Autograph Letter Signed ('John Murray') from the London publisher John Murray IV to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his biography of his father the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Culling Eardley Childers.

Sir John Murray IV (1851-1928), London publisher [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919), son of Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]
Sir John Murray IV (1851-1928), London publisher
Publication details: 
April 1901; on letterhead of 50 Albemarle Street.
Sir John Murray IV (1851-1928), London publisher

12mo, 4 pp. 40 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Spencer'. He is sorry to have missed Childers: 'I came back early on Sat: morning fairly driven home by the weather.' Reports that 'Better reviews of the book are now appearing Athenaeum - evidently by Dilke: Tablet: Pall Mall &c.' Thinks 'Clarke will use his influence with the Times', the idea that 'King' has done so being 'entirely out of the question'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Freemantle') from the Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle, Dean of Ripon, to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his biography of his father, the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Childers.

Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle (1831-1916), Dean of Ripon [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919); Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle
Publication details: 
27 March 1901; on letterhead of the Deanery, Ripon.
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is sending a 'leaf of the Leeds Mercury containing a review of your Life of your father, which is good & appreciative', along with a copy of one of his sermons (neither enclosure present). Not having yet seen the book, he asks if he 'put in the extraordinary prophecy which your father made in March or April 1892 of the numbers of members who were to be elected in the July of that year?' He has 'the letter he wrote to Fanny with the exact number', and wishes he had reminded him of that fact before.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (two 'W Fowler' and one 'Wm Fowler') from William Fowler, Liberal MP for Cambridge, to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his father the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Childers, Gladstone, Irish Home Rule, and other matters.

William Fowler (1828-1905), Liberal Member of Parliament for Cambridge, 1868-74 and 1880-85 [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919), son of Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]
William Fowler (1828-1905), Liberal Member of Parliament for Cambridge
Publication details: 
1, 4 and 8 July 1901; all on letterheads of Broadwater Cross, Tunbridge Wells.
William Fowler (1828-1905), Liberal Member of Parliament for Cambridge

All three items good, on lightly-aged paper. All bifoliums. Letter One (1 July 1901): 12mo, 4 pp. 42 lines. He is pleased to have received Childers' life of his father (published that year). 'I knew your Father well, [...] I was in the House in the Parliaments of 68 & 80 when he had his most serious work'. Praises his 'amazing pluck in going out as he did to Australia [Childers was first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne] & in his conduct there in the early days & during the gold discoveries time, the story of which in his letters is very curious'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Stirling') from Captain (later Vice-Admiral) Charles Stirling to the First Lord of the Admiralty, George John Spencer, Earl Spencer, docketed by Spencer with his response.

Vice-Admiral Charles Stirling (1760-1833) [George John Spencer (1758-1834), Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty]
Publication details: 
13 November 1800; [on board H.M.S.] Pompée [at] Causand [i.e. Cawsand, near Plymouth].

4to, 2 pp. Seventeen lines. On worn aged paper, with the cropping of one margin resulting in minor loss to a few words of text. Requesting inclusion in 'any arrangement which may be made' regarding 'a move from Halifax [Nova Scotia]' as a result of a 'late vacancy at the Navy Board'. He is writing despite having 'neither claim or pretension' to Spencer's 'goodness', but 'having received an answer not sufficient to banish hope, in an application about 3 years ago', he is induced to try again.

Autograph Letter Signed by 'C. Spencer' of Cobham [member of Lord Spencer's Family?] to an unknown correspondent, mentioning the antiquary John Gough Nichols, and carrying the wax seal

C. Spencer of Cobham [John Gough Nichols (1806-1873), printer and antiquary, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and of the Herald and Genealogist]
Autograph Letter Signed by 'C. Spencer' of Cobham
Publication details: 
Undated [1860s?].
Autograph Letter Signed by 'C. Spencer' of Cobham

The letter is of 23 lines, written on the front and back of an opened envelope with the cancelled address of 'John Wickham Flower Esq, Park Hill, Croydon'. In good condition, on aged paper. The rear of the envelope carries a good impression of a red wax seal, and the letter begins: 'My dear Sir, I had written this letter having obtained my object through my friend the York Herald and I still send it on account of the Seal which was the counter seal of Richd Neville Earl of Warwick killed at the battle of Barnet'.

Printed handbill proposing the establishment of the Blamire Memorial. With five Autograph Letters Signed (by the peers Cleveland, Devonshire, Feversham, Lonsdale, Spencer) to Howard on the same subject.

Philip Henry Howard (1801-1883), M.P. for Carlisle [William Blamire (1790-1862) of Thackwood Nook, Whig M.P. for Cumberland; Blamire Memorial; Cleveland; Devonshire; Feversham; Lonsdale; Spencer]
Publication details: 
All six items dating from 1862.

