Interim Report of the Central Committee on Women's Employment

Central Committee on Women's Employment
Publication details: 
London: HMSO, `915.

42pp., folio, unbound as issued, stabbed, some marking of titlepage, contents fair, ex lib with small stamps on title.

Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald and to which are added Useful remarks [for the Mistress of a House].'

Mrs F. M. Macdonald [Victorian recipes; cookery; cholera]
Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald
Publication details: 
[Circa 1849.]
Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald

4to, 36 pp and a manuscript title-page. All texts clear and complete. Disbound (from a commonplace book?) and apparently complete. Fair, on aged, brittle gilt-edged paper, with a few closed tears (in particular to the last couple of leaves). The book is presumably in Mrs Macdonald's hand, and the only indication to her identity is the final note (see below), signed 'F. M. M.', which shows her to have been an educated member of the middle classes. Divided into three parts. The first part is 'Useful Remarks for the Mistress of a House' (25 pp, paginated from 1 to 23).

Typed Note Signed "J. Buchan" to Arthur Poyser, City of London Boy Scouts (first ever Troop by some accounts, inspired by Baden Powell's 1907 experiment), re-founder of the City of London Boy Players.

John Buchan, novelist, later Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor-General of Canada
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] Thomas Nelson and Sons Publishers, 5 November 1910

With printed pamphlet. Letter is one page, 12mo, tipped on to page extracted from personal album of Arthur Poyser, trimmed to fit a plastci envelope, with a small nick not affecting text, illustrating his career with the City of London Boy Scouts and the Boy Players (album offered separately). Buchan is only free for luncheon on the Wednesday but would be happy to discuss "the book" [the first "Scouts' Song Book" published in 1912) with him then.

Printed certificate ('Diploma'), completed in manuscript and signed by the Secretary James Tod, admitting William Murray of Henderland as a Member of the Society of Arts for Scotland.

[James Tod, Secretary, Society of Arts for Scotland; William Murray of Henderland; W. H. Lizars, engraver]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 22 January 1834.

Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Leaf dimensions 29 x 23.5 cm. Clear and complete. Grubby, and with closed tears to folds and slight damp staining. An attractive production. Ornate heading, with engraved portrait of Minerva in circular medallion (5.5 cm diameter) surrounded by laurel leaves, 'Drawn & Engd. by W. H. Lizars'. Text engraved in copperplate. Reads (with manuscript part in square brackets): 'Edinburgh [23d. January] 18[34,] | At a meeting of the Society held here on the [22d.

Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments, between the American, French, British, Italian and Japanese governments, signed by eleven of the plenipotentiaries, including three prime ministers (Macdonald, Briand and Wakatsuki).

J. Ramsay Macdonald; Aristide Briand; Reijiro Wakatsuki; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [London Naval Conference, 1930; Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments]
Publication details: 
London; 27 April 1930.

8vo, 34 pp + blank last page. Unbound and stapled. Fair, with central vertical fold, on slightly-aged paper, with light staining to the first and last pages. Signed on the first page by [three Americans] Henry L. Stimson; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [one French] Aristide Briand; [two British] J. Ramsay Macdonald; A. V. Alexander; [one Italian] Giuseppe Sirianni; [and all four Japanese representatives] Reijiro Wakatsuki; Takeshi Takarabe; Tsuneo Matsudaira and Matsuzo Nagai.

The Democrat. A Weekly Journal for Men and Women. [first issue]

William Saunders (1823-1895), newspaper publisher and editor and British Liberal politician [William George; Hackney]
Publication details: 
No. 1. Saturday, November 15, 1884. [Printed and Published for the Proprietors by J. C. DURANT, Clement's House, Clements Inn Passage, London, W.C.

Broadsheet, 8 pp. A single sheet, folded twice and unopened. No stapling. Text clear and complete, on aged and spotted paper (not high-acidity newsprint), with wear and chipping to extremities. Articles include 'The American Elections' by Henry George; ''The Crofter Revolt', and 'The "Pall Mall Gazette" Panic'. Also 'Metropolitan Constituencies No. I. - Hackney'. Scarce: no copy at the British Library (Colindale) and the only run on COPAC at the University of London.

