Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jaubert') to 'monsieur le Baron Grenier, Procureur général de la Cour Imperiale, membre de la Légion d'honneur à Riom'.

Comte François Jaubert (1758-1822), Conseiller d'Etat à Vie; Gouverneur de la Banque de France under the First Empire [Jean, Baron Grenier (1753-1841), Premier Président de la Cour Royale de Riom]
Publication details: 
Letter One: 'Paris, le 27 mai 1811', on letterhead of 'Le Comte de l'Empire, Conseiller d'Etat à Vie, [...]'. Letter Two: 'Paris ce 12 Janvier 1814'.

Both items 4to,1 p. Both items good, on lightly aged and foxed paper. Both bifoliums, with the second item addressed, with broken wafer, on verso of second leaf. Both docketed in pencil in a nineteenth-century hand. Letter One (nineteen lines of text): He is grateful to Grenier for sending 'le procès verbal de l'installation de votre Cour'. Grenier was right to think that Jaubert would be interested in 'l'historique d'une cérémonie qui rend aux Cours la dignité convenable à la magistrature, et qui vous touche particulièrement'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cte Jaubert'), in French, to 'Messieurs Pichon & Didier, Libraires Commissionaires, quai des Augustins No. 47. Paris.'

Comte François Jaubert (1758-1822), Conseiller d'Etat à Vie; Gouverneur de la Banque de France under the First Empire [Pichon et Didier, Paris printers]
Publication details: 
Givry, près Fourchambault, par Nevers (Nièvre) 3 Juin 1827'.

12mo, 1 p. Eighteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper. Address, with broken wafer and two circular postmarks (one in red ink and the other in black) on verso of second leaf of bifolium. Making an order for a periodical publication, and giving instructions for delivery and payment.

Official Letter Signed "Ph. Loverat [?]", "[Printed] Le Maire de la Ville de Coni [in Italy], Baron de l'Empire, Membre de la Legion d'honneur TO "Monsieur Le Prefet du Dep. Comte de L'Empire".

{Birthday Celebration of Napoléon François Joseph Charles, King of Rome, b.1811]
Publication details: 
Departement de la Stu Ra/ Ville de Coni Chef-Lieu/ Division/ Section./ .../ Objet Fête du Roi de Rome", 22 May 1811.

One page, sm. folio, good condition. "Monsieur / J'ai L'honneur de vous adresser, M. Le Comte, copie conforme de l'acte de seance du conseil municipal en date 18 du courant, parle quel 3000 Francs ont été mis a ma disposition pour célebrer la fête de la naissance de S.M. Le Roy de Rome et je vous adresse dans la meme tem[p]s le programme dressé pour la dite fête. / Et daignez . . ."

Autograph Note Signed ('Count de la Chapelle') to 'C. Law'.

Alfred, Comte de la Chapelle (b.1830) [Alfred de la Chapelle; Count de la Chapelle; Napoleon III; Franco-Prussian War]
Publication details: 
5 July 1872; 200 Fleet Street, E.C. London.

12mo, 1 p, 5 lines. Text and signature clear and entire, but on brittle, aged and creased paper, with loss and closed tears to extremities. Reads 'by order of his majesty the Emperor I beg to forward at your adress [sic] an exemplary "les forces militaires de la france en 1870". De la Chapelle is the named as author of this volume.

Autograph Note Signed ('Favé | officier d'ordonnance de l'Empereur | 29 Rue de Bellechasse'), in French, to Pierre Magne (1806-1879), 'Ministre des travaux Publics'.

Général de brigade Ildephonse Favé (1812-1894), successively Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur and Grand Officier (1874), aide de camp to Napoléon III
Publication details: 
14 December 1852; Paris, on letterhead of the Maison de l'Empereur ('Service de l'aide de Camp.').

12mo, 1 p. Good. On grey laid-paper bifolium. Requesting an audience.

Historic Certainties respecting the Early History of America, developed in a Critical Examination of the Book of the Chronicles of the Land of Ecnarf.

Rev. Aristarchus Newlight', pseud. [Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin re. COPAC; Beinecke says William Fitzgerald]
Publication details: 
London: John W. Parker, West Strand. 1851. [Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street, Covent Garden.]

