[ Sir Henry Bunbury, soldier, historian and antiquary. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Hy Bunbury'), regarding Robert Craufurd, Robert Anstruther and the posiition of 'Depy. Quarter Master General [ in the 16th Queen's light dragoons ].

Sir Henry Bunbury [ Sir Henry Edward Bunbury ], 7th Baronet, soldier, historian and antiquary
Publication details: 
Barton [ Barton Hall, Suffolk ]. 28 October 1854.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse. The male recipient is not identified. The letter reads: 'Sir, | My memory hardly serves me so as to answer your enquiry positively. I do not recollect Robert Craufurd in Holland in '99; and I am pretty sure that Robt: Anstruther, who died at Corunna, was our Depy. Quarter Master General'. According to Bunbury's entry in the Oxford DNB, he purchased 'a captaincy in the 16th Queen's light dragoons on 16 August 1797.

[ The Russian Revolution: the Assistant Minister of War addresses the Council of Peasants' Delegates. ] Account, in English, of a report by 'Colonel Iakubovitch' on the state of the Russian Army, in a speech to the Council of Peasants' Delegates.

Colonel G. A. Iakubovich [ G. A. Yakubovich; G. A. Iakubovitch ], Assistant Minister of War under Kerensky in the Provisional Russian Government of 1917 [ Russian Revolution ]
Publication details: 
'Council of Peasants' Delegates [ Moscow ]. 24 May 1917.

After the February Revolution and abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, as Minister of War, was the dominant figure in the provisional government that held power until overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. According to Semion Lyandres, 'The Fall of Tsarism', along with Lev Stepanovich Tugan-Baranovskii and G. N. Tumanov, Captain G. A. Iakubovich 'belonged to the troika of Kerenskii's most trusted military aides during his tenure in the Provisional Government'. 4pp., foolscap 8vo. First page headed: 'Council of Peasants' Delegates. | 24th. May 1917.

[ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders. ] Galley proofs of article for the First World War National Guard titled 'A Visit to Flanders | Notes from the Diary of Captain Leigh Wood, C.M.G.', relating to the Belgian Field Hospital in Hoogstade.

Lt Col. Sir James Leigh-Wood KBE, CB, CMG (1870-1949) [ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders; Belgian Field Hospital, Hoogstadt [ Hoogstade ]; National Guard in the Great War; Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The National Guard, England. ] Describing events over 10 to 15 May [ 1916 ], and published around that time].

Three strips of paper, each with a single column of text in small print: 47 + 55 + 30 cm. Complete article, paginated to 3. The second strip has the running title 'National Guard - A Visit to Flanders - 2'. Aged and creased, and with a corner torn away from the third strip, resulting in loss of text to six lines and the running title, Two minor manuscript corrections.

[ Printed item relating to the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, First (London) Corps. ] Report 'At the Annual General Meeting | Held at the "Cannon Street Hotel' and 'Abstract of Accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1891.'

A. Lindley Pilley and C. E. Gatrell, Auditors[ Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, First (London) Corps; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
[ Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, First (London) Corps, 1892. ] Report of General Meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel, 17 March 1891. Accounts for year ending 31 Decermber 1891.

On one side of a folio leaf, with the accounts ('By Order, | D. W. MARDEN, | Hon. Sec. GENERAL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE') taking up the whole of one side, and the leaf folded into a bifolium, with the report of the Annual General Meeting on the other side, as the recto of the first leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, Addressed, with stamp and 5 March 1892 postmark, to 'R. Harington Esq | 1 New Court | Temple | EC.' The report of the AGM includes notification of the names of new committee members, of an alteration to subscription rates, and of a discrepancy in the 'Canteen Accounts'.

[ Maurice Thompson, 2nd Baron Haversham. ] Autograph Signature ('Haversham') to Exchequer receipt.

Maurice Thompson (1675-1745), 2nd Baron Haversham [ Lord Haversham ], soldier and Member of Parliament, Treasurer of the Excise
Publication details: 
[ Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 10 July 1716.

1p., 8vo. On leaf removed from an Exchequer receipt book. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £15 to Haversham, as 'Assee of ffrancis Carter'. Signed at foot by witness ''.