Handbill headed 'An Appeal to Working Men and Women', pressing for 'the English law to protect your girls from being led into vice'.

Ellice Hopkins (1836-1904) and Emily Janes (d.1928), Honorary Secretaries, Ladies’ Associations for the Care of Girls
Publication details: 
January, 1885. 41, Great Russell-street, British Museum, W.C.

On both sides of a piece of paper, 19 x 11.5 cm. Seventy-seven lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Contrasts the law on the continent with that in England, where 'an unruly girl at any age can go on the streets, and the person who harbours her is not guilty of a greater crime than if she were a women [sic] of thirty or forty [...] Will you not help us heart and soul in getting our English girls, - your daughters, remember, - as carefully protected as Belgian and French girls?

Folio broadside ballad, illustrated with woodcut, entitled 'Patient Joe, or the Newcastle Collier.'

Z.' [Hannah More] [the Cheap Repository for Religious and Moral Tracts]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1795]. 'Sold by S. HAZARD, (PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Religious and Moral Tracts) at BATH; By J. MARSHALL, PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY, [...] and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, LONDON [...]'

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 45 x 27 cm. Dimensions of printing, including decorative border, 37 x 21.5 cm. Woodcut at head (between two vignettes) roughly 6 x 7.5 cm, showing two men with packs, one smoking a pipe, trudging across a field, with a dog in the foreground and what looks like a merry-go-round in the background. Clear and entire. With light water staining, but in good condition overall. The poem, attributed at the end to 'Z.' and announced as 'Entered at STATIONERS HALL', consists of seventy-two lines arranged in eighteen four-line stanzas over two columns.

Two copies of the typescript of a humorous poem titled 'Lines Written in Contemplation of the King's Bodyguard for Scotland 1937.'

T. B. S.' [T. B. Simpson; Thomas Blantyre Simpson (1892-1954), author and Sheriff of Perth and Angus] [The King's Bodyguard for Scotland]
Publication details: 
1937. [One copy headed in manuscript: 'From T. B. SIMPSON | 11/6/49.']

Each of the two typescripts is on one side of a piece of A4 paper. One is signed in type at end 'T. B.S.' and the other (which appears to be mimeographed) carries what is presumably Simpson's signature at head in the manuscript note: 'From T. B. SIMPSON | 11/6/49.' Text of each clear and complete, on creased and aged paper. Apart from the typed signature to the one copy, and the fact that one copy has square brackets and the other curved, the two texts are identical.

Autograph Signature ('John Dillon').

John Dillon (1851-1927), Irish politian, Parnellite Member of Parliament for County Tipperary, Home Rule activist and land reform agitator
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly 5.5 x 11.5 cm. Cut away from a letter for an autograph hunter. Laid down on a piece of paper removed from an album. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Reads '<...> | Yours sincerely | John Dillon'.

Corrected galley proofs headed '125783 - BOOKLET - ONE | Queensland's Breach of Contract.'

[Breach of Contract for Pastoral Leases in Queensland, Australia, 1923]
Publication details: 
In blue pencil at head '3. 12. 23 [3 December 1923] R. H. C.'

On one side each of five 46 x 14.5 cm slips of paper. Good: slightly aged and with rusting to staple. Begins 'Much comment having appeared in the Press during the last three years on the subject of a breach by the Government of Queensland of the contracts contained in the Pastoral Leases issued by that State, it is thought that a clear [altered from 'careful'] statement of the facts of the case would be useful to Bankers, Brokers and others having financial interests in Queensland. The facts of the case are set out in the following statement: - [...]'.

Two broadsheet songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' (words and music by MacColl, illustration by Audrey Seyfang) and 'Yankee Doodle' (words by MacColl, and illustration by 'Catchpole').

Ewan MacColl; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole' [Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam]
Publication details: 

Excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of either item appearing on COPAC or WorldCat. Both are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. In fair condition, with light creasing to extremities. Item One (on grey paper, with illustration by Audrey Seyfang): 'Oh, Brother, did you weep? | words and music by Ewan MacColl'.

