[drophead title] The Conversion of Martin Luther.

James Macaulay (1817-1902), doctor, editor and author of devotional works [Martin Luther; The Religious Tract Society]
Publication details: 
[circa 1890] London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Paul's Churchyard, 164 Piccadilly.

12mo: 12 pp. Stitched and unbound. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Numbered 1355 at foot of first page. On first page 9 x 7 cm engraving of the monk Luther reading in a library. Beneath the title the author is described as 'James Macaulay, Esq., M.A., M.D., Author of "Luther Anecdotes," [published c.1883] etc. etc.' Curiously scarce considering the publishers: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC. For more on Macaulay see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Martin Armstrong') to Thorpe.

Martin Armstrong [Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong] (1882-1974), English novelist and poet [Thomas Thorp, Guildford bookseller]
Publication details: 
15 January 1933; Sutton, Pulborough, Sussex, on cancelled letterhead of 37 Great Ormond Street, London.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Giving the details of three titles from Thorp's 'large catalogue' which he hopes are still available (one is ticked in pencil and the other two marked as sold). 'Also can you let me have a cheap copy of John Masefield's "Sea Life in The Time of Nelson" and J. R. Hutchinson's "The Press Gang Afloat & Ashore." Publishers and prices of both items are noted in pencil, with 'Cheque Noted' in margin.

Autograph Signatures of Colburn, Shee, North and Colnaghi, removed from Artists' Benevolent Fund application.

Henry Colburn (1784-1855), bookseller and publisher; Sir Martin Arthur Shee (1769-1850), President of the Royal Academy; Peter North; Dominic Colnaghi (1790-1879), printseller
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 8 x 12.5 cm. Good, lightly aged. Reads ' Henry Colburn | 13 Gt Marlborough Street | Martin Arthur Shee | Peter North 22 Soho Square | Dominic Colnaghi'. Fragment of docketed manuscript record of the case on the reverse: '<...> 830 | <...>nes O'Connor | <...>ent Case | <...>y 12th. 1841'.

Original coloured Kronheim 'Baxter' engraving, captioned 'New York Bay from Staten Island'.

Joseph Martin Kronheim (1810-1896) [George Baxter; New York; Staten Island; engraving; prints; maps; topography]
Publication details: 
[1850s?] 'J. M. Kronheim & Co. London'.

Dimensions of print 6.5 x 11 cm. On a piece of paper 7.5 x 12 cm. Neatly laid down on a piece of cream paper 20 x 27.5 cm. Good clear impression on paper with foxing to margins at extremities. A series of three concentric red borders on the mount surround the print. Charming image, with a couple of fashionable couples looking out over a bay with a steamship and sail boats.

Original coloured Kronheim 'Baxter' engraving, captioned 'New York Bay from Staten Island'.

Joseph Martin Kronheim (1810-1896) [George Baxter; New York; Staten Island; engraving; prints; maps; topography]
Publication details: 
[1850s?] 'J. M. Kronheim & Co. London'.

Dimensions of print 6.5 x 11 cm. On a piece of paper 9.5 x 16 cm. Neatly laid down on a piece of cream card 15.5 x 21.5 cm. Good clear impression on lightly-aged paper. Charming image, with a couple of fashionable couples looking out over a bay with a steamship and sail boats.

Typed Letter Signed ('Basil Blackwell') to Secker.

Sir Basil Blackwell (1889-1984), Oxford bookseller [Martin Secker (1882-1978), publisher]
Publication details: 
17 December 1969, on illustrated Blackwell's letterhead.

4to: 1 p. Ten lines of text. Heavily stained, but a neat link between two giants of the twentieth-century British book trade. 'I give myself the pleasure of saluting you, I really believe for the first time'. He is happy for the opportunity of telling Secker how much he admired his 'flair and enterprise in earlier years'. He hopes he 'may write as firmly and with as lively a mind as you in six years' time'. 'Alas that we must disappoint you': the books Secker has requested are all out of print. 'Just possibly one or more may come into our hands secondhand.

Verses on the Monumental Effigy of Alice-Evelyn, The Infant-Daughter of Martin Farquhar Tupper, Esq. Sculptured as a Sleeping Child, by J. Durham, Esq. Written by R. T. for W. H. [...]'.

R. T. [Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889); Joseph Durham (1814-1877); Thomas De La Rue & Co.]
Publication details: 
London: Imprinted by Thomas De La Rue & Co. Dwelling in Bunhill Row. For Presentation to Private Friends. 1854. Not Published.'