[ George Sterling Ansel Ryerson, Canadian politician and physician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Sterling Ryerson') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his subscription arrears, describing his recent misfortunes. With calling card.

Major-General G. Sterling Ryerson [ George Sterling Ansel Ryerson ] (1855-1925), Canadian physician and politician
Publication details: 
The letter on his letterhead of Peaceacres, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario [ Canada ], with monogram 'ETR'. 1 October 1924.

LETTER: 3pp., 8vo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, with the Society's stamps and annotations. He apologises for being 'behind in my annual dues', explaining that he has 'suffered severely from the war, financially & personally - my wife went down in the Lusitania - and have had my means seriously reduced'. Nevertheless he would like to renew his subscription and would like to know 'on what terms I can rejoin the Society'. Docketed in pencil and ink on reverse of second leaf: 'Elected June 1911 | Paid 2 years | taken off Dec 1916' and '2.2 for arears £5.5 up to Xmas 1925'.

[ The British Army in Egypt (Suez Canal), First World War. ] Three typed duplicated documents, including a typed four-page 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.', and a list of 'British Force in Egypt in August, 1914.'

[ The British Army in Egypt and at the Suez Canal during the First World War; Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [ Lord Kitchener ]; General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell [ General Maxwell ]]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but the quoted documents dating from 1914 and 1915. ]

Three documents, all in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, each of the total of six leaves with three (later?) punch holes to the inner margins of the leaves. On the same browned thin wove paper. The source of these items is uncertain, but they appear to date from the first decades of the twentieth century. ONE: 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.' 4pp., folio. Beginning with: 'G.O.C., Canal Defences. - Major-General A. Wilson. | Chief Staff Officer, Canal Defences. - Br.-General A. H.

[ Australia; John Ticehurst, harpsichordist, war hero. ] Typescript of article 'Harpsichordist to Australia', giving an account of his 1951/2 tour to Australia. With photograph label regarding an Adelaide Town Hall recital, and concert programme.

John Ticehurst (1895-1975), harpsichordist and recipient of the Military Cross
Publication details: 
Ticehurst's account without date or place, but referring to a tour of Australia, April 1951 to February 1952.

Michael Howard's obituary of Ticehurst in The Times, 30 October 1975, describes him as 'a persuasive pioneer among those who sought to reestablish the harpsichord as a serious musical instrument'. ONE: Carbon typescript, 7pp., 4to. Headed 'Harpsichord to Australia | by John Ticehurst.' With a few minor manuscript marks. In autograph next to the title: 'April 1951/Feb 1952'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust staining from paperclip.

[ Chelsea Hospital for Officers. ] Programme for an entertainment, signed by 25 performers ('The P.U.O.'s. (Pierrots of Unknown Origin)') and Sir Edward Marshall Hall

Chelsea Hospital for Officers, London, founded by Lady Violet Brassey; Sir Edward Marshall Hall (1858-1927), barrister and Conservative MP
Publication details: 
[ Chelsea Hospital for Officers, 40 Upper Grosvenor Street, London. ] 'Xmas 1918.'

[4]pp., 8vo. On shiny art paper. Stitched with red, white and blue ribbon into cream card wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The front cover of the wraps has the signature of 'E. Marshall-Hall' at its head, and is illustrated with a spoof coat of arms, featuring three nurses, beneath the heading 'The P.U.O.'s. (Pierrots of Unknown Origin)'. Inside the front cover is a page of spoof advertisements, with in-jokes about the performers, as well as one clearly referring to Marshall Hall: 'I will cure you of the Swearing Habit in 9 days.

[ 'L'Affaire Dreyfus', scarce printed Dreyfusard pamphlet. ] 24 Heures a Rennes | Impressions d'un Spectateur.

H. Rialèse [ L'Affaire Dreyfus; The Dreyfus Affair; Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935) ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Imprimerie Maréchal et Montorier, A. Maréchal, successeur, 16, passage des Petites-Écuries, 16. 1899.

16pp., 8vo. Disbound. In original grey-paper wraps, with title printed on front. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. A few marks and a quotation in English in light pencil. Dated 12 August 1899, and signed (printed) at end 'H. RIALÈSE'.

