Part of letter ('Ju: Milbank') from Lord Byron's mother-in-law the Hon. Lady Judith Milbanke, requesting the recipient's support for her husband in 'the approaching Election for the County of Durham'.

Publication details: 
Seaham. 27 October 1806.

Lower part of letter with ruled border, laid down on part of leaf from autograph album. Dimensions: 7.5 x 18.5 cm. Lightly aged and ruckled. Reads: '<...> your support at the approaching Election for the County of Durham - having for so long possessed the confidence of this County, it is his utmost ambition to have it continued and should he be honoured with yours, it will be considered the highest obligation | I am Sir | Your faithful Servant | [signed] Ju: Milbank | Seaham | Octr: 27. 1806.' Contemporary ink note reads: '[Lady Milbanke afterwards Lady Noel Milbanke, mother of Lady Byron.]'

[Printed handbill.] Life History of Harold Pyott (The English Midget). Tom Thumb the Second. The Smallest Adult Human Being in Existence.' Including a copy of his birth certificate.

Harold Pyott ['Tiny Tim'] (1887-1937) of Stockport, 'The English Midget' and 'Britain's smallest man'
Publication details: 
Undated [Edwardian].

4pp., 16mo (11 x 16.5 cm). Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Appropriately brief and dimutive biography (35 lines), describing Piyott (erroneously) as 'undoubtedly the smallest adult human being ever known to live'. Followed by 'Copy of Birth Certificate of the Smallest Man on Earth' in type. The latest dated event in the biography is a tour by Pyott 'through the whole of South Africa during 1903-4'. Pyott stood 23ins and weighed 24lbs, and is said to have been carried around Edgeley Park during Stockport County home matches in the palm of a man's hand.

[Printed handbill.] A County Court Judge on the Lawlessness of the Forces of the Crown in Ireland. County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement [...]

[M. McDonnell Bodkin, County Court Judge for County Clare; Sir Hamar Greenwood, Chief Secretary for Ireland; the Peace With Ireland Council; the Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Manchester Guardian of February 7, 1921.' Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne's Chambers, London, S.W.1. Printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.), 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper. Drophead title, with the second part reading in its entirety: 'County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement as to the violence committed by the forces of the Crown in Ireland, in the following words: -'. The article reprints a report by Bodkin to the Rt Hon.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Horseman') from Rev. John Horseman, Rector of Heydon, Essex, university friend of Southey, to Rev. J. Brewster

Rev. John Horseman (1775-1844), Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Rector of Heydon, Essex [Rev. John Brewster, Rector of Egglescliffe, County Durham]
Publication details: 
Heydon [Essex]. 16 December 1813.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Fifteen lines of closely and neatly written text, with a slip of paper carrying an unsigned six-line note by Horseman neatly laid down at the foot of the text. The letter deals with personal matters, acknowledging the receipt of £23 13s 6d, thanking Brewster for his 'kind attentions', asking him to send whatever he may receive for 'the few old books, which you sent to Stockton's', to Mary Dixon, enquiring after family news, giving his own ('I enjoy the best possible health. My brother was here, lately; & as hearty as ever.').

Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785', apparently for the Manor of New Place, giving the names and itemised accounts of individual tenants.

New Place Manor, Hornchurch, Havering, Essex; Sir James Esdaile; Joseph Mayor]
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'
Publication details: 
1732 and 1785.
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'

A 4to volume, consisting of 224 pp, with the 1732 rentals occupying 89 pp (including a six-page thumb index) at one end, and the 1785 rentals in another hand on 24 pp at the other. Text clear and complete. On aged paper in worn vellum binding, with 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785' in the two hands on cover. The 1732 rentals give details of the quarter-day payments and allowances of 51 tenants.

County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book, compiled in 1941, and filled with manuscript signed statements relating to traffic offences.

[County Borough of Derby Police, traffic officer's notebook, 1941]
County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book,
Publication details: 
19 February-22 September 1941; Derby.
County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book,

15.5 x 7.5 cm notebook, 108 pp (4 pp blank). With 102 pp of manuscript, in the hand of the anonymous police officer, on 53 numbered two-page openings. Stapled. In original brown wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in slightly-worn binding. Manuscript statements relating to around thirty cases in two sequences, one, of 35 pp, beginning at one end of the notebook (openings 1 to 18), and the other, of 67 pp, at the other (backwards over openings 53 to 20).

