[Pamphlet] Six Dialogues touching the Nature of Man

[Charles Daman, clergyman, tutor in Classics at Oxford University]
 Six Dialogues touching the Nature of Man
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and Published by J. Vincent, 1836 ["and Published" excised]
 Six Dialogues touching the Nature of Man

34pp., 8vo, disbound, small closed tears on title (= first page), mainly good condition. P.[19] half-title "Two other dialogues touching the nature of man". Ownership inscription, illegible name, "University Coll". Preface signed "B.A." Ascribed to Charles Daman ihn COPAC entry for Bristol and BL copies. Scarce: COPAC also lists the Bodleian copy. WorldCat also lists Yael and Chicago copies. COPAC lists one other title under Daman's name, "Ten letters introductory to college residence" (1848)

[Printed pamphlet.] Cataclysm Has Begun! [With covering Typed Letter Signed from Williamson to George H. Brook.]

J. J. Williamson [John Jacob Williamson], Founder-President, the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Hastings, Sussex [Nuclear proliferation; Cold War; Atomic Bomb]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!
Publication details: 
Pamphlet: 1955. The Society of Metaphysicians Ltd. Letter: 19 February 1955; on letterhead of the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers' Court, Stonestile Lane, Hastings, Sussex.]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!

4to, vii + 21 pp. Stapled pamphlet, on two different paper stocks (white and grey), front cover detached Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with crease to one corner of title-leaf. Title leaf printed, the rest mimeographed. Pp. v-vii consist of an appendix at the rear of the volume. Occult pseudo-science (the Society's logo is a pentacle), presaging the hippie 'retreat from reason' in the face of Cold War realities. Begins 'For ten years the Society of Metaphysicians has worked in the interests of human unity at all levels.

Abstract of Ferrier's Greek Philosophy [with notice of Ferrier's life].

B. R.' [Professor Benjamin H. Rand (1827-1883); James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with ownership inscription dated 1881.

8vo, 20pp. Stitched. Disbound. In original grey printed wraps (with 'VOL. II.' deleted in blue pencil at foot of title). Fair, on aged paper, with wear and loss to grubby wraps. Ownership inscription on front wrap: 'Henry Norman, April 26. 1881. G.18.' Signed in type 'B. R.' at foot of last page. Providing a detailed synopsis of Ferrier's teachings, with a fifteen-line 'Introductory Notice' of his life. Scarce. No copy at the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at Harvard.

The Dangers and Safeguards of Ethical Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Clarendon, May 25th, 1836.

The Rev. W. Sewell [William Sewell (1804-1874)], M.A. Sub-Rector of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1837.

8vo: 66 pp. Stitched pamphlet. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Tight copy on lightly-aged and foxed paper, with light staining at foot of wraps and first and last few leaves. List of 'Publications by the same Author' on the reverse. Worn inscription at head of title, to 'The Revd Vaughan Thomas | With the Authors best comptss & regards'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Bristol, Lambeth Palace and Oxford.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Bautain') to unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Louis Bautain [Louis Eugène Marie Bautain] (1796-1867), Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg and of Theology at the Sorbonne, founder of the Order of the Sisters of St Louis
Publication details: 
9 April 1864, 'rue Pigalle 2', on letterhead of the Archevêché de Paris.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper. In French. Difficult hand. Regarding 'la société musicale et littéraire de Meaux', of which he approves. 'Malheureusement plusieurs obstacles s'opposent à ma bonne volonté.' As a gesture of good will, he asks the Society to accept 'quelques ouvrages'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Brougham.

John Henry Bernard
Publication details: 
21 June 1900; on letterhead of Trinity College, Dublin.

