[ James Ritchie, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, proposing a lecture on 'Methods of Controlling Mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-pipes'.

James Ritchie (1882-1958), Scottish naturalist, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh, 1936-1952
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. 11 March 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. With oval date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts. He wonders whether 'some Fellows' might be interested to 'hear an account of "Methods of Controlling mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-Pipes"'. He explains: 'The blocking of pipes by mussel growth has occurred at many parts of the coast, but the problem of devising a means of keeping the mussels in check had not been seriously tackled until I investigated the matter in connection with the new Electric Power Station of Edinburgh Corporation on the Firth of Forth at Portobello'.

[ Frederick Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Woolton') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, declining to take the chair at a meeting.

Frederick James Marquis (1883-1964), 1st Earl of Woolton, Conservative politician [ K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 68 Brook Street, London, W.1. 8 December 1948.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, with hole from paperclip at top left, and small rust spot to left-hand margin. Woolton's signature has been underlined by Luckhurst in red pencil. He thanks him for the invitation to take the chair 'at the meeting of the Society on Wednesday, 19th January, when Mr. Gray is reading a paper on "The Industrial Designer and Consumer Goods", but must decline, as he is 'already engaged for the whole of that day'.

[ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders. ] Galley proofs of article for the First World War National Guard titled 'A Visit to Flanders | Notes from the Diary of Captain Leigh Wood, C.M.G.', relating to the Belgian Field Hospital in Hoogstade.

Lt Col. Sir James Leigh-Wood KBE, CB, CMG (1870-1949) [ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders; Belgian Field Hospital, Hoogstadt [ Hoogstade ]; National Guard in the Great War; Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The National Guard, England. ] Describing events over 10 to 15 May [ 1916 ], and published around that time].

Three strips of paper, each with a single column of text in small print: 47 + 55 + 30 cm. Complete article, paginated to 3. The second strip has the running title 'National Guard - A Visit to Flanders - 2'. Aged and creased, and with a corner torn away from the third strip, resulting in loss of text to six lines and the running title, Two minor manuscript corrections.

[ James Faed, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Note Signed to 'G. Ashley Dodd Esqre', thanking him for a 'great favour' and 'privilege'.

James Faed (1821-1911), Scottish artist
Publication details: 
'<GlenCoe'?> 23 July 1870.

1p., 16mo. On bifolium. On aged paper with small strip of damp at foot, affecting the signature. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I beg you will accept my sincere thanks for the great favour you have conferred upon me, this morning, a privilege I cannot here sufficiently acknowledge | I am your obedient | James Faed'.

Printed pamphlet: 'Jubilee of Catholic Emancipation. A Paper, read in the Assembly Rooms, Bath, before the Members of the Bath Catholic Assocation. May 12th, 1879.'

Right Rev. Dr. Sweeney, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Alban's [ James Norbert Sweeney ]
Publication details: 
London: Burns and Oates. Bristol: Austin and Oates. 1879.

32pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. With printed front wrap only on brown paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, but with the first 16pp. detached from the rest. Copies on COPAC at only three locations: BL, Oxford and Cambridge.

Printed pamphlet: 'Agriculture'.

Peter Kropotkin [ James Tochatti, Liberty Press, Chiswick ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Published by James Tochatti, "Liberty" Press, Chiswick, W. 1896.

18 + [2]pp., 8vo. Disbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Two pages of advertisements at rear: the first carrying a list of titles in the 'Liberty Bookshelf' series, the second listing 'Liberty Pamphlets'. Now uncommon.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Priory of the Blessed Virgin and Saint James, Birkenhead. A Paper, read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 20th March, 1890.'

Charles Aldridge, F.R.I.B.A. [ The Priory of the Blessed Virgin and Saint James, Birkenhead ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Printed by Thomas Brakell Limited, 58, Dale Street, 1892.

20pp., 8vo. With eleven plates, one of them a double. Stitched and unbound. Grey paper front cover with title present, but lacking rear cover. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with stitching added to strengthen spine. Tastefully presented. Begins: 'As an architect resident in Birkenhead for nearly twenty years, I have naturally taken considerable interest in the one relic of antiquity in that most modern of English towns.

