[Isa Craig, Scottish author and reformer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isa Craig.') [as Secretary, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science] to Professor W. B. Hodgson, asking for his 'Paper & Speech on Ed[ucatio]n. of Girls'.

Isa Craig [Isa Knox; Isabella Craig Knox] (1831-1903), Scottish author and reformer [Professor William Ballantyne Hodgson (1815-1880); National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, London]
Publication details: 
10 April 1866. On letterhead of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science [London].

1p, 12mo. Aged and creased, with closed tears and chipping repaired on reverse with archival tape. Reads: 'Dear Dr Hodgson. | Could you kindly send me your paper & speech on Edn. of Girls. We are waiting for it now & very anxious to finish up. | Yours sincerely | Isa Craig.'

[George Combe, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Combe') supplying a paragraph by his brother Dr A. Combe on Sir Walter Scott's 'conduct', which he suggests Joseph C. Neal insert in 'The Pennsylvanian'.

George Combe (1788-1858), Scottish phrenologist and lawyer, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society [Joseph C. Neal (1807-1847), editor of The Pennsylvanian'; Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Marshall House [i.e. Marshall House Hotel, Philadelphia]; 11 March 1839.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed to 'Joseph C. Neal Esq | Pennsylvanian office'. He was gratified at Neal's 'notice of Rogets re-publication'. He has sent Roget 'and also the Editor of the Phren: Journal a copy of the Pennsylvanian containing it'. He quotes a paragraph from a 'letter from my Brother Dr. A. Combe', which he suggests Neal makes use of 'as a piece of literary news, only suppressing all allusion to the source from which it is derived'.

[ Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Two items: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. | Juvenile Order List', August 1917' (with many items by R. M. Ballantyne) and 'Nisbets' Preliminary List | Autumn, 1917'.

Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers [ R. M. Ballantyne (1825-1894), children's author; juvenile publishing ]
Publication details: 
Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 22, Berners Street, London, W.1. 1917.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. Juvenile Order List'. 4pp., folio. Bifolium. Blue addendum slip tipped-in onto front cover. Divided into 18 sections, including 'The Schoolgirl Series', 'Little Picture Books' and 'The Dominion Library'. With a heavy emphasis on R. M. Ballantyne, with four sections titled: 'R. M. Ballantyne's Famous Stories for Boys | The Copyright Edition', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Tales of Adventure', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo' and 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo. Picture Cover'.

[Ballantyne & Co., printers] Autograph Letter Signed "JA Ballantyne", printer, son of Walter Scott's printer and friend, to John Hughes, eventually his partner in the printers, details of income, etc. and the publication of the "Answer" to Lockhart.

John Alexander Ballantyne, printer
Publication details: 
London, 5 May 1838

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, fold marks, minor staining, small hole with loss of letter, text clear and complete. He reveals his plan for his visit to Scotland, asking Hughes to make arrangements with his landlady "Mrs S" to take lodgings with her from the 25th for a six month period. For such a long stay he doesn't think lodgings should cost as much as "31.6d". He arranges for a servant for the period, coals, a chest of drawers for his rooms, a wardrobe in a closet. "Will my guardian think 3 guineas a week too much!

[printed pamphlet] The Edinburgh Annual Register from 1808 to 1823

[Sir Walter Scott; Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson; The Edinburgh Annual Register]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, [1823]

12mo, 14pp, disbound, first leaf detached, good condition. Text clear and complete. In which the publishers outline their (historical) policy and ambitions for the various aspects of the periodical, and provide an Index by volume and subject. Sir Walter Scott took an almost proprietorial interest in this periodical. Scarce: COPAC lists NLS copy only (16pp).


T. F. Cattley [Thomas Frank Cattley (1874-1958)], House Master (1914-30) and School Librarian (1942-58) at Eton College
Publication details: 
1941. Eton College: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. ['Printed at Eton College by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd.']

12mo: 36 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Internally tight and clean, in worn and creased wraps. Signed 'T F Cattley' on title-page. In pencil at head of front wrap 'one of only 60'. A collection of jeux d'esprit, addressed to individuals only identified by their initials. Uncommon: copies on COPAC at the British Library, Oxford, National Library of Scotland and Trinity College Dublin.

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