Printed on all four pages of a bifolium, with each leaf roughly 17.5 x 13.5 cm. Lightly creased, and with the outer pages a little grubby, but good overall. A self-consciously well-printed production, with each page encased in a black ruled border, and with an engraving of the sculpture on the front page, beneath which, 'A. C. CHISHOLM. DEL. J. DURHAM. NV.' Possibly complete in itself, but in view of the elaborate title probably a taster for a volume which, considering the fact that there is no record of this item on COPAC, was probably never printed.

Two Manuscript Letters (both signed 'Lefebvre-Ducrocq') to Martin, one to Martin and the other to Flobert. The letter to Flobert carrying an Autograph Note Signed by the recipient ('Paul Flobert') to Martin.

Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq, Lille, France [Commandant Emmanuel Martin; Paul Flobert; la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier]
Publication details: 
Letter to Flobert, 19 November 1917; letter to Martin, 30 November 1917. Both letters on letterhead of the Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq.

Both items 4to, 1 p. Both on creased paper with closed tears neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. Letter to Flobert: Most of the type of Martin's article (in the 'Bulletin de la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier') still exists, and the printer asks to be informed what quantity of the offprint he requires. 'Le cliché de la 1r page, qui sert à frontispiece, a été renvoyé à M.

One Autograph Letter Signed ('<Emile?> Protat) and one letter in a secretarial hand, both to Martin.

Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon, France (Georges Protat & Neveu Srs.) [Commandant Emmanuel Martin]
Publication details: 
The secretarial letter: Macon, 28 February 1914. Protat's letter: Macon, 3 March 1914. Both on letterhead of the Imprimerie Protat Frères.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both in good condition. The secretarial letter (docketed in purple 'Repondre le 1r mars 1914'): The 'cliché Durocher', which appeared 'dans le No d'Avril 1913, page 62, et qui doit passer aussi dans le Dictionnaire [des ex-libris français] Wiggishof [...] a été designé par M. du Roure de Paulin'. Protat's letter: 'Le cliché Durocher était bien à l'imprimerie nous l'avons retrouvé. Il n'était pas à la place qu'indiquait le registre.' He apologises for having 'inutilement derangé' Martin

Autograph Manuscript headed 'Proposed Porson Scholarship is open to Freshmen only - Examination in the October term, exclusively Classical. | Objections to the Grace for accepting this Foundation.'

William Gilson Humphry [sometimes misspelt 'Humphrey'] (1815-1886), biblical scholar, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London
Publication details: 
21 October 1846; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to (26.5 x 22 cm), 2 pp, 30 lines of text. On discoloured and lightly creased and stained paper, with some chipping to extremities, but with text clear and entire.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M. F. T.') to his printer Thomas Brettell, 25 Rupert Street, Haymarket, London.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), English poet [P. T. Barnum; John Leech; Thomas Brettell; Henry William Pickersgill]
Publication details: 
Undated, but docketed 'Jan. 31 1851'.

12mo: 2 pp. 28 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper, with unobtrusive small spike hole and traces of mounts adhering to four corners. Interesting animated letter between a Victorian author and his printer. Relates to Tupper's 'A hymn for All Nations; translated into thirty languages; nearly fifty versions; the music composed expressly by S. Sebastian Wesley.' (1851). Asks his printer to 'Attend to Hymn as within' (not present). 'We cannot help all this trouble'. Tupper has written to Dr Gavassi, but has had no answer: 'get Rossetti's as soon as you can.

Autograph Letter signed ('B. W. Proctor') to 'Mr C Schofield'.

Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), English poet writing under pseudonym 'Barry Cornwall'
Publication details: 
32 Weymouth Street | 16 August 1863'.

One page, 12mo. Very good. Docketed in pencil at head. 'I have no knowledge of Mr Tupper [presumably the poetaster Martin Farquhar Tupper, 1810-89] or of his address. I was in hopes that the madness of collecting autographs had subsided - but I am sorry to perceive, from your letter, that this is not yet the Case.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') [to an autograph dealer?].

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator.
Publication details: 
27 February 1888; on letterhead '31, Onslow Square, S. W.' [London].

One page, 12mo. Good, though a little grubby at the right-hand margin, and with the name of the recipient neatly torn away at foot. 'Dear Sir | Neither Lady Martin nor myself feel any interest in any letters of ours, which may have come into your hands.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('S C Hall') ['To Mrs G. Barrow'].

Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), English journalist of Irish extraction, editor of the Art Journal [Art Union]
Publication details: 
19 May 1883; Sussex Villas, 3, Sussex Place, Victoria Road, W. Kensington [London].