Printed pamphlet: 'A Vindication of the Catholic Religion; in Reply to the Speech of Captain Gordon, delivered in Brunswich Place Chapel, March 2, 1831.

[ Charles Larkin ] [ E. Mackenzie, Jun., Printer, Newcastle upon Tyne; Captain James Edward Gordon, Secretary, The British Reformation Society ]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed and published by E. Mackenzie, Jun. 129, Pilgrim Street. 1831.

59 + [1]pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The author is not named on the title-page, but the text ends, p.59, with the signature in type of 'CHARLES LARKIN.' The final page carries a list of 'Errata'.

[ James Sinclair, 14th Earl of Caithness. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Caithness') to <James Kennard?> of Bedford, regarding his 'Plan of a plough'.

James Sinclair, 14th Earl of Caithness [ styled Lord Berriedale, 1823-1855 ] (1821-1881), Scottish Liberal politician, scientist and inventor.
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Weston House, Shipston-on-Stour. 1 January 1864.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He letter begins: 'The last time I had the pleasure of being at your Works, was with The Duke of Sutherland, & Mr. Maconnell then of the L. & N. W. Rail. I am now anxious to see you on a matter of business, & if you are at home, I propose to go to Bedford on Thursday next, the 7th. Jany.' He gives details of how he proposes to travel, before explaining his object as to 'show you the Plan of a plough. I have tried it in a rough way, & it seems to save much <?>, & to do good work.

[ James M. Richardson, Cornhill bookseller and East India agent. ] Long itemised bill for books and services provided to Sir James Harington of Ridlington, for himself and others including peers, presented to his heir Sir John Harington.

James M. Richardson, bookseller and publisher, No. 23, Cornhill, London [ Sir John Harington of Ridlington (1821-1877), 10th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'James M. Richardson, Bookseller & Publisher, No. 23, Cornhill.' [ London. May 1835. ]

3pp., large 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Headed 'Original'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'May 1835 | £75. 7. 5. | Richardson a/c for Sir James Harington decd | paid | paid additional balance - £1. 16 -'. The ninth baronet died in 1835, the tenth baronet assuming the title at the age of fourteen. The present document was evidently produced to clear the old account. It contains numerous items, dated between 10 January 1834 and 8 December 1835.

[ James Robinson Planché, dramatist, antiquary and herald. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: R.:Planché') to Sir John Harington of Ridlington, advising him on the purchase of family 'relics' (prints) and discussing his pedigree.

James Robinson Planché [ J. R. Planché ] (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and herald [ Sir John Harington of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
'Dymchurch. | Friday.' [ no date ]

8pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'I think your Mr. B charges a long price for his relics and if the tomb of Sir John Chappell who apparently married a Harington is in existence you mght have as good drawing for it for the money. (Five Guineas!) The Print however may be rare but of that I am no judge.

[ Lafayette photographic studios, London. ] Eight proofs of portrait photographs [ of Selina, Lady Hamilton, daughter of Viscount Dundas ].

James Stack Lauder (1853-1923), Lafayette photographic studios, London [ Selina, Lady Harington (1874-1945), wife of Sir Richard Dundas Harington (1861-1931), daughter of 6th Viscount Melville ]
Publication details: 
All eight stamped 'LAFAYETTE, LONDON'. October 1905.

The eight range in size from 14 x 10 cm to 11.5 x 10 cm. Most are heavily faded, almost to the point of indistinguishableness, but presumably recoverable using modern computer techniques. Each is stamped on the front 'PROOF TO BE RETURNED TO LAFAYETTE, LONDON'. Each with pencil note on the back identifying the sitter as 'Mrs. Harrington', with reference number and date in October 1905. From the papers of Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington, the sitter being identified by reference from other material therein.

[ Katharine Ada Esdaile, art historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Katharine A. Esdaile') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, requesting access to James Barry's paintings in the Adelphi and explaining the nature of the work.

Katharine Ada Esdaile [ née McDowall ] (1881-1950), art historian, wife of Arundell Esdaile (1880-1956), Secretary of the British Museum [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Royal Society of Arts; James Barry ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Keynes, Austenway, Gerrard's Cross. 22 January 1913.

5pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. With the Society's oval Adelphi date stamp. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclip. She begins by asking if 'there would be any difficulty in my examining Barry's paintings at the Adelphi, & taking a few notes on them. | My old friend & my husband's colleague at the British Museum, Mr.

[ James Brudenell, 5th Earl of Cardigan. ] Autograph Signature ('Brudenell') on manuscript Exchequer receipt.

James Brudenell, 5th Earl of Cardigan (1725-1811), Master of the Robes
Publication details: 
[ Court of Exchequer, London. ] 3 November 1779.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with particular wear along one edge (not affecting the signature). Records a payment of £5000. Signed by the witness, 'Gabriel Mathias', and made out in his hand. On the reverse, in light pencil in a nineteenth-century hand: 'Master of the Robes to his Majesty'. For more information on Brudenell, who was Master of the Robes to the Prince of Wales and to the King, 1758-1790, see his entry in the History of Parliament.

[ Valens Comyn, English parliamentarian. ] Autograph Signature on Exchequer receipt.

Valens Comyn (1688-1751), English merchant and Member of Parliament, who made a fortune from speculating in privateering
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer. 15 November 1769. ]

1p., 8vo. On leaf extracted from an Exchequer receipt book. Good firm signature, undamaged, on document with creasing and heavy wear elsewhere. Laid out in customary style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording receipt by Comyn, as assignee of 'Hale' of fifty pounds on an annuity. Witnessed at the foot by 'Jas: Comyn'.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London. ] Exchequer receipt signed by ministers James Eynard and David Durand, and Elders John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London ] James Eynard and David Durand, ministers; John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior, Elders
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 13 November 1749.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £12 10s 0d to the 'Ministers and Elders Of the French Church of St Martin Orgars of London as Assigned by Margin', and signed at foot by 'James Eynard Minister', 'David Durand Minister', and elders 'Jno Bonnet', 'Matthew Clarmont', 'Philip Rigail' and 'Peter De Visme junr'.

[ William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton. ] Autograph Signature ('Berkeley') on part of an Exchequer receipt, as 'Executr. of Ann Gendrault assignee of James Gendrault.

William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton (d.1741), Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 1696-1731, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1710-1714 [ Anne and James Gendrault, Huguenots ]
Publication details: 
Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 20 December 1714.

On 15 x 12 cm. piece of paper, cut from a printed document completed in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, laid down on square of plain paper. Payment of an annuity ('for carrying on the War, and other Her Majesty's Occasions').

[ William J. S. Lockyer, astronomer. ] Offprint, with presentation signature, of '"The Solar Activity 1833-1900." By William J. S. Lockyer, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.A.S., Assistant Director, Solar Physics Observatory, Kensington.'

William J. S. Lockyer [ William James Stewart Lockyer ] (1868-1936), astronomer, son of Sir Norman Lockyer (1836-1920)
Publication details: 
'From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. 68.' [ London, 1901 ] [ Harrison & Sons, Printers in Ordinary to Her late Majesty, St. Martin's Lane. ]

[16]pp., 8vo, paginated 285-300. Stitched into grey printed wraps. On aged and chipped high-acidity paper. Inscribed at head of front wrap: 'With the Compliments of | William J. S. Lockyer | 28.VI.01'. See Lockyer's obituary in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.97 (1937), pp.275-277. The only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and Observatoire de Paris.

[ Printed Victorian children's book with hand-coloured plates and two stories named on title-page. ] Prince Arthur; or, The Four Trials | A Fairy Tale. By Catherine Mary Stirling. Tales by the Flowers. By Caroline B. Templer.

Catherine Mary Stirling; Caroline B. Templer [ James Hogg & Sons, London publisher; Camden Press, London printers ]
Publication details: 
London: James Hogg & Sons. [ Camden Press, London ] [ 1861. ]

124 + [4] pp., 12mo. Four hand-coloured plates including frontispiece. A four-page publisher's advertisement at rear, for 'A New and Attractive Series of Juvenile Books'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. In worn brown-cloth binding with decorative design featuring titles in gilt on cover; split hinge at rear. Stirling's story continues to p.50, and is followed by Templer's collection of 27 'improving' poems, from 'The Invitation' and 'The Holly Tree's Tale - Christmas' to 'Heartsease - Thoughts of Peace' and 'The Misseltoe - A Missionary Tale'.