An interesting collection, with some revealing comments within the correspondence. All six items are laid down on a folio leaf of pink paper removed from an autograph album. All clear and complete, in good condition on aged paper, with the Feversham letter somewhat grubby. The handbill (12mo, 1 p), on behalf of the Committee for the Blamire Memorial, and in the names of Henry Londsdale and Henry Dobinson, is headed 'BLAMIRE MEMORIAL', and dated 'Carlisle, Oct. 7th, 1862.' It reports the resolutions of a meeting held on 4 October 1862.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer Todd') to autograph collector S[eymour]. C. J. Freeman-Matthews of Cape Town.

John Spencer Brydges Todd (1840-1921), Executive Commissioner, Paris, for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, and colonial officer
Publication details: 
18 August 1900; on crested letterhead '112, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.'

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Although I am surprised at your wishing to include mine in your collection of autographs, here it is. | I agree with Sir Alfred Milner that Work, Brains & Opportunity are necessary to success; and that the last is most necessary. But I think that Self-control should be added to His Excellency's list.' A printed biographical cutting is appended.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent [Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Spencer Leigh Hughes (1858-1920), British politician and journalist, 'Sub Rosa' of the 'Daily News' and 'Morning Leader'
Publication details: 
6 December 1907; on letterhead of the 'Morning Leader', Stonecutter Street, London, E.C.

One page, octavo. Mounted on piece of card. Ruckled and lightly aged, with some rust spotting from paperclip, and a little glue in left-hand margin. 'I send you my signature below with pleasure. My father was Welsh & my mother was English.' From the collection of Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Printed Receipt Signed, with Autograph Signature and manuscript additions in another hand, for three months' governent annuities.

Spencer Cowper [Sir William Cowper]
Publication details: 
7 November 1720; [London].

Judge (1669-1728), and Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales on the accession of George I. Grandfather of the poet William Cowper, and brother of William Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper (1665-1723), Lord Chancellor of England. One of the defendants, in 1699, in the celebrated trial for the murder of Sarah Stout. Dimensions of paper roughly six and a half inches by six inches. On discoloured, spotted paper, with slight wear and loss to one corner (not affecting text). Right edge slightly trimmed, with partial loss to one word'.

For sale by order of the trustees of the will. Hampstead Heath. The well-known Freehold Estate of the late Sir Spencer Wells, Bart., a perfect Country Seat within five miles of Charing Cross. [...] known as Golder's Hill.

Sir Thomas Spencer Wells [Hampstead Heath; Golder's Hill House; London topography]
Publication details: 
For Sale by Auction by Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater | At the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London. On Tuesday, the 28th day of June, 1898.

Two unbound bifoliums stapled together. Eight pages, on four leaves each roughly seventeen inches by eleven wide. A corrected proof, stamped at head of first page 'PROOF NO.' A frail survival of a significant document in London topographical history. Aged and worn, with several closed tears. A few manuscript emendations, notes and additions in different hands. For example, concerning a right of way, 'Messrs. Debenham can ascertain this from Mr. Pinder Simpson 20 Old Burlington St. W. the Collector'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp and 3rd Earl Spencer
Publication details: 
12 December 1833; Downing Street.

Whig politician (1782-1845). 2 pages, 16mo. Dusty but in good condition. 'Dear Sir, | I have stated to Mr. Grant your desire for a for your son. But I could not express myself to him so as to make the appointment a favour to myself because I had before applied to him to give such an appointment to a friend of mine for his son, & I could not in justice withdraw this application. I stated however to him that I considered that the service you did in the Boundary Commission gave you a claim upon the Government, which my friend had not.' Signed 'Althorp'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic Harrison
Publication details: 
29 September 1891; on letterhead 'London County Council. | Spring Gardens, S.W.' with the Council's 1889 oval crest.

Author and positivist (1831-1923). 1 page, 16mo. In poor condition: grubby, creased and worn. Having returned to London 'after an absence of many months' he has found at the Athenaeum Club his correspondent's two letters. He is sorry for the delay: 'The Club has been closed for repairs & the letters were mislaid. It is quite out of my power to visit Bristol durinng the ensuing session.'

Autograph Signature on frank to Philip W. Bagenal.

Randolph Churchill
Publication details: 
3 October 1886, with red postmark reading 'OFFICIAL PAID | 3 | OC 4 | 86 | LONDON W'.

English statesman (DNB), father of Sir Winston Churchill. One page, 16mo, front of envelope, glued to blank reverse of printed vellum fragment of Royal Humane Society document dated 17 August 1896. In good condition though grubby. Addressed to Bagenal at St Stephens Club Westminster.

frank to John Browning

John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp [later 3rd Earl Spencer]
Publication details: 
envelope with two postmarks and seal in red wax, 16mo, 26 October 1836, Leamington

English Whig statesman, relation of Princess Diana and of Prince William. The envelope is in very frail condition, torn, frayed and discoloured, with some loss. Addressed 'Leamington Oct twenty six | 1834 | John Browning Esq | Viscount Althorp | Downing Street | London | Althorp'. The postmark on the front is in red ink, with a crown topping a circle containing 'FREE | 27OC27 | 1834'; the postmark on the reverse is in black ink, with 'LEAMINGTON' in a circle containing 'OC26 | 1834'. Red wax seal bearing Althorp crest on reverse.

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