
[?A bright, particular star?: Evelyn Laye, English actress and singer.] Typed Letter Signed, with some manuscript text, informing Kenneth [Sephton] that she has planted the lucky shamrock he sent her.

Evelyn Laye (1900-1996), English actress and singer, who began her career as one of George Edwardes' 'Gaiety Girls'
Publication details: 
25 November [1969]. From the Palace Theatre, London.

In his entry on Laye in the Oxford DNB, Sheridan Morley describes her as a ?bright, particular star?. 1p, 12mo, on grey-blue paper with monogram of her initials printed at top left. The letter concerns the 1969-70 Palace Theatre production of ?Phil the Fluter?, in which she played Mrs Fitzmaurice. Addressed to ?Dear Kenneth? and with good firm signature ?Evelyn Laye?. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. She thanks him for the letter and ?the lovely Shamrock?, which she has planted ?in a little pot, as it was so very thoughtful of you to sentd it to me for Good Luck?.

[Geraldine McEwan, distinguished English actress on stage, screen and television.] Autograph Inscription Signed to menu for Gallery First Nighters? Club luncheon in honour of Prunella Scales and Timothy West.

Geraldine McEwan [born Geraldine McKeown] (1932-2015), distinguished English actress on stage screen and television [Timothy West and Prunella Scales; The Gallery First Nighters? Club]
Publication details: 
Luncheon by the Gallery First Nighters? Club on 24 April 1994, at the London Marriott Hotel.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. A nice item, printed on shiny card. Bifolium folding to 21 x 14.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged. On the front is a photograph of Scales and West by Jane Bohn. On reverse of first leaf is the menu, on recto of second the ?Toast List?, and the verso of the second a list of officers. McEwan?s inscription, in a good firm hand is at top left of the menu. It reads: ?With Best Wishes / Geraldine / McEwan?. From the papers of Kenneth Sephton. See Image.

[Bernard Braden, Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly.] Typed Letter Signed to Ken Sephton, with reminiscences inspired by his autobiography.

Bernard Braden [Bernard Chastey Braden] (1916-1993), Canadian actor and broadcaster, married to Barbara Kelly (1924-2007)
Publication details: 
21 November 1990. On his letterhead, 5 Kidderpore Avenue, London, N.W.3.

Braden features prominently in his wife?s entry in the Oxford DNB, where it is stated that he ?deserves recognition not only for his extreme versatility, but for his major contribution to broadcasting by pioneering consumer television?. The letter concerns Braden?s autobiography ?The Kindness of Strangers? (1990). 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Twenty-five lines of text. Addressed to ?Dear Ken Sephton? and with good firm signature. ?Your letter made me feel very humble.

[?A bright, particular star?: Evelyn Laye, English actress and singer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Kenneth [Sephton], regarding a broadcast she has given.

Evelyn Laye (1900-1996), English actress and singer, who began her career as one of George Edwardes' 'Gaiety Girls'
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

In his entry on Laye in the Oxford DNB, Sheridan Morley describes her as a ?bright, particular star?. 1p, 16mo.Good firm signature. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. On the otherwise-blank reverse is Laye's monogram, with her initials. Reads: 'My dear Kenneth. / Thank you for your very sweet letter[.] I am so delighted you liked the broadcast[.] It brought back many happy memories to me & when I sat & listened to it all alone I must say I longed for the past. / Bless you. / Evelyn Laye.' From the papers of Kenneth Sephton.

[Angela Lansbury, Hollywood actress, star of TV series ?Murder, She Wrote?.] Typed Card Signed to Kenneth [Sephton], stating that 'the show' ['Gypsy', at the Piccadilly Theatre'] has ?turned into more of a success than I could have ever hoped for?.

Angela Lansbury [Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury] (1925-2022), stage and screen actress, born in Britain of partly Irish extraction, who settled in America and starred in the TV series ?Murder, She Wrote'
Publication details: 
9 July 1973. [London.]

On one side of 15 x 10 cm grey-blue card, with facsimile of her signature at the head. Addressed to ?Dear Kenneth?, and with bold stylish signature at bottom right. The subject of the letter is the Piccadilly Theatre production of ?Gypsy?, which had opened a few days before on 29 May 1973. She thanks him for his ?kind letter?, adding ?Thank god you were right about the show and it has turned into more of a success than I could have ever hoped for.? She is sorry he couldn?t attend the first night, as ?it was a good show and I know you would have enjoyed it?.