Four illustrated broadsheets. Three with words and music, to songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' by MacColl; 'Lament of the Soldier's Wife', 'words: Claudi Paley'; and 'Nam Bo', 'by an American'. The fourth with McColl's words to 'Yankee Doodle'.

Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam [Ewan MacColl; Claudia Paley; Karl Dallas; Gordon McCulloch; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole'; English folk revival; sixties protest singers; Yankee Doodle]
Publication details: 

According to Karl Dallas (Morning Star, 16 November 2007) it was he who 'first mooted the idea' of an anti-Vietnam War 'campaign in the folk scene', with the 'singers' group' being formed by Dallas in conjunction with Ewan MacColl and Gordon McCulloch. The four items are excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of any of them appearing on COPAC. All are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. Each leaf is differently coloured. The items are in fair condition, dogeared and with light creasing and chipping to extremities.

Mauritius; Or, The Isle of France: Being an Account of the Island, Its History, Geography, Products, and Inhabitants.

Rev. Francis P. Flemyng [Mary Addison]
Publication details: 
[1862.] London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; Sold at the Depositories; 77, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; and by all booksellers. [London: R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers.]

12mo: xiv + 256 + [ii] pp. Detailed fold-out map of the island, in black, blue and pink. Frontispiece and seventeen illustrations. A tight copy on lightly-aged paper, in worn original embossed green cloth binding, gilt. Map creased and with short closed tear. A nice copy of an interesting little book, bearing the bookplate of the botanist Mary Addison, to whom it was presented, according to an inscription on the front free endpaper, by the Reverend J. Hoding on 30 August 1867. A few neat synoptic notes in the margin, presumably by Addison. Four-page SPCK catalogue at rear.

Handbill, with diagram, expounding the aims of the Society, headed 'Meetings along the Line of Docks'.

Society for the Taxation of Land Values, Liverpool [nineteenth-century land reform; Victorian radical socialism]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1900]. 'Printed by C. Tinling & Co., 53, Victoria Street, and Published by the Society for the Taxation of Land Values, 4, Preeson's Row, Liverpool.'

12mo bifolium (leaf dimensions 22 x 14 cm): 4 pp. Text clear and complete, on lightly-aged and grubby paper with wear to extremities. The first pages includes a section beginning 'Land in Liverpool has been sold at £226 the square yard; £1,093,840 an Acre! | PAY YOUR RENTS! and YOUR RATES!! | You must Pay them or be Put Out!!! | But when you pay, think what you are paying for: [...] The Liverpool Stock Exchange had to pay Three Shillings and Sixpence for every square inch of the land facing Exchange Street and corner of Dale Street. There are over 6 1/4 million square inches in an acre!

Four printed leaflets relating to the English League for the Taxation of Land Values.

The English League for the Taxation of Land Values [Frederick Verinder (1858-1948), General Secretary]
Publication details: 
All circa 1903. All 'Printed by Page & Pratt, Ltd., 22 St Andrew St., E.C.' [London].

All four items clear and complete, on aged paper with wear to the extremities of item one. Item One: 'Leaflet No. 1. English League for the Taxation of Land Values. Statement of Principles.' 12mo, 4 pp, on unbound bifolium. Headings include 'Objects of the League', 'Meaning of Land Values', 'The Taxation of Land Values would be just', 'The Taxation of Land Values would promote general prosperity and remove social evils'. Item Two: '[...] No. 3. The Taxation of Land Values: What it would do. 12mo leaflet, 2 pp.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Burns') to an unnamed male correspondent [the M.P. J. W. Logan?].

John Elliot Burns [John Burns] (1858-1943), Independent Labour Party Member of Parliament for Battersea
Publication details: 
28 August 1893; on parliamentary letterhead.

8vo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. On aged and spotted paper, laid down on a piece of card, and with the head of the letter (not affecting the text but causing the loss of the top half of the letterhead) worn away. Originally a 2-page 12mo bifolium, but with the text from the second page laid down below the first.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Webster'.

Jacob Bell (1810-1859), English pharmacist and Liberal Member of Parliament for St Albans
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; 13 Langham Place [London].