[ Sir James Gray, zoologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Gray') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, explaining why he cannot chair 'Dr. Cole's "Cantor" Lecture'.

Sir James Gray (1880-1975), British zoologist who helped establish the field of cytology [structure of cells etc]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of King's Field, West Road, Cambridge. 31 January 1962.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with small pin-hole at top left and Gray's signature underlined in red pencil. He would have 'loved' to chair 'Dr. Cole's "Cantor" Lecture on 22 May, but has to 'attend at [sic] series of meetings in Ireland during the whole of that week'. He has written to Cole on the matter.

[ Inscribed by author to Thomas Crofton Croker. ] Regal Records: Or, A Chronicle of the Coronations of the Queens Regnant of England.

J. R. Planché [ James Robinson Planche ], F.S.A. Author of the "History of British Costume," &c. [ Thomas Crofton Croker (1798-1854), Irish antiquary ]
Publication details: 
London: Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand. 1838. [ Bradbury and Evans, Printers Extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars. ]

xiv + 170pp., 12mo. Engravings ('cuts') in text. In publisher's brown ribbed cloth binding, with design of sceptre and crown in gilt on spine. Tight copy, on dusty and aged paper, in binding worn at head of the spine. Autograph inscription on reverse of frontispiece: 'T. Crofton Croker Esqr. | from his sincere friend | The Author'.

[ Benchara Branford (see ODNB) annotations; book ] Branford's copy of Cargill Gilston Knott's 'Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait', heavily annotated by him, mostly with references to 'this genius' James Clerk Maxwell.

Benchara Branford [Benchara Bertrand Patrick Branford] (1867-1944), Scottish mathematician, Professor of Mathematics in the University of London [P.G.Tait; James Clerk Maxwell]
Publication details: 
Book published in 1911 (Cambridge: at the University Press). Annotations dated by Branford between 1934 and 1943.

4to: x + 379 pp. Frontispiece and plates. Tight copy on aged paper, in worn binding. Annotated throughout, with the endpapers and almost every page of the first 146 in particular crammed with notes by Branford in pencil and pen. On the front free endpaper Branford writes 'Finished (fairly thoroughly) on Feb. 26th 1934', and on the title-page, 'B. B. Sep. 3d. 1943'. On the same page he has added to the title 'and many notes (additional to those in text) on his intimate & great friend James Clerk Maxwell [...] the notes being taken from his Life by Campbell & Garnett'.

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[ R. Palme Dutt. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Raji') to 'Jimmy' [ James Shields ], thanking him for the 'masterly' fashion in which he has 'handled the press job' during Dutt's campaign in the 1945 general election.

R. Palme Dutt [ Rajani Palme Dutt ] (1896-1974), chief theoretician of the Communist Party of Great Britain [ Jimmy Shields (1900-1949), Scottish communist, twice editor of the Daily Worker ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead as 'Communist Candidate for Sparkbrook'. 6 July 1945.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. The letterhead features a photographic portrait of Dutt. Written the day after the General Election, in which Dutt came third in the Sparkbrook constituency, with fewer than two thousand votes. As Shields is leaving in the morning, he feels compelled to write to him 'to express what we all feel about the wonderful way you have handled the press job. It has been masterly, and every other constituency might well be jealous of us.' He ends with 'Millions of thanks, cheers and congratulations'. From the Jimmy Shields papers.

[ Thomas Arnold the Younger. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Arnold') to Rev. R. Hutchinson, regarding the views of St Augustine on 'Perseverance and Predestination' and 'the good works of the heathen'.