8vo: [viii] + 62 + [ii] pp. Good, though a little dogeared and discoloured, with slight wear at foot of final leaf. Half-title (with quotation from Strauss's 'Leben Jesu' on reverse) and (discoloured) final leaf of publisher's advertisements. Disbound. The author is described on the title-page as ''Rev. Aristarchus Newlight, Phil. Dr. of the University of Giessen; Corresponding Member of the Theophilanthropic and Pantisocratical Societies of Leipsig; Late Professor of All Religions in several distinguished Academies at home and abroad, etc. etc.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Osbert') to 'My dear James'.

Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet] (1892-1969), English writer and aesthete
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date]; on illustrated letterhead of Renishaw Hall, Derbyshire (amended by Sitwell to 'Renishaw | N[ear]. Sheffield').

12mo, 2 pp. Very good. Attractive letterhead with engraved illustration of 'Renishaw Hall | Derbyshire' (last word crossed out by Sitwell). Written in purple ink. Asks if there is 'anything to be made of a curtain-raiser, or short film, which wd. show Napoleon catching the cold, which lost him the Battle of Waterloo? . . It is an amusing idea.' He considers that it is 'sure to have been some very silly person who sneezed at him . . . Or is the idea nonsense!'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Costaz') to 'Monsieur Dupont' and his son.

Baron Louis Costaz (1767-1842), French mathematician and engineer
Publication details: 
19 October 1841; Mousseau.

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines. Inviting 'M.M. Dupont, père et fils' to help him eat 'le civet d'un lievre qui a eu la Bêtise de se laisser tuer par une femme du hameau du Mousseau'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Charles Oman') to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman (1860-1946), British military historian and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on embossed letterhead of the House of Commons Library.

One page, 12mo. Good but with paperclip spotting at head (not affecting text). Three-line quotation clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. 'Broadmindedness, so called, is generally no more than the silly fear of being thought narrow-minded - | [signed] Charles Oman'.

Signed Fragment of letter ('V. Broglie'). In French.

Jacques Victor Albert, Duc de Broglie [4th Duke] (1821-1901), French politician
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Roughly 5.5 x 11.5 cm, with four lines (cropped at right) on recto, and four lines and signature on reverse. Ruckled and with stains from previous mounting on recto. Mentions his portrait by Gerand. He will thank her in person before leaving if he can.

Ought France to Worship the Bonapartes?

Ahriman I., pseud. [Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
London: Robert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly. 1863. [W.H. Collingridge, City Press, 117 to 119, Aldersgate Street, E.C.]

8vo: [iv] + 90 + [ii] pp. In original grey printed wraps. The answer to the question in the title is an emphatic 'No!', with the author's argument summed up in the conclusion: 'The publication of these remarks has been elicited by a feeling of indignation and surprise, on learning, that, in any part of the world, and especially of France, the man, whom a former generation cursed, should now be deemed worthy of being canonised.' The author puts his case forcefully and well, marshalling a number of quotations from classical and modern sources.

Poemata, quae de praemio Oxoniensibus posito Annis 1806, 1807, et 1808, infeliciter contenderunt; non in publicum edita, amicis tantum privatim deferenda.

[Abraham John Valpy (1787-1854); Pembroke College, Oxford; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
[London] Londini: In Aedibus Valpianis, Pridie Idus Octobres, 1809. [A. J. Valpy]

Octavo: [ii] + [41] + [1] pp. A little dogeared, on lightly aged paper, and with slight damp staining to one corner at rear. In worn and stained original grey wraps, repaired with strip of brown paper at spine. Three Latin poems by Valpy: 'Trafalgar', 'Plata Fluvius' and 'Delphi'. COPAC lists only three copies: at the British Library, the Bodleian and Durham.

Autograph Letter Signed "Mlien Foy" to "Monsieur le President" [Louis Napoleon Bonaparte]. In French.

[Maximilien?] Foy.
Publication details: 
[?], 9 November 1849.

