
Autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Moscelles,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
"Monday" (no date or place).

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. One page, 12mo. She declines an invitation. "Dear Mrs. Moscelles / I am going out of town tomorrow for some days or I shd. have been delighted / Yrs very sincerely / Marie Bancroft". Removal from a mount has resulted to loss at the top of the leaf, and there are traces of glue and paper on the reverse.

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Ellen Kean (née Ellen Tree)
Publication details: 
docketed "22 May 1850", no place.

English actress (1806-80), wife of Charles John Kean (1811-68). One page, 12mo. "Sir/ / Under the sofa in our sitting room you will find a long narrow deal Box. [at least we left it there] it contains a roll of Pictures - will you oblige me by sending it properly directed to Mr. Kean 8 Torrington Square London and sent immediately / Ellen Kean". Cropped, with traces of previous mount on reverse.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent,

Julia Emilie Neilson
Publication details: 
no date, 4 Primrose Hill Road.

English actress (1868-1957), the wife of Fred Terry (1864-1932). 2 pp, 8vo, on blue paper. Intimate letter written in a large hand. "Darling - Yes the book arrived I do congratulate the way you've written & arranged the book. Delighted with it & everything about it: splendid / You would have heard before this only I've been rather ill with day & night nurses = even now I'm finding it difficult to recover my strength / I shall hope to see you in the new year & here is my love & good wishes from / your affectionate old / Julia".

Autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Weldon,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
"Monday" (no date), with embossment 31 Cavendish Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. 2 pp, 12mo. "Will you lunch with me on Wednesday at 2 oclock / You will meet a few nice people / Yrs sincerely / Marie Bancroft".

photograph signed to [?] Sarker,

Violet Vanbrugh (stage name of Violet Augusta Mary Bourchier, née Barnes)
Publication details: 
circa 1905?

English actress (1867-1942). A portrait photograph, 5¾ inches by 4 inches, from the studio of Ellis & Walery, 54a Baker Street. Inscribed "To Mr Sarker - / with every good wish / Violet Vanbrugh". She looks slightly to the left, apparently in costume, with short hair, earings, pearls, and an open necked shirt with lace sailor collar. The reverse of the mount carries the photographers' printed details with a reference number in pencil.

autograph note signed to Mr [?] Shaw,

Ellen Kean (nee Tree)
Publication details: 
6 July [no year], with letterhead 47 Queensborough Terrace, Kensington Gardens.

English actress (1806-80), wife of Charles John Kean (1811-68). "Dear Mr. Shaw / I have not forgotten the little girl and I want more books / I hope you are well through this weather / yours very sincerely / Ellen Kean". Negligible evidence of previous mounting.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Davis,

Julia Emilie Neilson
Publication details: 
"Thurs-day" [no date], with letterhead 1a Devonshire Street, Portland Place.

English actress (1868-1957), the wife of Fred Terry (1864-1932). 4pp, on two identical 12mo cards, both with the letterhead. "My dear Mrs Davis / I am so grieved to hear about the poor . I hope & trust it is not very serious & that they will get well very quickly what an anxiety for you all I am quite well thank you but am awfully sorry I I shall not be able to help you on the 22nd as I am dining out. With best love to you all / Yours sincerely / Julia Neilson" Both cards bear traces of previous mounting.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Smith,

Julia Emilie Neilson
Publication details: 
undated, 107 Bath Row.

English actress (1868-1957), the wife of Fred Terry (1864-1932). 4 pp, 8vo. She thanks her for her kind invitation, which she cannot accept as they are going back to London on the Sunday. "We are only giving a matinee at Wolverhampton & have to return to Birmingham to play at night / It was very sweet of you to ask us." Minor traces of previous mounting.

Autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Lewis,

Julia Emilie Neilson
Publication details: 
1 July [no year], with letternhead 1a Devonshire Street, Portland Place.

English actress (1868-1957), the wife of Fred Terry (1864-1932). 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Mrs Lewis / My mother & I will be delighted to accept your kind invitation on Friday afternoon / With kind regards / very truly yours / Julia Neilson". With traces of paper and glue from previous mounting on blank recto of second leaf.

Autograph letter signed to 'Mr. Gifford'.

