
[Autograph Manuscript] The Decision of Horgeir, a story of the Conversion of Iceland

Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and eclectic (DNB)
Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and eclectic (DNB)
Publication details: 
No date.
Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and eclectic (DNB)

Notebook, 34pp., 8vo (alternate pages used), first page dulled, minor marking, text clear and complete, in the hand of Sabine Baring-Gould, lightly annotated by B.-G. Words added by B.-G. top right of first page, "from | S. Baring-Gould | [Horbury Wakefiled -excised] | Dalton | Thirsk. And to the title: "by the Author of 'Iceland: its scenes & Sagas', 'Post Mediaeval Preachers,' &c". It is divided into three chapters, a B.-G.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Freemantle') from the Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle, Dean of Ripon, to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his biography of his father, the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Childers.

Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle (1831-1916), Dean of Ripon [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919); Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle
Publication details: 
27 March 1901; on letterhead of the Deanery, Ripon.
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is sending a 'leaf of the Leeds Mercury containing a review of your Life of your father, which is good & appreciative', along with a copy of one of his sermons (neither enclosure present). Not having yet seen the book, he asks if he 'put in the extraordinary prophecy which your father made in March or April 1892 of the numbers of members who were to be elected in the July of that year?' He has 'the letter he wrote to Fanny with the exact number', and wishes he had reminded him of that fact before.

[Printed pamphlet.] Articles of Visitation and Inquiry, Concerning Matters Ecclesiastical, given to [...] every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Rev. Father in God, George, Lord Bishop of that Diocese.

[Sir George Pretyman Tomline (1750-1827), 5th Baronet, successively Bishop of Lincoln and Bishop of Winchester]
Articles of Visitation and Inquiry,
Publication details: 
[1794.] Printer not stated.
Articles of Visitation and Inquiry,

The full title reads: 'Articles of Visitation and Inquiry, Concerning Matters Ecclesiastical, given to the Ministers, Church-Wardens, and Sidesmen, of every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Rev. Father in God, George, Lord Bishop of that Diocese, in the Year of Our Lord, M,DCC,XCIV.' 8vo, 8 pp. On two bifoliums, unstitched and unbound. Aged and lightly stained, with wear causing loss to a few words of text on the last leaf. After sections on 'The Church-Wardens OATHS.

Manuscript and printed ephemera relating to the work of a Committee to remove the encumbrances on the Unitarian Chapel in Brighton.

[New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church]
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church
Publication details: 
New Road Chapel; Brighton Unitarian Church

Five manuscripts items, 15pp., 4to (4), fol.(1); three printed items, 4to, some with MS. additions. The Manuscripts items are related to the printed and are as follows: a. List of Subcriptions recd towards building the Chapel at Brighton (names and amounts). [1820] - Total, £1591.11-; b. [Fol., partly detached at fold marks] List of subscriptions (name, place, amount, or just town or city for some reason) and donations, Aug. 1834. with crossings out and calculations, and a list including periodicals (as subscribers?); c.

A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist. [Identified in manuscript as 'Mr. James Curtis' to 'John Curtis, his nephew'.]

[James Curtis, unitarian; John Curtis, Calvinist; John Evan, printer, Bristol]
A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist
Publication details: 
Bristol: Printed by John Evans & Co. Sold by R. Hunter (successor to Mr. Johnson) St. Paul's Church-yard, London; and J. Fry, St. John-street, Bristol. 1816. [John Evans & Co. Printers, Bristol.]
A Letter from an Old Unitarian, to a Young Calvinist

12mo, 24 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, with the last leaf loose. Two-page preface dated 'Bristol, Dec. 1815.' This copy is significant in that the author and recipient are identified in a contemporary hand on the title-page. The only copy listed on COPAC, at the British Library, is unattributed.

[Booklet] An Outline of the Religion of Islam

Rev. H.U. Weitbrecht Stanton, Ph.D., D.D., Missionary in the Punjab, 1876-1911; Chief Reviser of the Urdu New Testament.
An Outline of the Religion of Islam
Publication details: 
Published by The Missionary Equipment and Literature Supply, Ltd, Church House, Westminster, SW1, 1925.
An Outline of the Religion of Islam

52pp., 8vo, printed green wraps, chipped and sunned, contents good. It includes figures for Moslem populations. Scarce. COPAC lists copies at NLS, Trinity Dublin and Oxford.

