[Methuen] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

Sir Algernon Methuen [né Stedman] (1856-1924), publisher.
Publication details: 

ALS, on letterhead of New Place, Haslemere, Surrey; 3 April 1922, 2pp., 12mo, good condition. Regarding his Anthology of Modern Verse (1922), to which RL wrote the introduction. 'I can see at once that some of your suggestions I shall accept but some I jib at for various reasons [...] 2) Bridges The Idle Flowers seems too like a Catalogue. Sassoon suggests Recollections [...] 4) Hardy wants Farewell. - & some other impossibles. [...] 6) Meynell She does not want She walks (N.B. authors are asses.) [...] 9) Yeats Innisfree??? omit'.

[Hobson, economist] Autograph Note Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

John A. Hobson (1858-1940), economist.
Publication details: 

ALS, on letterhead of 3 Gayton Crescent, Hampstead; 25 April 1917, one page, 12mo, minor shading not affecting text. He is enclosing 'a little book written by my wife' (Ideals True and False by Florence Edgar Hobson), another copy of which has been sent to the Daily News, and he wonders 'if it is possible for space to be found for a notice of some kind'.

[Gerald Gould] Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

Gerald Gould (1885-1936), journalist.
Publication details: 

Two ALsS and two TLsS, total 4pp., 4to, fair-good condition.. The last three on letterheads of 1 Hamilton Terrace, NW8; and the first from 54 St Mary's Mansions, Paddington; 11 August 1918, 27 December 1925 and 17 and 26 March 1926.


[Frank Butterworth] Typed Letter Signed to Robert Lynd, journalist and author.

Frank N. Butterworth (1875-1952), author, pseud. 'Peter Blundell', specialising in tales of Malaya.
Publication details: 

TLS, on letterhead of Dacres, Quantock Rod, Weston-super-Mare; 19 April 1937, 3pp., 4to, good condition. Long paranoid letter, bitterly attacking 'seaside towns', and Weston-super-Mare in particular, as 'run by councillors of the Tammany Hall type, interested in the sale of "drink" and all the various things that go with it'.

[William Pett Ridge, author.] Autograph Card Signed ('W. P. Ridge') to 'Miss Paget'.

William Pett Ridge (1859-1930), English writer
Publication details: 
Letterhead of 24 Ampthill Square, London, NW. 'Thursday' [postmark 28 June 1906].

In good condition, lightly-aged. Addressed to 'Miss Paget, | 28, Campden Hill Square | W.' Reads: 'I will look in this morning at the hour of coffee.'

[Book in paper wraps] La Mort de Henri Quatre, POEME

Mrie J.J. Victorin Fabre (1785-1831), poet and orator.
Publication details: 
Paris, de l'imprimerie de Farge [...], 1808

46pp., 8vo (21cms), marbled pink paper wraps (original), spine and edges a little ragged, foxing, fair condition, sound. Scarce. Copies at BnF and Loyola Marymount University (USA)

[Paul Heyse] Printed card inscribed by Paul Heyse

Paul Heyse [Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse] (1830–1914), German writer and translator
Publication details: 
Munchen, Nov. 1910.

Card, 11 x 9cm. very good condition. Printed text as follows: "Herzlichen Dank fur den freundlichen Gluckwunsch* [by his hand], der mich sehr erfreut hat. | Munchen | Nov. 1910." Written by him: "Paul Heyse *und das schone schone [Gedrint?]!"

[E. Temple Thurston, Anglo-Irish author.] Autograph Letter Signed to his (American?) publisher 'Jewett', discussing his literary affairs and his plans for future writing.

E. Temple Thurston [Ernest Temple Thurston] (1879-1933), Anglo-Irish author
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gellibrands, Horn Hill, Chalfont St. Peter. 7 November 1914.