[ The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland. ] Printed House of Commons paper on a proposed merger with Chelsea Hospital: 'Copies of Papers respecting the Proposed Abolition of the In-pension of Kilmainham Hospital. (Mr. Charles Wood.)'

[ The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland; Charles Wood; the House of Commons, Westminster; John Cam Hobhouse, Lord Broughton; Chelsea Hospital, London ]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 26 May 1834.

38 + [1]pp., folio. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged paper, with the first leaf chipped and frayed at edges. Repaginated with a stamp 119-158. Kilmainham Hospital was a home for retired soldiers along the lines of Les Invalides, and much of the material in this paper consists of correspondence of Secretaries of State for War John Cam Hobhouse and Edward Ellice. The volume is a response to Hobhouse's proposal 'to bring into one building, and under one management, the several establishments of the in-pensioners of Chelsea and of Kilmainham hospitals.

[ Archibald Hair of the Royal Horse Guards, doctor to the Duke of Richmond. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed, with part of a sixth, to Sir John Phillipart, on a range of subjects; with printed circular on the War Medal Testimonial to the Duke.

Archibald Hair (c.1785-1869), Surgeon to the Royal Horse Guards and medical adviser to Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond (1791-1860) [ Sir John Phillipart (c.1784-1874)f ]
Publication details: 
Four of Hair's letters from between 1848 and 1852, the other two undated; four from 51 Portland Place and two from the Junior United Services Club. Printed circular from the United Services Club, 22 May 1849.

ONE: Hair's six letters to 'My Dear Sir John [Phillipart]', editor of the Naval and Military Gazette. (One of the letters has 'Sir John Phillipart' named as the addressee.) In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The five complete letters total 15pp., 12mo. Only the first part of the incomplete letter is present, and it is 4pp., 4to, on a bifolium.

Poem, printed in colours for display, regarding the Blitz and 'those blackout times of London' during World War Two, titled 'The Cockney | Dedicated to the Citizens of London'. followed by another poem, by 'Bill Smiff, Esq.', titled 'Victory 1945'.

'Bill Smiff, Esq.' [G. J. McCarthy, Bedford Street, Strand; George Reynolds, Stepney, printer; the Blitz; air raids on London; Second World War; Nazi; music hall]
Publication details: 
Printed by George Reynolds, Ltd., 21-23, Stepney Green, E.1., and published by G. J. McCarthy, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [Christmas 1945.]

On a piece of thin, shiny card, 33 x 20 cm. The text of the two poems is printed in red capitals, in two columns, with the title and border in brown, and a green design surrounding the words 'Wishing you a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year' at the foot, together with green leaves to red holly berries surrounding the title.

[Annotated typescript; play] "Charlotte Corday" A Tragedy in One Act ("C'est le crime qui fait la honte, et non pas l'echafaud", titlepage motto)

Harry Graham [Jocelyn Henry Clive 'Harry' Graham (1874–1936)], writer, poet, humourist, journalist, soldier, traveller, " inventor of ruthless rhymes".
Publication details: 
Unpublished and Unrecorded, [c.1908?]

[50] leaves (rectos numbered only), 4to, stiff boards, good condition, typescript, annotated by the author, additions, corrections, excisions, who has inscribed the recto of the free endpaper "Harry Graham. || Royal Court. | Palace of Westminster. | London, S.W. | England". The scene is set in Charlotte Corday's prison cell, and the dramatis personae listed are Charlotte herself; Francois Chabot (Deputy for the Departement of Loir-et-Cher; Jean-Jacques Hauer, A Young Artist; Richard, Warder at the Conciergerie Prison; Charles-Henry Sanson, Public Executioner.

Binder containing forty mimeographed typed documents from the Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park, London, a top secret wartime organisation to prepare Allied officers for the occupation of Germany. With an autograph paper by a student.

Air Vice-Marshall D. M. T. MacDonald (1909-1988), Officer Commanding, Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park [F/o A. H. Reeve]
Publication details: 
[Control Commission School (Air), Viceroy Court, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, London.] February and March 1945.