[Corrected galley proofs of four articles (from Notes and Queries) by Henry Fitzgerald Reynolds headed 'Irish Family History', the first titled 'Delamar (or Delamere) of Co Westmeath', and the second 'XVIII Century Wills and Other Documents'.

Henry Fitzgerald Reynolds [Irish family history; genealogy; the Delamar (Delamere) family of County Westmeath, Ireland]
Publication details: 
No article with date or name of publisher, but c.1943 (see below).

All items with text clear and complete; and both good, on aged paper, with slight rust-damage from paperclip at head of the Delamar article. DELAMAR ARTICLE: Headed 'IRISH FAMILY HISTORY. | DELAMAR (OR DELAMERE) OF CO WESTMEATH. | (See 12 S, iii, 500; xii. 293.)' Complete on seven numbered strips, each 13 x 56 cm. With manuscript emendations in black and red in margins. WILLS ARTICLE: Headed 'IRISH FAMILY HISTORY. | XVIII CENTURY WILLS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. | (See cli. 131).' On strip of paper 16.5 x 68 cm. With a couple of corrections in pencil in margin.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Manchester') from George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle, to [Rev. Alexander] Dallas, regarding a projected visit to Galway, Ireland.

George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle
George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle
Publication details: 
9 September 1852; Kimbolton.
George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle

12mo, 3 pp. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Not knowing whether Dallas is returned, he draws 'a bow at a venture', hoping that his 'arrows are not "bitter words"'. He intends to visit Galway, and asks Dallas to 'write me a line to mark out the desirable points to visit & a few hints as to where to stop'. He will be staying with William Cooper of Markree Castle, County Sligo. In 1842 Dallas established the Irish Church Missions, 'Soupers' which were particularly active in Galway during the Potato Famine.

A Handbook for High Bailiffs & Bailiffs of County Courts

Joseph Craven of the Middle Temple, and of the North-Eastern Circuit Barrister-at-Law.
A Handbook  for High Bailiffs
Publication details: 
London, 1887
A Handbook  for High Bailiffs

pp.xviii, 102, red cloth gt, minor rubbing, staining of endpapers, mainly good condition+ COPAC lists copies at Oxford and the NLS.

Secretarial Letter, Signed by Cameron, to Dickson, complaining that the latter's charges for work on the Ordnance Survey are 'very high'; ALS, 'Robt. H. Forman" of the War Department to Dickson; copies of Dickson's replies to both men.

Major-General John Cameron, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, 1875-1878 [William Dickson, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Northumberland; Alnwick]
Major-General John Cameron, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey
Publication details: 
London and Alnwick. All from 1855. Cameron's letter on letterhead of the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton.
Major-General John Cameron, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey

All four items with text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The four items pinned together and placed in the stamped envelope of Cameron's letter, addressed to Dickson as 'Clerk of the Peace of the County of Northumberland | Newcastle upon Tyne'. Casting interesting light on the workings of the Ordnance Survey. Letter One: Cameron to Dickson ('for Lieut: Colonel James | Director, absent on duty'), 19 September 1855. 4to, 1 p.

Autograph Signature ('John Dillon').

John Dillon (1851-1927), Irish politian, Parnellite Member of Parliament for County Tipperary, Home Rule activist and land reform agitator
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly 5.5 x 11.5 cm. Cut away from a letter for an autograph hunter. Laid down on a piece of paper removed from an album. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Reads '<...> | Yours sincerely | John Dillon'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. F. Hamilton') to 'My dear Harmsworth' (Viscount Northcliffe?). With a copy of his booklet translation: 'In St. Patrick's Praise: The Hymn of St. Secundinus (Sechnall)'.