Printed vellum document of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, completed in manuscript, regarding the last will and testament of 'Philip Walsh late of Stonehouse in the County of Devon and a Captain in his Majesty's Navy'.

[Captain Philip Walsh, R.N.; the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; John Moore (1730-1805), Archbishop of Canterbury]
Captain Philip Walsh, R.N.; the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Publication details: 
Dated 6 October 1789.
Captain Philip Walsh, R.N.; the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Printed on one side of a piece of vellum, 19 x 20 cm. With two government stamps but lacking the Archbishop's seal. Copy of grant of administration to Walsh's daughter Philis, the estate being sworn under three hundred pounds. Mention made of Walsh's two other daughters, Katharine and Margaret. Ostensibly written on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury by George Gostling, James Townley and Robert Dodwell, Deputy Registers.

[Printed] Prayers for the London Mission, 1884, Home Mission Tracts, no.53.

[Home Mission Tracts] Lord Bishop of Rochester
Prayers for the London Mission, 1884, Home Mission Tracts, no.53.
Publication details: 
[SPCK, 1884]
Prayers for the London Mission, 1884, Home Mission Tracts, no.53.

Four pages, 12mo, not bound. COPAC records only one copy, at Cambridge. -

MS. Minutes of 'the meeting of the Naval and Military Bible Society, at the Kings Concert Rooms Hay Market'

[M. Montagu[e], Capt., R.N.?]
 Naval and Military Bible Society
Publication details: 
[London], May 1817
 Naval and Military Bible Society

Two pages, oblong folio, folded, good condition. The writer of this manuscript reveals that Lord Gambier was in the Chair and then summarises what various people contributed to the discussion, columnising names then summary. He lists: Lord Gambier, Rev. Tho. King, Captain Pakenham R.N., Chas. Henty (Quebec), The Bishop of London, The Bishop of Gloucester, The Chaplain to the Royal Artillery- Quebec, A Lieut. of the Bengal Artillery just returned on sick leave, Revd Basil Wood, Captain Montague R.N., Major General Neville, Thos. Babington Esq., M.P., Benj. Shaw Esq., M.P., Willm.

[Printed facsimile; Hymn] From Greenland's Icy Mountains [Twas when the Seas were roaring].

Reginald Heber, sometime Bishop of Calcutta.
From Greenland's Icy Mountains
Publication details: 
Published & Sold by Hughes & Son, Wrexham, [1899].
From Greenland's Icy Mountains

Four pages, 4to, bifolium, stains and small closed tears on fold marks, mainly good condition, comprising: Facsimile of Heber's words for the Hymn commencing "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" and concluding ([p.2]) "Redeemer, King, Creator, in bliss returns to reign" (Note at foot of p.[2] "The obliterations in the second and Fourth Verses are caused by the Printer's file"; p.[3] For the story of the writing of the hymn (see; p.[4] Typed Letter Signed "Ellis Lever", "coal contractor", Brooklawn, Southport, April 8th, 1899, explaining to the ad

[Printed pamphlet] Autobiography of Johannes Ronge.

[Johannes Ronge, founder, New Catholics]
Autobiography of Johannes Ronge.
Publication details: 
No place or date given [Newcastle on Tyne, c.1860?]
Autobiography of Johannes Ronge.

8pp., 8vo, unbound as issued, unopened, corner turned a little, edges a little grubby, mainly good condition, portrait of Ronge on front, text distilled from"some papers by G.S. Phillips, in the 'Truth-Seeker'." [with addition] The following paragraph may be added, from a correspondent to the 'Gateshead Observer', last week (Jan. 17). At the foot of the last page there is an advertisment for two lectures in the Temperance Hall, North Shields, giving title, dates of lectures and time. COPAC lists the electronic resource only. WorldCat lists copies at Newcastle, Glasgow and Princeton.

[Printed] Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés des Trinitaires, & les Confréries établies aux Pays-Bas pour la redemption des Captifs

[Trinitarian Order]
Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés
Publication details: 
[2 Juillet 1783] Namur, chez G.J. Lafontaine, Imprimeur patenté de Sa Majesté l'Empereur & Roi, 1783.
Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés

Disbound, four pages, folio, aged but good, paginated [1]-4, but also numbered in MS. 95-98. The Trinitarian Order was created in France in the C12th to raise funds to ransom crusader and other Christians held by barbarians. This edict from Emperor Joseph II of Austria orders the suppression of this order and the confiscation of its property since the Order's original purpose was no longer valid.

