[Offprint, inscribed to Mary Proctor, containing autograph note.] Detection of Venus' Rotation Period and of the Fundamental Physical Features of the Planet's Surface.

Percival Lowell [Percival Lawrence Lowell (1855-1916), American astronomer] [Mary Proctor (1862-1957), American astronomer]
Publication details: 
'Reprint from Popular Astronomy'. 'Lowell Observatory, November, 1896.'

5pp., 8vo, with five plates. Stitched. In brown printed wraps headed 'Compliments of the Author', with 'Reprint from Popular Astronomy' at foot. Heavily aged, in worn and stained wraps repaired with tape. At the head of the cover Lowell has written 'iss Mary E. Proctor'. Manuscript note in another hand (presumably Procter's) on cover: 'Contains a note in Lowell's own handwriting on page 2'. Lowell's autograph note on p.2, with slight loss due to trimming of the edges of the pamphlet, reads: 'For further story by me see Jan. '97 pular stronomy'.

[Facsimiles of the first two Royal Academy catalogues, 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence', circa 1825.] 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXIX. The first.' and 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXX. The second.'

The Royal Academy, London [Ralph Nicholson Wornum (1812-1877), Keeper and Secretary of the National Gallery of London; Sir Thomas Lawrence]
Publication details: 
[Both items circa 1825?] First (1769) catalogue: 'Printed by William Bunce, Printer to the Royal Academy.' Second (1770) catalogue: 'Printed by W. Griffin, Printer to the Royal Academy.'

Both catalogues disbound from a volume of pamphlets, and bound together with library stitching. Aged and worn, with wear and chipping to extremities. The first (1769) catalogue with library shelfmark in manuscript on reverse of title-leaf. Flyleaf with ownership inscription of 'R. N. Wornum | 1855' and note 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence'. First (1769) catalogue: 15pp., 4to. On laid paper with crown and monogram 'G R' watermark. Second (1770) catalogue: 22pp., 4to. On wove paper with '1825' watermark.

[Lawrence Dundas, 1st Marquess of Zetland.] Thirty-three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Zetland') to the portrait painter Shirley Slocombe. With eight letters from Lady Zetland, and drafts of two of Slocombe's letters and two accounts by him.

Lawrence Dundas (1844-1929), 1st Marquess of Zetland, of Aske Hall, Richmond, Yorkshire, British Conservative politician [Charles Llewellyn Shirley Slocombe (1872-1935), portrait painter]
Publication details: 
Twenty-two on letterhead of Aske, Richmond, Yorkshire; eight on letterhead of 10 Arlington St, London SW. The other eleven from various addresses. Between 1897 and 1911.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Zetland's letters total 26pp., 8vo; 19pp., 12mo; 1p., 16mo. The theme is the painting and engraving of a portrait of Zetland by Slocombe, and the correspondence casts an interesting light on the relations between patron and artist in late nineteenth-century England, with the drafts of Slocombe's two letters, and his accounts for painting and engraving, adding to its value.

[St James's Theatre, London.] 'Treasury Sheet' completed in manuscript, giving accounts for seven performances of '"By Candlelight" - Southampton', with 'Artistes' Salaries' including Leslie Howard and expenses for Max Miller and Gertrude Lawrence

St James's Theatre, Duke Street, St James's, London [Leslie Howard; Max Miller; Gertrude Lawrence]
Publication details: 
St James's Theatre [Duke Street, St James's, London]. 'Treasury Sheet for Week ending 31st August 1929'.

On one side of a piece of 33 x 52 cm paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. A form printed in black and red, completed in manuscript. Divided into sections on: Artiste's Salaries; Advertising; Stage Expenses; Front of House Expenses; Gas and Electricity; Printing & Stationery; Author's Fees; Miscellaneous; Receipts; Summary of Expenses. The 'Artiste's Salaries' were: Leslie Howard £20; Reginald Owen £40; Betty Schuster £20; Adrienne Allen £40; Robert English £15; Duncan McRae £15; Jack Carlton £8.

