Autograph Note Signed ('Hans Sloane') to John Fuller junior.

Sir Hans Sloane [later Hans Sloane-Stanley] (1739-1827), Member of Parliament for Southampton
Publication details: 
Tuesday [no date]; Stoneham. Franked, with Southampton postmark.

12mo: 1 p. On discoloured paper slightly damaged in one corner (not affecting text) by breaking of wafer. Second leaf of bifolium carrying address and postmarks. He received Fuller's letter containing a bill of twenty pounds from his brother. 'All here join in best love to you and believe me Ever Yrs.' Addressed to 'John Fuller Esqr. Junr. | Clement Lane | Lombard St. | London | [signed] Hans Sloane'. Circular frank in red ink, 'FREE'. Postmarked in black 'SOUTH | AMPTON'. Third circular postmark in black in two parts.

Printed Receipt Signed, with Autograph Signature and manuscript additions in another hand, for three months' governent annuities.

Spencer Cowper [Sir William Cowper]
Publication details: 
7 November 1720; [London].

Judge (1669-1728), and Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales on the accession of George I. Grandfather of the poet William Cowper, and brother of William Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper (1665-1723), Lord Chancellor of England. One of the defendants, in 1699, in the celebrated trial for the murder of Sarah Stout. Dimensions of paper roughly six and a half inches by six inches. On discoloured, spotted paper, with slight wear and loss to one corner (not affecting text). Right edge slightly trimmed, with partial loss to one word'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter L. Clay') to unnamed male correspondent.

Walter Lowe Clay, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Victorian social scientist
Publication details: 
1 November 1866; on letterhead of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C. [London].

Two pages, small octavo. Good, on lightly aged paper and ruckled paper, with some staining to the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifolium. His correspondent's 'paper on the high death rate in Liverpool' was not returned to Clay after being read at Manchester, 'nor can the Secretary of the Department (Captain ) obtain any intelligence of it from the reporters'. One of the reporters has sent the Captain an abstract prepared by the author. Clay asks whether he has the manuscript in his possession, and if so, whether he will send it to him.

Engraving of bearded man walking while reading a book.

John Thomas Smith (1766-1833), artist and antiquary
Publication details: 
London Published as the Act directs December 31st 1815 by John Thomas Smith No 4 Chandos Street Covent Garden.'

On wove paper roughly eleven inches by seven and three-quarters; dimensions of print roughly seven inches by four and a half. Image clear and unaffected, on paper aged and creased, with some staining to extremities. Smith's monogram in bottom left-hand corner. The figure is formally dressed, in frock-coat and stockings, with his hat tucked under his left arm. Clearly a portrait, but of whom is uncertain: it is not among the six works by Smith catalogued by the National Portrait Gallery. A charming evocation of print culture in the early part of the nineteenth century.

The first five issues of 'The Saturday Magazine'.

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Publication details: 
7 to 28 July 1832. 'LONDON: JOHN WILLIAM PARKER, 445, (WEST) STRAND.' 'C. RICHARDS, Printer, 100, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross.'

The five issues are each eight pages long and octavo. All five issues unbound, and stabbed. All good, though lightly aged and with some wear to extremities. An improving publication, produced 'Under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge'.

Copy of manuscript document 'To The Commissioners for Victualling His Majestys Navy' from 'R. M.'

[Maritime History] [The West Indies] [Lord Hugh Seymour]
Publication details: 
His Majestys Ship Carnatio Port Royal Harbour Jamaica November 18. 1801'.

4to. 4 pages. In poor condition: on paper creased, discoloured and frayed, with several closed tears, but with the text entirely legible. Apparently a copy, and docketed 'No. 1'. Seymour (1759-1801), the commander in chief at Jamaica, died of yellow fever on 11 September. 'R. M.' begins this unusually forthright document by informing the Commissioners that Seymour's death has caused their 'Letter relative to the public service' to pass under his inspection.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Alexander Joseph Finberg [THE WALPOLE SOCIETY]
Publication details: 
23 and 27 January 1917; both on Walpole Society letterhead.

