
[M.E. Grant Duff; India] Appointment Certificate Signed M E Grant Duff.

Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff (1829 – 1906), Scottish politician, administrator and author. Sometime Under-Secretary of State for India.
Grant Duff
Publication details: 
Dated 8 July 1872.
Grant Duff

One page, 4to, part printed, part manuscript, minor damage on fold marks, loss of small part of the word is, small closed tear, some weakness on fold marks. See Image. Text headed Ecclesiastical Establishment | No.

[General Gordon; handwritten] Notebook containing notes from his researches about General Gordon in Wortham's hand

[General Gordon] H.E. Wortham (1884-1959), biographer, journalist, music critic and writer, author of two books concerning General Gordon.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Notebook, marbled boards (blue), spine of black tape, not paginated, notes on approximately 77 pages, with bits on other pages. See image. He makes notes from his reading/researches. Initially, for example, he makes notes on a. Gordon's Letters to His Sister [pub. 1888], quoting, summarising or commenting, concluding with a long quote from Gordon's letter when on the way to Khartoum, 32 pages. Then notes on b. Sir Gerald Graham's Last Words with Gordon (1887) (inc. lengthy summary of Gordon's appearance re. Graham), 10pp. c.

[ Wolfenden Report; homosexuality] Clipped Signature J.F. Wolfenden.

John Frederick Wolfenden, Baron Wolfenden, (1906-1985), educationalist, best remembered for the report, recommending the decriminalisation of homosexuality (1957).
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Clipping from Typed Letter signed, 8.5 x 5.5, good condition. Only typed text Yours very truly followed by signature. Docketed in another hand in pencil Headmaster of Uppingham | Author of Report. See image.

[Dmitry Hilkoff/Kilkoff, Tolstoyan, etc] Autograph Letter Signed D Hilkoff to John Bellows | Dear Friend [Bellows, polymath, printer and lexicographer] about a Russian translation of Barclay's Apology. In English.

Dmitry Hilkoff [Kilkoff] [Prince Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khilkoff (Khilkov, or Hilkov or Hilkoff) (1858–1914), sometime officer in Czar's Army, & Tolstoyan (Pacifism) & a Socialist Revolutionary].
Publication details: 
Address given in text, 181 Grand-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland; 17 Aug.1901.

Two pages 8vo, bifolium, blank second leaf laid down on former album page, 22 x 14cm, good condition. Text: The last time I saw you I spoke to you about the necessity of translating and printing in russian [sic] 'Barclay's Apology'. I think that the sooner it will be printed the better, and ought to be printed in russian without any abriviations [sic]. But I have not the means of paying the translation and printing. | Do you think the Society of Friends would give the necessary money for the translation and printing?

[Head of Station, Tokyo; Japan] [Cyclostyled or similar] H/Tokyo's Valedictory Report

[Head of Station, Tokyo]
Publication details: 

(Covering Note dated 5 April 1974), one page, 4to; Valedictory Report, 10 pages, 4to, good condition. A lengthy analysis of The Japanese, their society, customs, language, societal changes, etc., subjects that Intelligence would think important. See sample image. No other copy traced. From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who was a 'Member of a joint FCO/MOD department in Hong Kong' between 1970 and 1975.

[Oleg Lyalin, Soviet Agent turned; cyclostyled or similar] Double Agents (D/As):- A DEFECTOR'S REPORT, marked Secret on every page.

[Oleg Adolfovich Lyalin (1937 – 1995), Soviet agent who defected from the KGB]
Publication details: 
November 1972.

Ten pages ( paginated 2-7), sm.fol., cyclostyled or similar, good condition, comprising: introductory page with information: reference, date (1 December 1972), To [Hong Kong], From: Head Office, [...]: Double Agents] and statement Attached are copies of a paper on KGB principles and methods of running double agents. This may be passed to appropriate [...]. Second page has Contents with number of paragraphs: I. Introduction, II. Objectives, III. Organisation and Procedures, IV. Operational Practice, Appendix A.

[Gaston Palewski; de Gaulle] Typed Letter Signed Gaston Palewski to Monsieur le Professeur Andre Gros, legal advisor to De Gaulle at the time, who counter-signs, referring to an article by Sir John Pollock, and his work in London.