[Royal Visit to Canada, 1959.] Typed 'draft of Press Release to be issued in Ottawa with the itinerary'.

[Royal Visit to Canda, 1959; Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip]
Publication details: 
[Ottawa, Canada.] 'Not for publication or broadcast before 3.30 G.M.T. Tuesday, January 20, 1959.'

Press release and itinerary totalling 6pp., foolscap 8vo, and 1p., 4to. Stapled and folded into a blue cover with a duplicated map of Canada with the 'Queen's route' on the reverse.

[Two parts, all published.] Our Old English Newspapers: being verbatim reprints of the various newspapers published by our ancestors. Originally Printed and Published by Francis Coles and Lawrence Blaikelock, at the Old Bailey and Temple Bar.

Francis Coles; Lawrence Blaikelock; D. Stewart [Stewart & Co., Warwick Chambers, Paternoster Row, London EC]; Hay Nisbet, Glasgow printer
Publication details: 
Re-issued by D. Stewart [Stewart & Co.], at the Offices, Warwick Chambers, Paternoster Row, London. [Hay Nisbet, Printer, 219 George Street, Glasgow.] July and August 1876.

Both 48pp., 4to (Part II paginated 49-96). Both in printed blue wraps, with front cover carrying the ownership inscription of R. R. Lloyd. Both with stamps of the St. Albans' Architectural & Archaeological Society, and small taped label to wraps. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in chipped and worn wraps. Part I reprints seven items from 1641 to 1645 (the first: 'Diurnall Occurrences from 27. December to the 3. of January 1641.

[Catholic Revival; L.W. Hodson, patron of Arts and Crafts movement.] Corrected Autograph copy of substantial Letter by him to P. L.Gell, on subject of 'the appeal to churchmen to uphold the principles of the Reformation'. With two press cuttings.

Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall, near Wolverhampton, brewer, connoisseur and patron of the Arts and Crafts movement [Lt Col. Philip Lyttleton Gell (1852-1926)]
Publication details: 
Hodson's letter on letterhead of Bradbourne Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. 10 November 1923.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is 6pp., 4to, with emendations and deletions, and marked by Hodson 'Copy' at the head of the first page. In envelope annotated by Hodson: 'Copy of a letter to Lt. Col. P. Lyttleton Gell, J.P. | The Catholic Revival. In order to make his point of view clear, he begins by stating: 'I may say that I was born in London & my mother took me to such churches as S. Alban's Holborn, S. Michael's Shoreditch, All Saints, Margaret St.

[King's College, Cambridge.] Three Autograph Letters Signed ('J. Fred. E. Faning') from James Frederick Edmund Faning, regarding the loan of a tapestry by Lawrence W. Hodson, with reference to the Dean M. R. James and a visit by Lord Kitchener.

James Frederick Edmund Faning (1849-1928) [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall; Montagu Rhodes James [M. R. James] (1862-1936), Provost of Eton and of King's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
All three letters from 1 Addenbrooke Place, Cambridge. 1 August, 23 October and 27 November 1898.

The three items on 12mo bifoliums, and totalling 9pp., 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The first and last letters in envelopes, with stamps and postmarks, addressed to Hodson at Compton Hall, with the third forwarded to North Wales. ONE (1 August 1898): 2 pp., 12mo. The college authorities have instructed Faning to thank Hodson for his 'kind offer to lend them the "Chapel piece" of your Tapestry and to say that they will be glad to avail themselves of it in October.

[Eric Gill, sculptor and typographer] Two Signed Letters (one 'Eric Gill' and the other 'Eric Gill osd') to Lawrence Hodson, both in the same secretarial hand, regarding a woodcut 'set of stations'.

