[Printed item.] The History of Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom of Coventry, with a Description of St. Michael's Church, the Holy Trinity, and other Places of Worship, with numerous Local Illustrations. [...]

[J. Tomkinson, Coventry publisher; Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom; the Coventry Cemetery]
Publication details: 
Fifth Edition. Coventry: Printed and published by J. Tomkinson, High Street, 1877.

After '[...] with numerous local illustrations.' the title continues: 'To which is added a short account of The Coventry Cemetery, Waterworks, St. Mary's and Draper's Halls, School of Art, New Free Library, Bond's and Ford's Hospitals; also the History of Stoneleigh and Combe Abbeys, Kenilworth Castle, &c.' 48pp., small (15 x 12 cm) 4to. With fold-out frontispiece and nine engraved plates, including 'The Countess Lady Godiva riding through Coventry' and 'Peeping Tom of Coventry'. In green printed card wraps with red cloth spine.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Few Remarks on the Uses and Mode of Applying the New Materials lately invented to supersede Poultices and Fomentation Cloths; and also, as a Protector to the Chest, and a valuable Remedy in Cases of Rheumatism. Etc. Etc.

Alfred Markwick, Surgeon to the Western German Dispensary, &c [The Patent Epithem Company; Chapman and Elcoate, London printers]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Patent Epithem Company, at their wholesale depot, 69, King William-street, City. 1846. [Chapman and Elcoate, Printers, Peterborough-court, and 5, Shoe-lane, Fleet-street.]

12pp., 12mo. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Uncommon: the only copies of this first edition on COPAC at the British Library and Wellcome.

[Printed pamphlet.] [Drophead title:] The Roman Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829. How it was carried through Parliament; and the Necessity for its Repeal.

[Charles Stirling, MA] [Anti-Catholicism; Protestantism; Roman Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London : Chas. J. Thynne, [1901?]]

32pp., 12mo. Unbound, and presumably lacking the wraps carrying the details of author and publisher. A rabidly anti-Catholic tract, proposing 'DISESTABLISHMENT AND COMPLETE DISENDOWMENT to render the noxious system impotent for evil', and stating that 'A PROTESTANT PARLIAMENT animated by the noble spirit of that Parliament which met at Westminster on November 3, 1640, is required to deal effectively with the perilous condition of affairs by which we are now confronted.' In poor condition, dogeared, on aged paper, with closed tear to spine and back leaf.

[Pamphlet; Inscribed by Author] Discours d'Ouverture et Raport sul La Pouesio Occitano

[Jean-Marie Vinas] Douctou Vinas
Publication details: 
Société Archéologique, Scientifique & Littéraire de Baziers (Herault) Beziers: Imprimerie Générale, Barthe, Soueix. Bourdou et Rul..., 1911.

28pp., 8vo, green printed paper wraps, sunned, chipped, contents good condition. "Séance Publique pour la Distribution des Prix des Concours de l'année 1911 | Présidence de M. le Docteur Vinas." INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR apparently in Basque. WorldCat lists only one copy (a Beziers collection).

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Sergeant Surgeons to their Majesties. Thomas Vicary Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 29th October 1959.

Henry R. Thompson, F.R.C.S., Surgeon, St. Mark's Hospital; Master of the Worshipful Company of Barbers [Royal College of Surgeons of England]
Publication details: 
Printed by Jackson, Ruston and Keeson Limited, Pear Tree Court, London, E.C.1. 'Reprinted from Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Volume 26 - January, 1960. Pages 1-23.'

25pp., 8vo. Eleven photographic figures in text. Stapled and unbound. Printed on art paper. Creasing and wear to title-leaf, otherwise in fair condition, with corners slightly dog-eared. Signature 'Henry' at head of title, with purple stamp: 'With the author's compliments.'' This offprint is scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC in the Guildhall.

Printed Victorian handbill poem in Yorkshire dialect, titled 'On the Wing. By John Lawton.', speculating in a humorous style on the effects of successful transport by air.

John Lawton, Victorian Yorkshire dialect poet [aircraft; air transport; aeroplanes; fixed-wing flying; manned flight; ballooning]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Yorkshire, 1850s?]

