Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Halliday') to an unnamed Lord of the Admiralty.

Lady Jane Halliday [née Tollemache] (1750-1802), English society beauty painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds [Lord Hugh Seymour; the Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Grove Cottage near Cowes'. Undated, but docketed '22 Sept: 1800'.

4to, 1 p, 12 lines. Very good, on aged paper. Asking the recipient 'through this medium to recommend my son Lieut Halliday [Francis Halliday, born around 1776; fl. 1820] of the Thunderer, now at Jamaica, to the notice of Lord Hugh Seymour; Sir Hyde Parker has sent me an account of him, but to my great disappointment has not brought him Home - - - - - Francis has been six years in the East & West Indies & very attentive to his profession'. She feels sure that 'a line from yr. Lordship to Lord Hugh could not fail of being of great use to him'. Docketed on reverse 'Mem: Enquire abt.

Four Autograph Letters Signed by Florrie Cockle (one signed 'Florrie Cockle (soon Iggulden)' and another 'Willie and Florrie'); one Autograph Letter Signed ('Birt') by Birt Cockle; all to their sisters Kate and Maggie.

Florrie Cockle and Albert ('Birt') Cockle [Willie Iggulden; Boer War; South Africa]
Publication details: 
East London, South Africa; 1898 and 1899.

Very good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Six long letters to family in England written during a turbulent period in South African history. Affectionate, chatty, and written from a lower-middle-class point of view (Florrie: 'we always have an h[ou]r., when I change my dress for the afternoon after dinner'). Mostly dealing with family matters. Letter One (from 'Florrie', 4 September 1898, 'P.O. East London, South Africa', 4to: 4 pp): tells an amusing story about Birt, a cart and a goat. Letter Two (from 'Florrie', 11 September 1898, address as Letter One, 4to: 2 pp).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Roberts') to 'Mr. Pibworth'.

Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts [Lord Roberts of Kandahar] (1832-1914), English soldier
Publication details: 
22 October 1909; on letterhead of Englemere, Ascot, Berkshire.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, with minor staining and head, and traces of previous mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. He is sorry to learn that the 'Private Secretary, Mr. Harold Roberts' has rheumatic fever, 'a most painful disease' which 'usually lasts some time'. 'The poor lad will get over it, and ere long be quite himself again'. Lady Roberts is sending the boy 'some flowers'. When he is 'stronger, and would care to read', Roberts will send him 'a copy of my "Forty-one years in India".'

Circular letter, printed in facsimile of Wellington's handwriting; dated, addressed, and with the gaps filled in in Wellington's hand to Robert Aberdein.

Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington, Anglo-Irish soldier and politician, the vanquisher of Napoleon Bonaparte [Robert Henry Aberdein (died 1860), Coroner for East Devon]
Publication details: 
31 July 1851; London.

12mo, 3 pp. Good. Folded twice and with the blank verso of the second leaf of the bifolium a little grubby. A formal letter in the third person, declining to present a petition to the House of Lords, on the grounds that 'The Duke has no relation whatever with [Honiton]'. The date, and the words 'Mr Aberdein', 'Honiton', ', which he retains' and 'Robert Aberdein Esq' are in Wellington's hand.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed secretary of state.

Colonel James Francis Erskine, of the Regiment of Swiss Chasseurs
Publication details: 
7 March 1783; 'Kensington gravell Pitts'.

Erskine, who died in 1806, was the grandson of the 27th Earl of Mar. 3 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. The letter, addressed to 'your Excellency', concerns 'The Honble. Captain Cunningham who had resigned a Troop of Dragoons on the Irish Establishment to go upon Service with the same rank in my unfortunate Regiment of Swiss Chasseurs'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

John Bruce Richard O'Neill (1780-1855), 3rd Viscount O'Neill, Irish General and politician, Constable of Dublin Castle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly one and a half inches by three wide. Small tear in top left-hand corner not affecting signature. Reads 'Your Obed Hue Servt | [signature] O'Neill | Lieut General'. On reverse '<...> he had his discharge to <...> | <...> allowed something he had <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Leslie Rundle') to 'My dear General'.

Leslie Rundle [Sir Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle] (1856-1934), British army officer
Publication details: 
31 July 1904; on letterhead of Government House, York.