Marie Lohr
Publication details: 
1 February 1928; on letterhead '8, DEVONPORT STREET, | HYDE PARK W.2.'

Anglo-Australian actress (1890-1975), connected with the Kendalls, Beerbohm-Tree, Bernard Shaw and a host of other figures from the London stage. Two pages, 12mo. Veryy good. Difficult hand. She has asked 'Mr. de Lion' about Gifford's play: 'he said he will try to make enquiries & let me know but I dont expect he will'. The rest appears to refer to relate to travel plans. Ends 'I beg you to forgive me.' Signed 'Marie Löhr'.

Autograph card signed,

Fay Compton
Publication details: 
no date, but circa 1920.

Actress (1894-1978). Card, on one side of which is printed, "30 CONDUIT ST / BOND STREET / W / TELEPHONE / 1923 / MAYFAIR / INSTEAD thanks / .... / for .... letter, and order for Photographs which are being proceeded with. / .... 192 ...." Over this, lengthwise and upwards, is the signature "Fay Compton", and above it an attempt at forgery, with the "Compton" reasonably convincing, but with "Fey" for "Fay". On the blank reverse another signature by Compton. The actress would appear to have provided these examples of her signature for copying onto her publicity photographs.

Typed note,

Marie Tempest (Dame Mary Susan Tempest)
Publication details: 

English actress (1866-1942). One page, 8vo, with green border and letterhead 55 Avenue Road, Regent's Park. A formal letter written in the third person, presumably on the death of her husband W. Graham Browne (1870-1937). "Miss Marie Tempest is deeply moved by your expression of sympathy. The letters and telegrams she has received have helped her more than she is able to say. There have been so many that she is unable to reply to them personally, but she hopes that you will realise all that your sympathy has meant in her great sorrow."

autograph letter signed to Ella [Davis],

Florence Terry
Publication details: 
23 August 1881, Theatre Royal, Oldham.

English actress (1855-96), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. 2 pp, 12mo. "You really must think me a pig for not having written to you all this time - but now I send these few lines to thank you first for your good wishes and congratulations on my engagement to Mr Morris & for kind remembrance of my birthday - The card was a very pretty one - I hope to be home after the 4th of next month - so I shall hope to see you before long now: It must be delightful on the Thames: With love and thanks to you & Alice Lewis for all your good wishes".

Autograph fragment signed,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
no date or place.

American-born actress (1842-1917). End of letter on mourning paper, now 12mo, signed in her married name. "Very truly yrs / Kate Crowe".

autograph letter signed to [Thomas] Bass,

Georgina Milne
Publication details: 
9 January 1913, New Theatre, Manchester.

Actress. 2 pp, 12mo. She thanks him for his letters and the handkerchiefs. "I am very glad you enjoyed "Kismet", it is indeed a fine play." She encloses a postcard [not present] and will let him have one of the photographs she is having taken.

Autograph letter signed to Miss M[ary]. H. Folkard,

Kate Josephine Bateman [Mrs George Crowe]
Publication details: 
18 November [1897], with letterhead 48 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Square.

American-born actress (1842-1917). 2 pp, 12mo, on mourning paper, in matching stamped envelope addressed in autograph "Miss M. H. Folkard / Wigram Ward / Kings Coll. Hospital / Lincoln's Inn Fields". "I am more than grieved to hear of yr. illness. What a long, long weary time you have had! May I go to see you on Sunday? I wd. love to go before - but I am teaching all day [at the theatre school she had founded in 1892] - & acting at night - & have not a minute before Sunday. My love to you dear friend - & Miss Daley's - / Your always affte. / Kate Crowe".

autograph letter signed to Sir Evelyn Wood,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
16 January 1896, 3 Ulster Terrace, on deleted letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. 2 pp, 8vo. "It was most kind of you to call & enquire after my little boy! I am thankful to say he is picking up rapidly the operation having been most successful However, my troubles are not at an end as the doctor tells me to-day that my eldest boy must undergo the same operation and has fixed next Saturday morning for the ordeal." She will bring her two youngest sons to dine with him on the Sunday, "if you are quite sure they wont worry you".

autograph card signed to Walter Wood,

Irene Vanbrugh (stage name of Irene Barnes)
Publication details: 
postmarked 14 July 1895 St. James Theatre.