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper, with slight wear and loss at head. The leaf has been trimmed down to 21 x 16 cm., with rounded corners, around the poem's decorative border. The poem consists of 96 lines, in twelve eight-line stanzas; it is arranged in two columns beneath the title: 'ON THE WING. | BY JOHN LAWTON.' First stanza reads: 'I wor thinkin one neet wol sit i mi cheer, | Wot thowts enter sum people's pates; | Wot useful invenshuns they'n plan'd everywheer | To benefit people un states.

[Printed pamphlet, inscribed by the author.] Tolls, or Valuation Roll: Which of the two, provides road funds, most fairly? The question discussed in a letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Advocate. By David Milne Home of Milne-Graden.

David Milne Home of Milne-Graden [(1805-1890), advocate, scientist and meteorologist]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1873.

27pp., 8vo. Unbound stitched pamphlet. Internally fair, on lightly-aged paper, in stained and worn covers. Inscribed at head of title: 'From the Author | 11 March 1873'. At head of first page: 'The publication of this letter has been delayed, owing to a strike among the Edinburgh printers.' Dated in type at commencement of text, 'Paxton House, Berwick, | Dec. 20, 1872.' Scarce: the only two copies on COPAC at the British Library and National Library of Scotland.

[Printed pamphlet of Portuguese poems.] 'Biographia instantanea e cinematographica do illustre Cidadão. Ah! Ah! de Barros (Moça de recados dos Snrs. de Tres LLL) por Chicote (A. Vieira Mendes) No. 1'.

'Chicote', pseudonym of A. Vieira Mendes [José da Fonseca Lage]
Publication details: 
'Composto e impresso na Typ. da Agencia de Publicidade, Rua de Passos Manuel, 198 - PORTO | Proprietario e editor - A. Vieira Mendes'. 1909.

37+ [iii] pp., 8vo. Stapled, in red printed wraps. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn and chipped wraps. Containing nine poems, preceded by an introduction (pp.5-7) from José da Fonseca Lage, dated from Lisbon, May 1909, beginning 'A presente publicação parece mais uma phantasia d'um genio irrequieto, que a realidade d'um desforço de quem se vê roubado, escarnecido e ultrajado!, and followed by 'Esclarecimento imprescindivel' (pp.33-37). The 37pp. of text are followed by a page of 'Erratas', by another listing thirty 'Obras do mesmo auctor' and by a last headed 'No Prélo'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Facts for Inventors and Manufacturers. By W. P. Thompson & Co. (F.C.S., M.I.M.E., M. Council S.C.I., &c.)

[W. P. Thompson & Co., Liverpool and Manchester patent offices]
Publication details: 
Printed at the Patent Offices, 6, Lord Street, Liverpool. 6, Bank Street, Manchester. 1887. Entered at Stationers' Hall.

16pp., 16mo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight staining to last leaf. Printed in red on the title-page: 'NOTE. - After perusal, please file this Pamphlet for reference, or to lend to others interested in Patents.' An introductory note by the firm sets out the aims of the work: 'To Patentees and Manufacturers. | This Pamphlet, describing the Law and Practice relating to Patents, is designed as a useful guide to Patentees.

[Printed pamphlet.] The General Practice of Plumbing in Manchester & District, by Wm. Jaffrey, R.P., 27, Booth Street, Manchester. Being a Paper read at a Meeting convened by the Manchester, Salford, and District Council of Registered Plumbers.

William Jaffrey, R.P., 27 Booth Street, Manchester, of the Registered Plumbers' Council
Publication details: 
Held at the Technical School, Manchester, March 11th, 1891.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled. In brown printed wraps. On brittle, high-acidity paper, with staining from staples, in stained and worn wraps. After some 'Introductory Remarks' he discusses 'Light Materials in New Work', 'Position of Cold-Water Cistern', 'Position', 'The Runs of Pipes', 'The W.-C.', 'The W.-C. Supply' ('two gallons of water is not sufficient to wash away the soil into the main drain.

