Autograph Letter Signed ('W W.') from the Whig politician William Windham to 'Robert', regarding a controversial 'question' at Oxford University, regarding which he has seen the Prince of Wales and Duke of Clarence.

William Windham (1750-1810), British Whig politician [Dr David Hughes (c.1753-1817), Principal, Jesus College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1 July [1800s?].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with the blank second leaf laid down on page removed from album, which bears on the reverse a biography of Windham in a nineteenth-century hand. The letter begins: 'Dear Robert | I have seen the Pr. of Wales, & have written to the D. of Clarence, as well as to some others - It just occurs to me, that you shd get at University the address of Simpson formerly Tutor there who has a living somewhere in Dorsetshire, & endeavour to learn whether he is likely to be affected by the <?> question. Some of those on the spot will perhaps write, & explain why I have not.

First leaf of Autograph Letter from the landowner and politician John Sawbridge, supporter of John Wilkes [to David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan].

John Sawbridge (1732-1795) of Olantigh [Ollantigh], Kent, political supporter of John Wilkes; Member of Parliament for Hythe; Lord Mayor of London in 1775 [David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan]
Publication details: 
Ollantigh [sic]. 29 December 1772.

2pp., 4to. 31 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, but the first leaf of the letter only. He writes that he is pleased to receive a letter from Erskine ('your Lordship') after 'so long an interruption'. 'I forebore till I had heard from you to take the liberty of congratulating you upon your Marriage' (Erskine had married the previous October). The second page ends: 'I have never been able to learn whether your Good Mother Lady Buchan was in England or not.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Member of Parliament for Norfolk Thomas de Grey of Merton Hall near Thetford, regarding the supply of 'a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla [sic]', and 'a Hogshead of Sherry'.

Thomas de Grey (1717-1781) of Merton Hall near Thetford, Member of Parliament for Norfolk from 1764 to 1774 [fine wine]
Publication details: 
'Merton' [i.e. Merton Hall, near Thetford, Norfolk]. 15 December [no year].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. De Grey begins: 'You have very much obliged me by accepting a small Present of Game, and many of my neighbours as well as myself will rejoyce in your Correspondent supplying me with a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla, [sic] if a Hogshead of Sherry could be procured without any additional trouble, it would add to the Obligation'.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, author of 'Gertrude of Wyoming', writing in memorable style on presenting a book to an American visitor about to return home.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish Romantic poet, author of 'The Pleasures of Hope' and 'Gertrude of Wyoming'
Publication details: 
61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 16 July 1840.

2pp., 4to. An excellent letter, stylish and charming, and a lucky survival. In poor condition, apparently as a result of fire damage: with wear and chipping repaired with archival tape.

Address of letter, in the autograph of Eva Marie Garrick, wife of the actor David Garrick, with manuscript note, with other autographs.

Eva Maria Garrick [née Veigel; stage name 'Violette'] (1724-1822), Austrian dancer and wife of the English actor and dramatist David Garrick; Sylvester Douglas, Baron Glenbervie (1743-1823); Sandwich]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [1819.]

The autograph address by Eva Marie Garrick is on a 7.5 x 14.5 piece of paper, laid down on an 8 x 20 cm piece of paper cut from an album. In fair condition, aged. Lightly-scored through by the postal authorities, it reads: 'The Rigt. Honorable | Dowr. Lady Amherst | Leven Grove near | Stokerley | Yorkshire'. Beneath this, in another hand: 'Widow of the celebrated David Garrick Esq', and along one edge, in a third hand (Lady Amherst's?), 'This direction was written by Mrs Garrick in the year 1819 when in her 92d year'.

Manuscript Inventory, docketed 'Account of Linen in 1732 of Bn. & Eliz Adams.' [of Northumberland, England.]

Benjamin and Elizabeth Adams of Northumberland [Eighteenth-century inventory; Georgian fashion; Hanoverian clothes]
Publication details: 
[Northumberland, England.] 25 September 1732.

1p., 12mo. On laid paper with 'Pro Patria' watermark. In good condition, lightly-aged and dusty. Headed 'September 25th 1732' and docketed on reverse 'Account of Linen in 1732 of Bn. & Eliz. Adams.' Thirteen items, beginning with 'There is eleven pair of Linneng [sic] sheets' and ending with 'There is 1/2 a dozen of Dypers naptkin for night Caps'. The Northumberland origins of the Adamses is not referred to in the document, but is clear from one which accompanied it. The document derives from the papers of Benjamin Adams's descendant, the Alnwick solicitor Thomas Adams.

Early eighteenth-century manuscript list of 72 men and women to be given gloves and hatbands at the funeral of Benjamin Adams of Northumberland.