Two pages, 4to, some defects including a small tear but text clear and complete. He reminds the President of their meeting in which he congratulated him on "le grand mouvement populaire qui vous a place at la tete de la nation" and spoke of his brother, Alphonse Foy, "ancien administrateur en chef des telegraphes, whom he would replace when the time was right. He will present arguments on behalf of his brother. Alphonse had been chosen by Casimir-Perier in 1831 "pour diriger l'administration des lignes telegraphiques" and was responsible for establishing the electric telegraph in France.

Part of an Autograph Letter, missing signature page, to "Wellesley", prob. a Richard Wellesley.

Stratford Canning. The Treaty of Vienna.
Publication details: 
Vienna, 21 February 1815.

Four pages, 4to, incomplete, fold marks, some tears on folds, complete and legible, as follows: "It is perfectly true. I am indeed, my dear Wellesley, the most faithless of correspondents. And towards you too! You, who deserved so different a treatment at my hands. . . . My time has passed away for the last four months in such an odd sort of bustling, hurrying, half occupied, half dissipated way . . . Will you believe that till yesterday I had not written a syllable to Gally Knight [see DNB] for the last four months?

Autograph Letter Signed "Le Duc de Basano" to William Smith, English Member of Parliament

Hugues-Bernard Maret, duc de Bassano, French statesman and journalist.
Publication details: 
Paris, 17 October 1814.

In French. Three pages, 4to, poor condition but little of text lost or obscured. There is a note, probably in Smith's hand, on the address panel "acknowledgment of the letter by Genl Macaulay". He wants to revisit England and is grateful for the hospitality expended to his wife. by the Smith family. A "M. Guillon negociant de bourgogne et l'ami de mes amis" is to visit England and de Bassano asks for his good offices on his behalf.

Document (secretarial) Signed "Gassendi", addressed to "Monsieur le Comte". En francais.

Comte J.J.B. Gassendi
Publication details: 
[Printed heading: Ministere de la Guerre] 6e. Division / Bureau de l'artillerie / Poudres & Saltpetres, Paris, Le 27 Juillet 1811.

General (1748-1828)(biography on net). One page, sm. folio, good condition.. He acknowledges a letter in which he was asked about the "plans & . . . construction du nouveau magazin des poudres [de debit?] a Paris. Le devise & le plan de ce magasin ont ete renvoyes dans le temps a Me . . . administrateurs generaux . . . Il est essential de ne pas arreter les Tarvaux de Construction de ce magasin, afin qu'ils doient terminer pendant la belle saison."

Letter signed "Mollien" to "Monsieur le Courte", Le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies

Nicholas Francois, Count Mollien.
Publication details: 
Ministere du Tresor public / Bureau (printed) general pour Le Ministre / Paris le 6 Decembre 1810 (manuscript)

French financier (1758-1850). Offical letter, two pages, folio, text in secretarial hand, signed by Mollien, some defects but mainly good condition. "Monsieur le Courte, je prie Votre Exc ellence de vouloir bien presente le plus promptement possible a Sa Majeste, le Budget Speculatif de recetter et de depenser de la caisse des Invalides pendant l'annee 18 . / Ce budget doit etre le premier element de la Comptabilite du Tresorier que Sa Majeste a etablie pour ce Service par Son Decret du 13. Aout dernier. / Le premier Article de ce budget me parois dernier presenter a [lu recette?] ce qui .

Autograph Letter Signed [to R. Byham of the Ordnance Office].

Admiral Sir Edward Campbell Rich Owen
Publication details: 
Windlesham Bagshot | 14 July 1835'.

English admiral who 'while in command of the "Immortalite" captured and destroyed many French gunboats and privateers, 1802-5' (DNB).Two pages, 12mo. Good though grubby, and with blank second leaf of bifoliate cut down to a stub. Thanks Byham for 'all your kindness'. 'I shall have an opportunity of expressing my good wishes & those of Lady Owen to Mrs. Byham & yourself whenever you can seize a moments holiday'. Gives directions. '[...] At the 24th.

The Colonel Mark Wilks and Sir Tollemache Sinclair Napoleon Collection

A Member of the Bibliographical Society
Publication details: 

Privately Printed. 50pp., 4to, grey wraps, sl. sunned, mainly vg.

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