[Printed pamphlet.] Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896; General Rles and Special Rules [...] Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham. [With 'Bye-Laws'.]

[Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham; Committee for Yorkshire; coal mining; Victorian coal industry]
Publication details: 
No. 046. Jenkinson, Marshall & Co., Stationers, Printers, Paper & Twine Merchants, &c., Surrey Street and Tudor Street, Sheffield. Dated 9 August 1888, and amended in manuscript to 7 February 1902.

The 'Abstract' and 'Bye-Laws' total 45pp., 12mo, attached in one unbound pamphlet. Complete, but aged and dusty: an item that certainly saw duty in its colliery. The 'Abstract' is 41pp., 12mo, paginated 1-40; with a single page headed 'Timbering in Mines. | Special Rules' on a leaf tipped in after p.38. The title-page is headed 'Published under the direction of the Committee for Yorkshire.', and the full title includes: '[...] General Rules and Special Rules to be observed by the Owners, Agents, Managers, Under-Managers, Under-Viewers, Enginewrights, Deputies, and Work-people of Messrs.

[Printed pamphlet.] Empire "Socialism" By R. Palme Dutt.

R. Palme Dutt [with foreword by 'T. B.', i.e. Thomas Bell (1882-1944), representative of the Communist Party of Great Britain to the Comintern's Executive Committee]
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King Street, Covent Garden, WC2. ['Printed by Centropress Limited (T.U. Throughout) 168, Camberwell Road, London S.E.5.'] February 1925.

20pp, 12mo. Stapled. In red printed wraps, with cartoon on cover showing giant worker sweeping away miniature capitalists. In fair condition: lightly-aged and with central vertical fold. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Warwick University.

[Printed HMSO pamphlet.] A Handbook for the information of Relatives and Friends of Prisoners of War and Civilians in Japanese or Japanese-Occupied Territory. [With stamped printed slip from the War Office.]

[British Prisoners of War in Japan or Japanese-Occupied Territory]
Publication details: 
Published for The War Office by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1944. [Printed slip dated May 1944, and stamped 9 June 1944.]

16pp., 12mo. Stapled. In printed pink wraps, with map on inside back cover showing 'The Prisoner of War (Far East) Enquiry Centre' at Curzon St House in Mayfair. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper in worn wraps with creasing to one corner.

[Printed pamphlet.] Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Wages and Pauperism, being a report as to the occupations and earnings of recipients of out-door relief and their dependants.

Gladstone Walker, Clerk to the Guardians of the Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Pauperism; Poverty; Indigence]
Publication details: 
Gladstone Walker, Clerk to the Guardians of the Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. November 1915.

23pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Text complete, but a frail survival: on aged paper, with first leaf loose, and with chipped and frayed remains of printed front wrap attached with gummed paper to last leaf, and lacking rear wrap. With stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Library. Excessively scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC or Worldcat at the London School of Economics. A pamphlet on 'Industry and Pauperism' followed in 1916.

[British anti-German Second World War propaganda pamphlet, printing the transcript of a BBC broadcast.] The Woman from Poland.

W. J. Brown [Second World War; occupation of Poland; Polish; Nazi war attrocities; fascism; BBC]
Publication details: 
'10/41 [i.e. printed October 1941] A., P. & S., Ltd.' 'Broadcast in the Home Service of the B.B.C. on Tuesday, 23rd September, 1941.'

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. Beneath the cover on the front page are four quotations: 'I don't know what astonishes me most about you British - your kindness and your courage, or your blindness.'; 'Not one in ten of you knows what a German victory would mean to you.'; 'Wake up.

[Printed pro-Polish and anti-Soviet pamphlet.] The Polish Conspiracy? By H. W. Henderson.

Publication details: 
[Second edition, revised.] Published by H. W. Henderson, 44 Maxwell Drive, Glasgow. [Kirkwood (Printers) Limited, Glasgow. No date [1942].

15pp., 16mo. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. In an 'Introduction' on the reverse of the title, Henderson explains that he thinks 'a second edition of the pamphlet would be timely, the more so that the presentation of Polish-Soviet relations in their true perspective is of great importance to the Allies.' In writing the pamphlet his 'purpose was primarily to reply to Mr.