[G. F. Hamilton, Rector of Moylough, Co. Galway] [Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 13 March 1919; on letterhead of the Rectory, Moylough, Co. Galway. Booklet: Dublin: The Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey Street.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Your hands must be full just now, judging from the Daily Papers.' He presents the 'booklet' as 'a small memento of friendship for you', and describes as 'just published by me on a hymn considered (by Bernard, Bury etc.) to be a contemporary of St. Patrick. An 11th. cent MS. containing it is in T. C. D. Library. And it is also given in a 7th. cent. MS. at Milan.' Postscript referring to an article he has sent Harmsworth, 'for which I received thanks (quite unsolicited) of the Prof. of English Literature, T.C.D.!

Stamped, sealed document appointing Robert William Hopkins of Preston 'to be my Sealer and Deputy Keeper of the Seal [of the Duchy of Lancaster]'.

James Graham, 7th Marquis and 4th Duke of Montrose
Publication details: 
26 February 1858[; London].

Scottish noble (1799-1874), Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 1 page, 4to, on blue paper. In good condition despite a number of closed tears. Signed 'Montrose' and with his heavily-smudged red wax seal. Witnessed by 'F. Dawes Danvers | Duchy of Lancaster Office | London'. Decorative blind stamp 'ONE POUND FIFTEEN SHILLINGS', and with ink stamp 'LONDON | 27 . 2 . 58 | D'.

Two handbills relating to the Sudbury Municipal Election of 1877.

Sudbury Municipal Election, 1877 [Suffolk; East Anglia; English council elections; county councillors in Victorian England]
Publication details: 
1877. One of the two items 'Printed at the Free Press Office, Sudbury.'

Both items printed on one side of a piece of cheap wove paper. Both items aged and lightly creased, but with text clear and entire. Item One (23 x 12.5 cm): Headed 'Sudbury Election.

Autograph Note Signed ('J B. Hobbs') and Initialled ('JBH') to Peter Briggs.

Sir Jack Hobbs [Sir John Berry Hobbs] (1882-1963), Surrey and England cricketer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of yellow paper (roughly 7.5 x 10 cm), laid down on a light-green page (roughly 14 x 8 cm) torn from an autograph album. Lightly aged and spotted, but good overall. Reads ' "Remember that if you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper. When you are in the wrong you can't afford to lose it" | [signed] J B. Hobbs.' And in a smaller hand, diagonally in the bottom right-hand corner 'Best wishes to Peter Briggs | [signed] JBH'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Hubert Smith Stanier.

Gifford Lumley [Devonshire; W. Mate & Sons, Limited, printers and publishers of Bournemouth, Southampton and London]
Publication details: 
23 April 1906; 62 Commercial Rd, Bournemouth, on letterhead Mate & Sons letterhead.

8vo, 2 pp. Good, though a little grubby on the reverse. Printed down the left hand margin of the recto is a long list headed 'Printers and Publishers of Illustrated Guides to'. Printed in large letters at the centre of the letterhead is 'Shropshire: Historical and Biographical', but there is no record of this title being published, or of any volume on Shropshire by Mates & Sons. From the context it appears that Lumley had a hand in Frederick John Snell's 'Devonshire, historical, descriptive, biographical', published by Mate & Sons in 1907.

Autograph Letter Signed to [John] Lanyon.

William Ewart
Publication details: 
23 January 1888; on letterhead '9, Bedford Street, | Belfast.'

Mayor of Belfast, 1859-60, and founder of what was at one time the world's largest privately owned linen manufacturer (William Ewart & Son Ltd). Lanyon (1839-1900) was a surveyor, architect and engineer, partner in Lanyon, Lynn and Lanyon. One page, 12mo. In good condition, with small closed tear at head not affecting text, and remains of mount adhering to blank verso. Reads 'Dear Mr Lanyon | It will give me pleasure to support the boy Arthur Knox in whom you are interested at the first Election for the St Anne's Society | But about the Form that I must sign.

For sale by order of the trustees of the will. Hampstead Heath. The well-known Freehold Estate of the late Sir Spencer Wells, Bart., a perfect Country Seat within five miles of Charing Cross. [...] known as Golder's Hill.

Sir Thomas Spencer Wells [Hampstead Heath; Golder's Hill House; London topography]
Publication details: 
For Sale by Auction by Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater | At the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London. On Tuesday, the 28th day of June, 1898.

