[Tommaso Salvini, Italian actor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('To Salvini'), in Italian, to an 'Amabile Signora', regarding 'quattro versi' which came to him spontaneously.

Tommaso Salvini (1829-1915), Italian actor, much admired by Constantin Stanislavski
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight rust spotting at head and trimmed margins. Concerning 'quattro versi di numero, i quali dicono soltanto un idea che mi venne spontanea'.

[Giovanni Domenico Ruffini (John Ruffini), Italian author and patriot.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ruffini'), in English, thanking the publishers [Edmonston & Douglas of Edinburgh] of his book 'A Quiet Nook in the Jura' for their care over it.

Giovanni Domenico Ruffini [John Ruffini] (1807-1881), Italian author and patriot, member of Mazzini's La Giovine Italia [Edmonston & Douglas, publishers, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Paris, 6 Rue de Vintimille. 18 April 1869.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Gentlemen', the letter begins by acknowledging ('were it only for the sake of regularity") the receipt of a cheque for £30 18s 10d, 'being my share of the profits of the first Edition of a quiet nook'. He considers that this 'result [...] proves once more, if needed, that quiet books have no chance with the public', and concludes by acknowledging 'the great care and perfect taste which you have bestowed upon the Volume, and which alone ought to have secured to it an abundant Sale'. 'A Quiet Nook in the Jura.

[Winston Churchill; handbill; wartime broadcast] Churchill al Popolo Italiana

Winston Churchill, Liberal and Conservative politician, sometime Prime Minister.
Publication details: 
Appello radiotrasmesso da Londra il 23 Dicembre, 1940 [transmitted from London]

Four pages, 8vo, not bound as issued, poor quality paper, dulled, very small closed tears at bottom, fold mark, mainly good condition. Presumably a translation for Italian consumption  and dropped on Italian soil from a plane! One copy ONLY listed on COPAC and WorldCat (only the title given on IWM website, no description).

[John Francis Clark of Newmarket, architect and 'racing judge'.] Three unpublished Autograph lectures, one a vivid account of a visit to 'Naples and Mount Vesuvius' in 1841, the second a similar account of Rome; the third a history of architecture.

John Francis Clark (1816-1898) of Newmarket, Suffolk architect and 'racing judge' [Horse Racing]
Publication details: 
The first paper signed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling [Suffolk]'. The second dated 'Jan. 1860'. The third without date or place.

For more information on Clark, see the account by Eric C. Graham, privately printed in 2010. All texts clear and legible, on aged and worn paper (especially the outer ones). ONE: Headed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling'. 30pp., foolscap 8vo. Saddle stitched.

[Niccolò Schiavonetti, printmaker.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Nichs. Schiavonetti') to 'Mr. Scott', sending '4 sorts of french paper', and giving instructions on how it is to be prepared.

Niccolò Schiavonetti [Nicholas Schiavonetti] (c.1771-1813), printmaker, brother of Luigi Schiavonetti (1765-1810)
Publication details: 
Brompton; 15 April 1811.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with damp stain along one edge. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Scott'. He is sending 'by Bearer 4 sorts of french paper, 2 sheets of each, which you will be so good as to see that it is properly prepared before it is used - The grand Eagle with the watermarks will require a great deal of brushing with a hard brush as I think that many of the specks will brush off they being chiefly superficial'.

[Niccolò Schiavonetti, printmaker.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Nichs. Schiavonetti') to 'Mr. Scott', sending '4 sorts of french paper', and giving instructions on how it is to be prepared.

Niccolò Schiavonetti [Nicholas Schiavonetti] (c.1771-1813), printmaker, brother of Luigi Schiavonetti (1765-1810)
Publication details: 
Brompton; 15 April 1811.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with damp stain along one edge. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Scott'. He is sending 'by Bearer 4 sorts of french paper, 2 sheets of each, which you will be so good as to see that it is properly prepared before it is used - The grand Eagle with the watermarks will require a great deal of brushing with a hard brush as I think that many of the specks will brush off they being chiefly superficial'.

[Frederick Huth, Victorian banker.] Six secretarial letters to him, in French, each signed by the Duke of Terranova and Monteleone, on the news from Mexico and his financial affairs, with an Autograph Letter Signed by Joseph Gonfalon Agati.