[Printed Georgian pamphlet of song lyrics, not in ESTC.] The Gentleman's Concert. Being A Choice Collection of Favourite Songs. Containing, [twenty numbered song titles, including '15. I am a poor black, it is true.'

[Georgian song book; Cluer Dicey & Co., London publishers; 'George Seghious'; 'The Black's Lamentation'; slavery]
Publication details: 
Publication details and date not give. [London: Cluer Dicey & Co. 1770s?]

The full drophead title, beneath a headpiece of three lions in folliage, reads: The Gentleman's CONCERT. | BEING | A Choice Collection of Favourite SONGS. | Containing, | [following 10 lines in left-hand of two columns] 1. Where's my swain so blyth and clever | 2. To an arbour of woodbines. | 3. The flame of love sincere I felt. | 4. When all the Attic fire was fled. | 5. Cupid, god of pleasing anguish. | 6. As I walk'd forth, &c. | 7. O give me leave to love you dearly. | 8. When Fanny I saw as she trip'd, [sic] &c | 9. Bumpers 'Squire Jones. | 10. Sweet Annie.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Sociological Experiment among Factory Girls. A Report of the Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home.

Sidney L. Gulick [Sidney Lewis Gulick (1860-1945); Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home, Japan]
Publication details: 
Dated 1 August 1907.

12pp., 4to, plus three leaves of plates on art paper. Stapled, in original buff printed wraps. A fragile item. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper, in chipped and worn wraps. Images captioned 'The First Photograph of the Sympathy Society', 'At School', 'At Play' and 'The Home'. Sections on the conversion of Shinjiro Omoto, and the 'Sympathy Home' ('Dojokwan'). Final 'Financial Statement' and 'Plans for Enlargement'. No copy on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet, limited to 200 copies.] Memorial Exhibition of Works by Norman Douglas (8th December 1868-9th February 1952).

Alan Anderson; Cecil Woolf; Moray McLaren [Norman Douglas]
Memorial Exhibition of Works by Norman Douglas
Publication details: 
'On display during July 1952 at Edinburgh Central Library | George IV Bridge | Edinburgh'. [Printed by McLagan & Cumming, Edinburgh.]
Memorial Exhibition of Works by Norman Douglas

'This Bibliographical Catalogue, compiled by Cecil Woolf and Alan Anderson, is limited to two hundred copies.' 8vo, 9 pp. In original green printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with single manuscript correction in green ink. Full-page introduction on Douglas by Moray McLaren. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at Oxford, the British Library, and the National Library of Scotland.

[Printed pamphlet.] Observations on the Use and Abuse of Red Tape for the Juniors in the Eastern, Western, and American Departments. [Inscribed by the author Sir Thomas Henry Sanderson, and with two marginal notes by Sir V. Wellesley.]

'T. H. S.' [Sir Thomas Henry Sanderson (1841-1923) of the Foreign Office] [Sir Victor Wellesley (1876-1954), diplomat]
Observations on the Use and Abuse of Red Tape for the Juniors
Publication details: 
Dated 'October 1891.'
Observations on the Use and Abuse of Red Tape for the Juniors

8vo, 14 pp (followed by blank leaf). Unbound and stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Drophead title. With 'PRIVATE' in print in the top left-hand corner of the first page, and '[285]' in the bottom left-hand corner. Dated in type at end 'T. H. S. | October 1891.' Sanderson's inscription, at the head of the first page, reads 'From the Author | [signed] S | Sept. 1918'. From the collection of Sir Victor Wellesley, and with two marginal notes by him.

The History and the Mystery of Good Friday. By Robert Robinson, of Cambridge. A new edition, corrected. To which is added, A Brief Account of the Life and Writings of the Author.

