[Broadside] Lines printed in the Streets of Bristol, during the Procession in Honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King George IV. July 19, 1821,

William Henry Somerton of Queen-Street, St Michaels
Lines printed in the Streets of Bristo
Publication details: 
'Entered at Stationers' Hall', [Bristol, 1821].
Lines printed in the Streets of Bristo

Broadside, trimmed to just outside decorative border for poem, with radiant crown at top, tipped on to detached album leaf, faint marking and creasing, mainly good condition, commencing, Who, that has lived beneath the Brunswick sway .... No copy listed on COPAC which lists a work by Somerton on the Bristol Riots and a work printed by him (as presumably was this broadside).

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith ['J W Arrowsmith'] to Clement Shorter, attempting to gain a review for a book of poems by John Gregory, published by Arrowsmith.

J. W. Arrowsmith [James William Arrowsmith] (1839-1913), Bristol printer and publisher [Clement Shorter (1857-1926); Sir Richard Gregory (1864-1952)]
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith
Publication details: 
15 February [1907.] On his letterhead ('J W Arrowsmith | Publisher | Bristol').
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Letterhead in red. Headed 'My Garden' (in 1907 Arrowsmith published 'My Garden and other Poems by John Gregory. With an appreciation by E. J. Watson'). He wonders whether the book is 'worth notice'. 'There is no mistake about Gregory being a working man [he was a cobbler]. His son is Prof. of astronomy and Assistant Editor of Nature'.

[book] The Task. By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. [printed by Whittingham and with illustrations from Westall]

William Cowper; Charles Whittingham; the Chiswick Press; Richard Davey, book binder of Bristol
William Cowper
Publication details: 
London: Printed for John Sharpe, Duke Street, Piccadilly; by C. and C. Whittingham, Chiswick. 1825.
William Cowper

12mo, 220 pp. Engraved title and six other plates, each carrying an engraving from Westall. In green calf binding, gilt, with spine in compartments. Marbled edges and endpapers. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, with the plates a little foxed. Rebacked and in worn and lightly-stained binding. Tasteful small bookplate, with the single word 'Simpson' in copperplate, an initial 'M.' added in manuscript. Pink ticket on front pastedown: 'GEORGE DAVEY, | Bookseller, Binder, | & STATIONER, | NO. 1 BROAD STREET, | BRISTOL.' An uncommon Chiswick Press item.

Printed circular, signed 'Hervey', putting himself forward as Parliamentary 'Representative of our University'.

Frederick William Hervey (1800-1864), 2nd Marquess of Bristol [Trinity College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
23 October 1822; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to (22.5 x 18.5 cm), 1 p. Eighteen lines in four paragraphs. Text clear and complete, crisply printed in italic. On aged and grubby paper. Begins 'The lamented death of Mr. SMYTH having occasioned a vacancy in the Representation of our University, I am induced to offer myself as a Candidate for the honour of succeeding him in that distinguished situation.' He is 'unfettered by political engagements', and must forever feel 'affection and gratitude' for 'a Body, amongst whom I have passed some of the happiest and most profitable years of my life'. Hervey was unsuccessful.

Manuscript indenture: 'Deed of Trust in relation to the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University'. Signed by Badock, Cook and Rafter, and bearing the University of Bristol seal.

William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme; the University of Bristol [Sir Stanley H. Badock, Pro-Chancellor; Ernest H. Cook, Lecturer; James Rafter, Registrar]
Publication details: 

2 pp, on first leaf of bifolium of thick cream paper, dimensions roughly 40.5 x 26.5 cm. Ruled with red lines. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. Text clear and complete. In good condition, though grubby. Leverhulme ('the Settlor') is 'desirous of assisting in the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University', and has ('with the approbation of the Council of the University') 'transferred Five Thousand "B" Twenty per centum Cumulative Preferred Ordinary Shares of One pound each fully paid in Lever Brothers Limited into the name of the University'.

Advertisement, with photographic illustrations and diagram, entitled 'The "Bristol" Bombay. Bomber - Transport - Troop Carrier.'

The Bristol Bombay Bomber-Transport [Royal Air Force; aviation; aeronautics]
Publication details: 
Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. 6062-39'. [1939]

8vo bifolium: 4 pp. On art paper. Unbound. On aged and creased paper. Clear and complete. Arranged as a magazine article, with the text in two columns. Six photographs of the exterior and interior of the plane. Two diagrams, including one full-page and extremely detailed cross-section, captioned 'The Bristol Bombay Bomber-Transport | (Two 1,010 h.p. Bristol Pegasus XXII motors).'

