[Lady Augusta Spencer-Churchill, as Chairman, British Legion Women's Section.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Augusta Spencer-Churchill') to 'Mrs Everett' of the Legion's Kettering Branch, regarding a funfair, and her award of an OBE.

Lady Augusta Spencer-Churchill [née Warburton] (1854-1941), wife of Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill (1853-1911), half-brother of the 7th Duke of Marlborough and close relation of Winston Churchill
Publication details: 
ONE: 28 Grosvenor Street, London SW1; 16 November 1934. TWO: Queensmead, Windsor; 9 January 1935. Each on letterhead of the British Legion, Women's Section, Haig House, 26 Ecclestone Square, London, SW1.

Each 1p, 4to. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and each folded three times. On the letterhead she is referred to as 'The Lady Edward Spencer-Churchill O.B.E.' Chairman of the British Legion. Women's Section. ONE: 16 November 1934. Having been informed by 'Miss Gerds' that the recipient 'would like to know if I am coming by Car or by train on December 1st, to open your “Fun Fair,”' she states that she is 'not sure how long it would take to motor from London', but thinks it would be quicker by train. 'I see a good one arrives at 2-47!' TWO: 5 January 1935.

[Sir Henry Halford, Physician Extraordinary to four monarchs, including George III in his madness.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Halford.'), mentioning 'the King' (George IV?), and referring to a child of 'Lady Harriet' (wife of the recipient).

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician extraordinary to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria
Publication details: 
Wistow Hall, Leicestershire. 21 August [no year, on paper watermarked 1825].

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. With thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. The recipient is not named. He informs him that he will 'not be in Town' before the following Monday, instead of the Thursday, explaining that he 'was not able to leave the King until Saturday last – and a sejour here of less than a week would hardly justify a journey of 103 miles and back again'.

[Sir Thomas Lawrence, President of the Royal Academy.] Four manuscript documents from his sister's descendants the Aston family: a pedigree, tracing Lawrence's mother back to William the Conqueror, and three inventories of engravings and books.

Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), President of the Royal Academy and distinguished portrait painter
Publication details: 
Without place or date. (English, nineteenth century.)

ONE: Manuscript pedigree. On one side of a 49 x 38 cm piece of thick laid paper, with no watermark. Folded three times. Discoloured and with light damp staining. The greater part of the pedigree is written in ink in a loose hand, and traces the descent of Sir Thomas Lawrence's mother Lucy (née Read) to William the Conqueror.

[ Littleton Powys, second-eldest of the Powys family, Sherborne schoolmaster and naturalist.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Littleton') to the journalist Collin Brooks ('Collin'), mainly regarding his late wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers.

Littleton Powys [Littleton Charles Powys] (1874-1955) of the Powys Family, teacher (Sherborne) and naturalist [his wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers (1903-1947); Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist]
Publication details: 
All four letters from The Quarry House, The Avenue, Sherborne, Dorset. (The first on a letterhead of the address.) 5 May, 20 August and 10 September 1948; and 28 April 1949.

Four good letters, in which the author's love for his wife and grief at her death are apparent. Littleton Powys was the second-eldest of eleven, his siblings including writers John Cowper Powys, T. F. Powys and Llewelyn Powys, architect A. R. Powys, artist Gertrude Powys, lacemaker Marian Powys, and poet and novelist Philippa Powys. His autobiography 'The Joy of it' was published in 1937, with the sequel 'Still the Joy of it' appearing in 1956. The four letters are in good condition, lightly aged. They total 12pp., 12mo.

[ Littleton Powys, second-eldest of the Powys family, Sherborne schoolmaster and naturalist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Littleton') to the journalist Collin Brooks ('Collin'), mainly regarding his late wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers.

Littleton Powys [Littleton Charles Powys] (1874-1955) of the Powys Family, teacher (Sherborne) and naturalist [his wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers (1903-1947); Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist]
Publication details: 
All three letters from The Quarry House, The Avenue, Sherborne, Dorset. (The first on a letterhead of the address.) 5 May and 20 August 1948; and 28 April 1949.

Littleton Powys was the second-eldest of eleven, his siblings including writers John Cowper Powys, T. F. Powys and Llewelyn Powys, architect A. R. Powys, artist Gertrude Powys, lacemaker Marian Powys, and poet and novelist Philippa Powys. His autobiography 'The Joy of it' was published in 1937, with the sequel 'Still the Joy of it' appearing in 1956. The three letters are in good condition, lightly aged. They total 8pp., 12mo. The main topic is the correspondence between the recipient Brooks and Powys's wife Elizabeth Myers, which would feature in Powys's 1951 edition of her letters.

[ Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India. ] Autograph Signature ('Albert Edward') on part of letter.

Edward VII (1841-1910), King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 5.5 x 10 cm. piece of paper cut from the conclusion of a letter. Lightly aged and ruckled, with closed tear repaired on reverse with archival tape. Traces of previous mount on reverse. Reads: 'Believe me, | Yrs [last word underlined] very sincerely | Albert Edward'.

[ Artur Schnabel, Austrian pianist and composer; and Léon Goossens, oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians. ]

Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), Austrian pianist and composer; Léon Goossens [ Léon Jean Goossens ] (1897-1988), oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians
Publication details: 
Goossens' signature [ from Aberdeen ], 1934; Schnabel's signature without place, 19 October 1934.

The two signatories sign on separate sides of a 13.5 x 16.5 cm leaf of faded pink paper torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Schnabel's large firm signature is on the recto: 'Artur Schnabel | 19. X. 1934'. Goossens signs in a large bold hand on the reverse: 'Yours sincerely | Léon Goossens | 1934'. A small photographic portrait of Goossens, cut from a newspaper, has been tipped-in at bottom left, and another party (presumably the recipient) has written the word 'ABERDEEN.' at bottom right.

[ Beulah Patterson (née Busha), kinswoman of Ezra Pound. ] Two long Typed Letters Signed (both 'aunt Beulah') to her nephew 'Tommy'

Beulah Patterson [ née Beulah Elizabeth Busha ] (1886-1979) of Big Timber, Montana, kinswoman of the American poet Ezra Pound [ Olivia Shakespear; Dorothy Pound; Omar Shakespear Pound ]
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead, as 'Clerk of District Court', of 'County of Sweet Grass | Big Timber, Montana'. 18 May 1945 and 19 August 1947.

Pound was related to the Busha family through the marriage of his first cousin once removed Ida Lillian Pound (1858-1949) to Charles Thomas Busha (see 'Ezra and Dorothy Pound: Letters in Captivity, 1945-1946, ed. Omar Pound and Robert Spoo, 1999). The two letters are each 2pp., 4to. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both closely typed on both sides, with a few autograph emendations; the second letter with an autograph postscript. 'Tommy', who at the time of the first letter is serving with the United States armed forces, is also referred to by his nickname 'Toppie'.

[ Winchester Cathedral, the Philpot Window. ] Detailed coloured drawing by Alice Philpot of the stained glass window she donated to the Cathedral in memory of her husband, son and family. With newspaper cutting of long article describing the window.

Alice Philpot [ The Philpot Window, Winchester Cathedral ]
Publication details: 
[ Winchester Cathedral. ] Dated by Philpot 29 July 1917.

John Vaughan, in his 'Winchester Cathedral, its Monuments and Memorials' (1919), describes the Philpot Window on p.303, stating that it was executed by Messrs. Powell of Whitefriars, and was 'the gift of Mrs. Alice Philpot, whose husband and son are also commemorated'. On the strength of the present illustration, Alice Philpot is quite capable of having designed the window in addition to donating it. It is on one side of a piece of laid grey tracing paper, roughly 57 x 36 cm.

[ Sir Walter Gilbey, wine-merchant and philanthropist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter Gilbey') to 'Mr Howard', regarding the 'serious state and suffering' of Howard's grandfather.

Sir Walter Gilbey, 1st Baronet (1831-1914), English wine-merchant and philanthropist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Elsenham Hall, Essex. 11 August 1895.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'deeply grieved' at the news of Howard's grandfather: 'I could wish, as you all do, his life spared a few years longer but when you tell me of his serious state and suffering, I feel we must be prepared for the worst and not desire a lingering death.' He asks for his 'sympathy and regret' to be conveyed to the whole family.

[ James Robinson Planché, dramatist, antiquary and herald. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: R.:Planché') to Sir John Harington of Ridlington, advising him on the purchase of family 'relics' (prints) and discussing his pedigree.

James Robinson Planché [ J. R. Planché ] (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and herald [ Sir John Harington of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
'Dymchurch. | Friday.' [ no date ]

8pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins: 'I think your Mr. B charges a long price for his relics and if the tomb of Sir John Chappell who apparently married a Harington is in existence you mght have as good drawing for it for the money. (Five Guineas!) The Print however may be rare but of that I am no judge.