12mo, 3 pp. Good on lightly-aged paper. He has 'written to the necessary authorities' about his correspondent's son. 'Of course it will largely depend on which Slade [Lt-Gen. Frederick George Slade (b.1851), C.B.] says about him, as I do not know your son personally - though his record reads an exceptionally good one.' He is sorry to hear about his correspondent's brother's death: 'he was always very kind' to Rundle.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Rayson Venables') to Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.

Horace Rayson Venables (b. c.1898) [AUTOGRAPHS; Montgomery of Alamein]
Publication details: 
3 June 1943; 28 Chalcot Square, Regent's Park, N.W.1, on cancelled letterhead of 44 Oakfield Court, N.8.

Four pages, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with one half-inch closed tear. Claims to be 'compiling an historic book [...] which has been left to the nation', and asks for his contribution. Provides a full-page list from the 'over 500 Autographs'. The collection 'could not be complete without' Montgomery's 'honoured name'. Asks for 'a few words (as many others have done) on the blank side so as to keep this for Gen Alexander & others who took part in your campaign'. Congratulates him on his 'brilliant Victory'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Charles Oman') to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman (1860-1946), British military historian and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on embossed letterhead of the House of Commons Library.

One page, 12mo. Good but with paperclip spotting at head (not affecting text). Three-line quotation clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. 'Broadmindedness, so called, is generally no more than the silly fear of being thought narrow-minded - | [signed] Charles Oman'.

Autograph Letter Signed to autograph collector 'Miss <Lull?>'.

General Sir Francis Thomas Lloyd (1838-1912), British soldier
Publication details: 
9 October 1907; on letterhead of The Lawn, Walmer.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good, on lightly creased paper. He is sending five autographs to add to her collection and is 'sorry not to have those of distinguished men of later dates but I am quite out of the service now'. Wonders if she knows his 'very dear friend General Nicholson who is living now at St. Andrews. He and his wife are among our dearest friends.' He 'saw the Godfreys last week - both well.'

Autograph Signature ('Napier of Magdala').

Robert Cornelis Napier (1810-1890), 1st Baron Napier of Magdala, British army officer, Commander-in-Chief in India, 1870-1876.
Publication details: 
March 1884; place not stated.

On piece of laid paper, dimensions 6 x 11 cm. Good. Clearly complying with a request for an autograph. Reads 'With much pleasure | [signed] Napier of Magdala | March 1884'.

Autograph Signature ('H Legge') on fragment of document.

Hon. Henry Bilson-Legge (1708-1764), Treasurer of the Navy, 1749-1754
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly 4 x 6.5 cm. Good, although with slight wear at left and small part of loop at beginning of signature crossing over a printed vertical line. Docketed in pencil 'Lord Treasurer'.

Printed 'Regulations for the Admission of Gentlemen Cadets into the Royal Military College, near Bagshot. January 1st, 1852.' With one other printed item and four manuscript items relating to John Miller Dickson's attempt to join the British army.

William Dickson; John Miller Dickson; General Henry Shadforth [Royal Military College, Bagshot; British army; military history]
Publication details: 
The printed 'Regulations' 1852; the other printed item is dated 1851; the four manuscript items between 1852 and 1854.

The collection is in good condition, with occasional light creasing. The 'Regulations' ('ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE') consist of four pages printed on a folio bifolium. The other printed item, in facsimile handwriting, dated '15.11.51' (and dated in manuscript 'Horse Guards 1st.

Ought France to Worship the Bonapartes?

Ahriman I., pseud. [Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
London: Robert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly. 1863. [W.H. Collingridge, City Press, 117 to 119, Aldersgate Street, E.C.]

8vo: [iv] + 90 + [ii] pp. In original grey printed wraps. The answer to the question in the title is an emphatic 'No!', with the author's argument summed up in the conclusion: 'The publication of these remarks has been elicited by a feeling of indignation and surprise, on learning, that, in any part of the world, and especially of France, the man, whom a former generation cursed, should now be deemed worthy of being canonised.' The author puts his case forcefully and well, marshalling a number of quotations from classical and modern sources.

Poemata, quae de praemio Oxoniensibus posito Annis 1806, 1807, et 1808, infeliciter contenderunt; non in publicum edita, amicis tantum privatim deferenda.