Benjamin Adams of Northumberland [Eighteenth-century English funerary practice; Georgian mourning; Hanoverian undertakers; death]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Northumberland, England, 1720s?]

On both sides of a piece of 8vo paper, folded vertically to make a bifolium with 31 x 9.5 cm leaves. In fair condition, aged, worn and with a short central closed tear unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Docketed 'Acct. of the Funeral of [blank'], and elsewhere in another hand 'Benja Adams | Benja Adams'. A total of 78 individuals are named (including six deleted) over three narrow pages, with 32 (including three deleted) on the first page, 6 on the second, and 40 (including three deleted) on the third.

Seven manuscript items relating to the claim of Sir Adam Fergusson of Kilkerran to the title of Earl of Glencairn and Lord Kilmaurs, including a petition, memoranda, lists of evidence, judgement.

Sir Adam Fergusson (1733-1813) of Kilkerran, Ayr, Scotland [Earl of Glencairn and Lord Kilmaurs]
Publication details: 
Scotland and England; 1796 and 1797.

The background to the collection is simply stated. On the death of the 15th Earl of Glencairn in 1796 the title became dormant. It was claimed by Fergusson (praised by Boswell but dismissed by Johnson as 'a vile Whig' and derided by Burns as 'aith-detesting chaste Kilkerran') as heir of the line of the 10th Earl. Fergusson's claim was opposed by Sir Walter Montgomery Cunningham of Corshill, as presumed heir male along with Lady Henriet Don, sister of the 15th Earl, and wife of Sir Alexander Don of Newton Don, Roxburghshire.

[Printed Act of Parliament, 9 October 1722.] [Drophead title:] Anno Nono Georgii Regis. An Act to inflict Pains and Penalties on John Plunket.

[British Act of Parliament passed in 1722 against the Jacobite spy John Plunket (1664-1738)]
Publication details: 
London, Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, And by the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd. 1723.

ESTC N50263. [1] + 2pp., folio, paginated 503-504. On bifiolium. The recto of the first leaf carries, with the royal crest and printers' details, the title: 'Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Nono. At the Parliament Begun and Holden at Westminster, the Ninth Day of October, Anno Dom. 1722. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.

Engraving titled 'A Curious Piece of Antiquity, On the Crucifixion of Our Saviour and the Two Thieves.' Consisting of a piece of pattern poetry around three crucifixes.

John Fenley, Bristol bookseller [pattern poetry]
Publication details: 
'Bristol: Printed for and Sold by J. Fenley, 20, Broad-Mead. (Typ. Brookman.)' No date.

Printed on one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, 18 x 20cm. Aged and worn, with a number of closed tears. The poem crosses horizontally and verically through three crucifxes, beginning: 'Behold, O God! INRI vers of my Tears'. The poem was first published around 1765 by W. Bailey, 28 Great Tower-street, London, and was reprinted by several other publishers, with an American version as late as the 1850s. No copy of this edition is present on COPAC. According to BBTI John Fenley was active in Bristol from around 1785 to 1811.

Printed certificate by J. Dawson of a deposition in the cause between Thomas Bonnell and the Right Hon. Henry Fox: 'Surry. | This is to certify that John Davies came this 8th Day of July, 1761, before me, and made Oath as follows:'

Publication details: 
[London: 1761.]

2pp., 12mo. Unpaginated. On laid paper. In fair condition: lightly-aged and creased. The deposition begins: 'JOHN Davies, Servant to Thomas Bonnell, Gent. maketh Oath that on or about the 15th Day of June last Mr. Ford, of Coleman-street-Buildings, who is employed as Attorney or Sollictor [sic] for the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq; against the said Thomas Bonell, [sic] gave to this Deponent half a Guinea, and promised him, in case he would bring any Books, Letters or Papers of his said Master's, that Mr. Fox would pay him, and make him an honorable Recompence for so doing.

[Mimeographed catalogue of manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.] List of Manuscripts in two Glazed Cupboards of Billiard Room. Hinchingbrooke. March 1930.

[Catalogue of Hinchingbrooke manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)]
Publication details: 
March 1930.

7pp., 4to. Attached with a brass stud. The six pages of the catalogue are in fair condition, on aged paper, the title leaf is dusty and spotted. The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are primarily of a political and diplomatic nature. They do not appear to correspond with those in the 'Hinchingbrooke Collecton' listed by Cambridgeshire County Record Office on the National Archives website, an entry which gives a useful account of their origins (mainly the stables at Hinchingbrooke).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Willm. Murdin') from the historian William Murdin to Dr Samuel Johnson's friend the scrivener and author John Ellis, on the nature of friendship.

