of W. G. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church in 1845. In 1846 he delivered at Oxford the Bampton lectures entitled The Witness of the Spirit with our Spirit'. ONE: 'Tuesday | June 4'. 3pp., 12mo. He begins by stating that he is enclosing the 'Extracts from the Tracts', together with Harington's 'paper of observations'.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Pope and the Revolution: A Sermon, preached in the Oratory Church, Birmingham, on Sunday, October 7, 1866.

John Henry Newman, D.D.
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1866.

48pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with the spine strengthened with stitching in white thread. Now uncommon.

[ Ivor Pritchard, Welsh architect, engraver and book-collector. ] Collection of 54 visual items from his student years, mostly detailed and finished architectural illustrations, many signed, with tracings, photographs, book illustrations.

Ivor Pritchard [ Ivor Mervyn Pritchard ] (1886-1948), Welsh architect, engraver and book-collector,, whose atlases are now in the National Library of Wales
Publication details: 
[ Menai Lodge, Chiswick, London. ] Between 1907 and 1910.

Pritchard was Architect to the Commission on Ancient Monuments in Wales. His collection of 71 volumes of atlases and early geographies was purchased by the National Library of Wales in 1940. After study at Bangor University, he was articled in 1903 to Joseph Owen of Menai Bridge. Moving to London, he studied at the Architectural Association and Royal Academy schools and trained as assistant to a succession of architects: Walter Frederick Cave (1863-1939), Louis Amber (1862-1946) and Messrs Henry Victor Ashley (1872-1948) and Francis Winton Newman (1878-1953), before qualifying in 1911.

Printed handbill, produced for display, regarding the Regius Professor of Hebrew's 'Course of Lectures in the Minor Prophets' and 'Three Elementary Hebrew Classes'.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Oxford [ Christ Church; Rev. W. Kay, Lincoln College ]
Publication details: 
Christ Church [ University of Oxford ]. 5 May 1848.

Printed on one side of a 29 x 22.5 cm leaf of wove paper. Heavily worn, with closed tears, creasing and a couple of closed holes. (No loss of text, and would respond well to archival repair.) 21 lines of heavily-leaded text, attractively laid out in three point sizes.

[ James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Spencer Northcote.'), as editor of 'The Rambler', to contributor Richard Simpson, discussing items for review, Daniel William Cahill, and the Oratory, Edgbaston.

James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert, President of Oscott College [ Richard Simpson (1820-1876); Daniel William Cahill (1796-1864); Oxford Movement ]
Publication details: 
The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Undated [ 1854 ].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The Rambler was hugely unpopular with the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England for its liberal attitude and satirical emphasis. According to his entry in the ODNB, Northcote edited the journal between June 1852 and September 1854. Simpson (whose ODNB entry also see), under co-proprietor Sir John Dalberg Acton, would take over the editorship before turning it over to John Henry Newman, who would resign after a few months due to pressure from the hierarchy, and the magazine would be discontinued in 1864.

[ Renn Dickson Hampden, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. D. Hampden') to the London publisher Richard Bentley, responding to an invitation to write

Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford and Bishop of Hereford, subject of the Hampden Controversy of 1836 [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher ]
Publication details: 
Ewelme Rectory. 21 July 1846.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. Addressed to 'R. Bentley Esq'. Having explained that the delay in replying is due to his absence from Oxford during the vacation, he turns to Bentley's proposal. 'I am much flattered by your applying to me, under the high recommendation which you state, for the work in question. And I cannot but admire your spirit in desiring that a work of that kind should go forth to the world under your auspices.

[ Girl Guides in 1930s Britain. ] Album of photographs of a company of Girl Guides camping at a number of locations including Foxlease in Hampshire and Tarrant Keyneston in Dorset, taken between 1929 and 1936, compiled by 'E. Tait'.

[ Girl Guide movement in 1930s Great Britain; Foxlease, Hampshire; 'E. Tait'; 'Miss Popham' ]
Publication details: 
The photographs mainly taken at Foxlease in Hampshire, but also at Tarrant Keyneston, Dorset, and other locations. Between 1929 and 1936.