Robert Robinson, of Cambridge [K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle]
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday
Publication details: 
Printed for and sold by J. Marshall, Bookseller, Gateshead. Sold also by the Booksellers in Newcastle, Shields, Sunderland, Durham, &c. and Longman, Hurst, and Co. London. K. Anderson, Printer, Newcastle. 1805.
The History and the Mystery of Good Friday

12mo, 48 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Rebound in the twentieth century in worn workmanlike blue wraps, with the outer edges of the pamphlet rounded off. The text of the work covers pp.3-40; with the 'Brief Account' on pp.41-48. A scarce piece of provincial printing: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at the New York Public Library.

[Printed pamphlet.] Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White. A New Carving, "Lazarus" and other Recent Sculpture by Jacob Epstein.

[Ernest Brown & Phillips Ltd, The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London; Ethelbert White; Jacob Epstein]
Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White.
Publication details: 
March 1950; Claridge, Lewis & Jordan Ltd., 68-70 Wardour Street, W.1. [London]
Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White.

16mo, 8 pp. On art paper. In yellow printed wraps printed in orange. Good, with minor spotting around staples. Thirty-six items by White on pp.2-5, preceded by a biographical note. Twenty-five items by Epstein on pp.6-7, headed by 'LAZARUS (Carving in Hopton Wood stone)'. Scarce: only two copies on COPAC, and none on viaLibri.

[Printed pamphlet] Under the Sanction of the Directors. Report of the Directors to a Special General Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester, on the Injurious Effects of Restrictions of Trade, [...] 11th March, 1841.

[Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester; free trade; protectionism]
Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester
Publication details: 
Fourth Thousand. London: Pelham Richardson, Cornhill; Ridgway, Piccadilly; Manchester: White & Carter, St. Ann's Square; and other Booksellers. [Manchester: Printed by White and Carter.]
Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester

8vo, 24 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. Contemporary ownership inscription at head of front cover: 'D Chalmer | 3 Clayes St'. Stamps of the New York Public Library on front cover and first page of text. On aged paper, with chipping to extremities. Scarce: the only copy of this fourth edition on COPAC at the British Library, and the only other copies of any other edition on COPAC - single copies of the first and third edition - both also at the British Library. John Rylands has 2 copies.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution, for the Relief of Aged and Necessitous Members and Widows of Members. Instituted 1849.

[Leonard Courtney, Secretary, and J. M. Longley, Treasurer, The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution (Inst. 1849]
The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution
Publication details: 
[1907. The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution, 11 Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, E.C.]
The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution

12mo, 10 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with pin holes and a spike hole. Includes list of the 'Board of Management for 1907', accounts, 'Statement of Accounts, December 21st, 1901, to December 20th, 1906. Compiled by Mr. J. M. Longley, Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.' Also 'Report Presented at the Half-Yearly General Court, 27th Dec., 1906.' The 'Result of Poll', 'December Election, 1906', by Courtney, contains lists naming 'Successful Candidates' and 'Unsuccessful Candidates'.

[Printed poster.] Ordo Baccalaureorum Determinantium. In Universitate Oxon. per Quadragesim. Ann. 1805. Collectoribus Dno Mackensie, ex Aede Christi. Dno Hudson, è Coll. Magd.

'Scheme of Determining Bachelors in Oxford (Lent 1805)' [The Clarendon Press, Oxford University]
Ordo Baccalaureorum Determinantium
Publication details: 
E Typographeo Clarendoniano. [1805.]
Ordo Baccalaureorum Determinantium

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 55 x 44 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 131-box table giving the tutors (and their colleges) over twelve weeks for each of eleven subjects from 'Nat. Phil.' to 'Ling.' Among the many tutors the following only in capitals: 'Ds HEWITT ex Aede Christi', 'Ds HANMER ex Aedi Christi', 'Ds JOYCE e Aul. S. Edm.', 'G. C. AGAR ed Aede Christi', 'Ds MACDONALD ex Aede Christie', 'Ds MACKENSIE ex Aede Christi', 'Ds CRAWLEY e Coll. Pemb.', 'Ds HUDSON e Coll. Magd.' and 'Ds G. BOWYER, Bart. ex Aede Christi'.

[Printed pamphlet by Adam Crooks, Minister of Education.] Centennial Exhibition Philadelphia, 1876. Educational Institutions, Province of Ontario, (Canada.)