[Pamphlet] The Gospel in Paris. Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.

Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.
Publication details: 
Warrington: Printed at the Guardian Office [1871?].
Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.


Bold Signature only.

Oliver Lodge, spiritualist and author
Oliver Lodge, spiritualist and author
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Oliver Lodge, spiritualist and author

6.5 x 2.5cm, staining from having been laid down in an album (residual glue), but signature clear.

[Vellum indenture.] Grant of the Custody of the person and management of the real and personal Estate of Maria Anna Zachary Spinster a Lunatic unto Charles Claridge Gentleman'.

[Maria Anna Zachary; Shepherd]
Grant of the Custody of the person and management of a Lunatic
Publication details: 
27 September 1838.
Grant of the Custody of the person and management of a Lunatic

Striking vellum document, 60 x 75 cm. Docketed on reverse. 32 lines of text, ruled with red lines, with ornate engraved decorative border along three sides, headed in large letters 'Victoria by the Grace of God', and depicting the young Queen, the royal crest, a crown held by a cherub, blind justice, and other images. Tax stamp in margin and frayed ribbon at foot. On 9 September [V Geo.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque ('L H. Mordacque'); the second addressed to the bookseller John Russell Smith.

Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque (1824-1870), Somerset scholar at Brasenose College Oxford and Hulmian Exhibitioner [John Russell Smith (1810-1894), bookseller and bibliographer]
Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque
Publication details: 
13 July 1864 and 10 May 1865; both from Haslington Parsonage.
Two Autograph Letters Signed from Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque

Both 12mo, 1 p; and both bifoliums. Both aged and creased. Letter One (recipient not named): Asking to be sent any works 'that would give information on the subject of Chaplaincies abroad in connection with the Government or otherwise', as well as 'a copy of the publisher's circular regularly'. Letter Two (to Smith): Asking if there 'have been any sales of Salverte since the Athenaeum Advertisement', and what Smith would give 'for the whole lot on hand (say per 100 copies) if willing to take them off my hands'.

One Autograph Letter Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed (all 'Randall Cantuar:') to [William George Arthur] Ormsby-Gore.

Randall Davidson [Randall Thomas Davidson] (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury, 1903-1928, then 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth [William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore (1885-1964), 4th Baron Harlech]
One ALS and Two Typed Letters Signed (all 'Randall Cantuar:')
Publication details: 
9 January and 28 April 1913, and 9 May 1914. The first on letterhead of the Old Palace, Canterbury, the other two on letterheads of Lambeth Palace, S.E.
One ALS and Two Typed Letters Signed (all 'Randall Cantuar:')

All three items in good condition, with texts clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: 9 January 1913. Typed. 8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Twenty-eight lines. Sending florid congratulations on Ormsby-Gore's forthcoming marriage, and describing him as 'one who is bearing burdens bravely & buoyantly in the public service, & striving honestly to do his duty to God & man'. His bride-to-be, Beatrice Edith Mildred Gascoyne-Cecil, is described as 'a maiden like-minded'. Letter Two: 28 April 1913. Typed. 4to, 1 p. Fifteen lines typed and a short autograph postscript.

[Pamphlet] Missionary Operations in Ireland. Appeal of the Irish Society of London

[John Edward White]
Missionary Operations in Ireland.
Publication details: 
London, no date
Missionary Operations in Ireland.

Extended title For Promoting the Education and Religious Instruction of the Native Irish through the medium of their own Language. Four pages ([1]-4), 8vo, formerly bound in a book, chipped at fold, mainly good. List of Patron, President and Vice-Presidents and discussion entitled Great Reformation Movement in Ireland, giving details of the state and progress of Protestantism.

Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher, arguing that his pet subjects are not exhausted.

Marquis Spineto, Italian nobleman emigre, Egyptologist
Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher
Publication details: 
No place, [Watermark 1832]
Autograph Letter Signed Spineto to Henry Colburn, publisher

Two pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, segment cut from bifoliate leaf, no obvious loss, fair condition, text clear and complete.

Autograph Note Signed from the General Baptist minister Jabez Burns ('J Burns') to the Paternoster Row publishers Houlston & Wright.

Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Publication details: 
23 March 1855.
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister

Landscape 12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with light traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse. Asking for a copy of his 'Sermons for Families & Villages' ['Sermons chiefly designed for family reading and village worship', 1842] to be given to an individual, and 'put to my Account'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Boyd') from Archibald Boyd, Dean of Exeter, to 'Mr Savile'.