Gaston Palewski [(1901 – 1984), French politician, close associate of Charles de Gaulle]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading includes] Cabinet du Général de Gaulle, No. 505/Cab.Dir., [date typed] Alger, le 8 février 1944

One page, 4to, fold marks, one edge dusted, fold marks, ow good. Je vous remercie vivement de m'avoir envoyé l;article de Sir John Pollock. Que cette fidélité amicale et intelligence est raffraichissante [one f crossed out]. | Je vous félicite du travail que vous faites à Londres, et vous prie de croire a mon tres fidèle souvenir. Underneath Palewski's scrawled signature, Gros has added le ci est de Palewski I I think!) adding his own nearly illegible signature. See image.

[Charles Pratt; America; Plantations] Section only of MS. Document (Secretarial text) Signed C. Pratt, memorialist as Attorney-General, concerning the Commissioners of Prizes and Plantations in America

Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden (1714-1794) judge and politician.
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 3 Dec. 1759.

Surviving section 20 x 10cm, closed tears 2.5cm, edges sl. ragged, foxing but text fully legible. See images.

[Pandit Nehru, Indira (Nehru) Gandhi and her Sons] Family Photograph of Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi and her two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay. With, on reverse, a signed greetings from Indira Gandhi.

Pandit [Jawaharlal] Nehru, Indira [Nehru] Gandhi and her Sons, with dog.
Nehru reverse
Publication details: 
Printed label on reverse, New Delhi 1959-60.
Nehru reverse

Photograph, c.16 x 11.5cm, very good condition, tipped on to card of same size crudely taped,and with wire for hanging as with a picture, with inscription on verso, All good wishes for the New Year | Indira Gandhi. Some philistine has added to the inscription in blue ink and capitals, WITH THE PRIME MINISTER | AND HIS | GRANDSONS. See images. Note: I've not found the image on Google Images.

[Valentín Gómez Farías; Mexico] Signature with final flourish only. See image.

Valentin Gomez Farias [(1781 – 1858), President of Mexico twice.].
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Piece of paper 9 x 2.5cm, laid down on slightly larger card, with docketing President 1835, sl. grubby but clear and bold. Notes (from Wikipedia): A. President of Mexico during two main periods: one in the early 1830s and one in the late 1840s, when he served as president during the Mexican-American War. In his first term, he enacted significant liberal reforms that were aimed at undermining the power of the Roman Catholic Church and the army in Mexico ; The Mexican Cession consisted of present-day U.S.

[Marechal Berthier] Autograph Subscription to a Letter, signed Berthier (see image),

Louis-Alexandre Berthier ( 1753 – 1815) (Minister of War and chief of staff to Napoleon)
Publication details: 
No Place or Date.

Part of letter, 18.5 x 10, stained and grubby but text clear (see image), laid down on another piece of paper of the same size, as follows: Recevez, Monsieur le Comte, l'assurance de ma plus haute consideration | Le Prince de Wagram et de Neuchatel | Vice-connétable | Berthier ||

[3rd Earl Grey; Guiana] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Grey to Thomas Baring who has requested advice on the latter's eventual petition (3 July 1857) of the immigration of free labour [as opposed to slaves as in the USA) into Guiana.

Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey (1802 – 1894), statesman, sometime Under-Secretary of State for War and the Colonies and later Colonial Secretary.
Publication details: 
Howick, 25 June 1857

Six pages, 12mo, good condition. He finds it difficult to give advice because of his being so imperfectly informed as to the present state of the question of immigration into Guiana.

[Bishop Alexander Cameron and others; Manuscript] Heritable Bond signed on every page by Bishop Alexander Cameron, Alexander Badenoch, Alexander Dick (accountant), George Brown (lawyer), James Francis Kyle (became RC Bishop in 1827)

Dr Alexander Cameron [(1747–1828), Roman Catholic bishop who served as the Vicar Apostolic of the Lowland District, Scotland]., and Others
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, 1814

MS.11 pages, folio, bound with string, last page dusted and grubby, mainly good condition. All pages have the five signatures. Image of first page available.

[George, Duke of Marlborough] Autograph Note Signed Marlborough to My Lord [not known] about Oxford Yeomanry.

George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739 – 1817), sometime Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, courtier, nobleman, and politician
Publication details: 
Blenheim, [ Aug 1807?]

Half a 12mo page, fold mark, good condition. I have the Honor to transmit to your Lordship this Letter which I have received from two of the officers commanding Troops of Yeomanry in the County of Oxford. See image. These letters are NOT present.

