Autograph Signatures ('Gertrude Lawrence.', 'Ivy St. Helier' and 'Joyce Carey').

Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), Ivy St Helier (1886-1971); Joyce Carey (1898-1993); English actresses associated with Noel Coward
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On a leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, part of a bifolium taken from an autograph album. Very good. All three signatures are bold and clear. The signatures of Lawrence and St Helier are on one side of the leaf, and that of Carey is on the other. Lawrence's signature is in ink, and the other two in pencil. Three signatures,

Autograph Signature.

Noel Coward (Sir Noel Pierce Coward, 1899-1973), English actor, playwright and song writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On leaf of light blue paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Very good.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Charles Spence') to the printers John Bowyer Nichols and his son John Gough Nichols.

Charles Spence of the Admiralty, Devonport [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863); John Gough Nichols (1806-1873)]
Publication details: 
Both dated 11 November 1852.

Letter One (12mo: 4 pp, to 'My dear Mr Nichols', good, on discoloured paper): Explains that he has given 'a note of introduction to a most particular friend of mine Mr Lawrence of Ipplepen near Totnes and Launceston Cornwall'. Lawrence 'was a great friend of the late Mr Arundel of Landulph' and is 'a great friend of Mr Bray of Tavistock'. He is 'a man of ancient Cornish descent & from its first families'. Spence thinks Nichol will find Lawrence 'a valuable West Country Correspondent, well up in County history and nothing loth in the pursuit of antiquarian lore[.

[Henry Wyatt] Three sketches, two in pencil and one in charcoal.

Henry Wyatt (1794-1840), English artist, pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence
Publication details: 
One of the pencil sketches on reverse of envelope addressed to Wyatt, and postmarked 1833.

ITEM ONE: pencil sketch (roughly three inches square) of pensive woman in full dress seated on chair beside table with vase. Good. On reverse of part of envelope addressed to 'H. Wyatt Esqre. | Newman Street | Oxford Street' and postmarked in red ink oval '2 . A NOON . 2 | MY 4 | 1833'. Another postmark in black ink, and wafer still adhering. ITEM TWO: pencil sketch (roughly one inch by one and a half) of trees around long wall with spire in distance. On visiting card of 'Mr. Henry Wyatt' (the sketch over the word 'Wyatt').

Four Autograph Letters Signed (two in full and two as 'L. H.') to the biblical scholar and Quaker theologian Herbert George Wood (1879-1963), first Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham.

Lawrence Hyde (b.1894, fl. 1954), English journalist and spiritual philospher [Herbert George Wood; Quaker; Society of Friends; Selly Oak College; Fircroft; Woodbrooke]
Publication details: 
Between 1930 and 1931; all four on letterhead Rosedean Cottage, Shipley, Sussex.

All items very good, on lightly aged paper. Four closely written and interesting communications on his writings and philosophy. LETTER ONE (16 June 1930, 2 pages, 12mo): On the question of 'that misunderstanding regarding our last visit', the rest of the month is 'booked up', but 'perhaps the postponement - I hope it is no more than that! - of our coming may not be a bad thing'. Since their last meeting he has been 'passing through a phase of extensive internal adjustment, the physical aspect of which has taken the form of very bad health'.

My friend Henry Miller.

Alfred Perles
Publication details: 
London: Neville Spearman, 1955.

8vo. Pages: xi + 242. 11 plates. Good, despite one bump at head of back board. Dustwrapper good, despite fraying at head and tail of spine and show-through sellotape discolouration . Dustjacket discoloration to free endpapers. Neat inscription, presumably by Perles, in green ink on front free endpaper 'To | Jack Mitchell | from Alfred Perles | & | Henry Miller | London March, 56.'

Autograph Letter Signed to J. Samson, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; together with carbon copy of the letter to which it is a reply.

Sir Lawrence Gowing
Publication details: 
The letter 27 November 1962, on letterhead '17 PERCY STREET LONDON W1'; the carbon copy 15 November 1962.

Painter and art historian (1918-91). The two items are both very good, attached to one another by a staple in a corner. The copy of Samson's letter (one page quarto, very good, on yellow paper) explains that the Society is 'endeavouring to arrange a course of three Cantor Lectures next Spring on modern philosophies - art, architecture and music', and invites him to deliver the first of these. Gives details of the fee, dates, etc. Gowing's letter: one page, octavo. 'I am honoured by your invitation to give the first of the Cantor Lectures next year. But I must refuse it - I'm very sorry.

Order to pay Captain Eliphalet Thorp.

Finn Wadsworth, John Chenevard, John Lawrence [American War of Independence, Connecticut Pay Table]
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper, dimensions roughly 7 1/2 inches by 6 inches. Browning, creased and discoloured, with some foxing and staining. Reads 'Sir | Pay Capt. Eliphalet Thorp Six hundred pounds - and charge the State . . . Pay Table Office March 6th 1780 | £600'. Signature of 'Saml written over those of two members of the Connecticut Pay Table, Finn Wadsworth and John Chenevard, and with 'John Lawrence Esqr- | Treasurer' in bottom left-hand corner. Docketed on reverse 'Dan Parmule' and 'No 3239 | Order | Capt. Eliphalet Thorp | £600 | March 6th. 1780'.

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