British art historian (1866-1939) whose papers are now in the Courtauld Institute, London; Turner specialist and founder of the Walpole Society. Both items one page, quarto, very good. Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'A. J. Finberg'. First letter enquires whether 'a full list of the recipients of [the Society's awards] has been published, or whether the materials for the compilation of such a list are in existence & are accessible to research'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. W. Blanchard'.

William Devayne [the Committee of the General United Society for supplying His Majesty's Sea and Land Forces with Extra Cloathing]
Publication details: 
Dover Street | the 8th. Feb[ruar]y. 1794.'

One page, 4to. Very good, though on discoloured paper, and with traces of grey-paper mount adhering to blank reverse and minor damage at foot affecting one word. Reads 'I am favored with your Letter of the 1st. instant, enclosing One Guinea subscribed by Rudston Calverley Rudston Esqr.

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Wantjl?>.

Sir Edward Baines
Publication details: 
12 September 1859; on letterhead 'Headingley Lodge, Leeds'.

Journalist, economist and politician (1800-90), M.P. for Leeds. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby, folded three times and with two spike holes at foot. 'I am not aware that I have any power to obtain a Midshipman's Commission for any one: but if I had, I should not think it right to use it except in the application of the parents or guardians of the young man wishing for it. I must therefore request you to make your wishes known to your parents; & if they desire it I might forward to the Board of Admiralty a written application from them.

Autograph Letter Signed to A. D. Snow, Lawnhurst, St Botolph's Road, Worthing.

Publication details: 
15 November 1897; on the Society's letterhead.

According to the letterhead Sharp was one of the Society's two Secretaries. 2 pages, 16mo. Creased, worn and discoloured, and with minor repair to head of first page, but in good condition overall. Closely written, this letter provides an interesting sidelight into the state of the Society at this time. He apologises for not responding to the 'enquiry about the circulation of the Revised Version' sooner. 'We are very short-handed at present at the Bible House. Since April death has taken from us the Rev. G. Wilson & Mr Chas. Finch, and the Rev. J. Austen-Binns has retired.

Typescript, with illustrations, of a children's tale entitled 'A story by patch'.

Evaline May Brierly
Publication details: 
[circa 1949]; no place

Typed on one side of 86 quarto leaves, the latter leaves paginated and ending with 86. In printed wraps neatly tied with blue ribbon. Somewhat dusty but in good condition overall. According to the British Library catalogue the story was published by Unity Products in 1949. Patch is a dog, and the first few leaves contain eleven charming illustrations his friends, including Scragg, Tatters and Madame Sing-Hi.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. H. Roberts.

Charles Aitken
Publication details: 
5 January 1928; on letterhead of the National Gallery, Millbank, S.W.1.

Director of the Tate Gallery (1869-1936). 1 page, 8vo, grubby and creased, with otherwise-blank verso docketed and attached to piece of card. 'Both our funds and our space are extremely limited and Mr Warne Browne's 'Catch of Pilchards', though a pleasant subject picture, is scarcely of national importance and my Board would not consider purchasing it. | It might possibly be of interest for a local Museum such as the Truro Gallery or the Passmore Edwards Art Gallery, Newlyn. I am returning the reproduction | Yours very truly | Charles Aitken | Director'.

Typed Letter Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Carl P. Russell
Publication details: 
18 August 1943; on letterhead United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Chief Naturalist of the National Park Service and Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. One page, 8vo, slightly stained but in good overall condition. Russell is replying to Epps's request for information about the National Park System, 'particularly those areas which are classed as "nature preserves"'. He says that he is sending a number of publications under separate cover, and that with this letter he encloses copies of the 'Antiquities Act' of Congress, 1906 and 'Dr. Kendeigh's article' (neither of which are present).

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours ever [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.75".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 1".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.5".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours ever [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.75".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.5".

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