189 black and white photographs, ranging in size from 15 x 10.5 cm to 4.5 x 7 cm, loosely inserted (i.e. not mounted but removable) on the fifty leaves of a 20 x 30 cm album. While the photographs themselves are in good condition, the album is somewhat worn and aged. Painted in large Gothic letters at centre of front cover is 'Camp Snaps'; with the name of the compiler 'E. TAIT' at top right. Inscribed inside cover 'From “Porky” | September 4th, 1934'. The leaves of the album are made of thick black paper, and more than three-quarters of the photographs are neatly captioned in white ink.

[ Oxford Catholics ] Autograph Letter Signed "J. B. Dalgairns" to [ Canon Northcote, also Catholic Priest and writer, about "Oxford Catholics.

Rev.J.B. Dalgairns, author and priest
Publication details: 
The Oratory [ London ], 14 March [1871]

Two pages, 12mo, black-bordered, good condiytion. "The paper in the Spectator is for May 13, 1871. | I suspect I made a mistake when I said there were 20 Oxford Catholics. A more accurate person than my informant told me 9. I suspect the truth lies between the two. | What guarantee have you that the authorities at Oxford won't re-tinker their statutes in six months!".

[ Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci, philanthropist. ] Autograph Signature ('Emma de Vesci').

Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci [ Emma de Vesci ] (1819-1884), philanthropist, wife of Thomas Vesey, 3rd Viscount de Vesci, and daughter of daughter of George Herbert, 11th Earl of Pembroke
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 3 x 11 cm. slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Yrs very sincerely | Emma de Vesci'. Fragment of letter on reverse: '[...] random of all the monies you have sent to Messrs. Puget & Bainbridge. I [...]'. Lady de Vesci founded the Abbeyleix Baby Linen Society, a co-operative supplying affordable children clothes.

[ Paul Robeson, African-American singer and actor. ] Autograph Signature, with that of his accompanist Lawrence Brown, on a photographic reproduction of a drawing of Robeson.

Paul Robeson [ Paul Leroy Robeson ] (1898-1976), African-American singer and actor associated with the Civil Rights Movement; Lawrence Benjamin Brown (1893-1972), African-American pianist and arranger
Publication details: 
[ On Robeson's concert tour of the British Isles with Lawrence, 1934. ]

The two signatures are on a reproduction of a drawing of Robeson, on a 15 x 11 cm piece of shiny art paper, cut from a programme from Robeson's 1934 tour of Britain. In good condition, lightly-aged. The head and shoulders portrait shows a moody Robeson in collar and tie. The two signature are at the foot of the image, with Robeson's, in blue ink, slanting downwards, and Brown's, in green ink, slanting upwards, around the line of Robeson's lapels.

[ Baden Powell ] Autograph Signature "BadenPowell" on detached album leaf

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (1857–1941), founder of the Scout movement
Publication details: 
Non place or date.

Bold Signature on piece of paper, 9 x 2.5cm, laid down on detached album leaf c.17.5 x 11.5cm, sl marked but mainly good, clear.

[ Thomas Heron Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ranelagh') to an unnamed recipient, complaining of the actions of 'Mr. Clarke

Thomas Heron Jones (1812-1885), 7th Viscount Ranelagh, leading figure in the volunteer movement [ later incorporated into the Territorial Army ] and "known for his links to glamorous women"
Publication details: 
7 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 16 April 1861.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'very much disgusted and indignant against Mr. Clarke for his Impertinence' in calling on the recipient, and has 'expressed as much to him'. He discussed with Clarke the question of the number of gentlemen contacting him about the matter, and hoped to put Clarke in touch with the recipient. The letter concludes: 'It seems Mr. Clarke, when I was out of the Room, took up your Letter addressed to me, and copied your name and direction, a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable act.'

[ Walter Crane, Arts and Crafts artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Stanley Little, with thirteen examples of Crane's work, including invitation cards, handbills, letterheads.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Craft Society, Fabian Society and Art Workers' Guild [ James Stanley Little (1856-1940) ]
Publication details: 
13 Holland Street, Kensington, and other London addresses. 1886 to 1912.

The fourteen items are laid down on three pages, on two leaves of grey paper, removed from an album, on the reverse of one leaf are two coloured coaching scenes by Randolph Caldecott, one featuring a highwayman. The overall condition is fair, with creasing and signs of age. The Autograph Letter Signed is from Crane to 'My dear Stanley Little'. 1p., landscape 8vo. With letterhead of Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, featuring an illustration by Crane of a shepherd and sheep. 20 September 1892.