4pp., 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. He begins: 'No - I am not going to write the sequel to The City [his 1909 book 'The City of Beautiful Nonsense'] - but I am now hard at work on a book that is going to give me more pleasure to do than anything I have done yet. It is all laid in Ireland - which I have not written of for some years - & I believe will be as interesting to read as it is engrossing to me to write.' He asks him to 'go & see my play "Driven" when Johnson does it - some time this month in New York - & let me know - in

Autograph Card Signed "P. Loti", French author ["to A . Chasserian", (publisher?)pencil note]

Pierre Loti, French novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Card, 11.5 x 9cm, vestiges of laying down in corners of verso, good condition. "J'ai été obligé de changer mes petits places de voyage. Voulez-vous aussi chamger les votres et venir mercredi au lieu de Vendredi. |Amitié[ ...]"Note in another hand on verso: "Autograph of Pierre Loti, Académician, officier in the French Navy (real name Viaud) author of Pecheur d'Islande, Fantomes d'Orient, etc. | Given me by M. Arthur Chasserian to whom it was addressed, Decr/92."

Autograph Letter Signed from the journalist and author Peter Bayne to an unnamed recipient, stating that he cannot try his hand 'on Byron or Browning [...] without more chance of continuous work'.

Peter Bayne [pseud. Ellis Brandt] (1830-1896), English journalist and author
Publication details: 
33 St. Julian's Road, Kilburn, London N.W. 30 November 1881.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'My Dear Sir, | I ought to have thanked you sooner for your kind note of the 21st., but I have been much occupied. It would be pleasant for me to try my hand on Byron or Browining, but I could not dare do so without more chance of continuous work than I can hope for at present.'

Five Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Alex Comfort' and four 'Alex C') from the poet and sexologist Alex Comfort to John Rogers, regarding poetry, including a discussion of whether poetry is 'finding a language in England, rather than losing one!'

Alex Comfort [Alexander Comfort] (1920-2000), poet, novelist, doctor and sexologist
Publication details: 
Three from Havengrove, Tudor Road, Barnet; one on letterhead of Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, and another on letterhead of the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London. All undated [c.1942]

Item One: From Havengrove. On reverse of printed 12mo prospectus for the first issue of 'Poetry Folios' magazine (which appeared in 1942), edited by Comfort and Peter Wells. 1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He thanks him for his letter. 'It is appreciation of this kind that makes one want to go on writing. [...] I wish I could meet you.' Item Two: From Havengrove, on letterhead of 'Poetry Folios'. Undated. 2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-creased and aged paper.

Autograph Signature ('Teignmouth Shore') of the journalist and author W. Teignmouth Shore, cut away from a typed letter.

W. Teignmouth Shore [William Teignmouth Shore] (1865-1932), British journalist and author
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 20.5 cm. rectangle, cut from the base of a 4to leaf. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, laid down on piece of cream card. Reads: 'With all Good Wishes, | Yours sincerely, | [signed] Teignmouth Shore | W. Teignmouth Shore Esq.'

[Manuscript] Memorandum of an Agreement [with Henry S. King, publisher, for her "new novel", 'Felicia'], signed "M. Betham-Edwards

Matilda Betham-Edwards, novelist
Publication details: 
[London], 25 July 1873

Two pages, sm. folio, fair condition, giving details of an advance and the holding of the copyright of "The Sylvesters" if they should decide not to go ahead and want their money back. Minor change apparently initialled "HSK" [= King].

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Campbell') from Thomas Campbell, editor of the New Monthly Magazine, to fellow Scottish poet Allan Cunningham, introducing his 'Cousin and friend Mr Gray of Glasgow'.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish poet and editor of the New Monthly Magazine [Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author]
Thomas Campbell
Publication details: 
10 Seymour Street West, London; 3 September [no year].
Thomas Campbell

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper, wtih two small unobtrusive closed holes to the paper. Placed in narrow paper windowpane border. The letter reads 'My dear Cunningham | This will be delivered to you by my Cousin & friend Mr Gray of Glasgow - He is ambitious of paying his respects to you - I need say no more - I am sure that you will soon be good acquaintances - With the greatest regard | Believe me | Yours truly | [signed] T. Campbell'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mary H. Catherwood') from the novelist Mary Hartwell Catherwood to her publisher Charles F. Chichester of the Century Company, requesting correction of statement 'according to "White Islander" contract'. With two portraits.

Mary Hartwell Catherwood (1847-1902), American author of historical romances, mostly set in set in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois [Charles F. Chichester, Treasurer of the Century Company, New York]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but answered by Chichester on 1 January [1883].