Frederick Huth [John Frederick Andrew Huth; Johann Friedrich Andreas Huth] (1777-1864), German-born London banker [Giuseppe Pignatelli Aragona Cortes (1795-1859), Duke of Terranova and Monteleone]
Publication details: 
All seven letters from Palermo, Italy. Agati's letter dating from 1831, and the Duke's letters from 1832 (3), 1833, 1836 and 1846.

All seven items are in good condition, on aged and lightly-creased bifoliums, and all docketted by the recipient. The Duke's letters total 13pp., 4to. Each is addressed, with postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, with one bearing part of a red wax seal. The letters all deal with the financial management of his affairs, with reference to substantial sums, with mention of Naples and Rothschild. The references to Mexican affairs in the correspondence are of particular interest, coming from a descendant of Hernan Cortes, and presumably still a substantial landowner in the country.

[William A'Court or à Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury.] Autograph Letter Signed from Naples to Charles R. Broughton of the Foreign Office

William à Court [A'Court] (1779-1860), 1st Baron Heytesbury, Envoy Extraordinary to Barbary States, Naples, Spain; Ambassador to Russia, Portugal; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
Naples. 22 June 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Charles R. Broughton Esqre | Foreign Office | London', and docketed by recipient on the same page 'Naples 22 June 1815 | Wm. Court | 12 July | A'. à Court has written 'Duplicate' in the top left-hand corner of the first page (he would have sent several copies of the letter in case one miscarried, but the fact that this is the one that was received by Broughton is evidenced by the docketing). In fair condition, on aged paper, with usual broken wafer.

Autograph Letter Signed in Italian from the future cardinal Giovanni Soglia Ceroni to the 'Sig. Dotte. Galeati', regarding the 'Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola'.

Giovanni Soglia Ceroni (1779-1856), Italian Roman Catholic cardinal [Francesco Gardi di Lugo; Antonio Fornioni; la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola]
Publication details: 
Rome. 1 January 1817.

2pp., 4to. 29 lines, in a neat calligraphic hand. In good condition, on lightly-aged laid paper. The document is signed 'Giovanni Soglia' and begins: 'Dal Sig. Dotte. Galeati ho ricevuto il fatto informativo della Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola; qual causa, atttesa la difformità delle due sentenze già pronunciate, si vorrebbe portare al Tribunale della Sac.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'F. Eber') from Ferdinand Eber ('General Eber'), Hungarian-born 'condottiere-journalist', to fellow Times correspondent Henry Wreford, the second letter discussing Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel and the Risorgimento.

Ferdinand Eber (d.1885), Hungarian-born correspondent of The Times of London, and 'condottiere-journalist' in support of Garibaldi as 'General Eber' [Henry Wreford, Times correspondent in Naples]
Publication details: 
Letter One: 33 St James's Square, London; 16 January [no year]. Letter Two: Palermo, Italy, 20 June [no year].

On 28 February 1885 The Times announced the death of Eber, 'for many years our valued correspondent at Vienna'; and a hundred years later (24 September 1985) the same paper described Eber as 'the condottiere-journalist, General Ferdinand Eber, whose habit of engaging in wars as well as reporting them earned him the displeasure of his masters in Printing House Square'. Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage from previous mounting. Both addressed to 'My dear Wreford', and both written in a difficult hand. Letter One: 3pp., 12mo.

[Printed handbill.] Special Message from the Army Commander to all Ranks Eighth Army.

R. L. McCreery, Lieut.-General, G.O.C., Eighth Army [General Sir Richard Loudon McCreery (1898-1967), Commander of the British Eighth Army in Northern Italy, 1944-1945]
Publication details: 
H.Q., Eighth Army, 3rd May, 1945.

1p., foolscap 8vo. 36 lines of text. A frail survival: in fair condition, lightly creased and aged, with short closed tear repaired on reverse with archival tape. Badge design at head of text, with white shield with yellow cross against blue background, and facsimile of McCreery's signature at foot. The text begins: 'On 9th April, the Eighth Army started the last great battle in Italy. Twenty-three days later, on 2nd May, the enemy surrendered unconditionally.' The penultimate paragraph reads: 'The unconditional surrender of the enemy bring the Eighth Army many new and urgent tasks.

[Printed handbill.] Eighth Army. Personal Message from the Army Comander. To be read out to all Troops.