Archibald Boyd (1803-1883), Dean of Exeter
Archibald Boyd (1803-1883), Dean of Exeter
Publication details: 
16 July [no year]; Exeter.
Archibald Boyd (1803-1883), Dean of Exeter

16mo, 1 p. In small purple envelope with mourning border. Twelve lines. Text complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Execrable handwriting. A letter of thanks. Written after Boyd became Dean in 1867.

Autograph Note Signed to Rev. R. Best?], concerning takings from his lectures.

Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine, preacher, theologian and miscellaneous writer
Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine
Publication details: 
Old Trafford, 24 October 1866.
Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine

One page, thirteen lines, 8vo, small closed tears, text clear and complete. "As I cannot continue my lectures on [? see scan], for some time to come I return a proportion of the balance of money collected in various towns. I have not taken one penny for my labours, but I propose to retain about one third of the balance [underlined] as there were innumerable etceteras about a work like mine. If any of the subscribers object to this, please let me know. - I enclose a cheque for £5." Best has listed 6 recipients of shares of this £5 on the verso of a conjoint leaf ,and with a small sum.

W. H. Buckler's own copy of the offprint of his monograph 'Edward Buckler (1610-1706), poet and preacher', bound together with material relating to Buckler from 'Somerset Notes & Queries and an Autograph Letter Signed by Sir David Ross to Buckler.

W. H. .Buckler; Sir David Ross (1877-1971), philosopher and Provost of Oriel College, Oxford [Edward Buckler, 17th century poet]
Publication details: 
Buckler's monograph: The Bibliographical Society, London, 1936. Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries: Sherborne, 1937. Ross's letter: 15 February 1937, on letterhead of the Provost of Oriel College, Oxford.

All items good, on lightly-aged paper. Ross's letter: 12mo, 1 p. Thanking Buckler for the piece of 'Orielania', and giving some information regarding the poet's connection with the college. The other items bound in grey boards with 'Edward Buckler 1936' on the spine. W. H. Buckler's monogram, with its original grey printed wraps, i + 5 pp (paginated 349-353). The title and relevant pages of the article '120. EDWARD BUCKLER' in 'Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset, June 1937, i + 4 pp (paginated 121-124).

[Pamphlet/Offprint[?]] The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican

C.W. King [Portrait of Christ in Vatican]
 The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican
Publication details: 
Printed by Harriet Curphey, "Sun" Office, Douglas [Isle of Man], no date
 The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican

Pp.[1]-12, sewn as issued, loose enclosure folder containing (loose) photographi of the image of Christ)( see COPAC for 24pp. pamphlet published by the Manx Society in 1872 - relationship with this unknown), some foxing and sunning of exterior, other marking, fair. With occasional annotation/correction in unknown hand.

Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church. Plan of Religious Services. Manea [Cambridgeshire] Circuit, 1906.'

Primitive Methodist Church [Manea, Cambridgeshire]
Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church
Publication details: 
1906. Harvey & Son, Printers, Watton, Norfolk.
Calendar, printed on India paper, of the 'Primitive Methodist Church

Crisply printed, within a decorative border, and in a number of fonts and point sizes, on one side of a piece of India paper, 33.5 x 42.5 cm. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Calendar surrounded by text in small type in a number of columns. To left of calendar is column of eighty-eight 'PREACHERS' NAMES, &c.', including 'exhorter', 'prayer leaders' and 'helpers'. There is also a circuit calendar, an advertisement for the 'Primitive Methodist World', a financial circuit report, and a list of circuit officers and organisations.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jonan. Boucher') from George Washington's friend Rev. Jonathan Boucher, to T. Norton of Baston, bearing Boucher's red wax seal.

Jonathan Boucher (1738-1804), friend of George Washington, loyalist in the American War of Independence, clergyman and author [T. Norton (c.1728-1806) of Baston, Chief Constable, Ness, Lincs]
Autograph Letter Signed 'Jonan. Boucher', Washington's friend.
Publication details: 
29 March 1802; Epsom.
Autograph Letter Signed 'Jonan. Boucher', Washington's friend.