Rev. William Murdin (c.1703-1760), of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, historian [John Ellis (1698-1790), English scrivener, author and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
St John's College, Cambridge. 19 November 1721.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium. Twenty-seven lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting. Addressed, with black ink circular postmark ('20 | NO'), on reverse of second leaf, ''To Mr Ellis | att Mr Taverners in Thread-needle Street'. The letter begins: 'Nothing can yield Persons in our Stations greater Satisfaction, than to be entertain'd in our silent Retirement with some harmless amusements from a facetious & learned Correspondent.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R: Griffiths') from Ralph Griffiths, editor of the Monthly Review, to an unnamed editor [John Nichols of the Gentleman's Magazine?] recommending the grandson of Dr Philip Doddridge. With engraving of Griffiths by Ridley.

Ralph Griffiths (1720?-1803), editor of the Monthly Review [Dr Philip Doddridge (1702-1751), dissenting minister and writer; John Nichols (1745-1826), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
'Turnham Green, June 13th.' [no year].

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, with thin trace of glue from mount on blank reverse, and minor chipping beneath flourish of Griffiths's signature. Addressing his letter to 'Dear Sir!', Griffiths suggests that if his correspondent is 'in want of any assistance' in carrying on his 'very extensive literary concerns, the Bearer can be well recommended. - He has had a liberal education, possesses a good taste, & may be useful to you in revising, correcting, translating, &c. &c.' The 'young Gentleman' to whom Griffiths refers is, he states, 'Grandson to the Celebrated Dr.

Manuscript itemised bill for books from 'Mr. John Nourse to Thomas Longman', with signed receipt by Longman at foot.

Thomas Longman (1730–1797), London bookseller and publisher, nephew of the founder of the business Thomas Longman (1699-1755); John Nourse (1705-1780) bookseller at 138 Strand, London
Publication details: 
Nourse's bill is dated from London, for items purchased between 13 February and 5 October 1770. Longman's receipt is dated 4 April 1771.

1p., landscape 8vo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with small spike-hole (not affecting text), and minor traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed 'J. Nourse to T. Longman, 1770.' The bill lists five items, from 'Johnsons Dicty 2 V. folio' to 'Sherwin's Tables', with the date of purchase and price, coming to a total of £14 8s 4d. The receipt at the foot of the page reads 'April 4. 1771 Received the Contents - | [signed] Thos Longman'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish author Anne Grant to 'Mrs. Drysdale', boasting of her behaviour to 'People of the Highest Rank', and making 'perhaps the last' joke.

Anne Grant [n
Publication details: 
'Coats Crescent [Edinburgh] | Friday' [no date].

2pp., 12mo. 33 lines of text, written in a close, neat hand. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She begins with a five-line 'encomium', before assuring Mrs Drysdale that she is 'pretty safe': 'I have been considered By People of the Highest Rank to whom I was known merely as a private teacher &c &c of moral virtues To possess of <?> for the highest talents & the purest Virtues I have been familiar I need not say why. None of these I ever flattered.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Melmoth') from the writer William Melmoth the Younger to the attorney Joseph Sharpe

William Melmoth the Younger (c.1710-1799), translator of Pliny and Cicero, and author of 'Fitzosborne's Letters' (1748, 1749)
Publication details: 
Bath; 15 January 1767.

1 p, 4to. Nine lines, in a neat and close hand. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, and still tipped-in onto a leaf from an autograph album. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf of bifolium, to 'Mr. Jos. Sharpe, | at his chambers in | Lincolns Inn | London'. He wrote to Sharpe five weeks previously, sending a lease for his perusal, 'and likewise to authorise you to deliver up my sister's plate upon Mr. Argile paying you ye. <?> I agreed to take.' If the latter matter is still unsettled, he instructs Sharpe to apply to Argile's attorney 'to settle it forthwith'.

Autograph Signature of John Hunter, LLD, Professor of Humanity at the University of St Andrews, with accompanying note by Rev. Thomas Dick.

John Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Humanity, University of St Andrews, Fife, and classical scholar [Rev. Thomas Dick (1774-1857), writer on science]
Publication details: 
[February 1834]; St Andrews, Fife.

On one side of piece of paper approximately 18 x 8.5 cm. Neatly placed in a windowpane mount of laid paper, 25 x 20 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a clear, firm hand: 'John Hunter LL.D. | Profr. of Humanity | St. Andrews. | Fife.' Beneath this, along the foot of the page, in a small hand (identified in note on mount as 'The writing of Dr Dick, author of "The Christian Philosopher &c'): 'Dr Hunter is about 90 years of age, and still retains his bodily & mental vigour | This Autograph was written in Feby. 1834. T. D.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Boaden') from the playwright and biographer James Boaden to William Hayley, regarding an edition of Randolph's works 'honour'd by the handwriting of Pope'.