Eric Gill [Arthur Eric Rowton Gill] (1882-1940), British sculptor, artist and typographer [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934), art connoisseur; Father Bernard Delaney (1890-1959), OP]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of Ditchling Common, Sussex. 3 November 1920 and 10 March 1921.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The second letter addressed by the secretary on the reverse, with four torn stamps and postmarks, to 'Mr. Lawrence Hodson | Bradbourne Hall | Ashbourne | Derbyshire'. The 'set of stations' referred to in the first letter is likely to have been based on those executed by Gill in stone in Westminster Cathedral, and completed in 1918. Letter One (3 November 1920): 1p., 12mo.

[Printed keepsake, with two illustrations.] In thankful Commemoration of the 90th Birthday of The Dowager Lady Barrow, January 5th, 1900. Printed by one who owes much to her loving spiritual help and letters when he was an Eton Boy in 1845.

'W.B.-M.' [Rev. William Bramley-Moore] [Rosamond Hester Elizabeth (1810-1906), Lady Barrow, daughter of William Pennell and adopted daughter of John Wilson Croker; Sir Thomas Lawrence; G.F. Zink]
Publication details: 
'W.B.-M., 26 R. Sq., [i.e. William Bramley-Moore, 26 Russell Square, London] Jan. 6th, 1900.'

4pp., ,4to. Bifolium. Printed in gold on shiny art paper, with the two illustrations in black. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recto of the first leaf carries a memoir of Lady Barrow, 'Reproduced, by permission, from "The Surrey Comet," Dec. 25, 1899.': 'LADY BARROW - nee Rosamond Hester Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Pennell, Esq., Consul-General in Brazil - was born January 5th, 1810, and was the twenty-first child of her parents. Six weeks after her birth she became the adopted daughter of the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, who had married her eldest sister.

Manuscript minute book of meetings of the directors of Huntley & Company, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, with each entry signed by the chairman.

H. A. Burnell, Secretary, Huntley & Company of Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, also 'Hauling & Furniture Removal', 'House Furnishing & Drapery' and 'Estate Agency'
Publication details: 
[Huntley & Company, Coal Factors and Merchants, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, Bristol.] Entries dating from 1 July 1904 to 7 October 1930.

293pp., 4to. In brown leather half-binding, with black cloth boards and marbled endpapers. Three-page form relating to the firm's dealings with National Provincial Bank of England, filled-in and signed on behalf of the company by the secretary Henry A Burnell, dated July 1904. The minutes are in a number of different hands (beginning with Burnell's) and signed by a number of different chairmen.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Maurice') from writer and British Council official Maurice Cardiff to Felicity Rhodes, the first letter accompanied by a typed poem by Cardiff, and the second by an Autograph Poem by him titled 'A Winter Casualty'.

Maurice Cardiff [Maurice Henry Cardiff] (1915-2006), writer and British Council officer, friend of Patrick Leigh Fermor, Peggy Guggenheim, Edward James and Lawrence Durrell [Constantine P. Cavafy]
Publication details: 
The two letters both on letterheads of Stones Farm, Little Haseley, Oxford, and dated 29 May 1995 and 4 February 1996. The poems without place or date.

All items in good condition. The letters on blue paper, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, addressed to 'Mrs Felicity Rhodes | North Lodge | 128 Banbury Road | Oxford'. Letter One (29 May 1995): 2pp., 12mo. He thanks her for typing the poem, which is 'only just the first part of a rather long one and doesn't really quite stand on its own - not that the whole thing comes off except for a few lines here and there.' he has 'never thought of having any Poems published', as he is 'only too aware of how sadly they limp along'. He has only shown them to 'one or two friends'.

Manuscript Letter, signed on behalf of the London solicitors 'Moncrieff Webster & Thomson', informing Laurence Davidson, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh, that 'P. White' of Paddington is ' a regular swindler'.

Moncrieff, Webster & Thomson, solicitors, 1 Old Palace Yard [Lawrence Davidson, WS, Edinburgh; P. White of Paddington, swindler]
Publication details: 
1 Old Palace Yard, Whitehall. 23 April 1831.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with postmarks and docketing, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Lawrence Davidson Esq | W.S. | Edinburgh'. The solicitors write that they received that morning 'your letter requesting us to make enquiry as to the character of P.