[ Bruce Stewart, actor and scriptwriter.] Typescript of 'Afternoon Theatre' BBC Radio 4 play about John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. With covering BBC postcard and compliments slip, and copy of Radio Times entry.

Bruce Stewart (1925-2005), New Zealand-born actor and scriptwriter, based in England [ British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC Radio 4; the Oxford Movement; John Henry Newman; Edward Bouverie Pusey ]
Publication details: 
[ BBC Bristol. ] Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 5 May 1979.

The duplicated typescript of the play is 79pp., folio, on 79 leaves attached with a stud. Aged and worn, with slight staining to early leaves. Accompanied by a BBC compliments slip, with the typed name of the play's producer Shaun MacLoughlin. Also present is a BBC postcard, with short typed message dated 26 July 1979: 'We are sorry but there is nothing in print for the play "Shadowfall".' A carbon copy of the typed letter from Mrs. D. G.

[ Rev. Issac Williams, Oxford Movement cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Williams') to Rev. W. S. O. du Sautoy, regarding a memorial to Bishop Ken.

Rev. Isaac Williams (1802-1865), prominent member of the Oxford Movement [ Rev. William Stevens Oliver du Sautoy (1809-1865) ]
Publication details: 
No place. 11 September [circa 1845].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of short closed tears at fore-edge. He states that he will derive 'much satisfaction in being allowed to join in any undertaking to do honor to the Memory of Bishop Ken' [ Thomas Ken (1637-1711) ], and subscribes for three guineas. The memorial would appear to have been a stained-glass window in Ken's church at Frome by 'Mr. O'Connor and his son', as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine, February 1845 and February 1849.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Policy of Commercial Co-operation as respects including the Consumer.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester; Co-operative Movement in Victorian England ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted, with additions, from the Co-operative News.' London: Trubner & Co., 57 & 59, Ludgate Hill. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[ John Edward Kempe, Rector of St James's, Piccadilly. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'John Edw Kempe'), the first regarding Archibald Campbell Tait, on his appointment as Bishop of London, both to 'Rev. S. Smith'.

John Edward Kempe (1810-1907), M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, Chaplain to Queen Victoria, and Rector of St James's, Piccadilly [ Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury ]
Publication details: 
Both from St James's Rectory, Piccadilly [London]. 22 September 1856 and 21 June 1858.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 22 September 1856. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Docketted: 'Revd J. E. Kempe about Annie's XG. & Tait, new Bp of London | Sep 1856'. After discussing arrangements for meeting he turns to Tait, about to be consecrated Bishop of London. 'You ask about our new Bishop. I have reason to think it an excellent appointment.

[ Alfred John Hewins, Barmouth artist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. J. Hewins') to the Arts and Crafts patron Laurence William Hodson, discussing the Welsh landscape, the Second Boer War, and the renovation of a house.

Alfred John Hewins of Barmouth (Gwynned, Wales), artist and art teacher [ Laurence William Hodson of Compton Hall, patron of the Arts and Crafts movement and friend of William Morris]
Publication details: 
14 September and 27 December 1899, and 3 May 1906. The first two from Barmouth [Gwynned, North Wales], the last from 1 Victoria Place, Barmouth.

Totalling 10pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 14 September 1899. 4pp., 12mo. He was pleased to receive Hodson's letter from Southwold, and reports on the 'Abraham sale', and 'talk of a tram line being made to Mochras' ('all fudge & nonsense').

Printed logbook with label on cover reading 'List of Colored Voters Registered at [ ] Precinct in [ ] Magisterial District [ ] County, Virginia. since January 1, 1904.'

[Virginia, United States of America; the African-American Civil Rights Movement; American elections and voting; black voters]
Publication details: 
[Virginia, USA. Circa 1904.]

15 leaves, folio. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. N.B. Entirely blank: not filled-in or completed. Each leaf with thumb-index tab in oak cloth. In black cloth quarter-binding with marbled covers. Each opening or double-page spread is divided into 14 columns: Date of Registration; Number; Name; Date of Birth; Age. Years; Occupation; Residence; Lenght of Residence [In State; In County; In Precinct]; Is he exempt from payment of poll tax as a prerequisite to voting?; If naturalized [Date of Papers; By What Court Issued]; If Transferred. When and to What Precinct.