Part II. - MDCCCXXV. A Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Books in every department of literature and in various languages, selling at the very low prices affixed, by William Strong, 3, Clare Street, Bristol. [with five other Strong catalogues]

William Strong (died 1846), Bristol bookseller; John Chilcott (died 1851?), Bristol printer]
Publication details: 
Parts II and III for 1825; parts I to IV for 1826. All printed by J. Chilcott, Printer, 6, High Street, Bristol.

All items octavo. Bound together in contemporary leather half-binding with red label. Good, on aged paper. Front board beginning to split. Label and stamps of Newport Reference Library. Each title-page initialed in contemporary hand 'G. S. W.' Part 2, 1825: pp.[ii] + [103]-348, items 1666 to 6197. Part 3, 1825 ('Including the libraries of the late Rev. Dr. Ryland; J. Nott, M.D. of Clifton, Deceased; And other Collections, recently Purchased'): pp.v + 349-606. With two-page 'Brief Memoir of the late John Nott, M.D. of the Hotwells, Bristol', 'Extracted from Felix Farley's Bristol Journal'.

Autograph Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort.

Frederick William Hervey, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Bristol
Publication details: 
St. James's Square | June 23rd. 1853'

English aristocrat (1769-1859). Apparently cropped, but with no loss to text. Dimensions of paper roughly four inches square. Grubby and lightly stained. Docketed in pencil. A formal letter in the third person. Reads 'Lord Bristol presents his Compliments to the Duchess of Beaufort, & sends her Grace the enclosed Paper which came directed by mistake to him this Morning -'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Mary Carpenter
Publication details: 
Red Lodge House | Bristol Sept. 6. 62'.

English educationalist and philanthropist (1807-77). One page, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper and with remnants of three labels from previous mounting adhering. Reads 'Dear Sir | The parcel went off to-day by Luggage train. It can be opened if more convenient to pack. | Please to let me know which sketch you prefer. The Red Sea, the Distant Pyramids or Garibaldi's Island.'

Manuscript document headed "Bristol Memorandum".[Americana]

[ Thomas Bowen, Justice of the Peace ]
Publication details: 
8 April 1721 (seventh year of the reign of George II)

Manuscript, one page, folio, chipped and other minor defects, text clear and complete. "That on the Eight day of April on ye Seenth . . . . . .

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent.

Maria Acland [Sir Charles Abraham Elton; POOR LAW]
Publication details: 
Gloucester Row Clifton Feby 10th 1823'.

Docketed in pencil at foot of page 'Authoress of book on Poor Laws &c'. One page, quarto. Creased, discoloured and stained, with the rear repaired with tape. Interesting letter, referring to the publication of an essay. She is gratified by her correspondent's approbation of her 'attempt' and accepts his offer. Had the essay been published she would have asked for proof-sheets. 'I believe I have made a mis-quotation about the 8th or 9th page, & have written "Whosoever hath not &c" instead of "If any man have not".

SPECIAL LIST FOR Brewers, Wine Merchants, Aerated Water Trade, &c.' of firm making 'Carts, Wagons, Vans, Drays, &c. of all descriptions, also Dog-Carts, Phaetons, and other Carriages'.

The Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. Ltd. [TRANSPORT]
Publication details: 
February 1895; 'HEMMONS, TYP., BRISTOL'.

4 pages of advertisements. 2 leaves folio (roughly 12 inches by 18 inches). In extremely poor condition: grubby, creased and stained, with several closed tears and damage involving loss, particularly to the first leaf, the heading of which has been cut away, so that the name of the firm can only be deduced from the illustrations. There are 27 steel-engravings of various vehicles, of which 5 on the first leaf have been seriously damaged. Details, including prices, are given for each vehicle.

Bristol Docks: and related topics an album of newspaper cuttings.

No author.
Publication details: 

An Album, 55pp. with newspaper cuttings laid down, 4to, coves worn and sunned but contents intact and in good condition. Headings mainly "Press", presumably short for a local paper (Western Daily Press prob.), and "T & M", "Daily Press", "Mercury", "Express", etc. Subjects:duties of the Newhaven Master of Bristol, Britol Docks Commitrtee, Custom of thePort, The Destruction of the Avon Bank, The Dock Toll, The Canals Problem, The Alien Pilotage, Highest Bridge in the World, Appointment, The Housing Question at Avonmouth, etc, etc.

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