[ Printed item. ] Pedigrees of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., and Hylle of Spaxton, with References, Wills, etc. [ 'Supplement to M. Halliday's "Description of the Monument and Effigies in Porlock Church, Somerset."' ]

B. W. Greenfield, Barrister-at-Law [ Sir Nigel Loryng, Hylle of Spaxton, Haryington, Peyvre, Cogan, Fitz Waryn, Broughton, Courtenay, St. Maur, De La Zouch, Hyll, Botreaux, Hankford, Bourchier ]
Publication details: 
'Privately Printed. | 1883.' [ London: Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.' ]

7 + [1]pp., 8vo, with fold-out pedigree. Unbound and stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The 25 x 42 cm fold-out is headed 'Pedigree illustrative of the marriages of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., XXth Founder of the Order of the Garter, and of the families with whom they and their descendants became allied, namely: Haryington, Peyvre, Cogan, Fitz Waryn, Broughton, Courtenay, St.

[ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett. ] Autograph Signature ('Poulett') on reverse of an Exchequer receipt.

John, Earl Poulett [ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett ] (1708-1764)
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 9 May 1761.

On 23.5 x 12cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with loss in from one edge towards head, but with good bold signature and surrounding writing unaffected. On the reverse of the document Poulett has written: '9. May 1761 | Recvd | Poulett'. Beside this is part of the signature of the witness, 'ary Creed'. On the front of the document is the usual printed text, completed in manuscript, directing the repayment of a loan of £1000, with interest at 4%.

[ Printed item. ] Pedigree of the Family of Biscoe.

John Challenor Covington Smith [ Pedigree of the Family of Biscoe of Little Missenden; Randall; Blake; New England ]
Publication details: 
London: Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street, W. 1887. ['London: Mitchell and Hughes, Genealogical Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.' ]

25pp., 4to. Stitched. In fair condition, in buff printed wraps, with central vertical fold. Eighteen pages of pedigrees, printed lengthwise, comprising: a twelve-page 'Pedigree of Biscoe of Little Missenden', followed by two pedigrees (A and B) over three pages, and 'Appendix I., To shew the connection of the Randall and Biscoe families', and 'Appendix II., to shew the connection between the Blake and Biscoe families'. Also includes a two-page introduction by 'J. C. C.

[ Presentation copy, with related manuscript pedigree and transcription. ] Pedigree of the Family of Biscoe.

John Challenor Covington Smith [ Pedigree of the Family of Biscoe of Little Missenden; Randall; Blake; New England ]
Publication details: 
London: Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street, W. 1887. ['London: Mitchell and Hughes, Genealogical Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.' ] [ Manuscript pedigree dated 1867. ]

The printed pedigree is 25pp., 4to. Stitched. Worn and aged, in heavily-worn buff printed wraps. Inscribed on front cover to 'Churton. | From the Author | 11 October 1887.' Eighteen pages of pedigrees, printed lengthwise, comprising: a twelve-page 'Pedigree of Biscoe of Little Missenden', followed by two pedigrees (A and B) over three pages, and 'Appendix I., To shew the connection of the Randall and Biscoe families', and 'Appendix II., to shew the connection between the Blake and Biscoe families'. The printed pedigree also contains a two-page introduction by 'J. C. C.

[ Printed item, inscribed by author. ] Sepulchral Memorials at Exton, Rutland. [ With rubbing. ]

'R. A.' [ Exton, Rutland; W. R. Newcomb, Stamford printer; C. Matkin, Oakham printer; General Balfour ]
Publication details: 
Stamford: W. R. Newcomb, High Street; Oakham: C. Matkin. 1863.

10pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, aged and worn, with horizontal fold. Drophead title on first page: 'Resurgam'. An essay, with examples, in small print. Inscribed at head of cover: 'For General Balfour. | R. A.' The only copy traced on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC is at the British Library. With a rubbing, on two sheets of 8vo paper. of the inscription on the tomb of James Harington (d.1613). The rubbing is undated, but the two items derive from the papers of the Harington baronets of Ridlington, another branch of the family being the Harington baronets of Exton.

[ Royal Accounts ]Two MS. account books, both in German, of the income and expenditure in Hanover of Princess Adelaide ('Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'), widow of the English King William IV. With reference by her housekeeper inserted.

Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (1792-1849), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of Hanover, consort of King William IV
Publication details: 
The two account books are dated April 1844 to 1845; April 1847 to 1848.