1p., 12mo. Very good, within thin paper windowpane mount. She writes 'Dear Mr. Chichester:- | I return statement. Please have it corrected according to "White Islander" contract, and send me the check early in February. And I shall be obliged.' Docketed by Chichester 'Ansd. 1. 30' and 'Corrected State. sent | Sent Ck $186.66'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'F M Peard') from the Victorian author Frances Mary Peard to the wife of the London solicitor Robert Cole, FSA, regarding the physical condition and situation of 'the Signora', 'Mme Sineo [Sineo-Benaducci?]'.

Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author [Robert Cole, FSA, London solicitor and autograph collector; Madame Sineo-Benaducci]
Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author
Publication details: 
Letter One: 7 June [1880s?]; Sparnon, on deleted letterhead of Meadfoot Lodge, Torquay. Letter Two: without date or place.
Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author

Both items in good condition on aged paper. A dramatic, almost novelistic correspondence, regarding 'the Signora' (named in the second letter as 'Mme Sineo', who is staying at her house in Torquay and is apparently too frail to return to her London house. Letter One: Docketed 'No 1'. 12mo, 4 pp. Peard states that she has not 'written of late about the Signora. She has got fairly well again, but she does not seem to us fit to return to London, & I hear that her doctor does not think she ever will be fit.

Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist, detective story writer, to E.H. Broad[b?] ridge [employee of literary agency?], about A Maker of Fortunes. [short story?]

J.S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher] (1863 - 1935) , British journalist and writer.
Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist,
Publication details: 
[Partly headed] 7 St Mary's Terrace, Paddington, W. [London], 28 Sept. 1911
Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist,

Two pages, 12mo, remnants of album page to which attached formerly, good condition. I will write to you definitely about teh serial early next week. Do you think you could either get me a cheque for 'A Maker of Fortunes' [not traced], or get Mr Colles [literary agent] to discount the sale to me on the usual terms? I should be much obliged if you could, for I have to find a good deal of money on Saturday & this would help. ...

Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley to the actor C. Kenneth Benda, concerning the rights to his book 'Trent's Last Case', and a proposal by Benda for a stage adaptation.

Nicolas Bentley [Nicolas Clerihew Bentley (1907-1978)], British author and illustrator [C. Kenneth Benda (1902-1978), British actor]
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
10 June 1966; on Bentley's letterhead, 7 Hobury Street, Chelsea.
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley

4to, 1 p. 19 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper, with strip of sunning to left-hand margin. Neat signature: 'Nicolas Bentley'. The film and television rights to the book were all 'bought some years ago by Herbert Wilcox, who, as I understand it, still owns them'. Bentley has reports the opinion of 'Messrs A. P. Watt, my late father's agent', on the question of the radio rights. 'I control the stage rights', Bentley states, giving the conditions on which he would agree to a stage adaptation.

[Pamphlet/Offprint[?]] Three Cases of Tetanus, in which "Woorara" was used.

T. Spencer Wells, Lecturer on Surgery, Surgeon
T. Spencer Wells, medical pamphlet
Publication details: 
No place or date.
T. Spencer Wells, medical pamphlet

Pp.[1]-16, 8vo, disbound, numbered "13" in pencil, fold mark, spine showing wear, mainly good condition, inscribed "John Clay Esq | with the Author's | Kind regards".

Autograph Letter Signed to "Dr [John?] Bowring". 5 Millman Street, London.

Thomas Dick Lauder.
Publication details: 
Relugas, 15 June 1830.

Author (see DNB). Six pages, 4to, with hole and chip causing small loss of text, some staining, pahes attached at margin, obscuring a word or two, text clear. Profuse thanks for his "kind letter from the canal" and a later note and present. He enjoyed his short visit, regretting the loss of a day when he attended "the wrangling of a dull county meeting". More on his enjoyment of his company, and hope that he'll fulfil his promise to visit again. He goes on: "A change . . .

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') to George R. Graham, editor of Graham's Magazine.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), American clergyman and author, Secretary of State of New York [George R. Graham (1813-1894), Philadelphia publisher]
Publication details: 
New York April' [no date].

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf. Good, on aged paper. In a hurried hand, with numerous corrections. Relating to the publication of 'articles of poetry from a lady'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [L. Williams](an artist).

Barbara Hofland.
Publication details: 
Holborn, Postmark [1833?]