James Boaden (1762-1839), biographer and playwright [William Hayley (1745-1820), poet and biographer, friend of William Cowper and patron of William Blake; Alexander Pope; Thomas Randolph]
Publication details: 
Warren Street, London; 30 April 1804.

1 p, 4to. Bifolium. Sixteen lines, neatly written. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'W. Hayley Esqre.' He begins by thanking him for 'the kind memorial' (a volume of music?); the gift expresses Hayley's 'sense of common civility' and acquaints Boaden 'with a composer of great merit'. 'I tried the effect of his divine art yesterday, Sunday, and could not but wish to hear it from the organ at Chichester'. The rest of the letter concerns 'the subject of Randolph, and the copy of his works honour'd by the hand-writing of Pope'.

Itemised manuscript accounts of an early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant, for customers including William Cavendish of Dovebridge, Thomas Stanhope, William Sacheverell, Reginald Cynder.

[Accounts of an 18th-century Derbyshire winemerchant; William Cavendish of Dovebridge; Brook Boothby; Thomas Stanhope; William Sacheverell; the wine trade; vintners]
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant
Publication details: 
Derbyshire; between 12 July 1702 and 13 January 1711.
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant

15 pp, narrow folio (14.5 x 38 cm), in the remains of a volume which has been reused and cut up (see below). Although aged and dogeared, the eight pages carrying the accounts are in reasonable condition, with all texts clear and complete, although the last leaf of the eight has the lower third cut away. In remains of original vellum binding, with '17 Maij j683' on front board. The pages are variously paginated in a contemporary hand between 245 and 274.

54 of John Carter's original engravings, from his own drawings, for his 'Views of Ancient Buildings in England' (1786-1793).

John Carter (1748-1817), English architect and draughtsman
John Carter (1748-1817), English architect and draughtsman
Publication details: 
All 54 captioned as 'Engrav'd & Pub'd' by John Carter between January 1786 and January 1791, successively at Wood Street and College Street, Westminster; and Hamilton Street, Hyde Park Corner; from drawings made by him between 1766 and 1785.
John Carter (1748-1817), English architect and draughtsman

All 54 are printed on paper 12 x 9 cm. Each is captioned and numbered in roman numerals, with the first as III and the last as XCVII. Carter published his 'Views of Ancient Buildings in England' between 1786 and 1793, and the six volumes contained a total of 120 views. Those LACKING from this collection, in arabic numerals, are 1, 2, 6-10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 26, 36-38, 43, 48, 53, 57-59, 63-66, 69-71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81-84, 90-94, 96, and 97-120.

Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785', apparently for the Manor of New Place, giving the names and itemised accounts of individual tenants.

New Place Manor, Hornchurch, Havering, Essex; Sir James Esdaile; Joseph Mayor]
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'
Publication details: 
1732 and 1785.
Manuscript volume of accounts of 'Hornchurch Rental 1732'

A 4to volume, consisting of 224 pp, with the 1732 rentals occupying 89 pp (including a six-page thumb index) at one end, and the 1785 rentals in another hand on 24 pp at the other. Text clear and complete. On aged paper in worn vellum binding, with 'Hornchurch Rental 1732' and 'Hornchurch Rental 1785' in the two hands on cover. The 1732 rentals give details of the quarter-day payments and allowances of 51 tenants.

The Diary of the late George Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis: From March 8, 1748-9, to February 6, 1761. With an Appendix, containing some curious and interesting Papers; which are either referred to, or alluded to, in the Diary.

George Bubb Dodington (1691-1762), Baron of Melcombe Regis [Henry Penruddocke Wyndham (1736-1819), Whig politician and topographer]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Printed by William Porter, for Messrs. Price, Moncrieffe, Exshaw, Jenkin, Wilson, Walker, Beatty, Burton, White, Byrne, Whitestone, Cash, Heery, and Marchbank. 1784.

First Dublin edition. 12mo, xiv + 346 pp. Good tight copy on lightly-aged paper. In original worn tree calf binding, with remains of red label gilt on spine and no free endpapers. Subtitled 'Now first published from his Lordship's original manuscripts. By Henry Penruddocke Wyndham.' Wyndham had inherited Dodington's papers from a relative, whose will requested him 'not to print or publish any of them, but those that are proper to be made publick, and such only, as may, in some degree, do honour to his memory'.