Printed paper on 'Occupation', giving the position on 'annexation' and 'settlement' of a 'civilised State' in international law, with a section on 'The West African Conference of 1884-1885', and a reference to 'the original uncivilised inhabitants'.

[Thomas Joseph Lawrence (1849-1920), Fellow and Tutor of Downing College, Cambridge, and authority on International Law; The West African Conference of 1884-1885]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cambridge. 1890.]

A significant document, providing a clear exposition of the late-Victorian colonialist position on the two branches of occupation: annexation and settlement. Untraced. T. J. Lawrence of Downing College is the probable author, as the section on 'annexation' also features in his 'Handbook of Public International Law' (1890). 1p., 8vo. Printed in landscape on one side of a piece of unwatermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. The document begins: 'Occupation in International Law applies only to territory not previously held by a civilised State.

Printed 'Property Plot' for a production of Ralph Lumley's 'Throrough-Bred' by 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company', with stage manager's 'Call' sheet for 'Thoroughbred' by 'Mr. Edward A. Coventry & Mr. John R. Collins' Company'.

Publication details: 
Neither item with date or place. [First item: London: Toole's Theatre, 1893.]

The production to which the first item relates was Toole's last before being forced by gout to retire from the London stage. Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper; the first with short closed tear at head. Both printed on one side only. Item One: 33 x 21 cm. Headed 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company. | THOROUGH-BRED. | PROPERTY PLOT.' Listing, under 'Stage' and 'Hand', all the props needed for the three acts, the last (and shortest) entry reading '[ACT III.] HAND. | Field glasses, cases. Race cards for all. Letter (WILHELMINA). Set of bones (TOSH). Coins (all). 2 tambourines.

[Printed document.] North-Riding of Yorkshire. To wit. Orders made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Northallerton, in and for the said Riding. [Including House of Correction and North and East-Ridings' Pauper Lunatic Asylum.]

Thomas Lawrence Yeoman, Clerk of the Peace for the North-Riding of Yorkshire [William Mauleverer; William Lockwood; J. V. B. Johnstone; Metcalfe, Printer, Northallerton]
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.
Publication details: 
Epiphany Sessions, 6 January 1852.
 North-Riding of Yorkshire.

Folio, 4 pp. Bifolium. On laid paper. The drophead title (of which the start is quoted above) runs to 14 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Printed in double column. Yeoman signs in type at the end of the document, which contains three reports, each signed in type by the chairman of the committee which produced it: Mauleverer for the Visiting Justices; Lockwood for the Finance Committee; and Johnstone for the Committee of Visitors of the Noth and East-Ridings' Lunatic Asylum.

Autograph Letter Signed from Abbott Lawrence, United States Minister to the Court of St James, to James Wyld, Member of Parliament for Bodmin, concerning his gift to the American people of his 'New Map of Central America'.

Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St James, 1849-1852, founder of Lawrence, Massachusetts [James Wyld (1812-1887), mapmaker]
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...
Publication details: 
28 February 1850; 138 Piccadilly, London.
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. In original envelope, addressed by Lawrence and with his red wax seal and frank ('Abbott Lawrence'), 'To | James Wyld Esqre M.P. | &c &c &c | Charing Cross East'. On aged and stained paper. He thanks him for his 'New Map of Central America', which he will 'transmit to Washington, where I believe it will be thought, that you have made ample provision for the "Mosquito Indians"'. The following year Wyld would erect his 'Great Globe' in Leicester Square, where it would remain until 1862.

Autograph Nore Signed J. Middleton Murry, critic and editor, to [Hugh] Massingham, editor and author., about William Morris.

J. Middleton Murry, critic and editor
Publication details: 
[Embossed] The Old Rectory, Larling, Nr. Norwich, 2 June 1932.