English actress (1872-1949), made a Dame of the British Empire in 1941. Blue "letter card" with printed stamp, addressed in autograph to "Mr Walter Wood / 7 Theresa Terrace / Hammersmith". "Many thanks for your kind invitation for June 29th which I am very sorry to say we are unable to accept owing to a previous engagement for that day. We are very busy just now rehearsing for revivals, but later on I hope we shall meet again after all. It has been most unfortunate both times missing each other. With many regrets about the C G." With traces of paper and glue to reverse.

autograph letter signed to Thomas Bass,

Meredith Meredro
Publication details: 

Actress and singer. 3 pp, 12mo. She apologises for not answering sooner. She "will be in Manchester again this coming winter" and will send a photograph which she hopes he will like. "I dont dislike Manchester - for the week I was there - it didn't rain at all. Well I must close as I must get ready to sing."

autograph letter signed to Dorothy [?],

Irene Vanbrugh (stage name of Irene Barnes)
Publication details: 
25 April (no year), Globe Theatre.

English actress (1872-1949), made a Dame of the British Empire in 1941. 2 pp, 8vo. "Many thanks for your kind note. I shall be delighted to come down on Sunday May 28th. & stay till Monday afternoon. I may be rather a quiet sort of guest as this part is a great tax on me - but a day in the country with you sounds most tempting."

autograph fragment signed,

Marianne [Mary] Davies
Publication details: 

Singer (1744-1816?). Signature cut away from letter, 16mo. "[...] What is the date of the affair. / Every yours lovingly / Mary Davies".

autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Wood,

Irene Vanbrugh (stage name of Irene Barnes)
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 190 Earl's Court Road.

English actress (1872-1949), made a Dame of the British Empire in 1941. Headed "Wednesday" (no date), one page, 8vo. "Mr Sydney Brooks' address is / 2 Montpelier Square / S. W. / He is the cellist who is going to play at your concert. Yours in haste / Irene Vanbrugh".

autograph fragment signed to "- Bellamy, Esqr.",

Julia Glover
Publication details: 

English actress (1779-1850). Fragment of letter, 1 page, 8vo, signed "Julia Glover" and docketted "Mrs Glover of Drury Lane Theatre". Stuck to a torn piece of paper carrying the following biographical sketch: "Mrs Glover.

autograph fragment signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marion Terry
Publication details: 
no date or place.

English actress (1852-1930), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. Fragment of letter, one page, 16mo, of irregular shape. "[...] but I did & do wish you every success dear child & thank you so much for your sweet thoughts of me = / Yours with love / Marion Terry". Remains of mount to the blank reverse.

autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marion Terry
Publication details: 
no date or place.

English actress (1852-1930), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. One page, 12mo. Evidently in reply to a request for an autograph. "Yours truly / Marion Terry".

Typed letter signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
13 November 189<6>, with letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. "I much regret that owing to the many calls upon my time at present, I am unable to give you the information you require."

Autograph letters signed (x 2) and 1 autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
all undated, all with letterhead or embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. The first letter, to Lady Hayter, "Thursday" (no date), 2 pages, 8vo. "Shall you have any military music on Friday? If so, I should like to see the Trumpeter for I want him to play some calls during a recitation. I would run in between 3 & 4 some day just to have a little talk on the subject." The second letter, to an unnamed male correspondent, "Tuesday", 3 pp, 12mo. She thanks him for sending the stalls to the concert, but is sorry that she cannot attend because "Mr.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 31 Cavendish Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Sir Squire Bancroft (1841-1926). One page, 12mo. "A happy new year to you both / Marie Bancroft". Traces of previous mounting at head and foot of the page.

Autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. One page, 12mo. Written in a large hand, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "Do you like Sir?" / Act 1 / Marie Bancroft / October 8th 1879". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

autograph letter signed to Albert Case,

Alma Murray
Publication details: 
3 September 1902, with letterhead 49 Comeragh Road, West Kensington.

English actress (1854-1945). 2 pp, 12mo. "All my recitations are favorites just when I am reciting them - so the question you ask me is rather difficult to answer. - I love my work, so each bit of it has its special place in my heart. Sometimes - it may be a sad one or a merry one that I feel most devoted to. - The audiences help you at these moments & make special favorites for a few hours."

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