B. L. Montgomery, General, Eighth Army [Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery (1887-1976), 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein; British Eighth Army]
Publication details: 
[General Head Quarters, British Eighth Army.] 'July, 1943.' ['2827/2/GHQP/6-43'.]

1p., 4to. 25 lines of text. A frail survival. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Signed with facsimile of signature of 'B. L. Montgomery.' Divided into six points, the text begins: '1. The time has now come to carry the war into Italy, and into the Continent of Europe. The Italian Overseas Empire has been exterminated; we will now deal with the home country.' The last point reads: '6. To each one of you, whatever may be your rank or employment, I would say: | GOOD LUCK AND GOOD HUNTING IN THE HOME COUNTRY OF ITALY'.

Corrected Autograph Manuscript of part of the poem 'A Day at Tivoli', by the Victorian writer John Kenyon.

John Kenyon (1784-1856), poet and patron, who encouraged his cousin Elizabeth Barrett's marriage to Robert Browning
Publication details: 
Without date or place [the poem published in 1849].

2pp., 4to. 35 lines of verse. On a leaf of laid paper with watermark 'J WHATMAN | TURKEY MILL'. Paginated 13-14. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The first page begins with the line 'The shrouding soil, and give it back to air,' and the second page ends with the line 'Won it's [sic] dark truth, and Gaspar fed on such.' The verses in this manuscript are published on pp.19-21 of 'A Day at Tivoli: with other Verses' (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-row, 1849).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho: Campbell'), in Italian, from the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, to unnamed 'Carissimi Amici' [Dear Friends].

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish poet [Rudolph Ackermann; Woodburn]
Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho: Campbell')
Publication details: 
Monico [Monaco?]; September 1828.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho: Campbell')

4to, 1 p. Twenty-lines. Text clear and complete. He has found 'il Barone' and is going to see 'Der Freishutz'. Monico is 'una gran bella citta', where he has seen 'molte belle cose'. He finds the Madonna of Rafael 'Divina'. A postscript concerns the print-seller Ackermann, as well as the art dealer Woodburn, and 'Cockerill'. The reverse carries a closely-written 30-line manuscript, in another hand, apparently in German, and followed by an indecipherable signature. It contains at least two references to 'Campball' [sic].

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.'), author and actress, to Eva Lawrence.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob] (1884-1964), author, actress and broadcaster
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')
Publication details: 
8 July 1949 and 2 January 1950; both from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')

Both letters 8vo, 1 p; the first on pink paper. Both texts clear and complete. Both fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Letter One: She was surprised to learn that Lawrence had 'Miss Babbington with you because I did not even know that she was on the stage. I thought she was with a publishing house.' After the 'long and wonderful run' she is sorry that Lawrence's leading lady is leaving. 'Although I never intend to go back to the stage again, I shall always have the same keen interest in matters theatrical [...] the variety profession is my first love'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G : A Galignani'), in Italian, to Twining. With signed receipt by Galignani, in Italian, for '18 Lezioni'.

Giovanni Antonio Galignani (1757-1821), Paris bookseller and publisher of English works [Richard Twining (1772-1857), tea merchant]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Venerdi mattina' (docketed with date 8 November 1796). Receipt dated 21 January 1797.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and ruckled paper. Slight damage to second leaf caused by breaking open of wafer. Addressed to 'Illustrissimo Signore'. Having 'un affare di qualche importanza alle nove', he would like to give Twining his lesson (presumably in Italian) the following morning at 8 o'clock. He hopes that coming half an hour early does not cause any inconvence. Receipt: on one side of a slip of paper, 7 x 19.5 cm. Headed 'Memorandum del Signor Twining'. For '18 Lezioni la prima delle quali fa data li 15 Novembee', and signed 'Galignani'.

Autograph Letter Signed (twice, both 'Negri Cristoforo' ), with short poem, to an unnamed woman.

Cristoforo Negri (1809-1896), Italian politician and first President (1867-1872) of the Italian Geographical Society [Jeremiah James Colman (1830-1898), Norwich mustard manufacturer]
Publication details: 
27 August 1868; on letterhead of Carrow House, Norwich.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with a little light staining. The recto carries the seventeen-line letter to a 'Gentilissima Dama', in response to a request for an autograph. On the reverse of the second leaf is a four-line poem, signed and dated by Negri, beginning 'Come un Nume che si adora'. In the letter Negri writes that he does not have 'la presunzione di credere che il mio autografo meriti di essere conservato'.