[Ruby Miller, actress, one of the ‘Gaiety Girls’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Popie’ (the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope), regarding BBC TV, ‘the Gaiety fiasco’ and ‘Gaiety Girls who married out of the peerage & retired into the country’.

Ruby Miller [Ruby Laura Rose Miller] (1889-1976), actress, one of George Edwardes' 'Gaiety Girls' [W. J. MacQueen-Pope [‘Popie’] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
16 July 1957; on her letterhead.

See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Ruby’. Begins: ‘Popie, darling, / What are we coming to? / You - as a pierrot with the “Fol-de-Rols”! / BBC/TV must be mad not to let you do a talk on the St. James’s. / But after the Gaiety fiasco I can believe anything of them.

[Angela du Maurier, actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier.] Two chatty Autograph Letters Signed to Eileen Cond, autograph collector, discussing among other things her ‘Pekes’, and with reference to her sister ‘Jeanne’.

Angela du Maurier [Angela Busson du Maurier] (1904-2002), actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier, daughter of Sir Gerald du Maurier and grand-daughter of George du Maurier [Eileen Cond]
Publication details: 
5 March [no year] and 11 May [no year]. Both with letterhead of Ferryside, Bodinnick-by-Fowey, Cornwall.

For information about Angela and her sister Jean, one must turn to Michael Williams, ‘The Three du Maurier Sisters’ (2012), as neither are even named in their father’s and sister’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984), was an enthusiastic autograph collector. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. On light-blue paper with the same design of letterhead. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Cond’ and both signed ‘Angela du Maurier’. ONE (5 March): 2pp, 4to.

[Greer Garson, Hollywood star.] Autograph Note Signed, acknowledging the ‘nice letter’ of ‘Miss Cond’ (the autograph collector Eileen Cond).

Greer Garson [Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson] (1904-1996), English film actress and singer, Hollywood star [Eileen Cond, autograph collector]
Publication details: 
[No date.] Globe Theatre, London W1.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, small 4to. On laid light-brown paper. In good condition, with fold for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Cond, / Your nice letter was mislaid in my flitting from the Whitehall to the Victoria Palace, hence the delay in acknowledging it. / Many thanks for your good wishes / Sincerely / Greer Garson.’ Eileen Cond was an enthusiastic autograph collector.

[Dorothy Tutin [Dame Dorothy Tutin], Shakespearian actress.] Autograph Card Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope, with typed article by him (‘Star in Spite of Herself’), his typed interview notes, and carbon of typed letter from him to Sir Andrew Caird.

Dorothy Tutin [Dame Dorothy Tutin] (1930-2001), English Shakespearian actress [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960); Sir Andrew Caird of Lord Northcliffe’s Associated Newspapers; RADA]
Publication details: 
ONE: Her ACS to MP, from Wyndham’s Theatre, postmarked London, 6 October 1953. TWO: Copy of TL from MP to Caird, 13 October 1953. The other two items without date or place, but contemporaneous.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. Caird was Northcliffe’s right-hand man, and mainly associated with the Daily Mail. The four items are in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight rust spotting from a paper clips. Items Two to Four are on carbon paper. ONE: ACS from Tutin to MP. Small unillustrated postcard, signed ‘Dorothy Tutin’. Reads: ‘I remember you very well - your fascinating letures at the Academy [i.e. London theatre school RADA, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art] - and shall be very happy to meet you for this article.

[Ellaline Terriss, Edwardian actress and singer.] Four items of Autograph Correspondence with theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), comprising three letters and one card, all signed ‘Ella’.

Ellaline Terriss [born Mary Ellaline Lewin] (1871-1971), Edwardian actress and singer, wife of Seymour Hicks and daughter of William Terriss [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ONE: 28 December 1950; 36 Lauderdale Mansions, Maida Vale [London]. TWO: [1956.] THREE: ‘Tuesday’; with letterhead of The Old Rectory, Frimley, Aldershot, Hants. FOUR: Post Card with Frimley postmark, 8 July 1957; Frimley letterhead of ‘Lady Hicks'.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See both their entries in the Oxford DNB. The four items in good condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight spotting to one corner of Item. Folded for postage. ONE: ALS dated 28 December 1950. 2pp, 12mo. Before sending seasonal greetings she begins: ‘My dear Popie / I returned home to find your wonderful book waiting for me.

