First issue of 'John Nichols's Metropolitan Advertiser'.

John Nichols, printer, The Milton Press, Strand [The Metropolitan Advertiser]
Publication details: 
No. 1. 7 January 1836. 'Printed at the Milton Press, 9, Chandos Street, Strand, by John Nichols.'

4to, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and grubby paper. Engraving of beehive, with motto, beneath title. Given away 'GRATIS'. Begins with a prospectus for what is described as 'a new medium of communicating with the public', concluding, 'for the inconsiderable sum of 5s. an Advertiser may give publicity to his business in FIVE THOUSAND respectable channels inaccessible to every other advertising medium hitherto established'. The rest of the first page carries 'ADVICE TO A YOUNG TRADESMAN' by 'AN OLD TRADESMAN'.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Spooner's Protean Views, No. 8. St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle. In which the scene changes to the splendid ceremony of the interment of King William the Fourth'.

William Spooner, printseller, 377 Strand [diorama; dioramic print; King William IV; St George's Chapel, Windsor]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1837]. 'London W. Spooner 377 Strand'.

Dimensions of print roughly 17.5 x 13.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (28 x 23 cm). Engraved label (2.5 x 11 cm) beneath the print, with a couple of remarque-style illustrations. The print itself is good, although a little aged and spotted; the margins and mount being rather more heavily affected. Attractive and unusual item, the image changing when held up to the light. Two soldiers are shown dwarfed by the high ceiling of the chapel, which is decked with brightly-coloured flags. When held to the light the chapel is filled with the mourning congregation. Scarce.

Corrected Autograph Manuscript of the final draft of an article entitled 'London's Broadest Highway' (which appeared in the Strand Magazine, 1931).

R. A. Scott-James [Rolfe Arnold Scott-James] (1878-1959), journalist, editor of the 'London Mercury', and friend of Wyndham Lewis [River Thames; Strand Magazine]
Publication details: 
[In envelope postmarked 5 September 1930.]

In an envelope with label and compliments slip of Hilda Neal, Copying Offices and Secretarial Training School, by whom the article had been typed up for the printers. On one side each of thirty-two A4 leaves (dimensions roughly 25 x 20 cm). The text is complete, although there are wormholes to the latter leaves, and damage and loss at the head of the last leaf.

The Strand Magazine [containing 'Mr. Andree's Balloon Voyage to the North Pole' by Alfred T. Story]

Salomon August Andrée [Andree] (1854-1897) [Strand Magazine, arctic exploration, Conan Doyle; William Le Queux; Alfred W. Porter]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes, Ltd. July 1896.

8vo: xxiv + 120 + viii pp. In original blue printed wraps. Good, in grubby, lightly worn wraps. Thumbprint in margin of one page. Numerous illustrated advertisements at front and rear. Front wrap headed 'TO THE NORTH POLE BY BALLOON! Special Interview with Mr. Andrée.' Many illustrations. Story's piece on Andrée's balloon voyage covers fifteen pages (77-91) and features 25 illustrations and diagrams. Among the other contributions are an installment of Conan Doyle's 'Rodney Stone' and an early illustrated article on X-ray photography, 'The New Photography' by Alfred W. Porter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J L Dayrell') to Messrs Brett & Clements.

John Langham Dayrell [J. L. Dayrell] (1756-1832), Vicar of Stowe and Rector of Lillingston Dayrell, Buckinghamshire
Publication details: 
24 September 1812; Leamington Spa.

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and stained paper. Addressed, with three postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, to 'Messrs. Brett & Clements Stat[ione]rs - | near the New Church | Strand | London'. Asks for his 'Sunday's Paper' to be sent to him 'at Buckingham as usual', as he is leaving Leamington the following Saturday. 'You have not explained to me the difference of the Charge of the Newspapers from the last years to the one I have lately paid for, by doing of which you will oblige | Sir, | Yr humble Servant'.

Handbill advertisement for 'The Celebrated Working Model, by Real Water, of a Copper Mine, [...] Now on View, At Exeter Hall, Strand.'

T. Smith, Exeter Hall, the Strand [Robert Robinett, printer, White Street, Borough; Shows of London]
Publication details: 
[1834.] 'Robinett, Printer, White St. Borough.'

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, dimensions 22 x 14 cm. Text clear and complete, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, with minor wear to extremities. Headed 'Under the Patronage of the Nobility and Gentry.' 48 lines of text, including positive quotations from the Observer, Christian Advocate, Sunday Times and Albion and Star. Describes ten aspects of the exhibition, lettered A to K, including the conveyance of the ore 'to the surface by a --- (G) --- POWERFUL HYDRAULIC MACHINE, first in kibbles, through a perpendicular shaft, and lastly in waggons drawn upon an inclined plane'.

Some Recent Phases of the Sewage Question, With Remarks on "Ensilage," As applied to the Storing and Preservation of Sewage-Grown Green Crops.