The two volumes folio, 20 pp, and folio, 18 pp. Both in the same neat hand and in uniform original bindings of green boards, with green cloth spines and white decoratively-cut paper labels on front covers, each carrying a description of the contents addressed to 'Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'. The first account book (1844-1845) has part of the second leaf (pp.2-3) torn away; and the second (1847-1848) is lacking the fourth leaf (pp.9-10).

[ George Washington ] The Pinney archive of material relating to the English branch of the family of George Washington

S. C. Pinney, American authority on George Washington Genealogy.
Publication details: 

Large archive of material relating to the English branch of the Washington family, assembled by American authority S. C. Pinney, comprising manuscripts, typescripts, printed extracts and offprints, photographic and other illustration, and a small batch of letters to Pinney from the English Washington expert Thomas Pape. The collection in good condition, with no more than a handful of items aged or worn. Containing a mass of obscure and difficult to obtain material, from English and American sources, mostly dating from the first two decades of the twentieth century.A. Manuscript material: ONE.

[ Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George'), inviting Alfred Montgomery to a New Year's dinner party.

Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge [ George William Frederick Charles ] (1819-1904), grandson of George III; cousin of Queen Victoria [ Alfred Montgomery (1814-96), Commissioner for Inland Revenue ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gloucester House, Park Lane, W. [ London ] 30 December 1893.

1p. 12mo. On grubby and creased paper, with rust mark from paperclip. Reads: 'My dear Alfred Montgomery | Thank's [sic] for yours received this morning. I have a vacant place at my dinner table for Monday next New Years day, so I hope to see you here at 8 o'clock and personally to wish you every sort of blessing for the coming Year. I remain | Yours most sincerely, | George.'

[ Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helena') to 'Mrs. Lowther'

Princess Helena [ Helena Augusta Victoria; Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein by marriage ] (1846-1923), daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Clouds, Salisbury. 8 April 1891.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. She agrees to give her 'name as Patroness' to Mrs Lowther's 'theatricals', but 'cannot promise to be present at them as I have so very many engagements in May'. She concludes by noting the weather: 'glorious sunshine & cloudless blue sky'.

[ The Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead, Victorian music hall. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Tom') from licensee and manager T. D. Clarke to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, discussing productions for children.

T. D. Clarke [ Tom Clarke ], Licensee and Manager, The Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead [ the Wirral; Merseyside; music hall; W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre historian ]
Publication details: 
On illustrated letterhead of the Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead. 28 July 1945.

The Clarke family ran the Argyle for fifty years from 1890 to 1940, during which period it was one of the best-known provincial theatres. It opened as the Argyle Music Hall in 1868, and between 1876 and 1890 was named the Prince Of Wales Theatre, being used mainly to stage plays. In 1890 the focus returned to music hall and variety and it was renamed the Argyle Theatre. Its archives are in the University of Sheffield. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, somehwhat grubby and creased at foot of leaf.

[ Connie Christie, writer and illustrator. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Connie Christie') to 'Mr. Adams' [ Royal children's photographer Marcus Adams ]

Connie Christie [ Constance Mary Charlotte Christie ] (1908-1989), Australian children's writer and illustrator [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959)), children's photographer patronised by British royalty ]
Publication details: 
9 Millah Road, Balwyn, Victoria, Australia, on her illustrated letterhead. Undated.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Letterhead in brown and black, with childlike self-portrait with dripping pallette. She is enclosing 'a few of my small picture books', thinking that they 'would be entertaining in a waiting room' Adams was Britain's foremost children's photographer, patronised by the Royal Family, and was famed for his Dover Street studio disguised as a children's playroom, complete with toys. From the Adams family archive.

[ The Vestris Family. ] Printed receipt to 'M. Gye', on letterhead, signed over tax stamp by 'G Vestris' (;Mad[moisel]le Vestris'.

[ The Vestris Family, dancers on the London stage; Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. 6 June 1866.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads, with manuscript text in square brackets: 'Royal Italian Opera, | Covent Garden. | [Madle Vestris] | Londres, [Le 6 Juin] 18[66]. | Recu de M. Gye la somme de [£40 - -] | [G Vestris | B.V, | £[40 : - : -']'.

[ Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Duke de Penthièvre'), in English, expressing his condolences to an unnamed recipient. on his 'untimely loss'

Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre [ Pierre Philippe Jean Marie d'Orléans ] (1845-1919), member of the French and Brazilian royal families and traveller
Publication details: 
'<Peian?> - Ajaccio; Thursday 3 p.m.' [ no date ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir, | Only one Word to let you know how deeply I feel your untimely loss and to ask you to be by Mrs. Lewis, her daughter and all your people the interpreter of all my sincerest sentiments of regret. | Yrs. truly | Duke de Penthièvre'.