[Hutin Britton, Shakespearian actress.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to theatre historian, one written following the death of her husband, Canadian actor-manager Matheson Lang.

Hutin Britton [Nellie Hutin Britton], English Shakespearian actress, wife of Canadian actor-manager Matheson Lang (1879-1948) [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ONE: 28 April 1948; from the Marine Hotel, Hastings, Barbados, British West Indies. TWO: 15 October 1951; on letterhead of 11 Reddington Road, Hampstead, NW3 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers.. See his entry, and that of Matheson Lang, in the Oxford DNB. As the latter states, Britton and Lang had married in 1903 (she had been an actress with him in the Benson company since 1901). They toured together in Lang’s company, with Britton usually as his leading lady. ‘In 1914 they helped to inaugurate Shakespeare productions at the Old Vic under Lilian Baylis, for which Lang personally lent costumes and scenery.’ Britton was for many years a member of the Old Vic's governing board. Both items are signed ‘N. Matheson Lang’. ONE: ALS, 28 April 1948.

[Julia Emilie Neilson, actress and theatre manager with her husband Fred Terry.] Two affectionate Typed Letters Signed to ‘Popie’ [the theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope], discussing her poor health, contentment in old age, and birthday.

Julia Emilie Neilson (1868-1957), actress and theatre manager with her husband Fred Terry (1863-1933) [W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope], theatre historian]
Publication details: 
7 July 1952 and 19 June 1953. Both from 4 Primrose Hill Road NW3 [London].

See her entry and that of Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Both with the valediction and signature in a large flowing hand, and the second letter also with an autograph postscript. Both are 1p, 4to, and folded three times. ONE (7 July 1952): Addressed to ‘Popie my dear’ and with autograph valediction ‘Yours always / Julia’. She has ‘not been too well for over a year’, and the previous year her ‘stupid heart did foolish things’, and she was ‘ordered to bed for six weeks or more’. She is still ‘not allowed to do too much’.

[Dame Ellen Terry.] Autograph Note Signed (‘Ellen Terry:’), announcing that she has ‘found it!’

Ellen Terry [Dame Alice Ellen Terry] (1847-1928), leading English actress of the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods
Publication details: 
7 December 1897; on letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Manchester.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, and in particular the section headed ‘A great actress’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Very nice letterhead with engraving of the imposing hotel. In her large, bold hand, the note reads: ‘I have found it! / & am so glad - / Hoping you are much better / Yrs. sincerely / Ellen Terry: / 7 December . 97:’.

[Maud Tree, actress and wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Le Blond’, regarding her efforts to stage a matinée, with reference to Sir Oswald Stoll, Sir Alfred Butt, George Grossmith and various London theatres.

Mrs Beerbohm Tree [Maud Tree; Lady Tree; born Helen Maud Holt] (1863-1937), actress, wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, mother of Viola Tree [Sir Oswald Stoll; Sir Alfred Butt; George Grossmith]
Publication details: 
Undated (after 1901). On letterhead of 7 Adam Street, Adelphi [London].

See the entries on the various members of the Tree family in the Dictionary of National Biography. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with pin holes to corner. Folded once. Good firm signature ‘Maud Tree’. She does not want her to think that she is ‘losing sight of the Sunday Matinée’. She had to wait for Sir Oswald Stoll’s answer, ‘& it was kind, but it said regretful No’. She then wrote to Sir Alfred Butt ‘for the Palace or the Empire. His answer was also a sad No. - But now Mr. George Grossmith has offered me His Majestys or the Winter Garden.

[1920s ladies' fashion: Heather Thatcher, stage and screen actress and dancer.] Autograph Signature to Corrected Typescript of article ‘ “Dress To Suit Yourself.” / says Heather Thatcher / In an Exclusive Interview with Dorothy Owston-Booth.’