Henry Robinson, C.E., F.S.I. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; silage; sewage; sewerage; cesspools]
Publication details: 
[London:] Reprinted by permission of the Council from the "Transactions" of the Surveyors' Institution.' To be obtained of Messrs. Spon, 125, Strand, W.C. [1885.]

Octavo: 28 pp (paginated 203-230). Unbound and stitched. In original orange printed wraps. Fold-out lithographic plate (c.21 x 45 cms, containing figs. 2 to 6) by C. F. Kell of Castle Street, Holborn, and three illustrations in text: fig.1, a 'useful portable silo [...] made by Messrs. Reynolds', fig.7, 'a simple form of silo with Reynolds' pressure', and fig.8, 'a suggested design for a silo'. The aim of the paper is to 'bring before The Surveyors' Institution some recent phases of the sewage question'. Very good, if a tad dusty at head.

Storage of Flood Water.

Professor Henry Robinson, M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; sewage; sewerage; silage]
Publication details: 
Excerpt from Vol. XX., Part IV., of The Journal of The Sanitary Institute.' The Sanitary Institute. Congress at Southampton, 1899. Offices: Parkes Museum, Margaret Street, London, W.

Octavo: 5 pps. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps. Very good, with thin strip of discoloration at foot of back wrap. Manuscript correction (by Robinson?) to one word, and pencil diagram of 'Waste Weir & flood Water Channel' drawn on blank verso of final leaf.

Wood's Edition. Napoleon's Book of Fate. [with two woodcuts, including one on cover of David's 'Napoleon crossing the Alps']

J. T. Wood [Joseph Thomas Wood (d.1874)] [Napoleon Bonaparte; fortune-telling; astrology; oraculum; chap book]
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1858 and 1874]. London: Published by J. T. Wood, 278, Strand.

12mo: 8 pp, unpaginated. Stitched. In original green printed wraps. Text and illustrations clear and complete, on browned high-acidity paper with damp staining at head. Wraps foxed and with slight chipping to extremities. The cover features a striking crude woodcut (12 x 9 cm) of David's 'Napoleon crossing the Alps'. The first page features another woodcut (9 x 7 cm) of a martial figure on horseback, with sword drawn.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Bernadotte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etchd by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814; Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte; Charles XIV John, King of Sweden]
Publication details: 
Pub March 4th 1814 R Akermann Strand'.

BM 13489. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper, roughly 215 x 305 mm. Good, on heavily-aged paper and with strip of blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. The title 'BERNADOTTE' is at the head, and the publication details and caption at the foot. Shows Bernadotte in martial pose and uniform, riding his white horse over a fearsome serpent. He wears a sash on which are written the words 'Leipsic' and 'Victory'.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Buonaparte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etched by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814]
Publication details: 
London Pub March 6th 1814 by Ackermann Strand'.

BM 12195. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper. Originally a rectangle roughly 240 x 340 mm, but with an arc cut away beginning in the top left-hand corner and ending at bottom right. This loss has no effect on the text, and only the merest effect on the image, only trimming the outer edge of some very lightly-painted clouds. Apart from this good, on lightly spotted paper, with a thin strip from blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse.

Allegorical coloured engraved 'Hieroglyphic Portrait' of Napoleon Bonaparte, 'faithfully copied from a German Print', with explanatory letterpress beginning 'NAPOLEON | THE FIRST, and LAST, by the Wrath of Heaven Emperor of the Jacobins, [...]

Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, Repository of the Arts, 101 Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Regency caricature; Georgian London]
Publication details: 
Pubd. by R. Ackermann, 101 Strand, London.' Undated [dated by George to March 1814].

BM 12202. On piece of wove paper roughly 410 x 280 mm. On lightly aged and spotted paper, with slight wear and small closed tears to extremities. Closely trimmed at head and foot. Repair to blank reverse, which carries a strip of cloth from previous mount. Text and image clear and entire. Image roughly 190 x 120 cm.

Handbill poem, entitled 'The Regency, A New Song in Honour of His Majesty and the Prince of Wales. Tune - "Hearts of Oak." '

G. M'Ardell, printer, Newcastle-street, Strand [the madness of King George III; King George IV; the Prince Regent]
Publication details: 
[Undated, but between 1810 and 1820.] London: Printed by G. M'Ardell, Newcastle-street, Strand.

Printed on one side of a piece of rough wove paper, approximately 24 x 10.5 cm. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper. A production in favour of the Prince Regent, with no trace of sarcasm apparent. Consists of six four-line stanzas, each followed by the chorus 'Hearts of Oak, &c.' First stanza reads 'Come cheer up my lads, we'll no longer repine, | United, we'll triumph - OUR CAUSE is divine!

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to 'Mr. Lee [sic]', giving commission bids on eight lots in a forthcoming sale.

Mr Howell of Craven Street, the Strand, London [Leigh and Sotheby; Sotheby's; book auctions; auctioneering; auction catalogues]
Publication details: 
Feb. 2d. 1815. Craven Street.'

