[Travers Twiss, jurist; Queen's Advocate-General; scandal (Wikipedia)] Autograph Note Signed Travers Twiss to a Mr or Mrs Rowcliffe, promising to send some autographs.

[Sir Travers Twiss QC FRS (1809 – 1897) was an English jurist].
Publication details: 
19 Park Lane [London], no date.

One page, 12mo, black-bordered, backed by paper of similar size with evidence of having been laid down, and with MS note Dr. Travers Twiss | Vicar [sic] General | &c, good condition. Text: I am much obliged by your note & will take care not to forget my promise - on the first leisure morning I may have - to collect a few autographs & forward them to you. The scandal involved his marriage to a mistress who had been a prostitute [Wikipedia].

[Legal Settlement in Sevenoaks, Kent; 1709/10] Certificate of legal settlement in the Parish of Sevenoaks, Kent. for Edward Kirkin and his wife, Constant.

[William Lambard (presumably descendant of the Antiquary); John Amherst (father of the General); Church Wardens; Overseers.
Publication details: 
[Sevenoaks, 1709/10]. Printed for R. Vincent, in Clifford's-Inn-Lane, Fleet Street.

Apparently a rare survival but I'd welcome information. One page, folio, fold marks, foxing, some rough edges, but text clear and complete. Headed by Royal Coat-of-Arms (Dieu et Mon Droit). Signed by Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of Sevenoaks (signatures of Thomas Reeeve, John Summers, Rich Phillips), attested by [signatures follow] R. Spilsted and Tho. Richardson. Concluding with the signatures of J[effrey] Amherst (father of the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in the British Army to be) AND W[illiam] Lambard (presumably descendant of the Antiquary). SEE IMAGE for details.

[William Frere, Master of Downing College, Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed to Captain Munby, ‘respecting a house at Yarmouth’.

William Frere (1775-1836), Master of Downing College, Cambridge, jurist and editor
Publication details: 
Sergeant’s Inn [London], 7 February [paper watermarked 1819].

2pp, 4to. Bifolium, annotated on second leaf ‘Mr Sargt. Frere’. Watermark: ‘STAINS & CO | 1819’. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Captain Munby &c &c’, and signed ‘William Frere’. He apologises for not answering sooner ‘the communications I have been honored with from you respecting a house at Yarmouth’. He has been in London, where he has suffered ‘some uncertainty as to accepting or declining the offer’.

[Sir Samuel Romilly, abolitionist and legal reformer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr. Williams’, explaining that he will be finishing ‘the Bill in this Cause’ while out of town.

Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818), abolitionist and legal reformer of Huguenot descent
Publication details: 
15 September 1794. Lincoln’s Inn [London].

See his long entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, with negligible remnants of windowpane mount adhering at edges of blank reverse. Reads: ‘Mr. Romilly presents his compliments to Mr. Williams and informs him that he is obliged to go out of Town tomorrow & that he has not been able to finish the Bill in this Cause but he will take it with him into the Country & send it to Mr. W. in two or three days’.

[William Ewart Gladstone and colonial railways, 1846.] Printed Colonial Office circular dispatch, laying out ‘some general principles’ regarding ‘plans of Railway communication’ in the British colonies.

W. E. Gladstone [William Ewart Gladstone] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; nineteenth-century railways; Victorian locomotives]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street [London], 15 January 1846.

A scarce item, of which no other copy has been traced. 9pp, 8vo. Disbound from a volume, and paginated in manuscript 57-65. In good condition, lightly aged. Printed in lithograph in facsimile of a manuscript document. Begins by explaining the purpose of the dispatch in true Gladstonian style: ‘I find that the impulse which has been given in every other part of the Civilized World to plans of Railway communication has been felt in many of the British Colonies.

[Lord Derby [as Lord Stanley] and crime on the high seas, 1842.] Printed Colonial Office circular dispatch laying out the Government’s conclusions on the question of ‘acts done in the High Seas’.