A significant collection of documents relating to the secret effort, at the end of the Second World War, to prepare officers of the British and allied armed forces for the coming occupation of Germany. Excessively scarce: the only other holdings appear to be in the British National Archives, and the Maurice M. Goodner papers (OAC), the latter relating to a later Parisian branch of the school.

[ Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau, French soldier and statesman. ] Three documents (all signed 'Gl Pelet'), one in autograph and the other two secretarial

Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau (1777-1858), distinguished French soldier and statesman
Publication details: 
The two secretarial documents from Paris, one in 1852 and the other in 1858. The autograph letter without date or place.

The three documents all in good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: Secretarial Letter to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur' (of the 'Journal de l'Empire'), Paris, 16 December 1852. 1p., 12mo. Requesting the rectification of the mistake of giving the name of 'Général Petit' instead of his own in the list of 'les Généraux qui ont assisté hier à la cérémonie Funèbre des invalides'. TWO: Secretarial Letter to 'Monsieur le Directeur et cher Collègue'. Paris, 26 July 1858. 1p., 4to. A letter of recommendation for 'Alfred Fassier, élève de la classe de M.

[ Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras, Maréchal de France. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Le Duc de Duras'), undertaking to pay a sum of money.

Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras (1715-1789), Maréchal de France, French soldier and politician
Publication details: 
Paris. 31 May 1766.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Twelve lines of text in a close hand. The document has been signed and docketed: 'Douzieme et derniere Inventoire cette soixante seize', with the underlining of passages in which Duras undertakes to pay the sum as soon as possible, and with exactitude.

[ African Expeditionary Force ][MS, in French, titled 'Avis de la Commission, chargée de l'étude préparatoire des questions relatives à l'armement des Navires à Vapeur, sur l'embarquement des troupes expeditionnaires à bord de ces Navires.'

V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon [members of an official Commission of the French Government producing a report on the foundation of a French naval expeditionary force]
Publication details: 
dated 'à la Cote d'Afrique. Paris; le 19 Mars 1849. Les Membres de la Commission, Signée: V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon.'

Folio, 30 pp. In brown leather half-binding, with marbled boards. One simple pen illustration, p. 18, showing arrangement of 'Muraille' and 'Pont'. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Neatly set out, in a secretarial hand, with a synopsis beside each paragraph in red ink in the widened left-hand margins. As a loosely-inserted printed slip explains in English, the manuscript sets out 'instructions by a French Official Commission for the preparation and arming of a fleet of steam ships to be equipped to carry marines to form an expeditionary force to the coast of Africa.

[ Printed pamphlet on First World War military disability. ] Disabled Sailors and Soldiers. How they are being Re-built at the Nation's Cost.

Ministry of Pensions, London [ John Hodge (1855-1937), Labour politician, first Minister of Labour (1916-1917) and second Minister of Pensions (1917-1919); First World War; military disability ]
Publication details: 
'Ministry of Pensions - Official.' [ London ] Printed by 'D & S' in November 1917 ('11/17'). [ '(13715). Wt. 2275 - G 93, 200 m, 11/17. D & S. E 1256.' ]

16pp., 16mo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with rusted staple. Inside the front cover are quotations from Hodge and his predecessor as Minister of Pensions G. N. Barnes. Initial note: 'The following pages contain a general and necessarily brief description of the system followed by the Pensions Ministry.

[ Dwight D. Eisenhower, as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. ] Printed address to the 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!', spurring them on to 'full Victory' (in Operation Overlord). With facsimile signature/

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), 34th President of the United States of America, and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in the Second World War [ Operation Overlord, 1944 ]
Publication details: 
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. 1944.

1p., 12mo. A frail survival of a historic document, aged, worn and stained, with slight loss to one corner. On reverse, in blue pencil, with illegible signature: 'No Report for 30th'. The document is headed 'SUPREME HEADQUARTERS | ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE', followed by the insignia. The address begins: 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! | You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

[ North African Campaign, 1940-1943. ] Duplicated four-page document giving 'Some Golden rules for the desert', 'Tips for the desert' and 'Hints on desert driving for "B" vehicles'. With signature of Lt M. P. M. Ollard, Leicestershire Yeomanry.