12mo: 2 pp. Sixteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with a strip from the previous mount adhering at the head of the reverse. Docketed in a contemporary hand 'Jacob Bell' and 'M. P. for St. Albans 1851.' He thanks him for taking the trouble to search 'the last document which fortunately is found much to my surprise in a store room in my own house'. He 'cannot account for the accident' and apologises once again.

Invoices and receipts.

[Bookbinders to the SPCK]
Publication details: 

Six items, invoices and receipts, 1835-1836, some revealing the spreading of the binding among different firms of "Military Prayers" [prob. John Parker Lawson, "The Military Pastor", a series of Practical Discourses addressed to soldiers, with prayers for the use of the sick published by J.W. Parker [pp. SPCK]]. Binders include: Camp [& Curtis][not in BBTI - William to 1831]; Eliza Camp [BBTI same address as William Camp for a time; BBTI]; Russell & Spencer; Joseph Smith [& Son] [not in BBTI]; F. Remnant.

Manuscript accounts, SPCK with Rivingtons.

[House of Rivington, publishers and booksellers]
Publication details: 

12pp., 4to, April 1829-March 1830, giving a total (for example, April [1829] £4700.8.7- indicating the value to the bookseller of SPCK business), and giving details of discounts. WITH: "Miscellaneous Acc[oun]ts 1829-1830", 2pp., 4to; four cheques mostly for large sums, made out to "Selves", drawn on SPCK bankers, Gosling & Sharpe, signed by John Rivington (x 3) and [G. & F.?] Rivington; and a MS.

Four invoices and receipts.

[Newspaper suppliers to the SPCK]
Publication details: 

Four items, invoices and receipts, relating to the acquisition of newspapers by the SPCK, suppliers including: F. Appleyard (Daily Newspaper and Standard) [not in BBTI, same address as Sarah]; Sarah Appleyard (Herald, Record, Times, Standard, Post); R[ichard] Barker (Cambridge Chronicle); Richard Barker (advertisements for the Anniversary Dinner, and two Special General Meetings, supplying Times, Post, Chronicle, Herald, Morning News, Standard, Courier, Globe, Albion, St James's Chronicle); Thomas Woodham (Times)

Twelve receipts and invoices.

[Stationers to the SPCK]
Publication details: 

12 items, receipts and invoices, some substantial, 1827-1836, listing items, quantities and prices. Stationers include: Christopher Magnay & Sons [BBTI to 1830, this 1831]; William Magnay [Add College Hill, Thames Street, and 1836 - BBTI has 1839 only]; George Prichard [SPCK symbol, add to BBTI that They were "Depository of the [SPCK]"; Roake & Varty [Add to BBTI bookbinders, engravers]; Venables & Wilson [partnership not in BBTI]; Venables, Wilson & Tyler; William Winbolt. The highest receipt was for £322.17.6 for paper for the SPCK Annual Report.

[Printed Circular]

Charles Frederic Cocks [Charles Frederick Cocks], bookseller and stationer.
Publication details: 
64 Paternoster Row, Cheapside, December, 1823.

Two scraps of paper which combine to form a printed circular signed "Charles Frederic Cock" announcing his commencement in business as a bookseller and stationer. He has had eight years "practical Acquaintance with the Business". He is soliciting business. On the versos of this circular, there are notes which reveal Cock's role in the distribution of prayer books on behalf of the SPCK. With: invoice and receipt, the latter signed "Charles Frederick Cock", 4 Sept.

Two invoices, a receipt, and cheque countersigned by Parker.

John W. Parker, publisher and bookseller.
Publication details: 
London, 1833-1834.

"John W. Parker, Publisher to The Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the [SPCK]", invoices and receipt, Dec 1833 & 1834, April 1833 and 22 April 1834 respectively, total £8.17, for advertising "Publications of Society in Saturday Mag Pt 2 / Bible in Times, Courier, Herald, Albion, Standard, Times [sic] & Saturday Mag / 52 Exercises Geography for East India Mission". With a further invoice (1833, paid in 1835); and a cheque drawn by the Society on Gosling and Sharpe for £397.12.0 signed on the reverses by Parker.