Letter [a printed memoir with no formal title concerning conditions in Scotland in the early eighteenth-century].

[John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns]
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns
Publication details: 
Letter dated Munches, Feb. 8th, 1811.
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, not bound, minor blemishes inc. foxing, pencil lines forming large cross on pages 2-3. Full heading: The following LETTER was written by JOHN MAXWELL of Munches and Terraughty, when, in his 92nd year, at the request of Mr HERRIES of Spettes, for he information of Mr CURWEN, a Cumberland gentleman, who was making a Agricultural Tour through Galloway in the year 1811. As a factor, landed proprietor, and public character generally, Mr MAXWELL, who died in the year 1814, enjoyed peculiar opportunities for observation.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt Shapld Carew') from Robert Shapland Carew, 1st Baron Carew, to an unnamed male recipient, describing his own and his family's parliamentary career.

Robert Shapland Carew (1787-1856), 1st Baron Carew, Irish landowner and Whig politician
Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt Shapld Carew') from Robert Shapland Carew
Publication details: 
'London June 6 [no year].'
Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt Shapld Carew') from Robert Shapland Carew

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper, with short closed tear at head. Begins: 'My Father & Grand Father & Family represented the City of Waterford for nearly 100 years before the Union. My Father represented the County off Wexford in the Imperial Parliament in 1806.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse') from the classical scholar Rev. George Henry Glasse [to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Nichols], offering his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek'.

Rev. George Henry Glasse (1761-1809), classical scholar, son of Dr Samuel Glasse (1734-1812) [John Nichols (1745-1826), editor of the Gentleman's Magazine; John Milton; James More]
Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse')
Publication details: 
7 June 1791; Hanwell Rectory, Middlesex.
Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse')

4to, 1 p. 18 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-stained paper. Neatly laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Lightly marked-up in red pencil by the recipient. After professing respect for Nichols's 'literary character' and his 'valuable miscellany', Glasse offers his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek you may incidentally have occasion to publish'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Articles of Visitation and Inquiry, Concerning Matters Ecclesiastical, given to [...] every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Rev. Father in God, George, Lord Bishop of that Diocese.

[Sir George Pretyman Tomline (1750-1827), 5th Baronet, successively Bishop of Lincoln and Bishop of Winchester]
Articles of Visitation and Inquiry,
Publication details: 
[1794.] Printer not stated.
Articles of Visitation and Inquiry,

The full title reads: 'Articles of Visitation and Inquiry, Concerning Matters Ecclesiastical, given to the Ministers, Church-Wardens, and Sidesmen, of every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, at the Triennial Visitation of the Right Rev. Father in God, George, Lord Bishop of that Diocese, in the Year of Our Lord, M,DCC,XCIV.' 8vo, 8 pp. On two bifoliums, unstitched and unbound. Aged and lightly stained, with wear causing loss to a few words of text on the last leaf. After sections on 'The Church-Wardens OATHS.

[Printed pamphlet.] Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia. Signed at London, the 25th of March, 1793. Published by Authority.

[King George III; Catherine II, Empress of Russia; peace treaty of 1793]
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Edward Johnston, in Warwick-Lane. 1793.
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia

4to, 8 pp. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner. In original blue plain wraps. In double column, with the French and English texts in parallel. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

[Printed pamphlet] The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]

The Royal Society [List of officers and members, 1781.]
The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]
Publication details: 
1781. The Royal Society. [Printer not stated.]
The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]

4to, [16] pp. Drophead title. Disbound and with some leaves loose. Text clear and complete. On aged paper. From Patron King George III and President Sir Joseph Banks to the last of the 'Foreign Members' 'D. Eustatius Zanotti, Astronom. Bonon.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

Anonymous manuscript, in French, by the 'Doyen de la Musique du Roi', listing those 'Musiciens du Roi' alive and dead in 1815, and giving the 'Apostile de M. de Rohan a ma demande de Bibliotécaire [sic] honoraire'.

[La Musique du Roi (the King's Music); Monsieur de Rohan; Bourbon France]
La Musique du Roi (the King's Music)
Publication details: 
[Circa 1815.]
La Musique du Roi (the King's Music)

12mo, 8 pp. Fair, on aged laid paper. On four leaves removed from a pocket book, with two leaves numbered in manuscript '41' and '42'. Apparently a first-person draft of information for an appeal by the oldest surviving member (from the inception of the group) for a stipend. Begins 'Depuis le commencement de l'an 1760 que j'ai ete recu a la Musique du Roi, j'ai été en exercice jusqu'en 1792, avec 222. sujets qui s'y sous dont 40 vivant encore au 18 Janvier 1815. [...]'.

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