Nine items relating to the film 'Antonio Gaudi, The Unfinished Vision', from the estate of its producer Michael J. Cooper, including a treatment by Cooper, a story outline with covering artwork, a signed contract, a legal letter and five receipts.

Michael J. Cooper [Prof. Juan Bassegoda Nonell; Hedger Wallace; Mark Wenborn; John Alaimo; Fernando Rey]
Publication details: 
Mostly from Cooper's company: Michelangelo Productions Ltd., 50 Gray's Inn Road, London. 1973 and 1974.

Regarded as lost for 35 years this drama documentary, directed by John Alaimo, was discovered in a Barcelona bank vault in 2009, and has recently been released on DVD. The nine items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. One: 'Gaudi | Treatment by Michael J. Cooper | April 1974'. [i] + 4pp., foolscap 8vo, in plastic folder. Two: 'Story Outline' for 'Antonio Gaudi | The Unfinished Vision | A Special Television Film Production'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John S. Pakington') from the British Conservative politician John Somerset Pakington, 1st Baron Hampton, to General Sir Robert Gardiner, Governor of Gibraltar, discussing his 'printed but unpublished Report' on the 'Rock'.

John Somerset Pakington (1799-1880), 1st Baron Hampton [Lord Hampton] British Conservative politician [General Sir Robert Gardiner (1781-1864), Governor of Gibralar, 1848-1855]
Publication details: 
Eaton Square [London]. 1 March 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium on mourning paper. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He writes to thank Gardiner for sending him 'a copy of your printed but unpublished Report to His Majesty's Government on the danger of governing Gibraltar as a Colony'. Gardiner's report 'forms an appropriate termination' to his 'administration of the affairs of the "Rock," & I shall read it with the interest and attention due to your long Experience in that Fortress'. He ends by sending his compliments to Lady Gardiner.

Autograph Letter Signed "Stephen Spender" to Valentine Swain, FRCS, explaining his jokey depiction of Downing College, Cambridge. With original envelope.

Stephen Spender, poet
Publication details: 
15 Loudoun Road, NW 8 [London], 22 April 1989

Two pages, 12mo, good condition. He explainsthat his jokey depiction of Downing College in his novel is influenced by Dr F.R. Leavis having "intervened to make the secretary & the Literary Society withdraw an invitation for me to address that Society - so it was a private joke with myself to make the rather objectionable Dr Stockmannjjj go to Downing College where Dr Leavis was a kind of dictator. A poor joke in bad taste." He explains who Dr Stockmann was based on. In a postscript he speculates that Swain had met one of his brothers in 1942.

[Pamphlet] An Intimation of the Deputies of the States General, in a late discourse with Mr. Sidney, Extra-ordinary Envoy from His Majesty of Great Britain.

Publication details: 
[London, 1680]

4pp., [pp.1-4], disbound, twoo leaves almost detached from eachother, edges chipped and stained, some other marking, text clear and complete.

Ten glass slides of Edwardian photographs of Spain (Seville, Madrid, Hendaye, Gandia, Toledo).

[Edwardian photographs of Spain: Seville, Madrid, Hendaye, Gandia, Toledo]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1912.]

All ten slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. The slides, apparently from a newspaper library, all carry the shelf-mark 'T46', and all but three are captioned in manuscript. Evocative and instructive images, apparently all dating from the Edwardian period. Captions of 'Protestant College, Madrid; Toledo Cathedral; La Feria [Seville]; Gandia Market; Hendaye; and the Patio de Los Leones, Alhambra, Granada.

Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy, with autograph emendations by Sir Stephen H. Gatty, Chief Justice of Gibraltar]

[The Mediterranean Club, Gibraltar; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar, c.1900. Name of printer not given.]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]

12mo, 9 pp. Stapled. In original plain green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusted staple. Folded once, vertically. Wraps creased and discoloured. Divided into 29 rules and 9 bye-laws. The club is said, in Rule 1, to be 'open to Officers of the Army and Navy and Colonial Services, and Gentlemen residing at or visiting Gibraltar'. Emendations by Gatty in pencil, including, on the front wrap, 'Proof' and 'Rules as altered at the meeting carried!' A few minor emendations in text, and additional rule by Gatty, seven lines in length, on the back wrap.

Oda en elogio de la Marina Española, por Doña María Rosa de Galvez.

Dona María Rosa de Gálvez [Maria Rosa Galvez de Cabrera] (1768-1806)
Publication details: 
Madrid: En la Imprenta de Repullés. 1806.