Thomas Arnold the Younger [ Tom Arnold ] (1823-1900), Professor at University College, Dublin, son of the headmaster of Rugby School and brother of the poet Matthew Arnold, literary scholar (Wikipedia
Publication details: 
Laleham, The Parks. 22 December 1872. [ Laleham on Thames, Middlesex (now Surrey). ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Arnold, whose conversion to Roman Catholicism hindered his academic dvancement in England, was grandfather of the writer Aldous Huxley, and taught James Joyce at Dublin. At the time of writing he was running a private tutoring establishment at Oxford. He begins the letter by explaining that it has hardly been possible to reply to Hutchinson 'during term time [...] I had so much work on my hands'.

[ The Original Society of Papermakers, Maidstone. ] 72 printed items

The Original Society of Papermakers, Maidstone, Kent [ James Bourke and R. Robertson, Secretaries ]
Publication details: 
Mainly printed by R. W. Burkitt, Maidstone, Kent. Three dating from 1901, the other 69 from between 1920 and 1929.

An interesting collection of material relating to trades unions in the paper industry, and a scarce survival. The University of Birmingham, which holds a small collection of pre-twentieth-century material relating to the Original Society of Papermakers, notes that 'Few records have survived, including papers kept by chance and found within later correspondence'.

[ Florence Warden ('Mrs. G. E. James'), novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Florence James'), an invitation to dinner.

Florence Warden [ 'Mrs. G. E. James', née Florence Alice Price ](1857-1929), novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 21 Addison Road North, Kensington, W. [ London. ] 26 March 1889.

On one side of a 9 x 11 cm piece of grey paper. In a minuscule hand, with the recipient's name has been scored through: 'Dear Mr. <?>, | Will you come to supper on Thursday? | Yours sincerely, | Florence James'.

[ Printed item. ] Circular for the First Edition Club, London, by 'A. J. A. Symons, Secretary', inviting publishers to submit books to be included in 'the Fifty Books of the Year', and giving the criteria.

The First Edition Club, London, founded by A. J. A. Symons [ Alphonse James Albert Symons ] (1900-1941) [ Curwen Press? ] [ William Foyle ]
Publication details: 
The First Edition Club, 6 Little Russell Street, London. [ Printed by the Curwen Press? ] [ Between 1922 and 1931. ]

1p., 4to. Nicely printed (by the Curwen Press?) on watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. A nice piece of First Edition Club ephemera. The year to which the circular relates is meant to be added in manuscript, but has not been. Begins: 'The Committee appointed to choose the Fifty Books of the Year for [blank] will be grateful if, at your early convenience, you will submit such of your publications as seem to you most likely to be selected. I may perhaps remind you that the criteria by which judgment is made are | 1. TYPOGRAPHICAL DESIGN | 2. PAPER | 3. BINDING | 4.

[ James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Spencer Northcote.'), as editor of 'The Rambler', to contributor Richard Simpson, discussing items for review, Daniel William Cahill, and the Oratory, Edgbaston.

James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert, President of Oscott College [ Richard Simpson (1820-1876); Daniel William Cahill (1796-1864); Oxford Movement ]
Publication details: 
The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Undated [ 1854 ].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The Rambler was hugely unpopular with the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England for its liberal attitude and satirical emphasis. According to his entry in the ODNB, Northcote edited the journal between June 1852 and September 1854. Simpson (whose ODNB entry also see), under co-proprietor Sir John Dalberg Acton, would take over the editorship before turning it over to John Henry Newman, who would resign after a few months due to pressure from the hierarchy, and the magazine would be discontinued in 1864.

[ Sir Henry Ellis, librarian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Ellis') to Nicholas Carlisle, asking on behalf of Daniel Lysons what became of a number of Chichester antiquities forwarded to the Society of Antiquaries.

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum [ Nicholas Carlisle (1771-1847), Daniel Lysons (1762-1834), Samuel Lysons (c.1763-1819), James Dallaway (1763-1834), antiquaries]
Publication details: 
'B. M. [ British Museum, London ] | Sept. 8th 1819.'

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Nicholas Carlisle Esqr. | Society of Antiquaries Apartments | Somerset Place.' In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He has received 'a Letter from Mr. Daniel Lysons 'respecting "some fragments of brass belonging to a sacrificial Vessel found near Chichester," which were entrusted by Mr. Dallaway to the care of Mr. S.

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