Irish churchman and philosopher (1860-1927). Four pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and a tad spotted, and with remains of previous mount adhering to lower-half of verso of second leaf of bifoliate (not affecting text). Begins 'My dear Brougham | I have read over the article in the Gazette on SPG, and have ascertained that Mr. White had nothing, directly or indirectly, to say to it. I think that the scope of the article precluded any mention of individual workers of recent years, as it was meant to give a general view.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Fouillée, Membre de l'Institut'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Alfred Fouillée [Alfred Jules Emile Fouillée] (1838-1912), French sociologist and philosopher [solidarism; solidarist; André Beaumier]
Publication details: 
13 March 1902; 'Menton, villa Fouillée'.

12mo, 2 pp, 13 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He is sending his reply (not present) to an article by André Beaumier 'qui me concerne (Figaro du 11 mars)'. The question of university reform is important and 'à l'ordre du jour', consequently he asks his correspondent to make use of his reply. Fouillee was, according to J. A. Scott, 'the founder of French solidarist philosophy'. Loosely inserted in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the item laid down on front.

Autograph Signature ('H. Martineau') on fragment of letter.

Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), English writer and journalist
Publication details: 
26 December [no year]; Ambleside.

Irregularly-shaped (like an 'L') piece of paper, cut from the head of a letter with a mourning border. Dimensions (very roughly) 4 and 3 cm high and 7 cm wide. Good, with minor traces of two tissue mounts adhering to reverse. The following written vertically across three lines of writing: 'to all your family, & I am, dear Sir, truly yours | [signed] H. Martineau'. The remains of the three lines acoss which the above is written read: '<...> dear Sir | <...> I am | <....> ur sister <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M. F. T.') to his printer Thomas Brettell, 25 Rupert Street, Haymarket, London.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), English poet [P. T. Barnum; John Leech; Thomas Brettell; Henry William Pickersgill]
Publication details: 
Undated, but docketed 'Jan. 31 1851'.

12mo: 2 pp. 28 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper, with unobtrusive small spike hole and traces of mounts adhering to four corners. Interesting animated letter between a Victorian author and his printer. Relates to Tupper's 'A hymn for All Nations; translated into thirty languages; nearly fifty versions; the music composed expressly by S. Sebastian Wesley.' (1851). Asks his printer to 'Attend to Hymn as within' (not present). 'We cannot help all this trouble'. Tupper has written to Dr Gavassi, but has had no answer: 'get Rossetti's as soon as you can.

Autograph Note Signed to S. C. J. Freeman-Matthews, [autograph hunter of] Cape Town, South Africa.

John Fiske (1842-1901), American philosopher and historian
Publication details: 
31 May 1900; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. 'It gives me much pleasure to add my autograph to your collection.' With a 38-line biographical cutting on Fiske.

Scenes from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century.

[Henry Longueville Mansel, Dean of St Pauls; University of Oxford; J. Vincent, publisher]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vincent, and G. Bell, Fleet Street, London. Fourth edition, 1852.

English philosopher (1820-71). 24 pages, 12mo. Very good, neatly bound in brown cloth binding. Bound in are the original grey printed wraps, affected with foxing, and with very slight damage from glue to front wrap. The rear wrap carries an advertisement of 'BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED | BY J. VINCENT OXFORD.', including 'NINEVEH: the Best Newdigate for Years; therefore not recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. 12mo. 1s.' A brilliant satire on academic reformers and German philosphers. Copac only lists copies of the third, fourth and fifth editions.

Four Autograph Letters Signed (two in full and two as 'L. H.') to the biblical scholar and Quaker theologian Herbert George Wood (1879-1963), first Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham.

Lawrence Hyde (b.1894, fl. 1954), English journalist and spiritual philospher [Herbert George Wood; Quaker; Society of Friends; Selly Oak College; Fircroft; Woodbrooke]
Publication details: 
Between 1930 and 1931; all four on letterhead Rosedean Cottage, Shipley, Sussex.

All items very good, on lightly aged paper. Four closely written and interesting communications on his writings and philosophy. LETTER ONE (16 June 1930, 2 pages, 12mo): On the question of 'that misunderstanding regarding our last visit', the rest of the month is 'booked up', but 'perhaps the postponement - I hope it is no more than that! - of our coming may not be a bad thing'. Since their last meeting he has been 'passing through a phase of extensive internal adjustment, the physical aspect of which has taken the form of very bad health'.