Manuscript Catalogue of 'Books received by R. H. Grubbe by bequest from W. J. Grubbe who received them by bequest from Louis H. Hall to be handed on for the most part to descendants of Dr. George William Hall, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford.'

Louis Edmund Hall (b.1863); Rev. Reginald Hall Grubbe (b.1862) [ Dr George William Hall (1770-1843), Master of Pembroke College, Oxford and Vice-Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
'These books were recevied by the above R. H. G. in March & June 1926.'

49pp. In 4to notebook with red cloth spine and black cloth boards. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in aged and worn covers. An alphabetical list, with entries covering two facing pages, divided into three columns: 'Name of Book', 'Description' and 'How disposed of'. Almost all the entries in the last column are 'H[enr]y Hall', but one item is recorded as being 'Sent to Julia Hall'. The serious library of an educated Englishman, with almost no fiction present. Nearly all the books date from the period 1770-1900, although 'Gloucestershire Visitation of 1623' is also present.

[ Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Dodd') from the manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, to 'Mr J Gulliver', requesting payment for a subscription in order to 'save the expences of sending a man

Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse [ Henry Dodd, Manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham; National Fine Art Association, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, of Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. 17 December 1880.

1p., 4to. On pink paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. With Dodd's personal oval stamp in purple ink. Reads: 'Mr J Gulliver | Sir | Will you kindly forward to me at the above the subscription on Bible you had of us in September | In so doing you will save the expences of sending a man'

[ Theo Aronson, royal biographer. ] Typescript of unpublished play titled 'Mr Rhodes and the Princess | A Play in Two Acts'. With rewrite of long deleted section loosely inserted.

Theo Aronson (1929-2003), South African biographer of the British royal family [ Cecil Rhodes; Princess Catherine Radziwill ]
Publication details: 
Handled by South African literary agent Margery Vosper Ltd. for 'Theo Aronson, Gum Tree Cottage, Teubes Road, Kommetjie 7976, South Africa.' Undated [1960s?].

[4] + 81pp., 8vo. The four pages 50-53 have been deleted in pencil, and a new version, on four pages also paginated 50-53, has been loosely inserted. Duplicated typescript, on 85 leaves, stapled together. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor damp staining at head. 'No. 22' in red ink at head of cover. The play is said to be 'based on fact; on an actual historical situation', and is 'set in Cape Town and London between July 1899 and March 1992'. Aaronson was the author of 23 books on royal subjects. The present title is not to be found on either OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Thomas McKenny Hughes, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University. ] Six issues of a humorous juvenile manuscript periodical by a family member, titled 'The Hillclere Gazette', with several articles on the Sedgwick Museum.

Thomas McKenny Hughes (1832-1917), FRS, Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University, 1873-1917
Publication details: 
Cambridge. 10 and 21 September and 25 December 1899. 2 and 12 and 20 January 1900.

Thomas McKenny Hughes was the son of Rev. Joshua Hughes and his wife Margaret, daughter and of Sir Thomas McKenny, Lord Mayor of Dublin. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1853 (B.A., 1857), and joined the Geological Survey in 1861. He was Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Cambridge University, 1873-1917, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1889. He was the prime mover behind the creation of the Sedgwick Museum in Cambridge. In November 1882 he married Mary Caroline Weston, daughter of Canon G. F. Weston.

[Royal Mistress] Engraving, head and shoulders (slightly decolletage) SIGNED "Mary Anne Clarke"

Mary Anne CLARKE, (1776?-1852). Royal mistress.
Publication details: 
"Published as the Act directs March 10th 1810 by E. Chapple No.66 Pall Mall.

Circa 14 x 22cm, faintly stained, laid down on larger card, good condition. A bold signature. Note: Mrs Clarke, as she was known, had been the mistress of Frederick, duke of York, and had used her influence with him to obtain preferment and promotion for those in her large circle for a consideration. After her estrangement from the duke and his resignation as commander-in-chief she became involved in a number of libel actions and was for a time imprisoned.

[Rowntree] Clipped signature from typed letter "B S Rowntree".

Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree
Publication details: 
No date survives

English quaker philanthropist, son of Joseph Rowntree and author of 'Poverty, A Study of Town Life' (1901). Signed 'B S Rowntree' beneath typed 'Yours sincerely,'. Docketed in pencil in another hand, "B.S. Rowntree (chocolate)".. Fragment of around one inch by three inches.

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