Adam Crooks, Minister of Education, Education Department, Ontario, Canada.
Centennial Exhibition Philadelphia, 1876. Educational Institutions
Publication details: 
Toronto: Printed by Hunter, Rose & Company. 1876.
Centennial Exhibition Philadelphia, 1876. Educational Institutions

8vo, 23 pp. In original yellow printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper; wraps worn and with slight loss to a couple of corners. Red label on rear cover: 'Education Department. Reference Department.' Library stamp and shelf marks on front cover and title page. Signed in type at end: 'ADAM CROOKS, | Minister of Education.

[Inscribed pamphlet.] The Society of Engineers. Inaugural Address of the President, Arthur Thomas Walmisley, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers; Fellow of King's College, London. Delivered at the Town Hall, Westminster, 6th February, 1888.

Arthur Thomas Walmisley, President of the Society of Engineers [College for Civil Engineers and of General Scientific and Practical Education]
Arthur Thomas Walmisley,
Publication details: 
1888. E. & F. N. Spon, 125, Strand, London. [London: Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]
Arthur Thomas Walmisley,

8vo, 40 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Unopened. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to wraps and negligible worming to margins. Presentation copy from the author.

[Printed pamphlet.] [Carta de Junius Lusitanus] A. S. Excellencia Lord Palmerston, Ministro e Secretario d'Estado dos Negocios Estrangeiros da Grã-Bretanha.

'Junius Lusitanus' [P. Midosi?] [Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Septembrist Revolt in Portugal, 1846]
[Printed pamphlet.] [Carta de Junius Lusitanus] A. S. Excellencia Lord Palmersto
Publication details: 
Date and publisher not stated. [Lisboa [Lisbon], Na Imprensa Nevesiana, 1847.]
[Printed pamphlet.] [Carta de Junius Lusitanus] A. S. Excellencia Lord Palmersto

4to, 24 pp, paginated 3-27. Lacking title-leaf; otherwise with text clear and complete under drop-head title (lacking the initial 'Carta de Junius Lusitanus' which would have been part of the missing title leaf) with Latin motto ('Palmam qui mecuit ferat.'). Disbound. On aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Addressing British Foreign Secretary Palmerston with regard to the United Kingdom's position on the Septembrist Revolt in Portugal in 1846. COPAC and WorldCat only lists three copies: at the British Library, Harvard and King's College London.

[Book.] Euthanasia: or, Medical Treatment in Aid of an easy Death. By William Munk, M.D., F.S.A.

William Munk, M.D., F.S.A., Fellow and late Senior Censor of the Royal College of Physicians [euthanasia; pain relief]
Euthanasia: or, Medical Treatment in Aid of an easy Death. By William Munk
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green, and Co. and New York: 15, East 16th Street. 1887.
Euthanasia: or, Medical Treatment in Aid of an easy Death. By William Munk

12mo, vii + 105 pp. In original cloth quarter-binding of brown spine and blue boards, gilt. Fair, on aged paper, in patchy worn binding with foxed endpapers. With the ownership inscription of the Great Yarmouth solicitor Frederick John Dowsett (author of 'Both Sides of Jewish Character', Westminster Review, 1888). An important and scarce early work in the nineteenth-century resurgence of interest in the subject in the West.

[Printed pamphlet by 'The Directors of the well known Strand Electric and Engineering Company Limited'] A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms [...] With an Appendix of the Colours used for Lighting the Plays [...]

[Theatrical Terms]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms
Publication details: 
'Commencing Novr. 1st. 1947, and thereafter so long as supplies shall last!'] 'Smudgeham & Fowlem, Steam Printers, The Cut, Waterloo.' [i.e. The Strand Electric & Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 Floral St, Covent Garden, London.]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms

Irregular (12 x 23.5 cm), 32 pp. In fair condition, aged and lightly worn. In original wraps, with cover design, in a variety of types and point sizes, imitating an early nineteenth-century handbill, stating that 'all Profits for the Benefit of the Deserving Actors' Orphanage. | Free list entirely suspended | Fees payable in advance are 2s. per copy'.

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