Lord Derby [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1842 [Colonial Office; maritime law; piracy]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street [London], 16 December 1842.

Scarce: no other copy traced. 1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript 37. Printed ‘Circular’ dated from Downing Street, 16 December 1842. Headed in manuscript ‘Crime in the high Seas’. At bottom, in manuscript (not Stanley’s hand): ‘/sd/ Stanley’. Twenty-nine lines in copperplate font.

[Sir Edward Parry [Sir Edward Abbott Parry], judge and dramatist.] Autograph Signature to cutting of newspaper article by him on ‘Brach of Promise / The Law, the Lady, and Sex Equality’.

Sir Edward Parry [Sir Edward Abbott Parry] (1863–1943), judge and dramatist
Publication details: 
Dated by Parry to April 1930.

See the account of his life in the entry for his father the serjeant-at-law John Humffreys Parry (1816-1880) in the Oxford DNB. Signed ‘faithfully yours / Edward Parry / April . 1930’, across the headline of a 22 x 21 cm. cutting of a newspaper article, with text in three columns, the headline reading: ‘BREACH OF PROMISE / THE LAW, THE LADY, AND SEX EQUALITY/ By His Honour SIR EDWARD PARRY’. In good condition, on browning high-acidity paper. Folded once and with one crease. Begins: ‘Marriage is not the gilt-edged security that it was. Its stock is not rising.

[Joseph Jekyll, Regency politician and wit.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Agar-Ellis, on missing the 'Academy Dinner' by dining with the king; and manuscript copy of pun-laden account of ‘Bazaar in Mr Penn’s Garden for Charing Cross Hospital’.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Welsh lawyer, Whig politician and wit, Master in Chancery and Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales [George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover]
Publication details: 
Letter written on 'Sunday Morning'

The first item is fairly witty, while the second exhibits the sort of ‘excruciating puns’ for which Jekyll is, according to his entry in the Oxford DNB, largely remembered. See also Agar-Ellis’s entry in the same work. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of ‘Sunday Morning’ to ‘Dear Ellis’. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Joseph Jekyll’. Folded twice. Minuted by recipient at head of first page: ‘May 1825 / Jekyll’.

[William Govett Romain, as Second Secretary to the Admiralty.] Autograph Signature (‘W. G. Romaine’) with accompanying text filling in printed 'communication' appointing William Mullice ‘Gunner, 2d Class, Additional’ on board HMS Cumberland.

W. G. Romaine [William Govett Romaine] (1815-1893), English barrister, civil servant and colonial administrator [William Mullice]
Publication details: 
11 April 1861; on board ‘H.M.S. “Excellent” / WW Portsmouth.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, tall 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged; folded twice. In the following transcription the manuscript parts are in square brackets: ‘By Command of the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.

[‘Snub him & send him home.’ President Woodrow Wilson is a ‘Bally Ass’ and ‘distinctly Socialistic’.] Autograph Letter Signed from Republican politician A. H. Olmsted to P. A. Currie, attacking Wilson on the eve of the Paris Peace Conference.

A. H. Olmsted [Albert Henry Olmsted] (d.1842-1929), banker and Republican party politician, half-brother of ‘father of landscape architecture’ Frederick Law Olmsted [President Woodrow Wilson]
Publication details: 
26 January 1919; on letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California.

Having made the first state visit to the United Kingdom by an American President, 26 to 28 December 1918, Wilson was in Europe at the opening of the Paris Peace Conference, which would result in the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles. The present letter presents in forthright terms the Republican position on his activities in the aftermath of the First World War. 5pp, 12mo. On five leaves of letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California (‘Carl S. Stanley, Manager’). In postmarked envelope from the Hotel (stamps torn away), addressed to ‘Mr. P. A.