8vo: 1 p. Good, with slight wear to outer edge, and strip from previous mount neatly adhering to reverse. With name of recipient at head, and docketed on reverse. He has 'seen some charming & useful Leaflets advocating Humanity to Animals' and has been 'led to understand they may be obtained through' his correspondent. He would like a hundred of the leaflets to be sent to him, 'for which I will gladly send stamps'. Hall was a sanctimonious figure, supposedly the model for Dickens's Pecksniff.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') to 'Mr. Fulton'.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator
Publication details: 
20 September 1881; on letterhead 'Bryntysilio, near Llangollen.'

12mo: 2 pp. On lightly creased, discoloured paper, with traces of hinge from previous mounting adhering to margin of first page. He has 'an uncomfortable feeling' that he 'laid aside' a letter from Fulton 'to be answered, but which I cannot now find. It must somehow have got mixed up with other papers [...] If I am right in my fear, may I ask you to send me a copy of it?'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') to John Grant, presumably the bookseller.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator
Publication details: 
10 October 1896; on letterhead 'Bryntysilio, near Llangollen'.

12mo: 1 p. On discoloured paper, ruckled and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. He is returning 'the account of the Burns Volume' which accompanied his correspondent's letter of 8 October. 'It does not suit me to purchase it, as I have already other & more important memorials of Burns.'

Photographic portrait by J. E. Mayall of Brighton and New Bond Street.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator
Publication details: 
Without date. 'J. E. MAYALL | 91, KING'S ROAD | BRIGHTON | 164, NEW BOND ST. | LONDON. W.'

Dimensions of photograph 9 x 5.5 cm. Good sepia image, on backing card with Mayall's details printed in red at foot. Reverse of card mostly covered with remains of previous cream paper mount. This image does not feature among the three portraits of Martin listed in the National Portrait Gallery's online catalogue of its collection.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of letter.

Andrew Robertson, Dominic Paul Colnaghi, Martin Henry Colnaghi, Rudolph Ackermann, [C] Turner, Samuel Woodin
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of aged, creased paper roughly five inches square, with some fraying to extremities. Reads '<...> an artist. & his case as one <...> | Andrew Robertson | D Colnaghi | M. H. Colnaghi | R Ackermann | CTurner | John | Saml Woodin'. Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834), bookseller; Dominic Paul Colnaghi (1790-1879), print dealer; M. H. Colnaghi (1821-1908), picture dealer and collector; Andrew Robertson (1777-1845), Scottish miniature painter. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr [?] Martin.

Robert Rae, Secretary, National Temperance League
Publication details: 
16 October 1866; on letterhead of the National Temperance League, 337, Strand, W.C. [London].

Two pages, small octavo. Good, on slightly ruckled and aged paper. Some glue stains from previous mount adhering to verso of blank second leaf. He is arranging 'a Conference and Public Meeting on Monday 12th. Nov.' The League's committee 'wish you also to favour them with your help by giving a physiological speech'. Asks to be favoured with an early reply.

Autograph Signatures, with others, on fragment of document authorizing repairs.

Vice Admiral Sir George Francis Seymour (1787-1870); Admiral Richard James Meade, Lord Gilford (1832-1907, ltr 4th Earl of Clanwilliam); Admiral Sir William Fanshawe Martin (1801-95) [THE ROYAL NAVY]
Publication details: 
Circa 1856; no place.

On both sides of a piece of aged paper watermarked 1855, dimensions three inches by eight and a quarter wide. Good, though a tad grubby, with traces of previous brown paper mount adhering to reverse. Recto reads '[tick] H.C.L. | [in another hand] App? | [signature] . Captain | in Comd of Division. | [in another hand] [signature] C M Collins | 1st Class Asst. Engineer | [in another hand] [signature] Gilford | Lieut in Comd. | [in another hand] Approved for necessary Defects | to be made good. | [signature] G F Seymour | Vice Adml. and Commr. in Chief'.

Typed Agreement on the production of Christie's "Appointment with Death".

Bertie Alexander Meyer and Derrick de Marney.
Publication details: 
London, 5 May 1944.

Agreement "to be associated in the exploitation of the said Play", 4pp., folio, manuscript correctionsand additions initialled throughout by the above parties, and finally signed by both. WITH: Typed copy of the agreemen,t5 May 1944, between Agatha Mallowan (Christie) and Bertie Alexander Meyer for the rights to produce a play, 4pp., folio, NOT signed; AND: Typed copy of agreement, 30 Sept. 1942, between the same parties for the rights to "Ten Little Niggers", 4pp., folio, some pencilled annotation, NOT signed; AND: Typed copy agreement, 9 Sept.

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