Heather Thatcher (1896-1987), stage and screen actress and dancer whose Russian-designed costumes caused a sensation in the 1920s [Dorothy Owston-Booth (b.1889), journalist;1920s ladies’
Publication details: 
No date or place. [London. 1920s.]

An excellent bold and sprawling signature ‘Heather Thatcher’ at the end of a carbon typescript of a 1920s article from an unascertained source, with a few minor corrections in pencil. 3pp, 4to. Fifty-nine lines of text, on three leaves attached with a slightly rusty paperclip. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Begins: ‘ “Luckily, fashion for this autumn and winter are going to be varied; so every woman will be able to find something to suit her own particular type,” said lovely Heather Thatcher when she was showing me some of her new autumn dresses.

[Leatrice Joy, Hollywood star of the silent movie era.] Printed circular, in the form of a Typed Letter, with facsimile signature, responding to fan mail.

Leatrice Joy [Leatrice Johanna Zeidler] (1893-1985), Hollywood star of the silent movie era
Publication details: 
No date. From Hollywood, California. On her letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust stain from paperclip to one margin. The letterhead consists of a stylized vertical arrangement of the letters in the name ‘JOY’ at top left. The ‘signature’ is an extremely good facsimile in black ink.

[Elsa Shelley, American dramatist and actress.] Two Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, giving and asking for news, and announcing her approaching arrival in England.

Elsa Shelley (c.1903-c.1971), Russian-born American dramatist and actress, wife of producer Irving Kaye Davis (1900-1965) [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ONE: 7 December 1951; 685 West End Avenue, New York, on her letterhead. TWO: 15 December [1946?]; on Cunard Line letterhead of R.M.S. Mauretania.

See the recipient's entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters signed ‘Elsa’. ONE (7 December 1951): 1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. Thirty-eight lines of text. She received his letter while wishing to contact him, and wonders if this is a coincidence. ‘And my wanting to write you grew out of an intense yearning to be in London again’.

[‘Good old-timers’: Naomi Jacob, writer and actress, to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope.] Seven Typed Letters Signed (three ‘Mickie’), with copies of two replies, discussing Marie Lloyd, Bernard Dillon, Julian Wylie, Ivor Novello, ENSA, BBC.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob, pseudonym ‘Ellington Gray’] (1884-1964), lesbian writer and actress [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Six of her letters, dating from between 1951 and 1956; all from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. The seventh letter dated 24 June [1945]; from Italy, with ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M. F.’

An entertaining and characteristic correspondence. See both their entries in the Oxford DNB. The nine items (seven by Jacob and two by Macqueen-Pope) are in fair overall condition, with all text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclips, and minor wear to edges. All folded for envelopes. The first seven of the nine following entries are NJ’s letters (the last four of which are addressed to ‘My dear Popie’), the last two the copies of MP’s. ONE: 24 June [1945]. ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M.

[Mabel Constandurous, star and writer of BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to her agent ‘Miss Booth', discussing the success of her radio work, a fan letter from Compton Mackenzie, future engagements.

Mabel Constanduros [Mabel Tilling] (1880-1957), commedienne and playwright, who wrote and starred in the BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’
Publication details: 
Neither item dated (but both after 1928). The first without place, the second on letterhead of Belhaven, Cornwall Road, Sutton.

According to Barry Took’s entry on Constanduros in the Oxford DNB, ‘The Buggins Family’ was ‘the first radio family’, and she played all six parts, writing and performing in more than 250 episodes between and 1928 and 1948: ‘The popularity of the family was such that the Ministry of Food used Mrs Buggins to broadcast recipes during the Second World War.’Constanduros is also credited with having written more than one hundred plays. The recipient of these two letters, 'Miss Booth', is clearly her agent. Two items, the first in good condition and the second fair, on lightly discoloured paper.

[Dame Anna Neagle [Florence Marjorie Wilcox], English star of stage and film.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Lazenby’ concerning photographs and a party.

Anna Neagle, stage name of Dame Florence Marjorie Wilcox [née Robertson] (1904-1986), English star of stage and film
Publication details: 
22 January 1938; from the London Palladium.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with a few light creases and two punch-holes to inner margin. Good large signature (‘Anna Neagle.’) in black ink. She thanks him for his letter and kindness in sending the photographs: ‘I think they are excellent.’ She is glad that she was ‘able to get along to the Party’, and thanks him ‘and the Committee’ for making her visit so pleasant.