[Abraham John Valpy (1787-1854); Pembroke College, Oxford; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
[London] Londini: In Aedibus Valpianis, Pridie Idus Octobres, 1809. [A. J. Valpy]

Octavo: [ii] + [41] + [1] pp. A little dogeared, on lightly aged paper, and with slight damp staining to one corner at rear. In worn and stained original grey wraps, repaired with strip of brown paper at spine. Three Latin poems by Valpy: 'Trafalgar', 'Plata Fluvius' and 'Delphi'. COPAC lists only three copies: at the British Library, the Bodleian and Durham.

Printed Receipt Signed, with Manuscript Additions in another hand, for Royal Navy [annual?] budget.

Pattee Byng, 2nd Viscount Torrington
Publication details: 
22 February 1728; [London].

(1699-1747). One leaf, dimensions roughly eight inches by ten. Printed text with manuscript additions on recto; docketed on verso 'Right Hon Pattee Byng afterwards Earl of Torrington Treasurer of the Navy 1729- Brother of the unfortunate Admiral John Byng'. Good, but grubby, and with slight loss at head and in centre (affecting five words of text). 'Received then of [Lord Parker one of the Four Tellers of his Majesty's Exchequer] the Sum of [One hundred Twenty one thousand four hundred and sixteen pounds seven shillings and Eleven pence] in further Part of an Order, Dated the [10th.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed.

General Reibell [French soldier]
Publication details: 

On piece of grey paper roughly 10.5 x 13.5 cms. Creased and with some evidence of previous mounting on reverse. Docketed 'From general Reibell commanding in the Haut Rhein - who cut his way into the Tuilleries, & saved Louis Philippe & his Queen; commanded the Cavalry in Paris afterwards, on the jour des revoltees [sic] Etc. -.' Reads 'Je ne regarde pas la partie comme perdue, tout faut, nous causerons de ce qu'ils faudras faire | Tout a vous | G[ener]ale Reibell'.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Monsieur Anselin, Rue Dauphine No.9, Paris", also bookseller. In French.

L. Michelsen, Bookseller
Publication details: 
Leipzig, le 6 Octobre 1832.

One page, 4to, chipped with small loss of text, paper fragile. Text as follows: Monsieur Anselin, Paris, Je vous prie de m'expedier aussitot [underlined] par l'entremise de Mr Ren[loss of text] les livres suivants, je vous recommande surtout les petits brochures vieux dont je suis tres presse." There follows a list of 22 titles, all military (e.g "Dictionnaire d'artillerie", "Manoeuvres de chevres & de forces 1821", etc.). Usually one copy required, but he requires 3 of one book (the Dictionnaire) and 2 of its supplement.

Autograph Signature ('Edward Lugard') on fragment of document.

General the Rt Hon Sir Edward Lugard, GCB (1810-98)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly one centimetre by six wide. Close-cropped but clear and entire. On aged paper with traces of glue from previous mount on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed, apparently to his publishers Sampson Low & Co.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
Sark. 9.9.02.'

British naval historian (1856-1905), author of a standard history of the Royal Navy (7 vols, 1897-1903). One page, on piece of stiff paper, roughly four and a half inches by three and a half. In poor condition, discoloured and stained, and with one small hole and some fraying to extremities. Reads 'Thanks for yours of the 8th. | I am afraid that I can only express the hope that you will, in this case, keep the price as low as possible, - as I do not know the business aspects of the question.

Official circular in secretarial hand, with autograph signature, to Captain Brock, Assistant Quarter Master General, Brighton.

Sir Robert Brownrigg
Publication details: 
Horse Guards 31st. May 1808.'

British soldier and statesman (1759-1833); Governor of Ceylon, 1811-20; conqueror of the Kingdom of Kandy, 1815. Two pages, large octavo. In his capacity as Quarter Master General, Brownrigg informs Brock that 'the Establishment of Entrenching Tool Carts, and Tools attached to the several Regiments in Great Britain, shall cease on the 24th of June next, and that the Horses, Harness, and Carts used for carrying the Tools shall be forthwith Sold by Publick Auction.' Gives instructions for delivering over the 'Horses, Carts, and Harness'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Major General Sir John Murray.

Charles Arbuthnot
Publication details: 
Docketed '25th Septr 1811'.

Arbuthnot (1767-1850) was a diplomat and statesman; Murray (c.1768-1827) was a soldier. Three pages, quarto. Good, but creased and grubby on discoloured paper. Rust stain from paperclip and traces of previous mount on blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He has received Murray's letter.