[Sir John Powell of Gloucester, judge and politician.] Autograph Document Signed (‘John Powell’), with signature of witness ‘W Price’, appointing his clerk John Horsman to receive his ‘Salary for Michaelmas Terme’.

Sir John Powell (1645-1713), judge and politician, Member of Parliament for Gloucester [his clerk John Horsman]
Publication details: 
11 December 1711; no place.

See Powell’s entry in the Oxford DNB. While presiding over the 1712 trial of Jane Wenham for witchcraft he ruled that there was ‘no law against flying’. 1p, long 8vo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Folded twice. On laid paper with government watermark, with two blind-stamped sixpenny tax stamps at head of page. Text intact, but with wear, closed tears and slight loss to some edges and a crease. Text by Powell himself, signed ‘John Powell’, with red wax seal (without any impression). Signed at foot of page: ‘Wittness | W Price’. Endorsed with date on reverse of second leaf.

[Thomas Hughes, politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Hughes') to 'Bricknell', regarding the threat of resignation (from the Athenaeum?) by 'the good but peppery & impulsive D[octo]r.'

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
7 June 1875. On letterhead of the Athenaeum Club [London].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Clearly and firmly written. The letter would appear to concern an individual who is threatening to resign his membership of the Athenaeum Club, and ends with reference to proxy voting for new members. Hughes begins by reporting that he has 'already written to the good but peppery & impulsive Dr. of whom I am as fond as you are'.

[George Colwell Oke, legal author, Chief Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to George Edward Frere, alleging editorial prejudice, and discussing statute on weights and measures, killing of horses.

George Colwell Oke (1821-1874), Chief Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London, author of legal works including ‘Oke’s Magisterial Formulist’ [George Edward Frere (1807--1887) of Roydon Hall, Norfolk]
Publication details: 
All four from 1861: 26 and 31 January; and 17 and 20 June. All four letters on letterhead of Mansion House Justice Room, London, EC.

All signed ‘George C: Oke’. At the time of writing Oke was Assistant Clerk to the Lord Mayor, a position he had held since 1855; in 1864 he would assume the Chief Clerkship. For details of the recipient, barrister and F.R.S, elder brother of Sir Bartle Frere and nephew of Canning’s friend the satirist John Hookham Frere, see the Law Times, 31 December 1887. The four letters total 10pp, 12mo, all on letterheads with engraved arms of the City of London. All in good condition; very lightly aged; with folds. Closely and neatly written.

[Sir William Grant, Scottish lawyer and English judge.] Autograph Note in the third person, regarding 'the Old Fish Dinner party'.

Sir William Grant (1752-1832), Scottish lawyer and English judge, Attorney General for Quebec, Member of Parliament, Master of the Rolls
Publication details: 
23 June 1829. Lincoln's Inn Fields [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a 12 x 11 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: 'Lincoln's Inn Fields | 23d. June 1829 | Sir Wm. Grant will have the honor of joining the Old Fish Dinner party on Saty. the 27th. of June.'

[ Bishop of Chichester; Maurice Swabey, legal expert ] Autograph Request for a legal Opinion, third Person, with AN Signed "JCicest." to "Dr Swabey [Maurice Swabey, legal authority, author of "Reports of Cases Decided in the Ecclesiastical Courts" ]

Bishop of Chichester [John Buckner]
Publication details: 
Chichester House, 26 September 1810.

Three pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, dusty but good condition. He requests Dr Swabey's opinion of some points of ecclesiastical law, as follows: "Can the dignitaries of a Cathedral, who are bound by their stautes to 3 months attendance there; and by the old Law obliged to retire for the remainder of the year [...] to their pastoral cures, claim exemption from all the penalties of non-residence under the protection of [......] & if he be, is it necessary for him, in order to fulfil such Cathedral residence, regularly & daily to attend the service of the Choir.

[Oxford Circuit in the 1880s.] 27 sketches and caricatures by Lauriston Leonard Batten of barristers (including Lord Loveburn; C. J. Darling), judges and others, including several court scenes; for fellow barrister the future Sir Richard Harington.