[Lilian Gish, greatest Hollywood actress of the silent era.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Miss Murchison’, on a visit to England, praising ‘the courage and uncomplaining patience’ of its ‘brave’ people during the ‘long and dreadful’ years of war.

Lillian Gish (1883-1993), greatest Hollywood actress of the silent era, ‘The First Lady of American Cinema’
Publication details: 
6 August 1946; on letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, London.

2pp, 12mo. Twenty-one lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Lilian Gish’. Begins: ‘Dear Miss Murchison, | I was so touched by your very sweet letter which was handed to me by the BBC just before we went on the air. / It is heartwarming to come back to England after these long and dreadful years and find that our film friends have not forgotten us.

[Ruby Miller, actress.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all ?Ruby?) to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (?Popie?), expressing great grief at the death of Ivor Novello, whose spirit form she describes seeing at his memorial performance at Drury Lane.

Ruby Miller [Ruby Laura Rose Miller] (1889-1976), English actress, one of the ?Gaiety Girls? [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian; Ivor Novello, actor, composer and matin?e idol]
Publication details: 
14 March, 6 April and 8 October 1951; all three from 57B York Street, Baker Street, W1 [London].

See the entries for writer and recipient in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged, with the last carrying minor rusting from paperclip. ONE: 3pp, 8vo. She got his office number from ?Mrs. Popie?, ?but the line has been busy all the time?. She asks for ?a pass for darling Ivor?s [i.e. Ivor Novello?s] memorial service?. The previous week she was ?playing at the Regent Theatre, Hayes, & on the Monday night I was weighed down by a dreadful foreboding of disaster?.

[Julia Neilson, actress and manager with her husband Fred Terry.] Autograph Letter Signed and four Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope (?Popie?), one inviting him to a meeting, others thanking him for his attentions.

Julia Neilson [Julia Emilie Neilson] (1868-1957), actress and manager with husband Fred Terry, associated with W. S. Gilbert, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Haymarket [W. J. MacQueen-Pope, theatre historiian]
Publication details: 
ALS: 1 March 1949. TLsS: 19 June 1949, 20 June 1950, 26 June 1951 and 28 June 1955. All five from 4 Primrose Hill Road, NW3 [London].

See her entry and that of her husband Fred Terry (1863-1933), brother of Dame Ellen Terry, and of the recipient of these letters W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), the foremost British theatre historian of the twentieth century, in the Oxford DNB. The seven items (Neilson?s five letters and carbon copies of two typed letters to her from Macqueen-Pope) are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. The first letter is signed ?Julia Neilson-Terry? and the other four ?Julia?. The first is addressed to ?Mr Macqueen Pope? and the others to ?Popie?. ONE: ALS, 1 March 1949. 3pp, landscape 12mo.

[‘Mademoiselle Rachel’ [Elisabeth Félix], celebrated French actress.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rachel') to ‘Madame Goreau’, about getting the Comte de Noailles or Marquis of Normanby to help in getting fabrics for costumes to Paris from London.

‘Mademoiselle Rachel’ [Elisabeth Félix] (1821-1858), French actress of Jewish extraction, mistress of Napoleon III and others [Comte de Noailles; Marquis of Normanby]
Publication details: 
7 October 1847; no place [Paris?].

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Folded three times. In fair good condition, lightly browned. 36 lines, sloping upwards and written in an untidy hand, which renders the following report somewhat tentative. Signed ‘Rachel’. In French. She has been so busy since the resumption of the ‘théâtre français’ that she is only now able to tackle the need to get her ‘étoffes’. She reports that the ‘Comte de Noailles’ is in London, and asks the recipient, who also appears to be there, to go again to the embassy to ask him to send by two or three packets what she needs to make ‘mes robes’.

[Sybil Thorndike, celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan'.] Autograph Letter Signed to Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, explaining that 'pressure of work' will prevent her from acting as steward at Guildhall anniversary banquet.