Ten Typed Letters to Mark Bonham-Carter (one signed 'Charles', one signed 'C. W.', seven initialed in type, one signed Charles in type).

Publication details: 
Four without year, the others between 1948 and 1950; only two addressed, one from Oak Park and the other from 5336 University Ave, Chicago.

American educator and philosopher (1921-2002), one of the key figures during the reorganization of the University of Chicago’s undergraduate college in the 1960s and 70s. All ten items quarto: five items one page in length and five two pages in length. Text legible throughout, but all items creased and some on paper discoloured with age. With occasional fraying to edges and a few closed tears. Several with pencil notes by Bonham-Carter on reverse.

Paper entitled 'DISCUSSION: (I) Philosophy Without Science'.

Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, Sir Alfred Jules Ayer; Herbert Dingle
Publication details: 
Reprinted from PHILOSOPHY, Vol. XXIII, No. 84, January 1948.'

12 pages, octavo. Unbound. Folded once, down the centre, vertically. Good, though grubby, and with marks from paperclip. Each of the three contributes a section. PRESENTATION COPY, with slip from Samuel, on his notepaper '32, PORCHESTER TERRACE, W.2.' on which is typed 'WITH LORD SAMUEL'S COMPLIMENTS'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic Harrison
Publication details: 
14 October 1879; on letterhead '38, Westbourne Terrace, W.'

English positivist philosopher (1831-1923). Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: on discoloured paper with remains of stub still adhering along one edge, and with slight damage to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He is obliged for the 'invitation to contribute to the pages of the International Review; & I only wish that it was in my power to accept it.' He has 'a limited amount of time for literary work' and cannot at present make 'any further engagement', but may do so in the future. Signed 'Frederic Harrison'.

Nine (9) Typed letters signed, some with ms. adds, and one (1) Autograph Letter Signed, usually "John", to Philip Mairet, writer on psychology and philosophy, and journalist/reviewer. WITHG related material.

John W. Lawrence [ Maurice Reckitt ]
Publication details: 

Author and editor of "Christian Newsletter" and "Frontier". Total ten letters, 12 pages, 4to, minor defects, mainly good condition.

Autograph Letter Signed "A C Fraser" to an unnamed correspondent.

Alexander Campbell Fraser.
Publication details: 
20 Chester Street, 3 Jan. 1876.

Philosopher (see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, some spotting, mainly good condition. "I thank you for the profound & yet widely entertaining & [?] volume on "Moral Sensation" which you were so good as to send to me some weeks ago. I have read it with much asent to its main doctrine, & delight in the intellectual processes by which you unfold & [?] it. I do not not know where J.S. Mill found an antagonist more difficult to meet in any of his encounters . . ."

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Combe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Victorian phrenologist (1788-1858) and natural philosopher. Paper dimensions roughly seven and a half inches by three inches. Folded four times. Good, but worn and with some loss to bottom corners from previous mounting. Reads 'I am | My dear Sir | Yours most truly | Geo: Combe | If you see Mr. <?> at the meeting put this letter into his hands, lest I should not see him before it. | [signed] G C'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

George Combe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Victorian phrenologist (1788-1858) and natural philosopher. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a quarter. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of lilac paper. Crease line affecting first line of text. Reads 'I am | My dear Major Mair | Very truly yours | Geo. Combe'. Docketed in pencil at foot by Dame Sarah Elizabeth Siddons Mair (died 1941) '(Phrenologist) | Written to my Father - S. E. S. M.'

A Protest against Rationalism. The Rationale or Philosophy of Belief

P.F. Fitzgerald
Publication details: 
London, Kegan Paul, 1890

Brown boards, gilt, bumped and some staining of edge, contents good. INSCRIBED by author: "With the Authoress's love".

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