North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943 [ Lt M. P. M. Ollard of 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein ]
Publication details: 
[ North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943. ]

4pp., 4to. On four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor rust marks from paperclip. Ownership signature at top right of first page: 'Lt M P M Ollard'. The pages are numbered in type 5 [corrected in manuscript to '1'], 2, 3 and 4. The first page is headed 'Some golden rules for the desert', with subheadings 'Desert March Discipline', 'Protection', 'Navigation', 'Messing, Rations etc.', 'Maintenance' and 'General'. The next section is headed 'Tips for the desert', with subheadings 'Clothing', 'Stores and Equipment', 'M.

[ Patrick Leigh Fermor ]Manuscript letter, in Greek, from 'Haris' in Heraklion, informing Fermor of allegations that he ordered the execution of 'Apolorona and Hania' and others, and that he is organizing the military occupation of Crete by the British.

[Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011), British soldier and travel writer; 'Haris' of Heraklion, Cretan opponent of Communism; Cretan resistance; SOE; Major 'Xan' Fielding (1918-1991)]
Publication details: 
Heraklion [Crete, Greece]. 12 January 1947.

4pp., 8vo. 96 lines of text. On paper ruled for accounts. On lightly-aged paper, with loss to corners and at central edge, affecting a few lines of text. Accompanying the letter is a translation (2pp., 8vo) by Colin Jordan, with the assistance of Dr Loukas Christodloulos. The letter is of great interest, casting light on Leigh Fermor's activities in Crete in the period following the Second World War.

[ Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles, first commander of the Tank Corps, during the Battle of Amiens, 1918. ] Duplicated Typed Circular 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg.', thanking 'all ranks' during 'the present battle'.

Major-General H. J. Elles [ Lieutenant General Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles ] (1880-1945), first commander of the Tank Corps [ First World War; Battle of Amiens, August 1918 ]
Publication details: 
'Tank Corps in the Field. [ Battle of Amiens] | 13th August, 1918'

From the papers of Lieutenant Colonel William Otter Gibbs (1883-1960), Sixth Tank Battalion. Duplicated Typed Circular headed 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg. Tank Corps in the Field. | 13th August, 1918.' With facsimile signature of 'H. J. Elles. | Major-General, | Commanding Tank Corps in the Field.' 1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[ Napoleon Bonaparte. ] Autograph Letter Signed from 'J Thompson | late Capt. 4th East York L[ocal]. M[ilitia].', presenting John Crossley of Scaitcliffe with 'Bonaparte's Star of the Legion of Honour'.

Captain J. Thompson, 'late Capt. 4th East York L[ocal]. M[ilitia].' [ John Crossley of Scaitcliffe, near Rochdale, Lancashire; Napoleon Bonaparte ]
Publication details: 
Manchester. 12 December 1822.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The reverse of the second leaf, with seal in black wax, is addressed to 'Capt Crossley | &c &c &c | O L M', and the foot of the letter to 'John Crossley Esqre | Capt: Oldham L: M:' (Crossley, the commanding officer of the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia, built up a notable collection of military memorabilia, which was dispersed after his death.) The letter begins: 'With this you will receive the interesting little "Bijou" - Bonaparte's Star of the Legion of Honour for which I beg a place in your curious Collection.

[ The Crossley Collection. ] Autograph Letter Signed from 'Thos Hampson', presenting John Crossley of Rochdale with a snuff box made by 'the French prisoners confined in this country during the late war'.

[ John Crossley of Scaitcliffe, near Rochdale, Lancashire, collector; Napoleonic Wars ] Thomas Hampson of Rochdale
Publication details: 
Drake Street, Rochdale. 14 October 1822.

1p., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged with strip from stub adhering to one edge. Addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To | John Crossley Esqr. | Rochdale.' Crossley, the commanding officer of the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia, built up a notable collection of military memorabilia, which was dispersed after his death.

[ Connaught Rangers and King's Royal Rifles. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Captain E. A. Grubbe of the Connaught Rangers from Lieut J. G. Surman, praising the regiment and enclosing two photographs, a carte de visite and a view of cavalry training.