Lauriston Leonard Batten (1863-1934) [the Oxford Circuit in the late nineteenth century; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal]
Legal sketches
Publication details: 
The Oxford Circuit [Gloucester, Reading, Shrewsbury Assizes; Birmingham Assizes]. A few items dated to 1887, 1888, 1891, 1894.
Legal sketches

Lauriston Leonard Batten studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (see his entry in Alum. Cantab.). He was admitted at the Inner Temple in 1882 and called to the bar four years later. KC, 1905. Bencher, 1914. The present collection is from the papers of his colleague on the Oxford Circuit, Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th baronet, who was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar in 1886, he practised on the Oxford Circuit before taking up an appointment as a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal in 1899.

[Lord Cairns [Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns], Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.] Printed warrant, signed by him 'Cairns C.', appointing John Amherst Philpott a Commissioner for Oaths.

Lord Cairns [Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns (1819-1885), Irish-born Conservative statesman, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain under Benjamin Disraeli
Publication details: 
12 June 1876.

2pp, folio. On bifolium endorsed on reverse of second leaf. In fair condition, lightly creased and aged. Three folds. Embossed with five pound tax stamp at head. Printed in copperplate, with the details of the appointee 'John Amhust Philpott of Cranbrook in the County of Kent, Gentleman' filled-in in manuscript. Circular stamp of the Court of Justice at end of document with two signatures: 'Entd. | H. R. W.' and 'Entered 14th June 1876 | E W Williamson | Deputy Registrar of Solicitors'.

[Robert Ord, lawyer and politician.] Autograph Legal Opinion Signed ('Robt. Ord'), headed 'Case on Mr. Chrisr. Blacketts Will & Mr. Ords Opinion'.

Robert Ord (1700–1778), English lawyer and politician, Chief Baron of the Scottish Exchequer [Christopher Blackett; Elizabeth Smart; Martha Maria Bellassyse; Durham; Northumberland]
Publication details: 
13 June 1750.

1p, 8vo. Aged and worn, with closed tears, chipping and creasing. Several folds. The full heading reads: 'Case on Mr. Chrisr. Blacketts Will & Mr. Ords Opinion | See Copy of Will'. Endorsed on reverse: '1750 June 13th - | Copy | Mr. Ords Opinion on Mr. Blacketts Will'. Twenty-eight lines of neatly-written text, arranged as two queries, each with its answer. Contains a couple of corrections by Ord. The case concerns the various claims on a freehold of 'Mrs. Eliz: Smart and Mrs. Martha Maria Bellassyse' and 'Mrs. Blackett'. The various families in the case hailed from the north-east of England.

[James, Viscount Bryce, jurist and British Ambassador to the United States.] Typed Draft Signed ('Bryce') of joint letter 'To the Chairman of | The Government Distress Committee', criticising methods for relieving 'the distress caused by the war'.

James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce (1838-1922), Ulster-born Liberal poltician, academic, British Ambassador to the United States
Publication details: 
No place or date. [London? During the early years of the First World War.]

3pp, 8vo. On three leaves with hole in one corner where they were attached with stud. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter is clearly a draft of a public letter to be signed by a number of eminent individuals, and was presumably composed by Bryce himself. No date or place, simply headed: 'To the Chairman of | The Government Distress Committee.' It begins: 'Sir, | We whose names are appended hereto view with concern the methods that seem about to be adopted for the relief of the distress caused by the war.