Autograph Letter Signed.

Letter to Sir James Rennell Rodd from H. Nelson gay
Publication details: 
Palazzo Orsini, Rome, 'Xmas 1916'.

The author is obscure, but the letter is addressed to 'Sir Rennell' [Sir James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941), diplomat and author]. 2 pages, 16mo, creased but in good condition. A florid missive beginning 'In this tempest of egotism and hate which has plunged us all into Teutonic darkness, you will not have forgotten, my dear Sir Rennell, the lines of Coleridge: | [...]'.

Frontispiece (?) to 'Dianæ Fabulas olim a Dominico Zamperio pictore vulgo Domenichino in Palatio Bassani Principis Justiniani depictas'

Domenico Zampieri (or Domenichino) (1581-1641) [Giovanni Girolamo Frezza (1659-1741)]
Publication details: 
Io. Hieronymus Frezza Sculp. Rome Sup. Lic. Ann. 1713, e dal Medemo Frezza si vendano in Piazza Barberini

Dimensions of paper roughly twelve and a half inches by fifteen and a half. Dimensions of plate roughly eleven inches by six and a half. On top of a stone plinth two eagles support a crowned crest with shell motif, showing a crowned eagle over a castle. The inscription on the base reads 'DIANAE FABVLAS | OLIM | A DOMINICO ZAMPERIO | PICTORE | VVLGO DOMENICHINO | IN PALATIO BASSANI | PRINCIPIS IVSTINIANI | DE PICTAS'. Apparently the frontispiece or engraved title to an oblong folio volume published in 1713.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Francis Steuart') to 'Miss Graham'.

Archibald Francis Steuart (1872-1942), Scottish advocate, genealogist and historian [AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING]
Publication details: 
Hotel Grande Bretagne, Florence; 11 March 1923.

Two pages, octavo. Good, with traces of stub adhering to one uneven edge. He feels there is 'surely telepathy in the world' as, 'only last night tired of the dull inaction after a bout of 'flu', he was assembling autographs for his correspondent. '[T]hey all explain themselves except perhaps Boardman Robinson the American cartoonist and Rose Bradley the writer on teh 19th. Century. I send one too from Lord Seaforth who only died last week.

Three Typed Letters Signed (the first two in full and the third 'E P Gorini') the first two to Violet Bonham Carter and the last to her son Mark, the first in English and the last two in Italian.

Edvige Pesce Gorini, Italian poet, editor of the 'Giornale dei Poeti' [Violet Bonham Carter (1887-1969); Mark Raymond Bonham Carter (1922-1994), Baron Bonham-Carter, Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
21 February 1946; 15 May 1947; and 28 July 1948. All three from Via Angelo Poliziano No. 69, Rome.

Text of all three items clear and complete. All three on lightly aged paper, creased and with some wear to extremities. Letter One (8vo, 1 p; 20 lines of text): She thanks Bonham Carter for her 'kind and appreciative letter' and 'will see that through the English Embassy' she receives 'a copy of my short story: "I due prigionieri", of which your son is the protagonist'. (An officer in the Grenadier Guards, during the war Mark Bonham Carter had escaped from a prison camp in northern Italy.) Describes material she is sending relating to her 'literary career'.

Studi d'Indianistica in Italia dal 1911 al 1938. [Indian studies in Italy from 1911 to 1938.]

Giulia Porru [India; Indian studies in Italy; Italian bibliography]
Publication details: 
Pubblicazioni della R. Universita degli Studi di Firenze Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. - III Serie - Volume X. Firenze [Florence] - Felice le Monnier - Editore - MCMXL-XVIII'.

4to: viii + 257 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Internally tight, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Wraps spotted and worn, with chipping to extremities. The preface describes the work as 'una bibliografia descrittiva degli studi di Indianistica fatti in Italia nel periodo che va dal 1911 al 1937.' A descriptive bibliography of Indian studies in Italy, 1911 to 1937. Scarce in Britain: COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Oxford and SOAS.

Printed Covering Letter, signed by steward 'A Bazzoni', intended to enclose a ticket to the Society's Anniversary Dinner.