One Autograph Note Signed and one Autograph Note, third person, to Mr Wilks [printer, bookseller] and another [publisher]

Major C. Muller.
Publication details: 
232 Piccadilly 18[1?]0 and no place or date (same year).

Muller published "Relation of the Operations and battles of the Austrian and French Armies, in the year 1809, with three plans by Muller (Printed for T. Goddard, Military Library, no. 1, by R. Wilks, 1810). A. (Dated) One page, 8vo, third person, spike-hole, trimiing, staining but text redable but for a few letters. "Dr Mullers Compliments to Mr Wilks, & sends him the proof sheet back.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Lady Honora'.

Kenneth Alexander Howard, 1st Earl of Effingham
Publication details: 
No 56 Jermyn Street | April 15th 1838'.

General and courtier (1767-1845). Three pages, 12mo. Folded twice. Good, but on discoloured, lightly creased paper. Difficult hand. Regarding the 'Talents & Acquirements' of a certain 'Captain Spiller'. 'I am much obliged to you for your kind Enquiries after Lady Howard, she is now on her Road to Yorkshire from Bath, where she has recently been.' Signed 'Howard'. Postscript: 'I only came to Town on Tuesday Evening. I will mention Captain Spiller to Lord Morpeth in the hopes that it may be of some avail.'

Part of autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Sir Richard England.
Publication details: 
The Curragh, Ireland, 5 May 1857.

General (Afghanistan, Crimea, etc.) Final three pages, prob. missing first leaf, 8vo, final page laid down on rather ugly vestiges of card, final page trimmed with no apparent loss of text, small hole not affecting recognition of words,some other damage not effecting text. It commences "The Musketry Rifles practice is in full operation here & encampments, [ooking &c?] - Equitation for Infantry Officers I have established. Tactics for all arms. - And efforts are suggested for the better approval of and . . . must be adopted in the Field.

Typed Letter Signed to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Lieutenant-Colonel John Herbert Boraston [Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig; Earl Haig]
Publication details: 
27 June 1919; on letterhead 'G[eneral]. H[ead]. Q[uarters]. The Forces in Great Britain, | Horse Guards, | London, S.W.1.'

English soldier and military historian (1885-1969). One page, quarto. Folded twice. Good, but with minor discoloration and some ink smudging along one edge (not affecting text). Bearing the Society's stamp. Replying, as Haig's private secretary, to a letter electing Haig a fellow of the Society. 'Sir Douglas Haig has asked me to thank you very much for your letter of the 25th instant and will be glad if you will convey to the Council and members of your Society his great appreciation of the honour they have done him.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lt Colonel Buchanan - 9th Regiment'

George Robert Gleig
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in pencil 'Garrison Chapel Portsmouth Oct. 1874'.

Scottish 'Chaplain-General of the Forces' (1796-1888) and military historian. On piece of paper roughly 4 1/4 by 4 inches. Folded once. Very good. Reads 'Sincerely yours - | G. R. Gleig. | Lt Colonel Buchanan - | 9th Regiment' and on reverse '<...> the music of the Te Deum with which I was so greatly pleased, when I heard it sung by your Choir - You have got together an admirable body <...>'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Augustus Mervyn Owen Anwyl-Passingham [FIRST WORLD WAR PROPAGANDA]
Publication details: 

British army officer (1880-1955). One page, folio. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Unusual letterhead for a governmental department of the period. He has not received the letter, which must have been misaddressed. 'Nevertheless, I shall be glad if you will kindly forward me a copy of the Journal with the Advertisement in, and walso the exact quantity of Posters you require.'

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Engineer-Captain William Richard Apps
Publication details: 
18 April 1914; 'The Hawthorns, | Bishop's Waltham, | Hants.'

British military and naval architect (1862-1947). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. He has not answered sooner as he 'has been away from home'. 'I thank you for the matter supplied & I regret that at present I am unable to put myself forward for election but trust that should circumstances permit me to do so at some future time I may then receive the kindly consideration of the Council.' Signed 'W. R. Apps'.

"Army (Annual) [...] Bill 132": "A bill to provide, during twelve months, for the discipline and regulation of the army."

House of Commons
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 17 March 1904."; "PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, | PRINTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY."

Five leaves, folio. One page blank. Unbound and stitched as issued. Good, but creased and foxed, with slight wear to extremities. Comprising bill (four pages), schedule, memorandum, arrangement of clauses.

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