[Francis Wharton, American educationalist and professor of criminal law.] Autograph Letter Signed to John N. Purviance, Auditor General, Harrisburg,

Francis Wharton (1820-1889) of Philadelphia, American legal writer, historian, educationalist and professor of criminal law [General John Nelson Purviance (1810-1885), Auditor General, Harrisburg]
Publication details: 
[Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.] 11 July 1850.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with fold lines and small hole made by breaking of the wafer. Addressed by Wharton on reverse to 'Hon. Jno. N. Purviance | Auditor Gen. | Harrisburg.' Endorsed: 'Francis Whatron, Esq. | Phila. | Ansd. 12 July 1850.' Wharton writes in a neat hand: 'Dear Sir | I enclose a note I have just received from Messrs Thomas and Rumsey - which please return. | Truly yrs | Francis Wharton'. Postscript reads: 'Let us know from you at your early convenience, as we are unable to advance a step till we know your views'.

[Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Tho. Hughes') to 'Mr. Kynnersley', discussing: meeting Rugby schoolfellow 'Blandford', educating an abandoned boy, his co-operative beliefs, Joseph Chamberlain.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
ONE: 3 March 1884; 52 Promenade, Southport, Lancashire, on letterhead of the County Courts, Circuit No. 9, Chester. TWO: 30 November 1885. On letterhead of Uffington House, Chester.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 3 March 1884. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Kynnersley'. Having received Kynnersley's undated letter he writes: 'I shall meet Blandford as you propose on the 11th. with very great pleasure. He was one of the heroes on whom I used to look with awe as a 3rd. form boy in 1834 in which year I joined & he I think left Rugby.' He is sitting at Congleton on the day of the meeting, and 'there is just a chance that some perverse suitor may be in full blast at my train time in which case (as I never leave a cause part heard) I may be late'.

[Sir Alexander Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice of England.] Autograph document, signed twice (both 'A. E. Cockburn'), giving verdict and sentence.

Sir Alexander Cockburn [Sir Alexander James Edmund Cockburn, 12th Baronet] (1802-1880), Lord Chief Justice of England and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of an 8 x 10 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn, with light offsetting from another document. The two signatures (both 'A. E. Cockburn') are at the right hand corners. The verdict and sentence ('Guilty | 6 Mo. Imprisonment') are written between two lines centred at the left-hand margin. The purport of the document is unclear: it may be that the judge was required to record the verdict and sentence in this way for the clerk of the court.

[Macvey Napier, editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Macvey Napier'), inviting the recipient to dinner after not being able to see him due to his 'occupations during the winter'.

Macvey Napier [born Napier Macvey] (1776-1847), Scottish jurist, editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Edinburgh Review, Professor of Conveyancing at the University of Edinburgh
Publication details: 
39 Castle Street [Edinburgh]. 26 March [no year].

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with remains of stub adhering to edge on reverse. Folded twice. He begins by apologising that his 'occupations during the winter' have prevented him from seeing the unnamed recipient. If he is 'disengaged next Friday', Napier will be happy to see him 'at dinner at six o'clock, to meet a small party'. Laid down at the foot of the last page is a newspaper cutting of an article titled 'Death of Professor Napier'.

[Samuel Warren, Victorian novelist and barrister.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Warren') to the editor of the Courant newspaper, regarding his 'charge' to the grand jury at Hull, and a planned '“Reformatory School” for juvenile criminals' there.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), novelist, barrister and Member of Parliament, Recorder of Hull [nineteenth-century reformatory schools; juvenile criminals in Victorian England]
Publication details: 
Vittoria Hotel, Hull. 29 October 1854.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and lightly creased. Folded twice. Addressed 'To the Editor of the Courant'. Having been made Recorder of Hull in 1852, Warren begins his letter from that place: 'Sir, | Some friend has sent to me your paper of Thursday, last, containing a very kindly notice on my late Charge to the Grand Jury here.

[Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal, as Solicitor General.] Autograph Letter Signed ('N. C. Tindal') to [Lord Lyndhurst] Lord Chancellor, proposing his friend Rev. T. Foord Bowes for the living of Thwing, Yorkshire. With Lyndhurst's autograph endorsement.

Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal (1776-1846), judge, Chief Justice of Common Pleas [Lord Lyndhurst [John Singleton Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst] (1772-1863), Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
No place or date. [November 1827,]

Tindal is notable for defending Queen Caroline in her 1820 adultery trial, and for introducing the special verdict 'Not Guilty by reason of insanity', in the case of Daniel M'Naghten. The letter is undated, but Tindal states that it was a written a week after the death of Rev. John Kirk, Rector of Thwing, which took place on 6 November 1827 (see Kirk's death notice, Gent. Mag., November 1827). 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded four times. Tindal begins his letter: 'My dear Lord Chancellor, | I am requested by my friend, the Revd. T.

[George Combe, Scottish lawyer and phrenologist.] Autograph Signature ('Geo. Combe') cut from a letter addressed to Andrew Carmichael

George Combe (1788-1858), Scottish phrenologist and lawyer, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Irregular strip of paper, roughly 6 x 14 cm, one side bearing the valediction to a letter. In poor condition, aged and worn. Reads: 'With many thanks for your kind attention & with sincere regards, I remain | Sir | Your very Obedient Servant | Geo. Combe'. Crosswise on the reverse is part of Combe's addressing of the letter: 'Andrew Carmichael E[sq] | M. R. I. […] | [Pullis?] Ro[ad] | D[...]'.

[George Combe, Scottish lawyer and phrenologist.] Autograph Draft, Signed ('Geo Combe'), of part of article or paper on the 'leading object' of the punishment of offenders in prison.

George Combe (1788-1858), Scottish lawyer and phrenologist, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Societ
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Twelve lines of text, on one side of an 11 x 13 cm piece of paper, with 'Messrs. Neill & Co' deleted on the reverse. Part of a draft of an article or paper, with deletions and corrections, signed at foot 'Geo Combe'. The final text reads: 'but until a certain sum be redeemed by the labour, attended by the good conduct, of the prisoner.

[Thomas Denman [Lord Denman], judge and Lord Chief Justice.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Denman'), expressing a strong desire to dine with a man of whose 'person' he is not 'sure'.

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman [Lord Denman] (1779-1854), judge, Lord Chief Justice 1832-1850
Publication details: 
Queen Square [London]. 'Sunday' [no date, but endorsed '14 Feb. 1811'].

2pp, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on reverse, which is endorsed '14 Febr. 1811 | T Denman'. Folded several times. The recipient is not named, but was clearly an individual of some standing, as Denman appears keen to dine with him.

[Thomas Denman [Lord Denman], judge and Lord Chief Justice.] Autograph Signature ('Denman') to frank addressed by him to Rev. William Plucknett of Alresford.

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman [Lord Denman] (1779-1854), judge, Lord Chief Justice 1832-1850
Publication details: 
'London Apl twentyeight 1835'.

On one side of 7.5 x 12 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse. Frank laid out in the prescribed fashion, with the red postal stamp ('FREE | 28AP28 | 1835'). Denman's signature ('Denman') is at bottom left, and he addresses as follows: 'London Apl twentyeight | 1835 | The Rev W Plucknett | Wincanton | Alresford | Somerset', with the last three lines deleted by Denman and replaced by 'Alresford | Hampshire.

[The Old Poor Law in the late Nineteenth Century.] Anonymous Manuscript Document, calling in forthright terms for the amending of 'The Plan of the Poor Laws of England', to weed out 'the loose Profligate and those who do not like work'.

[The Old Poor Law; English Poor Laws; eighteenth-century poor relief]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [English, late eighteenth century.]

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On the rectos of the leaves of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On laid paper with indistinct watermark. The context of the document, with the capitalisation and spelling ('mechanick', 'shou'd', 'Publick', 'tyed down', 'lookt', 'Profitt'), points to a late eighteenth-century origin (certainly before the Speenhamland System and Michael Nolan's 1805 'Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor'). No title or heading. A forthright document, whose rhetorical tone suggests that it was intended for public delivery.

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