One page, obl.12mo, fold marks, mainly good. ... It was king of you to write, and Iappreciate it. In candour, I ought to say that [William] Morris was a revelation to me also when I came to read him for the purposes of your brother's book [The Great Victorians pubd 1932, ed. Massingham and his brother]. He was one of the people I had taken as read. I was fairly overwhelmed by the profound insight of his later writings. | I agree with you about Chesterton's 'Chaucer'. I liked it very much indeed.

Four Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Rex Newman') from the screenwriter and author Greatrex Newman to Eva Lawrence ('Lawrie').

Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter [The Fol-de-Rols; theatrical; the London stage]
Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter, TLSs and ALSs
Publication details: 
Two undated; the rest between 1951 and 1959. On various letterheads of 39 and 47 Whitehall Court, London.
Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter, TLSs and ALSs

Five of the items are 8vo, with the other on a 12mo slip. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on slightly-aged and worn paper. A total of five typed 8vo pages, and two autograph 8vo and two autograph 12mo pages. Four of the lettters have 'The Fol-de-Rols' printed on the letterhead. Dealing with practical everyday theatre matters, with Newman writing, for example, on 19 November 1955: 'I have bought a few costume from the Punch Revue which died an early death at the Duke of York's theatre last Saturday.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.'), author and actress, to Eva Lawrence.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob] (1884-1964), author, actress and broadcaster
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')
Publication details: 
8 July 1949 and 2 January 1950; both from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')

Both letters 8vo, 1 p; the first on pink paper. Both texts clear and complete. Both fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Letter One: She was surprised to learn that Lawrence had 'Miss Babbington with you because I did not even know that she was on the stage. I thought she was with a publishing house.' After the 'long and wonderful run' she is sorry that Lawrence's leading lady is leaving. 'Although I never intend to go back to the stage again, I shall always have the same keen interest in matters theatrical [...] the variety profession is my first love'.

Autograph Letter Signed and three Autograph Cards Signed ('jean Duranel' and 'J. Duranel'), to his patron Lawrence Ives, with two invitations to his shows and a paper cut-out.

Jean Duranel (born 1946), French artist [Lawrence A. Ives]
Publication details: 
Between 1982 and 1992; France.

All the items except the cut-out and the last card (in which he gives the price of a painting) are damp-stained, with part of the text of the letter illegible. One card in French. The first card, from 1982, thanks Ives for payment for 'watercolors'. The cut-out, in red paper, is roughly 10 x 10 cm. Intricately-cut, it depicts a long-leaved plant in a basket on legs. Although found with the other items, there is no indication that it is by Duramel. Ives made the news in 2000, when his extensive collection of paintings by L. S. Lowry was put up for sale.

Frank, with signature ('J Lawrence'), seal, and autograph address to Northcote

John Laird Mair Lawrence (1811-1879), 1st Baron Lawrence, Viceroy of India from 1864 to 1869 [Sir Stafford Northcote]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Cut from an envelope into a 'T' shape, with the front panel bearing the address and signature roughly 8.5 x 22.5 cm, forming the cross stroke, and the area from the back of the letter bearing the seal, cut into a roughly 6.5 x 5.5 cm rectangle, hanging down from this like the vertical stroke of the letter. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Reads 'To the Right Honorable, | Sir Stafford Northcote, Bart | Secretary of State for India | London | J Lawrence'. The circular red wax seal is 3.5 cm in diameter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George A Lawrence') to an unnamed publisher [George Routledge?].

George A. Lawrence [George Alfred Lawrence] (1827-1876), English novelist [Miss Caulfield; George Routledge]
Publication details: 
22 March 1858; Plymouth.

16mo (leaf dimensions 13 x 10 cm), 3 pp. Bifolium. Twenty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper with small closed tear in margin (not affecting text). He has been asked by 'Miss Caulfield' to 'perform the ceremony of "introduction" with a view to your publishing (if you approved of it) a work she has lately written [...] <"Janet de Rinzy?">'.

Autograph Note Signed ('George A Lawrence') to unnamed publisher [Tinsley?].