Discourse, On the Objects and Importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington, 1840, Delivered at the First Anniversary.

Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War and Senior Director of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science [Smithsonian Institution]
Publication details: 
Washington: P. Force, Printer. 1841.

8vo: 52 pp. Stitched pamphlet in marbled paper wraps. On aged, damp-stained paper, with foxing to last leaf. The Institution was later renamed the National Institute and eventually became a part of the Smithsonian Institute.

Rules of the Mathematical Association.

The Mathematical Association [founded in England in 1871 as founded in 1871 as the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching]
Publication details: 
January 1939. Printer and place of publication [England] not stated.

8vo, 12 pp. Stapled and in original blue printed wraps. Good, with minor staining to wraps at top of spine. Eight 'Rules' and three 'Regulations', with a separate entry on 'Regulations for the Use of the Library'. Not listed on COPAC.

Autograph Letter [or draft?] Signed ('Geo. Grey') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir George Grey (1799–1882), politician [South Africa; Captain Stockenstrom]
Publication details: 
15 May 1838; Downing Street.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. His 'time is too fully occupied' for him 'to attend the meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society'. Discusses the parliamentary prospects of 'Mr. Baines' motion relative to the emigration of certain inhabitants of the Eastern district of the Cape'. 'In the meantime however I hope Mr is aware that he is fully at liberty to call on Mr. <?> the Librarian of this Dept. who is authorized to submit to him Captain Stockenstrom's despatches on this subject'.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('H. Gordon Griffin' and 'H. G. Griffin') to 'The Secretary' and K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts; with carbon of Luckhurst's reply; and draft of 'C.P.R.E. Publication on the Design and Layout of Small Houses.'

Sir Herbert Gordon Griffin (died 1969), General Secretary, The Council for the Preservation of Rural England [Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
Letters of 12 January 1927 and 10 December 1956, both on Council letterhead; carbon reply, 11 December 1956; draft, November 1956.

All items very good. A couple with slight staining at head from paperclip. Letter One (to 'The Secretary', 4to, 1 p, 5 lines): Apologising for delay in acknowledging the 'letter and enclosures of 31st ultimo': 'my office was only opened on Wednesday last and I have had much correspondence with which to deal'. Letter Two (to Luckhurst, 4to, 1 p, 18 lines): Concerning 'a booklet on the layout and design of small houses' which the C.P.R.E. 'is hoping to publish this spring'.

Eight Typed Letters, with cyclostyled signatures ('Arthur Pearson'), to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Cyril Arthur Pearson [Sir Arthur Pearson] (1866-1921), founder of 'The Daily Express', President of the National Institute for the Blind and Fresh Air Fund
Publication details: 
October 1916 to June 1917; all on letterhead of the Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel, St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.W. [London].

All eight items are 4to, 1 p, and good on lightly aged paper. Seven items bearing the Society's stamp and four docketed. The correspondence concerns a talk given by Pearson to the Society, 'on the subject of the training of the soldiers blinded in the War'. On 19 October 1916 Pearson writes: 'I am a little afraid that I cannot properly carry out the suggestion you so kindly make. I am quite blind, and therefore am unable to read a paper.' The 'preparation of a formal paper' would 'demand more time than I am able to spare at present.

Autograph Letter Signed (Sr. D. W. Smith') to Messrs Thorp & Dickson, Alnwick.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837), property manager for the Duke of Northumberland [Farne Islands, Northumberland]
Publication details: 
21 July 1834; Alnwick.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good, with slight loss to second leaf from breaking of red wax seal, traces of which still adhere. Twenty lines of text. Docketed in pencil and ink on second leaf. Asks them to furnish him with 'all the particulars relative to the Farne Islands [...] who the Lessee? - their estimated quantiy or extent? - Rent? length of lease? - [...] whether Birds, feathers, down, Eggs, Rabbits - Kelp, or Seaware, fish &c? all which I should hope you would be able to obtain from some of your Bamburgh friends? - or from Blackett, at N. Sunderland? - how they are protected?

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