Aged Poor Society, London [Augusto Bazzoni; Roman Catholic; philanthropy; charity]
Publication details: 
London, December, 1831.'

4to: 1 p. Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of paper watermarked 'R BARNARD | 1828'. Fifteen lines of text. Text clear and complete on aged, creased paper with chipping to extremities, and the two leaves of the bifolium nearly detached. Docketed in contemporary hands '819' at the head of the printed page, and 'No. 72' on the reverse of the second leaf 'No. 72'.

Autograph Quotation Signed ('A. Maffei').

Alessandro Maffei, Italian Minister to Austria, 1859-67, and Ambassador to the United States, 1867-71
Publication details: 
14 April 1866. Place not stated.

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 11 x 18 cm. Laid down on a slightly larger piece of paper. Good: lightly aged with three neat vertical folds. Reads 'Oh! land of beauty - sun-lit Italy! How often do I fondly think of thee, | And of the days gone by . . . . . ! | [signature] A. Maffei | April 14th | 1866.'

Photographic portrait by '<Vican?>', inscribed 'Al Carissimo Generale Carlo De Ambrosis, per ricordo grato ed affettuoso'.

Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), Italian composer
Publication details: 
Torino, 8 October 1938. XXI.' Signed in top left-hand corner '<Vican?> | XVIIe'.

Printed on piece of thick paper 31.5 x 22.5 cm. Dimensions of image 24 x 18 cm. Removed from mount, and with glue adhering to reverse and in thin strip at head (not affecting image). Small closed tear in border at foot, just beneath Mascagni's dating of his note. Soft-focus black and white head and shoulders shot, showing a firm-jawed jowlly bow-tied Mascagni staring abstractedly to his right, with a medal in his buttonhole.

Autograph Card Signed [to Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Edward Hutton (1875-1969), British writer on travel and Italy
Publication details: 
21 April 1934; Rome.

One page, on back of printed postcard. Very good. Photograph of the Via Appia on reverse. Reads 'Dear Sir | In reply to your request I have pleasure in sending you this'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rennell Rodd') to Harold Crawford (b.1888), son of Harold Marion-Crawford (d.1909).

James Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron Rennell (1858-1941), British diplomat and classical scholar
Publication details: 
20 February [1902], on embossed letterhead of the British Embassy, Rome.

12mo: 2 pp. Eleven lines of text. Very good. Having just received it from London, Rodd is sending Crawford the book he could not get in Rome which he wanted to send him as a birthday present. 'It is written by a great friend of mine who knows better than any one the history of the first voyages to America and the discovery of the Great Southern Sea. I think you will like it.' In an envelope, on aged paper, with postmarks and Italian postage stamp. Addressed to 'Harold Crawford, Villa Crawford, St Agnello di Sorrento'.

Print headed 'Termina diocletians', showing ruined Roman arches with figures in the foreground.

Hieronymous Cock (c.1510-1570), Flemish northern renaissance engraver
Publication details: 
No date; place not stated. 'H. Cock excudebat' in top right-hand corner.

On piece of aged, laid paper roughly six inches by eight and a quarter wide. Two inch closed tear at head, and three-quarters of an inch closed tear, with a little loss, to the right. Quarter-inch hole towards top right-hand corner, in sky above archway. Mounted on piece of grey paper. Negligible wear to bottom left-hand corner.

Engraved bookplate headed 'LA FELICITA' DELLE LETTERE'.

Antonio Visentini (Venice, 1688-1782), Italian (Venetian) engraver
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with 'Ant. Visentini Inu. Del. et Sculpsit.' at foot.

Dimensions of plate roughly four and a half inches by six and a half wide. Dimensions of paper roughly five inches by seven wide. Clear image on stained, grubby laid paper. Shows mythological figure with helmet and shield holding up a book, within a monumental border with coins, ivy, statuary, etc. This bookplate has been found in conjunction with another reading "Ex Libris Alexandri Torrigiani Med. Doct. Coll. Parmensis", and this may provide a clue to the provenance.

Autograph Note Signed (F Matania) to unnamed correspondent.

Chevalier Fortunino Matania (1881-1963), Italian artist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One page, quarto. On lightly creased, aged paper with a few closed tears. Rust marks from paperclip at head. Reads 'Il triangolo della perfezione arte scienza ad amore | [signed] F Matania'.

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