[Draft of?] Autograph Letter Signed to Lieutenant-General John Whyte.

P. Johnston [Lt Gen. John Whyte, Frederick Maitland, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
22 May 1802; no place [London].

Two pages, 4to. Very good, though on rather discoloured paper, and with strip of previous mount adhering to right-hand edge of verso. Johnston desires the settlement of the 'account of Incidental Expenses incurr'd during the period of [Johnston's deceased brother, A. Johnston's] command' in St Domingo.

Autograph Letter in the third person to E[dward]. F[rederick]. Lecks, Secretary[, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society].

Lieutenant General Sir George Cathcart
Publication details: 
Hulton Park Dec[embe]r 12. | <?>'.

British military officer (1794-1854). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lt Genl Lord Cathcart is continually receiving so many applications of a similar nature, that he is although with regret obliged to decline to comply with any of them.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. W. Blanchard'.

William Devayne [the Committee of the General United Society for supplying His Majesty's Sea and Land Forces with Extra Cloathing]
Publication details: 
Dover Street | the 8th. Feb[ruar]y. 1794.'

One page, 4to. Very good, though on discoloured paper, and with traces of grey-paper mount adhering to blank reverse and minor damage at foot affecting one word. Reads 'I am favored with your Letter of the 1st. instant, enclosing One Guinea subscribed by Rudston Calverley Rudston Esqr.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Mellersh' [wife of the historian H. E. L. Mellersh?].

Gerald Wellesley, 7th Duke of Wellington
Publication details: 
14 October 1925; on letterhead '11, TITCHFIELD TERRACE, | REGENTS PARK, N.W.8.'

The seventh Duke was born in 1885 and died in 1972. Two pages, 4to. In good condition although creased and dusty. He thanks the Mellershes for their hospitality during a lecture at Cheltenham. He also thanks Mellersh for 'the cutting from the "Echo": 'There are a good many inaccuracies in it some of which are fairly [rather] misleading, but I do not think it is worth while putting in a correction. They give me a very large space which is very kind of them.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Maternal grandfather of Queen Mary (1774-1850). In very good condition. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Reads 'Adolphus Frederick. | Lt: Genl: & Col. in Chief.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Uncle (1773-1843) of Queen Victoria, notable book collector. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good condition. Florid signature 'Augustus Frederick' above printed word '(Rank)' beside 'Lieutt. Coll. Com.' in manuscript, which in turn is above printed word '(Corps)' beside 'Loyal North Britons' in manuscript.

Typed Letter Signed to the journalist and author M[yer]. J[ack]. Landa.

Sir Lewis Gluckstein
Publication details: 
1 February 1937; 39 Elm Tree Rd, N.W.8, but on blindstamped House of Commons letterhead.

Soldier and Tory politician (1893-1996), at 6 ft 7 inches the tallest ever Member of Parliament. 1 page, 16mo. Dusty but in good condition. He asks Landa to forgive him for not having thanked him earlier for assisting him with his lecture 'The Jew in Parliament'. He is grateful for 'the extremely valuable notes which you allowed Mrs. Knollys to take, and I feel that I can face my audience with equanimity and confidence.' Pencil notes on reverse giving addresses of W. A. Rutkowski, Samuel Lipman and Aaron Samuels.

4 Autograph Letters Signed to his barrister, Richard Williams of Lincoln's Inn Field.

Lieutenant General Sir Charles Hastings
Publication details: 
22 April 1802, 24 November 1803, 26 December 1803, and 'Wednesday'; all from Harley Street.

English soldier, father of Frank Abney Hastings (1794-1828; DNB). The condition of these items is not good: the paper being discoloured, brittle and flaking. A series of intemperate communications. Letter 1 is one page, 8vo, of a bifoliate addressed and docketed on the reverse of the second leaf. It reads: 'I have taken a copy of the enclosed, which I send you, that you may get it written fairly, and signed. I shall be easier when it is done'. Letter 2 is 1 page, 8vo, with the remains of the second leaf of the bifoliate docketed.

Autograph Letter Signed to Richard Byham, Secretary [of ?].

Richard Pigot
Publication details: 
21 May 1848; Roseland Cottage near Reading.

Presumably Richard Pigot (1774-1868) who is described in Boase, Modern English Biography, as being a colonel in the dragoon guards at the time of writing and a general from 1851. 2 pages, 8vo. In good condition, but with one margin still adhering to the remains of a stub. 'I enclose you a letter to my old friend Lord Anglesey in favour of Mr Frederick Foster [...] I shall feel obliged to you by your interesting yourself in his behalf to obtain any vacancy that may occur in the Ordnance as a Messenger.

Autograph note signed to Sir John Cam Hobhouse (1786-1869, later Baron Broughton), President of the Board of Control,

Sir Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere
Publication details: 
4 June 1847, Belgrave Square.

General (1773-1865), who distinguished himself as commander of the allied cavalry in the Peninsular War. One page, 8vo. "Although Captn: Martin did not serve under my Command in India, I venture to forward to you his Memorial, and trust you will take an opportunity of bringing his claim under the gracious & favourable consideration of Her Majesty - I have the honor to be / Sir / Yr. most obt. Hble: Sert: / Combermere. Genl. / late commr: in Chief / in India". Paper ruckled, and with glue stains from previous mounting. With biographical cutting adhering to head of recto.

Autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Younghusband,

Sir Archibald Hunter
Publication details: 
22 September 1904, with letterhead of the Lieutenant General Commanding Forces, Bombay.

British General (1856-1936). One page, 12mo. Cryptic, very. "There are many examples of dates in french in the paper. I fear Mrs Mary is very ill, very very ill indeed. / Yours v. sincerely / A Hunter". Slight "offsetting" from another letter over text of letter.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Younghusband,

General Sir Robert Cunliffe Low
Publication details: 
3 October 1903, Po[?]na, with letterhead of the Lieutenant General Commanding Forces, Bombay.

British general (1838-1911). 2 pp, 12mo. "Can you tell me Miss Langham's address - / The <?> Hospital people say she has gone to K<?> / She has been appointed to the Ind. <?> Service".

Document Signed to "The Quarter-Master General of the Forces"

Sir William Schaw Cathcart
Publication details: 

one page, fol. He refers to a "Return of the Field and Garrison ordnance, with the ammunition for guns, howitzers . . ." which he has sent for the defence of North Britain.

Autograph Note Signed to R. Byham, Ordnance Office

Sir James Kempt.
Publication details: 

General. One page, 8vo. He describes his enclosure of a banker's order to pay the rent on a property he is about to occupy.

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