Novelist (1770-1844)(DNB). One page, 4to, bifoliate (blank except for Williams' name and address), some marking but text clear and complete. "I am much pleased with the design inclosed but have to observe that I think the tall boy a little too tall and that his trousers have more the look of a young sailor than those of e gentleman - the farmer boy is excellent - the lake scene very prettty and the whole satisfactory. I had great pleasure in naming you as an artist of great promise to Mr Newman who does a great deal of business & is a very worthy man and good judge of art . . . N.B.

Autograph letters signed (x 6) to Ralph Lewis, author of "Scene in Sussex: a fresh look at the county" and others

Esther Meynell
Publication details: 

Author. She discusses work in progress (the County Book Sussex), past work (on Lincoln), Lewis's writings and activities, the effects of the War, and life in Ditchling, especially her "new-old cottage". In the final letter there is a postscript: "Yes, Edward Johnston is a loss - he wrote the best book there is on Lettering & was a real master-craftsman in his own line". [Johnston had followed his pupil , Eric Gill, to Ditchling.] Six items,

Autograph note signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Flora Annie Steel
Publication details: 
no date

Novelist (1847-1929). She is obviously writing to an editor of a periodical saying: "The terms are lower than I get elsewhere, but as you ask me to write on a subject for which I am desirous of the widest possible audience I will write you an essay of 4,000 to 4,200 words for your October number; that is, you shall have it on Sept.6." Her postscript: "I seldom find it necessary to type my manuscript".

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Wedderburn; and Autograph Note to Mr and Mrs G. Wedderburn.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
Letter, 13 February [no year or place]; Note, 23 March [no year], 133 George Street [Edinburgh].

LETTER: One page, 12mo. Good, on aged, creased paper, with trace of stub on blank verso. Crest at head. 'It will give my brother & me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation for Tuesday evening the 16th. - I dine that day with Lady Sempill which will make me later than I should wish, but I hope to reach your house soon after 10'. NOTE: One page, 12mo, good, with fraying at head and traces of mount adhering to blank verso. A formal note written in the third person. 'Miss Catherine Sinclair will be happy to have the honor of accepting Mrs. Wedderburns & Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Emma Roberts, author, inc. "Hindustan" (1845).
Publication details: 
[19 Decr 1827 - date entered in pencil in another hand]

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. She explains why she can't fulfil his wish that she receive his guests but looks forward to a visit to "Craven Street"., only postponed. Hhe has "written to Mr Pickering [publisher?] according to your instructions and shall feel obliged by the exertion of your influence in my behalf with him." She claims to be writing in great haste.

Part of Autograph Note, third person, to Richard Bentley, publisher.

Maria Edgeworth
Publication details: 
Edgeworthtown, 11 Nov. 1833.

Part of letter, c. 4 x 4",somewhat roughly trimmed with loss of bottom half of text. Surviving text as follows: Miss Edgeworth informs Mr Bentley that by some mistake in the way of sending the packet containing the proof sheet of Helen it came by mail coach & cost 9/10 - / To avoid similar mistakes in future" [text ends]. Bentley published "Helen" in 1834.

Parts of two letters, one from George Bentley, publisher, to Montgomery, the other vice versa.

Florence Montgomery
Publication details: 
One dated 25 April (no year).

Novelist (1843-1923). Both scraps laid down on 8vo-sized page. George Bentley says " . . . & I find this commodity scarce already./Truly Yrs / George Bentley". Montgomery says " . . . Believe me /Truly Yrs/ Florence Montgomery".

Autograph Note Signed "Josephine Preston Peabody (Mrs Lionel Marks)" to The Four Seasons Company, publishers.

Josephine Preston Peabody.
Publication details: 
192 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass., 8 Jan. 1916.

American children's author, etc. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I beg to enclose my subscription to 'The Poetry Journal' for 1916."

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Locker.

Mrs Elizabeth Charles [nee Rundle] (1828-1896), English author
Publication details: 
Thursday | Combe Edge | Hampstead Heath'.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with some light glue stains on reverse, to which a small printed strip giving a printed list of Mrs Charles's works is attached. 'I was hoping to hear your boy was better - & I am very glad he is - thanks - but I am engaged on Thursday, & for some little time to come - so many people from all quarters coming just now & I hope you may be able to come & see me before very long'. Signed 'Bettie Charles'.

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