4to, 3 pp. In a bifolium. 52 lines of neatly-written text. Clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged and creased paper. Part of the second leaf has been cut away on the breaking open of the letter, and is now under the seal, with no loss of text. The seal is cracked, with a light imprint of Boucher's monogram beneath a jester's head. The letter concerns the enclosure of the Langtoft Estate and 'Mr. Bankes', who 'never had any Legal Right to interfere in the Business'.

[pamphlet, one of fifteen, with manuscript list of recipients] Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times. Being an Article offered to the St. Louis Republican for Thanksgiving Day, and printed now in a few copies for private communication.

James F. Mallinckrodt ['Unity'] [Ira David Sankey, Methodist evangelical gospel singer and composer; Dwight Lyman Moody]
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times
Publication details: 
January 1, 1876. St Louis, Missouri: No. 2816 North 12th Street.
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times

12mo, iv + 8 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor foxing. In original worn blue wraps, with closed tear to the spinal crease. Title leaf followed by printed limitation leaf: 'No. 4a | This Copy is Inscribed to Prof John Tyndall'. On the inside of the back wrap is a manuscript list headed 'Memo from Mailing account Book', numbered 1 ('Mr Carlyle') to 12 ('Rev H. W. Beecher'). Included are 'R W Emerson', 'H W Longfellow', and at 4, 'Prof Tyndall, Huxley, Proctor, & Mr Spencer' (the last three being 4b, 4c and 4d).

Manuscript 'Registration Cash Book' containing 'Cash Receipts for Fees for Registration' [by the Parish Clerk of All Saints Church, Brompton?]; with section of 'Godolphin School Collection Commencing Xmas 1856'

[All Saints Church, Brompton; Godolphin School, Hammersmith; Samuel Cornell, Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Parishes of Kensington, Fulham, Hammersmith, and Paddington]
All Saints Church, Brompton
Publication details: 
Receipts for fees from 3 February 1847 to September 1863. Godolphin School Collection, Midsummer 1856 to Christmas 1860
All Saints Church, Brompton

12mo, 31 pp. Ruled cashbook. Bound in vellum, marbled edges and endpapers, remains of clasps. Text clear and complete, internally sound and tight, on lightly-aged paper. In Stained vellum binding. 'Registration Cash Book' in large manuscript on front cover, and 'Godolphin School Collection | Commencing Xmas 1856.' on back. The first twenty-eight pages of the volume are headed 'Cash Receipts for Fees for Registration'.

Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton. [a defence of Swedenborgianism against a Methodist critic]

Rev. Woodville Woodman of Stoneclough, near Manchester (Swedenborgian, Minister of the New Jerusalem Church, Kearsley, Lancashire, 1839-1872) [John Brindley, Methodist; Northampton New Church]
Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton
Publication details: 
Second Edition, with Postscript. [1861.] Taylor and Son, Steam Printers, Northampton.
Dr. Brindley and his Abettors. To the Inhabitants of Northampton

8vo, 11 + [i] pp. Disbound. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Signed in type at end (p.11) 'WOODVILLE WOODMAN. | Stoneclough, near Manchester, | March 5th, 1861.' The final page is headed 'PUBLIC NOTICE.', and advertises services and a 'Reading & Tract Society' at Northampton New Church, Corn Exchange Buildings, ending 'The Library comprises the works of Swedenborg, and general New Church Literature. A passionate retort, in defence of Swedenborgianism, to the Brindley's Methodist interpretation of 'Swedenborg's doctrine of marriage', as set out in a lecture. 'The insinuation of Dr.

Three catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society ('Illustrated Gift Books', 'The "Pen and Pencil" Series' and general catalogue for September 1906) together with three ephemeral items relating to the Society.

[The Religious Tract Society; Victorian booktrade]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society
Publication details: 
The general catalogue dated to September 1906, another item from 1899, and the rest undated. [London: Paternoster Row.]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society

All items unbound. Texts clear and complete. On aged and dusty paper, with some spotting and one item creased at extremities. ITEM ONE: General catalogue (4to, 68 pp). In original yellow printed wraps. ITEM TWO: Catalogue of 'Illustrated Gift Books' (12mo, 12pp). Numerous vignettes. The front page, bearing an engraving of a seagull, headed in red 'Sold by W. EARDLEY, Crewe'. ITEM THREE: 'The "Pen & Pencil" Series.' (12mo, 10pp). Illustrations, including one of the Bishop's Rock Lighthouse. ITEM FOUR: Handbill advertisement (8vo, 4 pp) for 'The Annotated Paragraph Bible'.

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