4to, 12 pp. Disbound and stitched. Very good. The poem covers pp. 3-11, with five 'Notas' on p. 12. Scarce (in the Anglo-Saxon world at least): COPAC only lists a copy at the British Library. Includes a passage on Nelson and 'el feroz Britano'. No copy found in Sanish Union Catalogue etc. (accessed through German Union Catalogue).

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J M Villasante.') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor J. M. Villasante [Julian Martinez-Villasante y Navarro] (1876-1945), Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish Studies, University of London (1913-1936)
Publication details: 
19 January 1920, on letterhead of the Senior Common Room, King's College, London W.C.; 5 February 1921, 28 Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, London S.W.19.

Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp, good): Discussing the syllabus of the Royal Society's Spanish examinations. Ends: 'I think that there is need of arriving at some uniform standard of difficulty and of arrangement of the papers set.' Letter Two (4to, 4 pp, good, with top left-hand corner of first leaf torn away, though not affecting text): A long defence of an examination paper set by him against the criticisms of 'Mr Frank J. Allen', who has sat it. 'Mr. Allen, to me it seems as if he does not know his own language, he writes Castilian with two lls.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Ford'.

Olga Nethersole
Publication details: 
29 July 1898; on letterhead '5, NORFOLK STREET, | PARK LANE, W.'

English actress of Spanish descent (1866-1951). Two pages, 12mo. On grey paper. Folded twice. In very good condition, but with minor traces of paper mounts adhering to two corners of first leaf of bifoliate. Florid signature. She declines the luncheon invitation as she has friends coming down. She is 'going to try & have tea with Mrs Gooch. But it is a little difficult to get away when one has people staying.' She is sorry to have missed her correspondent.

Five Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Robert Gardiner, Governor of Gibraltar (1848-55)(DNB).

Sir John Hobart Caradoc, second Baron Howden.
Publication details: 
Madrid 1851-1854.

Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid (1850-58?)(DNB). Total 20 pages, 8vo (4) and 4to (1), good condition. Subjects and quotes: (1851) personal loss; "Pray do not hurry yourself about the Documents. God knows there is never any hurry in this Capital!"; health trip to the Sierras; news of the Ministry which "is supposed to have acquired considerable favour at Court for leaving the Queen alone. I have been able to compress the international tendeincies of Miraflores . . . [comment on Electoral Machinery in Portugal and Democrats] ..

The names of those persons who subscribed towards the defence of this country at the time of the Spanish Armada, 1588, and the amounts each contributed. With historical introduction [...]; and index.

T. C. Noble (intro.)
Publication details: 
London: Alfred Russell Smith, 1886.

1st edition, 1886. 8vo. Pages: xxxv + 92. Original cloth blind stamped on front board. Paper browing with age, some fraying at head of spine and title leaf loosening; otherwise good copy. Variant spellings of some of the names in the list have been added in ink in a neat small contemporary hand.

Libros y autores Cubanos.

Antonio Iraizoz
Publication details: 
Santa Maria del Rosario, Cuba: Editorial Rosarena. [1956].

178 pages, 8vo. Poor: foxed and stained in worn and damaged boards. INSCRIBED by Iraizoz ('22 Agosto 1964') to his 'amigo y companero' Jose de la Luz Leon. A few unobtrusive annotations.

Autograph Letter Signed to Joshua Sharpe.

Edward Blakeney
Publication details: 
Mahon the 8th. November 1753', Mahon, Minorca.

The recipient Joshua Sharpe (c.1716-86) was a solicitor of Lincoln's Inn, and counsel for various American colonies before the Board of Trade and Privy Council. His brother Horatio was Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Two pages, folio. Grubby, frayed and worn, with some closed tears and minor fraying and loss to extremities, and minor loss to text. Appears to concern the investigation into a case brought against an English ship by the owners of the Spanish vessel Sancta Barbara ('Patron Joseph de la Torre').

Autograph Letter Signed, in Spanish, to George Erving

Francisco Giron, Duke of Osuna
Publication details: 
Madrid, 9 August 1814.

The recipient, George William Erving (1769-1850), was U.S. Minister to Spain, 1814-19. 2 pages. 16 lines of Spanish text. In good condition despite slight discoloration. Neatly attached down one edge to blank sheet of paper. Docketed (by Erving?) 'From the Duke of Osuna (his family name Francisco Giron)'. One of the subjects is "La Guerra a los Ingleses".

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