12mo bifolium: 1 p, on recto of first leaf, with address on verso of second leaf. Grubby, and with spike hole and tear to outer edge through both leaves, that on the first neatly repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Text complete and entirely legible. 'Mr. Howell will be obliged to Mr. Lee if in addition to the Douglass case Lot 708, He will purchase Lot 213 'Discovery Witches' [...]'. A further seven bids follow. The note ends 'Mr Howell will thank Mr Lee will [sic] bear in mind, that these purchases will be upon condition of the books being in good order and perfect'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Herman C. Merivale') to the London publisher Samuel French. With a printed subscription form, filled in by Merivale.

Herman Charles Merivale (1839-1906), English playwright and novelist [victorian publisher Samuel French, of 89 The Strand, London; James Robinson Planché]
Publication details: 
Letter: 25 April 1879; on embossed letterhead of the Union Club, Brighton. Subscription form: undated.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. Grubby and stained. He 'did not mention the Planché-affair' in his letter of the day before. Asks for his name to be put down 'for a copy of the book' [French's edition of Planché's 'Extravaganzas']. The subscription form (12mo, 1 p), heavily worn and with loss to the extremities, is laid down on the reverse of the letter. On it Merivale gives his address as 'Barton Lodge, Kingston on Thames'.

A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, English and foreign, together with a Collection of Miscellaneous Prints, the greatest portion accompanied with concise biographical and descriptive notices. Part V. London.

A. Nicholls, London printseller ('Upwards of 25 years Assistant to Messrs. Evans of 1, Great Queen Street, and 403, Strand.') [prints; engravings]
Publication details: 
London: A. Nicholls, 5 Green Street, Leicester Square, W.C. [no date, but post 1848] ['A. Munro, Printer, New Yard, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.']

Octavo: 16 pp. Stitched and unbound. Grubby and a tad creased. Items, in alphabetical order from H (beginning with the Earl of Hardwick) to J (ending with Dorothy Jordan), with a few miscellaneous items on the last page, numbered 3002 to 3837. Interesting for the information it provides about minor English celebrities ('3651 JACKSON, Joseph, letter founder, nat. Old-street, 1733, res. Cock-lane and Dorset-street, London, ob.

The enchanted lake, a tale.

George Sand
Publication details: 
London: W. Tweedie, 337, Strand. No date (but circa 1855).

16mo. 194 pages. In original stamped binding. Grubby and spotted, with wear to binding and fraying at foot of spine. Lithographic frontispiece and title by W. Monkhouse of York. Translation of 'La mare au diable', preceded by 27-page memoir. Possibly a piracy of Francis George Shaw's 1850 edition (London: George Slater). No copy in British Library.

Parchment Manuscript Indenture, consisting of the counterpart lease of No. 50 Holywell Street, Strand, Middlesex, from the Revd Charles Felton Smith, Edwin Augustus Smith and others to John Bedford Leno.

Publication details: 

Leno (1824-94) was a printer, publisher, poet and editor, and a significant figure in nineteenth-century radicalism. In 1845, while a printer, he led a group of radical workers who started a Young Men's Improvement Society and circulated a manuscript newspaper entitled the 'Attempt'. He then became branch secretary of the local Chartists. In 1849 the 'Attempt' became a printed journal, the 'Uxbridge Pioneer'. In 1861 he was editor of the 'Poetic Magazine' and in 1881 of the 'Anti-tithe Journal'.

Manuscript Indenture (counterpart of Lease of Brown's premises at no. 342 Strand), on parchment, signed by Brown.

Alexander Brown, nineteenth-century bookseller in the Strand, London [Smith and Guscotte, Solicitors, 19 Essex Street, Strand]
Publication details: 
26 July 1865, London.

Fifty-two long lines of text, on one side of a single piece of parchment, roughly inches by. '[...] Between John Guscotte of No. 19 Essex Street Strand [...] and Alexander Brown of No. 342 Strand in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Book Seller'. A ten-year lease for a consideration of sixty pounds and yearly rent of one hundred and four pounds. Includes conditions relating to the upkeep of the premises, whitewashing of the walls, display of advertisements, etc.

Autograph Letter Signed to T[homas]. F[rederick]. Dillon Croker.

Eliza Johnstone
Publication details: 
Tooles Theatre | Strand'. No date, but in envelope postmarked 15 July 1876.

British actress (born c. 1836). In the 1881 census Johnstone features as a visitor in the house of the actor-manager John Laurence Toole (1830-1906). Three pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and with a few stains. In envelope with penny red stamp and black wax seal, addressed to Croker at 9 Pelham Place, Brompton. 'I return your book my father having complied with your request | I can not tell you the great pleasure I received in looking over your lovely collection. It is so good it makes one almost envious.' Signed 'Eliza Johnstone'.

Strand Ward Lecturers Book 1730

Joseph Trapp
Publication details: 

Manuscript, 34pp., folio, bound in vellum, poor condition but complete. A Book of all ye names of the Severall Inhabitants & others residing in Strand Ward in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx for one year free Collection from Christmas 1729 by Quarterly payments or otherwise for the gratifying and paying the Reverend Mr.

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