William Cowan, Provost of Ayr [East India Company] Autograph Note Signed William Cowan Provost [of Ayr, Scotland] to Lord Melville [deceased! See note below] referring to a Petition asking for involvement in East India trade [not present].

William Cowan, banker, Provost of Ayr [East India Company]
Publication details: 
Ayr, 29 April 1812

One page, 8vo, bifolium (second leaf blank except for docketing of name and date), good condition. Text: I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship the Copy of a Petition which the Magistrates & Council of this Burgh beg your Lordship will have the goodness to present tothe House of Lords, Praying to be admitted to a participation of the East India trade, and that whatever part thereof is granted, may not be confined to the Port of London alone; but also to the other Sea Port Towns of the Kingdom.

[ Edward Marsh, PS to Churchill ] Typed Note Signed E Marsh to Thomas Lloyd Humberstone, conveying Chancellor of the Exchequer Churchill's thanks for sending a copy of his book on University Reform.

Edward Marsh [Sir Edward Howard Marsh (1872-1953) was a British polymath, translator, arts patron and civil servant; Private Secretary to Churchill]
Publication details: 
[Embossed Stamp of Chancellor of the Exchequer, then Embossed] Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, S.W., 8 Dec. 1926

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. Text: Mr. Churchill desires me to thank you for the copy of your book on University Reform in London, which you have been good enough to send him.

[Lord Bathurst, Tory politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bathurst') [to the agent of the Marquis Wellesley, elder brother of the Duke of Wellington], regarding a dispute over the fittings to be left behind on quitting Apsley House.

Henry Bathurst (1762-1834), 3rd Earl Bathurst [Lord Bathurst], Tory Foreign Secretary, friend and supporter of Pitt the Younger [Lord Wellesley; Duke of Wellington; Apsley House, Piccadilly, Mayfair]
Publication details: 
Piccadilly [London]. 22 September [1807].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item dates from 1807, the year in which Bathurst sold the celebrated Apsley House ('No. 1 London') to the Duke of Wellington's brother the Marquis Wellesley, who sold it on to the Duke ten years later. It is now the Wellington Museum. This item casts an interesting light on the initial sale. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-four lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded four times. He is disappointed that the unnamed male recipient (presumably Wellesley's agent) has not called on him.

[ Kimberley; Diamond Fields Advertiser ] The Siege of Kimberley 1899-1900. Specail Illustrated Number of the Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley

[ Kimberley; Diamond Fields Advertiser ]
Publication details: 
The Diamond Fields Advertiser, Ltd Kimberley [1900]

Photographs mainly supplied by Mr. F.H. Hancox [...]. Not paginated. A very good copy, original dark red morocco gilt, sl. rubbed, raised bands, all edges gilt, patterned endpapers, with label of Arthur Probsthain, [eminent] Oriental Booksellers. See photo.

[ Fanny Garrison; suffrage; black rights ] Autograph Poem signed Fannie Garrison with autograph verse signed by Francis Jackson] Garrison

Fanny Garrison [Helen Frances “Fanny” Garrison Villard (1844–1928), American women's suffrage campaigner, pacifist, co-founder of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People].
Publication details: 
{Fannie's verse} Boston, Oct.21, 1860; {Francis Jackson's verse} Boston, Oct.23, 1860.

One page, 12mo, very good condition. Text, a verse from Gerald Massey's To-Day and To-Morrow (see note below) as follows: [Fanny's quotation marks] Though hearts brood o'er the past, our eyes | With smiling features glisten, | For, lo! our day bursts up the skies! | Lean out your souls and listen! | The world rolls Freedom's radiant way, | And ripens with her sorrows; | Keep heart! who bears the cross to-day, | Shall wear the crown tomorrow. | Fannie Garrison. | Boston, Oct.21st, 1860 | [ 'Mrs Henry villard' in another hand ] || Why ask a name?

[ J.O.; Book ] The Story of the Mhow Court-Martial with Notes and an Appendix

J. O. [Jacob Omnium, pseud., i.e. M. J. Higgins.]
Publication details: 
London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65 Cornhill, 1864

[iv].80pp., 8vo, beige paper wraps, dusted, good condition. Reprinted from the Cornhill Magazine of November 1863. This edition scarce, copies recorded in BL, North Carolina and Australia.

