Notes et Notices sur l'Expédition scientifique des Anglais au pic de Ténériffe, en 1856. Sur l'Origine des Espèces [i.e. Darwin's 'Origin of Species']. Sur Toulon, port de mer. Sur l'Ouvrage de Miss Nightingale, intitulé: Notes on Nursing. [...]

J.-P.-A. Madden [Jean-Patrice-Auguste Madden (1808-1889)] [Florence Nightingale; Charles Darwin]
Notes et Notices sur l'Expédition scientifique des Anglais au pic de Ténériffe
Publication details: 
Versailles: Imprimérie de E. Aubert, 6, Avenue de Sceaux. 1864.
Notes et Notices sur l'Expédition scientifique des Anglais au pic de Ténériffe

12mo, [iv] + 52 + [i], the last page carrying an erratum. Unopened. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with wear to wraps (particularly spine) and dog-eared front wrap. Bound in at the end is a separate seven-page pamphlet with a title-page which simply reads 'Toulon Port de Guerre par J. P.A. Madden.' The printer of this seven-page item is Imprimérie Cerf at Versailles.

Collection of correspondence from Elizabeth Arden Ltd to agents Franklyn and Doris Rogers, Messrs Titcumbs, Chatham, including an Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth Arden') from Arden, and 40 Typed Letters Signed from director T. Gordon Yates.

Elizabeth Arden [Florence Nightingale Graham (1878-1966)]
Publication details: 
Between 1942 and 1956; most items on the letterhead of the Elizabeth Arden Ltd British headquarters at 25 Old Bond Street, London.

The collection of fifty-three Typed Letters Signed and six mimeographed circulars, in various formats, is in good condition on lightly-aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, and with a couple of items with closed tears. Providing an interesting sidelight into workings of the English branch of one of the twentieth-century's leading multinational corporations. Arden's letter (8vo, 1 p), dated 8 April 1955, is addressed to the Rogers' daughter 'Miss J. Rogers'.

Autograph Letter Signed (twice, both 'Negri Cristoforo' ), with short poem, to an unnamed woman.

Cristoforo Negri (1809-1896), Italian politician and first President (1867-1872) of the Italian Geographical Society [Jeremiah James Colman (1830-1898), Norwich mustard manufacturer]
Publication details: 
27 August 1868; on letterhead of Carrow House, Norwich.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with a little light staining. The recto carries the seventeen-line letter to a 'Gentilissima Dama', in response to a request for an autograph. On the reverse of the second leaf is a four-line poem, signed and dated by Negri, beginning 'Come un Nume che si adora'. In the letter Negri writes that he does not have 'la presunzione di credere che il mio autografo meriti di essere conservato'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Francis Steuart') to 'Miss Graham'.

Archibald Francis Steuart (1872-1942), Scottish advocate, genealogist and historian [AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING]
Publication details: 
Hotel Grande Bretagne, Florence; 11 March 1923.

Two pages, octavo. Good, with traces of stub adhering to one uneven edge. He feels there is 'surely telepathy in the world' as, 'only last night tired of the dull inaction after a bout of 'flu', he was assembling autographs for his correspondent. '[T]hey all explain themselves except perhaps Boardman Robinson the American cartoonist and Rose Bradley the writer on teh 19th. Century. I send one too from Lord Seaforth who only died last week.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Monsignor Patterson".

Sidney Herbert, statesman, sponsor of Florence Nightingale (DNB).
Publication details: 
Carlton Club, 3 July [1885]

Two pages, 8vo, remains of glue from tipping in, text clear and complete. He has been talking to the Duke of Argyll on a matter with which he might help. "Mr Hayes Fisher who is standing in the Conservative Interest at Fulham has told me that he is meeting with considerable opposition there from the Catholic Priests. Could you exercise any influence there? As you know we are fighting the battle of 'fair play in the matter of Education Grants to all Religious Denominations' and we look with confience to the support of Catholics in consequence. . .

Autograph Letter Signed ('Florence Warden') to the actor and dramatist Wybert Reeve.

Florence Warden (pseudonym of Florence Alice Price James, 1857-1929), English novelist
Publication details: 
17 May 1904; Beach House, Islandgate.

Four pages, 12mo. Very good, with unobtrusive remains of stub along one edge. In interesting letter discussing the state of the English stage. Her tardy response is due to 'pressure of work". 'What you say about the present condition of the stage is only too true.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Publication details: 
Wilton. Oct 21. 1842'.

English conservative politician (1810-61), friend and supporter of Florence Nightingale. Good, but with one small closed tear and with the verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate attached to paper mount. He is 'going to town' for three days from Wednesday, and then returns for a fortnight or three weeks. 'If you think of coming this way soon I sh[oul]d be very glad if you could make your visit during [last word over authorial smudge] my stay here. | The tower is up all but the cornice & is not a bit too high.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed reviewer,

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Publication details: 
23 May 1838, Wilton House, Salisbury.

Politician (1810-61), friend and supporter of Florence Nightingale. 4 pp, 12mo. Difficult handwriting. "[...] I feel that I cannot undertake to do what you proposed to me; in such a manner as it ought to be done to do justice to the Review and to the subject. I must therefore ask you to cut me off at any rate for the next number. I hope this will not inconvenience you." Creased and grubby.

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