Two unbound bifoliums stapled together. Eight pages, on four leaves each roughly seventeen inches by eleven wide. A corrected proof, stamped at head of first page 'PROOF NO.' A frail survival of a significant document in London topographical history. Aged and worn, with several closed tears. A few manuscript emendations, notes and additions in different hands. For example, concerning a right of way, 'Messrs. Debenham can ascertain this from Mr. Pinder Simpson 20 Old Burlington St. W. the Collector'.

Indenture between the Mayor and Citizens of the City of Rochester in the County of Kent and Thomas Lediard Citizen and Clothworker of London.

Publication details: 
22 January 1682/3.

An important piece of local history. Neatly engrossed on one side of piece of stained and discoloured parchment, dimensions approximately 24 inches by 22 inches. Signed at foot by Lediard and with his seal (in poor condition). Signatures of five witnesses on reverse. In poor condition but with text mostly legible. Four holes, two of them affecting text, at intersections of folds in document.

Manuscript document headed "Bristol Memorandum".[Americana]

[ Thomas Bowen, Justice of the Peace ]
Publication details: 
8 April 1721 (seventh year of the reign of George II)

Manuscript, one page, folio, chipped and other minor defects, text clear and complete. "That on the Eight day of April on ye Seenth . . . . . .

Autograph Letters Signed to Brougham from Canon Flemyng; and Autograph Card Signed to Brougham from his grandson Henry Brougham.

Henry William Brougham, Dean of Lismore [Henry Brougham; Canon W. W. Flemyng]
Publication details: 
Brougham's card, 12 May 1904, on letterhead 'BROUGHAM HOUSE, | WELLINGTON COLLEGE STATION, | BERKS.' Flemyng's letter, 10 March 1906, on letterhead 'Coolfin, Portlaw, Co. Waterford'.

Flemyng was a noted authority in the field of Irish lepidoptery, and published a number of papers on the subject between 1877 and 1919. Both items concern the Latin saying 'ne sutor ultra crepidam' or 'sutor ne supra crepidam judicaret'. HENRY BROUGHAM'S CARD: one page, five and a half inches by three and a half; addressed, with postmarked stamp, on reverse. Extremely grubby. Reads 'Dear Granpy | The Dictionary references to Sutor, ne supra crepidam (judicaret) are | PLINY 35, 10, 36, 85 | c.f. Val. Max. 8, 12, fin. | Papim is sending a few pansy-blossoms hoping you won't be jealous.

Autograph Signature countersigning cheque.

Narciso Campero [BOLIVIA]
Publication details: 
10 June 1872; drawn on the Paddington Branch of the London & County Bank, Berkeley Place, Edgware Road.

General (1815-96) and President of Bolivia between 1880 and 1884. Dimensions seven inches by three inches. Creased and with several closed tears, and with ink employed in printing cheque faded to purple and lilac. One edge perforated and with perforated numbers '17 x 6' (not affecting signature). Order to pay 'General Narciso Campera' five pounds and sixteen shillings. Drawer's signature illegible. Signed 'Narciso Campero' on reverse.

3 documents, 2 printed and 1 in manuscript, relating to the foundation of the Association.

Ross on Wye, Herefordshire: Landowners' Protection Association
Publication details: 
All dated 1910.

All 3 items are in very good condition. Item 1 is an Autograph Letter Signed of 7 October 1910, 1 page, 8vo, from George Okell, solicitor of Ross, on his letterhead, to 'F. R. James Esq | Hereford'. He is enclosing 'circulars relating to a Landowners Society, which several Landowners in this district wish to form in the County. The main object is to assist members financially in disputes with public authorities in cases, where a principle is involved, which affects all the members'. The idea was suggested by 'Mr.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Seymour Teulon.

Sir Richard Baggallay
Publication details: 
The first, 1 October 1874, Aldingbourne House, Chichester, but on letterhead '10, Old Square, | Lincolns Inn. W.C.'; the second, 27 August 1874, on letterhead '55, Queen's Gate, S.W.'

English judge and Tory politician (1816-88; DNB). Both letters 3 pages, 16mo, and both in good condition. Interesting letters giving his views on an important matter.

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