[ F.R. Maunsell; Delhi; Indian Mutiny; Pamphlet ] The Siege of Delhi. A Record by a Survivor who filled an important post at the 'Glorious' Siege.

[ F.R. Maunsell, K.C.B. ]
Publication details: 
London Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd, 1912

Pamphlet, 23pp., 8vo, with addendum slip, green wraps quite heavily sunned, contents good condition. Copies in copyright libraries plus NY.

[ Jesse Collings ] Autograph Note Signed Jesse Collings to My Dear Cobb [presumably Henry Peyton Cobb, later Liberal MP for Rugby ] about his victory.

Jesse Collings [ (1831–1920), Mayor of Birmingham, a Liberal (later Liberal Unionist) MP ].
Publication details: 
Edgbaston B[irmingha]m, 7 Oct[?] 1885.

One page, 12mo, good condition. Well done - I waited for news & was glad.- I heartily congratulate you for your fight & victory - King regards & congratulations to Mrs. Cobb.~28~AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BIRMINGHAM LIBERAL PARTY MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT/~ ~0~OL59~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 22993~16/04/2020~False~W.G. Henderson [ The Very Rev William George Henderson DD (1819[1]–1905), Dean of Carlisle from 1884 to 1905 ].~[ W.G. Henderson; Surtees Society ] Autograph Letter Signed W G Henderson to an unnamed correspondent about Surtees Society publications.~Magdalen College, Oxford, 28 Jan.

[Yurievskaya ] Autograph Card Signed "Princesse Yourievsky" to unnamed female correspondent, in French, profusely thanking her for a gift destined for the "Hopital russe"

Princess Catherine Dolgorukova (1847-1922), long-time mistress of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and later given the title Princess Yurievskaya
Publication details: 
Nice, 13 Fevrier 1916

Card, 13 x 10cm, text on both sides, card with attractive coloured and embossed royal insignia. "Permettez-moi de vous dire combien je suis touchee de votre don genereux d'un tableau, [?] par vous-meme qhe vous verrez de m'envoyer pour l'hopital russe. | Il est bien joli et nous tacherons de le mettre au lotterie, pour augmenter les fonds de l'Hopital, dont il a besoin souvent. | Avec mes vifs remerciements [...]" See image of first side.

[Edinburgh, 1832: 'The first voting which took place on the Reform Bill'.] Manuscript 'Copy of Entry in the Register of Qualified Voters for the City of Edinburgh', signed by Carlyle Bell, Conjunct-Clerk, on George Berry of Antigua Street.

Carlyle Bell (c.1779-1850), Conjunct-Clerk [joint town clerk] of the the City of Edinburgh [Great Reform Act, 1832]
Publication details: 
Entry dated 13 September 1832.

A nice piece of Edinburgh historical ephemera. See the entry on George Berry (1795-c.1874), the first man to register to vote there following the passing the Great Reform Act, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1874-1875, where he is described as 'an enthusiastic "Free Trader"'. 40 x 10 cm slip of laid paper, with printed form on one side, headed 'COPY of ENTRY in the REGISTER of QUALIFIED VOTERS for the CITY of EDINBURGH.' In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with clean vertical cut unobtrusively repaired with archival tape.

[Thomas Frankland and Others; Stirling and Dumbarton Castles] Manuscript [Document[ Signed by Members of Parliament in command of the Ordnance, "Tho[mas] Frankland", Thomas Erle (also distinguished soldier), Thomas Wheate and Edward Ashe

Thomas Erle, Thomas Frankland and Others [Stirling and Dumbarton Castles]
Publication details: 
[Office of his Majesty's Ordnance], 25 Feb. 1717/18

A fragile survival. One page, 20 x 22cm, small closed tears, foxing, minimal loss of two or three letters, text fully legible as follows: "Whereas it is requisite and necessary that [an?] Advance of Money should be made for paying for the Repairs at Sterling [sic] & Dumbarton Castles in North Brittain. We have therefore pursuant to an Ord[e]r this day of the Board Imprested unto James Luly the sum of Twenty pounds And we desire the Honble Harry Mordaunt Esq.

[Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, Prime Minister of Spain.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Martinez de la Rosa'), in French, to unnamed (English?) minister, on a piece of writing he has sent, the news of his marriage, and a list of embassy staff.