[Offprint of anonymous article attacking Pusey and the Oxford Movement.] The Thirty-Nine Articles. (Extracted from "The Press and St. James's Chronicle," September 5, 1868.) [Including 'Extract from the Bishop of Worcester's Charge'.]

[The Press and St. James's Chronicle, London; the Oxford Movement; Edward Bouverie Pusey; John David Macbride, Principal of Magdalene Hall, Oxford; Henry Philpott, Bishop of Worcester]
Publication details: 
[London: The Press and St. James's Chronicle, 1868.]

2pp., folio. On single leaf, with the reverse paginated 2. In double column. The article begins: 'No sign of the times appears to us fraught with more emphatic warning than the proposal of Dr. Pusey, that the Universities should abandon subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, as the practical qualifications for orthodox Church of England Protestant teaching.' A footnote cites a work by Macbride.

[Thomas Kerchever Arnold, theologian.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'T. K. Arnold') to an unnamed male recipient, regarding an article on Ebenezer Henderson's translation of the Book of Isaiah.

Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold (c.1800-1853), Rector of Lyndon, Rutland, theologian and educational writer, a 'relentless opponent' of the Oxford Movement [Ebenezer Henderson (1784-1858)]
Publication details: 
The first letter dated 'Lyndon | The Annunciation, 1852'. The second dated 'Lyndon April 7 1852 | Uppingham'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He writes that he will be 'glad to receive your future contributions', but that 'a different style of annotation would make them more interesting to the general reader. - To the possessors of Henderson your remarks will be useful and interesting; but the article is not one to be read throughout by those who do not possess Henderson's work'. He suggests that 'a better plan would be to take a definite prophecy, print the whole of it with corrections or marks'.

[Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Jeffrey') to his nephew by marriage John Hunter, describing his anxiety on losing Hunter as his 'agent and adviser', on his appointment as Auditor of the Court of Sessions.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, editor of the 'Edinburgh Review' [John Hunter (1801-1869) of Craigcrook, son of Professor James Hunter (1745-1837), and nephew by marriage of Jeffrey]
Publication details: 
Craigcrook. 25 October 1849.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Addressed to 'John Hunter Esqre | Auditor of Court of Sn.' Written three months before Jeffrey's death, the letter begins: 'My dear Hunter - I hope you do not think that I have been forgetful of you - or indifferent to your fortunes - or ungrateful for your very kind expressions - and I firmly believe feelings - towards me - because I may appear to have been slow in offering you my congratulations on your late appointment [as Auditor of the Court of Sessions]'.

[Printed pamphlet for the "Empire Day" Movement. (Non-Party and Non-Sectarian.)] "Empire Day," May 24th. Letters, Address, and Information in regard to the "Empire Day" Movement. Open Letter from the Earl of Meath.

[Reginald Brabazon (1841-1929), 12th Earl of Meath; "Empire Day" Movement. (Non-Party and Non-Sectarian.'), London]
Publication details: 
Leaflet No. 1. [Burt & Sons, Printers, 58, Porchester Road, Bayswater, London, W.] [1905.]

20pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with lightly rusted staples. Stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Meath's letter is printed on pp.1-4, and is followed by an 'Appeal by the Earl of Meath to Churches and Congregations of All Denominations within the Empire.' (p.5), and an address by Meath on 'The "Empire Day" Movement' (pp.6-13). The last three items in the pamphlet are the songs 'God Save the King' and 'The Flag of Britain', both with musical scores, and Kipling's poem 'Recessional'.

[Pamphlet] What became of the Distilleries Breweries and Saloons in the United States of America

Edward H. Cherrington, General Secretary of the World League against Alcoholism
Publication details: 
Published by the World League Against Alcoholism, Westerville, Ohio, USA, [1921]

"Paper read before the 16th International Congress Against Alcoholism, at Lausanne, Switzerland, August 22-27, 1921. Pamphlet, [15]pp, 12mo, unbound as issued, very good condition. No copy found on COPAC/WorldCAT.

Autograph signatures of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, Anne Cobden-Sanderson and Stella Cobden-Sanderson, with five others, on leaf from album.

Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson (1840-1922), English artist and bookbinder associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, his wife Anne (1853-1926) and daughter Stella (1886-1979) [Doves Press]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. T. J. Cobden-Sanderson's signature dated 27 November 1907, and another dated March 1908. The rest undated.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. At the head of the page is the elegant signature of 'T. J. Cobden-Sanderson | 27 November 1907', followed by 'Anne Cobden-Sanderson' and 'Stella Cobden-Sanderson'. The fourth signature, dated March 1908, is illegible. It is followed by 'J Paul Clairmont | Clarence A. Mc.Williams | Ralph Waldo Lobenstine'. Lobenstine (1874-1931) was a Yale-educated physician.

[Catholic Revival; L.W. Hodson, patron of Arts and Crafts movement.] Corrected Autograph copy of substantial Letter by him to P. L.Gell, on subject of 'the appeal to churchmen to uphold the principles of the Reformation'. With two press cuttings.

Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall, near Wolverhampton, brewer, connoisseur and patron of the Arts and Crafts movement [Lt Col. Philip Lyttleton Gell (1852-1926)]
Publication details: 
Hodson's letter on letterhead of Bradbourne Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. 10 November 1923.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is 6pp., 4to, with emendations and deletions, and marked by Hodson 'Copy' at the head of the first page. In envelope annotated by Hodson: 'Copy of a letter to Lt. Col. P. Lyttleton Gell, J.P. | The Catholic Revival. In order to make his point of view clear, he begins by stating: 'I may say that I was born in London & my mother took me to such churches as S. Alban's Holborn, S. Michael's Shoreditch, All Saints, Margaret St.

Typed account, signed 'Anyanga' [J. H. Driberg], of a liaison with a Frenchwoman named Yvonne Beaubouchais in Marseille in 1915, titled 'L'Entente Cordiale'.

'Anyanga'; J. H. Driberg [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist and brother of flamboyant Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell]
Publication details: 
'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.' Undated [1920s?].

8pp., 4to. On eight leaves pinned together. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust staining from pin. Apparently unpublished. Typed at head of first page: 'From J. H. Driberg, 19, Dryden Chambers, W.1.', above which, in manuscript: 'NL. N. 10 pt Miscellany'. Driberg is clearly the author: 'Anyanga' is a surname common in the area of Kenya in which he was based as a colonial offical. The first paragraph gives an indication of the tone of the piece: 'The War left me with one fragrant memory. Her name was Yvonne Beaubouchais, and the date was 1915.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Mozley') from the Church of England cleric and Times leader-writer Thomas Mozley to 'My dear Rickards' [Rev. Samuel Rickards], like him associated with the Oxford Movement.

Thomas Mozley (1806-1893), Church of England clergyman, author and Times leader-writer, associated with the Oxford Movement [Rev. Samuel Rickards (1796-1865), Tractarian]
Publication details: 
7 Holly Place, Hampstead. 21 June 1853.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. He thinks that Rickards 'could answer the question in the enclosed letter with much more authority, exactness, and detail, than I could.' If Rickards has 'anything to say on the subject', Mozley asks him to 'send it at once to my brother at Oxford, as he is in the last crisis of an article on the Manuscript Commission'. He continues with news of 'Grace' ('now home for the holidays') and of his health.

A collection of around 150 items relating to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, and African revolutionary politics, including booklets, periodicals, newspapers, handbills and circulars, from the papers of South African activist Basil Stein.

Collection of papers relating to South Africa, apartheid and African revolutionary politics [Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African mathematician, human rights activist and anti-apartheid campaigner]
Publication details: 
Most of the items published in either South Africa or London, England. The majority dating from the 1960s, with a few from the 1950s and 1970s.

Upwards of 150 items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In two parts, with Part One (around 100 items) relating directly to the anti-apartheid struggle, and Part Two (around 50 items) to broader African revolutionary politics. Part One includes 16 booklets from the 1950s and 1960s: 'Nelson Mandela versus the State'; 'The Unholy Alliance. Salazar, Verwoerd, Welensky'; S. Abdul, 'The Truth about South Africa'; 'Sing Free South Africa'; 'What can I do? A Guide to Action Against Apartheid'; I. B. Tabata, 'Education for Barbarism'; Leslie Rubin, 'This is Apartheid'; H. E.

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