George A. Lawrence [George Alfred Lawrence] (1827-1876), English novelist
Publication details: 
Undated. On monogrammed letterhead of 25 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines. Mourning border. Text clear and complete. Aged, creased and a little grubby. Asking to be sent '4 copies of "The Butterfly", if ready', and if not to be told 'when it will be'. Lawrence published his 'Breaking a Butterfly; Or Blanche Ellerslie's Ending' anonymously by Tinsley in 1869.

Typed Note Signed ('Phillips Oppenheim') to Lawrence Mack, editor of Everybody's Weekly.

E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) [Lawrence Mack; Everybody's Weekly]
Publication details: 
26 April 1928; on letterhead of Villa Deveron, Cagnes, Alpes-Maritmes, France.

8vo: 1 p. Good, on lightly-creased paper, with a faint 4cm pink stain in the right-hand margin. Reads 'Many thanks for the copy of your interesting paper, and the kindly reference to my novel.'

Galley proofs of an article in the London Magazine, entitled 'Conversation with Lawrence'; with a Typed Letter Signed by Lawrence's biographer Edward Nehls, and covering letter by Barbara Cooper, assistant editor, London Magazine.

Brigit Patmore (1882-1965) [D. H. Lawrence; the London Magazine; Barbara Cooper; Edward Nehls]
Publication details: 
Proofs of an article appeared in the London Magazine for June 1957. Nehls's Letter: 7 June 1957; Urbana, Illinois. Cooper's Letter: 18 June 1957; on letterhead of the London Magazine.

The proofs are on one side each of five strips (each approximately 60 x 15.5 cm) of discoloured high-acidity paper. They are in good condition, with a little light creasing, and slight chipping at head of first strip (not affecting text). They are headed 'GALLEY ONE [TWO, THREE, FOUR, EIGHT]'. Text clear and entire. The article reads continuously, with no hiatus between Galleys Four and Eight. Some simple errors indicate that these are early proofs, i.e.

Small archive of fourteen Typed Letters Signed and six Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Lawrence Chubb'), all addressed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Lawrence Wensley Chubb (1873-1948), pioneer Anglo-Australian environmental campaigner, first Secretary of the National Trust
Publication details: 
Between 4 June 1913 and 19 January 1917; three on letterhead of the Coal Smoke Abatement Society, the others on letterhead of the Commons & Footpaths Preservation Society.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The fourteen typed letters are all 4to, 1 p; the autograph letters are all 12mo, three of them of two pages and three of one page. Largely concerned with a lecture given by Chubb to the R.S.A. in 1916 on 'the Preservation of Footpaths & Rights of Way', for which Chubb requests '1,000 or 1,250 cards of admission'. The subject, Chubb comments (21 July 1915), 'seems in itself sufficiently important and interesting to warrant special treatment, and in lecturing I mostly keep footpaths & commons quite separate.

Autograph accounts of 'Money Received in 1905 [to 1910]'.

`Shirley Slocombe (fl. 1887-1916), English portrait painter
Publication details: 

Three pages, on quarto leaf folded vertically to make narrow bifolium. Very good, with minor aging and creasing. Under each of the six years details are given of the date, amount and individual from whom the sum is received. Includes £18.15.0 from John Sampson of York for 'Signing 150 proofs Lord ', £28.0.0 of 'Ellis (Bookdealer of Bond St., for 4 old books)', £29.8.0 of Mr. Garnett-Orme, 'For picture of Auck Lodge', and £75.0.0 and 'Mr. Savill (for 9 Engravings by Bartolozzi)'. Other names include Lawrence & Bullen Ltd, Mr Partingdon (picture restorer), Captain Frank Forester, H. P.

Autograph Note Signed to the autograph hunter Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Ralph David Blumenfeld (1864-1948), newspaper editor
Publication details: 
15 December 1930; on letterhead of the Daily Express.

One page, 12mo. Very good, with light paperclip spotting. 'Certainly. I am glad to comply with your request.'

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