Francisco Martínez de la Rosa [Francisco de Paula Martínez de la Rosa y Cornejo] (1787-1862), Prime Minister of Spain, the first to be styled President of the Council of Ministers, and dramatistt
Publication details: 
12 October [no year]. Place not stated.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with white paper stub from mount still adhering. From the distinguished autograph collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton). The letter begins: 'Mon cher Ministre, | J'ai lu avec un vif interêt l'écrit que vous avez eu la bonté de me communiquer'. He had told him, the other day, that it was 'une belle question à traiter', and he was certain that the recipient would deal with it 'supérieurement'.

[Thomas Scott, Earl of Clonmell and Richard Butler, Earl of Glengall.] Signatures, with fourteen others, on PART of petition to the king for 'Pro[tection?]' from 'the unceasing efforts made by the Enem[ies?]'.

Thomas Scott (1783-1838), 2nd Earl of Clonmell and Richard Butler, Earl of Glengall; Clonmell, County Tipperary, Ireland
Publication details: 
[Clonmell, County Tipperary, Ireland.] Without date [but Georgian, and after 1816].

The earldom of Glengall was created in 1816 for Lord Cahir who died three years later; the second and last earl held the title from 1819 to his death in 1858. Another of the signatories, Dr Richard Burgess, was active in Clonmell in the Regency period. On one side of 24 x 19 cm piece of watermarked laid paper. Clearly the left hand half (only) of a 24 x 38 cm petition addressed 'To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty'. In fair condition, aged and worn, with closed tears and chipping along one edge, and one signature cut away, leaving only the acronym 'D.

[George Canning, Prime Minister; John Richardson of Oxford University.] Manuscript copies of poems which won Chancellor's Medal for Latin verse: Canning's 'Iter ad Meccam [Journey to Mecca]'; Richardson's 'Maria Scotorum Regina [Mary Queen of Scots]'

George Canning, British Prime Minister; John Richardson, Student of the University of Oxford [Chancellor's Medal for Latin verse]
Publication details: 
[University of Oxford, post 1789 and 1792.]

Manuscripts in a contemporary hand of two poems which won the University of Oxford Chancellor's Prize for Latin Verse, neither of them published. In 1789, Canning, as a Christ Church undergraduate, won the prize for the second of the two, 'Iter ad Meccam Religionis causa susceptum'; and in 1792 John Richardson, 'Scholar of University', won it for the first of the two, 'Maria Scotorum Regina'. The manuscript of the two poems totals 29pp, 8vo. The pages are written lengthwise on fifteen of the twenty leaves of a stitched booklet of laid paper with Britannia watermark.

[Cavour, Italian statesman and leading figure in the Risorgimento.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Cavour'), in Italian, enclosing a letter for the Marquess of Azeglio, and inviting the recipient to contribute writing in a powerful 'organ of publicity'.

Cavour [Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, Count of Cavour, Isolabella and Leri] (1810-1861), Italian statesman, leading figure in the Risorgimento [Massimo Taparelli, Marquess of Azeglio (1798-1866)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p, 12mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the rest being blank. In good condition, lightly aged, with a hole on a blank part of the paper at the foot of the first leaf. Neatly written and signed 'C. Cavour'. Cavour begins by taking up an offer by the unnamed recipient, by asking him to convey a letter to his rival Massimo Taparelli, Marquess of Azeglio (1798-1866), Prime Minister of Sardinia.

[Judge Jeffreys, William of Orange and the Glorious Revolution, 1688.] Printed handbill: 'The Lord Chancellor's Petition to His Highness the Prince of Orange, On His Entrance into London.'

Judge Jeffreys [George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem] (1645-1689), byword for cruelty for his handling of the Bloody Assizes after Monmouth's Rebellion [William of Orange; Glorious Revolution]
Publication details: 
'LONDON, Printed for S. M. 1688.'

ESTC R21335, which states: 'Attributed to George Jeffreys. Cf. BM.' 1p, folio. Aged and worn, with fraying to edges, but with text clear and entire. At top right, in pencil, in an eighteenth-century hand, 'Dupl' (i.e. duplicate). The heading reads: 'THE | Lord Chancellor's | PETITION | To His Highness the | Prince of Orange, | On His Entrance into LONDON.' Beneath rule at foot: 'LONDON, Printed for S. M. 1688.' For the context, see Jeffreys' entry in the Oxford DNB.

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