Sybil Thorndike [Dame Agnes Sybil Thorndike] (1882-1976), celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan', noted for her Shakespearian roles
Publication details: 
23 June 1921. 'Little Theatre | Adelphi | W.C. [London]'

1p, 8vo. Fifteen lines of text, in green ink. In fair condition, lightly aged, folded twice, with short closed tear to edge of one crease. Signed 'Sybil Thorndike'. Although 'deeply gratified', her 'present duties' will detain her 'at the Theatre every evening until 11 o/c', so that she will not be able to 'act as a Steward at the Anniversary of the Royal Literary Fund at the Guildhall, next Wednesday'.

[Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble], actress.] Typescript, with a few autograph emendations, of commencement of a radio talk [given in Argentina?], telling stories about George Moore and George Bernard Shaw from her autobiography 'Myself and My Friends'.

Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble] (1875-1960), actress associated with Bernard Shaw and her husband Harley Granville-Barker [Leslie Mead, Director, Argentine Association of British Culture, Buenos Aires]
Publication details: 
[After the publication of her autobiography in 1933. Argentina?]

Carbon typescript. 4pp, 4to. Paginated 1-4. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping to edges. The text concerns George Moore and Bernard Shaw, but the introduction suggests that this is the start of a longer piece: 'I will give Mr. Mead, who has done such fine work and who has been so energetic in developing the work of the Associacion de Cultura Inglesa, the full particulars of the E. V. S. A., [i.e. English Verse Speaking Association] and I hope that you will all become Members.' | Mr.

[Joyce Grenfell, comedian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joyce Grenfell') to 'Mr Chipp', gracefully explaining her reasons for having to refuse for a second time his 'kind invitation'.

Joyce Grenfell [Joyce Irene Grenfell, née Phipps] (1910-1979), comedian, monologist, actress and singer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Flat 8, 34 Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea, SW10 [London]. 27 May 1960.

1p, 16mo. In fair condition, folded once, with two punch holes at margin, one affecting a word of text. She states that it is kind of him to ask her again, and she feels 'very churlish in having to say NO a second time', but her 'autumn-winter plans are complicated by a big concert tour & a lot of other [pro]bable dates', so she must reluctantly refuse his invitation.

[Marsha Hunt, Hollywood and Broadway actress.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marsha Hunt') to the English playwright Christopher Fry, describing her admiration for, and association with, his work, with reference to Richard Burton and Vincent Price.

Marsha Hunt [Marcia Virginia Hunt] (born 1917), Hollywood and Broadway actress [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Sherman Oaks, California. 28 February 2005.

3pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. A long and entertaining letter, beginning: 'Dear Mr. Fry, | Probably late in 1949, in a New York City duplex living room, two married couples lay prone on the floor, fanned out around a single copy of “The Lady's Not for Burning”, the better to read aloud all its colorful roles. The couples were Alfred Drake (with whom I had played the previous season in my first Broadway play), his wife, my writer husband [i.e. Robert Presnell Jr] and I.

[Marie Lohr, Australian film and stage actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Marie Löhr') to 'Miss Johnson'

Marie Lohr [Marie Löhr] (1890-1875), Australian film and stage actress
Publication details: 
Bexhill-on-Sea postmark; 27 August 1920.

Postcard with printed stamp. In good condition, on aged paper. Address by her to 'Miss Johnson [identified in pencil as Isa Johnson] | 23 Weltje Road | Hammersmith | London - W'. The card reads: 'My thanks for your letter - I am sorry I did not see you to speak to the other day. I hate leaving here in next few days it has done me such a lot of good.'

[Mary Zimbalist, film actress and disciple of Krishnamurti.] Collection of 28 letters and cards to playwright Christopher Fry, an intimate and affectionate correspondence on a number of topics.

Mary Taylor Zimbalist (1915-2008), actress, socialite, fashion model, activist and disciple of Krishnamurti, wife of film producer Sam Zimbalist (1901-1958) [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
From Brockwood Park, Bramdean, Hampshire, and Ojai, California. Between 1978 and 2008.

A total of twenty-eight items of correspondence, comprising: nineteen Autograph Letters Signed (two on the backs of cards), two Typed Letters Signed, and seven Autograph Cards Signed. In good condition. All signed 'Mary', and the large part addressed to 'Christopher', with a few to 'Kit' and one to 'Dear Phyl [i.e. Fry's wife Phyllis], dear Christopher'. The correspondence indicates a deep affection and long-standing intimacy.

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