John Gilbert Surman, 9th King's Royal Rifle Corps [ Captain Edmund Alexander Grubbe (1857-c.1923), Connaught Rangers; G. V. Yates, Sheffield photographer ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of the King's Royal Rifles, addressed by Surman from The Camp, Kilworth, County Cork [ Ireland ], 14 June 1896. Undated carte de visite by G. V. Yates of Sheffield.

Surman had a brief and undistinguished military career. Having trained with the Connaught Rangers, on 30 October 1895 he received a commission in the 9th Royal Rifle Corps, which he resigned a year later, on 20 October 1896. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'J. Gilbert Surman' to Grubbe, in fragment of envelope addressed by him to 'Captain E. A. Grubbe | The Depôt of the Connaught Rangers | Galway'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes having 'now left the Connaught Rangers to join my own Regiment at the above place.

[ Colonel Percy H. H. Massy of British Military Intelligence. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. H. H. Massy') to 'Cochrane' discussing the botanical interests of Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, with reference to the botanist W. Siebe, and his own post.

Col. P. H. H. Massy [ Colonel Percy Hugh Hamon Massy ] (1857-1939), traveller, sportsman and British Military Intelligence officer in the Balkans [ Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Vice Consulate, Varna. 14 October 1903.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although he finds it strange that Cochrane should have had no reply from 'the professor', he points out that he sometimes goes travelling for weeks. He gives the address of 'Monsieur le Docteur W. Siebe' at the German Consulate in Mersine, before continuing: 'Strange to say I have another letter to forward to him from a friend of mine, and Prince Ferdinand, with whom I was talking here a few days ago, knows Dr. Siebe also and gets many bulbs from him and looks on him as a wonderful botanist.

[ Fencing in the French army during the July Monarchy; escrime francaise ] Manuscript 'Brévet de Maitre d'Armes' presented to Marius Chaix of 2e Regiment, 16e. Division Militaire at Arras, signed by eighteen 'Maîtres d'Armes'.

Marius Chaix, 2e Régiment, 16e Division Militaire (Arras) [ Fencing in the French army during the July Monarchy ]
Publication details: 
Arras. 6 December 1840.

Headed, with the first line in gold: 'Corps Royal du Genie. | 2e. Regiment. | Academie d'Escrime. | Brévet de Maitre d'Armes.' The commission reads: 'Nous soussigné Maîtres d'Armes, Composant la garrison d'Arras, après avoir reconnu les capacités du Sieur Chaix, (Marius) Maître Ouvrier à la Ce. Compagnie du 2e. Bataillon, du dit Regiment. On one side of a 28 x 36 cm piece of cream paper. In fair condition, aged, creased and worn, with central vertical fold.

[ King William IV, as Lord High Admiral. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William') to Sir James Cockburn, Inspector General of the Royal Marines, regarding 'the proper mode of depositing the various Colours' used by the different divisions.

King William IV (1765-1837) of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover [ Sir James Cockburn (1771-1852), 9th Baronet, Inspector General of the Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 16 August 1828.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Cockburn is not named as the recipient, but the item is from his papers. There has been some difficulty regarding 'the proper mode of depositing the various Colours that have been in use with the different Divisions of the Royal Marines', but William (who was at the time the Duke of Clarence) knows 'that these Colours belong to His Majesty and not as in Departments to the Colonels'. He gives instructions, 'so that they may be placed in the Chapel of the Royal Hospital' at Greenwich, and gives his reason for doing so.

[ Lord Raglan, British commander during the Crimean War. ] Autograph Signature ('Fitzroy Somerset') as frank on front of envelope addressed by him to Lt-Col. Richard Jones of the Royal Horse Artillery.

Lord Raglan [ FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan; Lord FitzRoy Somerset ] (1788-1855), British army officer, commander during the Crimean War
Publication details: 
'Dover December twenty six 1845'.

On one side of 7.5 x 12 cm piece of paper cut from front panel of envelope. Postmarked 'Shooters Hill | Penny Post'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, all in his hand, and reading: 'Dover December twenty six | 1845 | Lt. Colonel Richd Jones | R Horse Artillery | Woolwich | Kent | Fitzroy Somerset'.

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